Saturday, February 3, 2024

Dog And Cat Management Board Officially Approve Mt Gambier City Council Abuse Of Dogs

Howdy dear availees...alright, so it wasn't "a couple of hours" that it took me to get this post done and way of explanation for those dear availees who aren't sure what I mean, TMGI has a Facebook page, but whatevs I put there usually ends-up here in this 'ere blog anyways...ya'll 'll likely notice today's title references where this post ends, leading into 'Tomorrow', rather than where we'll figure it out I'm sure, so, here's what we've just posted a coupla days ago now...***

 MGCC Mayor Lynette Martin has released another hostage-style video. Here's the link:
She states that "effective immediately" dogs are banned from "all sporting fields and ovals" at the Blue Lakes Sports Park.
Just had a long 'post' about this 'delete' when I hit 'post', again, and hadn't yet saved it, so I'll cut straight to the chase here and give me a coupla' hours to really unload on TMGI The Blog, and I'll explain further there.
As I understand it, MGCC does not have the power/authority to make "effective immediately" any "by-law" and Ms Martin seems to confirm that later in the video.
Ms Martin makes several references to a "by-law" but I am not aware of any "by-law" currently being considered by MGCC.
Ms Martin then contradicts herself by stating that MGCC's Dog and Cat Management Plan is yet to be ratified by the DCM Board.
These clearly conflicting statements and the very deliberate and cynical 'silent' threat of repeatedly using the word 'by-law' to try and infer/insinuate that MGCC has a legal right to do this, and/or that there will be consequences for 'law-breakers', self-define just how manipulative and deceitful this video is.
Some dog owners who use BLSP do need to stop being so lazy and selfish, and a couple should be 'banned', no question, it's a huge frustration, but that's everywhere in Mt Gambier, not just BLSP.
For it's own reasons, MGCC is playing both ends against the middle, playing the Politics of Division, to try and create a conflict.
Cheers, Nick.

***...(yeeha!-Ed)...yep, and actually it's a far better post than the one that deleted itself...(so you're saying that a post chose to delete itself rather than let you publish it?-Ed)...nah, I don't think 'posts' are quite sentient beings...(rather like me seeming quite 'actual' but actually being a confected literary device utilised to create discussion rather than lecture, and to set-up jokes, etc?-Ed)...well yes but no, it's kinda' apples and oranges really, of course 'posts' exist, as do you, but they, like you, are a construct, a device...(a very useful device!-Ed)...oh absolutely, I'd be lost without you, but we digress, onward!... 

Moving-on from that Lynette all in ya' Facebook post, which I'm going to assume dear availees have courageously perused...part of the delay in composing/posting this 'ere post is that events have, as usual, overtaken my efforts...(overtaken your grindingly slow pick-'n'-peck typing you mean-Ed)...sure, but the Mount Gambier & District Residents & Ratepayers Assoc has provided these choice details (below) via their Facebook once again the 'sync'/chronology of this post is all over the shop, but, anyhoos we have answers, of a sort, and here 'tis...*** 

 Mount Gambier & District Residents and Ratepayers Association

Hi Nick, Under Clause 10 of Council by-Law 5 ( ) it states that; "Section 10. Dog prohibited areas
A person must not allow a dog under that person's control, charge or authority (except an assistance dog) to enter or remain:
10.1 on any children's playground on Local Government land;
10.2 on any other Local Government land or public place to which the Council has determined that this subclause applies." As the Council has approved a draft plan on Tuesday with regard to Dog and Cat Management that includes banning dogs from certain areas it would appear that they may in actual fact have authority to do so once this draft is finalised or at least the Council passes a resolution to this effect. Hope this helps clarify the situation
Nick Fletcher
Mount Gambier & District Residents and Ratepayers Association Thankyou for this, I'd figured the first bit out but had no idea what "by-law" it was, but does this mean that it hasn't been finalised and/or a resolution passed? Referring to the MGCC meeting the previous Tuesday, Mayor Martin says in her video (released Thursday) "effective immediately" which would indicate that some 'official' action has occurred to 'activate' this by-law. I'm not asking specific legal advice of course, I'm just trying to get a handle on what MGCC is doing, how they justify and/or implement this 'ban', etc. Cheers.

Mount Gambier & District Residents and Ratepayers Association
Quite frankly we are unsure about the technical procedures/process at this stage

Nick Fletcher
Thanks, at least I know what I'm looking at with that "by-law" stuff.

