Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND
"" AND
Howdy dear availees in the USofA, France, Brazil, and Turkey y'all and welcome to a rather long and disjointed post I found lurking deep in the bowels of the Draft Section of this 'ere is self-evidently from some time in late 2014-early 2015...upon review, I vaguely remember writing this but with no particular view to ever posting it, rather, it was more of a cathartic outpouring...(like when people talk about writing stuff in a letter but never actually sending it 'cos it helps to literally get that shizzle outa' ya' head?-Ed)...yeah, exactly like that...however, having read it through and being reminded of my personal 'mental state', etc, at that time, I reckon there's something positive here to add to the general discourse about Mental Health...(and it seems a shame to waste all that effort and just let it rot in Drafts-Ed)...yeah, a bit I s'pose, but mostly it's about explaining where I've been and where I am now by comparison...(if not explaining where you're headed-Ed)...well quite...and so away we go, back into the past-ast-ast-ast...***
It is entirely true the troubles I've been repeatedly apologising for over recent months on the blog, not least of all the bloody tech problems, but I've been struggling with the same problem for a few years now, lets make it 4 just for argument sake, namely, struggling with the flight side of fight or flight...absolutely fundamental human reactions to threat, danger, fear, and even anger, blah, blah, blah...the whole time I've been doing this blog, nearly 2 years now, there's really only one thing, sorry person, that has kept me here, sorry, given me cause to stay in Mt Gambier...
Apart from that it's been one long grinding battle to get past the daily burning desire to chuck it all in for warmer climes...that or cooler ones...whatevs, no idea where, just climes was with wry humour I viewed the 'Comment' back last year that was the question 'why do you stay?'...and part of the answer was/is that sense of...('don't give the bastards the satisfaction'?-Ed)...correct...(and the second majoritive persuasion being your relationship with your child-Ed)...well majoritive would indicate that makes it the first thing, and then I'd have daylight second, purely for dramatic effect, but then third, yes, no satisfaction for bastards...
So it came to pass...(testify!-Ed)...the gathering stress of recent months crested effervescently late last week and I resigned myself to deciding to leave sometime kinda' it a massive breakdown, call it a wipeout, call it whatever you like...(call it crest-fallen-Ed)...nice...but for several days I sat with that decision before telling anyone...and before y'all bastards start poppin' corks and dancin' on the tables, how unfortunate pour vous that I'm so lucky that I had someone say something simple in questioning my decision and that got me thinking, and in an instant the reality that there are others whom rely on me being here and so it is...
(It ain't nuthin' but The Thang-Ed)...indeed, Ed, it ain't nuthin' but The Thang, that's exactly what it in the finest traditions of sharing way too much personal info on 'social media', I'd like to run through some of my shizzle that I'm trying to deal with outside of the stress and abuse and threats, etc, that has been hurled at me for over a decade, from long before I became even vaguely political, abuse hurled at me for genuinely trying to improve the society I live in...(fair enough-Ed)...of course I initially had no idea that improving needed to be done...(nor indeed just how much-Ed)...well quite, I thought I was just a parent trying to get something done about the abuses committed against a class of 7 year old children, a class my child was in...what vaguely sane person could have envisaged the nightmare to be unleashed just for trying to get 'Child Protection Authorities' to shreckin' well do what their title states...
Take from this what you will, but the following paragraphs are where I was the other day and I've chosen to post them basically as is because that was where I was and yet already seems so far away...
*I'm not sure what to say about what I'm about to say, it is unquestionably the most self-indulgent and saddening thing I've ever had to do, and if you are a regular availee of this 'ere blog you'll appreciate that that is saying something in itself...(well 1/2 a paragraph in and you've not actually said anything yet-Ed)...okay, but the point is I really don't know what to say other than I'll be leaving Mt Gambier thanks very much and quite frankly it can't happen soon enough...
On the way out I'd like to apologise for my failures and my weakness that after only 12 years of fighting quite literally tooth and nail to get some sort of appropriate action re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and that situation then slowly morphing into a general attempt to address the rank corruption and pro-paedophile attitudes of a raft of wholly corrupt elected and/or public officials, that after 12 years of that perpetual nightmare of corruption and unpleasantness and the massive trauma it has caused me and my family, and the massive toll it has taken on my health, mental and physical, that I would be so piss weak as to give up...but there it is...
I can only apologise to all of the children in this sad sick state and particularly in this place Mt Gambier, a city within a state all of which is clearly run by and for paedophiles, I apologise that I have failed, because that's exactly how I feel as an adult, that I am only capable of fighting this for 12 years before effectively giving up...because by leaving Mt Gambier I am effectively giving up...I can only apologise that I give up after 12 years of knowingly destroying my life to try and improve my community, fighting...(floundering-Ed)...indeed, floundering against a relentless wave of abuse and denigration and hatred from the people clearly running the show, a wave quite deliberately generated by those with a definable desire to cover-up paedophilia...
(Well that's a slight exaggeration to say '12 years' that you've been knowingly destroying your own life to try and resolve these issues, because for the first coupla' years this 'destroying' was being done to you and others by the Lutherans, SAPol (police), Rory McEwen, et al, so really it's only been a decade that you've knowingly chosen to continue to pursue these issues-Ed)...point taken Ed, it's only been a decade that I've knowingly destroyed my own life in pursuit of these issues...
And if you think those opening paragraphs were wholly sarcastic and cynically critical of all of us, that's because you're an astute person who is prepared to accept their own failures...and don't think I'm excusing myself of anything in slingin' abuse at others, I first place myself firmly at the centre of that failure because that is where I was first placed...and so some more rampant self-justification...
I chose none of this, this was chosen for me by those who should have but have not...this whole sordid seeping lurking evil that is the St Martins Cover-up is in it's entirety the creation of the Lutherans, the South Australian Parliament, the SA Police Force, former Premier Mike Rann and current one Jay Weatherill, former local Member Rory McEwen, Mt Gambier City Councillor (**name removed due to Intervention Order), etc, etc, with the complicit compliance of local media, particularly the local ABC...(yeah, but that pro-paedophile corruption in the ABC clearly starts at the top pushing down, regardless of just how individually corrupt and complicit certain local persons are...I mean, look at the emails from Sandra Winter-Dewhirst (2007) just a few posts back saying 'we've all got together and decided not to touch it'-Ed)...fair point...
I was a major contributor/volunteer at St Martins, and busted my back for them on many occasions picking up the heaviest, dirtiest end of the work because I was the big strong man there and that's what ya' do...(well it's what you do, don't know about anybody else-Ed), fair enough, as far as I'm concerned to the beast goes the burden, but I still reckon that most men would consider it their place/right/obligation/whatevs to do the heavy lifting on such occasions, eg, volunteering to cut and truck Xmas trees (2001?), on that day I was clearly the biggest strongest person there so I naturally chose to be the person following behind throwing the fresh-cut trees up onto the flat-top truck...
