Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Wouting These Webellious Wabble

Hello Philippines, Ukraine, Japan, and Indonesia and welcome to TMGI...again, I ain't apologising for the anger rolling through this 'ere post, but we'll try to bring at least some humour to the whole shebang...("we"?...are you forgetting that I'm not actually an actual person, rather I'm a confected literary device utilised to create a sense of debate rather than lecturing, and to set-up jokes, etc?-Ed)...no I hadn't forgotten, but thankyou for the reminder anyway...pity though...(how so?-Ed)...well, for example, when I'm being forced to self-represent in my Court case, whilst being persecuted by a wholly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Labor Party/State Parliament via the equally corrupted South Australian Courts, and as happened again, for another 90 minutes, in yet another 'Closed Court'', last Wednesday August 31st 2016...(wow-Ed)...oh yeah...and it would have been nice Ed if you were a real person because then you could have taken notes for me...

I'll stop there on that stuff because there's a series of posts a comin' re all that shizzle...and as I've repeatedly said, this doing a post once-a week just ain't workin' for me, so I'm going to apply myself with a discipline I simply don't possess, and just do a post regardless 5-days-per-week...sometimes it might just be poetry or photos or some other 'arty' shizzle, and there's bound to be a swathe of atrocious puns, some clumsy attempts at witty alliteration, etc, etc, and some posts might be quite short, etc, but it's going to happen...(well hoorah!-Ed)...indeed, and I've got a coupla' very, very angry posts just milling-about in my head, not least of all about my Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution Court case...but what's really, really pissed me right off, in ways that I simply cannot control, is the ongoing and extraordinary conduct of the Leukemia Foundation and their employee here in Mt Gambier, Sam Rothall...(yeah, I, um, I find this stuff to be incredibly distressing, particularly this crass manipulation of such an emotive and important issue as Leukemia/Cancer-Ed)...I call it disgraceful, bloody disgraceful...

And of course there's the rank corruption of Mount Gambier City Council, particularly re this bizarre, self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier group, a group created by 2 of the most pro-paedophile corrupt people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen and his self-declared protegé, former Mt Gambier Mayor and current MGC Councillor Steve Perryman...(wow, I can see why you would consider this to be a corrupt organisation given the rancidly corrupt people who have set it up-Ed)...indeed...and if you dear availee, if you're not familiar with the extraordinary and brazen corruption re this TMG shizzle, please read recent posts on the subject...(indeed, it's a heart-warming tale of blatant corruption and carefully orchestrated Nepotism, courtesy of MGC Council, the undisputed kings of Local Government Corruption, yay-Ed)...if by "heart-warming" you mean it makes my blood boil to watch these crooks yet again stealing Ratepayers' money and tipping it into each others' pockets, then yes, it is a very 'heart-warming' tale...but we digress...(again with the 'we'-Ed)...shut it!...

Happy Days:...as the Liberal Party continues to do everything it can to drag Oz back to the 1950s...(I for one dig-nostalgia for the good ol' days when just being a White Man in this country was justification enough for pretty much anything!-Ed)...oh gourd, you're not bangin'-on about this again are you, in your subtly sarcastic manner?...(it's not sarcasm when it's true-Ed)...and fair enough...I do recall you saying that in your extensive dealings with CentreLink/Social Support Services, that they have stated outright, 'our system is designed to deal with/help those outside the mainstream, but you're a reasonably sane, relatively able-bodied, White man, and our entire society is geared/structured/run to cater to your wants and needs, so we simply don't have a place for you in the Social Security System, we're here to help everyone else...(is this the stuff about being a 'Privileged White Man In a Stolen Land', and being on the Disability Support Pension, etc-Ed)...yeah, all that stuff...and it's stuff I'll get into properly in full posts, but specific to what's happening in the new Federal Parliament, wow, the chaos continues unabated...

A Kick Right In The Man-Date:...last week, during the first sitting week of the new Federal government since the July 2016 'Double Dissolution' Election stunt that was designed to clear-out that wabble of woudy webels* in the Senate...(but instead has delivered Malcolm Turnbulls' Liberals a Glorious Majority of One seat in the Lower House with extra Independent cross-benchers in the Upper House (Senate), a situation even more convoluted than the previous Parliament-Ed)...absolutely...well, after that Tour-de-Farce, it has been widely reported/noted/whatevs that Team Mal had best get their shizzle together every time there's any sort of vote in the Lower House, 'cos to do otherwise would clearly be unwise...(and then there's been all that shizzle re Labor refusing to allow 'Pairing', the practice of Opposition Members standing aside from votes to match the reasonable absence of say, the Foreign Minister-Ed)...the Foreign Minister...(where the 'convention' but not the Law has been for an Opposition Member to not vote whilst the Ministers' away on national business, etc-Ed)...indeed, from a range of commentators, across a range of issues, the importance of being present in the House has been widely canvassed/discussed/whatevs...and yet...                                                              *(Life Of Brian - Monty Python)

The Team Mal-Content Of Parliament:...was found to be wanting, or rather, not found as Team Mal might be wanting, 'cos a coupla' senior Ministers had shot-through early, apparently with the approval of Uber-Liberal and Leader of the House, Christopher 'Tidy Gentlemans' Perm' Pyne, thusly leaving the Team Mal content of the House inadequate, and so Labor managed to bring-on 3 votes that the Liberal/Nationals government lost, and then Labor very nearly got through a Bill for a Royal Commission into the rankly corrupted Banking Sector, and how Aussie banks have been ripping-off their customers with deliberately dodgy financial advice, crooked charges, etc, etc, a Royal Commission the Libs have been furiously refusing to support...(way to run the country dudes!-Ed)...

