Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Voting Liberal, Eg, Ben Hood Or Tony Pasin, Is A Vote For Fundamentalist/Pentecostal Control Of Your Life

Howdy dear availees everywhere...anyone who is even vaguely aware of the class-structured control mechanisms that pass for 'Democracy' in Australia, knows that certain privileged people, almost always 'boys', go to certain schools, on their way to largely undeserved 'success' in big business, law, etc, but most especially in politics...(there are meritorious exceptions, but they are exactly that, exceptions-Ed)'s the good ol' Old School Tie Boys Club that, for example, sees 3 British Prime Ministers all come from literally the one class at 'Big College, Cambridge/Oxford/Hull' (ack to The Young Ones and BlackAdder)...Scott 'Scummo' Morrison would be an exception, but not in the 'meritorious' mold...(no, indeed, it'd be more the proven reliably corrupt immoral back-stabbing betrayer mold, just the way Uncle Rupert likes his pet politicians-Ed)...exactly...done the hard yards to prove what a viciously incompetent but malleable minion he is, sacked from literally every job he's had for as-yet unresolved but clearly definable issues of fraud, deceit, etc, he's been promoted to where he can do the bidding of those whom control him, eg, Rupert Murdoch, the Mining Industry Magnates, etc...

Scummo has proven time and again that he is fundamentally incapable of Honesty, Decency, Morality, Empathy, and actual Leadership...(all he has is Propaganda, Gas-Lighting, and/or Perma-Electioneering, and always and in all ways with the motivation/focus on his own personal best Political Profiteering-Ed)...a perfectly accurate summation Ed, that is who he is, a self-absorbed, full-blown Narcissistic Moral Vacuum of a Pathological Liar...(he is by design and function the lowest common denominator in the sum of Human Achievement-Ed)...he is, to be frank, an arsehat sans redeeming feature...(indeed-Ed)...and that's before ya' even start in to the Glassy-eyed, Happy Clapper God-Botherer Faux-Christian persona that he so publicly embraces...and that is increasingly seen to be the real concern...which is why today we're more concerned with the current 'Boy's Club' dominating Australian politics, and that's the extraordinary over-representation of Pentecostal/Fundamentalist 'Christians' in the Scummo/LNP government...

And I do intentionally use 'Boy's Club', but not to exclude discussion of the 'Crumb Maidens' in the LNP, but to highlight /define their status and role within the LNP as defined by the Pentecostal/Fundamentalist belief structure/ideology...(which is?-Ed)...that women are 'lesser' than men, are to be effectively subservient to men...(and so women do not achieve any real power in the LNP, they are relegated to 'lesser' roles, and even then only after demonstrating a commitment to perpetuating the Patriarchy as it exists 'above' them?-Ed)...exactly, and hence 'Crumb Maidens', 'cos they choose to accept this 'sub-status' for how they may personally profit from it, for what crumbs may fall from the big table, eg, a Ministerial position...(and then there are those who not so much choose to accept it, but are just conditioned to accept/protect/perpetuate it 'cos that's all they've known and/or it's what their 'belief system' tells them is 'God's will'-Ed)...exactly, be it by Nature, be it by Nurture, be it a combination, the result is always the same and immediately obvious...  

Numerous times on this 'ere blog we've theorised/hoped that Scummo was merely a soul-less, performative opportunist trying to recruit the 'Christian Lobby'...(but we've also identified, with increasing concern, that many of his behaviours align exactly with the rancidly Faux-Christian ideology of the Pentecostals/Fundamentalists and their proudly bigotted, morally-corrupted 'Prosperity Gospel' and desire for 'The Rapture'-Ed)...exactly, and so aligned are the Liberal/National Party self-serving corruption agendas and bigotry, etc, with the Pentecostal/Hillsong types, etc, it's genuinely impossible to decipher where one ends and the other begins...(or which motivates which-Ed)...indeed, but it's almost irrelevant really, 'cos they are effectively interchangeable, they are so alike that they co-exist in almost perfect harmony...(and whilst one might say the LNP is a very new blight on the face of Humanity, it's predecessor 'genuine Christianity' is also based on genuine empathy, charity, etc, something irretrievably distant from the hateful, bigotted, self-important Pentecostal 'God hates the Poor/Disabled/Disadvantaged' ideology/beliefs/teachings-Ed)...that so align with the Scummo LNP...but at the heart of Scummo is always that he is fundamentally lacking as person and lacking any and all traits of a genuine leader...     

