Monday, October 24, 2022

Jim Malo: My Part In His Downfall

Howdy dear availees...being the literary scholars y'all are, y'all will have undoubtedly and immediately picked up the cunning literary reference/homage in the title...(errr, Moby Dick by Herman Melville?-Ed)...not quite, no...(ummm, oh, The Iliad by Homer?-Ed)...close, but still no prize...(ooo, something by Tolkien?-Ed)...nup...(Pet Cemetary by Stephen King?-Ed)...nn nnn...(ah, I've got it, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee?-Ed)...nooo, not quite...(ah, of course, all the clues are there, Hitler: My Part In His Downfall by Spike Milligan-Ed)...Ed, you man of letters you, well done...and as indeed Mr Milligan's account of his military service in World War II is somewhat facetiously titled, so then too is this 'ere post...and a bit of a general Language Warning 'cos there's a coupla' rude bits here-in...

First cab off the rank, here's the link (below) to the FriendlyJordies post about our mate and alleged journalist, Jim I know FJ can be a bit of an acquired taste, and this is quite a long piece, approx 24mins, but it's worth giving it a go...there's heaps of detailed and specific dissection of exactly how full a' crap the Oz Main Stream Media is, eg, how MSM openly lies about covering certain things whilst actually ignoring them, and/or flatly refuses to even acknowledge critical issues...(like the MSM have steadfastly ignored the massive dick-sucking elephant in the room that is very young male sex workers being brought into the Federal Parliament House to have sex with senior Liberal politicians in the Prayer Room-Ed)...yeah, and as identified by a leaked 'official inquiry', senior politicians up to and including the then Liberal Defense Minister Christopher Pyne...(and 'reported' at a time when senior Security officials were directly identifying these sorts of liaisons as being a huge security concern re potential blackmail of said politicians, etc-Ed)...yep, and on top of that, there's also the apparent 'official' cover-up of those incidents/liaisons...(and FJ has previously spelled it all out in excruciating detail, but the MSM has flatly refused to even touch it-Ed)...a truly bizarre but enlightening situation, made only more bizarrely enlightening when one considers that some of the original allegations were first aired on MSM...(wasn't it on The Project and/or similar?-Ed)...yeah, somethin' like that...

It almost seems like The Project/MSM(?) wanted to jump in when it was effectively 'scurrilous sensationalist rumour-mongering', but when the gritty reality hit the fan, they all ran for they all furiously ignore what's screaming into their collectively complicit faces...(and what very little I've seen of any coverage has been very 'unofficial', eg, on 'Social Media' and even then almost wholly about dismissing the issue as 'bad taste gossip' and/or denigrating those who have spoken-out-Ed)...ah yes, personal denigration and/or clumsily implied threats of 'Defamation', all amateurishly disguised as genuine outrage and/or 'better manners'...(and that's another MSM trick/excuse that FJ identifies, hiding behind bogus 'Defamation' excuses-Ed)...yeah, that's a beauty ain't it, 'ooo ooo we're scared of getting sued if we cover these easily defendable truths''s also common practise for the guilty to use that same 'Defamation' threat as an attack on those speaking-out...(and aren't we well familiar with that particular tactic, given the dozens of times you/we've been threatened with 'Defamation'-Ed)...indeed, and yet never once actually 'sued'...(always the bribe-maid, never the bribe-Ed)...I think you mean 'bride' don't you?...(I know what I mean, and I said exactly what I mean, namely, those whom threaten you know that you're too committed to be bribed, etc, so they skip that and go straight to the threats/intimidation/harassment-Ed)...fair call...anyhoos, please to be watching the FJ video first and we'll see y'all on the other side...

Now our new bestie Jim...(maaate-Ed) response to this FJ piece, Jim's posted a short Twitter thread about how he doesn't care what FJ and/or FJ readers think of him, Jim, and he doesn't get mad about it, etc, and how it seems odd that someone like FJ would 'punch-down at someone with a much smaller media platform' like him, Jim...(ahahaha, but it's ironically likely true that FJ does have a wider 'media appeal/platform' than Jim mate who works for the Peter Costello Channel9/Fairfax media empire-Ed)...yeah, but it does seem a bit odd/obtuse to work for the Costello group and then claim 'victim status', but there ya' go, that's Jim's take on things...and I'm sorry that I didn't screenshot those Tweets for a reason that will become obvious...(Jim deleted them all-Ed)...well yes thankyou, but I was going to build-up to that, you know, build the drama, drop a coupla' teasing hints...(but he's deleted them all-Ed)...but yes, Jim has deleted those tweets...

So here's my end of the Twitter exchange I had with my mate Jim and a coupla' others...(ummm, isn't former SA ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander gunna' be a wee bit jealous?-Ed) so?...(well you've previously and frequently referred to Bruce as, and I quote,"My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner"-Ed)...nah fair call, but I have boundless affection in my heart for Bruce and his ilk, so there's plenty a' 'bestie' to go round...(actually, I think the doctor said you have "mounds of infection" and it most assuredly wasn't in ya' heart-Ed)...well, 'mounds of infection', 'boundless affection', we quibble over terms dear heart, but the intent and the outcomes are all the same...

Sosss, FJ put-up his/their post on Friday 21st October, and after watching it on the Saturday I've posted this in response to someone's dig at FJ about 'media/journalism'...

