Howdy y'all dear availees in the USofA, Finland, Kenya, and Aotearoa (New Zealand), you attractive, intelligent, inspiring peeps you...(my good gourd, you slavering suck-up!-Ed)'s what ya' do Ed, particularly in Australian politics...(really?-Ed)...oh yeah, it's what our insidious leader Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, the Liar From The Shire, has demonstrated is the basic way to get ahead...(again, really?-Ed)...yeah, suck-up relentlessly to those who are more powerful and/or support and/or agree with you, and viciously smear and denigrate and marginalise those who are vulnerable and/or oppose and/or disagree with you...(but isn't that the near-classic definition of a 'psychopath'?-Ed)...your point sir?...(well I think we've just made it haven't we?-Ed)...indeed, I believe we have just made exactly that point...(oh, and don't forget the glazed-over, glassy-eyed, happy-clapper, bring on The Rapture, god-botherer stuff-Ed)...I ain't...(nor the smug sneering leering smirk of the serial liar-Ed) could I forget when I have you Ed to so helpfully remind me...(even if I ain't actually an actual person, rather, I be a confected literary device utilised to create discussion, set-up jokes, etc?-Ed)...and it's a job you do extremely well if I do say so myself...(well you write all of my stuff, so who else is there to blame?-Ed)...whom else to praise you mean, whom else to praise...(blame, praise, we quibble over terms mate, terms defined by the individual availee's opinion of the content-Ed)...fair enough...
And in recent years I have been doin' a fair bit of apologising on this 'ere blog, and bleating about my own personal Mental Health and how that directly affects my Physical Health, etc, but just 3 points, namely, 1) the fact that I've been doin' this 'ere blog since January 2013, and have carefully exposed by carefully explaining the chronically Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that controls South Australia, that controls our Legislature, our Executive, and our Judiciary, particularly the ongoing IPPC of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc...(fair enough-Ed)...and 2) I ain't gettin' paid to do this, I do it out of a combined sense of obligation and necessity, with a healthy side-serve of guilt...(is that the guilt stuff about not stopping/resolving the St Martins Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yeah, all that stuff...(yeah, you ain't gettin' paid but you've surely paid for it-Ed)...indeed, mentally, legally, financially, and mentally I've paid a huge price for simply telling the truth and pursuing appropriate resolution, etc...and so 3) it may be another 8-9 days since my last post, and I sortta' owes ya's posts about St Martins, and the ludicrous FARC, amongst other topics, but the fact remains that I'm still here and still trying, still is par for the course, the massive stress of recent weeks and trying to deal with issues like my rancidly corrupt 'Trial' and the refusal of Attorney General Vicki Chapman to even acknowledge let-alone answer my latest letter/email, etc, etc, all of that has drained me to the point that I've been physically unwell...I'll spare you the gory phlegm-drenched details...(ughhh-Ed)...but I've hardly left the house for a week, etc, and am still recovering...
Anyhoos, we're here now and so here we go, Gas-Lighting, defined as being,
Manipulating someone by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.
...or more commonly as being a strategy of denial and misinformation and manipulation, etc, to so thoroughly obfuscate and compromise the reality of a situation/statement, that the receiver begins to question their own perception of it...USofA President Donald Trump is the classic example, making rancidly abusive and derogatory comments about whatevs/whoevs, and then immediately denying that he ever said that...Scummo does it, eg, 1) trying to undermine appropriate scrutiny of Liberal politician Gladys Leu's super-dodgy conduct by firstly trying to infer/portray that concern/scrutiny as 'race-based', then 2) stating as fact that he never referred to former Labor politician Sam Dastyari as 'Shanghai Sam'...(even after he was confronted with the reality that he had-Ed)...then trying to shift the focus by stating that he was referring to a different question and a different statement he had made...if you'd seen that original press conference, there was no question that he directly stated 'never said Shangai Sam', but given the way Scummo refused to accept that, then tried to redefine that comment, and was allowed to do that redefining by the pathetically complicit MSM and ABC, etc, one could easily begin to question one's own 'interpretation' of that original comment...that's gas-lighting...
And the Liberal/National Party are absolutely relentless in their gas-lighting of the Australian public, and are fully empowered and supported by the MSM and ABC...time-and-again they stand up in Parliament or press conferences, etc, and just flat-out lie about the state of the economy, what great economic managers they are, how many jobs they've created, how they've funded all manner of programs/projects, etc, etc, etc, but literally each and every time, careful scrutiny of the facts shows these claims to be the falsehoods that they are...(and then it gets to a point where-in one questions one's own perception/sanity that conflicts so wildly with the relentless deluge of info pouring out of the LNP-Ed)...exactly, and here's just a few recent examples...1) Scummo standing in Parliament and saying that the LNP operates as a party of inclusion not division...(but that's a lie, their whole election strategy was one of vilifying certain social groups and blame and driving wedges into those gaps, etc-Ed)...absolutely it was/is their entire strategy, have no policies and attack and divide and feast off the carcass of the chaos they've created, all fully supported by the Murdoch media and the rest of the MSM and even the supposedly independent ABC, and hence it's gas-lighting...
Scummo also stood there at the Dispatch Box and on the issue of journos being raided and charged under our rankly Fascist 'National Security' laws, etc, he directly stated 1) that "no-one is above the law", and 2) that he wouldn't be involved with a process that gave one person the right/power to decide whether journalists should be charged...(but he's just given AG Christian Porter exactly that power, to be the one person who decides-Ed)...indeed, and that's gas-lighting, completely denying/refuting a known truth...(and LNP Members are clearly entirely 'above the law' in their openly corrupt conduct and total lack of accountability-Ed)...exactly, which brings on another gas-lighting, Scummo stating that the Australian Federal Police are entirely independent and uninfluenced by political agenda and/or pressure, etc...(well that's clearly just another absolute lie, the AFP is wholly compromised, as is the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, etc, etc, but most particularly the AFP, and their conduct is definably pro-LNP, they openly operate as the strong arm of the LNP agenda-Ed)...of course they do, the politically-fuelled timing of those journo raids, the refusal to act against Liberal Michaelia Cash's corruption with those Union raids, or Barnaby Joyce's corruption, or Angus Taylor's, or Stuart Roberts', etc, etc, etc...there's an irrefutable and definable pattern of conduct from the AFP that shows they are wholly compromised and/or complicit...
Latest Farticle First:...where-in a 'Farticle' is defined in the TMGI Dictionary of Belligerent Mockery as being, quote, "a farcical article that really stinks"...(I know that's one of ours, but geez that's funny-Ed)...cheers mate, but anyhoos, I refer to an 'article' on ABC News channel just this very morn (Saturday), where-in they fundamentally re-defined 'gas-lighting' by running a long interview about the latest scandal from the House Of Taylor, namely, the clearly fraudulent Travel Expenses Document provided by LNP Minister Angus Taylor to The Daily Telegraph...I'll let y'all dear availees search for yourselves the minutiae of this story, but it's unquestionably a case of Fraud, a clear criminal offense...anyhoos, the ABC 'journos' did their traditional gas-lighting of asking semi-hard questions but letting the Liberal Senator just trample through it with the typical LNP rhetoric...
Liberal Senator Scarr knew all he had to do was not arc-up to the supposedly tough questioning, carefully monotoning his way through his carefully scripted denial and straight on through to blaming Labor for 'playing politics', etc, because he clearly knew that he just had to stonewall because the ABC interviewers had absolutely no intent of holding him to account, which they didn't...and if I wasn't spitting chips already, the final extraordinary question was to the Labor Senator (apologies I didn't recognise him or catch his name, possibly Patrick Watts, sorry)...
The ABC interviewer, having allowed Senator Scarr to lay all the ground work about how this was 'just Labor playing politics', etc, then straight-out asked Senator Watts(???), 'are you prepared to concede that Angus Taylor has done nothing wrong, (hasn't committed a crime)?'...(wow-Ed)...indeed, wow, just asking the question is deliberately seeking to redefine the reality of what has happened...Angus Taylor has clearly committed Fraud, circulating an altered/doctored document, but the ABC question throws all of that away, the very nature and wording of the question states that the ABC's official position is that Taylor has done nothing wrong...(wow, I knew that the ABC was completely compromised, be it personal bias or just running-scared for their jobs, whatevs, but that is absolutely appalling-Ed)..indeed it is, and if you look trustingly to the ABC to inform and educate you about politics, etc, then you'd easily be driven to question your own sanity, your own perception of reality...and that's gas-lighting courtesy of the ABC...(it puts me in mind of that classic line from The Young Ones comedy show, '(brought to you by) the completely independent BBC World Service, on behalf of the Conservative Party'-Ed) on mate, spot on...
And Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin was also hard at it with the gas-lighting crap last week on ABC Radio South East, meticulously sticking to the LNPs agenda of repeating the LNP lies about job creation, etc, and furiously denigrating the unemployed et al as being a costly burden on the community...he directly and grossly misrepresented the figures by stating that 'if you pay tax then 35cents in every dollar you pay goes to (unemployment) welfare' a discussion specifically about unemployment and increasing Newstart, etc, he very carefully attached that figure directly and solely to unemployment support was a cynically manipulative misrepresentation of the fiscal facts...(designed to deliberately vilify and demonise the unemployed and drive-home that 'Us and Them' wedge of the LNP's 'Lifters and Leaners' rhetoric-Ed)...yep, thusly catering to those self-involved and selfish LNP supporters, offering them someone to attack and blame, whilst concurrently defending and/or legitimising the LNP hatred and denigration of the vulnerable...the whole thing was a deliberate misrepresentation, a gross manipulation of both the facts and the listeners...
And I'm gunna' go right 'off-script' here by praising-up the ABC SE...(are you feeling ok?-Ed)...for immediately putting to air a Millicent-based 'social worker', knowing full-well that she was going to challenge Tony Pasin's statements...and that she did, completely dismantling Tony's gross manipulation of the facts and figures, eg, explaining that the '35 cents per dollar' figure encompassed all forms of payments, including pensions...(and Tony would know that-Ed)...of course he does, that's why it's manipulative deceit...(perhaps he was attaching that to the LNP's latest bastardry in stating that retiree-based pensions are 'welfare'-Ed)...bastardry alright, and from people who 1) hugely cut pensions under PM Tony Abbott, and 2) get immediate access to their ludicrously massive superannuation benefits the moment they're outta' Parliament...pardon my language dear availees, what a pack-a-pricks!...(no apology necessary-Ed)...and that brings us to that particular bastardry of Scummo's statements about 'unfunded empathy'...
