Tuesday, September 6, 2022

SEX - Now That I Have Your Attention

Howdy dear availees...apologies for that cheap advertising stunt, attention grabbing, click-bait title, but I haven't posted anything for about 6 weeks, and I figured it was the best way to grab back regular availees and possibly garner some more...(indeed, the proven way, Sex Sells mate-Ed)...yes, yes it does...anyhoos, I had effectively reached the end, the end of this 'ere blog, but I didn't even have the enthusiasm/energy to officially acknowledge it...(no-one would blame you, it's been a hard row to hoe-Ed)...and a very, very long row at that...I/'the blog' just ground to a halt, and the world just continued on regardless...

I've been absolutely overwhelmed by a series of very unpleasant 'anniversaries' and the associated trauma...(and the compounding trauma of more recent unresolved issues piling-up onto the train-wreck of decades of other like debris-Ed)...exactly, where-in trying to deal with those initial as yet unresolved issues/incidents merely creates further issues/trauma...

The perfect example is my rancidly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the hands of the rankly corrupt South Australian Parliament, Executive and Judiciary, manifesting as my "bizarre trial" and wholly corrupt 'Conviction' under the SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56...underpinning that persecution is my decades of 'activism' stemming from the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (2002-present)...all of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, heaped into my life and the lives of other families...(all of that Corruption identified, acted against, and yet barely scratched the surface-Ed)...well quite, trauma upon trauma upon trauma...

Then careering into that comes the Institutionalised Corruption freight train of Local Government and all of the multiple corruption issues relating to the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, as plainly apparent and identified by me to the relevant 'authorities'...(leading to a fake ICAC investigation that completely exonerated MGCC-Ed)...yep, but then I get persecuted/prosecuted for 4 years (2014-18) for daring to blog about that 'investigation'...prosecuted not for Defamation/Slander/Libel or anything other then merely daring to identify that the fake ICAC inquiry even existed/occurred...

And so many other issues/traumas, many of them directly related to these 2...(for example, CorrectionsSA bizarrely trying to have you gaoled in 2020 for supposedly not meeting your Community Service obligations, obligations they had previously officially excused you from-Ed)...a perfect example, that and literally dozens of associated traumas... 

And so I just dumped it (this 'ere blog) in the dirt and wandered-off in an as yet undetermined direction...and I'm so broken, so cold to it all, that I couldn't care less either way...but then 3 things happened and I unexpectedly turned the ship about, stoked the boilers, and steamed back to here...if you've ever seen the most excellent animated Howl's Moving Castle, I feel very much like the enchanted fire that nearly sputtered-out but has re-ignited with renewed vigour...

1) The recent conviction of Chris Dawson for the murder of his wife Lynette...after 40 years of wantonly failed police inaction, it was a podcast, ie, Social Media, that saw him finally held to account...(where official 'authorities' and media had failed her and her family, it was Social Media and the weight of public response that brought about this prosecution-Ed)...absolutely, however 'authorities' want to try and argue otherwise, this is the reality...and even then the Magistrate bizarrely berated Social Media for supposed 'Contempt of Court' for daring to cover/expose the case...

2) Last week former Australian of the Year, Ms Grace Tame, was being attacked and threatened by the Paedophile Rapist teacher Nicolaas Bester who groomed and assaulted her...he was using Twitter to threaten Ms Tame, identifying her in those threats by using her old Social Media account title/address...'authorities' and Twitter officials were seemingly wholly disinterested in addressing these threats, but other Twitter users lodged official complaints against Bester, and his Twitter account was closed... 

These 2 incidents/issues reminded me that, for all it's faults and failings, Social Media like Twitter can be a powerful force/medium for good...(and in a context were the Oz Main Stream Media remain so fundamentally pro-Liberal/National Party biased, eg, the bizarrely massive and usually positive exposure they continue to receive on the ABC, not just far ahead of what Labor used to be allowed in Opposition, but actually ahead of what the Labor government get now they are in 'power'-Ed)...well quite, and you're right, that's happening across the MSM...it also reminded me that whilst my actions/activism might not reap immediate results, maybe not for years, even decades, or even ever, it's about whether I personally choose to accept the wholly unacceptable status quo, or attempt to try and address/rectify those things...

And I choose to try...

I will note however, that one of the critical issues that dragged me to a standstill with this 'ere blog, was making the mistake of calculating how much of my life has been spent at this keyboard, at this desk...literally years of my life carefully researching, trawling through countless documents/articles, then constructing over 1,200 posts...in that first year alone (2013) I spent approximately 3,500 hours, effectively the equivalent of 2 years full-time work...and again the choice is mine, lament those 'lost' years and wallow in the mire of self-pity, or refuse to write-off that commitment and the huge foundation of knowledge, experience and credibility it represents/provides...to choose flight or fight...   

And I choose to fight...

3) Someone politely metaphorically slapped me about a bit, saying it is a marvel how I even function let-alone cope with this mountain of traumas...they reminded me that the simple act of trying, of doing this 'ere blog, etc, that alone sets me apart from and in some ways well above the rest of my community...(as they said, "who else in the South East (of Sth Oz) have done anything even remotely like what you have done?"-Ed)...indeed...("you've accurately redefined the reality as corrupt vested interests would have it otherwise believed, and in doing so have created a detailed 'alternative history' for your times/community"-Ed)...agreed...("knowing at what cost, but then continuing on through that, through the abuse/denigration/threats/isolation/trauma you've genuinely fought for the betterment of your community"-Ed)...yes I have...(and who else can say they've done that? few if any in this community"-Ed)...cheers...  

And just to clarify, it was an actual person saying those things, I'm just using Ed the Confected Literary Device as a mechanism to illustrate that discussion...

So here we are again, me again promising you dear availee that this 'ere blog will continue..and I can't explain why it's different to previous similar promises, albeit genuine promises, that have fallen to the wayside...I can't explain other than what's above, but I know how it's different and how different it feels...

Tomorrow: The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Moving forward by going back to the beginning...and following that a series of posts about Mt Gambier City Council's rampaging Institutionalised Corruption with the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre), the Rail Lands and Old Rail Station, the Blue lake (Aquifer Tours) Cafe, et al ad infinitum...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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