Monday, January 11, 2016

Fun Da' Mental Way With Realities

Hello Luxembourg, Malaysia, the UK, and the USofA, and welcome y'all to the second post for 2016, and a post that is as much review as new news given the recent progressions in the procession of regressions that has become my Judicial judgementing...(he's talking about his Court case re the 20 counts/charges re the **** Act of (**), which we've effectively been forced to pseudonym as the Banana Lord, who is of course head honcho of Club GoGo Bananas-Ed)...indeed Ed, and thanks for not identifying specifically the legislation/Authority that I'm being charged under because apparently me/us actually identifying said legislation/Authority might "possibly" be a further breach...(yeah no, I'm well aware of the blizzard of 'possiblies', 'maybes', and my personal favourite, 'dunno's', that has surrounded your attempts to get advice re this extraordinarily powerful yet unaccountable legislation and this bizarre Court case-Ed)...indeed...

I now officially have no legal representation, having been officially cut loose by the South East Community Legal Service...(now come on big fella', don't say it like that, they've been very helpful and respectful-Ed)...yeah, fair enough...(you've said it yourself, imagine if you'd written to the Banana Lord asking stuff like 'can Mr Fletcher speak to a lawyer, because the Act seems to say he can't?'...imagine how you could have been ridiculed for even asking that question, but when presented dangling beneath Legal Eagle letterhead, it's a whole different context-Ed)...and I do love a bit of context...(don't you though, with a nice serve of The Crunch-Ed)...the Crunch? what do you know of The Crunch? you've never even been to The Crunch...(and then this joke trails-off into a re-run of the hilarious 'The Crunch' dialogues from the Nanageddon episode of The Mighty Boosh, BBC TV-Ed)...yeah sorry, we digress, but damn that whole 'The Crunch' thing is brilliant, check it out if you haven't already...(and of course that episode introduces us to, errr-Ed)...(Tony-TH)...(Tony-Ed)...(nnnHarrison-TH)...(Tony Harrison there-Ed)...moving on...  

(And you know that SECLS simply don't have the funding and/or staff to run this case, because 1) they barely have enough funding now to do anything much, and recently very nearly lost most of that, and 2) because of the vast and untested nature of this legislation, the Constitutional implications, etc, etc, this case needs a team of lawyers, barristers, and assorted legal staffers working across several years, and it'll literally cost $millions-Ed)...well this is where I start to get unhappy about this latest correspondence, because it seems to forget most if not all of was SECLS who advised/were involved in my case being moved to Adelaide, not least of all so that I could access the above mentioned flock of Leagles that SECLS identified as necessary going forward...(well yes, I take your point that they seem to be now contradicting their own advice-Ed)...indeed...

But SECLS isn't just contradicting their own previous advise and conduct, but the fundamental realities of what they know to be happening re this legislation and my case...and most concerningly, doing all this off the back of that rancidly corrupt 'legal advice' prepared by the super-dodgy lawyer that JusticeNet SA forced me to use...(is that the lawyer who refused to talk to you, only responding under sufferage via brief, error-riddled emails, and who refused to sign the 'solicitor/client agreement' that JusticeNet SA told you you must negotiate with said half-wit lawyer before representation could/would commence, etc, etc?-Ed)...yeah, yeah, all that stuff...this rancidly corrupt clown has unilaterally produced a deliberately flagrantly erroneous document purporting to be 'legal advice' for me re my case, but which is in reality a definitively corrupt document clearly prepared on behalf of the Prosecution...(yeah, fair point, but perhaps the poor dear's just a bit overwhelmed by the enormity of all this bollockness and just got a bit confused-Ed)...seriously Ed?...(no, I was being massively facetious, sorry-Ed)...I should think so...

Yes, it's quite the li'l saga isn't it, so's best we do a very brief review thusly;
   1)  on 7th May 2014, 2 Adelaide-based SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives attended my home here in Mt Gambier, re the Unnameable Act, and after my brief visit to Mt Gambier Police Station on the 8th May 2014, they returned with me and raided my home, seizing my laptop, repeatedly telling me "expect to be charged", quote/unquote...relatively quite polite but a raid/seizure none the less, and the way they said "you've done this" and "expect", etc, I did expect to be charged very soon, certainly within weeks... 
   2)  I immediately sought legal advice via the South East Community Legal Service, and after I pointed it out, they had to write to the Banana Lord asking if they were allowed to even talk to me, even though I hadn't actually been charged with anything...(wow-Ed)... 

Just on that point alone, and here it is again, the Irrefutable Reality that re the ****Act of (**) someone who hasn't actually been charged with anything needs written permission from the Banana Lord to speak with 1) a lawyer, 2) their family, and 3) a medical practitioner...this "Authorisation", provided in response to 2 written requests by SECLS for that and other info, is in-and-of-itself proof of the reality that such an  "Authorisation" is a real and requisite document for someone who hasn't even been charged, because merely talking about Club GoGo Bananas and/or the Banana Lord is a prosecutable offense...(strewth, it's just so bizarrely Fascist-Ed)...that's exactly what it is...and again, I can only ask that availees accept this is about a genuine document...(well all the Leagles involved have copies, don't they? as does the Court and Prosecution?-Ed)...well quite...(having said that, I think I might just choose to believe you actually, given the choices-Ed)...yes, it's rather telling really that in a paragraph of such lofty company 'tis I who emerges the most likely to be believable...(well quite-Ed)...