The Bells, The Bells:...they were a ringin', but some of the ding-dongs had already left the building...(thankya', thankya' very much-Ed)...because when they rang the bell, as they do in Parliament to let Members know to high-tail it into the House for whatevs vote is pending, the appeals of those appealing peels fell not on deaf ears, but not at all on some ears...(what sound does a bell make when the Minister's not there to here it?-Ed)...well I'd have to think you need to ask one of those 147-odd who were there and did hear it!...(fair point, fair point...but I don't get how that arrogantly shambolic effort from Team Mal relates to the more general Liberal agenda of dragging Oz back to the 1950s, as you were referring to earlier-Ed)...ah! indeed, they got so close, so close...(so close to what?-Ed)...well, when the 2-day-old Turnbull Liberal government lost those votes, it was the first time a majority government has lost a vote in the Lower House...(and not just 1 vote but 3-Ed)...indeed, and that's the first time since 1962...(orrr, so close-Ed)...but there's more...

A Right-Faction Kick In The Mandate:...when the succinctly rabidly Right Wing Liberal Cory 'BarnYardy' Bernardi and a bunch of other similarly sanctimonious Liberal back-benchers decided amongst themselves that the single most important piece of business for the new Parliament to address is removing certain provisions from Race Hate/Vilification Laws...(dammmn, nigga!-Me Impersonating Black USofA Comedian Dave Chappelle)...now, to the casual observer it may appear that Clan Cory is trying to pander to the sort of bigotted and insular Electorates that got them elected in the first place, but, ummm, ughhhm, errrr, well, actually it's a bit 'horse-and-cart' in that he was pre-selected and then elected largely due to his attitudes on these issues...(as were most of his mates-Ed)...indeed, so my attempt to write some wittily pithy paragraph about it has been triumphantly trampled by the reality...moving on...

Another Attempt At Humour:...(wow, subtle-Ed)...yeah, I know, but at least I'm still trying...uh-hum, I'm doing a sort of pseudo-documentary film thingy about the frozen remains of a Stone Age family/group, as recently exposed by a shrinking glacier and discovered by climate scientists monitoring that glacier...(orr yeah, is that that frozen mummified hunter dude Ötzi they found with the arrow wounds and stuff, and he was 5,000 years old?-Ed)...not him, no, but very similar, only there are several people, thought to possibly be a family group...I'm picturing Bruce Willis in the lead role..(do you have a working title?-Ed)...yeah, I'm calling it 'Icy Dead People'...(mmm, that's quite a long lead-in to a very average pun-Ed)...absolutely, and now there's every chance that we'll spend just as long here in the Dead Laugh Area...(or not-Ed)...and Ötzi is real but I made-up the other lot...

Tomorrow: Back To The Court

Still bloggin', and back again tomorrow for what can only be called a quick stroll through the bizarro parallel Universe that is the 'Justice' being applied to getting me for the heinous crime of talking about stuff that's supposedly all just fine...(just fine-Ed)...17?-18? hearings now, since February last year (2015)...90 minutes in June 2016, another 90 last week (August 31st 2016)...and at what cost? that's been at least 6 full hours of the Magistrates Court time this year alone, and that doesn't include obviously all the time and effort of SAPol (police), SAPol Prosecutions, Court staff, etc...(effort? I don't see much evidence of any effort by SAPol, it's a bad joke-Ed)...indeed, it's a shreckin' shambles, a quintessential debasco (debacle/fiasco)...a corrupt Labor government is utilising all the powers of the State to try and get li'l ol' me, not least of all via SAPol 'Operation Baritone' as started in February 2014, and then via the Magistrates Court since February 2015...

Here's A Teaser:...on Wednesday August 31st 2016, present in the Closed Court but via video link from Adelaide, were the SAPol Prosecutions woman, the Club GoGo Bananas* representative/lawyer/whatevs, and her 2 silent offsiders...4 of them on the telly...actually in the Mt Gambier Court and joining myself, the Magistrate, her offsider/assistant, and 1-2 Sherriffs/Court Officers, were my good mate and head of SAPol Prosecutions Andrew Paesch, along with his offsider/second-in-charge/whoevs, whom it appears flew down from Adelaide specifically for my hearing...(wow-Ed)...the head of SAPol Prosecutions flew down for my hearing and then just sat in the back of an otherwise empty Courtroom...and count them now, 9-10 people for 90 minutes, and that's just the actual hearing time...(you really are a bastard-Ed)...I have not yet begun to Bastard Ed, and when I do, this shizzle gunna' get real down in here...(are you being Dave Chappelle again?-Ed)...yeah, sorry, I just really dig his sense of humour...  

*And of course Club GoGo Bananas and the Banana Lord are the pseudonyms I use for the relative State Authority and its' head honcho, because me simply identifying them is potentially/possibly yet another breach of the bizarrely undefinable CGGB Act I'm already being charged under...(wow-Ed)...*

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


  1. People should be warned not to express their concerns to the SA ICAC. Doing so is clearly 'handing over' control of your own story, complaint or concern. Even when they state that no 'corruption' is found ( by them), they immediately control and block any further reference to the matter. To continue to speak or publish any concerns about your own story puts you in jeopardy of breach of their own Acts. The SA ICAC itself needs investigating !

  2. You should go to court in a different character suit each time, starting with 'crash test dummy'. Then Schulz from Hogan's Heroes sprouting ' I know nothing'! Of course there are endless appropriate characters from Life of Brian to draw from.