Mount Gambier & District Residents and Ratepayers Association who is going to monitor these rules and by laws are actioned.
Mount Gambier & District Residents and Ratepayers Association
Nick Fletcher here is the resolution passed at council meeting: "{4. That Council, pursuant to the power contained in section 246(3)(e) of the Local Government
Act 1999 and Clause 9.1 of By-law No. 5 – Dogs 2018, declare the following areas of local
government land and public places as dog on-leash areas:
(a) Cave Gardens/ Thugi,
(b) Engelbrecht Cave,
(c) Lady Nelson,
(d) Olympic Park,
(e) Rail Lands Walking Track, and
(f) Valley Lake / Ketla Malpi Crater area.
(g) Umpherston Sinkhole
(h) Vansittart Park
5. Maps geographically highlighting the on- leash areas and off-leash areas as per the Dog
and Cat Management Plan 2024 - 2028 be added to Councils website as soon as
6. Pursuant to the power contained in section 246(3)(e) of the Local Government Act 1999, the
Council resolves that, clause 10.2 of By-law No. 5 – Dogs 2018 regarding dog prohibited
areas, apply to:
(a) All sporting fields and ovals at Blue Lakes Sports Park"
(****) The council cannot even build anything wulanda has the worst ever disability access ever and the valley lake playground and toilet
(****) Can anyone explain to ratepayers how the city of Mount Gambier are going to implement this and police it because I’m pretty sure our dog catchers won’t be able to manage this …. Way too complex for them ? And if residents/visitors etc are found to be in breach ….. what next is it a warning a fine ……. ?? How do they intend on managing cats please ?

***...and where we've put '(****)' is just where we've removed other peoples' names...we here at TMGI greatly appreciate the work that others have done and/or are doing, eg, the MGDRRA, to try and shed some light on the increasingly secretive MGCC but this info really raises many more questions, eg, if MGCC have given themselves these powers years ago, why implement a 'ban' now?...(especially since the BLSP sports groups have been complaining for years about the dog crap everywhere-Ed)...exactly, the very timing of this is suss as all get-out...(and unfortunately complaining with very good reason-Ed)...indeed, there are some right moron dog-owners who clearly think that the basic rules of pet ownership responsibility and common decency don't apply to them, let-alone any actual 'laws/restrictions/bans'...these very special few will continue to do just exactly whatevs the shreck they feel like 'cos, as we mentioned. they are very special...just ask them...point being, why did MGCC implement a 'ban' now to address a years-old problem, utilising a 'By-law' they gave themselves years ago?...

Please bear with me dear availees 'cos there's been so much 'Doggo Stuff' kickin'-off in Mt Gambier this week, and just last week, another series of frankly unbelievable developments/incidents/allegations...(so unbelievable in fact that we're gunna' steer right 'round 'em and stick to what's in this video, etc-Ed)...I'm lost, so we do believe these things happened or we don't?...(orrr no, they've happened alright but there's others all over that so we'll stick to stickin'-it to MGCC over this appalling video and it's inherent deceits, manipulations, and blatant albeit 'silent' threats-Ed)...can we please also look at the related "mates protecting mates" article in The Border Watch?...(mate, you're the boss-Ed)...orrr yeah, sometimes I wonder ya' know.........and dear availees, please allow me the amount of attempted humour in this 'ere post 'cos I am really very, very angry about all of this...

And again, to explain part of why I might be so angry, here's a 'Reply' I posted to someone else's 'Comment' on the Mt Gambier & Districts Residents & Ratepayers Association Facebook page...this refers to MGCC's appalling and at times definably unlawful conduct in establishing a make-shift, garden shed-style 'Dog Pound', without even the most basic amenities, in the asphalt carpark of their Works Depot, and then when it hit 35C sticking several dogs they were 'holding' in a cyclone-wire cage also in that carpark...disgraceful...deplorable...inhumane...Mt Gambier City is said that you can tell alot about a person from the way they treat a dog...the word 'scum' comes to mind...(hey that was my word!-Ed)...yeah, and you're in my mind...(oh yeah, fair dues, proceed-Ed)...the 'Commentor' said they thought that 'maybe a Councillor should go there and sit in that shed on a hot day...(and your response?-Ed)... ***

