Monday, February 25, 2019

LNP - The Lascivious Nepotism Party

Howdy dear availees in Israel, Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore...(and to our dear friends in the ever availing Ukraine-Ed)...absolutely, cheers...(and of course howdy to y'all else elsewhere...dare I say it, 'hello world'-Ed)...well indeed, we're all equal here and all welcome...(unless of course you're one of the alleged 48% of Australians whom apparently believe that the rancidly corrupt and self-serving Liberal/National Party are still a viable option as the federal government-Ed)...hmmm, I'd like to challenge your albeit faux-bias, but that is remarkable...(but is it realistic? we ourselves have repeatedly identified the extraordinary pro-LNP bias of the Main Stream Media, and the unapologetic grovelling of the supposed Left-Wing ABC broadcaster, themselves relentless LNP apologists-Ed)...well indeed, if the ABC stooges are not actually willingly corrupt, they are clearly running scared for their jobs, and this morning's The Insiders was another bizarre pro-LNP farce, constantly raising critical issues of definable LNP corruption, eg, the HelloWorld scandal, but then casually dismissing it all as relatively okey-dokes, 'it's not indictable conduct'...(well that's just a ludicrous statement-Ed)...indeed...

And I know we promised this post would be another excruciating excoriation of the litany of Mt Gambier City Council lies and manipulations related to the proposed $40million Recreation Hub farce, but in what has been an equally excruciating week of exposed LNP scandal heaped-upon LNP rort, thought we should cover all that...(and the Rec Hub stuff ain't goin' nowhere fast, least ways not at the moment-Ed)...true, now we're waiting for those Funding Applications to be processed, etc...anyhoos, it's been such a terrific week in federal politics...(just terrific-Ed)...with the Preachy Screecher, PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison spewing nonsense about Helloworld and 'Labor conspiracies to smear Joe Hockey', etc, and rabbiting-on about 'the chum bucket', etc, etc...but then when it comes to Labor's questions about the Helloworld CEO Andrew Burnes, coincidentally Liberal Party Treasurer and massive donator to the Libs, and his alleged 'He (Hockey) Owes Me' statement, etc, etc, there's Scummo failing/refusing to respond, instead literally hiding behind fellow screecher, Liberal vicious attack-Shih Tzu Christopher 'Tidy Gentleman's Perm' Pyne...(I thought it was 'attack-Poodle', not 'Shit Tzu?-Ed)...yeah, but I prefer my bent on that, it just seems somehow more disrespectful, and that's what I really want to impart, a sense of disrespect boarding on loathing...(hahhh, there's nothing like a bit of impartial imparting-Ed)...yes, I'm rather partial to impartial imparting...(nice-Ed)...

For those blissfully unawares of the extraordinary Hockey/Cormann/Helloworld/Andrew Burnes scandal, what can be said in only one paragraph, but here goes...first stop, Interweb search it for y'allselves, that'd be easiest for me, but here's a very brief summary...Finance Minister Matthias Cormann has been caught-out receiving $2700 of 'family/staff discount' airfares from Helloworld, and when exposed has gone, 'oops, didn't notice not getting charged, my bad, here's the money back'...(which he did, but without any repercussions at all for the alleged oversight-Ed)...exactly, and if this was a Social Security recipient like moi, we'd have had our accounts/payments frozen and fines for breaching, etc, etc, but the Finance Minister gets off scott-free...(and then it's a litany of unraveling improprieties implicating Australia's USofA ambassador 'Smokin' Joe Hockey and his definable role in the awarding of a massive government contract to his personal friend Burnesy, the CEO of Helloworld-Ed)...indeed, and then it's multiple other LNP politicians alleged to have also received 'free flights', and Scummo himself complicitly involved...(Scummo? how so?-Ed)...well he's previously had a role with Helloworld...(really?-Ed)...and there's questions of who paid for Cormann's family's accommodation, etc, related to that 'free trip', etc, etc, it just goes on and on... 

Alleged Attorney General Christian Porter apparently doesn't know what everyone is actually accusing 'Smokin' Joe Hockey of doing wrong...(despite the litany of incriminating emails being tabled in Parliament Estimates Hearings that clearly show that Mighty Joe, a $1m shareholder in Helloworld,  was directly involved in awarding that reportedly $1billion government travel contract to his mate and Liberal Treasurer Andrew Burns?-Ed)...right, on top of the $2billion monopoly contract Helloworld already has for government travel...and when he's attacking the recent Labor-backed MedEvac legislation, El Porto continues to claim he has 'legal advice' that there are massive loopholes that will lead to a new wave of people-smuggling boat arrivals, but when challenged, he refuses to produce this alleged 'advice'...(well I guess we'll just have to take him at his word then-Ed)...sure, let's do that...and in amongst all that un-supported hyperbole and fear-mongering, out mate Christian has taken just enough time to appoint a slew of Liberal Party former Ministers and assorted cronies/stooges to massively lucrative positions on the Administrative Appeals Tribunal...(well that's just super-Ed)... 

Credit For Speaking Frankly:...Liberal Tim Wilson, chairing the supposed independent Committee/Inquiry into Franking Credits, has multiple Conflict of Interest issues, including direct involvement in his relatives accounting firm, etc, we covered this stuff in the previous post...(I particularly like the bit where he was allowing another Lib to hand out Liberal pamphlets-Ed)...I like the bit where all the info gathered about attendees and/or people who did submissions had their personal details handed to Timbolina's uncle's Management Fund company...(yeeha! and hows about moving a hearing date to allow/facilitate the attendance of protestors?-Ed)...absolutely, another beauty, it's a litany of mis-use/corruption, excused by his fellow Victorian Liberal Tony 'Dismissy' Smith, maaate...(maaate, apparently Smitho doesn't think that Wilso's outrageous manipulation of the committee process actually constitutes "interference with the committee's authority and functions"-Ed), I'd dearly love to see Tones, mate, define just how much a committee chair needs to bastardise the formal processes before there is an 'inappropriate issue'...

Here's a lovely opening bit from a long story from The Age...the full article is well worth a look if y'all are interested, just Interweb search 'Speaker Clears Tim Wilson The Age'... 
  "Liberal MP Tim has been cleared of contempt by Speaker Tony Smith, but has been rebuked for
   conduct that may have caused damage to the House economics committee's reputation and to the
   House committee system.
  The committee chair was referred to Mr Smith by Labor after The Sydney Morning Herald and The 
   Age revealed he collaborated with a multibillion-dollar fund manager on a campaign against the
   opposition's franking credit policy, failed to declare his investments in funds run by the firm to
   inquiry hearings, and used the taxpayer-funded probe to help spruik Liberal Party fundraisers."
...(hey, they forgot to mention where Wilso himself wrote the 'anti-franking cut pro forma submissions' and then himself reviewed nearly 100 of those forms-Ed)...well they can't really be blamed for missing one part of this cavalcade of pro-Liberal rorting... 

