Sunday, January 27, 2013

ABC Radio: Scone Recipes and Wind Turbine Infommercials

Hi, I'm Nick Fletcher. You might know me from such Border Watch articles as;
          "Libs claim Rann neglected parents"     (Feb 22 2006- re St Martins Child Abuse issue)
          "Broadcaster admits imbalance"    (March 19 2010-re state election)
          and "Councillor cleared of alleged misconduct after investigation."      (July 24 2012)
all soon to be blogs.

Credit where due, ABC Radio South East and The Border Watch newspaper are the only media outlets in the country that have given any time to the ongoing issue of child abuse at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, and in that context, a very genuine thankyou.

However, parents have always had to ask for the chance to address the things that people were saying about us and/or the issue, eg, MP Rory McEwen on the front page of the Border Watch (06/05/05);
          "...(the teacher) has actually been hounded by a couple of people. This is a group of people
           who actually subscribe by the conspiracy that everything is corrupt."
or WIN TV (March 2006); "I've reported them (us parents) to the Police Commissioner"

Parents organised Channel 10 Melbourne (Luke Waters- interviews in my home) to run a St Martins story in January 2005, in which headmaster John Alexander repeatedly denied telling parents to not go to police.

Within 3 days The Advertiser (Adelaide) ran a pro-Lutheran story dismissing the issue and then flatly refused, despite weeks of negotiations and providing documents, etc, to print one single word of our 'version' because it conflicted with their support for the Lutherans.

I have provided Simon Royal, Patrick Emmett, Stateline, 7.30, Lateline, Four Corners, et al, with the extensive documentation, the conclusive proof that abuse did occur and that authorities have grossly failed to the extent that that failure is a cover-up.

On November 12 2012, Mr Alan Atkinson, Day Editor, Adelaide ABC, emailed me;
          "I think the best course of action is to forward your notes to Sally Neighbour,
           the executive producer of the national 7.30 program, and Suzanne Smith who works
           for Lateline. Both have a keen interest in matters of school and church abuse...I found
           your story compelling...The other parent who rang, (name), more than backed up your
           concerns and frustrations and also sounded extremely credible."

And what has happened since? Absolutely nothing; and now not one of these people and/or programs will even acknowledge my emails, phonecalls, etc.

ABC TV Australia wide flatly refuse to touch the St Martins issue. Why?

But I digress; ABC Radio South East, always mired in local politics and personal allegiances and therefore fundamentally corrupted, has become increasingly like a morning 'lifestyle' program, where issues like Wind Turbines are presented more like infommercials that news or current affairs.

Time and again Turbine company representatives, or Mr Marsh from the self-titled Clean Energy Council (a turbine lobby group), or rank hacks like Simon Chapman (an alleged professor), or even just anonymous callers supporting turbines and denegrating opponents, are given extensive air-time to make unsubstantiated claims, accusations, and/or denials in a relentless propaganda campaign.

Opponents like myself, well versed in the factual realities of such lies are seldom given more than a few moments to try and address the multiple deceits being committed in the name of Wind Turbines, and often only get messages read out, or worse, simply turned away.

For example, the ABC ran a Turbine story in August 2012 that deserves its own blog (soon to come) because it is a case study in the above; massively biased, irresponsible, even flippant coverage of such a major issue.

There are many people at the ABC who are very genuine and hard working and there are numerous issues that would not get any coverage, anywhere, if it were not for 'The Country Hour', 'Four Corners', ABC Radio Pt Pirie, etc; the ABC is fundamentally important to the dissemination of balanced, informed commentary and critical journalism in Australia.

It is a huge responsibility and in many respects a privilege.

From prize winning scones to prostate exams, from questionable songs to political jams, from the high arts to the impact of cows' farts, god save the ABC, because nothing will save the, wait, sorry, I went all Gough there for a moment.

Perhaps I expect too much on occasion, but I do not think it is unfair to expect the best from the ABC, and that is not what is happening on the Turbine issue (amongst others); more posts to come on this.

Tomorrow: Flogging A Dead Cow II 

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