Sunday, January 21, 2024

There's A Poltergoost At Hastings Cunningham Reserve Dog Park - Death Throes Of A Corrupt Council

Howdy dear availees...just gunna' plow right into it today, with this brief but very doggo-related post...

***So whilst I've been doin' this post across the last week or so, so events have predictably moved to overtake my other 'predictions' about MGCC and HCRDP...just gunna' push-on and finish this post with this latest development...I don't do a lotta' 'I Told Yous So' work, not least of all 'cos it usually means something's gone catastrophically wrong for Mt Gambier and/or it's long-suffering Ratepayers, but today it's gunna' be unavoidable...***

What And The Actuals is a great name for a band...(nice-Ed)...but it's not what ya' really want to see playin' at ya' local Council...there's been all manner a' weird apparitions at Hastings Cunningham Reserve Dog Park...(ah yeah, about that-Ed)...strange, unexplained comings and goings...(uh-huh-Ed)...things, strange things appearing, then disappearing, only to mystically reappear the next morn...(yeah, I know-Ed) no, you know what this means don't you?...(yes, yes I do-Ed)...this means HCRDP has a poltergoost!...(I think I can explain-Ed)...can you, can you though?...(someone, possibly all the same person, put shade cloth behind the seat/shelter in small doggos park, and then weeks later there was 5 shade-cloth sheets along big/small dogs park's adjoining fence-line, something about the dust, then the next day it was a coupla' 2m square patches a' fake turf, then the next day the 5 shade-clothes are gone from the fence but there's 7-8 faux-whicker plastic chairs zip-locked to other existing furniture, and then MGCC were there yesterday (*now 2 weeks ago*) and pulled the other shade-cloth down, and last I heard looked like they were pullin'-up the fake turf which had been wire-pegged to the ground-Ed) not a poltergoost then?...    

The Supernatural In Smallsville:...(well firstly, it's 'poltergeist' not "poltergoost", and secondly, that what you've done there, that is a shameless rip-off of The Young Ones-Ed) it isn't...(it is, and you know it is-Ed) is not...(yes it is-Ed) it isn't...(oh look, forget it, role the tape-Ed)... sure, there are some similarities...(some similarities?!-Ed)...look, whatevs, what's with the musical shade-cloths that someone put-up, MGCC apparently removed, then were back again the next day? what's with that?...(look, there's been heaps on Social Media apparently, eg, here's the link to the Mt Gambier & District Residents and Ratepayers Association Facebook where a Mr Feast is taking credit/responsibility-Ed)..., we here at TMGI dunno' what's goin' on there, but it wasn't us...(it wasn't us-Ed)...yeah, sure, after very careful consideration and with the support of others, we did the Sand-Off-The-Path-To-Along-The-Fence-For-Safety thingy...(orrr yeah, we've done that several times-Ed)...and it's very different and here's why...

As stated, firstly it was improving access to a sand-covered path...(that several hoomans remarked they were unawares even existed-Ed)...indeed, and then addressing/hopefully rectifying a safety issue...(that was injuring/hurting dogs-Ed)...indeed...(as was/is known by MGCC-Ed)...yeah yeah, that's why another gentleman and I decided to do it, 'cos 2 months after I notified Mt Gambier City Council in writing about an injury that my pupper, Seepin' Sack A Satanic Gasses sustained...(and you've specifically asked in writing for sand to be put along that fence?-Ed)...yeah, all that, and 2 months later when I hadn't even had a response from MGCC, after he and I discussed it at length and I said 'whatevs, I'm doin' it'...he offered to help, and together we addressed the 2 fortuitously adjacent problems/safety issues by using our shovels and our wheelbarrows to retrieve the path and place that sand along the shared fenceline where the doggos run...took us maybe 90mins of goin' not really that hard...("fortuitously adjacent"?-Ed)...well the path/sandpit thingy coulda' been at the top-end of the park furthest from the fence, but it was in places only several metres from fill-to-spill...(yeah, good call, that is fortuitous-Ed) quite actually 2 birds with one stone...

Second point...(and arguably the premier point-Ed)...arguably, but I/we didn't take one single thing into and/or out of that park that was and/or wasn't there previous like...(ah yes, I can hear your concern-Ed)...yeah, and can I just make it absolutely clear before we kick-off on this 'Adding Things' aspect/context, that MGCC have no-one else to blame but themselves if some-one does do something in and/or to a park that MGCC doesn't like/want, 'cos 1) MGCC went on the ABC South-East Radio 5-6 months ago stating exactly that, they "want people to adopt their local park"...(so ya' can't complain when they do-Ed)...exactly...and 2) MGCC have failed/refused to conduct even the most basic maintenance at HCRDP at what is a very popular, very high-use, high-volume site used by many members of the community/tourists/visitors/etc...(and so people like ya'self have started doin' stuff ya'selves-Ed)...pretty much, and so while I get why people are (a person is?) 'adding' things to HCRDP, I wouldn't do it, and particularly not things like chairs/furniture, 'cos it has the potential to go horribly wrong...