(And what about the rank corruption of Ministers Michaela Cash and Michael Keenan and their role in the tip-offs to the media about the AFP (Aust Federal Police) raids that saw media standing outside the AWU offices waiting when the AFP arrived?-Ed)...sure, and both Cash and Keenan have been shown to have lied to the Estimates Committee, etc, and both refused to provide evidence/written statements to the AFP investigation of those leaks...(and last week, again in Estimates, Cash couldn't remember the name of her legal representatives from her other related Court appearance just the week before-Ed)...and her legal defence has cost taxpayers $288,000, which, along with the ABCC (Aust Building and Construction Comm) costs, totals over $800k...(well as we always say here at TMGI, it's only not their money they're spending-Ed)...      

And here's a brief piece I've just cut-'n'-pasted across from The Chasers twitter thingy that covers part of this week...(I'm guessing that that's not actually a real quote from Prime Muppet Scummo?-Ed)...well I'm not entirely sure, given that it was Scummo who described his own party as 'the Muppet Show' relative to the knifing of his predecessor Malcolm Turnbull, but okay, I'd reckon this bit is 'satire'...

It's rather telling that the "drug cartels" reference could be either the stuff about Australian airports being used as drug transit hubs...(you mean like the Schappelle Corby stuff? that does look as suss as all get-out-Ed)...indeed, there's a ton of info on the Interweb about how she was supposedly innocent, and that the Howard Liberal government sold her out/sacrificed her over that case, etc...but it's also likely referring to the Cash-for-Visas scandal referred to above, involving Home Affairs Minister Peter 'Potato Head' Dutton and his alleged drug dealer 'customer' William Betham...(and apparently Spud has been screeching his innocence at the media, despite not actually being accused of anything specific, yet-Ed)...and as many have already observed, Spuddy's the man with the money and the power, so why isn't he threatening and/or just actioning 'defamation' against everyone for these alleged salaciously-smearing untruths?...
And of course we chuck onto that steaming pile of impropriety the rank incompetence of the 'No Energy Plan' fiasco where-in the LNP took their proposed 'Big Stick' threat of dismantling energy companies, and soundly struck themselves about the head and shoulders in some sort of self-flagellating frenzy reminiscent of a Monty Python movie...(and now instead plan to introduce some farcical plan to force companies to give customers the cheapest rate-Ed)...and I'm not even going to get into their reality-denying stance on coal-fired energy production...(which could be balanced with an accurate dissection of the lunacy of this Wind Turbines obsession-Ed)...well indeed...and then there's the disastrous Murray-Darling situation where-in the LNP is saying it's got nothing to do with the relentless theft of massive amounts of water by equally massive irrigators, mostly for cotton grown on foreign owned properties, and excused/denied by the LNP with mindless drivel about how it's simply a drought thing that'll be fine as soon as it rains a bit...(and LNP Minister Andrew Broad is related to someone charged with stealing water, etc-Ed)...yep, another story to Interweb search...

And Broady mate is of course quitting for using 'sugar daddy dating sites', etc, not least of all, after attacking fellow National MP Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce for knocking-up a staffer and dumping his family, etc...(and The Beetrooter is notorious for being fully-pissed in parliament-Ed)...sure, all of that, and moving the APVMA from Canberra to his electorate, and his involvement in the Murray/Darling Water scandals, etc, there's Minister Ian Roberts inexplicably spending nearly $40,000 in Interweb services, roughly 20-times the average MP...(and oh, I've seen it reported that the National Party's Bridget McKenzie only paid $20,000 for that one flight from Queensland to Melbourne, only half the previously reported $40,000, as repeated here on TMGI-Ed)...well worth mentioning Ed, for both accuracy and to allow me to again say, 'who can you believe?'...we here at TMGI stated that the $40k was enough to fund two Disability Support Pensioners for an entire year, so obviously $20k would be just one DSPer...(maybe the $40k meant return fares?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs, the $20k alone is a disgrace...

Next!'s the extraordinary corruption of Liberal candidate Georgina Downer handing-over a 'Federal grant cheque' to Yankallila Bowling Club, a large novelty cheque with her face and name on it, as though it were her doing...reportedly, the local Member for the seat of Mayo, Rebecca Sharkie found out about this after the club did...(Georgina Downer? wouldn't by any chance be related to the atrociously corrupt former Howard-era Liberal Foreign Minister Alexander Downer?-Ed)...only his daughter...(and how did Insiders cover this?-Ed)...briefly and laughingly, they were too busy excusing Georgina's explicitly complicit telly ad, where-in a 'poor self-funded retiree' laments how terribly the Labor 'Franking Credits' position will affect his 'self-fundingness'...(let me guess, it was her ol' man Alex mate?-Ed)...close, Jim Bonner a former high-ranking Liberal spin doctor, whom the Insiders' Barrie Cassidy and Annabel Crabbe said is their mate and a top bloke, all whilst just laughing it away as nothing much...(pathetic, rankly corrupt and openly complicit dross from the ABC-Ed)...absolutely...

Tomorrow: The MGCC Recreation Hub Farce

I've undoubtedly missed a raft of LNP corruption issues, eg, the Paladin/Manus Island scandal involving Home Affairs Minister P Dutty and $423m contract to a 2-person company with it's headquarters down the end of a dirt road on Kangaroo Island, etc, etc...(don't feel bad, Insiders didn't even mention it in their show this morning, they were to busy blaming Labor for everything, literally-Ed)...yeah, it used to be that you'd have to watch Sky News to learn that everything going on in the LNP is somehow Labor's fault, how it's all a Left Wing Conspiracy, but Insiders is putting them to shame...(yep, the ABC is absolutely pathetic, bordering on pro-Liberal propagandists-Ed) ifs-buts-or-maybes about it, no 'bordering' on anything, the ABC is an unrepentant, straight-out pro-LNP apologist, an agenda-driven LNP promoter...(ummm, the unrequested $444m grant to The Barrier Reef Foundation?-Ed)...yep, good call...just with those 3, Helloworld, Paladin, and TBRF, that's at least $2billion in super-dodgy payments right there...(wow-Ed)...