It is well known how Scummo, with mucho support from the Murdoch media, viciously manipulated the Liberal's pre-selection process against Michael Towke, that Scummo initially lost 80 votes to's a very famous political observation/joke that immediately puts me in mind of Scummo, and that is the tale of The Post has various forms, look it up, but the crux of the joke relates to a tortoise found atop a fence post, and it goes a li'l like this...

“You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while up there, he’s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of idiot put him there to begin with.”'s a brief article (sorry, forget from where) that perfectly illustrates how the Pentecostals operate...not suggesting Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Jews, etc, don't do the same sort of thing, seek to exercise influence, etc, but this is about what's happening right now in SA and Federal politics, and that's the Pentecostal/Fundamentalists...I believe that Citipointe is in Quennsland...***

The Hillsong connection with the LNP is strong in Citipointe Christian College.
Ahead of the 2019 federal election, the College's pastor Mark Ramsey posted a portrait of the prime minister, Scott Morrison, and said: “This election is not about what party you prefer, it’s about Good Godly Leadership.”
The chairperson of the Citipointe Christian College board, Graham Packer, is a significant fundraiser for the LNP. Packer, and two of his family leather companies, have donated $100,490 to the LNP in the past three years. He did not respond to questions.
Brisbane’s lord mayor, Adrian Schrinner, is a graduate of the college, and state opposition frontbencher and former deputy leader, Fiona Simpson, is a parishioner of an affiliated church. One of Citipointe’s youth pastors, Daniel Myhill, worked in the office of the federal MP Luke Howarth last year, and the former state MP for Capalaba, Steve Davies, is a Citipointe member.
At the last state election, the LNP selected Citipointe pastor Janet Wishart to run in the local electorate of Mansfield. Her campaign posters were strung along the fence-line of the Citipointe campus and many of her volunteers were drawn from the church, including paid staff members.
Wishart now works in the office of the leader of the LNP opposition, David Crisafulli.
A church on campus via its governing body, the Christian Outreach Centre (branded publicly as the International Network of Churches) reports about $54m in annual income and $250m in assets.
Surely, there should and must be a probe into the use of government funding for this College particularly in the manner in which politics and teaching are conjoined and that staff are actually active politically within the College.
The links of funding between the College and the LNP must be made more transparent and also the nature of lobbying by the College. Would the Queensland government not see this as an abuse of power and process, and hence worth constituting it own anti-corruption inquiry into this ungodly nexus of monotheistic grab for power and its exercising of influence over young people?

***...absolutely typical...his follows the openly self-identified and self-promoted take-over of the South Australian Liberal Party by 'Pentecostals'...(you mean 'attempted' take-over don't you?-Ed)...well I don't think so, I think the 'attempted' ship has well and truly the very least 'Pentecostals' have for some time now, potentially years, been openly and unrepentently branch-stacking their way through various SA Liberal divisions/branches, and have been getting their 'candidates' endorsed as 'branch presidents', etc...(ah yeah, we covered this a while back didn't we?-Ed)...yep, in the rather ambiguously titled post Pentecostal Branch-Stacking In South Australia's Liberal Party, 11th September 2021...(um, what's ambiguous about that?-Ed) no, just a piss-poor attempt at humour...(ah, and as part of that 'branch-stacking', didn't the god-botherers, I'm sorry, the 'Pentecostals', didn't they openly say that they wanted to gain control of the SA Liberal Party 'cos it was the most efficient method/vehicle for them shoving their backward revisionist misogyny control-freak shite onto every other poor long-sufferin' bastard in this sad, sick State of Disrepair we call home?-Ed), there's a lot to unpack there, but in a word, yep, that's what they want, control, plain and simple, absolute control so's they can shove their bigotted, warped, basically unhinged agenda on to you, me, and everyone else...(and that means reversing Abortion Laws and Euthenasia Laws and everything of that nature, 'cos apparently it's not what 'God' wants-Ed)...that is there openly acknowledged agenda... 

