Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Magistrate Ian White Proves Pro-Paedophile Corruption Is A Profitable Career Strategy In South Australia

Howdy dear availees, and particularly to The Googles...a legal disclaimer for y'all whom might be a tad anxious about the rather pointed title of this 'ere post, so let me explain it like this...(let me guess, that's the politest way that you could conjure to accurately describe exactly what has happened and whom is involved?-Ed) on, across the 8+ years of this 'ere blog, I have proved irrefutably that South Australia is a definably Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State...I repeatedly argued in Court that my 'ICAC Trial' was a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution motivated by my activism regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and effectively proved it...then Magistrate White stated that I had provided no evidence of a 'Child Abuse Cover-up' 'trial' he was definably biased, and repeatedly abused, threatened, bullied, and harassed me, and repeatedly, definably colluded with SAPol (police) Prosecutions...and now he's received a massive promotion I consider far beyond his abilities...these are all confronting as the title is, it's a stone-cold fact...

So today's a long-promised, one topic post 'cos I'm not going to re-cover everything that defines just how incompetent and corrupt Magistrate Ian White is...(well I'd reckon that his appallingly biased and abusive conduct toward you during your ICAC-related "bizarre trial" fully illustrates just exactly how corrupt he is-Ed)...indeed, and therefore I'm gunna' do a brief summation for more recent availees who may not be familiar with said conduct...I'm also coming to terms with how White's massive promotion completely destroys what little if any chance I had of ever being 'allowed' to Appeal my corruptly "bizarre trial"...(oh yeah, for sure, you're hardly gunna' be allowed to prove how corrupt he was/is-Ed)...indeed, I'm still trying to even just access my own transcripts, 'cos the Courts Administration Authority have refused to release a USB copy of my transcript until I agree to sign a 'contract' they've provided stipulating that I won't make copies and/or use it for anything...(well that makes sense...and aren't they supposed to provide you a copy of all transcripts when you first indicate your intent to 'Appeal', in your case aways back in April 2018?-Ed)...that is the legal advise I've had, yep, but we digress, that's for other posts... 

My 'trial' began February 2015, and from Day One I was arguing that it was purely a vindictive Political Persecution motivated by my activism and this 'ere blog, 'second Magistrate', Her Honour Teresa Anderson 'Ordered' that I present my evidence/argument to support my claims, HH initially using the term "Abuse of Process" and then the much more serious "Malicious Prosecution" (October 2016)...the first day of my actual 'Trial proper' (November 2016) was adjourned early because SAPol (police) Prosecutions were trying to change the 'Charges', and HH read my documents/evidence that arvo'...immediately the next morning, before I even had a chance to speak to that evidence HH recused herself, citing "Abuse of Process", and the 'trial' collapsed in chaos...(and HH's reasoning, including the actual phrase "Abuse of Process" is officially recorded in the Court's own Certificate of Record-Ed)...indeed, but then, for reasons never explained to me, my 'trial' just continued (late November 2016) when Magistrate Ian White was appointed...

I'll just say that repeated allegation was that the whole 'Trial' process was a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, and Her Honour Anderson initially described/defined my accusations as being "Abuse of Process" and then as "Malicious Prosecution"...during my 'Trial', Her Honour officially concurred with my allegations, recusing herself and citing "Abuse of Process" on the Court's official Certificate of Record...(and if there's any confusion, that "Abuse of Process" covers the whole shebang, but refers specifically to the Prosecuting body, namely SAPol (police)-Ed) you say, it refers to all involved, including (then) ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander who initiated it, but most specifically to SAPol...   

White's first act (Nov 2016) was to move my official "Malicious Prosecution" presentation to a stand-alone hearing in February that hearing he refused to allow me to speak to my evidence/submission/documents...not to be denied, I just stood up and started talking, and he leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling, rolled his eyes, rubbed his eyes under his glasses, repeatedly glanced at the clock, sighed deeply, on loop...I identified several specific critical documents in my submission, linked them to others, and how they related to the St Martins Cover-up...he gave me 5 minutes, then shut me down, and adjourned his decision to the re-scheduled March 2017 Trial date...I suggested that he might want to set a separate earlier date for the decision 'cos it would be a waste of time to organise days of Court time for the Trial if he decided to not proceed...(and his response?-Ed).."oh, that'd be a good idea"...(mate, he clearly had no intention of stopping the Trial-Ed)...indeed, it was the first direct indication that he was appointed to 'Convict' me regardless of what happened at Trial...(the first of many such indicators/actions-Ed)...exactly...