I delayed posting this by one day to allow re-watching The Insiders, the ABC's flagship news program, and avail myself again of it's deeply cynical conduct...(you mean the way that they address critical issues that everyone's discussing already, largely due to Social Media, but then carefully and laughingly 'walk them back' to a point where it's all just fine?-Ed)...exactly, and the way they just literally laughed-off the Georgina Downer stuff was absolutely appalling...Annabel Crabbe was/is the worst, constantly dragging the discussion away from LNP criticism and/or accountability...(oh yeah, a former The Advertiser employee, she is an absolute bloody shocker-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and regular availees will know that I ain't one for just slingin' abuse at the LNP, I've had plenty to say about Labor as well...(well TMGI at least tries to attack the issues regardless of the players involved-Ed)...indeed we do...anyhoos, cheers and laters...    

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Nighty Night Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans

Howdy y'all to a very brief post...(good gourd, I've heard that before-Ed)...okay, a shortish post about the 'retirement' of Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane, given that the bulk of issues here-in are to be covered in the next post...(ah, you mean the stuff about Mt Gambier City Council's rank deceits regarding the Recreation Hub mallarchy?-Ed...exactly...(and particularly the critical role that our mate Marky Mark has played in those relentless deceits-Ed) on, the self-contradicting lies, the lies that contradict other MGCC Councillors...(the hover-lies of such gravity that they defy the most fundamental Laws of Reality?-Ed)...yeah, all a' that stuff, sell Mt Gambier Ratepayers right down the river into a fathomless whirlpool of debt with relentless lies and then just bugger-off over the horizon...(charming-Ed)..yes, quite, but first, the odd angry shot...(that's such a great movie-Ed) is, but I was in fact referring to the following series of spleen-ventings, not the iconic Ozzie movie about Australians at war in Vietnam in the 1960s/70s, The Odd Angry Shot...

Will Boat People Bow To Stern Warning?:...our illustrious leader Herr Scummo...(who?-Ed)...Scomo, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison...(ah of course-Ed)...just doing a hilarious reference to both his self-anointed very hip and like totes street-cred handle of 'Scomo', and the rankly Fascist playbook he's operating from as he screech-lies us to yet another Federal Election sometime between now and, say, June/July 2019...well, me ol' mucker Scummo has done a mind-numbingly insincere 'warning video' to tell 'people smugglers' that he's personally gunna' stop them bringing people to's supposedly gunna' be released overseas but is quite clearly for domestic consumption...Scummo the Shouty leads a Liberal/National Party defined by a cavalcade of corruption, lies, bigotry, and racism, and the latest screeching blizzard of lie-riddled fear-mongering about 'Boat Arrivals' is straight-out of the Fascist playbook, that is, deceitfully ratchet-up the fear and the loathing and SHOUT AND SHOUT AND SHOUT AGAIN AHHHHH...(WELL IF YOU SHOUT, IT MAKES IT REAL DON'T CHA' KNOW?-Ed)...pardon, I was too distracted, what with all my fearing and loathing that I apparently need to be having...

The Distemper's New a rather tenuous play-on-words...(umm, the Emperor's New Clothes?-Ed)...that's the one, but it absolutely defines both Scummo's sneeringly smug self-satisfaction combined with his pouty-shouty distemperous displays in Parliament, the default 'Emperor' angrily shouting-out his lies and deceits, deliberately seeking to create disproportionate fear and sew confusion because he ain't actually got any real ground to stand on...the Liberal/National Party are chronic Fascists when it comes to manipulating people's fears and confusion, case in point, the John Howard-led Tampa disgrace...(what about the 'Children Overboard' lies?-Ed)...indeed, and then there's li'l Johnny's warmongering deceits dumping Australian troops into Iraq whilst screeching about Saddam Hussein and non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc...(yeah, he really seemed to think that you're not a real Aussie PM until you have a lovely li'l war to ya' name-Ed)...well quite...

Wielders Of Mass Deception:...perfectly sums-up the Liberal Party's rank deceits and related manipulation of people with these hugely inflated and often quite erroneous issues of National Safety...(ahhh, 'Bow To Stern', 'Boat', now I get it, nice one man-Ed)...oh keep-up buttercup...
Paladin how David Bowie would describe the awarding of the $423million contract to shadowy 'shelf company' Paladin...(Paladin? don't you mean the Barrier Reef Foundation? and that was actually $444m-Ed)...ah sure, that's another massively corrupt LNP rort, an un-requested grant of $444m to a 'Foundation' run by Fossil Fuel company executives, etc, but no, I'm referring to Paladin and the $423m they've just been handed to run the Manus Island Detention Centre...(is that the stuff about people buying their way out of Offshore Detention by paying Peter Dutton and/or one of his mates?-Ed)...nah, well, sure, that's all over Social Media, starting with the extraordinary corruption of the William Betham case, where-in a convicted drug dealer had his 'citizenship' cancelled by P Dutty, was sent to offshore detention, etc, but then only months later had his 'citizenship' inexplicably returned...(wow-Ed)...Dutty and Co. screech about the "paedophiles and rapists and drug dealers" being held on Manus Island/Offshore Detention, yet this drug dealer suddenly gets his 'citizenship' returned, but no, the Paladin contract is a separate issue...   

And the rank complicity of the ABC was on full display on Sunday with a truly craptacular pseudo-interview of Liberal Attorney-General Christian Porter by Barry Cassidy on the Insiders program...Bazza straight-out ran the Liberal Party line as his supposed line of questioning with the Paladin stuff, including stating as fact, "the Minister (P Dutty) didn't know", and very carefully only covered the points that have already been exposed via Social Media...(well that entire Insiders was a farcical pro-Liberal platform for the relentless fear-mongering we've covered just above there, repeatedly pumping oxygen into the issue to give it unwarranted credibility-Ed)...exactly, and it's continued across The Drum and other programming, raising these extraordinary issues and then giving LNP acolytes almost free-rein to dismiss it all as perfectly reasonable and standard practice and etc, etc, etc, nothing to see here, everything's fine...(just fine-Ed)...and that's the game afoot at present...

The ABC is exactly like other Main Stream Media (MSM), and they only address the really ugly corruption stuff, like Paladin, when it's already been exposed on Social Media...(well it's why we're so stunningly popular with the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Political System here in good ol' South Australia-Ed)...well indeed...(how many times, how many grossly corrupt issues are covered here on TMGI and nowhere else in the pathetically complicit SA media?-Ed)...absolutely, and that manipulative Insiders interview is exactly that, only identifying the stuff already exposed on Social Media whilst not holding anyone to account for it, and merely the latest in a long series of similar dross, it's what the ABC does, and the ABC South East Radio are particularly persistent practitioners...(well I'd argue that it's just standard complicit ABC fare, made more obvious with SE ABC because we are so intimately aware of many of the issues-Ed)...yeah, fair point...and it's on Social Media that you'll find the genuinely hard questions being asked...(and the hard answers too-Ed)...and they're often one and the same, as is the case with this P Dutty/Paladin corruption...

