Thursday, March 10, 2022

Just More Blatant ABC Pro-LNP Machinations

Howdy dear availees...and having opened with that statement, and every genuine intent of proving it, we're gunna' include in this post an ABC interview that counters that narrative...(well being accurate is always more important than being 'right'-Ed)...indeed, and if anything, it's the stand-out nature of these rare 'tough' interviews that actually highlights how appallingly complicit the Main Stream Media is 98% of the open, here's a real-time perfect example of exactly what lengths the wholly pro-Liberal/National Party corrupt media are prepared to go to try and 1) support the LNP, 2) discredit Labor, and 3) distract away from other issues...(especially when the LNP are copping a caning on something-Ed)...well that's when it's most critical, to distract from the unpleasant reality and hopefully drag Labor down simultaneously...and 4) here's how they do it...Greg Jericho explains it perfectly in this Twitter I understand it, the actual original quote by Labor leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese was something about governing in the style of Bob Hawke and/or Paul Keating...(and doesn't Mr Jericho nail it down perfectly, there's the agenda and playbook right there-Ed)'s the link, enjoy...

(Wow, that's some base-line cynical deceit ain't it-Ed)...yes, yes it is...(it's immediately reminiscent of that li'l effort a coupla' weeks back where-in the media deliberately misrepresented the New South Wales LNP government shutting-down rail services, instead describing/presenting it as being a Union-organised 'strike action'-Ed)...yep, we covered this in a recent post, with Scummo using that falsehood as an excuse to leap into what bastards Labor and the Unions are...absolutely corrupt MSM deceit of the public in support of the LNP, a perfect there's all that goin' on there, and then we move onto this...

On Monday 7th March 2022 Scott 'Scummo' Morrison did a text-book lengthy Scummo word salad, fantasy land, dead cat  'announcement' about establishing a nuclear submarines base somewhere on the East coast...(I think he identified Brisbane, Port Kembla, and Newcastle?-Ed)...sounds about right...(none of which were in the top 5 listed potential sites in a Defense review on that exact topic a few years back-Ed)...indeed, and forget that we have royally screwed-up the French sub deal, costing $2-$4billion for diddly squat, and that we don't currently have a 'signed' deal for these USofA/British hybrid nuclear subs we're supposedly getting some time in the next 15-20 years...(yeah, just forget/ignore all that screaming incompetence and bewildering blizzard of vacuous announcements-Ed)...sure, apart from all that, Scummo did a big 'announcement' about these bases, but it is 100% absolute nonsense, 100% about trying to control the narrative, particularly to distract away from other issues about his deceits and failures...(ummm, "dead cat"?-Ed)...yeah, as just described, 'to fling a dead cat onto the table' take some irrelevant otherwise lifeless issue, a 'dead cat', and literally throw it onto the table/into the discourse/into the spotlight/whatevs, so as to hopefully shock/distract everyone from other actual issues...

As described, it was/is an absolute bullshit non-event fantasy excuse for Scummo to do yet another self-focussed 'announcement', designed and delivered to make it appear that he might actually be doing something ...(something other than faking COVID19 so he can hide-away from responsibility and accountability whilst lounging around in the lap of Taxpayer funded luxury-Ed)...oh, so you don't believe that he genuinely has/had COVID19?...(not for a moment!-Ed)...well, there's a lot to discuss there, but perhaps best left to another dedicated post...(why? it's very simple, the man's a pathological liar, and well prone to skiving-off at the least little excuse and/or disappearing/hiding when his latest failure flares-up in his face, what else is there to discuss?-Ed)...well, when you put it like that...(what, factually accurately? when I put it exactly as it is, exactly as he does conduct himself?-Ed)...yeah yeah, like that...anyhoos, with the subs base shizzle, that was equally motivated to distract away from multiple other issues, not least of all his/the LNP's abject failures to respond to the massive flood crisis...(which includes not just the immediate failures of rescue/recovery and support, etc, but also the refusal to accept Climate Change science-Ed)...which is clearly driving.magnifying these increasingly frequent 'freak/unprecedented events...(and the refusal/failure to use the $4billion Disaster Recovery Fund that's just sitting in the bank earning interest for the LNP-Ed) many things to distract away from...  

