Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I Got It Half Right - Why Mt Gambier City Council Must Resign En Masse.

Hello Sweden, Egypt, India, and Japan and welcome to TMGI...and in a rare treat for regular availees, I'm going to do exactly the post I promised last time...(treat?-Ed)...shhh...please to be finding attached the relative statements/Motions from the 2 consecutive Mt Gambier City Council meetings, July and August 2016, and the article from The Border Watch (Thursday August 18th 2016)...here again is the carefully planned, cynically orchestrated, institutionalised and systemic corruption of the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, in collusion with the willingly complicit and equally corrupt The Border Watch newspaper...

But First:...whilst I cannot and will not apologise for the anger in recent posts, this one included, I greatly appreciate the ongoing support and feedback and the patience of availees as I trudge relentlessly forward with this 'ere blog and/or my personal stuff...(blah blah esoteric journey of self-discovery blah blah-Ed)...and sure, I do continue to suffer the crushing depression of living in a pro-paedophile corrupt community, be that South Australia itself or in l'il ol' Mt Gambier as run by a rancidly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council that operates for the specific financial gain of Its' constituent Members, etc, etc, etc, but despite that, what I have 'achieved' in trying to address this corruption cannot be ignored...as others have put it to me, this 'ere blog TMGI has created an undeniable parallel history to the one that these corrupt public officials would have y'all believe...cheers...and on with the post!...(tally-bally-ho!-Ed)... 

In the recent post about this self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier group, and the associated rank corruption of a number of it's constituent/founding members, and the direct rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council in supporting TMG, particularly the bizarre and deeply corrupted discussions/processes re the 2016/17 Budget, we all have already discussed the contemptuously corrupt 'Conflict Of Interest' conduct of former Mayor and current MGC Councillor Steve Perryman, who, as a founding Board Member of TMG, belligerently led the attack (in Council meetings) on what Council services should be 'de-funded' so as to free-up Ratepayers' money for him and his mates on TMG...(ya' know, I was there, and I still can't believe 1) that Stevo mate was so arrogantly self-righteous in his demands and in his denigration of disabled people, etc, or 2) that the rest of the Council just sat there and let it happen! pathetic!-Ed)...not just pathetic Ed, corrupt, rankly corrupt...

Remember too availees, that 1) it is reported that TMG intends to achieve 'Tourism' results that are already being achieved by State authorities/campaigns/whatevs, and 2) former MGC Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing, who is also part of TMG, is currently swanning-about the place on the Taxpayers' dollar as the Tourism Development Officer for Regional Development Australia...and this bizarre TDO RDA appointment fresh off-the-back of a disastrous 'career' with other failed Tourism groups...(is this the stuff about how a demonstrated commitment to the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA is a fundamental requisite in being employed to these RDA jobs and any number of other similar positions?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...please also remember that this TMG has been officially described/reported as a 'Sub-committee of the Mt Gambier Chamber of Commerce', therefore Ratepayers are funding not just TMG but also the MGCoC...(wow...and don't the CoC have Members on TMG?-Ed)...yep...(wow, it's a veritable smorgasbord of self-serving Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest, and self-righteous greed-Ed)...indeed...

I note that this TMG has in it's self-appointed Board-ship several very wealthy individuals...very, very wealthy individuals, anyone of whom could easily self-fund this self-appointed group...and I can point directly at at least 2 of these very, very wealthy individuals and say they've made their wealth through corruption...and not just ya' standard garden variety corruption, ya' know, like ripping-off Ratepayers via super-dodgy building projects, relentlessly nepotistic Tender processes, etc, etc...(the sort of standard fare ya' get from Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...exactly like that...it's absolutely corrupt, sure, but it's not the pro-paedophile corruption that defines the political careers of Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman, as evidenced by their extensive and intimately complicit involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(ah yeah now there's some corruption right there-Ed)...damn straight...