For half a day I traipsed back and forth in that dusty wake, literally doing the work of 2 men, and that meant it was all done sooner because that left 3 free to organise the trees on the truck...and back to St Martins to re-load onto a semi-trailer, and off to Adelaide to be sold...just one of many, many days I spent trying to be part of that charming Christian community that is the Lutheran Church...(sarcasm just at the end there?-Ed)...nailed it, I did meet some nice people at St Martins, but the actual mainstream Lutherans themselves, wow, have you ever met a more delusionally self-satisfied, self-important sack of nutters...(well no I haven't...well except for Mt Gambier City Council of course-Ed)...of course...
I don't know quite how to describe what a nightmare being involved with the Lutherans has been from day one...a perpetual waking nightmare of bigotry, exclusion, vulnerability, vilification, denigration, abuse, blame, gossip, rumour, character assassination, isolation, and inappropriate sexual advances....(well I'd suggest that last sentence would be a good start-Ed)...ok, fair point, I'll calm down...but honestly, it was that bad, and things only got worse after the Glyn Dorling/St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up kicked-off in June 2002...*
And that's where I'd got to when I went out and someone politely suggested that I hold off a year until I know exactly what those whom I hold dear may do, and then maybe I could move just the once...a good point but hardly enough...but from that I reached into the dark and carefully drew forth the spark of excuse I'd been searching for...ever seen Hal's Moving Castle? amazing animation and an amusing metaphor for what I feel I have become, a mighty structure reduced to a sputtering ember...(I thought your 'metaphor' was a meteorite, ya' know, bits comin' off as you hurtle towards an inevitable demise, etc-Ed)...yeah, both metaphors work for me...
To my credit, I was still searching desperately for that spark, that excuse, and although unseen I knew it was there somewhere...and indeed, when lifted from the smothering gloom and into the air and light, that glimmer that I knew was there but couldn't see, billowed into life, and in that moment I remembered what love (for lack of a better word) can bring into your life, and why you should do it...I mean, if I can do it, anybody numerous previous posts I have discussed some of my personal issues, eg, Self Esteem: The Issue I'd Love To Have...I have no problem owning the broken person I am that comes from being a 4 year old child whom grows up blaming themselves for their families disintegration...this is stuff I self-realised through in my early 20's, and in more recent times I've seen/read/heard plenty of stuff showing that this is not an uncommon reaction from young kids...
I don't need to share the range of traumas I endured as a young child because anyone whom has the vaguest idea about psychological motivations and the human condition, blah, blah, will see that pain in my relentless inability to dis-engage from the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and/or the horrendous state of affairs that exists in this state where authorities collude and conspire to cover-up such so many whom have been through similar and far worse, my childhood carved into me that I am a bad person and that nothing I do will be right, etc, etc, and ultimately it has become my greatest strength...
Read the blog and call me a liar if I don't ruthlessly question my own beliefs and opinions, but then stand resolutely on the things I've witnessed as being truths...and stand at great personal cost...
Cue The Vain Arrogant ManBear StuffPig:...because there's no polite way to say exactly the way that sometimes I get waylaid by maidens and the ways that has gone horribly wrong for me in Mt is what it is, I've always got a tad more than my fair share of attention, and sometimes that's great and sometimes not quite so much...sometimes you're just fresh meat in the grinder...for random but actual example, if the first social function you attend at your child's new school and a half-drunk woman you've never met before steps up and starts drooling on ya' and pawin' at ya', and hence a room of angry glarey stares and you know right there and then that that's the end of that and you ain't never ever again gettin' invited not to nothing not nowhere not no time soon...(orrr, poor gorgeous diddums-Ed)...fair enough...
And this has happened to me enough times that I'll call it a pattern, eg, 'cos the woman whom so-and-so likes has instead looked at me and said "what the f*** is that, and can I please?"...(dude, rude and arrogant poetry, you're back, nice-Ed)...ta'...and truly some of my own arrogant behaviours/responses on such occasion have sealed my fate in that I've unknowingly trampled on other people's relationships and it has cost me...I ain't no saint but then again, who truly is? the other extreme, I've met some charming, beautiful, uplifting women in my life, and 'loved' them, but every time I've turned my back on them because I genuinely believed it was the right thing to do for them...***
And that's about it, with a coupla' partially completed paragraphs trimmed-off 'cos I can't recall where I was going with that, a somewhat scattered piece, but still a semi-interesting window into the past as a study in what I've personally been through, particularly the bit where I was very much on the verge of leaving Mt's now approx 5 years later, and so 17+ years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and 500 more posts...(and a Pro-Paedophile Political Retribution "bizarre trial" and subsequent rankly corrupt 'Conviction' re SA's Independent Commissioner Against Corruption-Ed)...indeed, all that, and I'm still very much isolated from the community that I've tried so hard to improve, still very much the Lone Loner Lonely Alone, but in so many ways so much more at peace with the pieces of that fractured existence...
Tomorrow: Lies, Lies, And More Damned Lies
(I wondered when we'd be getting back to Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...well I was referring to politics in general, and more specifically the extraordinary Criminal Enterprise that is the Liberal/National Party, but sure, why not chuck in a fair chunk a' MGCC...
I'd also quickly like to thank those few who have stuck by me during these turbulent and tumultuous times...I ain't too proud to 1) accept help, or 2) acknowledge that support...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and it's been a journey alright, and certainly seems set to continue in that manner, so onward we go, cheers and laters y'all...
Howdy dear availees here in good ol' South Australia, and also in Ukraine, Japan, Singapore, and Switzerland...I refer y'all to the recent post from 18th October 2019, My Latest Letter To Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, Again, where-in I have included, surprisingly, my latest letter to SA's Attorney-General Vicki Chapman...(why?-Ed)...why what? why did I include it?...(no, why did you bother writing to her at all? as you've stated, it wasn't the first time and you haven't had a response to any of your previous letters/emails-Ed)...well, as covered in that recent letter, that's precisely why I had to write again about my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch), and ask her to address the litany of gross irregularities and clearly definable corruption by SAPol (police), Magistrate Ian White, ICAC Bruce Lander, the Labor Party, etc, etc, because 1) she hasn't responded previous, and 2) I ain't got no choice, I've still got all this shizzle
hangin' over me, eg, my bizarre 'Criminal Conviction, etc...I refer dear availees to those several letters I've written going back to this time 2 years ago, and again through February-April-October 2018, etc, etc...(yeah, and what's the point, her abject refusal to even acknowledge those letters clearly defines her support for that corruption, the gross "Abuse of Process" and "Malicious Prosecution", etc-Ed)...sure, but I'd suggest that this 'response' I received via email on 6th November 2019 irrefutably defines her support/position, in her own words...(sorry??? a response?-Ed)...oh yeah, but compare this response to what I've actually written...anyhoos, there's a bit of a gap left by the mostly empty page 2, but I'll see y'all here 'tis...
