Sunday, October 9, 2022

Pro-Paedophile Corrupt St Martins Lutheran School Congratulate Themselves

Howdy dear availees everywhere, but especially here in the good ol' South East SA, in sunny Mt Gambier...regular availees will be well aware of the very problematic relationship I have had with Mt Gambier, what with not being from here and all...(and what with bein' a kinda' large, kinda' rough-lookin', kinda' "brutally handsome" sortta' Man-Bear Stuff-Pig kinda' guy-Ed)...well it hasn't helped that I tend to 'stand-out in a crowd', no, that stuff has it's good days and it's not so good days, sure...(and in such a small, insular, and often retrograde and bigotted community where you've been repeatedly labelled/identified as "a bikie"-Ed)...which obviously I'm not...(but not least of all 'cos of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (2002-present)-Ed)...yes, indeed, not least of all 'cos of the St Martins Cover-up...

Again, regular availees will be well aware of the St Martins Cover-up and what the Lutherans and their co-conspirators have done to myself and other families to cover-up the systemic, organised grooming and abuse of a class of 7 year-old grade 2 kids by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, aways back in 2002...(and of course the clear indicators that Dorling was abusing kids at St Martins from when he was first moved by the Lutherans to Mt Gambier in the late 1990s, moved from Adelaide after "an incident" at a Lutheran school there-Ed)...and as explained to us parents by senior Lutherans in 2002...(exactly-Ed)...meaning that when he was exposed/removed in June 2002, that wasn't really even the start of the St Martins Cover-up, but in reality, just a further chapter in the Lutherans - Glyn Dorling Cover-up...there is clear evidence that the Lutherans were protecting/moving Dorling from the late 1990s...(and wasn't he then moved to a Victorian school in 2003 or 04?-Ed)...well that's what Commissioner Mullighan alleged to us parents at a meeting in early 2005, yeah, that Dorling was teaching at a school in Victoria...

So I was confronted but hardly surprised to see the self-righteous St Martins Lutherans glowingly congratulating themselves this week for '40 years of St Martins'...(oh sweet baby cheeses!-Ed) thoughts exactly...'cos there beaming at me from the cover of the free Lifestyle 'infommercial-style newspaper' were a group of Lutheran alleged luminaries, the majority of whom were/are directly complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...and I don't usually wish ill of people, but I do genuinely hope that today's post brings to these people just a fraction of the trauma that they have brought into our children's lives and our lives as parents, by acting to ignore and/or protect Glyn allow me to introduce to you...

1) Shirley Crook - long-term St Martins teacher (now retired?) and junior school teaching colleague of Dorling back in 1990s-2002...knew of his behaviours/conduct but remained silent...

2) Robyn Teakle - now Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School - in June/July 2002 stated that she, as a junior school teacher, had several times seen Dorling in his classroom with an erection, but then recanted and allegedly refused to co-operate with 'Authorities', and was promptly promoted...

3) Eloise Beveridge - formerly Mrs Brigden-Anderson and St Martins Deputy Principal in 2002...currently Principal at Trinity Lutheran College in Mildura...absolutely complicit in the Dorling Cover-up, running disinformation interference against us parents to other parents, this interview praises-up St Martins Principal (in 2002) John Alexander for teaching her everything she knows...

4) Damian Bradley - now Head of Middle School...I don't know exactly what he knew about Dorling, but taught alongside him in 1998(?)-2002...  

5) Cherylynn Perryman - former Admin and who personally abused me in front of my child and/or in the supermarket, accusing me of dishonestly hurting the school...

There are of course many others directly and complicitly involved eg, the then Principal John Alexander, local politician Rory McEwen, various senior Lutherans like Peter Heuzenroeder, other local and state politicians, etc, etc...

Here's a real quantifier for y'all that may still have ya' doubts either way...(which is sortta' understandable given how bizarrely damning this issue is of all involved, ie, the Lutherans, the clearly corrupt SAPol, the SA Parliament en masse, the Crown Solicitors Office, the Teachers Registration Board, the SA Courts, even the Child Protection Services who did initially at least try to help a bit but ultimately succumbed to the crushing pressure from 'above' to 'drop it'-Ed)...yep, let's just call them 'The Authorities', cops, politicians, public servants, etc, etc, they're all complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...and if I may indulge in very specific but defining example of the sortta' Pro-Paedophile Corruption us parents were always and still are up against...