   3)  after several early email responses, the last I heard from SAPol Prosecutions was in August 2014 when they emailed SECLS that I would be notified "when and if" I was to be charged;
   4)  on February 4th 2015 I was told during a private phone conversation that I was in the local The Border Watch newspaper, being reported as having missed my Court hearing of the day before...this phone conversation was the first I knew of the hearing/case because I had not even been charged by SAPol let alone Summonsed to the hearing...(wow, again-Ed)...      

Self-Obvious Realities:...(don't really need to be discussed-Ed)...yes ok thankyou...Some Irrefutable Truths...(better-Ed)...gee whiz ta'...what we can deduce from this 'ere last paragraph is that there has been an extensive effort applied by SAPol, an effort that starts at least some time well before May 2014...(because 2 ACB detectives don't just arrive at one's home?-Ed)...well exactly...and it's another irrefutable reality that SAPol have expended a great deal of energy gathering 'evidence', eg, a bunch of Affidavits...and I'm being deliberately vague because it's another piece of 'possibly shouldn't' advice re discussing what I know specifically about the length and breadth of this extraordinary SAPol campaign against me...(well it must be terribly hard for Leagles to 'advise' you about stuff that they've never encountered before-Ed)...absolutely, and not their fault they don't know, because nobody does, eg, I went to my local Member of State Parliament, the Liberal's Troy Bell, and he has stated that he can't even get a legal opinion from his own Liberal Leagles because of the untested/precedent nature of this attempted prosecution...  

And onto the next SOR, that despite this ludicrous waste of policey-person-power and exasperated over-effort by SAPol, they couldn't quite manage to actually find me to charge me and/or Summons me to my own hearing...(shazzam!-Ed)...oh it's alright for you to laugh, I could have been arrested...(sorry, fair enough, I forgot that the Summons itself carries that li'l bit of info-Ed)...absolutely, I could have been convicted in my absence and an Arrest Warrant issued...and I'm yet to get anything even vaguely resembling some sort of explanation for this fundamentally gross failure to Summons me, let alone an apology...(it's almost like SAPol Prosecutions didn't want you at your own hearing-Ed)...almost...and I'm still waiting for someone to show me where and when I was actually charged, too...(super-wow, it's absolutely ludicrous-Ed)...

And now it's been a full year in Court and we're back at square 1, back in Mt Gambier, where I have no choice but to represent myself because I was refused any Legal Aid funding, which then directly forced me to deal with the 'pro bono option' that SECLS organised, namely JusticeNet SA, whom it appears have done their level best to royally screw me over...(you don't like it when people threaten you, do you?-Ed), I tend to viciously lash-out with fact-laden slashings about their pro-paedophile corruption and the like...(like when the Crown Solicitor Office threatened to go you for Criminal Defamation if you didn't shut-up about their rank pro-paedophile corruption re the Teachers Registration Board/CSO exoneration/protection of "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling-Ed)...that's nearly 10 years ago now, Ed, lots of threats but no action, and now these same clowns can't even prosecute this ludicrously corrupt legislation...

Just A Quick Tidy-up:...of a recent point about my conduct, etc, specifically re the Xmas Toy Run and the involvement of my good mate Rory McEwen, and Rory's annual Yuletide sanctimony on the ABC Local Radio re what great work Rory does for the kiddies, etc, etc, etc...forgot to mention that on the day of the Toy Run, having just done some shopping, I was leaving the supermarket carpark as the bikes were arriving, but I didn't stop and confront Rory...(as much as he deserves it-Ed)...oh and he gets it mate, he gets it whenever I see him, but just not at this thingy, completely wrong place, wrong time...personally though, I found it hugely positive that I wasn't at all struggling with that decision to not stop and share some choice truths with Rory, in a context where I have constantly erred on the side of caution because of the very sensitive nature of the issue, but have then usually struggled with that decision...(strewth, you are some sort of unit, aren't you?-Ed)...apparently... 

(And what is that 'sensitive issue'?-Ed)...the structured, gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002 (and previous years), and the orchestrated cover-up of those abuses, a cover-up that Rory is intimately complicit in and has been run directly from the Premier's office and the top of SAPol (police), both of whom are either 1) at the very least complicit with the Lutherans, or 2) controlled by them...(I'd suggest it's irrelevant because South Australia is so wholly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt that the result would be the same anyway, Cover-up-Ed)...and I suppose 'complicit' explains the Federal Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse refusing to look at St Martins, and indeed not even mentioning the Lutherans at all in 3 years of operation?...(yeah, complicit/corrupt/controlled, whatevs-Ed)...

(*and just got another 'IP conflict notification' about another computer using this address at the same time I am...haven't had one of those for a while...(don't SAPol still have your laptop?-Ed)...apparently...(wonder if that's whoevs settin' there with your laptop doin' some monitoring of and/or interferring with this 'ere blog?-Ed)...whatevs)

Tomorrow: More Shizzle Rainin' Down

RIP: ...just on the news, the Thin White Duke, David Bowie...personally, I don't know about changing much about the Tall Streak A' Freak that I am (but have never embraced the way Mr Bowie did his Inner Unit), but I do fully intend to continue with doin' that which I am apparently quite good at, via this 'ere blog, namely, "puttin' out the fire with gasoline" (Cat People)...(and Stevie Wright died last week-Ed)...yeah, sad news also, and Ginger Baker of Cream late last year...and many others recently...(we're losing a generation, man-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog....cheers and laters...

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