Monday, September 20, 2021

Two Excellent Articles About Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter

Howdy dear availees everywhere...just wanting to circulate these two articles/pieces about Christian Porter, now former Minister in the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison Liberal/National government...for those unawares, Porter was Attorney-General until March this year when he held a press conference and outed himself as the politician accused of Raping Ms Katharine Thornton back in a self-involved frenzy he bleatingly denied that he'd even had sex with Ms Thornton...he was 'moved' from Attorney-General to Minister for Innovation and tried to sue the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for supposed 'Defamation'...since I started this post, Porter has 'resigned' his position in Cabinet but remains in the Parliament, and so I've included the link to a Twitter post with that 3-page's another case study in self-pity, denial, and blame...(especially of the "mob" on social media/Twitter-Ed)...indeed, poor ol' Christian, done everything he can to avoid/deny appropriate scrutiny and then whinges about he he hasn't been given a fair go...actually, given how much stuff is going on here, I'll do a separate post tomorrow about this statement, but here's the link...

I've tried to be 'positive' about the ABC's actions in the Porter 'Defamation' case, but I remain extremely cynical about the process and outcomes...I know that Porter initiated the case, but I don't understand why the ABC agreed to mitigation...(it's very easy to see it all as one big collusive set-up isn't it?-Ed)...surely is, and my cynicism is founded on and fueled by my intense and extensive experience of just how corrupt the ABC is when and if it suits them...(you talking about their complicit role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up or their equally complicit and willing role as SAPol (police) Prosecutions witness against you in your ICAC "bizarre trial"?-Ed)...yes, yes to both...(and add-on to that the current swathe of former Murdoch stooges and other clearly 'Right Wing' hacks infesting the ABC's deeply pro-LNP biased reporting/gaslighting?-Ed)...exactly, across the board...we'll also look at this further tomorrow...

Porter's admitted, via his Register of Interests, that a 'Blind Trust' has 'contributed' to his legal costs against the ABC...(a 'Blind Trust'?-Ed)...yeah, Porter's claiming that he doesn't know who contributed to the 'Trust'...(is the reported '$1million' accurate, or just a guesstimation?-Ed)...great question, 'cos no-one's a double-guess based on a guess about Porter's legal costs, followed by another guess about how much the 'Blind Trust' contributed,'s a copy of the Register entry, tell me what you see...

(Errr, I'll tell ya' what I don't see, I don't see any figures, no actual numbers-Ed) how is it appropriate to 'notify' via the Register but not include the actual sums involved?-Ed) with a spot on chaser...(and surely the 'Blind Trust' stuff counts as a 'gift' so the amount must be declared?-Ed)...aaaand?...(ummm, oh, oh, surely the reduced legal fees thingy, surely that also counts as a gift?-Ed)...of course it does...and what favours and/or government tenders do the extremely dodgy Ms Chrysanthou expect in return?...(hasn't her law firm, Company Giles, already had government contracts prior to representing Porter?-Ed)...I did see that reported/alleged, but I don't recall the details...there's heaps more here to unpack, again as part of tomorrow's post...

The main article I wanted to circulate/promote today is this extraordinarily well written piece by Ms Thornton's friend Jo Dyer, as published on The Shot website...I had to read it through twice, slowly and carefully, and it does require a certain degree of understanding of the many issues involved, but it is a beautifully crafted evisceration of the loathsome Porter...enjoy...***

Men and women of Australia, hear me out. I come to explain Christian Porter, not to bury him. The deeds of our leaders are oft overlooked, forgotten amongst their fluctuating favour and the frenzy of our times. Let it not be so with the Honourable Minister for Industry, Science and Technology. 

Many have raised questions about Christian Porter’s honour – in the media, in his erstwhile profession, in his acquaintance, in his past – but if such questions were valid, nimbly has he dodged them.

There were sightings of him in public fora, we were told, engaging in acts of strong affection with young women, not his wife, his second, now ex, ensconced in Perth, with toddlers. Witnesses stood by, aghast, as the soon-to-be-AG groped and fondled, risking compromise, as a watching official snapped a photo on a borrowed phone. But loud did Christian Porter shout his denials, on 6PR, in careful statements, and if stories of arm-twisting to expunge evidence echoed latterly through Parliament House and if, after “considering his legal options”, none were taken, what of it? Christian Porter is an honourable man.