But as bad and as blatantly obvious as all that is, far worse was to come, as all that afternoon the ABC 24 News Radio ran a series of related interviews with various alleged experts, eg, about the positives of nuclear energy, etc, and local politicians regarding potential employment opportunities and other positives for local economies, etc...(but the whole thing was a blatant 'dead cat', and at best a detail-less, vacuous mind-fart-Ed)...and that's my point...the ABC took that blatantly obvious vacuum and furiously tried to pump it full of substance, furiously tried to give it some sort of credibility where otherwise none was present...(ah, I see, by dutifully reporting it and re-reporting it and interviewing and analysing and repeatedly discussing, etc, etc, ad infinitum, that relentless one-way supportive narrative builds that sense of credibility and substance where, as you say, otherwise none exists-Ed)...and it's transparently a deliberate strategy, a deliberate agenda....rather than rightly question the veracity of the farcical 'announcement', the ABC steadfastly did everything they could to do the exact opposite...(everything they could to give it credibility-Ed)...and for many listening, certainly those less familiar with or unawares of how these ABC manipulations are used to protect/promote the LNP, I would think that it likely had the desired effect...    

Then yesterday (Wednesday 9th March) Scummo dragged himself off of his death-bed and rocked-up to flood ravaged Lismore, but refusing to allow any media to get involved, stating that it wasn't appropriate to have media shoving their cameras in traumatised people's faces in this time of crisis and suffering...(sorry, what?! Scotty From Photo Ops didn't allow the media there? I find that very hard to believe for 2 reasons-Ed) away...(well firstly, he's Scotty From Photo Ops, it's what he does, often all he actually does-Ed)...fair call, and secondly?....(secondly, the Main Stream Media are reliably pathetically pro-LNP complicit and aren't likely to ask anything other than soft-cock 'Dorothy Dixer' type questions, allowing Scummo and/or his Ministers to just pour-out any ol' dross without challenge, and usually wildly deceitful self-congratulatory dross-Ed)...all good points mate, and I absolutely concur, but on your first point, Scummo's Photo Ops are almost entirely carefully choreographed and involve his personal photographer...this week there's some clearly 'fake' photos of Can-Do Take-Charge Scummo supposedly directing flood responses by leaning over a desk and pointing at a map...(yeah, where he was pointing to the wrong part of NSW-Ed)...that's the one...(and didn't they also circulate a photo of him pouring over a big map, that turned-out to be an old photo from the Kangaroo Island bushfires in 2019/20, with the photo carefully cropped to chop-off the big 'Kangaroo Island' label across the top of the map?-Ed)...maybe...

And I say "maybe" 'cos there's a lotta' debate and very little proven fact about who has been releasing those photos, and/or why, but the more general discourse about Scotty From Photo Ops is already well-proven...(and hence generated that exact Twitter hashtag-Ed)...indeed, but with these specific 2 images there is less certainty...(and isn't that itself yet further confirmation of how untrustworthy Scummo is with these perpetual confected manipulations?-Ed) so?...(well, if he didn't have such a long and twisted record of sickening photo ops, eg, mindless curry-cooking selfies, family photos shamelessly re-hashed/reproduced years after being taken, etc, then any such allegation could/would likely be dismissed-Ed)...but he does have that reputation/record, remember? 2021 he re-posted an old photo, originally taken at the memorial service for several children killed in a terrible road accident, and put that up neatly cropped to be just him, Jen and The Girls (C), supposedly taken that Fathers Day...(precisely! that's his exact MO and so it goes that even a vague inference is enough to be deemed likely correct-Ed)...'cos that's what he does...('cos that's exactly what he does-Ed)'s a most excellent link that includes those 2 photos, albeit does not clarify exactly who is re-circulating these photos and/or why...regardless though, those photos are typical carefully staged Scummo photo opportunities... 