It was my good mate and now SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens who told me back in 2008, when he was head of the farcically mis-named Paedophile Taskforce, that he wasn't going to do anything about and/or look at the St Martins Cover-up 'cos he'd been told to 'drop it' by his then superiors in SAPol...(and now he's Commissioner?-Ed)...yep, and I'd contacted him after my child and 2 others disclosed incidents of abuse to a Year 8 class and teacher at the start of year orientation lesson...(well hasn't that worked-out nicely for Grant then-Ed)...I believe it's called 'quid pro quo'...(well I believe it's called 'demonstrate you're compliantly complicit and we'll reward you with a massively undeserved promotion'-Ed)...well we quibble over terms, but you're exactly right, Grant has proven himself to be reliably corrupt and/or corruptable, and he's been duly rewarded with the top job...(well he's certainly on that throne, but I don't reckon anyone who's even vaguely informed believes he's the one actually running the show-Ed) believes that mate...but we digress... 

In some of the first posts on this 'ere blog we've included letters from the Lutherans Pro-Paedophile lawyers Piper Alderman, including specific threats about us families supposedly 'defaming' various senior Lutherans, eg, Barry Kahl and St Martins Principal John Alexander...(didn't Piper Alderman write to you demanding info about how you were gunna' pay their various clients damages and costs?-Ed)...that's in one of those letters, yes, a base attempt to 1) infer that there had been some sort of legal action already, in which the Lutherans had been successful, and failing that effort, 2) just plain threaten/scare me and other parents about potential legal costs of pursuing the issue...Neville John and his slimy li'l pals at Piper Alderman are the sort of scum who know exactly who they are acting for, who they are protecting from appropriate sanction, and that they're doing that up against deeply traumatised parents of abused children, and are prepared to attack those traumatised parents with the basest and/or outright deceitful legal machinations they can imagine/conjure...but again I digress...  

Oops, no I don't, just found where I've saved those letters, so here we go...there's a coupla' letters, both full of 'Messrs Alexander, Kahl, and Jericho like totes aren't protecting paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling, and are like way offended by your claims and stuff''s the main letter I received...please note on page 3 the statements about 'how are you going to pay these damages', deliberately worded to imply/infer that they'd already been a Defamation Action run and won by the Lutherans...enjoy... 

And of course, when we started this 'ere blog aways back in 2013, some of those early posts (April-May) were about these threats from Piper Alderman...(and then Nifty Nev and his dodgy compadres had a solid gold whinge to The Googles-Ed)...yes they did, and had those posts pulled-down...(and then we put them straight back up again-Ed)...yes we did, well versions of them...(and there they have stayed, letters and all-Ed)...yep, for 9, nearly 10 years now, those threats have been hangin'-out there for all to see...(and here they are again-Ed)...obviously...(and all involved are willingly and knowingly complicit in protecting 'text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling-Ed)...yep, and covering-up the abuses he committed against our 7 year old grade 2 kids...

Just for the record, those "investigations" Nev baby refers to are the multiple fake 'investigations' by SAPol...(for example, the 5-6 wildly differing tales told to parents directly by SAPol about their allegedly 'speaking to Dorling', once, but with different locations and officers involved, and Dorling never actually formally interviewed let alone charged with anything-Ed)...and of course SAPol repeatedly blamed us parents for their failures to act...(and the TRB who exonerated Dorling after a 20 month 'investigation'-Ed)...indeed, an official Inquiry as originally instigated/forced by us parents, but concluding with the TRB stating they believed Dorling's 'defense' that, yes, the kids were putting their heads on his lap, etc, but that it wasn't his fault 'cos the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them...(shreck me! what a corrupt joke!-Ed)...and again, as with SAPol the TRB repeatedly blamed, threatened, harassed, bullied, and lied to us parents as they went about protecting Dorling... 

It's so fundamentally obvious but I'll spell it out again for y'all...if what us parents were saying and have continued to say to and/or about multiple official 'Inquiries', alleged 'Investigations', eg, Comm Mullighan, etc, etc, via the numerous legally accountable Statutory Declarations and/or Sworn Evidence we have provided, etc...(and via what very limited opportunities you've managed to politely bludgeon from a largely complicit 'Media'-Ed)...yeah, all that...(and then of course via this 'ere blog itself -Ed)...well of course via this 'ere blog, it's the fundamental reason this blog exists at all...(fair call-Ed)...with all that I/we've said and/or done, and continue to say and/or do, relative to our statements about the Criminal Conduct of all involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, why has nobody actually engaged us head-on and held us to account for our supposed defamations/lies/delusional rantings?...(it's a most valid question-Ed)'s the only question, and it answers itself like it was screaming in ya' face...

No-one dare give us the opportunity to properly and legally present the facts, because the irrefutable facts are that the Lutherans, SAPol, the SA Parliament, SA Child Protection Authorities, et al ad infinitum, are collectively complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.  

Dozens if not hundreds of young children were abused at St Martins, by Glyn Dorling, and the Lutherans et al have protected him and covered it all up.