There emerged a terrible tale. Of violence, and trauma, and death by suicide. A young woman assaulted, her life destroyed, because, she said with painful eloquence, of her suffering at the hands of Christian Porter. She left behind reams of testimony, grieving friends – her claims’ custodians, your humble scribe included, all ignored. “It did not happen”, said Christian Porter, as he wept before us.  “The Rule of Law”, barked his protector, Scott Morrison, as he ran from us. The matter is at an end, they insisted, with contempt for us, because Christian Porter is an honourable man.

Some who sought to profit from his woes whispered sweet tales into Christian Porter’s receptive ears. The most reputable of lawyers, awards sourced from websites, promised vindication, and litigation was launched with a fanfare that blasted through the polity. From beneath his cloak of victimhood, our hero swore he would voice his truth. Wild conspiracies of animus were ascribed to those who spoke against him, as he stood uncomprehending in the face of actions spurred by loyalty, not base politics. But when he read what the ABC had gathered to support its story, his promised testimony under oath was cast aside, the case abandoned, victory continually asserted, as if repetition gave it heft, or truth. And if he received no apology, nor damages, nor even the removal of the offending story, draw no conclusions from this grievous lack, as Christian Porter is an honourable man.

And if he insisted through the courts the ABC’s compiled defence must be buried, hidden far from human eye, let us not lose our reason as to what the 28 redacted pages of sworn testimony from multiple witnesses may contain, and remember still that Christian Porter is an honourable man.

Alack! There came a Day of Reckoning for our Prince among Men. Not for his alleged crimes, not that, never that, but for the cost of those great legal minds who served him. Despite loose change from the ABC and deep discounts from a barrister whose stark conflict was casually denied until judicially determined, Christian Porter was disinclined, perhaps unable, to pay the bills himself. What a mercy that ransoms from others could the general coffers fill! Into a Blind Trust was tipped vast sums by person or persons unknown, anonymous largesse he would gratefully accept, if not organise, nor solicit.  Behind careful structures of plausible deniability, glistering gold was hidden, with the “potential beneficiary” noting on the Parliamentary Register “in the interests of transparency”, well, nothing at all about his benefactor, nor what they might expect in return.  “I have no access to information about its conduct or its funds”, he stated, implacable as the edifice of Government accountability teetered wildly before him, impervious in the knowledge that he, Christian Porter, is an honourable man.

A Cabinet Minister accepts vast sums from one or more people whose identities he claims not to know, nor care to know, nor care about at all. Despite his public role, he does so in a “purely private capacity” and asserts a blithe conviction that accepting funds without provenance leads to no conflict of interest, not now, not ever. 

Judgment is fled to brutish beasts indeed if Christian Porter is said to be an honourable man. 

Jo Dyer was a friend of Christian Porter’s accuser, Kate, and earlier this year successfully applied to have his barrister, Sue Chrysanthou, removed from his now discontinued defamation case against the ABC. We make this disclosure “in the interest of transparency and out of an abundance of caution.”

***This piece requires no explanation, it stands alone...the second piece is some top-notch investigative journalism from True Crime News Weekly...I've provided both the link and the actual article sans photos...***

“WE’LL SUE IF YOU TELL”! Small WA legal firm AUL Law behind mystery “blind trust” which “alleged rapist” Christian Porter says paid his legal fees

EXCLUSIVE: A small legal firm based in Christian Porter’s hometown of Perth is believed to be behind the mysterious trust which the “alleged rapist” politician has used as a supposed “blind trust” for others seemingly unbeknownst to him to pay for his million-dollar legal fees in his ultimately doomed defamation battle against the ABC.

It’s the question dominating Australian politics this week after “alleged rapist” politician and former Attorney-General, Christian Porter, slyly updated the Parliamentary Register Of Interests to claim that a “blind trust” called the Legal Services Trust had paid $1 million towards his legal fees in his ultimately doomed defamation battle with the ABC earlier this year.

