Monday, February 8, 2016

Gray Gray Says Hooray To Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans Mark II

Hello y'all in Ukraine, Iraq, Vietnam and Singapore, and to y'all else elsewhere, welcome to TMGI...and mucho apologies 'cos I know I've promised another Rail Lands post and a Court Stuff and/or a The Border Watch/Court Stuff post, but have been otherwise occupied, in good ways...(so not in an At Her Majesty's Pleasure sortta' ways?-Ed)...gourd no...(well you can't blame me for wondering, what with all the shizzle you got goin' on re SAPol and the Courts, etc-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, I can see why you might think that, but it's all good, and I'll post about that stuff after the Rail Lands, the Court, etc...

Anyhoos, here's a very quick post re the latest gem from the wacky pen of that zany doyen of journalistic integrity, Graham Greenwood, and his blushing, gushing love affair with Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane...(hahahhhaahahaahahaa-Ed)...come on mate, it's not a bad title, but it ain't that funny either...(, I...ahahaaaaa-Ed)..."no, I" what?...(no, sorry, ahaaa, no, I wasn't laughing at your title, ahaaa-Ed) title? you laughing at the articles title? I agree that's pretty laughable...(well yes, I am, but I was just reading the bit where he says that he's been Council's greatest critic, and I just about wet myself whilst falling off the chair laughing-Ed)...sorry what?...(no no, I did fall off the chair but I didn't actually wet myself-Ed) no not that, the bit about "Council's greatest critic"...(what, haven't you read it yet?-Ed)...well no, I was just doing the preamble stuff, apologies, greetings and such, and I have read the title but not the article proper yet, strewth, the title's bad enough...(ohhh wait mate, wait 'til you read it-Ed)...certainly, where's that copy?...(attached just below-Ed)...cheers...

Omg Ed, I'm quite literally lost for words...(yeah sure-Ed)! wait! hang-on! here come some words now...(imagine my surprise-Ed)...well, actually, because you're a confected literary device, not an actual person, I do imagine pretty much everything you do, say, feel, etc...(oh yeah-Ed)...yeah, now where are those words? oi! words, over 'ere...ah yes, um, 'bollocks'?...(that's a word-Ed)...'laughable'? 'tripe'?...(both fine words-Ed)'s about, 'a farcically, flailingly failing attempt to redefine the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and as is wholly supported and protected by the equally moralless The Border Watch?'...(mmm, I think there's something in that for all of us-Ed)...indeed Ed, and that something would be your rates, mate, because as Ratepayers, it's you's/us what pays for these clowns' fundamental financial corruption and relentless borrowing, their luxury Council vehicles, junkets to China, catered soirees at the Main Corner, the Main Corner itself, Council's massively corrupt and nepotistic Tender processes, etc, etc, etc...every single cent Council spends, regardless of where it's come from, be it rates/borrowings/grants/whatevs, every single cent is Ratepayer's monies...

(What's with "the equally moralless The Border Watch" bit? I thought y'all were besties now, what with that last TBW article re your Court stuff being ok I thought you said-Ed)...Ed, after what TBW has done to me with relentlessly and deliberately erroneous reportage re this massively important Court case, one still-only-partially correct article that gives some exposure to this extraordinary case where-in this state's Weatherill Labor government is trying to shut-down blogging, and not just this 'ere epic tome but all blogging, amongst all that, one vaguely reasonable article is all but nought...(yeah, fair enough...and you haven't even mentioned TBW's extraordinarily biased conduct re Election coverage, their complicit support for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc, etc, and particularly their unwavering protection of that rankly corrupt piece of work, former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen-Ed)...if you'll let me finish Ed...

As my esteemed colleague has alluded, The Border Watch has many very pointed questions to answer across a range of deeply concerning issues, and this farcical attempt to address the rank corruption of MGCC and TBW is so screamingly obvious as a fundamental strategy of crooked operators...simple really, identify the issue to be white-washed, ignore the realities, and attempt to excuse it away...but for Graham Greenwood to say that he's been "council's biggest critic" is just a rude joke...(and we normally love a rude joke-Ed)...indeed, but not when it's a rude joke masking the complicitly corrupt realities...(yeah, fair call-Ed)...and as for the dribble about being in Council's "top 10 list" of enemies, honestly...(dude, whatta' joke! if he's in the 10 it's as no.10 and you're the first 9!-Ed)...cheers Ed, one does what one can...