To this end I'll just paraphrase/quote exactly what's being said on Social Media about these vacuous denials of impropriety and/or involvement of P Dutty, namely, 'are we to believe that the same man who micro-managed au-pairs visas on a Sunday afternoon had no involvement or even knowledge of his department awarding a $420m+ contract via a Closed Tender?'...(that is indeed the question that answers itself-Ed)...ain't it though...but now onto our main subject...  

From The Border Watch, Friday 15th February 2019, here 'tis...

...(whatta' load of bollocks-Ed)...indeed...(and typical complicit Mt Gambier media, not one genuine shreckin' word about why McShonks is leaping outta' his contract 4 years early-Ed)...and the same insipid dross on the ABC just unravel these unchallenged lies, we'll just list them off, namely;
1)  central business district upgrade - means the horrendous third-rate grey Chinese pavers
     slapped-down around town, $$$millions of Ratepayer's hard-earned tipped into the pockets of
     specific individuals related to MGCC;
2)  art gallery - lumbering Ratepayers with the costly and largely self-indulgent running of the
     Riddoch Gallery, following-on from the related massive expenditure of the farcical Main
     Corner debasco (debacle/fiasco);
3)  railway lands - another farcical waste of Ratepayer's money, unusable in even slightly
     inclement weather, and defined by incompetence of planning, Insider Trading, and multiple
     unfinished aspects, eg, no Sound Shell, no Covered Plaza, no Old Rail Station Restoration;
4)  ReUse Market - what a joke, MGCC closed the original Recycling Depot located on the
     exact same site, then the huge hangar-style shed 'disappeared', allegedly taken by a MGCC
     Councillor, and then MGCC re-opens the exact same business;
5)  former hospital demolition - another litany of rank MGCC corruption, Insider Trading,
     Nepotism, etc, where-in Ratepayers paid 50% more than the building wasn't selling for,
     thus corruptly ensuring creditors related to developers Skytowers Mt Gambier got their
     money back, then a rankly corrupt Tender process that saw a structurally sound building,
     a Ratepayer-funded city asset demolished whilst still riddled with Asbestos, leading to an
     Asbestos-contaminated dust cloud blowing across the city;
6)  I am not aware of the exact machinations of the Rail Trail, other than people had been
     calling for it for over a decade.

I remind regular availees that it was the gross corruption of the Old Hospital Demolition that led to my official complaints/reports to my local Member Don Pegler and the Ombudsman, reports that themselves became the farcically corrupt faux-investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(which then became your farcically corrupt trial and equally corrupt 'Conviction' for the heinous crime of talking and/or blogging about that corrupt ICAC nonsense-Ed)...well quite, corruption to cover-up corruption, welcome to SA...nor am I gunna' wade into the nonsense about the James Morrison Academy, because I'm gunna' get stuck into all that stuff in a soon-to-come post dedicated specifically to all those related issues...(sounds intriguing-Ed)...I reckon that regular availees will have a fair idea what's comin'...

As for the unrelenting crap about what great work Marky Mark has done "Securing $25m worth of grants..."...(but nothing's been "secured", it's all entirely theoretical, at this stage all they've done is make applications which have received verbal support, but each 'grant' is highly reliant on other 'grants' and MGCC borrowing $10m+, etc, etc-Ed)...well exactly, that's what I mean when I talk about the relentless deceits, the only thing missing here is Marky's verbal lies from his farewell ABC SE interview from the following Saturday morning, ie, "72% of people voted for it"...(but that's a lie! even if you believe MGCC, who are proven serial liars, it was 72% of the 40% who responded, not a straight-out "72%"-Ed)...and that's why we need to do a full post dedicated to the subject...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The Recreation Centre Debasco

I'll finish here and be back as soon as possible, quite likely actually tomorrow...I'm looking to restore myself somewhat by returning to a more frequent posting regime...cannot say exactly what that might turn-out to be, but here's to more posts more often...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...      

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Everytime I See Political Corruption, I See The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy y'all in Russia, Brazil, Canada, and Belarus, and to y'all else out there...(mate! if anybody's "out there", it's you ya' crazy ol' fool-Ed)...not so much of the "ol'" thanks, but indeed, no-one's ever accused me of being sane...(aha, nice one man-Ed)...and sure, there are plenty of people who think I'm borderline loony for doing this 'ere blog...(yeah, "borderline", try 'completely'-Ed)...well quite, but that's mostly about the vicious Pro-Paedophile Retribution generated from the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australian Parliament, Judiciary, SAPol (police), Crown Solicitor, Mt Gambier City Council, etc, etc...(and those who refuse to actually acknowledge the horrendous realities identified in this 'ere blog, and instead attack you-Ed)...well quite, be it ignorance, weakness, or complicit Pro-Paedophile Corruption, almost without exception criticism of me and/or this 'ere blog rarely strays to actually addressing the issues, it's almost exclusively personal attacks...anyhoos, a quick apology to regular availees for the 9 days between posts, lost track of time there a bit, but here we are now, and so aways we go...also apols that this post is very disjointed, jumping from one issue to the next, but I'm just trying to encapsulate the sort of Institutionalised Corruption that I've seen in just the last week...

I'm sure most Australians are more than well aware of the heinous conduct from Peter Dutton and Border Farce, I mean Border Force, and 'our' horrendous treatment of Saudi women being blocked from entering Australia 'if unaccompanied by a man', upto and including some women being returned to Saudi Arabia and 'disappearing'...(well pretty-much everything Peter 'Mr Potato Head' Dutton does is reprehensibly vile, corrupt, and hypocritical, particularly his Conflict of Interests 'Family Trust Child Care Centres' investment stuff, and the 'Au Pairs' corruption-Ed)...indeed, and many a jolly japester has observed that it's a pity these Saudi women aren't au pairs 'cos then they'd be golden, given entry visas no probs...(and isn't there that sort of insinuation that in at least some instances 'au pair' is actually a euphemism for 'escort/prostitute'-Ed)...well there is that, but gourd knows, I certainly don't, and it's crooked enough either which way and P-Dutty has clearly lied about it, etc, that that particular issue is almost irrelevant...(fair enough-Ed)...and now there's very concerning news spreading about the extraordinary $20million per month fees being paid to a tiny company re providing services to the Offshore Detention Centre on Manus Island...just Interweb search using those references... 