Unfunded the simply charming phrase used by Scummo to explain/excuse his relentless denigration of the unemployed or others on welfare, 'we're not going to engage in unfunded empathy'...(I thought his fav saying was "the best form of welfare is a job"?-Ed)...sure, he does love that one too...(which is just nonsensical drivel because a job is employment, where-in you are paid or reimbursed or compensated or whatevs for your time and/or input and/or output, etc, where-as 'welfare' is about everyone chipping in to support people who are struggling to make ends meet, pay the bills, who are 'doing it tough', whatevs, but welfare and 'a job' are clearly two very different things-Ed)...yeah, but what about 'middle-class welfare' issues like Franking Credits, or government subsidies for home owners to get solar panels, all that sort of stuff...(yeah, well I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying there, but I do think that's straying-off into a more political/ideological discussion, rather than a strict definition of what actually constitutes 'welfare', which is what we're specifically discussing-Ed)...fair enough...and the original point I wanted to make was the screeching hypocrisy, the 'gas-lighting' from Scummo when he uses that phrase, 'unfunded empathy', when he himself has had $200,000 worth of 'Empathy Training'...(deadset?-Ed)...yep, well maybe not just him specifically, but certainly the government has had to have 'empathy training' to teach them how to appropriately fake their supposed empathy and support for drought-affected farmers/communities...
NDIS - It's LNP Speak For 'No Dollars In Sympathy':...moving in that same space as 'Unfunded Empathy', we have just another example of classic LNP gas-lighting that Scummo & Co constantly rant away about how they've 'balanced the Budget', whilst simultaneously claiming to be 'fully funding the NDIS'...(but they're both absolute lies, built on the one reality, that the LNP have taken over $4billion of NDIS funding that hasn't been distributed appropriately, and then slung that at their ludicrous obsession with a 'surplus'-Ed)...exactly, and that's why they're yet another example of gas-lighting, and not the only one related to the NDIS...only last week that rolled-gold class act Stuart Roberts stood up in Parliament and stated that he could officially announce that there was no longer any backlog with NDIS claims...(but that's also a lie, an absolute lie as proven by the extensive reportage about complaints about lengthy delays and under-funding issues, etc-Ed)...and that's the main component of gas-lighting, stand up and brazenly lie, never accept responsibility and/or fault and/or failing, just robotically spew party-line rhetoric by way of shamelessly redefining reality...and I've just read a report that reckons that there are over 90 NDIS 'executives' getting a collective wage of approx $24million, a mean average of just under $250,000 each...("$244,000" was the amount I saw-Ed)...and fair enough, and for what exactly they are being paid is unclear because the NDIS is a disaster, and just another forum for some classic LNP gas-lighting...
IPFA - It's LNP For 'I Produce F***All':...well it's actually the farcically shadowy department set-up by our mate Angus Taylor, the Infrastructure Project Finance Agency, who it appears do the best part of sweet Fanny Adams...(well other than produce glossy reports and brochures chockers full of snazzy pictures of things that the IPFA aren't actually involved with, etc-Ed)...well quite, and we've been lookin' at this stuff on Twitter, etc...(nice, I'm a huge fan of Ronni Salt and absolutely love her work, eg, she was a pivotal player in exposing the $80m+ Watergate Scandal involving LNP bigwigs Angus Taylor and Barnaby Joyce-Ed)...indeed she was, and I/we thoroughly recommend to dear availees that y'all go check-out her Twitter feed and particularly this stuff about the bizarrely opaque IPFA...(hang on, did you say it was set-up by Angus Taylor?-Ed)...apparently...(the same Angus from Watergate, Grassgate, SnowyGate, the super-dodgy Snowy Scheme pt 2, etc, if it's gotta' gate Angus has got a foot in the door?-Ed)...yeah yeah, our new bestie Angus...and in researching this bit I ran across another brilliant article, by Michael West on his website, just Google 'IPFA Michael West' under the article 'PayDaze, etc'...("PayDaze", nice one man-Ed)...indeed, it's a truly hilarious tale about the IPFA and their extraordinarily dodgy wage/employment structure, eg, where IPFA appears to refer to Managing Directors as 'labour hire contractors', and doesn't actually even name 2 of the 3, etc...I absolutely urge dear availees to check-out this article which includes several other links, makes the obvious comparison with the ABC's supposedly satirical political comedy Utopia, and also references/credits Ronni Salt...
Said it before and here we go again, 1) for all it's faults and failings, a huge yay for Social Media like Twitter and Blogspot, et al, where this sortta' stuff can be exposed because the Main Stream Media is so pathetically complicit, compliant and increasingly irrelevant, and 2) I take great strength from the fact that I ain't the only one who goes-at these bastards, cheers to Michael and Ronni et al...just like to conclude with a quote from that Michael West piece,
"Perplexingly, IPFA claim,
"It has been determined that there are no related party transactions to be disclosed"
In short, three contracts with a combined cost of $1.2million awarded to three of IPFA's
managing directors (or their personal companies) does not require disclosure in the annual report."
...and that's your money people, our money, yet more $$$millions squandered/rorted by the wholly hypocritical and arguably criminal LNP...get on board with this IPFA issue and help make it a big thing such that the pathetic MSM cannot ignore it...(you mean like the Taylor/Joyce Watergate stuff?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...
Tomorrow: More Political Deliberate Deceit And Bare-faced Bastardry
...(well gee whillackers, that certainly narrows it down a bit-Ed)...well is it my fault that lies, deceit, arrogance and corruption are the cornerstones of current Oz politics?...(no, I know, and one assumes that you'll include the latest litany of deceits and outright lies from the Mt Gambier city Council relating to the Fracical Aquatic Recreation Centre-Ed)...absolutely, straight-out lies about the cost of construction and how they'll fund it, how they'll fund the running costs, and now definable lies and deceits and incompetence about how it affects local community groups like the Senior Citizens Group, all of which then folds-back on itself to affect the original lies about costs and funding, etc, etc, etc...(it's a pitiless bottomless pit of Ratepayer-funded corruption just lookin' for somewhere to happen-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, indeed it is, MGCC at it's absolute finest...
JASL - Is TMGI Speak For 'Just About Shat Laughing' describes that state of being where-in the sufferer doesn't know whether to laugh, or cry, or hurl vile expletives at the telly, so one does all three simultaneously and in the process nearly loses control of one's fundamental bodily functionings...(orrr mate, we've all been there-Ed)...indeed we have mate, if you give even half-a-f*** then you have definitely been there...(it's unavoidable...oh, and what does the title mean? what exactly are "the Blue-Green Flames of Contempt"?-Ed)...glad you asked...
The Blue-Green Flames of Contempt:...refers to the usually drunken party trick of lighting farts, thus blowing the Blue-Green Flames of Contempt...(ahhh, of course, and 'gas-lighting' is doing exactly that, demonstrating absolute contempt for the audience/community, and therefore the metaphor works perfectly-Ed)...indeed, and layer over that the MSM and ABC's sycophantic commitment to the 'farticle' level of alleged journalism, and the metaphor gets even stronger and more appropriate...(well, what a classy post it's been today, a phlegm-drenched, fart-lighting cavalcade of tasteful journalism-Ed)...mate, just callin' it as I see it and/or live it...(and fair enough-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere high-brow production is my blog...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND "" AND ""
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
My Latest Letter To Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, Again
Howdy dear availees in Canada, Bangladesh, , and right here in dear ol' South Australia...I know it's been 9-10 days since my last post but I was caught somewhat offside by a major issue that involves all of us here in this sad, sick state that for all intents and purposes is controlled by it's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...I was shocked to realise mid-week that the 18 month time frame for completing my Community Service and paying my Fine from my "bizarre trial" effectively concludes/expires this Sunday, so I was forced to spend several days yet again drafting yet another letter to AG Vicki Chapman, fully expecting to receive the exact same response as I have previous...(so no response at all then?-Ed)...howdy Ed, and yes indeed, as covered in this 'ere letter, I have written to AG Chapman numerous times with receiving a single response...anyhoos, whilst this letter repeats many issues I've raised in previous letters/emails and/or on this 'ere blog, etc, it's simply easiest to post the letter, as emailed this arvo, Friday 18th October 2019...I'll catch you's on the other side, cheers...***
***...and regular availees will know that there's about 500 things I haven't included in this letter, but my numerous previous letters/complaints cover many of those issues...(well you've hardly scratched the surface with Magistrate Ian White's extraordinary behaviours-Ed)...a perfect example...(although what you have identified amply illustrates his grossly biased and rankly corrupt conduct-Ed)...indeed it does, and as I've identified, it's why these people don't want me getting my hands on those transcripts...(I thought you said that 'transcripts' were pointless because the 2 that you have received have been 'altered', with critical ommissions, etc?-Ed)...good point mate, and that's why I have specifically mentioned/requested the audio recordings...(ah yes, so you did-Ed)...but as you've identified, this letter is written and sent in the purest optimism as history teaches us I'm barking up a deaf tree...(whaaa?-Ed)...well I've got the correct tree...(indeed, you've absolutely nailed each and every point, as far as I can tell-Ed)...sure, but the tree don't wanna' hear it mate, so I can bark myself hoarse, ain't nuthin' gunna' happen...
(And where's the shreckin Australian Main Stream Media? why aren't they all over this stuff like stink on a monkey?-Ed)...well, even on a good day the MSM has proven themselves to be slavering lap-dogs to the Liberal Party...(yeah, but this 'Whistleblower' stuff has been huge news, what with the Witness K stuff, the outrageous prosecution of Richard Boyle, those rankly Fascist media raids, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, but I've tried interstate media, and others have on my behalf as well...(and?-Ed)...and obviously they ain't touchin' it...(is it because of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile stuff underlying your Political Persecution?-Ed)...would not surprise me in the least, remember, we've had a 5-year long Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission that flatly refused to even look at the Lutherans and didn't ask them one question, etc...(and according to many on Twitter, etc, hardly looked at anything in SA-Ed)...indeed, yet the MSM apparently can't see any of that either...(shreck me-Ed)...right there with you mate, right there with you...
Tomorrow: The Latest FARC Lies From MGCC
And that's exactly what they're doing, day-in day-out, lies, deceits, and gross incompetence...and then there's all that St Martrins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up stuff to continue with...(yay-Ed)...quite...and if you dear availee, if you wanna' have a crack at gettin' the MSM interested in this extraordinary stuff, by all means please to be taking this 'ere letter and shoving it in front of your nearest and dearest editor or journo or whoevs...(in fact, we'd be much obliged if not exactly holding our collective breaths-Ed)...fair call mate, but it would be interesting to see this stuff suddenly appear in an overseas publication when our own MSM refuse to touch any of it...(like I said, worth a crack, but I won't be holdin' my breath-Ed)...fair enough...
I am Nick Fletcher, and this 'ere just above is some of the shizzle I've managed to get myself in for just standing ma' ground and tellin' the truth...(well there's ya' problem right there-Ed)...hilarious I' sure...anyhoos, dear availees, and Ed, cheers and laters...