As predicted, he completely dismissed my submission, stating, "I see no evidence of a Cover-up"...(well now there's a surprise, said absolutely no-one-Ed)...well it's what I said, in Court, to his face and repeatedly thereafter at other hearings...and I quote myself, "Who do you think you are to rule that there's no Cover-up? How dare you!?"...having denied the existence of the St Martins Lutheran Child Abuse Cover-up, he then proceeded to very carefully cherry-pick and identify two very specific paragraphs from different letters, quoting the (then) Labor Premier Jay Weatherill threatening me about supposed 'Defamation', and making his own threat about another letter as being "potentially defamatory"...he'd clearly read my 100 document submission...(or more likely someone had read it for him and told him how to respond with the thinly-veiled 'Defamation' threats, etc-Ed)...well, funny you should say that, 'cos, whilst it obviously won't show-up in any transcript, and I wouldn't know how to prove it, it was definitely 'The Vibe' in the moment, that he was just reading/producing someone else's work...

So there's how and why I refer to Magistrate White as being Pro-Paedophile Corrupt...firstly, my whole ICAC Trial was/is a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, and he was clearly appointed to ensure I was 'Convicted' regardless...(and of course, he then directly dismissed the reality of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...having done everything he could to deny me addressing that issue...and I told him to his face, repeatedly, "How dare you?!"...(and his appalling conduct from there-on in is just further proof of that already established in February 2017-Ed)...exactly...and if y'all need to know more dear availee, please just to be search-terming 'ICAC trial' your way back through this 'ere blog...(and particularly around the bizarrely corrupt multi-hearing 'Verdict' process (February - April 2018)-Ed)...yeah, not even pretending to be appropriate, just straight-out lies, deceits, numerous more threats about my supposed "Contempt of Court", originally ignoring my claims that I was retrospectively and therefore unlawfully prosecuted after legislative changes to the ICAC Act 2012, etc, before issuing bizarre 'Addenda' acknowledging that I was correct, etc, etc...

Dear Googles Et Al:...even without the extensive transcripts that the CAA refuses to release to me, I can definably prove...(indeed, have already proven-Ed)...well quite, have already proven exactly how Pro-Paedophile Corrupt that Ian White was in his bizarre conduct of my "bizarre trial"...(well it takes a corrupt Magistrate to achieve such a corrupt outcome!-Ed)...precisely...(such a clearly predetermined, corrupt outcome-Ed)...yep, and at the heart of that corruption lies the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

And again, as I stated repeatedly and proved in Court, my bizarre ICAC prosecution was the pseudo-justification for the genuine agenda, to pursue a rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution/Retribution for my activism around the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and how that activism has exposed and defined the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary in South Australia-Ed)...indeed...(and even more problematic, that you've then made publicly accessible that proof/reality via this 'ere blog-Ed)...and that the rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile quagmire that is South Australia, that is 'The System' in this sad, sick State of decay, that 'System' knew it couldn't take me on directly, couldn't attack me directly, couldn't dismiss the Pro-Paedophile Realities that I've come to embody, that this 'ere blog has come to embody...those realities are so fundamentally provable that they cannot be engaged front-on, and that's why I was attacked via the ludicrously undefinable ICAC Act 2012...

The entire 'Trial' process was about retribution and causing distress and harm to me personally, with a parallel agenda of trying to discredit me and this 'ere blog, and therefore undermine my narrative about how rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia actually is...(and White's conduct defines him as a willingly complicit participant in that retributional and/or discrediting agenda-Ed) on, mate, spot on...          

And now White has been massively promoted to the hugely powerful/influential position of Deputy State Coroner...I have not been able to establish exactly when he was appointed, but I guesstimate that it was in mid-late 2020...(and this promotion should raise concerns for not just South Australians, but all Australians, particularly those who are hoping that the SA Coroner's investigation/report into the alleged suicide of Ms Katharine Thornton will expose the truth-Ed)...Mr White has a definable history of colluding with SAPol and other 'Authorities', so how can he be trusted in such a critical position?...(well what happens when he's appointed to investigate a Death In Custody' case? are his 'findings' automatically compromised 'cos he has this definable history of collusion-Ed)...a perfectly reasonable concern to have and therefore a question that must be asked...(and hasn't he already ruled on at least one Death In Custody case?-Ed)...yes he has, at least one that I researched about, here's the article from The West Australian newspaper, 28th June 2021...***

A South Australian coroner has called for more work to prevent prisoners killing themselves after the death of an inmate at Adelaide's Yatala Jail.

Joshua Marek Stachor was on remand for domestic violence charges when he was found hanging in his cell in November 2017.

In his findings on Monday, Deputy State Coroner Ian White raised concerns over the inadequacy of an admission interview conducted on the 30-year-old and the attention given to his mental health issues.

Mr White said a notice of concern should have been raised as, by his own description, Mr Stachor's mental health was starting to deteriorate and he was suffering anxiety and paranoia.

"If a NOC had been raised it is unlikely Mr Stachor would have been in a single cell," the coroner said.

"I am not able to find that a NOC would have prevented Mr Stachor taking his own life, but the likelihood of it happening would have been less."