Not maybe, definitely do it next week when it hits 32C again. And not "a" Councillor, send every single one of them, Mayor Martin, CEO Philpott, Featherstonehaugh, McCarthy, Shearing, send every one of the grossly overpaid and bloated 'mates appointing mates' bureaucracy that is Mt Gambier City Council. I've been talking to many, many people about the Dog/Cat Plan and MGCC's appalling conduct on multiple issues relating to it, and it's the same 2 responses every time. 1) people are absolutely furious with MGCC's treatment of dogs, eg, the SEAWL funding debasco (where a high-speed debacle tail-ends a stationary fiasco so hard the 2 become indistinguishable), and this cage/shed disgrace in MGCC's Work Depot carpark. And then 2) they all ask the same question, Why does MGCC hate dogs so much? I then try to explain the length and breadth of the Incompetence, the Nepotism, the Born To Rule attitudes, etc and the arrogance and hubris, all of which have combined in a perfect storm of fiscal chaos that is the Wulanda cost-disaster. Then marry that up to MGCC's blatant retribution against their critics, especially the MGDRRA. So whilst MGCC clearly don't give a stuff about Animal Welfare, this is purely Financial Politics 101 from an increasingly desperate and penniless MGCC.

***...(dude! say what ya' really think-Ed)...yeah yeah, and you know how much I tidy-up the manner in which I present my thoughts for the relatively public forum of Facebook...(well, as opposed to this 'ere blog, sure-Ed)...and, unless I've somehow missed THE VALIANT STAND BY A COUNCILLOR AGAINST THIS DISGRACEFUL, CRUEL BASTARDRY...(what?! a stand that no-one else has witnessed?!-Ed)...yes, didn't you notice? I was writing in our new 'SARCASM Font'...(mmm, CAPLOCK, Bold, Incline, and Underline, all at the same time, SUBTLE-Ed) indeed is the very essence of my sarcasm...(as indeed are your dick jokes nuanced and pithy-Ed) mate, if you've got a pithy dick joke, ya' might have a bittuva' Prostate issue there...(ahhh, my gourd we're hilarious-Ed)...well we did try to warn dear availees...(well, given where we're at with MGCC's appalling treatment of these poor dogs, no-one is to be blamed for either 1) being angry/furious/frustrated/whatevs, and 2) for trying to minimise that trauma/anger-Ed)...point being, what screams the loudest here is the deafening silence from every single Councillor, especially The Ambulance Chaser and his precious website...

Silence Is Consent:...every single one of those 'people' are complicit/responsible for this Shed/Cage-in-a-Carpark disgrace...(and for every other aspect of MGCC's appalling deceitful and increasingly 'Authoritorian' conduct-Ed) as it appears is my lot, so shall I yet again say it as everyone is thinking and not-so-quietly discussing amongst themselves but are too polite/tired/scared/whatevs to say publicly...(where do you want this Language Warning?-Ed)...right there'll be just fine...

Dear Mt Gambier City Council, 


Signed: Any Person With Half An Ounce Of Human Decency

(That's not very good SARCASMing, in fact, I don't reckon that's SARCASM at all-Ed)...ya' pickin'-up on that are ya'?...(well in many ways it's merely providing MGCC with some of the 'Public Consultation' and 'Feedback' that they're allegedly so fond of-Ed)...good one mate, ya' should've used our new font for that...(cheers, but there's nothing funny about MGCC's relentlessly deceitful 'Performative Public Consultation Pantomime' and the abject contempt for Ratepayers evidenced there-in-Ed)...fair dues, MGCC has always and continues to function sure in the knowledge that us grubby plebs are indeed fortunate to have them rule over us...(and yet sometimes we are just soooo ungrateful-Ed)...aren't we though...

So we've got a MGCC that on a 36C day keeps dogs in a tin garden shed and/or cyclone-wire cage in the asphalt carpark of their Works Depot, and openly lies/deceives about the realities of what is happening with their farcical 'Dog and Cat Management Plan', whilst furiously working to keep the distressing details secret...(you mean like the bizarre and costly replication "interim...(and) proposed future" Dog Parks at BLSP, none of which are on the MGCC Master Plan for BLSP?-Ed)...yeah, exactly like that*...(and what about slammin'-down a plan that nobody even knows about, whilst also referencing a "Map" that MGCC haven't yet produced?-Ed)...yep, it's a ludicrous 'Plan' that is in reality merely defining the fact that MGCC have no clue what to actually do...(well they know what to do and what people want, MGCC is just too self-involved and unofficially bankrupt-Ed)...indeed... 