Not just 'cos we live in a highly litigious society, but also for the safety of doggos...(and almost as importantly, their hoomans-Ed) I tried talking to a coupla' people about this...(hoohoo and boy, didn't that go well-Ed), no it didn't, they didn't/don't want to hear it, and sooo, that's it...I'm staying right-the-shreck out of it, but I cannot support people adding things like chairs/furniture to dog park and I would not do I said, we live in a litigious society and/or someone could get injured and not be covered by insurances, etc...those are stone-cold opinion is that MGCC is looking for the least-little excuse to shut-down the HCRDPs, be it retributional, eg, 'cos of the grief that 'Dog Park Attendees' have made for poor ol' long-suffering MGCC, or simply 'cos they're bankrupt...(morally and/or financially?-Ed)...yes, both, one inexorably leading to the other...and this deliberately provocative arrogance that provides no real improvement to the HCRDPs, is exactly the sort of 'excuse' MGCC will use to achieve that outcome...but no matter how politely I've tried to explain it to some of these people, nobody wanted to hear it, they just know better...      

Had one person actually arc-up at me about how they're gunna' address MGCC's woeful maintenance of the HCRDPs, specifically the issue of weeds everywhere, and this person was gunna' poison it...(woah woah woah, spray poison around? ya' can't do that for a whole buncha' reasons-Ed)...exactly, but as politely as I tried to dissuade them, they were adamant and got very narky very quickly...

Exactly how many times have MGCC Councilors/staffers/contractors gone into HCRDP and done their alleged 'maintenance and repairs', or done their li'l 'photo ops', and looked at the path covered in sand...(and mowed around it where it had crossed the path well into the grass on the other side, almost to the fence at one end-Ed)...yeah, all that, and then have just left it like that...did it even occur to anyone to fix that?...(well it was pretty obvious when you looked at it that the path ran right 'round the park, then disappeared under sand for 20m, then magically reappeared on the other side exactly where one might expect it to-Ed)...and ya' should see the state a' the place after MGCC shut it for 2 days in early December 2023 to do "maintenance"...disgraceful...not gunna' get into it now 'cos there's 3-4 posts pending on that topic...

Now, between me and Seepin' Sack A' Satanic Gasses goin' to HCRDP last week, and back again the next day, some(?) Mt Gambier City Council staffers apparently rolled-into Smallsville, turfed-out some of the 'added-by-public' stuff, but it was there again/still(?) next morning,, just for the record, I'm not entirely certain as to the exact sequence of arrivals and/or departures this past week 'cos, as happened yesterday, multiple times in recent weeks things like the shade-sail canvases appeared, disappeared, re-appeared...(were moved to the correct side of the parks-Ed)...yes, MGCC put the old stitched-up big park 'shelter' canvas up on the new small park posts, then realised what they'd done, took it back down, etc etc...MGCC staffers and/or contractors have been to HCRDPs multiple times these last few weeks and the place still looks derelict and dishevelled...(disgraceful comes to mind-Ed)...indeed...               

And just 'cos I feel like a moving target on this town, for whatevs crap people feel it's appropriate to dump into my life, 'cos that's my entire experience of Mt Gambier...(I like how you explained it to someone else the other day-Ed)...remind me please...(you said, "For my entire adult life I've been a lightning-rod for other peoples bullshit"-Ed)...humph, amen to that now, we've got a group of 'know-better-than-thou' dimwits sneering and smirking at me at HCRDP and it's absolutely nothing more than exactly what I've come to expect...and believe me, I've gone yaaay-close to tellin' 'em all about it...

And again, just for the record, none of this 'added-by-public' stuff has anything to do with me...I didn't do it, I've advised against doing it, not me, not mine...

***And that dear availees was where I'd got to, when this (below) happened...MGCC have posted their 'Agenda' for their Tuesday January 23rd 2023 Monthly Meeting, and it's a litany of Hugely Increased Secrecy, Massively Reduced Accountability, and greatly expanded capacity to Officially Steal Ratepayers' Money...(not least of all by utilising these proposed HIS/MRA changes!-Ed)...exactly, and what we are witnessing here dear availees, in real time, is the death throes of the irretrievably Corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, the last desperate corrupt thrashings of a dinosaur drowning in the quagmire of it's own creation...(and by "quagmire", he means like actual sinking pit of doom called the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre/Wulanda)-Ed)...Down! Going down! Basement Level Corruption and Self-Interest, No Accountability, Deceit and Dysfunction, We're All Screwed, mind your step... 

I Told Yous So:...and as much as I genuinely don't enjoy being 'right', on this occasion or so many others, there's no other way to put it...I tried to tell these people at HCRDPs what was happening, about MGCC's intent (close HCRDPs and develop site), etc etc etc...and then MGCC comes-up with this...

City of Mount Gambier
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda
23 January 2024
Item 7.4 Page 11
Meeting: Council
CM9 Reference: AF23/328
Member: Paul Jenner, Councillor
The following question on notice was received from Councillor Paul Jenner.
Recently, I've heard that at Hastings Cunningham Reserve's dog park, members of the general
public have been putting up their own structures. According to a Facebook post by the Mount
Gambier and District Residents and Ratepayers Association, numerous individuals have reportedly
lodged complaints with the Council regarding these matters.
Could the Council provide a detailed account of the complaints received over the past 18 months
and the resolutions that were implemented in response to these concerns within the community?
To be provided at the meeting.
That the response to the question regarding Hastings Cunningham Reserve Dog Park raised by
Councillor Paul Jenner be received and noted.