And I get that it's probably a bit late finally doin' this post only 3 days before the March 19th 2022 election...(if we hope to affect the outcome, it probably is-Ed)...but I'd reckon that the few people who actually pay attention to this sort of thing and/or give half a damn...(of whom a much smaller sub-set may actually avail themselves of this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed, but we do have a critical Federal Election looming just over the horizon...(due sometime in May 2022?-Ed) the latest, yep, so it is current and relevant...I mention Ben Hood 'cos he's the Liberal candidate for Mt Gambier, but what li'l I know of him personally doesn't improve my opinion of him...he's currently Vice President of the Liberal's SA Division and thinks Scott Morrison is terrific...since November 2018 he has been a Councillor on the rankly corrupt and Liberal dominated Mt Gambier City Council, intimately complicit in the litany of deliberate deceits and gross failings of Council...(wasn't he the Chair of the Recreation Hub Committee that deceived and manipulated Ratepayers regarding the supposed '$40million' but actually $80m+ project?-Ed) a nutshell, yes, and of course he was apparently absent when the critical final vote to proceed was taken in a 'closed' MGCC meeting...he's also notorious for harassing a female Councillor on social media...

I note that he's a 'Christian' but what exactly that means I don't know...I've seen him around town of course, and I'm still 'banned' from attending MGCC meetings, but my one real interaction with him tells me everything I need to I was going into a cafe in the Main St (Commercial St) he was coming out...(ooo, I love this story-Ed)...settle petal...anyways, when he spotted me approaching he immediately dropped his gaze down and away and moved to get as far across the footpath as he could away from we've never previously actually met, but he clearly recognised me, as I did him...I don't know the woman whom he was with, but in his desire to get the shreck away from me, he effectively placed that woman right between us...(ahaha, he hid behind a woman, he actually hid behind a woman-Ed)...well, yes, albeit perhaps not a deliberate conscious decision, but by his actions, yes, he hid behind the woman...(he hid behind a woman...big man in his Council ivory tower and/or abusing a woman on social media, etc, but when confronted with someone whom he knows, albeit only by reputation, but knows will not be bullied and will bring the unpleasant realities to any 'discussion', etc, he folded like an origami swan-Ed)...yes, yes, he did...

(Can I do my "I'm backing Ben Hood" jokes now?-Ed)...yeah go on, fire away...(well, I've seen several cars sporting said stickers, and it immediately appealed to my pun-addled mind-Ed) so?...(well, I'm glad you asked...firstly, in the motor vehicular idiom, there is of course "I'm backing-over Ben Hood"-Ed)...yeah, a tad violent for my liking, but in the interests of humour, sure...(and of course there's my personal favourite, "I'm bare-backing Ben Hood"-Ed)...ah, a reference to unprotected homosexual intercourse, nice one man...(yeah, that one's for all the haters in the 'faux-Christian' diaspora-Ed)...I'm sure they appreciate it...(and then a variation on that theme, "I'm broke-backing Ben Hood"-Ed)...being a reference to the gay cowboy love story movie Brokeback Mountain...(yep, and finally I went with a political connections one regarding our Federal member Tony Pasin-Ed)...and?...("I'm piggy-backing Ben Hood"-Ed)...mmm, a bit of a stretch, but politically accurate...say, did anyone sort out how MGCC 'Confidential' documents regarding the Recreation Hub ended-up with Tony Pasin?...(don't think so-Ed)...well, that's another story for another day... 

