Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Well I Got It Half Right - Why Mt Gambier City Council Must Be Removed

Howdy Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Moldova...welcome again y'all to The Mount Gambier Independent...please insert here all my usual whinging about how I'm struggling to give a damn about my community/society/species, and equally struggling with doing this 'ere blog...what really concerns me is that, despite the normal/reasonable/remarkable people I have met from here abouts, my opinion of Mt Gambier is still firmly mired in the contempt and loathing born of years of dealing with the pro-paedophile corruption that defines this sick li'l town to me...(hardly your fault mate, and if anything, it's knowing 'decent people' that just makes it all that much harder to deal with-Ed)...yeah, fair point, it'd be a whole lot easier if I could just lump everyone together and write them all off as corrupt little shreckers...(I blame those decent people, the selfish bastards-Ed)...yeah, let's do that, the bastards!...

The Selfies Team:...I know my self well enough that I can confidently say that this 'one post per week' thing simply isn't working and ain't ever gunna' work because if I walk away from the blog for a coupla' days it's very, very difficult to come back to it...(it's all that 'having some semblance of self-esteem' nonsense and 'enjoying your life for the first time in gourd knows how long' malarchy-Ed)...indeed, that's a big part of it, this 'Self-Esteem' business is a very odd thing to deal with for someone who hasn't experienced it before...I refer availees to the very early post, 'Self Esteem - The Issue I'd Love To Have', and my much more recent declaration that SE has become an issue in my life...don't ask me to nominate a specific date, but earlier this year (2016) I found myself grappling with a weird new sensation, and it very quickly became apparent that that strange state of being was/is Self Esteem...

Language Warning:...because for all the rolled-gold fuck-up of a human being that I am still capable of being, what I have achieved and continue to achieve makes me the shadow of that extraordinary person I never honestly believed could be me...(and where there's the shadow of an extraordinary person, there's an extraordinary person-Ed)...and where there's a shadow there's light, and where there's light there's warmth, and where there's warmth and light there's growth, and shebang! Self Esteem...(whatta ya' know-Ed)...and it's not about being arrogant or vain or whatevs, it's about confidence/self-belief...answer me this availee, does who I am detract from what I've achieved with this 'ere blog, my Court stuff, etc? or, is what I've achieved extraordinary considering who/what/whatevs I am?...(well, at the very least, you're working furiously to be accurate and factual, and you've stared-down a wall of threats and harassment, etc, and you've gotta' get some credit for that stuff...and no-one can say you haven't tried-Ed)...fair enough, cheers...and that's enough airy-fairy self-discovery shizzle, to the blog!...

Please find attached below the relevant pages from the MGC Council Agendas for their July 2016 and August 2016 Full Council meetings...(is that the stuff from July when half of them were absent and then there was no 'Seconder' for that bizarre 'Lapse' of the original Motion to corruptly syphon-off $480,000 of Ratepayers hard-earned* by handing it to the rankly corrupt self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier group? that meeting?-Ed) I'd forgotten...dear availee, if you haven't yet read the recent posts re this bizarre process, please brief, founding TMG Board member Steve Perryman, former MG Mayor and current MGC Councillor, used the recent Budget meetings to argue for cuts to Council services so as to fund his organisation, but he has been absent from the Full Meetings where the funding leapt to $450,000 over 3 years, as voted through last meeting, August 16th 2016...(wow-Ed)...  (*means money)

And I call the Tourism Mount Gambier a "rankly corrupt self-appointed" organisation because it involves and was set-up by the rankly corrupt former Member for Mount Gambier Rory McEwen, his equally corrupt mate, Councillor Steve Perryman, and RDA Tourism Development Officer Biddie (nee Tietz) Shearing, herself a former MGC personal experience of each of these people is that they are corrupt, full stop...beyond that, it is not being glibly facetious to state that it would be far quicker to discuss MGC Councils' non-corrupt dealings than to constantly trawl through this school of officious corruption...

Please note that the wording of these Agenda items is very carefully chosen to misrepresent the rankly corrupt realities associated with this farcically Nepotistic process/outcome...(Council has worked very hard to furiously back-pedal away from said realities-Ed)...absolutely they have, this is all very carefully manipulated to have the 'official version' present a vaguely appropriate process/outcome/organisation that might give these wholly corrupt dealings some sense of credibility...(good luck with that-Ed)...indeed, I'd reckon that many availees of this 'ere blog will immediately pick-up on these clumsy and crass deceits and manipulations, particularly as we've already trudged through the factual realities re this corrupt TMG stoogefest in recent posts...(remind me-Ed)...