***and here's my 'Comment' as originally posted yesterday (Saturday 29th January) on the Mt Gambier & Districts Residents & Ratepayers Association Facebook page, and then copied across to TMGI's Facebook page...***

I'm deeply concerned about the language and intent evident here. Whoever wrote this, they know exactly what lies they are telling and exactly why. This (7.4 Question With Notice - Hastings Cunningham Reserve Dog Park) is a cynically transparent attempt by an increasingly desperate MGCC to 1) get multiple falsities on the 'Official Record' about what has happened at HCRDP and/or with MGDRRA, not least of all to 2) try and use these falsehoods as an excuse/wedge to attack MGDRRA. This 'Question' very deliberately conflates/misrepresents different incidents/complaints pre-dating "own structures" by months/years. Many people have had plenty to say about MGCC on various 'pages/websites', including on this topic and/or this page, and that is their personal choice. The language very carefully 1) frames the whole question about 'people complaining to Council about other people' and 2) most specifically/cynically "regarding these matters", makes it all about "putting up their own structures". People have complained to MGCC about maintenance many times with zero improvements/repairs. My personal belief remains as always that the desperate MGCC is acting to close HCR Dog Parks as part of their ongoing plans for the sale/lease of HCR for development. I note that only 1 group on that entire HCR site still has a lease with MGCC.

***...and we're just gunna' leave it there...I implore all availees to access the MGCC's Agenda (23 Jan 23) and read just exactly what new and extreme levels of Secrecy and Corruption MGCC is trying to allow itself, including knowingly lying to try and justify closing down the HCRDPs, and using that confected incident/outrage to attack the MGDRRA...("confected"?-Ed)...mate!? through-out 2023 HCRDPs and their users have been a constant source of irritation/inconvenience for MGCC, eg, the SEAWL demo outside Council meeting back in June 2023, and then some random starts rockin'-up to HCRDP (small dog park) and whackin'-up shade-cloth and bringin' in furniture and nailing fake turf to the ground, etc...(so you're sayin' it's a set-up created by MGCC?-Ed)...dunno', certainly looks like it, and they're absolutely capable of that sort of low behaviour, it's who they are collectively and individually...whatevs, confected incident/outrage or just taking advantage, MGCC's intent from here is clear...

Note, MGCC staff went into the HCRDP (small) and started removing the fake turf, shade cloth, etc, but then replaced and/or left it there...(so either way it truly is a 'Confected Outrage' 'cos MGCC knows exactly what's been happening at HCRDP (small), MGCC have been there and not just seen it but put their clammy hands all over it, then left it there...if this 'Added-By-Public' stuff is such a huge concern for MGCC why haven't they just removed it?...('cos MGCC want to be able to complain about/react to it as a faux-justification re their 'Agenda' to close HCRDPs-Ed)...precisely...

This pathetically deceitful Dorothy Dixer from Cr Jenner is 100% about deceiving and manipulating Ratepayers...(yet again-Ed)...yet again, and with an actual 'Agenda' of removing the HCRDPs and developing the entire HCR site...

I Did Try To Tell Yas:...aways back in 2013 I lodged official reports with then Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler and the Ombudsman, about the rancid corruption evident in Mt Gambier City Council...and my reports went to the (alleged) Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (then) Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander...ICAC and SAPol (police) then chose to ignore everything I'd just reported, and ultimately everything I've ever reported via this 'ere post, ICAC/SAPol decided instead to come after me via my very own SAPol 'Operation Baritone', SAPol raiding my home (May 2014), 3+yrs of "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch), an openly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, the 3rd Magistrate used, etc etc etc...(so ICAC/SAPol chose to ignore the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and everything else on here, and came after you instead?-Ed)...and then, having been shown that they were/are a 'Protected Species', MGCC came-up with the disastrous $100m+ FARC Project...

ICAC/SAPol demonstrated to MGCC that they (ICAC/SAPol) would protect MGCC from any repercussions for their rancidly corrupt conduct, and given how definably complicit MGCC Mayors/Councillors/Senior Staff are in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, it's hardly any wonder they're working so hard to protect each other...

And the perfect example is of course ol' mate Cr Frank (thwok!) 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello...

And if you cannot see the direct connection between the levels of Corruption defined by the St Martins Cover-up and the way ICAC/SAPol have acted to 'protect' the Lutherans and then MGCC, etc, then please leave this 'ere blog and ne'er darken our search engine again...for all those dear availees remaining, cheers... 

Tomorrow: More MGCC Corruption In It's Daily Dealings

As we've said before...(often-Ed)...many, many times, it's literally/actually so bad in MGCC, it's almost impossible to write about them/their conduct without using the words Nepotism, Insider Trading, Malfeasance, Maladministration, and of course Corrupt...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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