A Bridget Too Farcical:...National Party deputy leader Bridget McKenzie has stoutly defended the fact that she spent $40,000 on a single flight from Queensland to Melbourne...this follows various other similar incidents from LNP members, eg, Matthias Corman, Susan Ley, Bronwyn Bishop, Tony Pasin, etc, etc...(well sure, but it's still small change compared to the vast sums LNP members are claiming for 'Expenses' like travel, office upgrades, etc-Ed)...well quite, and only recently it was put to me that our charming local Member for Barker Tony Pasin's $400,000+ office upgrade here in Mt Gambier, was to a building owned by his family...(I thought it was owned by one of the Herberts?-Ed)...which ones, the same dodgy lot who are involved in the super-corrupt attempt by Mt Gambier Agricultural and Horticultural Society's Roger Saunders to sell-off a fair chunk a' the Show Grounds to ALDI, as covered in the previous post, or the ones who keep getting vastly bloated Mt Gambier City Council 'Tenders', eg, the Main Corner debasco (debacle/fiasco)...(not sure, does it matter which one if it's Pasin's family who own it anyway?-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, I'll try to find out dear availees but don't hold your collective breaths...and with Bridget's $40k flight of fancy, as per usual I'm gunna' use the LNP's own Leaners-Lifters Scale of Rank Bastardry to make the observation that the cost of that one flight could have supported 2 Disability Support Pensioners for a full year...(with change-Ed)...well quite...

(And the Future Fund chairman is former Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello, a spineless drain on the national accounts whom, largely responsible and/or complicit in the disastrous John Howard LNP government that caused irreparable damage to Australian society-Ed)...well quite, and he's involved with Channel 9...(yeah, but only as Chair of the Board-Ed)...indeed, it's just another in a litany of rankly self-serving 'Reward Appointments' that ensures the systemic corruption continues unabated and the perpetrators unaccountable...

And of course there's the rankly problematic Margaret Cuneen, a former subject and vocal critic of the New South Wales ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption), who has been appointed by PM Scott Morrison as part of the Advisory Panel 'advising' on the creation of a Federal ICAC...(hang on, a known critic of ICAC is 1 of 3 on the ICAC Advisory Panel?-Ed)...yep, but it gets better...(good gourd, how?-Ed)...she's also acting as disgraced NSW Labor MP Eddie Obeid's defence lawyer in his impending 'Corruption Trial'...(whaaa? but aren't those charges the result of NSW ICAC hearings/investigations?-Ed)...yeah...(wow-Ed)...indeed...but wait there's more...

Sans Mal former SAPol (police) Commissioner Mal Hyde, intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (2002-present), has had to 'step-down' as the 'Inquiry Commissioner' overseeing the Inquiry into Victorian police paying a lawyer to be an informant...(is that the Lawyer X stuff?-Ed)...yep...(but hang-on, isn't Mal also previously a senior Victorian police member?-Ed)...yep, and that's why he's had to step down, because it's been revealed that this Lawyer X stuff goes back 20+ years to include his time as Vic Deputy Police Commissioner...(so, from Vic Police Dep Comm, to SAPol Comm, and a direct extended involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...and gourd knows what else...(well he was SA Labor's pick to investigate Families SA over the Shane McCoole Child Abuse Scandal-Ed)...and also headed the Victorian government's Inquiry into Sexual Abuse by church officials and other non-government organisations, aways back in 2012...(so straight from VICPol to SAPol Comm and the St Martins Cover-up, then back to Victoria to head an inquiry into abuse in churches, etc?-Ed)...yep, and then back to Families SA, which directly involved gross failures by SAPol, then back yet again to the Victoria Police Inquiry...and when SAPol was asked if they have been using lawyer's as paid informants, including under Mal's watch, their response was 'we don't comment on informers'...(so the answer is 'yes'-Ed)...exactly...

Then there's our new mate Liberal Tim Wilson and his hilarious Franking Credits Inquiry, including moving a hearing date at the request of his relative Geoff Wilson, so that the hearing would coincide with a meeting of Geoffo's 'Anti-Tax lobby group'...(and didn't Timmy draft the pro-forma complaints to the Inquiry?-Ed)'s some hastily cut-'n'-pasted stuff from a source I forgot to note down, sorry, 'cos it's only part of a much longer story...***

It’s that mindset that leads you to a place where you can establish an “inquiry” into a “retirement tax” (that isn’t a tax), funded by the taxpayer (thanks for that guys), and think it’s fine for the chairman of the relevant parliamentary committee (in this case Tim Wilson) to authorise what is clearly an accompanying, partisan campaign website (endorsed by him in his committee capacity) in order to better funnel outrage to the main event.Again, in that mindset, it’s OK for Wilson to decline to answer direct questions about who is funding that campaign website which is pushing submissions into the taxpayer-funded process. I don’t have to disclose that information, so I won’t.
Voters keen to understand who is exerting influence in their democracy can talk to the hand. We decide the (taxpayer-subsidised) echo chambers, and the circumstances in which they come into being.
It’s also OK, when that mindset descends, for members of the government to hand out Liberal party membership forms to retirees concerned about the changes during a taxpayer-funded hearing of the standing committee on economics.
It’s OK, too, for Wilson to draft up pro-forma submissions to his own inquiry, submissions he will later have to assess as evidence. On Wilson’s rationale, doing that is fine, because people can amend his pro-forma wording, so not all the submissions he will be assessing will have been written by him. Phew, huh? What a relief.
It’s also OK – amazingly – to be a shareholder in Wilson Asset Management (owned by Geoff Wilson, a different Wilson and a distant relative), and coordinate with that same fund manager to get opponents of the policy out with placards at the same time as taxpayer-funded hearings are happening.

***...again, simply Interweb search this stuff for a more specific dissection of exactly how corrupt this particular Inquiry process is...

Surprised to see/hear the complete lack of response to Sky News' translucent sack-a-crap Rowan Dean cracking a hilarious joke about a woman claiming that she was treated poorly at an airport 'due to the (dark) colour of her skin'...a coupla' months back, in a discussion about how she was being too precious and 'reverse-rascism', etc, my mate Rowan wittily observed to that other Sky News luminary Andrew Bolt that 'at least Bill Cosby wasn't rascist because he drugged and assaulted women of all colours and creeds'...(wow-Ed)...yeah, now my wording isn't exact, but that's what he said, and I'm shocked that no-one has held him to account for this atrocious statement...(did Bolt laugh?-Ed)...well he had this weird leering smirk...(yeah, but that's just Andrew knowing that he knows better than everyone else, it's his usual demeanour-Ed)...yeah, fair point...