So there you's go, denial, deceit and refusal to act, a promise to 'file' rather than address any further correspondence...(and by 'file' she means 'feed to the shredder'-Ed)...precisely, and all closed-out with a thinly-veiled threat...(yeah, wow, what the shreck does "I advise that this letter is not to be published" even mean?-Ed)...well like I said, it's a vacuous, baseless, thinly-veiled threat...(yeah, I get that, but a threat to do what?-Ed)...well, in my humble opinion, it's a threat to heap yet more Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution on me...(that's just ludicrous, she deliberately misrepresents and/or tries to re-define what it is you've actually said and/or requested, ignores a vast swathe of gross legal irregularities and corruption, and then flatly refuses to act on what the AG is obliged to do, ie, that legally-requisite COAG meeting to investigate any potential Constitutional Law implications of SA's ICAC Act-Ed)...and that's the big one, the Constitutional Law issues were/are a critical part of my whole trial and the exact thing that the SA AG must address, and Labor (and/or the SA Parliament) should have instigated that COAG review before even passing the bizarre ICAC Act into law, etc...(yep, and if that failure/refusal weren't bad enough, she then states 'I'm not going to answer any more letters/questions', and then threatens you-Ed)...neatly summarised sir...(it's a bloody disgrace, a farcically corrupt bloody disgrace-Ed)..indeed it is...(hmmm, ya' know, I fully concur with your observation that this 'response' actually better explains Vicki Chapman's commitment to SA's Pro-Paedophile Corruption than her previous refusal/failure to answer-Ed)...don't it though...
(I've got to say,I find the timing of this 'response' very suspicious indeed-Ed) so?...(well, as you've covered/queried in your letter to AG Chapman, the 18 month time frame for doing your Community Service and paying your Fine, as abusively 'Ordered' by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, that 18 months concluded on 20th October 2019, and suddenly Chapman finally answers you, albeit to refuse to act and to deceive and lie and threaten-Ed)...well I don't think there's anything coincidental about the timing, but suspicious is a fair call, it appears to be all about the 18 months...but having said that, I must 'fess-up to something...(do tell-Ed)...well, as much as I'd love to take credit for this 'response', it is my understanding that a third-party may have contacted Vicki Chapman round-abouts the same time I wrote 18th November 2019...(reaaaally?-Ed)...I believe there's a distinct possibility, and it certainly fits the pattern of behaviours I've seen previous with all of this stuff...(for example?-Ed)...Magistrate White corruptly refusing to acknowledge the collusion between Labor's AG li'l Johnny Rau and ICAC Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander and their November 2014 changes to ICAC legislation, changes effectively proving that what I was charged with wasn't a crime during the period I was 'charged', etc, etc...we've covered this in multiple posts...
(Yep, that was a critical factor, and totally inappropriate for Magistrate White to simply ignore-Ed)...indeed, and ignore until he was outed by the issue being raised in The Border Watch, when he suddenly produced and emailed me 2 progressively bizarre Addenda that confirmed my statements/submissions, but blamed me for not explaining it to him properly, then waved it all away as irrelevant, etc, etc...(and those Addenda wouldn't have happened if TBW hadn't written about it-Ed)...exactly, it took a third party to get involved...(another example?-Ed)...when SAPol was coming to my home multiple times in November/December 2018 to harass and intimidate me about supposedly breaching those reprehensibly vile Final Intervention Orders as 'Ordered' by Magistrate White...(what happened to all that?-Ed)...nothing, partly because I very politely 'stared-down' that intimidation and harassment and looked down the cameras they were waving in my face and called it for exactly what it was, etc...(as we've covered in posts from that time-Ed)...indeed, and I did do good Kenny, I did run strong, but the real kicker was when one of the St Martins parents contacted the then Mt Gambier SAPol senior officer Superintendent Grant Moyle and ever-so politely explained to him exactly what it was that had happened with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and how complicit SAPol were/are in that Cover-up, and how everybody was/is reading this ' ere blog and watching what was/is being done to me, etc, etc, etc...within a week Supt Moyle had 'retired' and we got a brand new Superintendent...(hilarious-Ed) context, absolutely...
I also refer to a series of incidents related to the St Martins Cover-up where there were similar refusals, failures, and/or 'ignorings', until a Third Party got involved...(I guess you could also include those first letters to ICAC Comm Lander and SAPol in May-June 2014 when your Legal Eagles wrote asking about the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raid of your home, and the bizarrely undefined nature of the ICAC Act 2012, and when and if you were gunna' get charged, etc-Ed)...I don't see the connection...(well if you'd written those letters, you'd have probably been ignored or at best fobbed-off, but because they were written by lawyers and on a proper letter-head, etc, that prompted the responses you did get-Ed)...good point Ed, and critical responses at that...(indeed, proving amongst other things that a private citizen who had not yet actually been 'charged' with anything needed a written Comm Lander 'Authorisation' to be allowed to speak with their own family or a doctor or even with a lawyer-Ed)...indeed, 'Authorisation' to speak with a lawyer...(and that's not at all like Fascism is it?-Ed), that is exactly Fascism...but we digress, slightly...the main point is that if it's true, and I've no reason to suspect it's not, it appears that a Third Party involvement is what triggered this response...
Well that's pretty much it for today, but with all the associated reviewing of previous letters, etc, I'm sure y'all won't mind if we pull stumps here-abouts...(andis one to assume that this ain't quite the end of it yet though?-Ed) assumes quite correctly sir, it ain't over by a long shot, not for me, not for Vicki, not for no-one, and y'all dear availees, y'all will be kept fully availed of any and all future developments right here on TMGI...(woo, and I cannot emphasise this enough, hoo-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Keepin' It Real In An Unreal World
Just imagine if Mt Gambier came to the realisation that it owed it's current 'Main Street Revitalisation' to Nick Fletcher and a coupla' others...(mate, I know exactly what you're talking about, and you are 100% correct, but ain't nobody gunna' admit it, let alone publicly acknowledge it-Ed)...well it's a good thing then that I don't need their approval or accolades, I know what it is, what the truth is, and its a glorious truth that cannot and will not be denied...(it is truly a beautiful thing-Ed)...indeed it is, and dear availees will just have to tune-in next time to learn what it is we're badgering-on until then...
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees...had a real shocker this week, not unlike many others I'm sure relative to the bizarre George Pell High Court Appeal...given my extensive experience of the way that 'Authorities' genuinely act on issues of Institutionalised Paedophile Corruption in Australia...(as opposed to their definably disingenuous deceits about how terrible it all is and how they're concerned for Abuse Survivors, etc?-Ed)...exactly, I personally find it hard to believe that this 'Appeal' is anything other than another/further deliberate abuse designed to cause distress and trauma...(I was reading some stuff about how in any ordinary circumstance an Appeal for a 'Sexual Assault' conviction would never get anywhere near the High Court, in fact, that this is the precedent-Ed)...yeah, I've seen that reported/claimed, but I ain't no lawyer so can't say definitively either way, but again, wouldn't surprise me in the least...I know how badly this constant re-hashing of the Pell case re-traumatises the survivors of the Institutionalised Paedophile Network that is the Catholic Church, and many, many others who have been abused within the equally corrupt Paedophile Networks of the Anglican Church or the Lutheran Church or the Pentecostal Church, etc, etc, etc, et al...