Vicki Chapman
18th October 2019
Dear Attorney-General,
refer to my many previous letters/emails to you of 2016/17/18, most
specifically 19th April 2018, 16th May 2018,
3rd July 2018, and 15th October 2018, all
regarding my “bizarre trial” (The Border Watch newspaper) and
subsequent equally bizarre Conviction for allegedly breaching the
undefinable and nonsensical Section 56 of the Independent Commission
Against Corruption Act 2012 (South Australia).
As you are aware, this was/is the
precedent prosecution and conviction of the ICAC Act Sec 56, and that
I am a private citizen who has done nothing other than tell the truth
about a fraudulent alleged ICAC investigation of the Mt Gambier City
You know that I proved in Court that
that alleged ICAC investigation was a complete farce, consisting of
an unrecorded 30min chat with me in a cafe, and another unrecorded
chat with MGCC CEO Mark McShane in a corridor of the Adelaide
Convention Centre, and that there was no actual investigation, no
questioning of corrupt Councillors involved, no public hearings, etc.
As I explained in my letters/emails,
Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012 was changed by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander
and then Labor AG John Rau, via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act
(November) 2014, in direct response to enquiries made by my legal
representatives in July 2014, following the SAPol (police)
Anti-Corruption Branch raid on my home of 7th/8th
May 2014.
I repeat my concerns that Parliament
not only passed this bizarrely undefinable ICAC legislation in the
first instance, including passing as 'Law' absurd undefined
statements like “information tending to suggest” and “may be”,
etc, but also that Comm Lander and AG Rau and the Parliament
addressed then changed that legislation specifically in a manner to
facilitate prosecuting me.
As you are aware, because I have
repeatedly and carefully explained it to you and provided you with
the related documents, etc, the timetable of events is undeniable,
entirely proven by Comm Lander's, SAPol's, and Parliament's own
documentation, eg, Hansard.
As you are aware;
- my home was raided by SAPol ACB on 7th /8th May 2014, and my laptop seized as 'evidence', etc, but I was not actually charged with anything;
- my legal representatives wrote to Comm Lander (twice) and SAPol in July 2014, asking about the failures and/or confusion of the ICAC Act 2012, specifically, a) can our client even speak to a lawyer? the Act appears to deny that right, b) what does “To Publish” and “tending to suggest” mean? etc, it is all undefined, and, c) when will our client be charged?;
- ICAC Comm Lander responded on 28th July 2014 with a written formal ICAC “Authorisation” that 'allowed' me to speak with a lawyer, my family, friends, or a doctor;
- SAPol Prosecutions confirmed in writing on 12th August 2014 that I had not been charged, but that I would be notified “if and when charges are to be laid”;
- Comm Lander and AG Rau then changed the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, via the ICAC MAA (Nov) 2014, specifically including a definition of “To Publish”;
- my “bizarre trial” then started 3rd February 2015 without me being 'Charged' or Summonsed or even notified of the trial;
- documents eventually provided by SAPol Prosecutions (April/May 2015) revealed the existence of ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', started in mid-February 2014, and where-in I and my blog are the sole focus.
As you are aware, there were monthly
Pre-Trial hearings from February 2015 to June 2015 when SAPol
Prosecutions and the Magistrates Court (Magistrate Paul Rice) agreed
with my lawyer's submission that there were potential issues of
Federal Constitutional Law being compromised by the SA ICAC Act, and
my trial was moved to Adelaide to facilitate that much larger and
more involved proceedings.
There were several hearings in
Adelaide, none of which I physically attended, before my trial was
returned to Mt Gambier without explanation, and with none of the
Constitutional Law issues resolved, re-commencing in February 2016
with Magistrate Teresa Anderson and a new SAPol Prosecutions
Despite SAPol Prosecutions specifically
acknowledging and identifying (Feb 2016) the requisite legal
necessity for a formal COAG (Council of Australian Governments)
Constitutional Law Review of the ICAC legislation prior to any
prosecution commencing, and Her Honour's specific 'Order' to SAPol to
identify and resolve these issues, and my years of repeated
questions/requests about these issues, etc, I was 'Convicted' without
any of that review/resolution.
After my actual 'Trial' (November 2016)
collapsed in disarray when HH Anderson withdrew citing issues of
“Malicious Prosecution” and “Abuse of Process”, etc, my
'trial' bizarrely just continued on, with a third Magistrate
appointed, Magistrate Ian White, and I repeatedly questioned him
about the Constitutional Law issues, but he just ignored me.
As I have explained to you, Magistrate
White acted with extreme 'Bias' against me, repeatedly ignoring
multiple issues that might have compromised prosecuting me, eg, SAPol
Prosecution's proven lies in Court, and he refused me addressing
critical documents, and routinely abused and threatened me,
especially with supposed 'Contempt of Court'.
During my 'third trial'
(November/December 2017) he openly abused and threatened me, forcing
me to question a SAPol witness who wasn't meant to be there, then
refused me questioning another SAPol/ICAC witness, then denied my
requests for an appropriate adjournment, ignoring the advice of my
doctor whom he subpoenaed to give evidence, before taking the highly
unusual action of concluding my “bizarre trial” in my absence.
Via three bizarre Video Link hearings
(28th February, 9th March, and 20th
April 2018) with Magistrate White sitting in Elizabeth Courthouse, I
was 'Convicted' then fined a ludicrous $540,000, being the maximum
allowable $30,000 per 'Count' under the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56,
which was then commuted to firstly 300hrs then 260hrs of 'Community
As you are aware, Magistrate White
tried to ignore my submissions about the fact that I had been
prosecuted using incorrect and/or undefined and/or altered ICAC
legislation, until he was outed by the local media, when he suddenly
released two Addenda confirming my submission, but blaming me for not
explaining it to him properly, and then 'Convicting' me regardless.
As you know, he then implemented three
wholly inappropriate Final Intervention Orders, a reprehensible
politically-motivated mis-use of these critically important 'Orders'
that are usually handed-down to protect vulnerable women and
children, but used by Magistrate White to try to censor and/or
silence me on issues of my “bizarre trial” and corruption, eg,
the FIO regarding a MGCC Councillor directly bars me from attending
MGCC meetings or any other political or even public meeting on the
off-chance that that Councillor may attend, whilst another bars me
from contacting the South East ABC.
Two of the 'Counts' relate to
contacting the media, the ABC and The Border Watch, meaning that I
have been 'Convicted' for telling the truth to the media, which is a
direct attack on 'Whistleblowing' and the rights of the media to
report critically important issues of public interest.
As you are fully aware, this entire
proceedings was/is a farcical travesty, a litany of often deliberate
Prosecution and Judicial failures and faults and improprieties; it
was/is a fundamentally “Malicious Prosecution”, up to and
including the conduct of Magistrate White.
You know that at literally every one of
my dozens of Pre-Trial Hearings and daily during actual trial
proceedings, etc, that I have made requests for the transcripts from
these hearings, and that this is even confirmed by Magistrate White's
own 'Order' to himself on that issue, as recorded in the Certificate
of Record, an 'Order' he then flatly refused to even acknowledge at
trial in November/December 2017.
I have repeatedly asked you and/or
Chief Magistrate Hribal to provide me those transcripts and/or
recordings so that I may lodge an 'Appeal', which I am currently
still intending to try to do, that is, when I am eventually provided
those transcripts, especially those that involve the Constitutional
Law issues, then I will 'Appeal' this bizarre and definably corrupt
trial process.
You know all of this, and that it is
only the tip of a massive and ugly iceberg of Judicial and legal bias
and impropriety, a definable disaster that I have repeatedly
requested that you as Attorney-General intervene in, not least of all
to act to implement that long-overdue COAG review of South
Australia's bizarre, undefinable, and Constitutionally-compromising
ICAC legislation.
I have also asked you to quash and
permanently stay my unsound and problematic 'Conviction';
- pending that appropriate COAG Review, a Review that former Labor AG John Rau should have convened but deliberately failed/refused to;
- and because I have clearly identified to you exactly what I identified to Magistrate White, ie, the changes to ICAC legislation in November 2014 confirm that what I was 'Convicted' of was not technically a 'crime' during the period I was 'Charged' (Dec 2013 – April 2014).
I appreciate that much of this has
happened under the Rann/Weatherill Labor government and their AG John
Rau, etc, but I would consider that to be only further reason for the
Liberal Party to act to address and resolve what has been done to me,
and subsequently address the broader implications of the corruption
evident in both the ICAC and Judiciary.
Despite all of this, and despite the
fact that in 2018 you yourself fell foul of the bizarre ICAC
'Confidentiality' regulations, and was openly mocked in the
Parliament and media for errantly exposing an ICAC investigation into
senior public servants, despite all that, I have not even received a
response from you, let-alone a commitment to address and resolve
these issues.
I note with genuine concern that it is
a year since I last wrote to you on this issue, and this entire
process has had a quite deliberately devastating affect on my life,
my health, etc, which is exactly the intent of this “Malicious
Prosecution”, it is unambiguous Retributional Political
In November 2018 I had SAPol at my home
on six occasions, five times in one week in late November, repeatedly
sticking cameras in my face and accusing me of having breached the
Councillor FIO, and bizarrely demanding I provide DNA samples and
fingerprints in a supposedly critical time-frame, etc, but repeatedly
refusing to actually charge me with anything.
Each time I challenged these
accusations, questioned the relevance of and refused to submit to DNA
swabs or fingerprinting, demanded to be charged but was refused, and
calmly but clearly looked down those cameras and identified these
incidents as outright harassment and intimidation and abuse designed
to make me feel unsafe in my own home.
On 27th December 2018 I had
another SAPol visit, and was told I was not allowed to say anything
at all about the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and was
again refused any paperwork and/or being charged, and was again told
I would 'hear about it in a couple of months'.
Despite the supposed seriousness and
alleged urgency, etc, of these alleged FIO breaches I have heard
nothing since, confirming the genuine intent of those visits,
harassment and intimidation.
Following advice, I have not done any
of the 260hrs Community Service or paid any of the $3,500 fine,
because starting to do either would potentially undermine my
impending 'Appeal'.
As with my entire “bizarre trial”
process, I have done everything asked of me by the Dept of
Corrections, eg, their demands for a 'current' Medical Certificate,
etc, but they also have not replied to any of my letters/faxes, and I
have heard nothing from them or the Fines Branch in over a year.
Many people have observed that the
reason that I cannot generate a response from yourself or the Dept of
Corrections, etc, is that I have accurately identified the grossly
flawed and deliberately retributional nature of this “Malicious
Prosecution”, and the complicit involvement of ICAC Comm Lander,
etc, and therefore you and your colleagues find it too difficult to
try to engage with me, it is easier to just ignore me and hope I just
go away, etc, and therefore that I should just let it all go and
forget about it.
