Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Political Persecution Of Kangaroo Court Of Australia

Howdy dear availees everywhere...in the manner of continuing to stumble forward with this 'ere blog, today I'm just gunna' do another cut-'n'-paste post, but on a very important issue that relates directly to a bunch a' stuff I've previously posted...regular availees know that I'm a huge supporter of Mr Shane Dowling's work producing/researching that most excellent of websites, Kangaroo Court of Australia...I regularly use his work as a 'source' or directly refer to it, and on more than one occasion have been made aware of incidents/issues that I was otherwise unawares of...I like to think that this 'ere blog is a very amateurish, somewhat half-arsed version of KCA, which is clearly an altogether much more professional product...in fact, in this context, I am more than happy to refer to myself as a rank amateur operating in the same ballpark but hardly the same league...but, as per this story below, I am fully cognisant of the joys of one being convicted in one's absence...

I also have absolutely no problem referring to myself as the Enemy Numero Uno of a wholly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia, starting with the Legislature, especially the Executive, and definably including the Judiciary...is there someone else in SA who's done what I've done and am still doing, let alone for as long as I have, and in retributional response have been subjected to a wholly corrupt and "bizarre trial", a massively significant precedent prosecution of a massively powerful and all-encompassing piece of 'Secrecy Legislation', namely, Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012?...if someone's had a 3-year long "bizarre trial" officially described by one Magistrate as an "Abuse of Process" (Malicious Prosecution), I ain't heard about it...is there someone who's been the subject of their very own personal ICAC/SAPol(police) 'Operation Baritone', and had changes made to ICAC legislation specifically to facilitate prosecuting them?...anyone?..if that person exists, then I ain't aware of them...oh wait, that's right, it's moi...and that's just the broader synopsis...

However, given how the rancidly complicit and corrupt Main Stream Media have steadfastly misrepresented or preferrably ignored my obviously politically motivated and generated persecution, I can't blame most people for being blissfully unawares of what I've done and what's been done to me in retribution...how is it that this hugely important precedent (first ever) prosecution does not 1) ever rate a mention in Adelaide media, or more bizarrely 2) not even appear anywhere on the ICAC's own website, not a single bloody word?...given all that, it is conceivable that someone, somewhere has been attacked and persecuted and punished in the manner that I have, and I simply ain't heard about it...I don't believe that's the actual case, I'm just canvassing the remote possibility...but to today's point, the wholly problematic and extraordinary suspect 'Conviction' of Shane Dowling...and who better to spell it out than Mr Dowling himself...***  

Arrest warrant issued for Queensland journalist Shane Dowling by the NSW Supreme Court on behalf of Kerry Stokes’ Seven Network and Seven West Media

Journalist Shane Dowling (me) has been sentenced to 10 months jail by Justice Kelly Rees of the NSW Supreme Court on the instructions of Kerry Stokes’ Seven Network and its parent company Seven West Media. This is the third time Kerry Stokes’ Seven have had journalist Shane Dowling charged with contempt. The first time backfired badly and Stokes and Seven have a lot to answer for but when an old media company is having new media journalists jailed all media should be asking some serious questions.

They have issued an arrest warrant as I live in Queensland and Justice Rees and other judges refused to transfer the matter to Queensland even though I made several applications to have it transferred so I could go to court. They transferred the Capilano Honey v Simon Mulvany defamation matter from Sydney to Melbourne in 2017 so they could have transferred this matter to Queensland. This makes me a fugitive in my own country.

I am currently free in Queensland where I originate from and where I have lived since November 2019, and if I am arrested, I intend on fighting the extradition to NSW on numerous legal grounds.

I have not read the full judgment, but from what I have read it is as dodgy as it gets. Justice Rees claims that I owned 2 websites in 2017, which I deny, and published Seven’s secret information. Originally it was only one website but now in the judgment she claims I owned two. Seven’s own expert witness said he could not say beyond a reasonable doubt that I owned the first website and there was no evidence tendered that I owned the second. But Justice Rees says both websites only lasted a few months and stopped existing by July 2017. Yet she claims I am a serious risk of re-offending. If I was a serious risk of re-offending there would be evidence of that since July 2017 but there is none. (Click here to read the judgment)

Judges who hear cases are meant to declare anything that might lead to a perception of bias. In my case the court should have declared the following:

  1. I have published the Kangaroo Court of Australia website since 2011 which specialises in judicial and government corruption.
  2. I have published over 100 articles on the topic of judicial corruption at the NSW Supreme Court and made allegations of corruption, with supported evidence, against more than 10 NSW Supreme Court judges.
  3. In September 2016 Chief Justice Bathurst instructed the court’s CEO and Principle Registrar Chris D’Aeth to have me jailed for an email that I sent to the court regarding paedophile judges and judicial bribery. CEO and Principle Registrar Chris D’Aeth and Registrar Rebel Kenna both made police statements against me. This led to a police charge which was later dropped because it was a malicious charge.
  4. In 2019 the NSW Police’s Fixated Person Investigation Unit paid me a visit and harassed me after a complaint from Chief Justice Tom Bathurst and tried to pressure me to stop writing about judicial corruption and to delete this website. (Click here to read more)
  5. In September 2020 I published the book titled Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket and on the front cover it has a picture of Chief Justice Tom Bathurst just behind Prime Minster Scott Morrison and at the bottom it has pictures of NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman.