I refer to the immediate previous post, and the article from The Age about a Morrison Jazz Academy student charged with raping another student and out on bail, etc, and one specific line I didn't actually cover in that was whilst going back to re-check that stuff that I somehow stumbled across this letter (below) and it blew a hole in my universe that will forever remain...(I'm just stunned mate-Ed)...I'm gutted, completely gutted...I'm gutted, rabidly furious, seething with rage and a sense of wanton retribution...and because I'm not naturally like that, all that anger folds back on me and makes me feel worse...and then there's the guilt, great scything swathes of guilt that I have failed Ms Duncan and the other students who potentially have been abused at Generations In Jazz and/or the Morrison Jazz Academy, whatevs...(mate, ya' gotta' let go of this guilt stuff-Ed)...never gunna' happen mate...(this is not your crime, you are not responsible-Ed), but I let this slide when it first happened, I was too involved in my own stuff, and let others dissuade me from acting because 'the jazz stuff's too important for Mt Gambier', and/or 'if you go after this stuff it'll damage the credibility of the blog and the blog's too important'...(well that last bit is actually quite sage advice and relatively accurate, ya' know? 'oo oo, now that arsehole Nick Fletcher's using his horrid blog to attack that wonderful James Morrison'-Ed)...mate, I guarantee you that that's happening right now...
Furthermore, I'd like to think that that rancidly corrupt betrayer and 'alleged' lawyer Bill DeGaris, who is complicitly involved with Graeme Lyall and James Morrison and GIJ, etc, my mate Bouncin' Billy who is intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, I'd reckon that Billy is reading this and then screeching his hypocritical sanctimony at The Googles, tryin' to have this post, dear The Googles, yet again I pre-emptively request that you review the facts of this 'ere content, and review the various other posts and/or websites, and allow me my opinion about what 'Organised Religion' really is, etc, etc, and leave this post exactly as it is, where it is...
Anyhoos, I missed one line in that The Age article that referred to the rape of former GIJ/Jazz Academy student Ms Matilda Duncan by teacher/lecturer Graeme Lyall, namely...
In 2017, the academy pledged to identify ways to prevent and respond to
sexual harassment
and sexual assault after separate allegations were
raised against a staff member.
...(well you hope that that's about that specific case-Ed)...well quite, and having said that, and given my personal belief, and particularly having read the letter below, it becomes a question of hoping that that reference is about Ms Duncan and not yet another student...
Here below is a copy of Ms Matilda Duncan's Open Letter as copy/pasted from the website, where it appeared
There was an Australian music industry campaign last year entitled #meNOmore. Along with hundreds of others, I signed the open letter, in which the first story mentioned was mine.
There I was, a young musician. There he was, the nationally-lauded
musician and teacher. So many years have passed, yet I continue to work
at shaking off the shame of letting my voice be taken from me as a teen.
My teacher became a friend, a mentor, and a father figure to me. I
met him when I was 15, after winning an award at a national music event.
He told me repeatedly I would pursue music to the highest levels, that I
had the most potential he had ever heard in a young musician. When I
returned to the event, he again selected me for more awards. For him I
had soon built a pedestal; I took on every shred of his advice, and I
At 19 I moved cities to study with him. I was coming off two years of
illness, following a medical accident that almost took my life, and I
was especially looking forward to dedicating myself to music full-time.
After six months, hugging was normal: with all of his students. On the
night of a gig, it was only a tiny step further for him to press his
crotch into my leg. Not long after, he grabbed my shoulder in his
office, kissed me with his stale mouth, then sent me off to class. On my
way I passed people I knew in the hallway and immediately felt
distanced from them. Alone with a secret.
Those first episodes marked the beginning of months of abuse,
progressing into incidents in cars, classrooms, his office, a storeroom.
As the abuse intensified, my young life dipped into a destructive
downwards spiral. I withdrew from learning and ceased to eat enough. I
began to believe suicide to be the only logical response. He threatened
my career, or at least the hope of a career I had believed achievable
before he touched me. He told me he loved me, that I couldn’t tell
anyone. And so I didn’t.
My health worsened. I told him I wanted to move back home to repair
my health but he kept convincing me to stay, telling me to “put my
troubles on the backburner”, to put music first. One morning when the
urge to take my own life felt out of control I disclosed my
deteriorating state to him; he assaulted me later that day. To him, I
can only assume, my little life meant nothing.
Towards the years end he must have said something, finally, to
another staff member, because school counselors came round to my house
and took my intended method for taking my own life from my hands. Yet
rather than seeking help for me, the director called my mother and told
her I was to leave, saying I was “no longer [the schools] problem”. So I
packed up. I drove alone for six hours up the highway. I was crying so
much I didn’t notice I’d swerved onto the other side of the road and
narrowly missed a head-on with a truck.
You might want a neat narrative arc about how I’ve defied ruin, how I
went to court and found justice; perhaps you want to hear that I was
able to build a thriving music career despite what happened or that the
man showed remorse and apologised. The reality is murkier: in the years
that followed, as many survivors do, I became dysfunctional and
struggled to choke down my trauma enough to participate in daily life,
though I might have looked outwardly productive. I came to feel
isolated, no matter who I was with, and I kept fleeing, never
comfortable sitting within myself, no matter where I was. Years have
passed and the teacher has had plenty of opportunities to apologise or
show even a sliver of remorse, but, similar to many perpetrators, he has
not. I walked away from music—I couldn’t help but see him, and hear his
criticisms of my ability and my body, whenever I played.
Through my years of rage and depression burned the question:why did he hurt me? How
could somebody be that cruel? Was he hurting himself, with a deep need
to take it out on another? Did he genuinely believe he had been teaching
me, helping me? Was this type of behaviour with a student accepted by
the circles within which he had previously moved? Had he never been
called out before? Was he a psychopath with a deeply-rooted intent to
harm? Was he bored of teaching, bored of his marriage, and using me for
entertainment? Or was what he did soul-crushingly normal, something I
should have expected, just another unremarkable piece of our culture?
For so long I wanted concrete answers; now I’ve accepted they aren’t
ever coming.
Others reached out. Some were nasty: that a person could be
duplicitous, managing to maintain multiple roles as a wonderful educator
to some and a mean-spirited abuser to others, fell outside of their
comprehension. What has been equal to the abuse itself is the way people
have denied my truth, and moved to silence me to ensure their own
agendas kept advancing without trouble; they let the powerful sail
through unchallenged, because it benefitted their bottom line. But when
abusers and their enablers travel through life without consequence they
receive the message that their behaviour is permissible. Inaction means
their disregard for others is allowed an even greater stand.
Some were kind, some consolatory: we all knew he was like that. I have a friend who. For years we knew. Back in the day, people used to say. The
comments came as a revelation, because, finally, I was not alone nor
was I going crazy. And yet. I had been in contact with some of these
musicians in my younger years, when they knew I was heading towards
study with this person. Why was nothing said? To me they seemed
complicit, but then, I also understood what it was to have a career
threatened and taken away.
My abuser and the peers who have protected him—some of whom are
famous, and work internationally—continue to be celebrated. Their names
continue to be etched into national history through awards, recordings,
teaching posts, positions in halls of fame, and adoring press articles.
Their charming fronts are accepted unblinkingly by the nation, and so on
rolls another cycle of abuse, similar to the ones that are ongoing in
our schools and gyms and homes, without an end in sight.