Tourism Mount Gambier is a self-appointed group claiming to represent Mt Gambier and Districts, a group that has been repeatedly, officially identified as a "sub-committee of the Mt Gambier Chamber of Commerce"...(in previous posts we've covered all the rank corruption and smug contempt for Ratepayers as perpetrated by Steve Perryman in that extraordinarily self-serving slandering of disabled people as part of his plans/demands, made during Councils' 2016/17 Budget Meetings, demands to slash basic Council maintenance programs, eg, tree-lopping and footpath maintenance, so as to free-up the $160,000 that he/TMG wanted-Ed)...indeed, it's not the self-justified belligerence or the blatant greed, it's the offensive belittling of people for being who they are...disgraceful, absolutely bloody disgraceful, and every other Councillor just sat there, not one single word to tell Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed) pull his bloody head in...(not even from Mayor Lee?-Ed)...seriously Ed?!...(sorry, sorry, no time for jokes-Ed)...thankyou... 

I have so many of these types of correspondence, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...these are letters/documents/Motions carefully drafted to present a preferred version of events to a reader who might know only the broader details, or none at all...this very official, very 'templated' document is designed 1) for those who have read only that document, as prepared by 2) people keen to create a wall of deniability between the reality of their actions, and what they want to be seen to have done...and here with this Council/TMG corruption, here is the textbook example from the textbook corruption playbook that is the Mount Gambier City Council...

Apologies that yet again I've spewed forth without actually threatening to engage directly with the promised subject matter, but that's just the way we roll here at TMGI, so I'll go straight into another post re this TMG stuff and specifically dissect the manipulative language, the careful omissions, and the very deliberate deceits that are manifest in this festival of corruption...(indeed, it's a 'Manifestival of Corruption'-Ed)...witty Wilde, witty...'Manifestival' - an extended, extensive, and thorough almost definitive celebration or carnival (of corruption)...I like it, I'm going to use it in conversations... 

Tomorrow: Directly On From This

But, despite the bare-faced corruption of the entire MGC Council in voting to approve this corrupt funding for this wholly corrupted group, the crowning glory of the night (August 16th 2016) was former The Border Watch Editor and my mate Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello and his little effort re public transport in Mt Gambier...(you mean the City Bus that only runs 9am - 5pm on weekdays with no service at all weekends or public holidays?-Ed)...that's the one...(that literally everyone wanted to see operating from a centralised terminus at the Rail Lands, preferably from a renovated/refurbished Old Rail Station building, way back in 2005/06?-Ed)...yeah...(that Council doesn't fund at all, whilst barely maintaining the few shelters that do exist?-Ed)...right...(as opposed to the $300,000+ that Council provide in funding to the Riddoch Art gallery?-Ed)....gee...(which, I understand, doesn't include the 'peppercorn lease' on the recently renovated premises, as all paid for by Ratepayers?-Ed)...yeah, probably...

Anyhoos, Frank got-up, declared a Conflict of Interest because he runs the Helpmann Theatre, then proceeded in a Self-Righteously direction, straight into a power-whinge about how the school buses park across the small side carpark (Ferrers St) where the theatre's loading bay is...for 3 minutes per day...(wow-Ed)...orrr yeah, not one bloody cent for public transport...$450,000 for the TMG corruption, and well over $300,000 for the Riddoch, but not Cent One for buses...(not nuthin'?-Ed)...nuthin' but a shreckin' whinge about where the buses are forced to park/terminate/whatevs because that's where Council has forced them to be...(for 3 minutes a day?-Ed)...Frank's own words...(wow-Ed)...and when Frank voted for that $450k for the TMG, he had his hand up so fast I thought his arm was gunna' fly right out of 'is sleeve and embed itself in the ceiling...(thudddrrrrrrrrrrr!-Ed)...exactly...

And I've stayed right away from the recent shenanigans that have resulted in half the Riddoch Board resigning/leaving/whatevs, and MGC Council taking over the entire thing, hence the massive funding, etc, but it's the same template as the TMG by MGC Council, therefore highly corrupt, and as being told what to do by Rory McEwen, who is wholly corrupt...multiply 'highly corrupt' by 'wholly corrupt' do the math...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...anger is an emotion, a passionate emotion, and passion is not always beautiful, but thankfully, neither am I...cheers and laters...   

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