They have a fair point, but also agree
with my response, namely, that I cannot 'just let it go' because I
have no choice, this is being done to me, and;
- I have an albeit quite bizarre 'Criminal Conviction' hanging over my head, and
- associated FIOs, and
- the Community Service Order and Fine still to be resolved, and therefore,
- with the associated 18 months time limit expiring on 20th October 2019, I can potentially be charged with Contempt of Court, which can result in gaol.
It is my concern that I have been
deliberately ignored by yourself and others so as,
- to compromise and effectively deny my attempts to Appeal, but worse,
- so that I can be harassed, bullied and threatened and potentially charged about the impending Contempt of Court issues, possibly with those supposed FIO issues added.
I therefore repeat my previous requests
that you act appropriately to convene that COAG meeting, 'quash' my
'Conviction' pending the outcome of that meeting, and provide me with
the full audio recordings of every one of the hearings, trial dates,
etc, from my trial.
***...and regular availees will know that there's about 500 things I haven't included in this letter, but my numerous previous letters/complaints cover many of those issues...(well you've hardly scratched the surface with Magistrate Ian White's extraordinary behaviours-Ed)...a perfect example...(although what you have identified amply illustrates his grossly biased and rankly corrupt conduct-Ed)...indeed it does, and as I've identified, it's why these people don't want me getting my hands on those transcripts...(I thought you said that 'transcripts' were pointless because the 2 that you have received have been 'altered', with critical ommissions, etc?-Ed)...good point mate, and that's why I have specifically mentioned/requested the audio recordings...(ah yes, so you did-Ed)...but as you've identified, this letter is written and sent in the purest optimism as history teaches us I'm barking up a deaf tree...(whaaa?-Ed)...well I've got the correct tree...(indeed, you've absolutely nailed each and every point, as far as I can tell-Ed)...sure, but the tree don't wanna' hear it mate, so I can bark myself hoarse, ain't nuthin' gunna' happen...
(And where's the shreckin Australian Main Stream Media? why aren't they all over this stuff like stink on a monkey?-Ed)...well, even on a good day the MSM has proven themselves to be slavering lap-dogs to the Liberal Party...(yeah, but this 'Whistleblower' stuff has been huge news, what with the Witness K stuff, the outrageous prosecution of Richard Boyle, those rankly Fascist media raids, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, but I've tried interstate media, and others have on my behalf as well...(and?-Ed)...and obviously they ain't touchin' it...(is it because of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile stuff underlying your Political Persecution?-Ed)...would not surprise me in the least, remember, we've had a 5-year long Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission that flatly refused to even look at the Lutherans and didn't ask them one question, etc...(and according to many on Twitter, etc, hardly looked at anything in SA-Ed)...indeed, yet the MSM apparently can't see any of that either...(shreck me-Ed)...right there with you mate, right there with you...
Tomorrow: The Latest FARC Lies From MGCC
And that's exactly what they're doing, day-in day-out, lies, deceits, and gross incompetence...and then there's all that St Martrins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up stuff to continue with...(yay-Ed)...quite...and if you dear availee, if you wanna' have a crack at gettin' the MSM interested in this extraordinary stuff, by all means please to be taking this 'ere letter and shoving it in front of your nearest and dearest editor or journo or whoevs...(in fact, we'd be much obliged if not exactly holding our collective breaths-Ed)...fair call mate, but it would be interesting to see this stuff suddenly appear in an overseas publication when our own MSM refuse to touch any of it...(like I said, worth a crack, but I won't be holdin' my breath-Ed)...fair enough...
I am Nick Fletcher, and this 'ere just above is some of the shizzle I've managed to get myself in for just standing ma' ground and tellin' the truth...(well there's ya' problem right there-Ed)...hilarious I' sure...anyhoos, dear availees, and Ed, cheers and laters...
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Apologies, Post Up Tomorrow
Howdy y'all and humblest apologies, I've been swamped with some stuff regarding my "bizarre trial", but I'll post all about it tomorrow...all will be made clear, I promise...thanking you for your patience, and hope y'all are well and fighting the good fight and all that, and cheers and laters until tomorrow, ciao...
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Review, Part II
Howdy dear availees across the globe...last post I sortta' shrecked-about a fair bit, skirting 'round the many very unpleasant realities of the St Martins Cover-up, as much an act of self-preservation as anything else...(well I can't imagine it's gunna' help your own associated depression and traumas, etc, to go burrowing back-down into all of that horrendous Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...well quite, but that's what we're here to do, so today I'm just gunna' do apologies if there's no humour apparent, usually we try, but probably not today...if y'all are a new availee, please refer to the immediate previous post 'cos this one directly follows-on from here goes, oh, and if this causes you any distress, please do what you need to to look after ya'selves, eg, talk to someone about it, write an angry letter to someone even if you never post it, etc, etc...
Teacher Glyn Dorling was moved to St Martins Lutheran School in Mt Gambier in the late 1990s after being 'sacked' from his first position with the Lutherans in Adelaide, and there were immediate and multiple complaints about his conduct...these complaints continued into 2002, leading to a meeting between parents and Principal John Alexander (Friday 7th June 2002) that led to a further meeting that Sunday 9th June, also including Pastor John O'Keefe and senior Lutheran Peter Huezenroeder...since Friday a child had made specific disclosures to their parents about physical contacts and other behaviours Dorling was committing against his grade 2 students (7/8 year olds)...Alexander stated that Dorling had already been 'removed' Friday, and acknowledged that these new disclosures were 'abuse', but repeatedly asked parents to not report to SAPol (police) so that the school could sort it out internally...Dorling was at the school that Sunday, probably in his classroom, and saw parents leaving...Huezenroeder went to the Lutheran service that evening and deliberately played-down the seriousness of the abuses, describing them as a 'Christian Cuddle' approx 0700hrs on the Monday public holiday, 10th June 2002, Dorling was caught in his classroom and was escorted off the site by security... I saw Alexander twice on the Friday but he never told me about the meeting he was about to have, just had, or the next one on Sunday, so, 'cos I was away fishing, I found out about these meetings on the Sunday evening from another parent...
First thing Monday morning I rang Alexander but couldn't get a response, so I did a Mandatory Notification to was required I do a MN because I was not just a parent but also a Mandatory Notifier, given my often daily volunteer work, eg, doing reader daily with multiple children, multiple working bees, including the 100s of hours I contributed to mixing, barrowing and laying cement for the carpark mural, etc...I phoned SAPol and was told to attend the Mt Gambier Police Station and lodge a formal complaint, which I did later that morning with another parent, but the desk officer refused to take my complaint, stating that 1) another family/parent had already reported/notified SAPol, and 2) that my phone report would get forwarded to them (MGPS)...I eventually spoke with John Alexander (late morning), who stated he wasn't going to report to SAPol or contact other parents from Dorling's class because he (Alexander) didn't "want to start a panic" that point he was also going to have Dorling working at the church's office, immediately adjacent to the St Martins this point, thinking we had all been deceived/manipulated by Dorling, parents were very much still backing the school/Alexander, and I stated to him that I thought it was a very bad idea to have Dorling so close to the kindy, not least-of-all because of the 'optics' of moving him from one site to another...I was with another parent during that call, and went with them immediately afterwards to Mt Gambier Police Station (as above)...
*** seems appropriate here to point-out that I started this post on Saturday 5th October 2019, got halfway through that last paragraph, and then just 'crash-and-burned' for 3 days, it's now Tuesday 8th...just a few short paragraphs staring into the gaping maw of the howling void of avoided recollection, and I went down like a pole-axed hippy...even though I was aware that this was likely to happen, and similar to doing the counselling I did earlier this year, going back into the horrendous realities of the St Martins Cover-up is just such a massively traumatic experience that there's no amount of being 'prepared' what's gunna' help...I've barely left the house for 4 days, no gym, slept 12hrs straight Saturday/Sunday, ate nothing but frozen pizzas and pre-packed pastas, etc, etc, it's the worst I've been for years...but anyhoos, I'm well aware that I ain't the only one goin' through this sortta' shizzle as a result of the St Martins Cover-up, let-alone others who have experienced even worse...and I look at what others have survived and then achieved, people like Mathilda Duncan who has single-handedly taken on the Catholics and Tennyson Woods College, and the Morrison Jazz Academy, and my mate and critically complicit St Martins Cover-up Co-Conspirator Bill DeGaris, and the South Australian Judicial System, etc, etc, and whom continues to lobby for the safety of other young woman, particularly in educational institutions...
I think of what some of the other St Martins parents and kids have suffered/endured, and gourd knows I've lived a goodly part of all of that, and still do...but I consider myself relatively lucky in that I have a voice via this ' ere blog, albeit a voice I've created for myself, and have suffered for using, eg, my "bizarre trial" under the rankly Fascist SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, etc, etc...and so I continue to try to use that voice and use my words what I done have, particularly here on this 'ere blog, and for all it's toll, I'd rather fight and suffer for it than be silent about what I know to have happened with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that rules South Australia and makes incidents/situations like the St Martins Cover-up not just possible but thoughts are with those other families and kids and I'll continue to try to do what I that's that, now back to the review thingy...***
And now's as good a time as any to acknowledge my own personal sense of guilt, because it is a big part of what drives me to resolve this terrible situation...I'm hardly some sort of noble higher being borne along and held aloft by majestic wings of purest altruism, no, on my best days I'm a belligerent, vain, occasionally arrogant, and largely unmotivated stuff-pig, which I've covered in many previous posts, but what's happened at St Martins simply cannot be ignored for 2 reasons...1) like I said, if the St Martins Cover-up can happen, then how Pro-Paedophile Corrupt is SA and how vulnerable are all children in this sad, sick state? and 2) one day I witnessed what Dorling was doing to those kids but didn't recognise it for what it was and so those abuses continued for another 2-3 weeks after I might have stopped them...I walked into the class and saw him with the kids all gathered 'round siting on the floor, and he was in a chair with a girl on his left with his arm around her, which he slowly dropped away, and with his right hand he casually swept from left to right, gently pushing back two girls who had their heads on his has haunted me ever since, I can clearly picture it and identify 2 of the girls, the third had her back to me and I never saw her face...for a long time I was unable to process my 'failure', and it took me literally years to deal with it and reach some sort of 'rationale'...with the benefit of hindsight, I was in a rush to get my child for their piano lesson, and as someone who did a lot of reader with the kids, etc, I had often been hugged or had kids try to sit on my lap, etc, just genuine acts of simple affection, never occurred to me that what I saw that morning was anything more than the same spontaneous affection from the kids, it was only later that I learned that these physical contacts were initiated and even requested/required by Dorling and occurred daily, often for extended periods of time...