I simply cannot believe Gray Gray refers to himself as "community watchdog"...(well believe it buddy-Ed)...and then immediately follows that with a list of just some of the many issues where TBW has acted to protect's a shreckin' joke that just keeps gettin' ruder...particularly on the Main Corner stuff, TBW has time and again provided Council with a platform for explaining away outrageous cost blow-outs and missing money, etc...TBW's coverage of the Rail Lands debasco is just another manifestation of this collusion...(and then there's the rank corruption of the Old Hospital demolition-Ed)...indeed...basically it doesn't matter what Council project/issue is being covered, TBW has got their back, making sure that nothing ever really happens or is resolved... 

And the question everyone's asking me, 'who voted for this clown to continue as CEO?'...(as far as questions go, that's a beaut-Ed)...ain't it though? and the answer is self-evident, mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans was royally re-appointed by the same rankly corrupted vested interests that gave him the possie in the first's just business as usual on the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...(ya' know, what I don't understand is how it is that you can slam-down such specific statements about the corruption on MGCC, and not once or even occasionally, but over and over, time and time again, so often it could be a subtitle for this 'ere blog, and yet MGCC just sit there and take it...why aren't they sueing-you-stupid for what must surely be outrageously incorrect allegationings here-in?...I mean, if some dirty hippy was making false allegations about me, I'd be goin' them for sure, not least of all to shut them up-Ed)...unless of course there's so much ugly truth involved that Council don't want it nowhere near the Courts...(well yes, that was my next thought-Ed)...well think it now...

I note that Gray Gray specifically mentions the period 2002-04 and then former CEO Greg Muller, the period when TBW began it's long history of being absolutely complicit in covering-up the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse issue, followed by the corrupt CEO Greg Muller who was absolutely busted for taking $345,000 from the Main Corner project in the construction phase...(ah yeah, and then TBW white-washed that fraud/theft/misappropriation/whatevs you shreckin' want to call it, with a farcical front page about the sudden and unexpected need for 'window/earthquake insurance', and 'fire-rating', etc, all stuff that should have been already covered, and then adding-up to only a third of what was missing...whatta' joke!-Ed)...indeed Ed, it all just 'went away'...(very convenient for some-Ed)...well quite...

I just can't be bothered with the rest of this farcical article...(a 'farticle' if you will-Ed)...I think I will Ed, the rest of this 'farticle' is just mindless gushing blather failingly attempting to redefine as fine...(just fine-Ed)...the realities of the collusion between Council and TBW...and to say that Ratepayers are "truly lucky" and "can be thankful" for Mark McShane as CEO, well that's just straight-out offensive...The Border Watch's relationship with Council has always been and continues now as one of bipartisan collusion, nothing else...

And while we're on the subject, didn't TBW also absolutely ruthlessly hold Grant King to account for the collapse of Green Phone and the $3-4million that just 'disappeared'...(more sarcasm?-Ed)...well given that that money is still 'missing' and Grant King just walked away unchallenged straight into the positions of Regional Development Australia head and Health Advisory Council honcho, yes, that is clearly sarcasm...(oo I'm gettin' good at this-Ed)...indeed...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff Rolls On

Reef-picking:...fascinating ABC Local Radio story this morning where-in it was discussed the illegality of Reef-picking, the practice of taking delicious critters, eg, molluscs, from Inter-tidal Zones, areas of reef, etc, exposed at low tides...legally it's considered very similar to poaching...apparently people have been charged in recent times, and have received hefty fines in the $10,000s...(but wasn't Kirby Shearing, husband of RDA Tourism person and former MGC Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, wasn't he doing exactly that, only he is/was actually taking groups down to the sea to do exactly that?-Ed)...indeed he is/was Ed, and as you say, is/was charging people to go on these li'l illegal expeditions, and this has been discussed previous on the ABC, as mentioned in this 'ere blog some time back...given the definable criminality involved, I'm sure that SAPol and/or Fisheries will be right on to The Kirbster and slamming him with a massive fine...(sarcasm?-Ed)...seething sarcasm Ed...(ha, imagine the public embarrassment of the RDA's Tourism person, their spouse gettin' done for this-Ed)...which is exactly why it ain't gunna' happen...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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