Today the story is as titled, namely, the current situation in Federal Politics and the openly promoted agenda of SA's Pentecostals/Fundamentalists, any vote for the Liberals/Nationals at any level is a vote for having these pseudo-Christians running your life, with all of the bigotry and inequality that entails...which brings us back to our mate the last 24 hrs Scummo has had the Pathological Liar Gas-Lighting bunsen burner dial turned-up to 'Heart of the Sun', claiming 1) that he's never changed his glasses, an attempted denigratory reference to Labor leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese...(but he recently changed them to a pair exactly like Eggsy's!-Ed)...yes, yes he did...2) he doesn't pretend to be things that he isn't...(so those daily performative photo-ops as a hairdresser, welder, truck driver, pilot, chef, aid worker, tank commander, daggy dad home handyman, etc, etc, ad infinitum, those are all just Scummo being the magnificently well-rounded Renaissance man that he is?-Ed)...absolutely, 100% genuine, not in the least bit sickening, cringe-worthy pantomime in lieu of actual governing...(well that's okay then, I mean, I was a bit worried that Scummo seems to be obsessed to the point of distraction with this relentless fakery, far more committed to creating his own faux-image and ramming it down our throats with an almost tactile sense of Narcissistic Rage, than to actually running the country to benefit us all, but if it's just Scotty being true to his true self, well, that's different-Ed)...yeahhh, riiight, anyhoos...

Anyhoos, 3) Scummo went crazy-ape bonkers today whilst in Western Australia, bare-facedly lying that he thinks WA Labor Premier Mark McGowan is a great bloke and that he, Scummo, has fully supported WA and always worked  really well with his BFF Marky, etc, etc...(but what the actual?! Scummo has repeatedly railed against all Labor-governed states during/regarding COVID19 lock-downs/restrictions/border closures, and most particularly against McGowan and WA, and also used $1million of Taxpayers' monies to help that corrupt pro-LNP operative nutter Clive 'Honest As My Waist Is Wide' Palmer try to sue the entire State over mining leases/access!!!-Ed)...yeah yeah, that was so last week... and the week before...and the week before that...and, well, every week going back several years, but we're looking through the windscreen now, not out the rear-view mirror...(did you just use one of Scummo's own inane gibberish catch-phrases to highlight both what a rank liar he is, and simultaneously mock his perpetual moronic jingoisms?-Ed)...erm, yes, and ummm, yeah, yeah I did...and that whole 'windscreen' spiel is classic Scummo, saying, 'I refuse to acknowledge and/or accept responsibility for my multiple/manifest gross failings, but prepare yourselves for another word-salad avalanche of announcements that I have absolutely no intention of delivering'...(unless of course it's further high-end tax cuts, and/or Jobkeeper payments to proffitable businesses, and/or other corporate welfare, all miraculously benefitting whoever supports/funds the LNP-Ed)...of course...        

Tomorrow: The Latest On TMt Gambier's Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (FARC)

And just 'cos it's a hilarious piss-take of the appallingly disrespectful Scummo's/LNP Women's Network 'penis' logo, here's a link to a masterful re-working of a classic Scummo photo-op...(and that logo has been pulled after 1 day due to the blow-back on Scummo et al-Ed)...are those terrible 'penis puns' deliberate?...(well yeah, but they're more puns about Scummo really, and what an A-grade dickhead he is-Ed)...fair enough...(I mean sure, he's clearly an increasingly un-hinged borderline psychopath, and even fundamentally evil, but it's his deeply authentic homespun dickheadedness that really defines the man-Ed)...hence the very popular #Dickhead Twitter handle...(well quite, one of only many dedicated to our illustrious leader, but one that has become quite 'meta' in that whilst it doesn't specifically identify who it is about, everyone knows 'cos there's really only one massive dickhead that it could be, Scummo-Ed)...Scummo! yeh for that Cult of Personality oxygen thief...oh, if you haven't seen the Purple Penis logo, just Interweb search 'Women's Network Logo', you'll laugh 'til you say WTAF???...(and also check-out the papers on the desk-Ed)...yeah, now that's some attention to detail...anyhoos, here's the link...oh, and the second and third links are for hilarious mash-ups of Scummo photo-ops, enjoy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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