As long as abusive behaviour is permitted to thrive it will continue
to fall to survivors to speak, though we’ve already been through pain
enough, though sexual assault and rape are never the fleeting actions
they are portrayed as, never merely “twenty minutes of action”. They
live on in possibilities that can be visited upon the survivor: physical
injuries, mental illness, trauma, isolation, self-doubt, an inability
to trust, difficulty maintaining employment, relationships and
friendships, and in some cases, pregnancy, abortion, and the fraught
journey of raising a child resembling an attacker. These possibilities
spread outwards to the lives of families and friends, through our
communities, senselessly. But lately, in these watershed months, so many
are united in wanting a safer culture and in that there is hope.
My identity as a survivor is one that nobody would choose but it has
connected me with people who I wouldn’t have otherwise met. I assume I
have defied whatever future that troubled man intended for me, because I
am still here. And I will continue to be here, listening, if and when
you raise your voice—your story is important.
***...I've read this through several times now and it only makes me angrier and sadder and more committed to fighting my own traumas and suffering...(how does the song go? "strumming my pain with her fingers, singing my life with her words, killing me softly with her song, killing me softly, with her song, tellin' my whole life, with her words, killing me softly, with her song"-Ed)...indeed, she perfectly identifies the self-interest of others, perfectly expresses that which drives the guilt that I feel because I looked away...worse, her story about being recruited and groomed confirms for me my concerns that this was/is not a one-off, but actually just one episode in a series of similar situations/incidents...
This letter leaves me literally sobbing for what Ms Duncan has been through, and yet I am simultaneously inspired by her courage and clarity and at how she completely identifies so many of the issues of inequality and trauma, etc...(particularly that paragraph about how these abusers and their protectors/supporters, et al, how these people continue their careers and get awards, etc-Ed)...exactly, and that we can all contribute to rectifying these gross inequalities and dealing with abuses, etc...the whole letter is amazing in it's honesty and bravery, but the last paragraph is just extraordinary...for all she has been through, from the grooming and assaults, then through the conflict with the Catholics and Morrison and DeGaris, et al, as she was (is still) forced to fight for recognition of the realities that all these people knew about, for what she openly acknowledges as her ongoing personal struggles, for all of that, after all of that, her last thoughts, concerns and words are for others...extraordinary...
Ms Duncan, in appropriate context, I unashamedly admit to being a bit of a fanboy...what you have been through and what you've achieved and how you continue to fight-back and turn your trauma to positive action and support and improvement for others, etc, etc, it's everything I'd like to think I can be and that I can do...your story makes me rabidly furious but then helps me ride through my anger and trauma and all that shizzle because you've clearly identified that there's a bigger are absolutely right, nobody would choose this, but here we all are, and I will continue to be here because your story is not just important, it is are important, you are inspirational...cheers...
Tomorrow: I'll Think Of Something
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees in Poland, Vietnam, Croatia, and Ireland, and right here in Mt Gambier, South Australia...I've tried to keep an ear and/or eye on the local media regarding this latest Sexual Assault Issue, but I have not heard or seen anything...I've deliberately left it a full week to see if the Mt Gambier/SA media were just catching-up to the report/article from The Age, dated 1st November 2019...(it's been on former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh's news-page thingy, Limestone Coast Community News-Ed)...yeah, but that's not 'The Media' is it?...(well we here at TMGI, we consider ourselves to be a form of media outlet, if not specifically 'The Media'-Ed)...fair call mate...(but we here at TMGI do carefully research our material, and in many instances are the creator and even subject of 'The News' we report, we're not just regurgitating other's material-Ed)...again, fair enough, but look, it's clearly a matter of opinion and isn't particularly relevant to the broader issues here, let's stick to the 'Main Stream Media' and how they've addressed this...(sure, but can I just say, in bigging-up this 'ere blog, and also by way of example, where else, in any of 'The Media' anywhere in Oz but particularly here in SA, where will you read that the SA ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) has conducted, or at least pretended to conduct an investigation into an entire Council, namely MGCC? where will y'all read about that?-Ed)...great point Ed, and one well worth re-noting...
It was here on TMGI, and only here, that dear availees and the broader public were made aware that SA's Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption had supposedly 'investigated' multiple Corruption issues within the was also li'l ol' moi who proved in Court, whilst being prosecuted for daring to even discuss that alleged ICAC investigation, it were muggins here what proved that that alleged ICAC investigation was in fact a farcically fraudulent fake investigation involving 2 unrecorded chats and no actual hearings, etc, etc...(that's right, we've covered this extensively here on TMGI, and even though it was repeatedly discussed in Court, and the wholesale fakery and deceits of ICAC, etc, were proven, none of that was ever reported-Ed)...indeed, even after I handed copies of MGCC's own Minutes from 22nd May 2014, which specifically identifies that they have been investigated and exonerated by ICAC, even after I provided that stuff to the Adelaide media as they milled-about outside MP Troy Bell's Pre-Trial hearing, it never appeared in the Adelaide media, or anywhere else for that there's the 2 extremely critical issues that have only been covered here at TMGI and nowhere else, 1) the ICAC investigation of MGCC, and 2) how fraudulent that alleged ICAC investigation actually was...
But we digress dear availees, because whilst it reeks of the same self-serving agenda, what's been happening with the rank failure of reportage regarding the Morrison Jazz Academy and what has become multiple Sexual Assault Issues, this stuff is arguably more important...MGCC relentlessly defrauding Ratepayers and that definable corruption being protected by an equally corrupt ICAC, it's all very concerning, but the Rape of students is something altogether worse...(not to mention the Morrison Academy's appalling handling of these issues-Ed)...indeed, and I ain't being overly-dramatic when I say that the entire situation washes over me with a sense of cold dread, because I find it fundamentally irrational and inconceivable to think that these are the only Sexual Assault issues that have occurred relative to The James Morrison Academy and/or the associated Generations In Jazz...(well, at the very least, the deplorable JMA/GIJ response to these 2 known situations are indicative of a culture of denial and/or deceit and self-interest-Ed)...indeed, as I've covered before on TMGI, I feel a sense of failure and guilt for not pursuing the 'first' Sexual Assault issue even though I knew full-well that the official denials from Tennyson Woods College and SAPol were clear proof enough that something had actually happened...
And now there's another Sexual Assault issue, and I'll let y'all dear availees peruse this article/report and form your own opinions about this issue and how it's being handled, etc, before I regale y'all with my here 'tis, The Age, 1 November 2019...***
Court allows jazz musician accused of raping student to join tour with James Morrison
jazz musician charged with raping a fellow student of a prestigious
music academy run by James Morrison had his bail adjusted so he could
tour with the famous trumpeter in Melbourne.
American saxophonist
Matthew Harkins, 26, is due to face trial in South Australia next year
having pleaded not guilty to two counts of rape after he allegedly
assaulted a woman while they both attended the James Morrison Academy in
Mount Gambier.
Harkins, who is not allowed to leave South
Australia, applied to the District Court for special permission to
travel to Melbourne two weeks ago.
His application was successful
and on October 19 he performed on stage with the academy’s orchestra and
Morrison at the Jazz Lab in Brunswick.