That interaction on that day, and the associated pall of guilt that consumes me every time I think about it, which is pretty-much daily, this all continues to motivate me on my 'weakest' and most depressed days...the memory is depressing but doing nothing about it is even worse...I have discussed this with various counsellors/family/friends and the best I can manage is to accept that what Dorling was doing wasn't my fault, and neither is the ongoing St Martins is not my failure to get the appropriate actions from the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australian 'Authorities' like SAPol or the Crown Solicitor or the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Teachers Registration Board or the Parliament, to get them to act to prosecute Dorling and hold the Lutherans to account for their rancid corruption, etc, etc, nor is it the fault of other parents...we live in a definably Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State, at all levels, the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary, and it has clearly been that way for many decades if not more than a century if not since Colonisation itself...our experiences, our 'failures', are in fact a litany of inevitable betrayals, deceits and corruption suffered at the hands of 'Authorities' wantonly and/or complicitly involved in protecting and/or supporting Institutionalised Paedophilia in SA...but again I digress, back to the details of the St Martins Cover-up...
Because Alexander didn't notify other families about Dorling's removal, 1) parents were dropping their kids off to school on the Tuesday morning (June 11th 2002) completely unawares of the 3 meetings Friday/Sunday and Dorling's abuse of their kids and his removal, etc, and 2) so it fell to us families who did know to inform others...I didn't know any of the other parents outside of the school environment, but went with another parent who did, and across several nights that week we visited some other families...other class parents also informed other families they was a gross and deliberate failure by the school/Lutherans and deeply unpleasant for all parents was later used by the school/Alexander/Lutherans to denigrate us few parents as 'troublemakers' and 'rumour-mongers'...I clearly remember one particularly distressing exchange where-in we were telling a family about what was already known of Dorling's behaviours...the parent I was with had been at the school meetings and had spoken to someone they knew within Child Protection, etc, and we were discussing one of the potential indicators of abuse, the child suddenly developing behavioural problems, eg, starting bed-wetting, when the mother burst into tears and fled the room sobbing...her husband apologised to us as we repeatedly apologised to was a horrendous experience for all of us and I wouldn't blame those people for never talking to me again, but they do, and not just talk to me, they greet me warmly because they understand exactly what has happened and what I/we have been trying to do...for all the unpleasantness we might have brought into their home that evening, they understand that it wasn't malicious, and they understand and appreciate what I/we've done to try and resolve the St Martins Cover-up...
What Alexander/the Lutherans did do that weekend was organise for Elizabeth Young, a personal friend from CAMHS (Child Adolescent Mental Health Service), to be at the school that Tuesday morning (11th June), to 'offer support and advice'...obviously many parents didn't know about that because they didn't even know Dorling was gone, so they just dropped-off their kids as per usual and left...I did attend that 'meeting' and was shocked to hear her describe Dorling as a "grooming paedophile", the first time I'd heard that expression, but even more surprised when she advised to 'just let it go because nothing's going to happen', that is, no investigation, etc...after that 'meeting' I went to the Mt Gambier CAMHS office and tried to lodge a formal complaint about her flippantly dismissive attitude and extraordinary advice, but was refused doing so because 'she wasn't on official CAMHS business'...Alexander/the Lutherans had got her in as a personal favour and quite deliberately misrepresented her attendance as being official CAMHS was a deliberate and cynical Lutheran manipulation to try and dissuade parents from seeking further action, and partly what led me to be involved in notifying other parents...after the conversation with Alexander the day before, where-in he said he wasn't going to report to SAPol, etc, and this deliberate deceit, it very quickly became apparent that Alexander and the Lutherans were entirely disingenuous about their supposed concerns, etc...
We later learned, via the Teachers Registration Board, that what Alexander and Heuzenroeder actually did was to warn Dorling, either at the school after that Sunday meeting, or at his house later that evening, to warn him that he had been reported to police by parents...obviously I was unaware of these parent's reports when I reported on the Monday...Alexander and Heuzenroeder and Pastor O'Keefe clearly breached their official responsibilities about the welfare of the children, but far worse and legally inappropriate, they failed to follow their legal Mandatory Notification obligations by not reporting to SAPol, etc, and further breached the law by going to the Child Abuse perpetrator and warning him of the parent/SAPol report...I re-iterate, Dorling was seen at the school on that Sunday afternoon, and again at 0700hrs on the public holiday Monday where he was found in his classroom and 'removed' by security...both of these incidents/attendances allowed Dorling to remove any evidence and/or alter the classroom lay-out, etc, critically compromising any subsequent SAPol it transpired, SAPol repeatedly deceived parents, never actually interviewing Dorling let-alone 'Charging' him with anything, and they never even went to the classroom, only attending the school on one occasion, for an evening meeting with parents and Child Protection Services on Thursday 1st August 2002...
Excuse me y'all, but I'm gunna' finish here because I've just had enough...I realise that I've barely scratched the surface, barely moved beyond that June weekend, barely covered anything I haven't in many of those early posts, but it is what it is...I'm trying to provide a comprehensive explanation and it ain't no pleasant experience, as I've explained...again, if you want to know more already, I suggest that y'all please go back to those early posts and trawl through that stuff...
Tomorrow: More St Martins
When I'm struggling through this stuff, as indeed I'm doing right now, I like to hook into Ye Olde Youtube and crank out some good ol' tunes, eg, The Night They Drove Ol' Dixie Down by The Band, or anything from the Woodstock era, eg, Ten Years After - I'd Like To Change The World, anything by Jefferson Starship, or Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home, etc...that song always reduces me to tears, as does Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix, which reminds me of an old girlfriend from the dim, distant past...and to y'all out there, but especially dear availees in the USofA, please to be checkin'-out his majesty Sir Jimi live at Woodstock and his extraordinary rendition of your National Anthem...given who it was, an African/Cherokee/American army veteran, the undisputed greatest guitarist ever, and given where it was, Woodstock, and the times, during the American (Vietnam) War, it is arguably the greatest piece of music ever recorded...the musician, the song, the place, the time, the context...never have these things converged so perfectly, and never will they again...I ain't no Seppo, a charming slang term derived from 'septic tank', to rhyme with Yank, but like any human being capable of emotion, I find this piece consuming and harrowing and uplifting all at once...unfortunately, given the lunatic maelstrom currently raging in the narcissistic wasteland that is the mind of the Orange Witch of the West Wing, this rendition of the USofA National Anthem is absolutely current and relevant...
I urge y'all dear availees in the USofA, watch this footage, listen to it, learn what it has to tell, remember the great things about who you are and not what this Donald person would have you believe you are for his own benefit...anyhoos, enough pontificating from me, until tomorrow at least...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...
Teacher Glyn Dorling was moved to St Martins Lutheran School in Mt Gambier in the late 1990s after being 'sacked' from his first position with the Lutherans in Adelaide, and there were immediate and multiple complaints about his conduct...these complaints continued into 2002, leading to a meeting between parents and Principal John Alexander (Friday 7th June 2002) that led to a further meeting that Sunday 9th June, also including Pastor John O'Keefe and senior Lutheran Peter Huezenroeder...since Friday a child had made specific disclosures to their parents about physical contacts and other behaviours Dorling was committing against his grade 2 students (7/8 year olds)...Alexander stated that Dorling had already been 'removed' Friday, and acknowledged that these new disclosures were 'abuse', but repeatedly asked parents to not report to SAPol (police) so that the school could sort it out internally...Dorling was at the school that Sunday, probably in his classroom, and saw parents leaving...Huezenroeder went to the Lutheran service that evening and deliberately played-down the seriousness of the abuses, describing them as a 'Christian Cuddle' approx 0700hrs on the Monday public holiday, 10th June 2002, Dorling was caught in his classroom and was escorted off the site by security... I saw Alexander twice on the Friday but he never told me about the meeting he was about to have, just had, or the next one on Sunday, so, 'cos I was away fishing, I found out about these meetings on the Sunday evening from another parent...
First thing Monday morning I rang Alexander but couldn't get a response, so I did a Mandatory Notification to was required I do a MN because I was not just a parent but also a Mandatory Notifier, given my often daily volunteer work, eg, doing reader daily with multiple children, multiple working bees, including the 100s of hours I contributed to mixing, barrowing and laying cement for the carpark mural, etc...I phoned SAPol and was told to attend the Mt Gambier Police Station and lodge a formal complaint, which I did later that morning with another parent, but the desk officer refused to take my complaint, stating that 1) another family/parent had already reported/notified SAPol, and 2) that my phone report would get forwarded to them (MGPS)...I eventually spoke with John Alexander (late morning), who stated he wasn't going to report to SAPol or contact other parents from Dorling's class because he (Alexander) didn't "want to start a panic" that point he was also going to have Dorling working at the church's office, immediately adjacent to the St Martins this point, thinking we had all been deceived/manipulated by Dorling, parents were very much still backing the school/Alexander, and I stated to him that I thought it was a very bad idea to have Dorling so close to the kindy, not least-of-all because of the 'optics' of moving him from one site to another...I was with another parent during that call, and went with them immediately afterwards to Mt Gambier Police Station (as above)...
*** seems appropriate here to point-out that I started this post on Saturday 5th October 2019, got halfway through that last paragraph, and then just 'crash-and-burned' for 3 days, it's now Tuesday 8th...just a few short paragraphs staring into the gaping maw of the howling void of avoided recollection, and I went down like a pole-axed hippy...even though I was aware that this was likely to happen, and similar to doing the counselling I did earlier this year, going back into the horrendous realities of the St Martins Cover-up is just such a massively traumatic experience that there's no amount of being 'prepared' what's gunna' help...I've barely left the house for 4 days, no gym, slept 12hrs straight Saturday/Sunday, ate nothing but frozen pizzas and pre-packed pastas, etc, etc, it's the worst I've been for years...but anyhoos, I'm well aware that I ain't the only one goin' through this sortta' shizzle as a result of the St Martins Cover-up, let-alone others who have experienced even worse...and I look at what others have survived and then achieved, people like Mathilda Duncan who has single-handedly taken on the Catholics and Tennyson Woods College, and the Morrison Jazz Academy, and my mate and critically complicit St Martins Cover-up Co-Conspirator Bill DeGaris, and the South Australian Judicial System, etc, etc, and whom continues to lobby for the safety of other young woman, particularly in educational institutions...