*I believe that the "interim" Dog Parks proposed in MGCC's 'Dog/Cat Plan' are necessary 'cos MGCC hasn't yet managed to boot the baseballers off a' those fields/diamonds, which is of course a major part of MGCC's BLSP Master Plan...(and the entire 'DC Plan' map is a knee-jerk, last minute reaction by MGCC, to try and stifle/silence public criticism, and that's why MGCC has produced 2 conflicting 'Plans' only a few months apart-Ed)...that it is...

Gunna' pull stumps here, but just make the observation that there are people at BLSP still walking their dogs on the ovals/sporting fields and in the baseball fields, etc, and/or obviously not picking-up after their dogs, etc etc, and meanwhile the sadly neglected Hastings Cunningham Reserve Dog Parks are awash with peeps who think they've been banned altogether from BLSP...and this is what happens when a deceitful and dysfunctional MGCC can't even take this simple step of implementing a ban...(a ban that they gave themselves the power to impose-Ed)...exactly, their 'By-law', their BLSP, their ban, and they can't even do that without turning it into a......(why you lookin' at me?-Ed)...without turning it into a......(oo, hang-on, Language Warning-Ed)...definitive clusterfuck...go on...(End Language Warning?-Ed)...for now, but no promises... 

I'm calling it, I no longer believe that MGCC's rank bastardry and grossly inhumane treatment of animals, and this moronic ban that's just caused more confusion and problems but clearly hasn't addressed any of the existing problems, I no longer believe that this is just about the funding...(I thought you said it was?-Ed)...fair call, it is about 'Finances' but I genuinely believe that MGCC, recalcitrant, incompetent, self-serving, and thoroughly corrupted as they are, MGCC isn't just grossly mismanaging the entire 'Dogs/Cats' issue, I firmly believe that they are quite deliberately pumping as much oxygen into this as they can manage so as to cause maximum distress and conflict in the community...(well that's just nonsense, why would they do such a thing?-Ed) distract people away from other far-more concerning issues, and they'd much rather cop flak on this issue...(more concerning than MGCC locking dogs in a tin shed in hot weather, with the full 'Approval' of the Dog/Cat Management Board?-Ed)'s about $50million+ in debts after railroading Ratepayers into a massive project nobody actually wanted, and yet still borrowing yet more money just to pay-off some of the interest? that concerning enough for ya'?...(so glad I asked-Ed) and me both mate...

Tomorrow: My Letters To The Dog/Cat Management Board

And of course their eventual 'responses', upto and including initially denying responsibility, but later in the same sentence identifying that exact responsibility/'Authority'...(I love the bit where they officially acknowledge that MGCC have acted 'Unlawfully' in running an 'Unlicensed/Unapproved' Impound Facility-Ed)...and then hilariously say that the DCMB "rectified" that, which is in reality referring to the deeply disturbing facts that 1) the DCMB took no disciplinary action against MGCC for this gross breach, but rather 2) gave MGCC 'Retrospective Approval', whatever the shreck that means...(well you were 'Retrospectively Prosecuted' by SAPol/ICAC/Labor/et al after they raided your house, etc, in May 2014, then changed the ICAC Act 2012 Sec56 in November 2014 specifically in response to your lawyer's questions and so that you could be prosecuted, starting February 2015-Ed)...thanks for reminding me...there's a vast, yawning abyss between the desire and actions to prosecute someone retrospectively, as opposed to forgiving someone retrospectively without ever having done anything about it in the first instance...

And as per usual the insipidly complicit Mt Gambier 'media', the ABC South East Radio and The Border Watch, have marched lock-step with MGCC, in an ongoing manipulation and deceit of ever-suffering Ratepayers...the DCMB, MGCC, TBW, ABC...mates protecting mates......(why are you loo, oh, Language Warning-Ed)...thick as thieves, corrupt as fuck, End Language Warning...(ta'-Ed)...

Like literally actually just now left this 'Comment' on MGCC's Facebook page...***

This facility clearly does not meet even the appallingly simplistic and inhumane 'standards' set by the DCMB. There's a huge breach right there in that photo and you've identified it yourselves. That internal wall doesn't meet the concrete, therefore the 'cells' are not isolated from each other as required. DCMB have officially acknowledged that MGCC started operating this '72hr Impound Facility' without appropriate DCMB 'Approval'. Now it's been revealed that MGCC have an employee on the DCM Board.

***I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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