Matthew Harkins (right) with Australian jazz musician James Morrison in 2016.Credit:Instagram
alleged victim now lives in Melbourne and was not informed by the
police or court that Harkins would be travelling to Victoria.
photo posted on social media by Morrison shows Harkins playing saxophone
alongside him during the gig, which was recorded live with plans to
release it as an album.
Harkins, originally from Maine in the
United States, pleaded not guilty to the charges at an arraignment
hearing in Mount Gambier on October 15.
On the same day, he signed
an adjusted bail agreement giving him permission to travel to Victoria
between October 18 and 19. His residence during the trip was listed as
the YHA hostel in North Melbourne.
Harkins was instructed to report to Mount Gambier police station 24 hours after his return.
The application to vary Harkins’ bail was not opposed by police, according to a transcript of the court proceeding.
Harkins' lawyer was contacted for comment.
Morrison said it would be inappropriate to make any comment about Harkins while he faced criminal charges.
Matthew Harkins.Credit:Facebook"In
addition, the wellbeing (and privacy) of all our students is our
primary concern and I don’t feel (particularly the survivor) needs to be
reading in the paper comments from me about how we looked after her,"
he said in an email written while on tour in Brazil.
the academy's website, Morrison explains that one of the reasons for
setting up the school in Mount Gambier was to create a community among
students who don’t have the distractions of a big city.
"It’s kind
of like when you go to band camp – everybody there is into the music
and when you’re not actually in class, you’re still with your colleagues
who are passionate about jazz," he says on the academy’s website.
at the JM Academy will benefit from living in close proximity to each
other and when class ends for the day, instead of all going your
separate ways, they can hang out together and maintain the ‘jazz’
The academy was opened in 2015 with the help of
$500,000 grant from the South Australian state government. It is
affiliated with the University of South Australia, which enrols the
students. Morrison is the head of school and his wife, Judi, is the
executive director.
In 2017, the academy pledged to identify ways
to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and sexual assault after
separate allegations were raised against a staff member.
"The academy has policies dealing with sexual assault and sexual harassment that have been approved by UniSA," Morrison said.
of next year, the academy will no longer accept enrolments for its
three-year bachelor of music. One-year diploma and honours courses will
still be offered. Morrison said this was due to a change in federal
funding arrangements.
A University of South Australia spokesperson
said it would be inappropriate to comment on the matter while it was
before the courts.
"The University of South Australia takes the
safety and wellbeing of every one of its students and staff very
seriously and has comprehensive policies and support services in
relation to this," the spokesperson said.
A trial has been set for March 23, 2020.
***...(but hang on, that says that it was in the Mt Gambier Court aways back in, ummm, here, "an arraignment hearing in Mt Gambier on October 15"...why wasn't it reported then?-Ed)...dunno' mate, but I remind you of my "bizarre trial" process and the litany of incidents and/or issues that the local media couldn't see and/or didn't want to see and/or reported in grossly biased and skewed manner so as to denigrate and/or demonise me...(mmm, yes, particularly the extraordinarily and quite deliberately corrupted 'reporting' of the Mt Gambier ABC South East Radio-Ed)...indeed, and in a context where the ABC SER and The Border Watch were SAPol (police) Prosecution witnesses against me, and 2 of the 18 'Counts' I've been 'Convicted' of are 'talking to the ABC SER and TBW', and despite repeated local reportage, the Adelaide media apparently couldn't see/hear it...but again we digress, other than to note that I have to get specific written permission to attend medical appointments just across the border, eg, Portland Hospital, yet this guy gets an overnight stay in Melbourne...(and only days after being sent to trial-Ed)...who else was exposed to this alleged Rapist during this trip? was the YHA hostel informed of his charges/bail? to what degree were other JMA students involved and/or staying at that same hostel? what measures have JMA implemented to ensure the safety of other students here?..
I have spent 20-30 minutes Interweb searching multiple terms and trying to get more info about this, eg, accessing the Magistrates Court Case List from that date, etc, but I ain't got squat...(apart from LCCN and The Age-Ed)...yeah, apart from that stuff...some of what I've gleaned has come from 'Comments' on LCCN, eg, that this concert was not an absolute educational requisite, but rather Morrison's choice to include Harkins...I cannot vouch for these 'Comments', I can only suggest y'all check them out for y'allselves...(sorry, did I read that right? does that say that they've recorded that 'session' and are going to release it as an album?-Ed)...that's what it says...(but how is that appropriate? what does that say about Morrison's attitude that he would firstly go ahead with this person in his concert, on bail only days after being committed to trial, but to then record it with plans to release an album-Ed)...not to mention the social media snapshots of James and Harkin from that makes a mocking hypocrisy of Morrison's refusal to comment...
"Morrison said it would be inappropriate to make any comment about Harkins while
he faced criminal charges."
...Morrison's behaviour is unambiguous support for Harkins...(I wonder how "the survivor" feels to be reading that Harkin is being supported by Morrison in this way?-Ed)...and particularly given that they were in Melbourne, her home town, without telling her...(and his 'non-comment' about "how we have looked after her" is actually a direct statement that he/JMA have acted appropriately and with her best interests and welfare in mind-Ed)...I hadn't spotted that mate, but now that you mention it, that's exactly what it is, he's saying exactly that isn't he, 'we've looked after her'...
I also note the statements about the drastic reduction in offered courses, namely, the removal of the 3-year Bachelor of Music...this is a major issue...all due respect to those studying their "one year diploma and honours courses", but it is a huge step-down, particularly following-on as it does from recent revelations that the JMA student numbers have plateaued at approx 70, rather than the predicted 200...(and funded for-Ed)...sorry?...(JMA received all that lovely state government funding, at least $500,000, with the proviso that they increase enrolments year-by-year, up to 200 students-Ed)...indeed, we did cover that recently didn't we?...(indeed we did, well, we directed dear availees to the articles on the Independent Australian website-Ed)...which I believe you've just done again...(hey, I have haven't I?-Ed)...what are you like, heh?...(and Morrison was on the ABC SER playing-down this lack of enrolments as being a deliberate construct that he/JMA had decided was in the best interests of students who therefore receive better/increased access to lecturers, etc-Ed)... he did say that, didn't he...
Every word that James Morrison bleats about how important it is to him the welfare of his students, etc, to me it's all just cynical deceit mired in best, these children are a commodity to James and his business associates and/or his mates, these kids are a product to be traded and profited from...and I've got one very simple template that I apply to James and his alleged concerns for his students and 'the survivors'...and we've covered this quite specifically on TMGI when these issues arose, namely, the attendance and direct involvement of former JMA lecturer Graham Lyall at recent JMA concerts...
Why has James Morrison repeatedly allowed Graham Lyall access to JMA students after he (Lyall) raped a student?
And if anyone has a problem with the language I've used there, I encourage you to go to the New Matilda website, search 'Lyall Jazz', and read for y'allselves where Lyall himself effectively acknowledges the rape/assault, and then actually complains about how negatively his own actions have affected him...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)..very politely put Ed...furthermore, I defer to the student's own statements about that Sexual Assault where-in she used the word "Rape", as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, search 'My university failed me'...and I quote,
"Here's what the University of Adelaide's response to my rape cost me."
