Monday, January 18, 2016

Where Are The Men In This Town?

Hello Canada, India, Taiwan, and Germany, and welcome y'all to The Mt Gambier Independent...regular availees will be aware that for a goodly while now, I've been really just grinding along with this 'ere blog, stuck halfway between 1) the unrelenting guilt that often passes for motivation, and 2) chucking the lot in and resigning to the apparent reality that no-one in Mt Gambier really seems to give a damn about the children in this town...(yeah, where are the men in this town? where are the fine upstanding citizens and the elected Members of Parliaments and Councils and the like? where are the men protecting the children? and where's the shreckin' media? surely they can't all be corruptly pro-paedophile?-Ed)...that's an excellent and valid question that makes an irrefutable statement...

Surely there are some men in this town who aren't abusing the children and/or profitting from said abuses...someone...somewhere...anyone?...(phew, welcome to your happy place, ay?-Ed)...indeed, and tell me that that question isn't warranted, where are the men?...(dude! settle, I absolutely agree that that is a very valid question that in so many ways bluntly imposes itself upon the situation, not a question that's politely waiting to be 'asked'-Ed) is it that everyone in this town knows about the St Martins Cover-up, and have either chosen to get complicitly involved and profit from it, eg, former Mayor and current Mt Gambier City Councillor Steve Perryman, former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, etc, etc, or have just refused to get involved at all, often with that same agenda of profitting...(wow, way to make friends and influence people-Ed)...forget that, every adult in this town, and most particularly the men, should hang their heads in unqualified shame...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

Someone recently noted that my concerted efforts to engage more positively with and/or be part of the human race were reaping results as evidenced by how my attitude and temperament had 'improved' markedly across the last year...(strewth, you wouldn't know it from those opening paragraphs-Ed)...well quite...and quite ironically, the measure this person cited? well apparently, I don't talk about the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up anywhere near as much as I was only 12 months genuinely supportive as this statement was in it's intent and content, and as genuinely appreciative as I was that someone even gave a damn enough to notice...(let alone be positively supportive-Ed)...well indeed...for all the things about this that were just terrific, I soon managed to drag it back to a sense of failed responsibility on my behalf that St Martins Cover-up has happened at all, indeed, continues on a daily basis...

And from that supportive comment it was a quick trip, stumble, and heavy fall into old patterns of guilt and self-critique and depression where-in I felt very selfish that I was 'neglecting' the St Martins Cover-up issue as I sought to right the wreck of an empty vessel that is took me weeks to get back to Square One, namely, that no-one has fought harder and no-one has paid a greater price when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up...and I say that with absolutely genuine respect for those other handful of parents whom fought so hard for so long and themselves often paid a terrible price for it...

(I thought you said you'd moved forward to a place where you didn't feel guilty about this stuff? we've been over this stuff a few times recently-Ed)..well, in context, yes we have been through some of the many issues re the guilt stuff, eg, I've very much distanced myself from 'feeling guilty' re being on the Disability Support Pension and a Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant, and don't feel at all guilty about when and where this 'ere blog happens...and I'm not too proud to admit that I take a certain degree of pride in the notoriety that I now apparently personally represent to many people, given that I am "notorious" for telling truths about deeply confronting realities...(is this the stuff about being 'the Holy Grail of Poisoned Chalices or just a mug?'-Ed), that's the one...

So I'm just gunna' have to harden the shreck-up and get on with it, and there's nuthin' else for it but to force myself to a daily post, 5 days a week, and treat this 'ere blog as though it were my job...and it's a job that needs doing whether I like it or not...(and there are those whom agree, those whom believe that it is a job that must be done, and, for what it's worth, that it's a job you do quite well actually-Ed)...yeah, cheers to y'all for that feedback, it certainly hasn't hurt in my continued commitment to churnin' out yard after very hard yard of blog...and in that context, and because I have lost track of what I'm up to here-in this 'ere blog, I intend to re-boot with basic issues for the next however-many posts as necessary...and please excuse the laboured attempts at humour as I push myself to meet this self-imposed contract...

