Tuesday, February 20, 2024

My Letters To Mt Gambier City Council & The Dog/Cat Management Board

Howdy dear availees...there's been so much shizzle furiously flyin' into various fans that it's all we can do to keep on ploddin' along...(but that is what we're doin' isn't it-Ed)..well obviously...(I mean, who were we really kidding when we said we were gunna' step-away from all this-Ed)...indeed, indeed...and in a reverse cross-promotion I'd like to alert any availees who aren't already aware that there's a TMGI Facebook page and I've been fairly busy on there, so please to be checkin' that out if ya' haven't already, cheers...and on with the show...

A slight step sideways and vaguely backwards from the 2 most recent posts, but it's all good solid background/foundation and as such entirely relevant...please find attached today copies of various correspondence that is largely self-explanatory, so away we go...this first letter was emailed to the Dog& Cat Management Board on Sunday 28th January 2024 so as to be furtively lurking in the digital darkness awaiting their arrival first thing Monday...***   

Dog and Cat Management Board

GPO Box 1047

Adelaide SA 5001

Email: dcmb@sa.gov.au

Dear Madam/Sir,

Mount Gambier City Council have just submitted a 'Dog and Cat Management Plan' with the DCMB.

I request that the DCMB reject this 'Plan' and any other similar or related 'Plan' produced/supplied by MGCC.

I also request that the DCMB act immediately to remove from MGCC any and all approvals/licenses to 'manage' dogs.

Last week, on a 36C day, Mt Gambier City Council was holding dogs in a tin 'garden shed' and then a cyclone-wire cage, in an asphalt 'carpark' in their Works Depot.

As you are already aware, mid-2023 MGCC were caught-out unlawfully/illegally(?) holding dogs there for 3-days, not the 12-hours they were licensed to, then the DCMB gave them retrospective approval.

As you are also already aware, last year a MGCC officer beat a cat to death with a hammer in a public street and then put it in a private bin.

As you are also already aware, the RSPCA officially censured MGCC regarding this incident, but as I understand it, that person remains employed by MGCC, still in that same position.

In their January 2024 meeting, MGCC specifically discussed 'Public Complaints' relating to the Hastings Cunningham Reserve Dog Parks, but failed to even mention/acknowledge my dog's injury at HCRDP and my related correspondence.

I have attached that correspondence as proof of MGCC's contempt for all involved, it clearly shows that MGCC knew a hazard they had created at one of their 'facilities' had badly injured a dog, and that other dogs were also getting lesser injuries, but MGCC chose to ignore that problem until park patrons, myself included, were forced to act to rectify it.

MGCC took 6 months to respond, and then their bizarre reply deceitfully feigns ignorance of a hazard they have had explained to them repeatedly and thoroughly and in writing, and instead has me 'falling down' and then apparently taking myself to the vet.

MGCC has repeatedly demonstrated that they are entirely callous and inhumane when it comes to the treatment and/or management of 'Dogs and Cats', and shown wilful contempt for any related legislation and the DCMB and Ratepayers.

I respectfully request that the DCMB act immediately, as in, first thing Monday morning 29 January 2024 to allow as much time as possible for other arrangements to be made for the dogs.

This is a particularly time-sensitive issue because we are forecast another burst of 30C+ weather later this week; those poor dogs cannot be allowed to suffer.

I do not claim to speak for anyone else, but the July 2023 50-person, 20-dog demonstration outside MGCC's meeting illustrates the level of concern/interest in the community.

Much of this concern now centres around the deeply opaque network of third parties who MGCC is sending dogs to after the 3-days expires.

To help facilitate/expedite the removal of MGCC's licenses/approvals to hold dogs, and for the welfare of the dogs, I will attend the South East Animal Welfare League first thing Monday 29th January and provide them a $1,000 surety to have any dogs immediately moved to their appropriate facility.

***And first thing Monday I went to SEAWL and made that offer, and as such they are aware that should it be an issue, that offer/surety exists/remains...I then rang the DCMB several times on Monday 29th January, only to eventually discover that the official number for the DCMB is actually a Message Service and they had no contact details for the actual DCMB...(so you wrote to them again, didn't you-Ed)...ahhh, you know me too well, and we will get to that in the next post 'cos it directly links to the SAPol/Animal In Distress Incident at MGCC's appalling Impound Facility that very Monday...but first, 'cos they are a critical part of this, here's those letters referred to above...(the ones to MGCC about your doggo, Seepin' Sack A' Satanic Gasses, hurtin' his paw?-Ed)...that be they, please, read away...***

Mt Gambier City Council

Watson Ave

Mt Gambier SA 5290

Email: city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au

Dear Madam/Sir,

On Friday 6th January 2023 I was at the Hastings/Cunningham Reserve Dog Park, in the large dog section, and I refer to Councils' notice at the entrance directing patrons to advise Council of any 'incidents'.

My dog was running along the fenceline adjoining the small dog enclosure, toward the Eastern end, when he pulled-up suddenly and started limping. This is not the first time this has happened with my dog, and I am aware of other dogs suffering similar injuries from doing the same thing.