...James Morrison is fully aware of the realities of that situation and yet he continues to expose vulnerable JMA students to this dangerous man...
And before anyone goes-off half-cocked about how that Lyall Rape wasn't actually at the JMA, or at Adelaide Uni, etc, that it occurred at Tennyson Woods College when they had their own version of a Jazz Academy, that then became the James Morrison Academy, etc, etc, I am fully aware of all of that, and it is only time lines and changes of programs and/or providers, etc, that are different, the people directly involved are the same few people...furthermore, as I understand it, the student raped by Lyall was approached at Generations In Jazz and recruited to the TWJA...and given James Morrison's specific involvement with the Lyall Rape issue, and recent conduct in knowingly exposing his JMA students to potential harm by allowing/organising them to perform with Lyall, he, Morrison, is directly aware and directly responsible...his conduct regarding Harkins speaks for itself...
Tomorrow: Just More Institutionalised Corruption
(Yay-Ed)...I know, but what can I say, it's all happening right there, it's not like one even has to look real hard to find it...(fair enough-Ed)...
And what really angers me about James Morrison's appallingly insensitive and inappropriate handling of this latest Sexual Assault issue, is that it reminds me directly of the Lutheran Church's bare-faced bastardry...(you'll have to be more specific-Ed)...regarding the abuses committed by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins school...(yeahhh?-Ed)...after 'removing' Dorling in June 2002, and knowing full-well exactly what he had been doing with those 7 year olds in his care, but then lying through their collective teeth about the reasons for that 'removal', and openly attacking myself and other parents as being the only actual problem...(indeed, all acts of rank bastardry-Ed)...well those fine upstanding Christians of St Martins Lutheran School then put Dorling's photo in the Year Book, standing next to the class he had abused en masse...(a quick Language Warning if I may?-Ed) away mate...(fucking pricks! End Language Warning-Ed)...indeed, to quote Monty Python's Life of Brian, crucifixion's too good for 'em sir...(nail 'em up I say, nail some sense into 'em!-Ed)...indeed, many a true word spoken in jest, and in a context where 'The Law' has done nothing but protect Dorling and the Lutherans...may they all rot...
I am Nick Fletcher and I am indeed a very angry li'l camper, but I try not to dwell there, albeit whilst remaining always quite intense...(ah, nice one man, it's always healthy to find one's humour in one's fury-Ed)...and that's where this 'ere blog of mine, sorry, ours, that's where TMGI can be so therapeutic, 'cos it lets the angry out and occasionally brings in the laughter...cheers and laters dear availees...
Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI for today, Tuesday 5th November 2019...yet again I'm somewhat taken-aback to realise that it's been 8-9 days since the last post...(been sayin' that quite a bit lately-Ed)...I know, it's a constant source of surprise and some concern...have been not well for a coupla' weeks now, thought I was getting better and went a bit too soon and only made it worse, and so back to square two...("square two"?-Ed)...only slightly ahead of square one...(ah, right-Ed)...and have also been struggling with the glaring reality that is the Institutionalised Corruption that is the Liberal/National Party, and the mind-numbing and complicit subservience of the Main Stream Media that not just allows, but in many cases protects the rancidly corrupt LNP, and ultimately emboldens and therefore ensures ever-increasing levels of Fraud, Theft, Nepotism, Fascism, etc, etc, and the stacking of supposedly 'Independent Authorities' like the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, etc...add to that the openly Fascist conduct of police clearly operating in a political context, as political functionaries, eg, their vicious, cowardly thuggery at the recent Mining Convention protests in Melbourne, and one could be forgiven for succumbing to a depressive state of hopelessness and resignation...
And true to his nature, true to that sneering, smirking, god-botherer Authoritarianism he holds so dear, our PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison has launched a cynically disingenuous attack on the protestors as being "Apocolyptic"...(wow, so the deeply concerning Climate Change/Pollution realities, that's not the concern, that's not the looming 'Apocalyse', the actual problem is a handful of protestors getting assaulted by police?-Ed)...yep, and it's well documented that further comments Scummo has made about 'banning secondary boycotts and/or protesting'...(well it's not like we're an actual democracy or anything-Ed)...well indeed, your sarcasm is well justified and bitingly accurate, this is an unabashed threat to deny fundamental democratic 'rights' in a supposedly free society...(and it's also well documented and/or commented on, 1) where were the rampaging police violently assaulting protestors at those 'Franking Credit Inquiry' meetings?-Ed) mean those meetings chaired by Liberal Tim Wilson, who moved one of the hearing dates specifically to allow protestors to attend...(yep, and where-in those protestors were organised and led by Tim's relative, who runs a related Financial Advice company, Wilson Asset Management, a company Tim holds shares in-Ed)...well that's just fine...(apparently, if you're in the LNP, that sort of rancidly obvious Conflict of Interest and deliberate manipulation of an official Parliamentary Inquiry, etc, that's all just fine-Ed)...c'est fantastique...(yep, and ne'ery a cop in sight-Ed)...
(And then 2) the self-same Tim Wilson was plastered all over the Oz media marching down the street with protestors in Hong Kong, and Scummo has stated that the Chinese government should sit-down with those protestors and talk with them about their issues, etc-Ed)...whilst here he's calling for protestors to be criminalised...(and have their Social Security payments cut, etc, etc-Ed)...wasn't that Home Affairs Pseudo-Fuhrer Peter 'Spud' Dutton?...(same animal, all headed in the same direction-Ed)..fair enough...(and the MSM's there playing their part with the complicit reporting of "violent protests"-Ed)...but the protests weren't violent, the vicious police response/actions was the only 'violence'...(my point exactly, that's what's so complicit about using that phrasing, it deliberately puts the whole discussion in a false context, it blames the victims of the violence-Ed)...that it does mate, that it does...(and when Scummo's seethingly bleating to the Queensland Mining Meeting about how he's gunna' tell Australians who we can and/or cannot protest about/against, and where and/or when we'll be allowed to do that-Ed)...or not...(or not, yes, do you reckon he was at all aware of the screeching hypocrisy where-in one minute he rants about the positives of small government and government not interfering in people's lives, and reducing regulations, etc, etc, then promptly announces he's gunna' go after 'Apocalyptic Protestors' with new laws, etc?-Ed)...oh he knows alright, and he doesn't give a fat rat's arse, he's just committing to serving the needs of his audience, the Mining Magnates, the same people who got him to PM in the first place...
As per usual, I strongly urge availees to research this stuff for y'allselves because simple words just don't explain the sneering and the look of fury, the almost apoplectic ranting of Herr Scummo in that meeting...just search Morrison At Mining Meeting...he didn't just describe these protestors as "Apocalyptic", he included "indulgent and selfish", and "anarchists" and 'a threat to the nation's economy', etc, etc, but it's the look on his face that is really concerning...