And on top of various other bleating from the SA Liberals, comes this...***

Law and order reforms top State Government agenda

“Restoring faith” in the state’s justice system will be a key focus for the State Government’s legislative agenda, as Parliament returns on Tuesday.
Attorney-General Vickie Chapman told The Advertiser that the Government will bring a suite of proposed new laws to Parliament in the first half of the year which include changes to home detention and possible reform of the sentencing discount system, as well as increased transparency measures and moves to reduce backlogs clogging the system.
It follows heated debates in Parliament last year over the key issue of law and order, including Opposition moves to seize the momentum over the possible release of paedophiles.
Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas has also flagged that Environment and Water Minister David Speirs faces a grilling, after a Royal Commission criticised him for “capitulating” to the upstream states over the River Murray.

Attorney-General Vickie Chapman and SA Premier Steven Marshall. Picture: AAP / Sam Wundke
Ms Chapman said she would this week introduce legislation to clarify “what restrictions are placed on a serious sexual offender to ensure there is absolutely no doubt about how the laws that are intended to protect the community from serious sexual offenders should be applied”.
“We worked intensively to rewrite home detention laws, fixing, among other things, the issues relating to the home detention of serious sex offenders, rather than a simple Band-Aid fix,” she said.
Later in the year, Ms Chapman will advance plans for open Independent Commission Against Corruption hearings and receive a review on sentencing discounts for criminals who plead guilty early.
The Government will also seek to repeal labour hire rules passed by its predecessor.

***...and this nonsense follows Vicki's ludicrous statements about SA's farcical new 'Whistleblower Protection Laws', laws that say that 'if authorities don't act on a report of corruption/malfeasance/whatevs within 3 months, then the whistleblower can legally go to the media with their report/complaint/whatevs'...(but that's absolute shizzle! all the Office of Public Integrity/ICAC need to do is say 'we're looking at it' or 'we have looked at it', etc, and the whistleblower/reporter is legally refused the right to discuss it further, at all, ever!-Ed)...well exactly, it's a deliberate manipulation and  misrepresentation of the reality, where-in everything goes straight to ICAC, where Our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander will either dismiss it or lock it down amid 'secrecy legislation' as he has repeatedly done with other stuff involving his government paymasters...(how many times has he protected Premier Jay Weatherill?-Ed) always a number?...this farcical legislation is 0% about genuine whistlebower protection, and 100% about giving the illusion of protections and transparency, etc...

...and here's a quick reminder (pasted-across from an ABC website) of some of the rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption surrounding SAPol, Labor, and the Adelaide Public Service...I remind availees that it was a Danish Police Taskforce that exposed/caught Shannon McCoole, and as reported here, he had been 'investigated' by SA authorities a year earlier and cleared...(and our mate Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill announcing yet another SA Child Abuse Royal Commission, what a sick joke-Ed)...indeed...***

Former SA police commissioner Mal Hyde appointed to help manage Families SA scandal

Former South Australian police commissioner Mal Hyde has been appointed to check the employment records of residential care staff.
The process is one of a range of measures the State Government has announced in response to the alleged sexual abuse of seven toddlers in state care.
The Government said it would also advertise for a new executive director of Families SA, as well as a replacement for former deputy chief David Waterford.
Mr Waterford resigned last week for "inadvertently misleading" his boss and the Minister over the sexual abuse case.
It was revealed the charged man had been investigated a year ago for alleged improper conduct against a toddler, but the claims could not be substantiated.
Mr Waterford said he had resigned because he fell well short of the standards of a public servant.

Police Commissioner confirms prior investigation

Earlier today Police Commissioner Gary Burns confirmed South Australian police were previously alerted to a concern about the 32-year-old Families SA worker who was recently charged with child sex offences.
It is understood another Families SA worker complained a year ago about alleged inappropriate behaviour between the accused man and a young girl.
Commissioner Burns told 891 ABC Adelaide detectives looked at the complaint and decided it did not warrant further investigation.
"My understanding is this care notification was looked at by detectives and it was determined that there wasn't anything concrete enough to proceed," Commissioner Burns said.

"As a result of the subsequent arrest of this person, that care and concern notification will be picked up in the overall investigations that are continuing now.
"The aim will be to put the police resources in to secure a conviction and therefore prevent the person being involved in more of these type of offences into the future," he said.
Meanwhile Premier Jay Weatherill has released the draft terms of reference for the proposed royal commission into child sexual abuse.
They include looking into the adequacy of existing laws and policies relevant to the state's child protection regime for children at risk of harm, as well as the adequacy of existing practices and procedures adopted by Families SA and other relevant agencies.
Comments on the terms of reference are invited up until close of business of Tuesday August 12 at YourSay.

***...(I just don't know what to say-Ed)...why not go with your traditional "wow"?...(well somehow 'wow' just doesn't seem to be anywhere near enough for this chronic/deliberate SAPol incompetence, rancid deceits from the Pro-Paedophile Premier, and yet another SA Child Abuse Royal Commission-Ed)...fair points...

Tomorrow: MGCC Lies And Manipulation About Indoor Recreation Centre

Apologies that I promised this last time, but today I just had to shed, as in 'shake-off' not 'store away in a small building', at least some of the stress and anger and whatevs that all of this rank corruption has bought into my life again this week...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, cheers and laters...

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Mt Gambier Show Society Should Show Grounds For Actions

Howdy y'all dear availees in France, Germany, Estonia, and the United Kingdom, and to y'all else elsewhere...just a very quick post that is largely re-iteration of previous posts about the shonky shenanigans with the Mt Gambier Agricultural and Horticultural Society and their relentlessly unprofessional conduct re management of the Mt Gambier Showgrounds...(is this the stuff about the rankly corrupt attempt to flog-off a fair ol' chunk of the Showgrounds to ALDI aways back in late 2014/early 2015?-Ed)...not specifically, but we will briefly re-visit that definably corrupt conduct, no, this is about the blatant deceits and direct fraudulent conduct relative to the attached article (below) about on-site camping...(are we also looking at the rankly fraudulent mismanagement of the yearly Mt Gambier Show?-Ed)...why not, it's all the same dodgy crew acting in openly inappropriate fashion... 