The defamation battle with the ABC came after Porter’s outing of himself in March as the senior Cabinet Minister allegedly responsible for “brutally” raping a 16-year-old schoolgirl in 1988 on multiple occasions in one evening. Porter’s accuser had died in mysterious circumstances last year while trying to get police to investigate her claims, with her death being declared a suicide, even though a coronial inquest is yet to be held.

In his statement to Parliament updating his interests earlier this week, Porter claimed he didn’t know who was behind the “blind trust” or who may have donated funds into it. Porter, for what it’s worth, continues to “strenuously deny” all the allegations against him.

“I was only 17,” Porter bizarrely repeatedly pleaded three times during his grueling press conference when he outed himself in March.

As it stands, on the issue of who may have donated to Porter’s “blind trust” for all we know at the moment the money could have come from a motley crew of convicted rapists, paedophiles, murderers, Russian mafia, the Chinese Government and Colombian drug cartels or maybe just a shifty billionaire looking for a political or business favour down the track.

True Crime News Weekly will over the next few days contact some of Australia’s biggest and best-known billionaires to get it on record whether they supplied any money to Porter’s “blind trust”.

However, for the time being it remains in the clear public interest to identify which parties may have assisted Porter or helped create this supposed blind trust.

A search of the ABN Register shows that there are only three “Legal Services Trust” entities in all of Australia.

Two are based in NSW, with one having been set up in 2012 and the other in 2018.

The other remaining entity is the “The Trustee for LEGAL SERVICES TRUST” which was registered on January 29, 2018 and has its main business location listed as “WA 6050”.

Western Australia is of course the home state of Porter, where he has long links to the state’s legal industry and was the state’s former Attorney-General and is currently the MP for the electorate of Pearce, located in Perth.

RELATED: FROM MASS DEBATER TO ALLEGED ‘CABINET RAPIST’! The shocking ‘rite of passage’ accusation of sexual assault that has come back to haunt Attorney-General Christian Porter 30 years on

The postcode of 6050 covers the Perth suburbs of Coolbinia, Menora and Mount Lawley.

Information further provided to True Crime News Weekly then suggested “The Trustee for LEGAL SERVICES TRUST” had been created by the small legal firm, AUL Law, which is actually registered under the business name of Legal Services Pty Ltd.

A search of the ABN register shows AUL Law also lists the same WA postcode of 6050 as its principal business address.

The principal of AUL Law, Archana Uchit Luktuke, meanwhile once had a sole trader business which also had the same WA postcode of 6050 listed as her main business address.

On its website, the “business and commercial litigation lawyers” at AUL Law claim that their “clients are entitled to reasonably priced or fixed–fee based, honest and transparent legal services with no hidden expenses”.

True Crime News Weekly originally contacted AUL Law this week by email and then by text message where we sent the relevant details as it relates to this story, and then asked for a simple written confirmation or denial in response.


We informed AUL Law that as there are only three such similar named trusts in the entire nation, it was legitimate for us to send questions, at the very least to whittle them out of the equation.

We did not receive a response to our queries.

On the morning of September 17, True Crime News Weekly then contacted AUL Law’s principal, Archana Uchit Luktuke, by mobile phone.

However, upon introducing ourselves, Ms Luktuke immediately hung up the phone.

True Crime News Weekly then once again called Ms Luktuke, who this time did engage in a brief conversation, perhaps realising that immediately and fearfully hanging up on a journalist politely asking relevant questions in the public interest wasn’t perhaps an altogether good look for a professional law firm.

After we managed to ask Ms Luktuke why she was seemingly avoiding us rather than issuing a short, written response to our questions, the lawyer than began loudly screaming and threatening True Crime News Weekly with defamation.

Rather than issuing a clear and simple denial that the trust is in no way related to Porter, Ms Luktuke then bizarrely claimed we should be targetting our questions only to Porter himself.

When we told Ms Luktuke that Porter isn’t the correct person to ascertain basic facts about whether a trust fund is linked to her legal firm, the lawyer finally confirmed the “The Trustee for LEGAL SERVICES TRUST” was connected to her law firm.