And now it's reported that the police have 'visited' (raided?) two former employees of travel company Helloworld, trying to find out whom it was that dobbed on poor long-suffering Mathias Cormann for getting those free tickets...(is that the stuff where Matty, mate, personally phoned the head of Helloworld, Andrew Burnes, himself Liberal Party federal treasurer at the time, and then didn't pay for those tickets, and only weeks later Helloworld secured a huge Federal Government contract, etc, etc?-Ed)...yep, all that, and apparently that ain't the only time that Matty mate has called his mate for tickets, and Matty's allegedly also now paid-back a coupla' grand, clearly nowhere near what tickets for his whole family would cost, etc...and Matty is furiously denying that he's responsible for Victorian police now 'visiting' the homes of 2 'Whistleblowers'...(but how did the cops know to go to those 2 people?-Ed)...great question Ed, sorry I can't help you with that...yet again I can only urge dear availees to look-up this stuff, maybe y'all can spot something I've missed...
Anyhoos, whilst the minutiae of this latest attack on 'Whistleblowers' is clearly critical, who did 'complain'? and/or who 'ordered' those 'visits'?, etc, the pattern of behaviours clearly follows the precedent set by the Witness K/Bernard Colleary prosecution, the raids on journo Annika Smethurst and the ABC, the charges and potential 161 year punishment of Australian Tax Office 'Whistleblower' Richard Boyle, and who knows how many other similar cases we aren't allowed to know about due to our charmingly Fascist 'Security Legislation', etc...(well what about your case, your "bizarre trial" under the ludicrously undefinable SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (South Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption), what about that?-Ed)...good point, yet another example...(you are a 'Whistleblower' on multiple levels, who has tried to do the correct thing via the appropriate authorities, and been ruthlessly and relentlessly persecuted for speaking-out about SA's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...indeed I have...(persecuted for telling the truth about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, persecuted to the point that you have a 'Criminal Conviction' for telling the truth about a fake ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...ya' don't need to remind me mate...(where-in 'Authorities' have committed so many resources to that persecution, including your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', and years in Court, etc, etc-Ed)...again, you don't need to remind me, I've been living it mate...
So here I'd just like to remind dear availees of all the other instances where-in LNP Members appear to act with complete impunity, eg, Angus Taylor en masse, Barnaby Joyce getting fake jobs for his 'girlfriend', etc, Michael Roberts rorting expenses and receiving a gold rolex, etc, Michaelia Cash leaking about Australian Federal Police raids, etc, or LNP Members leaking security documents to the media, etc, etc, etc, whilst the AFP go at 'Whistleblowers'...if y'all honestly believe that the AFP is a genuinely Independent Authority operating under it's own auspices, if you believe that the AFP ain't just a thuggish enforcement/intimidation tool of the LNP, if you believe both those things, then I'm sorry, I can't help ya'...(don't think anyone could help mate, the AFP is so obviously and so wholly compromised, to believe otherwise is just, well, ludicrous-Ed)...indeed...
Anyhoos, before we jump to the attached piece about 'Gaslighting and Whistleblowers', I'd just like to chuck-in a brief quote from a Sydney Morning Herald article about these police/Helloworld 'visits'...(which is scythingly relevant to your personal situation and the vast expenditure/wastage of SA Taxpayer's money in the Retributional Frenzy that is your Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution-Ed)...indeed, it unfortunately perfectly summarises my experience...and yet again I urge dear availees to check-out this entire article from 31st October 2019...***
Leading Melbourne lawyer Rob Stary, who is representing one of the
former Helloworld
staff members, said the police investigation was an
attempt to intimidate whistleblowers.
Mr Stary said police
appeared to be acting on a politically motivated complaint. "When
struggle to find the resources to investigate serious crimes against
Australians, it is outrageous that any policing agency would
dedicate time and money to
engage in a witch hunt against suspected
***...(wow, that is exactly your situation, "politically motivated", "time and money to engage in a witch hunt"-Ed)...ain't it though, and now here's some more...***
If you’re interested in whistleblowing and gaslighting behaviors, then I strongly recommend a piece by Retraction Watch, “How institutions gaslight whistleblowers — and what can be done.”
It features an interview with Dr. Kathy Ahern (U. New South Wales,
Australia), author of a new journal article on how whistleblowers are
traumatized by institutional betrayal and gaslighting. I’m going to share some snippets of the Retraction Watch interview with Dr. Ahern here, but it’s definitely worth a full look:
Whistleblower gaslighting
entails officers of an institution using their authority to deceive a
whistleblower so that he stays engaged in a process designed to harm
him. Employees have an expectation of support derived from social norms
regarding workplace interactions and formal policies. Whistleblower
reprisals have a sting of betrayal that is largely imperceptible to
outsiders because gaslighting institutions use deception to exploit the
employee’s trust in his employing institutions.
One gaslighting strategy is
to use this trust to force the whistleblower to repeatedly defend
himself against bogus disciplinary charges presented as genuine
complaints. Eric Westervelt describes whistleblowers at the U.S. VA who
were subjected to investigations of unspecified charges such as
“creating a hostile work environment” or “abuse of authority”, although
subsequent FOI requests yielded no details of the charges. As a
gaslighting strategy, the dual purpose of false charges is to both
discredit and exhaust the whistleblower.
Descriptions of
whistleblower experiences and outcomes in the literature show a
constellation of symptoms that are very similar to complex
post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) typically found in survivors of
child abuse. It is hypothesized that the abuse by a trusted, more
powerful adult leads to a general distrust of self and others. Adults
with C-PTSD have trouble regulating intense negative emotions, and feel
disconnected to other people.
The other symptom I see in
targets of whistleblower gaslighting is a desperate urgency to be
believed. This looks a lot like an “obsession,” but as with the
“paranoia,” it is not the result of a mental disorder. It is more like
the normal response of someone who spent 10 years in jail for crime he
didn’t commit. Such a person is indefatigable in pursuit of having his
name cleared, as are targets of whistleblower gaslighting who also are
intent upon clearing their names and reputations.
*** there you ain't exactly a stretch to compare/identify this stuff with what I've been subjected to in my "bizarre trial", etc...(again, it exactly describes what you've been through, or should I say, been subjected to-Ed)...yeah, and for the umpteenth time today I'm gunna' urge dear availees to go look at some of that other stuff...for me it relates directly to how us parents have been attacked by 'Authorities' complicit in the St Martins Cover-up... Tomorrow: More Morrison Academy Sexual Assault Dysfunction Hard to believe, but James Morrison is yet again embroiled in a scandal about the Sexual Assault (Rape) of a student...(is this the stuff about his mate and Jazz Academy teacher Graeme Lyall?-Ed)...nope...(not about Lyall being allowed to continue working with Academy students at those 'events' as we covered here on TMGI?-Ed), this is a different perpetrator, facing trial here in SA, but who has been allowed to travel with Morrison to Melbourne,'s a fascinating if deeply disturbing insight into how Morrison handles these issues as opposed to how he tries to represent his conduct...said it before and said it again, I find it fundamentally impossible to believe that these are the only 'Assaults', particularly given the way that the Morrison Academy/Generations In Jazz has acted to protect their own best interests and/or their mates...I re-refer dear availees to the New Matilda website and the articles there-in re Lyall, including lawyer Bill DeGaris's vacuous threats, etc...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...