Justice Rees has a swipe at me calling myself a journalist in her judgment, but she does not mention any of the above 5 points.

If the average person knows the 5 points above, they would know that I was never going to get a fair hearing in the NSW Supreme Court and either an interstate judge should have heard the matter or it should have been transferred to Queensland when I moved here in November 2019. I applied for an interstate judge to hear the matter numerous times both when I was living in Sydney and when I moved to Queensland, and it was always refused the same as the applications to transfer the matter to Queensland. Seven always argued against both because they knew they have the judges in the NSW Supreme Court in their pocket.

If I do end up in jail and you want to know why all you have to do is read the book “Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket” which covers all the details of why Kerry Stokes has wanted me jailed and why the NSW Supreme Court’s judges regard me as public enemy number one.

Not only does the NSW Government think they are running the country as far as Covid is concerned the NSW Supreme Court also thinks they are running the country’s judicial system and can hear a matter that clearly should be transferred to another State, so a person is not denied natural justice. And remember the NSW police are hunting other journalists such as Jordan Shanks and Kristo Langker on behalf of the NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro.

When media companies and their owner can have independent journalists stitched up for some jail time because the journalist has written about corruption by the owner of the media company then everyone should be worried.

What happens from here is unknown. But as someone said to me the NSW Police could not take a police statement off Christian Porter’s alleged rape victim Katharine Thornton for over six months because of the Covid border lockdowns in South Australia so how are they going to extradite me given the current Queensland border lockdown? And given the Queensland lockdown on the NSW border how could the Queensland Police and Queensland Attorney-General justify extraditing an unvaccinated person like myself to NSW who have a Covid crisis happening?

As I said I will fight extradition and there is no time limit on appealing contempt matters in NSW although I doubt I could do it right now given I am currently a fugitive. I have people lined up to run this website and social media accounts if I am jailed but hopefully I will at least get to publish a few more posts before that happens.

The best thing you can do to help is make sure you follow his website via the free email subscription and share the articles on social media. And if I am arrested email the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Queensland Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman or contact them on social media and tell them I should not be extradited to NSW for the reasons above.

***...I've removed the graphic promoting Mr Dowling's book, Australia's Paedophile Protection Racket, but it's well worth mentioning, so I have...I also note where Mr Dowling requests that people share his work, "share the articles on social media", and also avail y'allselves of the KCA page for the many, many stories there-in...

I also recall the extraordinary circumstances relating to my attempts to have the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White removed from my "bizarre trial"...Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal and Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman refused to get involved, forcing me to front White myself, in Court, and accuse him of 'Bias' and request that he recuse himself, etc, etc...the truly bizarre thing about this process is that it is apparently not yet another corrupted machination to facilitate persecuting me, etc, it's actually the normal legislated process...it's down to the defendant/prosecutor to accuse the Magistrate to their face, mid-trial, accuse the Magistrate hearing your 'trial' of being biased, which is a very polite way of saying 'corrupt/corrupted and/or incompetent'...and that's not even addressing the rancid bias of SAPol Prosecutions, bias that routinely manifested itself as deceit, corruption, and multiple definable acts of collusion with Magistrate White...

It only occurred to me recently, that Hribal and Chapman refused to intervene in my trial when I repeatedly requested, stating that they weren't allowed to, etc, but when Magistrate Teresa Anderson recused herself mid-trial November 2016, officially citing "Abuse of Process", at that time someone did intervene 'cos White was suddenly appointed and the rest is definably corrupt history...I was not then nor have I ever been provided an explanation as to 1) why that was appropriate given Her Honour's official statement about "Abuse of Process", no explanation as to why that happened, nor 2) how it happened, who made that decision to interpose the wholly corrupt White and continue the trial, to continue that "Abuse of Process"...so, nobody was allowed to intervene/act when it came to supporting/protecting me against a corrupt Magistrate, but someone clearly did intervene to appoint that corrupt Magistrate to continue persecuting me...

And I could literally go off like a frog in a sock for many more paragraphs/pages about how this disparity in execution of responsibilities further defines how absolutely corrupt my Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution truly is/was, but I don't need to, it defines itself...so, in conclusion, I ain't as thorough and professional as Mr Dowling, but that's okay, 'cos I have clearly managed to get right in amongst it...and for what it's worth, I'm actually quite proud of my 'Conviction' under Sec 56 ICAC Act 2012...

Tomorrow: Pentecostal Branch-Stacking In South Australia

Another cut-'n'-paste post, but another chilling insight into just how thoroughly the god-botherers have been unapologetically organising themselves to force their deeply bigotted and highly retrograde belief system into the Liberal Party and right down our throats...and it ain't just a future concern, it's been happening for years now, just look at the fetid infestation of the Federal Liberal/National Party...and also relates to former Labor Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling and Tom 'White Noise' Kenyon stating that they're gunna' resurrect the religiously-motivated Family First Party...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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