I think of what some of the other St Martins parents and kids have suffered/endured, and gourd knows I've lived a goodly part of all of that, and still do...but I consider myself relatively lucky in that I have a voice via this ' ere blog, albeit a voice I've created for myself, and have suffered for using, eg, my "bizarre trial" under the rankly Fascist SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, etc, etc...and so I continue to try to use that voice and use my words what I done have, particularly here on this 'ere blog, and for all it's toll, I'd rather fight and suffer for it than be silent about what I know to have happened with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that rules South Australia and makes incidents/situations like the St Martins Cover-up not just possible but thoughts are with those other families and kids and I'll continue to try to do what I that's that, now back to the review thingy...***
And now's as good a time as any to acknowledge my own personal sense of guilt, because it is a big part of what drives me to resolve this terrible situation...I'm hardly some sort of noble higher being borne along and held aloft by majestic wings of purest altruism, no, on my best days I'm a belligerent, vain, occasionally arrogant, and largely unmotivated stuff-pig, which I've covered in many previous posts, but what's happened at St Martins simply cannot be ignored for 2 reasons...1) like I said, if the St Martins Cover-up can happen, then how Pro-Paedophile Corrupt is SA and how vulnerable are all children in this sad, sick state? and 2) one day I witnessed what Dorling was doing to those kids but didn't recognise it for what it was and so those abuses continued for another 2-3 weeks after I might have stopped them...I walked into the class and saw him with the kids all gathered 'round siting on the floor, and he was in a chair with a girl on his left with his arm around her, which he slowly dropped away, and with his right hand he casually swept from left to right, gently pushing back two girls who had their heads on his has haunted me ever since, I can clearly picture it and identify 2 of the girls, the third had her back to me and I never saw her face...for a long time I was unable to process my 'failure', and it took me literally years to deal with it and reach some sort of 'rationale'...with the benefit of hindsight, I was in a rush to get my child for their piano lesson, and as someone who did a lot of reader with the kids, etc, I had often been hugged or had kids try to sit on my lap, etc, just genuine acts of simple affection, never occurred to me that what I saw that morning was anything more than the same spontaneous affection from the kids, it was only later that I learned that these physical contacts were initiated and even requested/required by Dorling and occurred daily, often for extended periods of time...
That interaction on that day, and the associated pall of guilt that consumes me every time I think about it, which is pretty-much daily, this all continues to motivate me on my 'weakest' and most depressed days...the memory is depressing but doing nothing about it is even worse...I have discussed this with various counsellors/family/friends and the best I can manage is to accept that what Dorling was doing wasn't my fault, and neither is the ongoing St Martins is not my failure to get the appropriate actions from the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australian 'Authorities' like SAPol or the Crown Solicitor or the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Teachers Registration Board or the Parliament, to get them to act to prosecute Dorling and hold the Lutherans to account for their rancid corruption, etc, etc, nor is it the fault of other parents...we live in a definably Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State, at all levels, the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary, and it has clearly been that way for many decades if not more than a century if not since Colonisation itself...our experiences, our 'failures', are in fact a litany of inevitable betrayals, deceits and corruption suffered at the hands of 'Authorities' wantonly and/or complicitly involved in protecting and/or supporting Institutionalised Paedophilia in SA...but again I digress, back to the details of the St Martins Cover-up...
Because Alexander didn't notify other families about Dorling's removal, 1) parents were dropping their kids off to school on the Tuesday morning (June 11th 2002) completely unawares of the 3 meetings Friday/Sunday and Dorling's abuse of their kids and his removal, etc, and 2) so it fell to us families who did know to inform others...I didn't know any of the other parents outside of the school environment, but went with another parent who did, and across several nights that week we visited some other families...other class parents also informed other families they was a gross and deliberate failure by the school/Lutherans and deeply unpleasant for all parents was later used by the school/Alexander/Lutherans to denigrate us few parents as 'troublemakers' and 'rumour-mongers'...I clearly remember one particularly distressing exchange where-in we were telling a family about what was already known of Dorling's behaviours...the parent I was with had been at the school meetings and had spoken to someone they knew within Child Protection, etc, and we were discussing one of the potential indicators of abuse, the child suddenly developing behavioural problems, eg, starting bed-wetting, when the mother burst into tears and fled the room sobbing...her husband apologised to us as we repeatedly apologised to was a horrendous experience for all of us and I wouldn't blame those people for never talking to me again, but they do, and not just talk to me, they greet me warmly because they understand exactly what has happened and what I/we have been trying to do...for all the unpleasantness we might have brought into their home that evening, they understand that it wasn't malicious, and they understand and appreciate what I/we've done to try and resolve the St Martins Cover-up...
What Alexander/the Lutherans did do that weekend was organise for Elizabeth Young, a personal friend from CAMHS (Child Adolescent Mental Health Service), to be at the school that Tuesday morning (11th June), to 'offer support and advice'...obviously many parents didn't know about that because they didn't even know Dorling was gone, so they just dropped-off their kids as per usual and left...I did attend that 'meeting' and was shocked to hear her describe Dorling as a "grooming paedophile", the first time I'd heard that expression, but even more surprised when she advised to 'just let it go because nothing's going to happen', that is, no investigation, etc...after that 'meeting' I went to the Mt Gambier CAMHS office and tried to lodge a formal complaint about her flippantly dismissive attitude and extraordinary advice, but was refused doing so because 'she wasn't on official CAMHS business'...Alexander/the Lutherans had got her in as a personal favour and quite deliberately misrepresented her attendance as being official CAMHS was a deliberate and cynical Lutheran manipulation to try and dissuade parents from seeking further action, and partly what led me to be involved in notifying other parents...after the conversation with Alexander the day before, where-in he said he wasn't going to report to SAPol, etc, and this deliberate deceit, it very quickly became apparent that Alexander and the Lutherans were entirely disingenuous about their supposed concerns, etc...
We later learned, via the Teachers Registration Board, that what Alexander and Heuzenroeder actually did was to warn Dorling, either at the school after that Sunday meeting, or at his house later that evening, to warn him that he had been reported to police by parents...obviously I was unaware of these parent's reports when I reported on the Monday...Alexander and Heuzenroeder and Pastor O'Keefe clearly breached their official responsibilities about the welfare of the children, but far worse and legally inappropriate, they failed to follow their legal Mandatory Notification obligations by not reporting to SAPol, etc, and further breached the law by going to the Child Abuse perpetrator and warning him of the parent/SAPol report...I re-iterate, Dorling was seen at the school on that Sunday afternoon, and again at 0700hrs on the public holiday Monday where he was found in his classroom and 'removed' by security...both of these incidents/attendances allowed Dorling to remove any evidence and/or alter the classroom lay-out, etc, critically compromising any subsequent SAPol it transpired, SAPol repeatedly deceived parents, never actually interviewing Dorling let-alone 'Charging' him with anything, and they never even went to the classroom, only attending the school on one occasion, for an evening meeting with parents and Child Protection Services on Thursday 1st August 2002...
Excuse me y'all, but I'm gunna' finish here because I've just had enough...I realise that I've barely scratched the surface, barely moved beyond that June weekend, barely covered anything I haven't in many of those early posts, but it is what it is...I'm trying to provide a comprehensive explanation and it ain't no pleasant experience, as I've explained...again, if you want to know more already, I suggest that y'all please go back to those early posts and trawl through that stuff...
Tomorrow: More St Martins
When I'm struggling through this stuff, as indeed I'm doing right now, I like to hook into Ye Olde Youtube and crank out some good ol' tunes, eg, The Night They Drove Ol' Dixie Down by The Band, or anything from the Woodstock era, eg, Ten Years After - I'd Like To Change The World, anything by Jefferson Starship, or Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home, etc...that song always reduces me to tears, as does Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix, which reminds me of an old girlfriend from the dim, distant past...and to y'all out there, but especially dear availees in the USofA, please to be checkin'-out his majesty Sir Jimi live at Woodstock and his extraordinary rendition of your National Anthem...given who it was, an African/Cherokee/American army veteran, the undisputed greatest guitarist ever, and given where it was, Woodstock, and the times, during the American (Vietnam) War, it is arguably the greatest piece of music ever recorded...the musician, the song, the place, the time, the context...never have these things converged so perfectly, and never will they again...I ain't no Seppo, a charming slang term derived from 'septic tank', to rhyme with Yank, but like any human being capable of emotion, I find this piece consuming and harrowing and uplifting all at once...unfortunately, given the lunatic maelstrom currently raging in the narcissistic wasteland that is the mind of the Orange Witch of the West Wing, this rendition of the USofA National Anthem is absolutely current and relevant...
I urge y'all dear availees in the USofA, watch this footage, listen to it, learn what it has to tell, remember the great things about who you are and not what this Donald person would have you believe you are for his own benefit...anyhoos, enough pontificating from me, until tomorrow at least...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
As Promised, The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Review, Part 1
Howdy dear availees in Mexico, Brazil, France and Greece, and's post is a bit different to most others previous in that we're just gunna' basically list-off the events/facts of the St Martins Cover-up...(and no attempts at humour?-Ed)...probably not, no...(not even some searingly cynical mocking of the alleged 'Authorities' who are supposed to have dealt with this, particularly SAPol (police), and multiple politicians, etc, etc?-Ed)...oh well sure, we'll be doing plenty of that, but only in the context where there's nothing funny about any of it...(fair enough-Ed)...because the St Martins Cover-up is a damning indictment of South Australia...(indeed-Ed)...and a text-book study in the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that runs this sad, sick implausible and unpalatable as some of it may seem, this post is absolutely accurate, and I refer dear availees to the many previous posts on this issue as proof of the veracity of what I've said...(proof? how so?-Ed)...why is that I can say what I've been saying, for so long and so many times and so specifically, and receive the barrage of 'Defamation Threats', etc, from the Lutheran's lawyers and various politicians and the Crown Solicitor, et al, and yet I continue to say it, apparently without repercussion...(I thought you said that your "bizarre trial" for breaching the Fascist ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, I thought you said that was, and I quote, "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution based on St Martins and the contents of (my) blog"-Ed)...good point, so let's start there...
Through-out my "bizarre trial" (February 2015 - April 2018) I stated that it was actually a Political Persecution motivated by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's desire to punish me for continuously speaking-out about the deeply complicit role that Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, Michael Atkinson, Patrick Conlon, et al, have played in the St Martins Cover-up....during the 9-10 'Pre-Trial Hearings' before Magistrate Anderson (Feb - Oct 2016) I proved enough that Her Honour legally defined my claims as 'Abuse of Process', as identified in the official Certificate of Record, and in her official statement when HH suddenly recused herself mid-trial in November 2016...however, I had several times (Sept - Oct 2016) made the specific statement/accusation that it was a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", which HH defined as "Malicious Prosecution" October 2016 HH used this specific term and directed that I prepare my evidence/submission to be presented first at 'Trial' (Nov 2016)...I said it could be hundreds of documents and take ages to present, and HH said that was appropriate, 'it takes as long as it takes' took me a week to then compile the 100 Documents Submission, in which I specifically identify/acknowledge that descriptor, "Malicious Prosecution" was after reading that submission on the afternoon of Day One, Trial One November 2016, that HH suddenly recused herself first thing Day Two, officially citing 'Abuse of Process'...