(So what you're saying is, is that every current Councillor, the Mayor, the CEO, all senior Council Officers, et al, they should all be sacked/removed and duly charged, under ICAC legislation, because that's exactly what ICAC's supposed to do, and then all involved appropriately fined/whatevs?-Ed)...and include the recent former CEO Greg Muller and Mayor (Perryman)...(fair enough, they're shockers too, but you're saying that all of that corruption, as undoubtedly bad as it is, all of that pales in comparison to the extraordinary levels of corruption, deceit, and self-serving criminality that our mates Rory and Stevo have involved themselves in re the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...that's exactly what I'm saying...and I say these things 100% confident that I can prove, indeed, have already repeatedly proven on this 'ere blog just exactly what Rory's capable of, eg, his extraordinary defense of the "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher and then slanderous attack on us parents via the front page of the equally complicit The Border Watch from May 6th 2005 (see previous posts, including recent post about Premier Jay Weatherill)... 

MGC Council is obviously feeling some of the public backlash about the rank corruption of this entire TMG process, because after initially trumpetting (via The Border Watch, previous post) that there would be $480,000 of Ratepayers' money going to TMG, with $350,000 of that for employing a 'Tourism Officer/Specialist', Council has now reined right-back from Its' billowing self-praise about how much of Ratepayers' money is being poured into TMG...(and reined-back so much that they've got TBW very carefully pseudo-accurately reporting these corrupt shenanigans-Ed)...pseudo-accurately?...(yeah, it's the deceit by omission stuff, the carefully crafted half-truth stuff-Ed)...you mean like Council and TBW now stating/reporting that MGC Council has "committed $160,000 in seed funding", followed 2 paragraphs later with a verbose acknowledgement of the fiscal realities, "Identical financial contributions over the next two years have been foreshadowed by council", itself a lie because Council hasn't "foreshadowed" squat, they've stated outright and voted for this funding for a 3 year period...period...

When you start to look at the various different versions side-by-side, these manipulations and/or omissions become glaringly obvious...eg, whilst I don't have a copy of the relevant "attached budget proposal", Council has self-evidently been very careful to go from "in kind support for tourism specialists' office accommodation, vehicle usage, office consumables", right back to just "in kind support"...and the discussion in Councils' July meeting couched this "in kind support" in terms of providing an office within the Council premises, and a car...(what? on top of the $110,000 salary?-Ed)...yep...(wow, so Ratepayers are straight-out being robbed of $160,000 for this ludicrous TMG nonsense, plus we're paying for all the other rorts that Council commits, eg, luxury cars for Council staffers, etc, including it would appear, a car for this 'Tourism Specialist'-Ed)...and all very carefully hidden behind "in kind support"...

The final act re this rankly corrupt TMG Motion in MGC Councils' August 2016 meeting is as below, item b), point 6), "Provide Councillor representation on the Tourism Mount Gambier Board."...(but isn't TMG founding Board Member Steve Perryman also former Mayor and current MGCC Councillor Steve Perryman?-Ed)...one and the same...(the same Cr Perryman who shat spectacularly all over Local Government provisions re 'Conflict Of Interest' when he led the attack on other Council services re funding TMG?-Ed)...yep...(what? all that stuff we've discussed just before/above and in recent posts? that Steve Perryman?-Ed)...what can I tell ya' Ed...(it doesn't make sense...why would Council include and then vote-through a statement that conflicts so fundamentally with the reality? the sentence itself simply doesn't make sense-Ed)...and that Ed, that's what I was saying previous about how this stuff is carefully written to hide the corrupt truths, and particularly to deceive those who wouldn't know otherwise...  
Here is a text-book example of the deliberate deceit of these official Council documents...this is carefully worded for a reader who wouldn't know the critical, intimate and repeated role that Cr Steve Perryman has played in establishing TMG and forcing Council to fund it...this is written to try and deny the rankly corrupt realities by suggesting/inferring that TMG need to provide a position for Council representation, when the whole shenaniganous-shebang has been set-up and orchestrated by a serving Councillor...and round we come again to the Plausible Deniability stuff where-in Stevo was absent from Councils' July meeting where the TMG Motion wasn't even Seconded...(hilarious-Ed)...if it wasn't so serious...(fair call-Ed)...so Stevo had to be absent yet again in August so that it would get voted-through in his absence, and hence he can and will screech 'there's no Conflict Of Interest, I wasn't even there'...(wow, so corrupt-Ed)...absolutely, and how corrupt is the stoogefest of a Council that votes this crap through...(indeed-Ed)...