To just quickly review, it was late 2014 when a coupla' MGAHS members became aware that there was a super-dodgy 'contract' in play between MGAHS Treasurer Roger Saunders, Herbert Real Estate, and supermarket giant ALDI...(where-in it looked exactly like Roger was colluding with Herberts and effectively ALDI to sell-off a large area of the Showgrounds to ALDI-Ed)...absolutely, and it looked like that because that's exactly what was happening, and they were trying to do it without any MGAHS members or the general public knowing about it until it was too late...(we have covered this quite extensively in posts from that time-Ed)...indeed we have, but it does bear repeating in context of this latest shenanigans because it defines/highlights a pattern of deceitful and fraudulent conduct...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but by all means dear availees go back and check-out that stuff from early 2015...anyhoos, this attempted sell-off quickly became public knowledge...(and weren't the public impressed-Ed)...indeed, so impressed they, or rather MGAHS members demanded an immediate meeting where-in they/we demanded an immediate halt to the 'process'..

And I am absolutely confident about calling that original 'contract' as being dodgy if not straight-out corrupt...(well I would think that the absolute lack of appropriate scrutiny, lack of land value appraisal, deliberate exclusion of MGAHS members, etc, etc, it defines that process/'contract' as being absolutely corrupt-Ed)...well, Ed, I appreciate your position on this and it indeed mimics many of the opinions expressed to me at the time and since...also I still have a copy of that original 'contract' as was handed to me at the first meeting where/when I heard multiple personal accounts/opinions, and various direct 'allegations' of various very questionable 'incidents' regarding MGAHS and how they conducted their 'financial affairs'...(well to paraphrase that stuff, there seemed to be an awful lot of 'envelopes full of cash' swapping hands and very little evidence of relevant receipts-Ed)...mmm, that's the polite way of putting it Ed, so well done you...(and that these 'envelope exchanges' went from 'Gate Takings' and 'Site Payments' from the yearly Show, right through to general 'Employment Contracts' and 'Construction Tenders', etc, and pretty much everywhere/thing in between-Ed)...mmm, and that's a very specific way of putting it...

I repeat my personal position that MGAHS Treasurer Roger Saunders' conduct re ALDI should have triggered an immediate and rather angry MGAHS Inquiry, to be closely followed by his immediate sacking and the high-likelihood of the laying of charges...(and you ain't Robinson Crusoe on that one mate, plenty of MGAHS members and others look at that original 'contract' and associated dealings as being straight-out corrupt and also believe that the MGAHS Committees abject failure to conduct even the most cursory Inquiry shows them to be effectively complicit-Ed)...well at best ineffectual and incompetent, but indeed, the failure to challenge Roger Saunder's conduct and/or admonish him in any manner is an irrefutable proof that the MGAHS Committee condone those actions...and despite the clearly stated wishes of many MGAHS members at those 2015 meetings, Roger & Co have had a second albeit failed go at floggin'-off part of the Show Grounds to ALDI...

Now I can appreciate how some availees might perceive my actionings re the MGAHS as being an angry and even vindictive response to the appalling way that Kerry Hill has treated me personally...(you mean a coupla' years back where she told you that they didn't need any more volunteers for the upcoming Show, and then the very next morning a different MGAHS Committee member was on the ABC South East Radio encouraging people to contact them because they needed more volunteers?-Ed)...yeah, that stuff, when in 2016, after 4 years of extensive volunteering I was told 'thanks but no thanks' in a context where it was specifically about me and my personal politicking...(and especially regarding this dodgy ALDI 'contract'-Ed)...well indeed...regardless, my conscience is absolutely clear because I wrote to ALDI without response...(and the Consumer Affairs people-Ed)...indeed, and I went to those MGAHS meetings and engaged in a polite and informed manner, and resultantly I can and do take genuine pride in being one of the handful of people who saved the Show Grounds from that rankly corrupt sell-off...(right, so it's just a pleasant co-incidence that you've managed to royally root things up for our mate Roger and his co-conspirator buddies at Herbert Real Estate?-Ed)...indeed, a win on so many levels...and I further note that out mate Roger is the President for the Mt Gambier branch of the Liberal Party...(you are joking?!-Ed) I look like I'm joking?...

And as just stated, it is my understanding that Roger the Dodgy has since February 2015 had another go at floggin'-off some of the Show Grounds but that MGAHS members put the kibosh on that straight away...(and good on them, and I think it is important to re-iterate how the vast majority of members were shocked by and opposed to that original sell-off attempt, and when informed via those meetings voted accordingly, they weren't deceived by the gross misrepresentation of the issues or bamboozled by the cash being waved in their faces-Ed)...well sure, credit where credit's due, when they became aware of what was goin' on, sure, they responded appropriately, and that only further highlights Roger Saunders actions and intent of deliberately trying to sneak it through without anyone finding out...but we digress with this albeit very relevant review of past shenanigannings at the MGAHS, because just this week we have more of the same absolute dodginess and direct deceits...please to be availing y'all selves of the attached article, and see ya's afters... there you unless I'm much mistaken, Kerry Hill has personally been involved in multiple meetings/contacts with Mt Gambier City Council about the exact issue of expanding the Camping facilities at the Show Grounds...(hasn't it actually been raised in Council meetings?-Ed)...I reckon it has Ed, but of course I can't speak for anything recently because 1) MGCC Minutes are so notoriously compromised because they are a rankly corrupt Council who manipulate and/or edit and/or censor their Minutes...(sorry, did you say MGCC are rankly corrupt?-Ed)...yes Ed, yes I did say that MGCC are rankly corrupt, but I only say that because they are...(always have been as far as I'm aware-Ed)...well certainly as long as I've been personally involved...and of course 2) since April 2018 I am officially banned from attending any MGCC meeting of any description due to the "reprehensibly vile" politically-motivated misuse of Final Intervention Orders by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(don't those FIOs effectively ban you from attending any sort of Public Meeting and/or gathering and/or event of any kind?-Ed)...absolutely they do Ed, and that is exactly the intent, to ban me from everything and try to deny me access to information, etc, etc, like I said, a "reprehensibly vile" politically-motivated misuse of FIOs by a rankly corrupt Magistrate, Ian White...