And I'll say it again for the record, these 'Authorities' have time and again colluded directly with and/or in parallel with the Lutherans to attack and threaten and bully and intimidate and denigrate and discredit and traumatise us few parents who have pursued this issue...(but most specifically 'Authorities' have come after you-Ed)...well indeed, up to and including the farcically corrupt ICAC Trial involving my own SAPol 'Operation Baritone', 3+ years in Court, dozens of hearings and 11 'Trial' days, and the definable collusion between Magistrate Ian White and SAPol, and between ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and SAPol and the Labor government, etc, etc, etc, blah blah blah...that entire wholly corrupt farce was motivated by a desire to attack/harass/intimidate/punish me for speaking-out about SA's Institutionalised Corruption, particularly the Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and most specifically about the St Martins Cover-up...

Fascinated to see a Channel9 Under Investigation expose on telly a coupla' weeks back about a senior SAPol officer who was very clearly executed in 1981 by his own corrupt heroin-dealing colleagues and/or others directly related to those bent cops...(yeah, supposedly committed suicide but SAPol somehow managed to almost immediately afterwards find his body at Myponga, at night, then did all their 'forensics' in the dark, and there was no proper autopsy, but the deceased cop critically didn't have any gunshot residue on his hands, etc, etc-Ed)...and all this happened only days after he'd accidentally walked in on a 'meeting' between some drug dealer(s?), SAPol officers, and notorious convicted murderer New South Wales cop Roger Rogerson...(even the panel on UI were visibly shaken by the brazenness of the murder and openly challenged the farcical 'suicide' explanation-Ed)...yep, they were untypically scathing...(and didn't the SAPol-supplied 'witness statements' to the Coroner prove to be false, apparently written by someone within SAPol?-Ed)...yeah, that was part of it...(I see where current Labor Attorney-General Kyam Maher reckons he didn't see that program and therefore supposedly doesn't know any of the details and therefore won't investigate, etc-Ed)...indeed, what a farcical cop-out on so many levels...(eg, it's available 24/7 online-Ed)...exactly! his wilful 'ignorance' is driven by the underlying fact that he knows exactly what happened and absolutely doesn't want to go anywhere near it...(and so runs the cover-up of the cover-up-Ed)...indeed...

And is it fair to say that Kyam Maher is yet another SA politician who knows all about the St Martins Cover-up and is complicitly silent about it?...(well given his Mt Gambier-based and deeply Labor-involved parents Jim and Viv (deceased) both knew the intimate details from very early on, and that the Cover-up was overseen/instigated/supported by the Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor government (2002-2018) it's hard to believe that the St Martins Cover-up  was never discussed between the 3 Mahers-Ed)...and as unlikely as them not discussing may be, it's impossible to believe that Kyam is entirely unawares of the St Martins Cover-up given it's extensive exposure through Rann/Weatherill/Mullighan, etc, etc...

The whole UI program was absolutely extraordinary, an irrefutable example of wholesale and high-level murderous corruption within SAPol...and of course this has been the constant demon lurking over the shoulders of the few families who have pursued the St Martins Cover-up...(and obviously, the more you define the rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption of SAPol, SA Parliament, basically the entire SA Legislature Executive, and Judiciary, the more you discuss and the closer y'all get to exposing that rancid reality, the more dangerous it gets-Ed)...absolutely, and that was brought into sharp focus when we first started communicating/liaising with Child Abuse Commissioner Ted parents were effectively the second group to meet with Mullighan, and while we were having these meetings, etc, every member of the 'first group' he'd met with were being murdered, one after the other...(that was the group who were exposing/reporting Paedophile Politicians, some still in the Parliament, and paedophile cops, etc-Ed)...yeah, and after they formally were interviewed by/for Mullighan and provided written statements, etc, they were all murdered...

And that's an exact chronological co-incidence...we were meeting with Mullighan, providing him Statutory Declarations and volumes of associated documentation, etc, and these first group were being murdered...(and not just murdered, but in several instances abducted, tortured, and then killed and their bodies dumped in prominent public places, as a clear warning to anyone else who was thinking of speaking-out about Adelaide's internationally notorious Pro-Paedophile Parliament/Police/Judiciary-Ed)...yep, and that was and still remains the climate of fear and threat surrounding us parents and our efforts to get appropriate sanction against Dorling, and some sense of justice for our kids... 

I know I've gone over the same ground several times today, but in many respects I've just lost better focus and specific direction, lost to the frustration of having exposed this horrendously official Child Abuse Cover-up, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, over and over and over again, for 2 decades now, and still it remains an officially 'Authority' sanctioned Cover-up...

Tomorrow: Council Elections And Dodgy Amalgamations

I know I promised the ongoing ICAC Testimony stuff but I'm having problems getting stuff to copy-'n'-paste, so might have to be more Council shenanigans and stuff about the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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