Friday, January 25, 2013

Grant District Council need Wind Turbine Viagra; They just can't get them up.

That sounds like a snide gouge at the Grant District Council because that's exactly what it is; I'm a little bit sick and tired of being lied to by Mayor Richard Sage, and by the extraordinary behaviour of the Council in general.

As per my previous blog, at the Wind Turbine meeting (Dec 2011, Casadio Pk, Mt Gambier) Richard Sage repeatedly criticised the Development Plan Amendments for "completely" removing Council from the process.

Within a fortnight, Grant District Council lodged it's official submission, with then CEO Russell Peates signature, that fully supports the DPA.

I believe that Mayor Richard Sage's 'performance' at that meeting was deliberately done to give everyone there the clear impression that Council opposed the DPA, knowing full well that he was about to lodge the submission that fully supports it; a deceit committed not least of all to avoid any real scrutiny at the meeting.

Support of the Development Plan Amendments (2011) by the Grant District Council, is an absolute betrayal of the ratepayers, the people, for whom Council is meant to act.

The Allendale East Acciona Wind Turbine project deserves a blog site all its own to do justice to the plethora of issues that culminated with Council in court spending rate-payers money to try and help Acciona force the turbines literally right on top of the township; and losing; epic fail!

In a state so rabidly, corruptly biased toward Wind Turbines, Acciona and Grant District Council could not beat one stubborn resident (no offence to the many others involved; you know what I mean) because the project was so obviously, grossly in-appropriate. (there will be a blog re Acciona/Allendale soon)

Council's conduct at the failed Green Point site will be covered in a separate blog as well; what is the reality of the multiple re-approvals and changes to development applications; why developers really pulled the plug (inferior grid infrastruture), etc.

Mr Sage has offered his own version of this developments' failure, but regardless of why, epic fail 2!

If it weren't so serious it would be absolutely hilarious, but just exactly how incompetent are the Grant District Council that they cannot even get 3 turbines at Green Point erected.

Or, are DC Grant highly successful turbine 'fifth columnists' (people who claim to support but seek to undermine and betray) who hide their opposition behind a public display of absolute support.

Again, sounds snide, but just how have DC Grant managed to so comprehensively stuff up these 2 projects, particularly in South Australia, and exactly what has it cost ratepayers?

Mr Sage has given 4 distinctly different accounts of the recent expansion and runway upgrade of the Mt Gambier Airport;
1) Originally it was for tourism - 'bigger planes means more tourists';
2) Then when promoting a private Fly In, Fly Out scheme it became 'this is why we did the runway';
3) Then 'we sat down one day and decided to do the runway to help tourism and FIFO';
4) Then most recently, the complete reverse - 'we did the runway, then over lunch discussed what to do with it and this is what we came up with'.

These statements were made through the local media, eg, ABC Radio, and despite my various attempts, no-one has held Mr Sage to account.

Obviously Mr Sage is not the only person in politics who is capable of  being deceitful, but on the issues above he has been very deliberate and very obvious.

Tomorrow: Flogging A Dead Cow - The Milk Pricing Scandal

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