MGCC Declined To Comment:...(well what sort of bollocks is that? if MGCC is responsible for this 'licensing' and has been in regular contact with the MGAHS about said camping license, etc, how is it appropriate for the MGCC to dodge their share of responsibility?-Ed)...indeed, it's absolute confirmation that MGCC are exactly aware of just exactly how deceit-ridden these MGAHS statements are, and that to offer any opinion on the subject would either openly contradict their mates like Roger and Kerry at the MGAHS, and/or define MGCC's collusion in the shenanigannings...(it's also an appallingly gutless buck-passing in the exact same vein that Kerry Hill is trying to defer responsibility to the un-named "on-ground camp host"-Ed)...well quite, all of those actually responsible stating 'I know nu-think' and blaming others...(or not saying nuthink at all, effectively blaming others-Ed) on...(and who is the un-named "new person on council (who) came on board", apparently quite recently-Ed)...indeed, another deliberate obfuscation, make vague references to someone supposedly responsible but don't name them thus avoiding any direct accountability...(oh, and blame the campers themselves, why not-Ed)...again, it's everybody else's responsibility/fault except for those who are actually legally responsible...

If MGAHS don't have appropriate processes and security, etc, in place that means anyone can just lob there anytime and set-up wherevs without MGAHS knowing and having control of the situation, then that is directly down to MGAHS, not the "camp host", and definitely not the campers themselves...(and if there's an "on-ground camp host" how can anyone supposedly sneak in "after hours" without being detected?-Ed)...sure, and if there was a "function" on at the time this photo was taken surely MGAHS accounts would clearly confirm that when cross-referenced with the Camping Register?...(and what about the Insurance Issues of having many more campers on site than licensed?-Ed)...another great point Ed...(and if receipts aren't being issued, how does the MGAHS know what to pay the "camp host"?-Ed)...another great point...(and that relates to Taxation issues, etc-Ed)...indeed it does, and directly to allegations that the camp host is/was 'being payed off the books because of pension issues'...(or was that the previous host?-Ed)...dunno', all I know is that that specific allegation has persisted for years now, and segues neatly into all of the other very dodgy MGAHS practices when it comes to finances...

I have seen and/or heard enough to know that there really is only one way to appropriately resolve this litany of MGAHS dysfunctionings, and that is that MGAHS needs to submit to a genuinely Independent Audit process, one that definitely doesn't include the ultra-dodgy Roger's very simple, just provide all of their booking schedules and related accounts and all of their alleged book-keeping related to Gate Takings, Tender Processes, Employment Contracts, etc, etc...(well that's never gunna' happen-Ed)...most likely not, like I said, I wrote to the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs some 3 years ago, and their response was 'not our problem, talk to the MGAHS Committee'...(but MGAHS are the problem and OCBA are supposedly the body to manage/police this stuff?!-Ed)...exactly, and I don't doubt that it was my name that in part explains that ludicrously corrupt non-response from the OBCA, but in the broader context, it's just further indication of the Dodgy Business As Usual conduct of the rankly corrupt South Australian Public Service...(I'm not sure whether it's corruptly pathetic or pathetically corrupt?-Ed)...well why not have a bet-each-way and be twice the winner?...(well quite-Ed)...   

Tomorrow:  Yet More MGCC Corruption

As promised, and as directly related to this post and the collusion and corruption evident's all the same self-involved, self-important pack-a-crooks who believe that they have the god-given right to keep appointing each other to important positions, usually as reward for previous mutually beneficial corruptionings, and sure in the knowledge that no-one in the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia and Mt Gambier is ever going to hold them to account...(take for example how richly rewarded the rankly corrupt Grant King has been, by both Labor and Liberal-Ed)...a perfect example, or Biddie Shearing's mind-numbing appointments to multiple 'Tourism' positions and Chamber of Commerce despite her rank incompetence and definable corruption...(and what about former Wattle Range Mayor and Liberal candidate Peter Gandolfi?-Ed)...indeed, absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and repeatedly and richly rewarded for it, good onya' Pete, mate...

(Phew, I thought we were gunna' get through a whole post without mentioning the St Martins Lutheran Cover-up-Ed)...what? not mention the cover-up of the gross abuse of a whole class of 7 year olds by their teacher Glyn Dorling? and not mention the rancidly Pro-Paedophile conduct of the Lutherans and SAPol (police) and SA Parliament, including of course Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Michael Atkinson, John Rau, Rory McEwen, Vicki Chapman, Rob Kerin, Rob Lucas, David Ridgway, etc, etc, and our mate Peter Gandolfi...(and of course not forgetting the rancidly corrupt Crown Solicitor, Teachers Registration Board, DPP, Magistrate Ian White, lawyers Piper Alderman, Peter Humphries, Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, etc, et al?-Ed)...indeed, chuck a dart at the board and you're guaranteed to hit a complicit pro-paedophile stooge or three...(oops, nearly forgot Tony Pasin and MGCC-Ed)...yeah, like I said, pick a name, chuck a dart, whatevs, literally everyone involved is complicit and therefore by definition Pro-Paedophile Corrupt...

I am Nick Fletcher and I do not apologise for the anger and the trauma in this 'ere post or any only quantifier is as always this, that within any organisation, eg, the MGAHS and even MGCC, there are always a smattering of genuine and decent people, and I would understand how they might be offended by my words and deeds...(unless of course you do some sort of quantifying statement to identify that specific point-Ed) I have specifically just done?...(dah yeah, nice one-Ed)'s know who you are and if your conscience is clear then clearly this stuff ain't about you...(my only concern is that those genuine peeps never ever get to a position of actual/genuine influence because the rest are so crooked and so compromised that they will never allow any sort of imposition on their mutually beneficial dealings-Ed)...precisely, it's exactly why people like Roger Saunders, Grant King, Biddie Shearing, Peter Gandolfi, etc, etc, get these plum jobs, 'cos they're well defined crooks being appointed to keep well-crooked systems functioning...(and as protected by a definably corrupt SA ICAC and/or Ombudsman-Ed)...well quite...

And there is literally only one person I know openly fighting against this rancid corruption and what it costs us as a community, and that's li'l ol' moi...(and it's why you get your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' out to getcha', and ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander conspiring with Labor's Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau to change ICAC legislation specifically to prosecute you, via a 39 month "bizarre trial", and the cops repeatedly on ya' doorstep to harass and intimidate you, all of that fun stuff-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, speak-out about the rancidly Pro-Paedophile System that runs SA and that self-same system is guaranteed to come after you...the System that openly protects the "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling and equally obviously goes after the families who seek action against the paedophile...(ah, SA, the Festering State-Ed)...indeed...

Again, I am Nick Fletcher, and again, I am a very angry if not quite young man, and quite frankly, I take a degree of pride in my anger and my actions because 1) any vaguely sane person should be rabidly furious about what happens in this sad, sick state, and 2) it sets me apart from all those identified above...and this 'ere blog may be almost the only 'power' I have, but it quite evidently does get in there...(gets right in there mate, clearly-Ed), I am me, this is mine, and cheers and laters...