But the crowning glory in this pig-gutted frenzy of self-importance, this maelstrom of sanctimonious self-congratulation...(steady on, I quite like this 'ere blog-Ed)...shhh, idiot...where was I? ah yes, this Bacchanalian romp of self-serving corruption, this orgy of orchestrated official fraudulence, this vacuous avalanche of rank rorting, this...(oh for gourd sake, get on with it!-Ed)...fair enough...but truly the most bare-faced audacity, the...(ahh!-Ed)...sorry, the worst bit (TBW, below) where MGCC CEO Mark McShane states as fact that Ratepayers have "a responsibility to drive tourism"...(so what he's actually saying is, is that Ratepayers have an 'obligation' to fund Steve Perrymans' corruption?-Ed)...pretty much, but not just Stevos', Councils' corruption in general...(and don't Ratepayers pay Mighty Mark McShenanigans wage-Ed)...yep, Ratepayers fork-out for all their wages, their allowances, and for all their cars and their little soirees at the Main Corner...(a building also payed for wholly by Ratepayers and with all its' own litany of MGC Councils' rank Nepotism, Conflicts Of Interests, missing monies, et al?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...

And now MGC Council therefore Ratepayers are apparently paying for advertising this 'Tourism Officer' position (attached below) as well...the adjacent TBW column Progress important is from the same page as the article Tourism funds allocated, and the job ad is from the next days' TBW, Friday August 19th 2016...the entire TMG set-up is such a deeply Nepotistic, corrupted and inappropriate entity that it is not possible to define the genuine control structure and/or a single specific thread of corruption re Nepotism, etc...the whole thing is riddled with corruption...TMG has been set-up by corrupt people, not least of all Councillor Stevo, and is apparently a Sub-committee of the Chamber of Commerce, but being funded by Council therefore Ratepayers, but with Council employing the 'Tourism Specialist' and paying for all that as well...(wow-Ed)...  

Tomorrow: Embarrassed To Be An Angry White Man? I'm Not...Embarrassed That Is.

And sorry, read it through several times but I literally just picked-up the repeated references to "5 years" (TBW)...here again is the careful manipulation of truths to hide realities..."growth to the sector over 5 years", and "quest to become self-sufficient within five years" are 'Dodgy Council 101' language for indicating that the $480,000 over 3 years that Council has been furiously trying to downplay by referring to $160,000 for one year...(plus that "in kind support", don't forget that-Ed)...indeed, plus that, however much that turns out to be, whatevs, that's not the final goal/reality, that goal is 5 years of Ratepayer funding, meaning a grand total pushing $1million, well over $600,000 of which goes straight in the pocket of this alleged 'Tourism Specialist'...(wow-Ed)...nah, but it's not corrupt...much...

In closing, please also note at the bottom of the August Agenda page, the shizzle about the Rail Lands, and here again is Council, again, telling yet further lies about their genuine actions re the iconic Old Rail Station...as with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, I have via this 'ere blog proven beyond debate MGC Councils' ongoing commitment to the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, a massive Retail Development right across the Rail Lands site, and the Old Station is not just surplus to RLRA requirement, it's right in the way...Council has studiously avoided spending anything on this building because it's a building they've got marked for demolition...(and lied through their teeth about 'potential tenants' to make sure it remains empty?-Ed)...spot on, it's why Council refused locating the Public Bus Terminal there...it is fundamentally undeniable that the Old Station should have been the very first thing that was renovated/restored/whatevs, but MGC Council have absolutely no intention of doing so...(and where's the Sound Shell?-Ed)...indeed, no Sound Shell...and so it goes on... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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