Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Is Mt Gambier City Council & District Council Of Grant Amalgamation Faits Accomplis?

Howdy dear availees, to a super-short post fully encapsulated by the title, and based on recent discussions I've had...I refer y'all to the immediate previous post on this 'ere blog, a post on this 'ere topic...

In review, I postulated that the 'proposed Amalgamation Plebiscite' was 1) something likely already decided, and 2) that that 'decision' was motivated/forced by the impending and/or actually already happened bankruptcy of the Mt Gambier City Council, due to the massive $80million+ 'investment' in the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre)...and 3) the idea being that combining the 2 Councils will spread the massive debt load and stave-off the bankruptcy of MGCC...(if it hasn't gone 'bankrupt' already-Ed)...indeed, if not already...(and in anyways, in either scenario, bankrupt now or soon to be, whatevs, this attempt to spread the load will only delay the inevitable fiscal reckoning-Ed)...I agree, the damage is done, the die are cast, all that remains is for them 80m+ chooks to come home to roost...(mate, that's a lotta' guano flyin' our way-Ed)...ain't it though...

(And for those new players/availees, the FARC is our totes hilarious dig at the mind-numbing disaster otherwise known as Wulanda or the Hub-Ed)...mate, whatevs you call it, it's a spectacular cluster-shreck of incompetence and Institutionalised Corruption... ('s anyways, where the Amalgamation is itself likely a singular 'fait accompli', an accomplished fact, something that has already occurred, that combined with the motivation/reason, the likely or actually already bankrupt MGCC, that therefore becomes the plural 'faits accomplis'-Ed)...exactly...and I'd really like to declare myself a brilliantly insightful seer of these sort of disastrously dirty deeds, but it's all fairly obvious to anyone who's even vaguely engaged in local politics...(and as it turns out, something that others have been discussing for quite some time-Ed)...well apparently... 

And that's why we're back here havin' another savage hack at the whole the 2 days since our last post I've had the dubious pleasure of discussing this whole debasco (debacle/fiasco) with a coupla' local, I'm gunna' be super-vague about who, why, and/or where, but suffice to say that these peeps have direct connections/involvement with both MGCC and/or DCofG and/or the FARC project itself...(so we're maintaining maximum anonymity so as to not cause shiteful repercussions for said peeps?-Ed) on, dare I say it, dear availees are just gunna' have to trust me, again...(anyhoos, what they had to say pretty much confirmed exactly what we'd theorised/predicted, and as described again just above-Ed)...indeed, and namely, 1) that the Amalgamation is already pretty much decided at state government level, and 2) because all involved are desperately trying to address the undeniable fact that MGCC is snorkel-deep in the fiscal doodoo...("snorkel-deep"?-Ed) well over their heads...(ahhh, nice one centurion, I like it-Ed)...

What did somewhat surprise me was that these issues have been fairly widely discussed for 'quite some time', potentially "for several months"...(I thought we'd agreed that this was hardly a surprise, but in fact, fairly predictable/obvious-Ed)...ah yeah, fair call, but I meant that I was surprised that I'd not heard anything specific before the official announcement last week...(ah right-Ed)..yeah, I'm not at all surprised about the agenda and/or it's motivation and/or the fact that it's been looming for some time, and/or that people like Labor Premier Peter Malinauskis has been effectively lying about it...(and whom else? whom else has been lying about and/or hiding this?-Ed)...good point, I mean, we know that senior Liberals have previously been to Mt Gambier and/or in communication with MGCC about the FARC disaster...(yep, and that that started at least 2 years ago-Ed)...and that it definitely wasn't about congratulating the MGCC, indeed, quite the opposite...(well mate, as I heard it told, various rocket-type verbal projectiles were inserted in various MGCC orifi-Ed)...ugh, what an 'orifying' thought...  

All joking aside, there is a fiscal brick wall that is looming/teetering over all of us, be we Ratepayers in MGCC or the District Council of Grant...(only real difference is that MGCC Ratepayers are going to hit that wall at speed, and there's no avoiding that, we are royally screwed-Ed)...and the difference for DCofG Ratepayers?...(well, when that wall comes down, and it will, when it topples over on us in MGCC-Ed)...wait! so we're not just gunna' smash into it, then it's also gunna' topple over on us?...(yeah, sorry...MGCC Ratepayers aren't just gunna' get slammed against that debt load, we're gunna' be pinned for decades under the rubble of 1) trying to repay that $50m+debt, and 2) the running costs and maintenance of the FARC, which leads to 3) the related inability of MGCC to afford maintaining/providing basic services, and ouch, 4) the inevitability of massively and constantly escalating Rates-Ed)...oh my gourd...(yeahhhh-Ed)...we are screwed, I was just sortta' half-jokin' before, but the reality is awful...(nah, we're screwed alright-Ed)...and what about DCofG Ratepayers?... 

(Ah, well, DCofG Ratepayers have a 'choice' about whether they just stand there and let that wall fall on them too, or they act directly to step-back outta' the way-Ed)...and by "step-back" you mean by voting 'No' to Amalgamation?...(exactly, by voting 'No'-Ed)...and what if, as we've argued/theorised above, and as has been 'explained' to us by others much closer to the 'officialdom' driving the whole thing, what if it's already faits accomplis?...(well that's the real question isn't it?-Ed)...yeah, but what's the answer?...

And so it remains, if I were a DCofG Ratepayer I'd be fighting tooth and nail to stop Amalgamation with the wholly rooted MGCC...(and for MGCC Ratepayers?-Ed)...well, it's basically a matter of conscience...(how so?-Ed)...well we can vote 'Yes' to dragging DCofG Ratepayers under that metaphoric wall we discussed, and do so 'cos that might ease our fiscal burden/pain...("might"?-Ed)...yeah, again, I think the collapse of MGCC is inevitable, short of a massive Federal and/or State bail-out...(and a 'No' vote?-Ed) accepting our responsibility for voting-in these screeching incompetents and the disaster we have created with our ignorance and/or greed?...(wow, that's a bit harsh-Ed)...not really, I genuinely believe that MGCC Ratepayers should have been more pro-active, informed themselves better, and/or been far less selfish re the FARC...(but MGCC have relentlessly manipulated and deceived and outright lied about the whole debasco right from the start, we've said as much on this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah I know, said it all, repeatedly, don't resile from any of it, and dear availees know that our accusations re selfishness, etc, are aimed at a fairly selective/small number of vested interests...   

Fact remains, whoever y'all choose to blame, whoevs was deceived or whoevs did that deceiving, whoevs was selfish, whoevs was ignorant, whatevs whoevs did and/or didn't do, we are where we are, and it ain't perty, no sir, it ain't perty at all...(all that remains is what's happening right now, and that's this disastrous Amalgamation Plebiscite manipulation set to be unleashed at the November Local Government Election-Ed)...exactly, and for my part, I'll be voting 'No'...(and we'll be frequently re-visiting the issue on this 'ere blog in the next few weeks?-Ed) betcha' we will...  

Tomorrow: Back To The ICAC Inquiry Corruption

Back to the bizarro world of Sow Straya's often Pro-Paedophile Corruption, where-in the fundamentally Parliamentary Inquiry into the very body supposedly designed and allegedly operating to address issues of Institutionalised Corruption, that Inquiry is itself definably corrupted...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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