Friday, January 22, 2016

It's All About Context, I Said

***I don't know what to say...(apologies?-Ed)...well yes, apologies for another delay in re-booting this 'ere blog, TMGI, and I will cop for 1 maybe 2 of those lost days, but I've had some "interesting" technology issues that have seen me locked-out of my own stuff, couldn't access emails for nearly a week, did most of this post yesterday then couldn't get back in to finish and post/publish, etc...have made multiple treks to techs and/or Telstra for as to sort it all out, not least of all because once I did get back into my emails, Telstra were telling me that my email account had been "suspended" to 'protect' me, and that I should check/run my security stuff, etc, which I repeatedly did and all of which told me everything was fine, just fine...(just fine?...well that all does sound a bit odd-Ed)...and you and I are not the only ones who think that Ed...

Anyhoos, long story short...had to change all my accounts, etc, and get some new tech, etc, and fortunately the fiscal fall-out was relatively minor, and my emails appear to be ok, etc,'s here goes something hopefully, back to The Mount Gambier Independent...(hurrah!-Ed)...*** 

Howdy Ukraine, Thailand, Romania, and Portugal, welcome one and y'all to TMGI...still struggling obviously with doing a daily-ish post but still pushing-on in that direction...also still want to nail-down some of the fundamental realities of what's going on with my bizarre Court case...(yeah, I was goin' to ask where we were going with the whole 'context' thingy, but when it comes to these 20 charges/counts-there-of/whatevs, it is literally all about The Context-Ed)...indeed, there's so much 'Contexture' in the air it's almost tactile...(does tactile Contexture create tension so thick one can cut it with a knife?-Ed) does now Ed, it does now...'Contexture so thick you could cut it with a knife'...nice...  

Context the 13+ years of conflict and abuse and rank pro-paedophile corruption myself and a handful of other parents have been subjected to by a corrupt State and it's wholly corrupt Authorities...this 'ere blog is Context One - Chapter And Verse, in that here-in I've proven beyond discussion the  fundamental realities of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the roles played by SAPol (police), the Lutherans, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitor, the Director Public Prosecutions, a phalanx of morally-diseased lawyers, at least 2 Labor Premiers and an entirely pro-paedophile corrupt State Parliament, a raft of corrupt local politicians, etc, etc, etc...

It is fundamentally stupid, irretrievably foolish for anyone to try and stare-down the looming mountain of realities re the St Martins Cover-up and the ongoing conflict with corrupt Authorities, etc, etc....(well indeed, this entire exercise in the Courts is a political witch-hunt fundamentally motivated by this rank pro-paedophile corruption-Ed)...absolutely...(it's nothing but attempted pay-back and outright harassment in an ongoing manifestation of the rank corruption evidenced by the St Martins's a bloody disgrace!-Ed)...I appreciate your support mate...(attempted payback via a massively dodgy piece of rancidly Fascist legislation!-Ed)...indeed, indeed, and in this climate of almost monsoonal Contexture, it would be ludicrously self-defeating to consider that I've got any hope of a fair go re these bizarre charges...(I'd suggest that not being invited to your own Court case, let alone actually even charged, those 2 right there's more than enough to cause even an optimistic person to be concerned-Ed)...absolutely...but we digress...  

As per previous coupla' posts, SAPol very politely-ish raided my home on May 8th 2015, after first visiting the day before, May 7th...(and it was 2014-Ed)...sorry?...(it was May 2014 that 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives came to your home re this whole blogging charges stuff-Ed)...oh my gourd, of course, you're right, just seems more recent...(yeah, and it was first in Court in February last year, 2015-Ed)...yeah, when I wasn't actually even Summonsed to my own hearing...(that's the one-Ed)...which the Court record itself is currently trying to fudge-over...(dude! I saw that! sweet baby cheeses! and you were actually feeling a bit sorry for the Magistrate who had been handed this complete legal Shambles-a-thon-Ed)...indeed, but I thought I heard the Magistrate say something like that, 'first came before me in March 2015' during my phone attendance for the hearing held in Adelaide on December 10th 2015...(strewth!-Ed)...

Sorry, we're getting out of sync already, back it up a coupla' dozen steps, back to when I was raided on May 8th 2014...(correct-Ed)...and SAPol seized my laptop as evidence and/or for analysis...immediately prior to this 'raid', down at Mt Gambier Police Station, in what I understand to be an 'official interview room'...(although you were repeatedly told that nothing was being recorded, either there or at your home an hour laters-Ed)...indeed...but at the MGPS the detectives showed me a computer screen of 'legislation', pointed at it and said "you've done this", quote/unquote, but then were unable to explain what that actually meant, what I'd specifically done re blogging, etc, etc...