Dogs are hurting their paws on the gravel sticking out of the cement-like sand/gravel mix placed there by Council approx 2 years ago, as I understand it, because one person complained about their dog getting muddy.

I and other owners have repeatedly notified Council about these injuries, including when several of us spoke directly to your 'Works Manager' on site shortly after the lights were installed early in 2022, requesting that heavy builders sand be placed over the gravel/cement.

This time however my dog suffered a very serious injury, ripping the outer layer off his front right paw pad, the main pad in the centre of the foot/paw left hanging by a few centimetres of skin.

He required immediate veterinary attention, including a minor surgery to remove the torn section of pad, antibiotics, etc, treatment totalling $230.00. He has fortunately made an excellent recovery, thanks largely to the prompt veterinary care he received.

I request Council immediately address this ongoing hazard and cover that gravel/cement with several inches of heavy sand, and further request that Council reimburse me for the vets costs incurred from this preventable injury, ie, $230.00.

***That letter to MGCC was emailed 'To Council' 18th January 2023, but also directly to individual Councillors...as identified in my second letter (below, sent 29th June 2023) I received an automated response, but then next day also a specific reply acknowledging my email and saying that it had been forwarded to the relevant but un-named 'Manager'...(and no response at all from any Councillors?-Ed)...not even a polite acknowledgement...anyways, we'll let the letter tell it better...***

CEO Sarah Philpott

Mt Gambier City Council

Civic Centre

Mt Gambier

Email: city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au

Dear CEO Philpott and MGCC Councillors,

I wrote to Council via email on 18th January 2023 regarding an injury suffered by my dog in the large dog area at the Hastings Cunningham Reserve dog park.

I was therefore very surprised to see CEO Philpott quoted in The Border Watch on Friday 31st March 2023, stating that she “...“remained unaware” of specific maintenance issues concerning dog safety.”

In my letter I clearly stated how my dog had been injured, namely, tearing off his front paw-pad on the gravel placed along the fenceline by Council in 2020.

I also identified that Council was aware of the problem because several park users spoke to Council's 'Works Manager' (about the several instances of dogs hurting their paws due to the compacted gravel surface, when he attended HCR to inspect the (then) newly installed lights).

Then I specifically identified the solution by repeating in writing the same request that was made of Councils' 'Works Manager', namely, that sand be placed along the fenceline on top of the gravel.

I was therefore shocked to see CEO Philpott claiming in TBW that “...Council...”ensure proper upkeep” and always “strived to fulfil” it's legal obligations concerning the park's safety.” This has not happened with dog park.

My letter also included my request to be re-imbursed the $200.00* veterinarians fee for my dog's injury, an injury sustained because Council failed to mitigate the identified hazard. (*I originally requested $230.00 but the vets subsequently reduced the charge.)

I received an automated response to my letter/email on 18 Jan 2023;

Thank you for your email. This auto reply is confirmation that your message has been received by the City of Mount Gambier. Your request will be forwarded to an appropriate staff member for a response.

And the next day 19 Feb 2023 received this email from Jasmine Taylor;

Hi Nick,

Thank you for your recent correspondence in regards to the Hastings/Cunningham Dog Park.

Your feedback has been forwarded onto the manager of this department who will be in touch within 14 business days.

The reference number for your feedback is AR23/4220

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us on 08 8721 2555 or by email city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au as this is a no reply email.

As of today Tuesday 20th June 2023 I am yet to receive the promised response to my letter and attached request for reimbursement.

Council has failed to meet any of the many self-stated obligations, as identified by CEO Philpott in that TBW article, and as specifically set-out in Councils' C200 – REQUEST FOR SERVICE AND COMPLAINT POLICY

By Councils' own definitions my letter/email constitutes both a Complaint and a Request. I refer to C200 Section 3;

A Complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a product or service delivered by the Council or its representatives that have failed to reach the standard stated, implied or expected. This includes complaints about a service that has been, or should have been delivered.

A Request for Service is an application to have Council or its representative take some form of action to provide or improve a Council service.

Council has also failed to meet it's self-stated commitment to timely response and/or resolution, eg, under Sec 2 PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THIS POLICY;

Responsiveness: this will be achieved by providing sufficient resources, well trained staff and review and improvement of the systems

Efficiency: complaints will be resolved as quickly as possible, while ensuring that they are dealt with at a level that reflects their level of complexity

Sections 4.2 Processing a Request for Service and 4.3 Timeframes for Response clearly set-out Councils' obligations as identified by the sections' titles. Again, Council has failed to abide by any and all of these Sections.

To shorten this letter I will not include a full copy of Secs 4.2, 4.3 or of Section 5 COMPLAINT HANDLING which further covers Councils' obligations, eg;

Complainants will be advised of the likely timeframe required to investigate and resolve a complaint and regularly updated as to progress where necessary.

As included above I did receive a very specific timeframe for response, “within 14 business days”, but then nothing further. Who is the un-named 'Manager' that was/is handling my Complaint/Request?

