Saturday, March 5, 2022

Please Watch This 'Friendly Jordies' Expose About Liberal MP Peter Dutton

Howdy dear availees...another super-short post just to direct y'all to this extraordinary piece if y'all ain't seen it's another excellent Friendly Jordies investigation into the bare-faced corruption of the Liberal/National Party, and simultaneously a seething indictment of the wholly complicitly corrupt Main Stream many others have noted, 1) if a coupla' blokes with a Youtube show can research and expose this corruption, why is it supposedly invisible to the MSM, and 2) how is it that 220,000 Aussies have watched this article and yet the MSM still haven't reported on it?...(and highly likely won't, 'cos, like you said the MSM is wholly corrupt and complicit-Ed)...exactly!...(I see one Twitter comment stating that they'd done a long interview with Channel 9's Sixty Minutes about the LNP lies and corruption on Papua New Guinea, specifically Manus Island, but that Ch9 Chair Peter Costello had quashed/axed that story-Ed)...yep, colour me not the least bit surprised...

Jordan Shanks (Friendly Jordies) has done dozens of exposes on people like New South Wales National Party (former) leader John 'Bruz' Barillaro, which incidentally saw the clearly politically-corrupted NSW Police supposed Anti-Terrorism section, the 'Fixated Persons Unit' raid FJ's producers house, complete with kicking the dog and knocking his mum down...however, this article is a whole 'nother level of Institutionalised LNP Corruption, including a Federal government department directly  paying dodgy invoices for an even dodgier PNG company; Minister Linda Reynolds excusing expenditure on Manus Is by identifying a military facility there that doesn't actually exist; multiple dodgy contracts related to Peter Dutton; etc...I'm not sure that it's what FJ was referring or even vaguely alleging, whatevs, but the stuff about drug use struck me as a common theme with Peter Dutton and his vast unexplained wealth since becoming a Federal Minister...maybe it's just me, watch the article and make-up your own minds...

Just as a quick but relevant aside about how pro-LNP corrupt the Oz MSM is...last week there was a Rail 'stoppage' in NSW, and the media were very quick to sling blame and abuse at the Unions, reporting it as a "strike" was quickly established, the workers/Union(s?) involved had fully intended to work but 'protest about wages' by not charging commuters, and that it was the NSW Liberal government that pulled the plug, literally at the last hour, and shut-down the entire system/service...wholly corrupt Editors like Bevan Shields of the Sydney Morning Herald dutifully spewed their complicit pro-LNP deceits into the public realm...(and are we focussing on Bevo, mate, 'cos it's been proven that some of his own journos contacted him to question the notion that it was a 'strike', that rather it was a 'shut-down', and that Bevo, mate, dismissed those concerns and directed all reportage to be about "a strike"?-Ed)...yeah, and then after more than a week of being outed on Twitter, Bevo, mate, having directed multiple knowingly false front-page headlines, Bevo did a piss-warm luke-weak pseudo-apology hidden deep in the bowels of the SMH...the whole incident, which caused massive disruption for 100,000s of commuters, was a deliberate LNP political stunt to justify attacking the Unions...

And everything indicates that PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison was fully involved if not directly responsible, 'cos he immediately jumped into his "blame Labor" rhetoric and used it to attack Federal Labor with reference to the upcoming Federal Election and how Labor is controlled by the Unions and this is what happens/will happen, etc, etc...(mate, I reckon that the whole thing reeks of Scummo's handiwork, and given that he's just railroaded/shafted the NSW Liberal executive to force his own candidates into seats for the Election, I reckon that it was Scummo at the helm-Ed)...wouldn't surprise me, would not surprise me in the fact, now that you mention it, I don't think NSW Premier Perottet has got the smarts, I don't think any of the NSW LNP have...(not collectively they don't-Ed)...indeed, whatevs, it was clearly a deeply cynical and corrupt LNP set-up designed to provide a platform to attack Labor and the Unions, and the MSM was wholly compliant and complicit in spreading that exact albeit false narrative...     

Here's the link to the Friendly Jordies piece...enjoy as best you can given the ranl corruption exposed/explained, and please share with as many others and tell everyone, etc...(I still can't get over how many peeps have already viewed this, and still the MSM ain't touching it...pathetic and complicit don't begin to cover it-Ed)'s the link...oh, and please read through the 'Comments' after the article...

Tomorrow: Liberal Candidate Ben 'In Da' Hood And Pentecostal Control Of Australian Politics  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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