***FriendlyJordies does more actual 'media' in a single post than the almost entirely pro-LNP Oz MSM manage in a whole week. FJ's post about Malo & the pathetic MSM language used to 1) avoid stories their bosses ban & 2) denigrate other's opinions/journalism, it's spot on.***

Which itself received a mixed response ranging from 'yeah he's (FJ) great' to 'he's (FJ) just awful', etc, etc...and I've also gone to Jim's tweets and left this 'reply'/'quote tweet'...

***Mate, you work for Costello's Ch9 empire. How does a Facebook comedian/journo have a bigger 'platform'? I agree he probably does & it's 'cos despite his faults/failings, he does actual journalism, not the censored pro-LNP dross you're cadre spew-forth. Barilaro/Prayer Room/Dutton***

Self-explanatory, and that last bit refers to 3 stories that FJ has covered but the MSM have failed/refused to acknowledge...(and only 3 of numerous really if you count the many FJ posts and/or issues involved-Ed)...fair enough, but those 3 specific things are more than enough to prove my point...then I did another 'reply'/'quote tweet' to someone else re FJ's actual 'journalism'...

***Have you seen FJ's investigative work re Barilaro? Prayer Room? Dutton? etc? Oz MSM refuse to run these stories. You're calling the cart the horse & vice versa. FJ far from perfect but compared to MSM FJ is absolutely journalism.*** 

And it sortta' petered-out right about there...(and/or we lost interest-Ed)...whatevs, but then early the next day, so now Saturday 22nd, so I notice that Jim had 'tweeted' directly to me "What is your job"...(what, no question mark? is it a statement?-Ed)...yeah, well, let's not be too 'grammar nazi' given we've also made spelling and/or grammatical errors on this 'ere blog and/or Twitter...but anyways, "What is your job", so I tweeted back...

***Read my Twitter bio then read my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, you'll see what my 'job' is, including dealing with & holding to account a corrupted MSM. And I don't get paid to do it but I've surely paid for it eg a Criminal Conviction for blogging about corruption.***

(Fabulous stuff, and what did Jim mate have to say about that?-Ed)...well nuthin' at first, then nuthin' for a while, and about 2 hours later I went to check, and this...

***Totes hilarious. This morn Jim Malo responded "What is your job" to my tweet (yest) defending FJ re JMs attack. JM has just now deleted original anti-FJ tweets & his poke at me. I dare you Jim, mate, read my blog and print some of that stuff regarding corruption in Sth Oz ICAC***

Well that's my own tweet, obviously, but it describes what happened...and then as a bit of an after thought I went to Jim's Twitter page, and, shazaam! it's all gone...(all of it?-Ed)...all of it... 

***Correction, unless I'm being blocked or something (no notification of such) Jim mate appears to have deleted his entire Twitter account, or at least all his previous tweets. Can anyone reading this please check for me & reply. Has Jim Malo nuked his own Twitter account?***

And someone did get back to me shortly there-after, cheers, to confirm that Jim (someone?) has completely cleared if not actually deleted Jim's Twitter page...

***He's deleted everything on his account. Big behaviour from someone who was gloating about how "not mad" he was yesterday.***

To which I responded...

***Thanks for that. Can't imagine it was just my tweets that did it, but the timing is very 'adjacent'. You're spot on, "big behaviour" for someone who 1) 'doesn't care what (we) think' & 2) has all the resources/backing of Costello's Ch9. Reckon maybe some-one told him to do it.***

And that there's about the end of it thus far...(what about the 'Comment' you left on the FJ story?-Ed)...oh yeah, yesterday (Sunday) I wrote a quick 'Comment', about this exchange...

***I left a tweet on Jim Malo's comments about FJ and he came back at me with "What is your job". I responded by directing him to my Twitter bio and blog, and only hours later he nuked his entire Twitter account, every comment gone. I'll begrudgingly concede it was probably due to his FJ stuff, but it's still fun to have been a part of it.***

So, in summary, I had a fairly hard go at Jim, next morning he had a snide go back at me, I politely eviscerated him with some powerful truth nuggets, and within, say, 2-3 hours his entire tweet history is, well, history...(strewth and crikey-Ed)...indeed...and as I've jokingly alluded to several times above, I don't really think that the sudden and complete demise of Jim's Twitter content is entirely about me, but I think it is fair enough to entertain the possibility that I played some small part in it...(and yes, fair enough, I mean, the timing is extraordinary, but it's highly likely that if you/we played any part at all it was likely as the proverbial 'one straw too many that finally rooted the camel's long-suffering back'-Ed)...most eloquently put Ed, that's exactly as I see it...can't imagine I was, in fact I know that I wasn't,  the only one gettin' stuck-in to Jim... 

But having said that, and meaning every word of it, I keep comin' back to that simple 4 words, "What is your job"...why did Jim feel it necessary to tweet me specifically?...(and then not respond to your reply-Ed)...sure...(and then his whole Twitterverse disappears into a black-hole of his own creation-Ed)'s a rather odd feeling to have been right in that conversation/discussion and in that exact timeline/timing, but ultimately it could all be a mere co-incidence with bigger issues/players, eg, the FJ stuff...whatevs, like I said, it's fun to have been a part of it in real time...we're not gunna' go into that FJ post in more detail 'cos it perfectly explains itself, just, if y'all haven't already, watch it y'allselves, cheers...

Tomorrow: My ICAC Testimony Part II

Yes dear availees, back into the good ol' Wallowing Trough that is Institutionalised Corruption in South Australia, as most expertly self-defined by the rancidly corrupt SA ICAC...(yay-Ed)...and the farcical Parliamentary Inquiry into said ICAC... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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