My request to be reimbursed is covered by Section 5.7 REMEDIES;

As a general principle the complainant should, so far as possible, be put in the position they would have been in, had things not gone wrong.

The $200.00 vets' bill is an insignificant sum relative to Councils' Budget but it is nearly ¼ of my fortnightly income (Disability Support Pension) and therefore meets Councils' qualification under Sec 5.7, namely;

Compensation will only be offered in cases where the loss or suffering is considered substantial.

As Council is aware and as identified in that TBW article, dog park users became so frustrated with Councils' lack of maintenance at dog park and with this specific gravel/sand issue that there was a 'working bee' to remedy the problem.

I look forward to receiving a prompt response from Council and the relevant reimbursement.

***And again, that letter was emailed directly to all Councillors Tuesday 20th June 2023...this time I did get a response, of sorts, that very afternoon...***

Good afternoon Nick

I acknowledge receipt of your email and will speak with the relevant Council Officers and correspond with you when I have further information.



***It's 'Mr Fletcher' to you Lynette...and again, emailed to all Councillors, and not a single response...that was the last I heard from Mayor Martin, upto and including today, but then 2 weeks after that email, on Wednesday 5th July 2023, I did get this rather random/bizarre 'response' from MGCC's Jane Featherstonhaugh...(ah, this is the email you refer to at the top there, in that original letter to the DCMB-Ed)...indeed, and I defy dear availees to read what I wrote to MGCC (above) and then draw a cogent, coherent, or even casual link between my correspondence and this bizarre email...(is it mockery? is this person giving you the big ol' bureaucratic 'Sod Off Idiot'?-Ed)...you tell me mate, that's 100% what it looks like...(mmm, that and/or some sad attempt at Plausible Deniability-Ed)...whatevs, it's bollocks, that's what it is... ***

Dear Mr Fletcher

Thanks for your further follow up.  We acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and apologise that we did not respond in a timely manner. 

I have inspected the area today and cannot find any areas of gravel along the fence line. The entrance to the park is a bit gravelly but that is to reduce slippery surface.  However, if you fell there is still an issue, are you able to provide exact location and/or photos of the area.

In relation to your claim for reimbursement of vet bills, could you please send a copy of your vet bill so we can lodge a formal claim through Councils insurers.

 Kind regards

Jane Fetherstonhaugh

General Manager Corporate & Regulatory Services

***Firstly, apology not accepted...secondly, who the schreck is "We"...(is that MGCC's Born To Rule mentality accidentally seepin' through?-Ed)...nice one man, for it surely presents as such...(I mean, when 'we' say 'we', 'we' actually mean 'you'-Ed)...being 'me'...(being 'you' saying 'we' 'cos I'm a confected literary device, so 'I' and 'you' is actually one-and-the-same-Ed)...so, sorry, who am I now?...(no no, 'you' are still 'you'-Ed)...but then who are 'you'?...(well I'm 'you' also-Ed)...I'm gettin' a headache...(me too-Ed)...stop that...and moving onto "further follow up" and "timely manner"...(does that refer to the fortnight since the second letter in June, or the unanswered letter from 6 months before?-Ed)...exactly, more bureaucratic weasel-words defining exactly how insincere that 'apology' is...(well it's an 'apology' designed for the consumption of someone who has no idea what exactly is being referenced-Ed)...spot on, it presents the illusion of 'apology' but deliberately leaves out the specific details, eg, a time-frame of over 6 months...

Jane then claims to have gone to Doggo Park but couldn't find the gravel that I've carefully explained, in writing, has already been buried under the sand that I and another gentleman moved there with our wheelbarrows, etc etc...(well now she's just takin' the piss!-Ed)...settle big fella', you're absolutely right of course, but hold your applause for the big dismount...(oh this bit, I love this bit-Ed)...indeed as do I...having supposedly read my correspondence and allegedly thoroughly investigating, Ms Featherstonhaugh majestically conjures from the ether 'Me Falling Over'...(and the next bit, this is the bit I love-Ed)...and then, having cited myself as the 'Injured Party', then asks that I provide "a copy of (my) vet bill"...(bahahaha, she's sayin' you fell/were injured, and then, took ya'self to the vets for treatment-Ed)...and again, in the absence of any vaguely rational explanation as to how someone could read my letters and then somehow re-iterate that as an injury to moi, that's another big ol' bureaucratic Sod Off Idiot...and the bit about 'send us the vet's bill', that is just hilarious...  

So that 'apology' very carefully avoids and/or denies and/or deliberately feigns ignorance...(and in many ways, is doing all those things at once-Ed)...precisely, all things at once, eg, stating 'I can't see the gravel problem' ignores/avoids my written explanation and denies there is a problem...so there's some solid background/foundation stuff, now I'm off to luxuriate with a freshly brewed hot chokky and a long shower...this is a simple physical mantra I regularly utilise to politely remind myself, should I ever forget or begin to question, that these simple but indicative luxuries are exactly that, modern luxuries that not everyone has access to...but I do, so I quietly celebrate it...

Tomorrow: More Doggos & Puppers Stuff

Hope this post makes reasonable sense...plenty to do from here though so...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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