Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lance Armstrong's mia culpa; about as genuine as the Catholic Church's internal inquiry into Father 'F'

For many people, there are many things in life that are more important than bicycle races, eg, the safety and welfare of children.

Who really won and did or didn't they cheat, and is everyone else cheating as well, and does that make it not cheating, and the overall credibility of the sport, etc, etc, are all things for someone elses blog.

Given the exposure of  institutionalised (gambling) corruption in parts of world cricket, do the Australian selectors have a lazy fiver on Sri Lanka? It would explain a lot.    (yes, that is a joke, not an accusation)

It is the circumstances and nature of Lance Armstrong's 'confession and apology' that indicate it is not an act of genuine contrition, but one of self promotion and self-interest; even his staunchest supporters are sceptical.

For years he has flat out lied to (and about) his many accusers, causing massive damage to many peoples careers and personal lives, and then when it suits him, he half confesses to everything that is already known; this is not mia culpa, this is mia, mia ,mia.   (not 'me done bad, this is me, me, me')

What the Catholic Church has done with the Father 'F' case is exactly 'mia, mia, mia'.

Everything that the Catholic Church has done to protect itself in repeatedly moving father 'F' from parish to parish, for decades, knowing full well that he was abusing children, indeed because he was abusing children, has now been exposed and dissected repeatedly through the main stream media, eg, ABC news, Four Corners, etc.

Even when under intense scrutiny for the gross failures and self-serving nature of it's internal investigation processes, the Catholic Church has chosen, and been allowed, to run yet another internal investigation.

Outside of the Catholic Church, that Inquiry has no credibility; it is a farce.

When exposed in the national media, when confronted with the horrific reality of what they have deliberately done, the Church investigates itself, confesses to everything that is already known, and then clears itself of any wrong-doing, saying 'oh, gee whiz, yes we did make some mistakes, but they were perfectly understandable, and it definitely isn't a cover-up' (paraphrase).
How is it that these people are allowed by police, legislators, etc, to continually self-investigate, particularly when they have been proven to cover-up the gross abuse of children to protect the perpetrators and the Catholic Church?

 It is an absolute disgrace.

Recent exemptions from Anti-Discrimination Laws for religious institutions, eg, 'we don't like gays so we want to discriminate against them', show that the Gillard Labour government has no genuine intent on issues of equality and accountability within religious organisations.

This reality casts a long shadow over the Child Abuse Royal Commission; if the government is so dis-ingenuous about holding these institutions to account, then why will the Royal Commission be any different?

The Catholic Church has completely reneged on the privilege of self-regulation, abused that power to protect child abusers, and yet they are still allowed to hide their criminality via structures like 'the sanctity of the confessional'; this is simply unacceptable, and they ain't Robinson Crusoe.

Until recently the Lutheran Church used their own internal 'A Safe Place For All' policy.

At an August 2005 meeting with Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan at DeGaris Chambers, Mt Gambier, this 'policy' was described to me, other parents, and Comm Mullighan, by DeGaris lawyers, as "bizarre" and "openly contradicting Mandatory Notification laws".

I note that many religious organisations (including the Lutherans) have moved to something called the Childsafe program, which allows these organisations to say 'yes, we have a program in place' but allows them to remain completely un-accountable under the law.

After a series of meetings with Comm Mullighan (starting Feb 2005) about the June 2002 removal of a teacher amid allegations of child abuse at St Martins Lutheran School, C Mullighan advised parents to petition Premier Mike Rann to have St Martins included officially in his Inquiry.

Four days before the Royal Commission was suddenly announced (Nov 2012), I provided Mike Rann's and Jay Weatherill's (Education minister) written refusals to the above request (2006), along with MP Patrick Secker's letters (2007) to then federal Education minister Julia Gillard. and her dismissive response ("it's a state issue"), to WIN TV, ABC Radio SE, and The Border Watch.

And the response; nothing.

I have provided the Mt Gambier media, and the ABC Adelaide, with irrefutable written proof that Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, and Julia Gillard are absolutely aware of the abject failures of the Lutheran Church and South Australian authorities relative to abuse at St Martins, and by the Prime Ministers own definition, they are all complicit in this failure by "averting their eyes" ; and nothing.

Why are Four Corners, etc, all over the Catholics, but flatly refuse to ask the Lutherans a single question about St Martins?

If you're having trouble with any part of this, ring the ABC, etc, and ask them; let me know the response.

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse issue will be a regular feature on this blog; it's what drove me into politics, so blame them.  (ha, ha)

Tomorrow: Flouridation - Tooth Decay vs Truth Decay

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