Mr White also found that the officer who conducted the admission interview with the prisoner had not been properly trained to do so and despite his best efforts was "overwhelmed by the task".

In his recommendations, the coroner urged the Department for Correctional Services to continue to identify and eliminate hanging points in cells.

He said items that have the potential to act as ligatures should also be classified as contraband.

Mr White said the department should take steps to appoint correctional officers who were specifically dedicated and trained to admit prisoners and should provide them with continuing education.

That should include training on the basics of mental health issues and the common physical signs of mental health problems.

***And if such a definably corrupt person has been promoted to the Coroner's Office, how does that reflect on that Office and compromise the credibility of the entire Office, and each and every 'finding' it produces?...(and as we stated, the SA Coroner is potentially/effectively the last hope that many have that the truth will be officially recognised about Ms Thornton's 'allegations*' that she was Raped by (former) Liberal Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter-Ed)...indeed...and whilst it seems unlikely that the SA Coroner can and/or will make a direct finding about Porter's guilt, I know many people are hoping that something of that nature may occur...but here's the harsh reality...if the Coroner's Office, a government authority in the definably Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia, if the integrity of that Office is so obviously compromised by the appointment of Ian White, then what genuine hope that it will make a 'finding' that in any way holds Porter to account...

*Alleged*:...and I say "holds Porter to account" because I believe Ms Thornton's own documented statement/recollection as was released publicly earlier this year...I believe her that she was violently Raped by Christian per her account, I believe that she was likely drugged by Porter to facilitate the Rape...I believe that Porter's own bizarre actions this year have defined him as absolutely guilty...I believe that Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's belligerent supposed refusal to read Ms Thornton's documentation/account, whilst simultaneously fully supporting Porter, shows that Morrison knows Porter is guilty and either just doesn't care, or just as likely, finds it politically expedient to support him...(and one doesn't rule-out the other, they can be concurrent motivations, Scummo doesn't care and also needs the numbers to maintain power-Ed)...indeed...and Scummo refuses to instigate an appropriate inquiry and Porter tries to sue the ABC and then wants all the evidence hidden...(including highly credible evidence/testimony that Porter bragged about the Rape the next morning-Ed)...indeed...(and now he has a secret donor bank-rolling his legal expenses-Ed)...yeah, and on and on it goes...

So that's why White's appointment reaches out from the already rancidly tainted 'SA System' to cast a deeply concerning shadow across this critical issue/situation...I read with great concern people's empty optimism that the SA Coroner will somehow appropriately resolve the Thornton/Porter issue...I hope to be very wrong about this, but I have zero optimism that anything 'positive' will come from it...

I also read with equally great concern some people's beliefs that Labor is somehow different when it comes to Sexual Abuse issues, especially Paedophile was Rann/Weatherill Labor in government for the entirety of the St Martins Cover-up...(including as specifically as Jay Weatherill's law firm partner Stephen Lieschke representing the St Martins teacher, "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling in the rancidly corrupt Teachers Registration Board hearing-Ed)...exactly, a corrupt TRB with the Premier's business partner running the show...

And I'm so sick of hearing what a dead-set legend Julia Gillard supposedly is, 'cos she was Labor's Federal Education Minister when she was notified about the St Martins Cover-up (in 2008) by (then) Member for Barker Patrick Secker, and she just threw it back saying "that's a state responsibility, tell them and get them to sort it out"...knowing full well what SA Labor had done to help the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of dozens of 7 year old kids, she had the immoral audacity to direct us back to those same corrupt Labor politicians... 

I'm gunna' stop there, and I hope I've managed to make my point coherently, and apologise if this post is a bit disjointed, but there's so much stuff going on here for me...(well it's not like you're some sort of external observer commentating on what's happening to others, this is your life, this is your lived experience-Ed)..indeed it is...(and as the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up remains unresolved, as indeed does the corruptly bizarre 'Trial' you were subjected to, as all of that definably corrupt stuff remains an active issue, it's no wonder that it's all a collective current issue for you-Ed)...and that's why this 'ere blog will continue, as best I can..

Tomorrow: Some Mt Gambier City Council Corruption

(Ahhh, off to my happy place-Ed)...indeed, 'cos whilst the rancidly corrupt MGCC also has multiple Members directly involved in the St Martins Cover-up, and are arguably wholly complicit, etc, etc, there's the good ol' small town corruption of Nepotism, Insider Trading, and Conflict of Interests, et al and ad nauseum...(did we mention our belief/experience that stuff doesn't even make it onto a MGCC Agenda if there ain't mucho dinero in it for a Councillor or their mate and/or friend, etc, etc? did we mention that?-Ed)...well if we haven't then that's extremely remiss of us 'cos we should, 'cos that perfectly describes the extent of corruption with MGCC...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...     

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