Again, due to the unfathomably undefined and yet bizarrely powerful nature of the Banana Lord* re the Club GoGo Bananas Act*, I've been very loosely advised by both those detectives and my Legal Eagles that I "probably/maybe/possibly" shouldn't specifically identify either the Authority, it's head honcho, or even the charges, because any and/or all of these 'identifyings' may be yet further breaches of the bizarre CGGB Act...(but the Magistrate put this stuff on the public record when he read read out the charges, well the first one anyway, read it out in open Court in May 2015, including the full name of the CGGB Act, which identifies the CGGB by name, so it's all been discussed, who it's about, etc, in open Court with journos from both the Local ABC Radio and The Border Watch newspaper present, other lawyers, and a bunch of randoms-Ed)...ok, thankyou, yes, I was getting to that...   (*pseudonyms)

So's here again availees, the specific piece of legislation re which I'm being persecuted sorry I mean prosecuted...(mate! no you don't, we were just sayin' that this whole prosecution is persecution-Ed)...well no, ok, fair enough, in that context, that's exactly what it is, you're fact, re Context One, I can't think of a better way of describing what's happening here, this prosecution is pro-paedophile political persecution...(may I just say, ouch!-Ed)...indeed you may, and I may just say again, this prosecution is pro-paedophile political persecution...for fairly obvious reasons, I continue to err on the side of caution, cautious of even such vague 'advice', and so won't write-out the entirety of what the Magistrate said in open Court in May 2015, just the specific wording that I'm being charged with;
           On the ** day of *** of **** at Mt Gambier or other places published or caused to be
            published information tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be, or may
            have been subject of a complaint, report, assessment or referral under this Act and that might
            enable a person who had made a complaint or report under this Act to be identified or located.
            Section ** (a) and (b) of the **** Act, ****.
            This is a summary offence.

So's that there, minus the specific dates/details as read out in Court in 2015, is what the detectives gave me a print-out copy of at MGPS but could not explain in 2014...they left my home, with my laptop, stating "expect to be charged", but from there-on-in I've had to, via Leagles of course, pursue a reluctant Police Prosecutions and Banana Lord for basic information and documents, my first Leagles appointment, I asked if they were even allowed to talk to me re the Act, which precipitated 2 Leagles letters to the Banana Lord, requesting mucho info, and most specifically direction on the issue of 'can Mr Fletcher talk to a lawyer?'...the second letter drew this response, on official Club GoGo Bananas letterhead and signed by the Banana Lord, dated 28th July 2014;
                             Authorisation pursuant to section ** of the **** Act ****
        In accordance with section ** of the **** Act **** (**** Act), I authorise Mr Nick Fletcher
        or a legal practitioner acting for Mr Nick Fletcher to publish, or cause to be published, information
        the publication of which is otherwise prohibited by section ** of the **** Act, to such persons as
        is necessary for the purposes of advising or assisting Mr Fletcher in relation to the current
        investigation and/or prosecution of Mr Fletcher in relation to an alleged breach of section ** of the
        **** Act, or to a person listed below:
               .  A member of Mr Fletcher's family;
               .  A friend of Mr Fletcher's; or
               .  A medical practitioner who is providing care to Mr Fletcher.
This "Authorisation" confirms 1) that I needed written permission to speak with even my lawyer, even though 2) I haven't yet actually been charged with anything...(wow-Ed)...and even then 3) the Banana Lord has had a red-hot go at some carefully worded tiptoeing around these realities...that was July 2014, and the last communication my Leagles received from SAPol Prosecutions...(or anyone involved-Ed)...indeed...the last from anyone was from SAPol on August 12th 2014, stating thusly ;
          "I will advise if and when charges are to be laid, or a determination that charges will not be laid."

Next thing I actually hear is via a phone call on February 4th 2015, when I'm informed that I'm in The Border Watch, reported as having failed to attend my Court hearing of the day before!...(stop...please...can't...breathe...too much...hilarity-Ed)...yes, alright alright, it's not funny because, as stated on the Summons I did eventually receive, I could have been convicted in my absence and a Warrant issued for my arrest...(well yes sorry, there's absolutely nothing funny about that in the moment, you're right, it is very, very concerning...but, given that neither did happen, it's actually quite hilarious because these farcically obvious failures immediately reinforce/quantify exactly what you've said re your concerns about getting a fair go from these rankly corrupt Authorities-Ed)...ok, sure, when you put it in that context I concede there is a certain wry humour to be wrung from this dung-heap of dysfunction...

I still haven't received any explanation as to why/how the Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide had no trouble finding me in May 2014, yet whoevs from SAPol couldn't find me to charge me and/or Summons me to my own hearing...(wow...honestly though, I'd have thought that Authorities, having invested the vast amount of time, the bizarrely vast amount of time and effort they've committed to gettin' li'l ol' you, for all of the time they've been 'gathering evidence' and gettin' their case against you prepared, etc, etc, that they'd be falling over themselves to persecute/prosecute you right and not give you ammo for this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed, but apart from that, given how important this precedent case is re this massively powerful Act, you'd have thought that that might motivate a little more professionalism from the prosecution...

So there you have Context One...I know we've been through it all before, but this is what I've had goin' on for a whole year already, and we're literally back to square one, back here in Mt Gambier, with gourd knows how much more nonsense to's...

Tomorrow: Just More Stuff

Apologies again for these delays and slight repetition, but re my Court stuff, this is just the beginning (above) with so much more to come...the bottom-line is as evidenced, that relative to the Club GoGo Bananas Act, we're dealing with/subjected to an Authority who's power is so total, so far-reaching that a person who hasn't actually been charged with anything, for merely speaking about things that are allegedly all perfectly fine, that person needs written permission to be able to speak with their lawyer, family, friends, or a doctor...(and then you weren't charged or even Summonsed, not informed/notified in any way what-so-ever before it did eventually wind-up in Court on 3rd February 2015-Ed) turn, wow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my life as much as this 'ere is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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