But we digress, 'cos, all that aside, secondly there's a wild card you haven't considered, a trump wild card if you will...(and that is?-Ed)...well remember what a PR disaster it was when Scummo flew back from his holiday in Hawaii, and went to fire-affected Cobargo and people yelled abuse at him and refused to shake his hand...(ah yeah, after his office lied in denying that he'd gone on holiday, and then he returned only to literally force that young pregnant woman to shake his hand, and that fire-fighter refused to shake his hand-Ed)...yeah all that, well do ya' reckon that the Photo Ops PM is gunna risk that happening again?...(well obviously not, nope-Ed)...absolutely nope, that's a negative narrative Scummo cannot control and is not gunna' risk/allow, so no media and he skulk's in via the Council's backdoor...the ABC Radio did manage though, in interviewing a coupla' locals, did manage to find someone who obligingly played-down the quite reasonable white-hot rage of many locals towards Scummo & Co...(of course they did-Ed)...the interviewee stating that whether it was Labor or Liberal in charge, people would always whinge about it...(wow-Ed)...and the third of the 3 interviewees stated that Scummo was a 'good and decent man because of his (Scummo's) religious beliefs/faith'...(OMG, what planet has that clown been living on? in what bizarro parallel reality is Scummo a decent human being?-Ed) god-botherer sky pilot land where 'faith' effortlessly trumps reality...(sounds more like the ravings of someone entirely removed from the political discourse-Ed)...well yeah, that too I'm sure, but the way the old white man was speaking, the god-botherer thing was front-and-centre...  

Now we did promise an example of the very rare tough questioning of the LNP by the ABC, or anyone in the MSM...(an exceptional example that effectively proves the rule-Ed)...well quite, and here ''s the oft-criticised Leigh Sales on ABC's 7.30 Report politely sticking it to Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce...

Some takes on this interview...many have criticised Beetrooter for being drunk in this interview and slurring his words, etc, but I think it's far worse than that...(well I reckon he was sober, that's the real issue here-Ed)...exactly...that's a pre-recorded interview from earlier in the day, and given that he's a chronic alcoholic, notorious for being perpetually rolling drunk...(not least of all in the middle of the afternoon on the floor of the Federal Parliament-Ed)...exactly, and chronic alcoholics do not function well when sober, they literally need a few drinks to get some sense of 'normality'...this is a very basic summation of a very complex issue, and all seething contempt and satirical joking aside, but I think the concerning reality here is that Barnyard was actually sober...he also tries to blame Greens/Lefties for opposing building new and/or enlarging current dams...(always some else's fault-Ed)..always and in all ways...

And just to show what Leigh Sales was questioning Beetrooter about, and why he tried to feign offense whilst also carefully not answering the actual question, here's the link to a great Twitter thread that defines exactly what's happening with the Flood Relief Funds stuff, and how it is very clearly just another blatant round of corrupt LNP pork-barreling...(deadset! politically skewed disaster response from the wholly corrupt criminal cabal that is the LNP, why am I not surprised?-Ed)...well because you've pre-emtively answered your own question right there...(ah yeah, so I have-Ed)...

As identified across Twitter and in this thread above, the Indue 'Welfare' Card, which denies those forced onto it access to their own income, is currently inoperable across the disaster's literally 'cash only', which Indue doesn't allow, further compounding the trauma and stress of people already suffering so much, and highlights exactly what a nasty, vindictive, corrupt set-up the entire Indue Card is...but that's many stories for another day...