Irony Rich I chow gown on how hilarious it is that for all my faults and failings, it's my lack of willpower that will not be denied...(now that is quite funny-Ed)...well quite, but it's nowhere near as hilarious as that which triggered my very recent decision to remain in Mt Gambier for the foreseeable future...(oh, that is a surprise, 'cos I know that you've really struggled with even wanting to be anywhere near this place, and struggled for some years now-Ed)...I'd say 4, going on 5, even put my hand up for 6...(and what hilarious trigger's gunna' make you stay then?-Ed)...the fact that the Court in it's infinite wisdom has returned to Mt Gambier my bizarre case re 20 charges/counts of 'Talking About Stuff'...(sweet baby cheeses! so you have to be here?-Ed)...yep...(and rather than considering this a crippling and claustrophobic confinement, you're taking what could be a massively imposing disaster and turning it to your own best advantage?-Ed)...yeah, beautiful isn't it...

And what's even better is that it's not a taunt of the Court or a sarcastic barb or facetious shard or whatevs, 'cos it ain't nuthin' but The Thang...(extraordinary!-Ed)...yeah, I know, dunno' what happened there either, but there you go, it just did...I was fussin' away about a whole raft of stuff around many different issues, when whiirrrr clunk!, it just up and happened...(wow-Ed)...yep, it all seemed to just re-sort itself and fall into a literal line where one decision soundly foundationed the next...(kinda' like dominos falling?-Ed)...exactly! only in reverse, the dominos were standing-up, not falling over...(nice-Ed)...I ain't taken credit for nuthin' of it because it just seemed to suddenly happen by itself, and that's why I can celebrate the ironic hilarity seeping from it's every pore, because it's not about sarcasm or facetiousness or being a smug git or whatevs...(it ain't about nuthin' but The Thang-Ed)...absolutely...            

I have irrefutably proven that a class of 7 year old kids have been abused at St Martins Lutheran School back in 2002, and equally proven that the Lutherans, SAPol (police), both Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, a rankly corrupt Liberal Party, multiple local politicians, etc, etc, are all deeply complicit in helping cover-up those's not open to debate, kids were abused and the State has covered it up...and now I find myself being prosecuted by these same rankly corrupt Authorities...   

Following directly on from the last post, there were a coupla' gaps and I'd just like to pare it back to the fundamentals before moving forward on other here are the fundamental quotes/facts that highlight the broader points of my current Court case;
1)  as evidenced on this 'ere blog, I and other families have been involved in a 13 year conflict with an openly pro-paedophile State, it's wholly corrupt Labor government, it's equally corrupt and pathetically ineffectual Liberal 'Opposition', it's corrupt police force, it's corrupt Crown Solicitor, etc, etc, every turn public and elected officials have acted to deny the abuses and/or subsequent St Martins Cover-up, routinely attacking and betraying parents, etc, etc;
2)  now these same corrupt Authorities are pursuing a pathetically transparent political witch-hunt against me, utilising a bizarrely powerful yet fundamentally undefinable piece of Fascist legislation;
3)  and in pursuit of this Witch-Hunt Agenda, 2 SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide raided my home on May 8th 2014, now 20 months ago, seizing my (borrowed) laptop as potential evidence, and repeatedly stating "expect to be charged"...(ah yeah, that's not actually your laptop, is it?-Ed) it isn't...(expect to ever see it again?-Ed)...nope, not really...(charming-Ed)...quite...

Again, at this point (May 2014) I had been told "you've done this" re section ** of the **** Act of **, but the detectives were unable to state what exactly it was I'd done, nor when I would actually be charged, etc...again, I have been loosely advised that I 'probably shouldn't' specifically identify either the legislation involved or the Authority that administers that Act, because that identifying in itself may possibly be a further breach...(wow-Ed)...I attended the South East Community Legal Service (May 2014), and it was these sort of bizarre potentialities and attached confusions that led to a series of letters/emails between SECLS and authorities...following my questions/observations about the reach/implications of the **** Act of **, and whether or not I was even allowed to speak with a lawyer, SECLS was forced to write to the Banana Lord* seeking clarification on this point and a broad range of other issues...(and had to write twice-Ed)...indeed...         *(Club GoGo Bananas and the Banana Lord are pseudonyms I've chosen for the Authority
            involved and it's head honcho re the **** Act of **) 

Tomorrow:  More Stuff About This 

Because even a basic explanation/coverage of my Trial tribulations is so deeply convoluted and indefinably complex, I'll continue with this stuff about my Court case tomorrow, and then move onto a Rail Lands reprise, etc, etc, and try to catch-up with some of the many notes I've scribbled down here-abouts over recent months, etc, etc...again, I can only ask that availees bear with me as I get things back on track re this 'ere blog, but I can absolutely guarantee y'all that that's exactly what's happening...(get in my son-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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