(Now see, this is what I don't understand, firstly, that HH didn't use "Malicious Prosecution" in her official withdrawal thingy, but that aside, HH having specifically identified "Abuse of Process" and recusing herself, etc, how then does that "bizarre trial" just continue on regardless with a new, and as it turns out, openly corrupt Magistrate Ian White? how does that happen?-Ed)...great question, but I just dunno', it was never explained to me...of course, Magistrate White then moved that "Malicious Prosecution" hearing to it's own 'separate hearing date' (Feb 2017) outside of the actual 'Trial Two' (March 2017)...he flatly refused to allow me to speak to my submission so I literally just stood up and started speaking, specifically identifying several critical documents, eg, letters where-in Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill stopped Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan investigating St Martins...Magistrate White was animatedly disrespectful, leaning back in his chair, yawning, repeatedly looking at the clock, rubbing his eyes and/or glasses, before stopping me without acknowledging anything I said...a week later he delivered his 'Verdict', stating that I had presented no evidence of a Child Abuse Cover-up and dismissing my claims of Malicious Prosecution...he had clearly read through those 100 Documents 'cos he made very specific reference to 2-3 tiny fragments of a coupla' documents, carefully trying to set me up for 'Defamation'...several times in ensuing 'hearings' I scathingly berated him for 1) saying there was no Cover-up and therefore no abuse, and 2) for trying to set me up for 'Defamation'...
So that's what my "bizarre trial" was all about, a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", where-in the St Martins Cover-up and this 'ere blog are the motivators...(well, ultimately, this 'ere blog is itself a product of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...excellent point Ed...anyhoos, the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 was just the vehicle for that PPPP...(albeit a deliberately corrupt vehicle designed and implemented to allow/facilitate exactly this sort of Political Persecution/Retribution-Ed)...well quite, and we've covered that in recent let's go back to where this whole debasco (debacle/fiasco) kicked-off...some time in the late 1990s, teacher Glyn Dorling was sacked from a Lutheran school in Adelaide, and was then 're-employed' at St Martins here in Mt Gambier...there were immediate and frequent parent complaints about Dorling's conduct, eg, issues of drawn blinds and locked classroom doors...early in 2002 parents had made complaints about Dorling's treatment of their child, and then several other parents also made reports/complaints on other issues...this culminated in a meeting between several parents and Principal John Alexander on Friday 7th June, the June long weekend 2002, which itself led to another meeting set-down for that Sunday 9th June...I was volunteering at a school function that Friday and saw Alexander immediately before and after that meeting but he never mentioned it to me, nor did he tell me about the upcoming Sunday meeting...
It could be argued that the Glyn Dorling/St Martins Cover-up started that Friday, or several times earlier in 2002 as John Alexander ignored and/or hid parent complaints...(or at any time during that Mt Gambier period pre-2002-Ed)...sure, but the full extent of the Cover-up clearly goes back to Adelaide and Dorling being moved to Mt Gambier, 2002 senior Lutheran Barry Kahl claimed to parents that he 'sacked' Dorling in Adelaide, but was allegedly unaware that Dorling was 're-employed' at St Martins, stating that Dorling would never have been 're-employed' if he (Kahl) knew about it...(but there's that formal group photo taken at St Martins that shows Kahl sitting right near Dorling-Ed)...indeed...this reeks of the classic strategy utilised by Corrupt Religious Institutions of protecting Child Abuse Perpetrators by moving them away from their original/latest crimes, and into unknowing congregations/communities, free to commit further abuses...(it's almost like these clowns, the senior Lutherans or Catholics or Anglicans, whoevs, it's like they want children to be abused -Ed) most surely looks that way, to the extent that the vast majority of 'Religion' looks exactly like an Organised Paedophile Network...(is it really? is this really who we are as a society, as a species?-Ed)...well if it quacks, craps, waddles, swims, flies and tastes like a shreckin' duck...
On Sunday 9th June 2002 there was a formal meeting held at St Martins, attended by several families, John Alexander, Lutheran Pastor John O'Keefe, and senior Lutheran Peter Heuzenroeder...a parent tried to contact me about this meeting, but I was away fishing and therefore didn't find out about it until Sunday evening...however, after extensive discussion with parents, I am absolutely confident about the facts was revealed and discussed that since Friday a child had disclosed to their parents specific acts of physical and psychological abuses committed by Glyn Dorling against multiple kids in the grade 2 class (6-7 year olds)...after initially acknowledging the seriousness of the disclosures and that it was 'abuse', Alexander and O'Keefe repeatedly talked parents out of going to parents left that meeting, Dorling was seen walking down from his classroom area, smiling and waving to parents...(so he was at the school, most likely in that classroom, whilst the meeting was on, and then saw most if not all of the parents who attended?-Ed)...yep, better yet, he was removed from the classroom/school by 'security' at 0700hrs on the public holiday Monday morning...(so he was at the school during the Sunday meeting, then again at 7am on the public holiday?-Ed)...yep, and Alexander had claimed at that meeting that he had 'removed' Dorling on the previous Friday, based on the original complaints...furthermore, Heuzenroeder went to the Lutheran service that Sunday evening and said that it was nothing serious, just parents complaining about "a Christian Cuddle"...
A Christian that delightful catch-phrase that Lutherans and politicians and SAPol (police) and the Teachers Registration Board, et al, and even some St Martins parents have used to undermine and belittle and discredit and even dismiss the reality of the abuse of our kids...said it before, here 'tis again, so how's about I come Christian Cuddle a few of you fine upstanding citizens, you leaders in our community, y'all so complicit in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...(strewth mate, I can feel the love from here, in fact, I reckon I can taste it-Ed)...mmm, the Tang of Wrath...
And this is where I brutally drive-home the grossly inappropriate nature of the carefully orchestrated physical, psychological, and emotional abuses committed by Dorling against our 7 year old kids...(shotgun!-Ed)...what?...(well if we're driving somewhere I'm calling 'shotgun'-Ed)...errr yeah, it's a metaphoric driving mate, about a physical expression of harsh realities, no shotguns involved...(well now I'm confused-Ed)...well it's simple really, as I've done in many previous posts I'm gunna' explain to dear availees just exactly how disgraceful Dorling's conduct was/is, by saying that I'm gunna' visit those exact abuses, that exact Christian Cuddle on those people who know exactly what Dorling was doing and have chosen to be complicit in the cover-up of that abuse, people like Federal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin...(but you can't threaten a politician like that, can you?-Ed)...well that's my specific point mate, if I just state that I'm going to do to Tony what Tony knows Dorling did to those kids, to do to Tony what Tony is absolutely complicit in covering-up, and my declaration is considered to be somehow threatening, then doesn't that vividly explain the nature of those abuses?...(ahhh, I see, right, yes, Tony knows what Dorling did and is apparently more than happy to support/condone/cover-up those behaviours, as committed by a 50 year old teacher against the 7 year olds in his care, so Tony, a grown man, can hardly complain if another grown man does those things to him-Ed)...precisely, that's the whole issue right there...(but given that Tony does know what those abuses were/are, you're metaphoric driving-home drips venomous menace and inferred intimidation-Ed) on mate...
Cuddle This Mofos:...can you just imagine how quickly and thoroughly I'd get crucified if I did to any of these clowns what they know Dorling did to our kids?...(well I've seen how hard they've tried to nail you up just for talking about it, so yes, I can very easily imagine what might ensue should you actually 'Christian Cuddle' someone-Ed)...I'd be facing charges for Assault, Sexual Assault, Acts of Gross Indecency...(Deprivation of Liberty-Ed)...yeah, that too, and probably a raft of other charges...(nail 'im up I say, nail some sense into 'im-Ed)...yes, very amusing, cheers for that blatant Monty Python's Life of Brian reference...(well if the nail fits-Ed)...fair point...but the fact remains, if I were to do to these people what they've knowingly covered-up, I'd be for the right-royal high-jump lickety-split...and I will acknowledge here the control and undeserved respect that other parents, especially the fathers, have shown in this context...(particularly given that SAPol twice told fathers to 'sort him out yourselves', eg, 'take him out in the pines and don't bring him back'-Ed)...indeed, and that said in a context where SAPol failed/refused to even formally interview Dorling let alone actually 'Charge' him, and dumped their 'investigation' after only a few weeks, blaming parents for supposedly not having complained...(wow-Ed)...yep, just fabulous work from SAPol...
Don't Give The Bastards The a powerful motivation unto itself, obviously, but as stated, that's a metaphoric driving-home, and my conduct across 17+ years of the St Martins Cover-up clearly shows that, whilst I may be a deeply traumatised and very, very angry man, I have always expressed that trauma/anger quietly but vehemently, be it verbally and/or in writing and/or activism, etc, but never once physically, not even close, it is wholly not in my nature...(well, mate, you are the proverbial 'gentle giant'-Ed)...cheers, it has been remarked upon by others, sure...but anyhoos, I ain't gunna' lay an actual finger or a boot or a rusty-nailed 2x4 on anyone, not on Tony or any of his equally corrupt and complicit Liberal colleagues, or the rankly corrupt Labor Party stooges, or the equally corrupt Crown Solicitors Office clowns, or any Lutherans, et al...furthermore, whilst I unashamedly identify as a Hard-Core Head-Kicker who goes after the people running the St Martins Cover-up, I'm a Head-Kicker who can irrefutably state that he's always been absolutely respectful of any receptionist, staffer, Court official, et al, because 1) that's just how I roll, and 2) I know they ain't the problem...(well I'd think a perfect example is how you actually apologised to those SAPol officers who were sent to your home in November and December 2018 to harass and intimidate you-Ed)...indeed I did...(albeit whilst quietly identifying that their visits were all about their superiors complicit conduct in the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...just being honest...(and what a bluntly passive-aggressive and brutal wielding of such bludgeoning truths-Ed)...well mate, The Truth is what it is...
And I'm gunna' pull stumps right there, and yes, I know I've digressed a fair bit in this post, but it was never gunna' get done in one, and there's a fair chance it'll take a couple more...(fair enough-Ed)...and quite frankly I've had a solid-gold gut-full of spending another full day dredging through this rancidly corrupt shizzle yet again...(also fair enough-Ed)...with the looming prospect of having to spend the next couple really delving-down into the explicit detail of what Dorling was doing, and then a detailed discourse on how thoroughly that the Lutherans and 'Authorities' have covered-up those abuses...(I do not envy you mate-Ed) I've said it before, To The Beast Goes The Burden...
Tomorrow: The St Martins Review, Part II
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Through-out my "bizarre trial" (February 2015 - April 2018) I stated that it was actually a Political Persecution motivated by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's desire to punish me for continuously speaking-out about the deeply complicit role that Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, Michael Atkinson, Patrick Conlon, et al, have played in the St Martins Cover-up....during the 9-10 'Pre-Trial Hearings' before Magistrate Anderson (Feb - Oct 2016) I proved enough that Her Honour legally defined my claims as 'Abuse of Process', as identified in the official Certificate of Record, and in her official statement when HH suddenly recused herself mid-trial in November 2016...however, I had several times (Sept - Oct 2016) made the specific statement/accusation that it was a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", which HH defined as "Malicious Prosecution" October 2016 HH used this specific term and directed that I prepare my evidence/submission to be presented first at 'Trial' (Nov 2016)...I said it could be hundreds of documents and take ages to present, and HH said that was appropriate, 'it takes as long as it takes' took me a week to then compile the 100 Documents Submission, in which I specifically identify/acknowledge that descriptor, "Malicious Prosecution" was after reading that submission on the afternoon of Day One, Trial One November 2016, that HH suddenly recused herself first thing Day Two, officially citing 'Abuse of Process'...