Mate! you wouldn't believe Beetrooter's Twitter handle...(try me-Ed)...close, very close, it's "Working hard trying to do my best for New England and our nation"...("trying"? really? "trying"? what a pathetic cop-out!-Ed)...ain't it though...(and for that matter, "to do my best" ain't far off's a double-barreled cop-out, 'I'm having a bit of a go at doing what ever it is I can manage so don't blame me if I'm crap at it'-Ed)...a perfect summation, 'Don't blame me if I'm crap at it'...this morning (Thursday 10th March) he was on ABC Radio sayin' he's now been 'discussing' this party-aligned disparity with Disaster Relief Minister Bridget 'Bang Bang' McKenzie...(the politically motivated disparity that last evening he tried to refute even exists, that disparity?-Ed)...yep...(and they're now gunna' look at it? even though it just ain't so?-Ed)...what can I tell ya' mate, liars, thieves, thugs and bullies...(so the upshot of it is that yes, those Flood Relief Funds have been allocated specifically to support LNP seats and not to Labor held areas-Ed)...yep, 100%...(hang on, did you say that 'Bang Bang' McKenzie is the Disaster Relief Minister?-Ed)...maaaate, not just the Disaster Relief Minister, no sir, it's far more grandiose than that...I give you sir, the Minister for Emergency Management & National Recovery & Resilience...(mate, this is a joke you are playing at me, yes?-Ed)...'fraid not...(the same 'Bang Bang' who Scummo blamed for the colour co-ordinated spread-sheet rorting known as SportsRorts?-Ed)...yep...(and whom 'quit' and moved to the backbench?-Ed)...yep...(she's now Minister overseeing the distribution of this clearly politically motivated Flood Disaster Funding?-Ed)...I don't know why you're so surprised, it's text-book LNP corruption from a provenly corrupt performer...  

"And even now" to quote Scummo back at himself, "even now" he's on the ABC rejecting these already defined truths that he has pork-barrelled Disaster Relief to LNP-held areas and ignored Labor ones, rejecting it as perfectly appropriate best practice in providing support to some areas most immediately requiring it, whilst also assessing other areas/needs...(what the shreck is he talking about?!! these excluded areas are immediately adjacent and all suffering exactly the same horrendous destruction and requiring the same immediate support, etc-Ed)...yeah, it's just Scummo doing Scummo, lies deceits, denials, nothing's ever his fault, never admit error, never apologise, well not genuinely anyway..."and even now" he and 'Bang Bang' are considering the situation...National's MP David Littleproud did exactly the same thing, stating that they couldn't just hand-out money willy-nilly, potentially inappropriately, no, there are apparently procedures and rules and regulations, etc, to be followed...(except of course when it comes to $$$billions of rorting and pork-barrelling LNP and/or marginal seats-Ed)...exactly, I think that's exactly the sort of rules and regulations that li'l Davey was referring to...  

And here's the link to the Friendly Jordies interview with former Labor PM Kevin Rudd explaining Scummo's marketting techniques, particularly as opposed to actual's about 45mins long, but absolutely worth the effort, so maybe finish this 'ere post, make y'allselves a nice cuppa', and then watch it... 

To conclude, a gentle reminder about the many, many times that 'Eggs Over' has started a press conference, only to be cut-off mid-sentence only minutes in...over and over and over, time and again, and in this instance the ABC has arguably been the most chronic in point, whilst I'm not 100% sure, but it sounded like they've just done it to him again just now...(yeah, he might have finished, maybe, but it did sound like he was part-way through a speech when they've cut to repeating other news items-Ed)...again, it's a case where a long-established pattern of behaviour immediately generates/justifies a sense of that behaviour being repeated...and again excuse me if I'm wrong, but they're now doing extensive examination of what 'Eggs Over' meant by saying such-and-such when addressing the Lowey Institute, and why he said that, etc, a discussion seemingly longer than the actual broadcast part of the speech...

Tomorrow: That 'Vote Ben Hood, Get Pentecostal Control' Post 

(Oo oo, are we doing the stuff about Benny boy's car stickers?-Ed)...why not, and hey, let's let everyone play...Ben 'In Da' Hood has car stickers saying "I Back Ben Hood", now how could one possibly hijack that statement of support? anyone?...(I've gotta' couple-Ed)...well I know you have, it was your idea...anyhoos, I'll definitely get that post done first thing tomorrow, no more muckin' about...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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