“If you publish anything, about my family trust, I will reserve my rights,” Ms Luktuke angrily threatened.

True Crime News Weekly informed Ms Luktuke that we had also contacted Porter by phone and left a voice message at his electorate office in Perth, but we were yet to hear back from the “alleged rapist” politician.

Porter still hasn’t provided comment before this story was published.

RELATED: SO WRONG! Alleged rapist Christian Porter lectured forum of private school kids on being a ‘good leader’ & ‘right decisions’ one month after alleged rape victim died

We also informed Ms Luktuke that our story was in the clear public interest and that her behaviour in first repeatedly avoiding our questions and then threatening us would be reported on, and our public service journalism will not be halted by anger and threats.

We informed Ms Luktuke that all we were seeking was a written denial that the trust fund was not in any way associated with Porter. We informed her that considering the great public interest in this story, it would be prudent to publicly distance herself from Porter if she, nor her firm, indeed had no links to the politician’s “blind trust”.

Ms Luktuke once again then angrily and abruptly hung up the phone. Sadly, we didn’t even receive a curt goodbye.

According to a brief bio on her company website, Ms Luktuke began her career in Mumbai, India in 1998 with a leading commercial litigation law firm, before building her own legal practice with a specialist focus on business law and commercial litigation. 

She then migrated to Australia in 2007 were she earned a degree in Law from Macquarie University in Sydney.

“She has since worked extensively as a Senior Lawyer in Adelaide and Brisbane, before permanently moving to Perth in 2013 to work with some leading law firms,” the bio reads.

True Crime News Weekly has been informed by two credible sources that there may be other well-known figures in WA’s tight-knit, cloistered legal industry who may have assisted with the “blind trust” for Porter.

We have also been credibly informed by multiple sources that publishing this story may put us in physical danger, not from Ms Luktuke we must state but others.

RELATED: SCHOOL TIES OVER PARTY TIES! Former Foreign Minister Julie Bishop went to same private school as alleged rape victim before becoming alleged rapist Christian Porter’s boss at law firm

As such, the high-profile law firm Xenophon Davis as well as two other lawyers and the MEAA have been made aware of the information we have published and that we hold. While we will also not hesitate to contact police and other authorities if we receive threats in any shape or form, or have reason to fear for our safety.

A number of well-known Australian media identities have also been made aware of the information we possess, in the event of any harm being done upon us.

If a journalist becomes a victim of violence or is even killed in this country for reporting political news in the public interest, it will simply be further proof that Australia as a nation under Prime Minister Scott Morrison has become closer to a tin-pot Banana Republic dictatorship that protects unhinged criminals and scoundrels as well as alleged rapists, rather than any kind of advanced democratic nation.

The irony is not lost on us, that even though True Crime News Weekly regularly and accurately and fairly reports on crime and criminals – including major drugs traffickers – it is sleazy politicians and lawyers who we have to watch out for.

UPDATE: Since this story was published and then went viral, AUL Law has finally released a written media statement denying any involvement with Christian Porter’s “blind trust”. We will not be altering or changing our story in any way as AUL LAW was provided with three separate opportunities to comment, which they refused and instead issued threats and abuse.

***'Cos there's so much here, I'm gunna' use this post as Part I of what will be at least 2 posts about this stuff...and particularly about those last paragraphs about potential danger...due to the St Martins Cover-up, I and other parents involved have existed in that space for 2 decades, concerned for our safety and that of the our families, all because we've tried to get someone to do something about a "text-book grooming paedophile"...

Tomorrow: More 'Rack Off Porter', Get-A-Porter Out Sortta' Sorting-Out  

Protecting Porter is a gaping wound in the LNP's side and offers definitive insight into exactly how immoral and corrupt the LNP is...(even today the serial-rorting nutter and Acting PM Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce is defending Porter, saying what a top bloke he is and that he'll likely be back in Cabinet sometime soon-Ed) shame, no morality, no accountability, may they all tomorrow we'll be back here, and back with more Porter shitefulness...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  


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