(Now see, this is what I don't understand, firstly, that HH didn't use "Malicious Prosecution" in her official withdrawal thingy, but that aside, HH having specifically identified "Abuse of Process" and recusing herself, etc, how then does that "bizarre trial" just continue on regardless with a new, and as it turns out, openly corrupt Magistrate Ian White? how does that happen?-Ed)...great question, but I just dunno', it was never explained to me...of course, Magistrate White then moved that "Malicious Prosecution" hearing to it's own 'separate hearing date' (Feb 2017) outside of the actual 'Trial Two' (March 2017)...he flatly refused to allow me to speak to my submission so I literally just stood up and started speaking, specifically identifying several critical documents, eg, letters where-in Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill stopped Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan investigating St Martins...Magistrate White was animatedly disrespectful, leaning back in his chair, yawning, repeatedly looking at the clock, rubbing his eyes and/or glasses, before stopping me without acknowledging anything I said...a week later he delivered his 'Verdict', stating that I had presented no evidence of a Child Abuse Cover-up and dismissing my claims of Malicious Prosecution...he had clearly read through those 100 Documents 'cos he made very specific reference to 2-3 tiny fragments of a coupla' documents, carefully trying to set me up for 'Defamation'...several times in ensuing 'hearings' I scathingly berated him for 1) saying there was no Cover-up and therefore no abuse, and 2) for trying to set me up for 'Defamation'...
So that's what my "bizarre trial" was all about, a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", where-in the St Martins Cover-up and this 'ere blog are the motivators...(well, ultimately, this 'ere blog is itself a product of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...excellent point Ed...anyhoos, the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 was just the vehicle for that PPPP...(albeit a deliberately corrupt vehicle designed and implemented to allow/facilitate exactly this sort of Political Persecution/Retribution-Ed)...well quite, and we've covered that in recent let's go back to where this whole debasco (debacle/fiasco) kicked-off...some time in the late 1990s, teacher Glyn Dorling was sacked from a Lutheran school in Adelaide, and was then 're-employed' at St Martins here in Mt Gambier...there were immediate and frequent parent complaints about Dorling's conduct, eg, issues of drawn blinds and locked classroom doors...early in 2002 parents had made complaints about Dorling's treatment of their child, and then several other parents also made reports/complaints on other issues...this culminated in a meeting between several parents and Principal John Alexander on Friday 7th June, the June long weekend 2002, which itself led to another meeting set-down for that Sunday 9th June...I was volunteering at a school function that Friday and saw Alexander immediately before and after that meeting but he never mentioned it to me, nor did he tell me about the upcoming Sunday meeting...
It could be argued that the Glyn Dorling/St Martins Cover-up started that Friday, or several times earlier in 2002 as John Alexander ignored and/or hid parent complaints...(or at any time during that Mt Gambier period pre-2002-Ed)...sure, but the full extent of the Cover-up clearly goes back to Adelaide and Dorling being moved to Mt Gambier, 2002 senior Lutheran Barry Kahl claimed to parents that he 'sacked' Dorling in Adelaide, but was allegedly unaware that Dorling was 're-employed' at St Martins, stating that Dorling would never have been 're-employed' if he (Kahl) knew about it...(but there's that formal group photo taken at St Martins that shows Kahl sitting right near Dorling-Ed)...indeed...this reeks of the classic strategy utilised by Corrupt Religious Institutions of protecting Child Abuse Perpetrators by moving them away from their original/latest crimes, and into unknowing congregations/communities, free to commit further abuses...(it's almost like these clowns, the senior Lutherans or Catholics or Anglicans, whoevs, it's like they want children to be abused -Ed) most surely looks that way, to the extent that the vast majority of 'Religion' looks exactly like an Organised Paedophile Network...(is it really? is this really who we are as a society, as a species?-Ed)...well if it quacks, craps, waddles, swims, flies and tastes like a shreckin' duck...
On Sunday 9th June 2002 there was a formal meeting held at St Martins, attended by several families, John Alexander, Lutheran Pastor John O'Keefe, and senior Lutheran Peter Heuzenroeder...a parent tried to contact me about this meeting, but I was away fishing and therefore didn't find out about it until Sunday evening...however, after extensive discussion with parents, I am absolutely confident about the facts was revealed and discussed that since Friday a child had disclosed to their parents specific acts of physical and psychological abuses committed by Glyn Dorling against multiple kids in the grade 2 class (6-7 year olds)...after initially acknowledging the seriousness of the disclosures and that it was 'abuse', Alexander and O'Keefe repeatedly talked parents out of going to parents left that meeting, Dorling was seen walking down from his classroom area, smiling and waving to parents...(so he was at the school, most likely in that classroom, whilst the meeting was on, and then saw most if not all of the parents who attended?-Ed)...yep, better yet, he was removed from the classroom/school by 'security' at 0700hrs on the public holiday Monday morning...(so he was at the school during the Sunday meeting, then again at 7am on the public holiday?-Ed)...yep, and Alexander had claimed at that meeting that he had 'removed' Dorling on the previous Friday, based on the original complaints...furthermore, Heuzenroeder went to the Lutheran service that Sunday evening and said that it was nothing serious, just parents complaining about "a Christian Cuddle"...
A Christian that delightful catch-phrase that Lutherans and politicians and SAPol (police) and the Teachers Registration Board, et al, and even some St Martins parents have used to undermine and belittle and discredit and even dismiss the reality of the abuse of our kids...said it before, here 'tis again, so how's about I come Christian Cuddle a few of you fine upstanding citizens, you leaders in our community, y'all so complicit in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...(strewth mate, I can feel the love from here, in fact, I reckon I can taste it-Ed)...mmm, the Tang of Wrath...
And this is where I brutally drive-home the grossly inappropriate nature of the carefully orchestrated physical, psychological, and emotional abuses committed by Dorling against our 7 year old kids...(shotgun!-Ed)...what?...(well if we're driving somewhere I'm calling 'shotgun'-Ed)...errr yeah, it's a metaphoric driving mate, about a physical expression of harsh realities, no shotguns involved...(well now I'm confused-Ed)...well it's simple really, as I've done in many previous posts I'm gunna' explain to dear availees just exactly how disgraceful Dorling's conduct was/is, by saying that I'm gunna' visit those exact abuses, that exact Christian Cuddle on those people who know exactly what Dorling was doing and have chosen to be complicit in the cover-up of that abuse, people like Federal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin...(but you can't threaten a politician like that, can you?-Ed)...well that's my specific point mate, if I just state that I'm going to do to Tony what Tony knows Dorling did to those kids, to do to Tony what Tony is absolutely complicit in covering-up, and my declaration is considered to be somehow threatening, then doesn't that vividly explain the nature of those abuses?...(ahhh, I see, right, yes, Tony knows what Dorling did and is apparently more than happy to support/condone/cover-up those behaviours, as committed by a 50 year old teacher against the 7 year olds in his care, so Tony, a grown man, can hardly complain if another grown man does those things to him-Ed)...precisely, that's the whole issue right there...(but given that Tony does know what those abuses were/are, you're metaphoric driving-home drips venomous menace and inferred intimidation-Ed) on mate...
Cuddle This Mofos:...can you just imagine how quickly and thoroughly I'd get crucified if I did to any of these clowns what they know Dorling did to our kids?...(well I've seen how hard they've tried to nail you up just for talking about it, so yes, I can very easily imagine what might ensue should you actually 'Christian Cuddle' someone-Ed)...I'd be facing charges for Assault, Sexual Assault, Acts of Gross Indecency...(Deprivation of Liberty-Ed)...yeah, that too, and probably a raft of other charges...(nail 'im up I say, nail some sense into 'im-Ed)...yes, very amusing, cheers for that blatant Monty Python's Life of Brian reference...(well if the nail fits-Ed)...fair point...but the fact remains, if I were to do to these people what they've knowingly covered-up, I'd be for the right-royal high-jump lickety-split...and I will acknowledge here the control and undeserved respect that other parents, especially the fathers, have shown in this context...(particularly given that SAPol twice told fathers to 'sort him out yourselves', eg, 'take him out in the pines and don't bring him back'-Ed)...indeed, and that said in a context where SAPol failed/refused to even formally interview Dorling let alone actually 'Charge' him, and dumped their 'investigation' after only a few weeks, blaming parents for supposedly not having complained...(wow-Ed)...yep, just fabulous work from SAPol...
Don't Give The Bastards The a powerful motivation unto itself, obviously, but as stated, that's a metaphoric driving-home, and my conduct across 17+ years of the St Martins Cover-up clearly shows that, whilst I may be a deeply traumatised and very, very angry man, I have always expressed that trauma/anger quietly but vehemently, be it verbally and/or in writing and/or activism, etc, but never once physically, not even close, it is wholly not in my nature...(well, mate, you are the proverbial 'gentle giant'-Ed)...cheers, it has been remarked upon by others, sure...but anyhoos, I ain't gunna' lay an actual finger or a boot or a rusty-nailed 2x4 on anyone, not on Tony or any of his equally corrupt and complicit Liberal colleagues, or the rankly corrupt Labor Party stooges, or the equally corrupt Crown Solicitors Office clowns, or any Lutherans, et al...furthermore, whilst I unashamedly identify as a Hard-Core Head-Kicker who goes after the people running the St Martins Cover-up, I'm a Head-Kicker who can irrefutably state that he's always been absolutely respectful of any receptionist, staffer, Court official, et al, because 1) that's just how I roll, and 2) I know they ain't the problem...(well I'd think a perfect example is how you actually apologised to those SAPol officers who were sent to your home in November and December 2018 to harass and intimidate you-Ed)...indeed I did...(albeit whilst quietly identifying that their visits were all about their superiors complicit conduct in the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...just being honest...(and what a bluntly passive-aggressive and brutal wielding of such bludgeoning truths-Ed)...well mate, The Truth is what it is...
And I'm gunna' pull stumps right there, and yes, I know I've digressed a fair bit in this post, but it was never gunna' get done in one, and there's a fair chance it'll take a couple more...(fair enough-Ed)...and quite frankly I've had a solid-gold gut-full of spending another full day dredging through this rancidly corrupt shizzle yet again...(also fair enough-Ed)...with the looming prospect of having to spend the next couple really delving-down into the explicit detail of what Dorling was doing, and then a detailed discourse on how thoroughly that the Lutherans and 'Authorities' have covered-up those abuses...(I do not envy you mate-Ed) I've said it before, To The Beast Goes The Burden...
Tomorrow: The St Martins Review, Part II
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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