A former employee of Renewal SA has been charged with illegally disclosing information about an investigation by the state’s Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC), Bruce Lander.
In September 2018, the woman — who worked in administration — allegedly received and shared information connected with an investigation by the ICAC on four separate occasions.
The disclosure was a violation of Section 54 of the ICAC Act. The 24-year-old is the first person to ever be charged under the confidentiality provision.
In September last year, SA Attorney-General Vicki Chapman appeared to breach the same rules by indirectly confirming the head of Renewal SA, John Hanlon, was under investigation by the ICAC.

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After being questioned about why Hanlon and another executive were suddenly on paid leave, Chapman issued a public statement saying she had asked Lander if she could say any more about the matter. She quickly withdrew her statement, and Lander stayed silent over whether the secrecy provision had been breached.
“The ICAC Act is designed in such a way that a person [who is] the subject of a corruption investigation ought not suffer reputational harm until such time the person is charged,” Lander said in a statement at the time.
“The very purpose of an investigation is to collect evidence. The fact of an investigation is not proof that corruption has occurred. Corruption investigations must be conducted in private. I think that is appropriate.”
The woman has been summonsed to appear in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on 22 October 2019.
Meanwhile, Lander has also revealed that an employee of the company contracted to operate the Mount Gambier Prison has been charged with accepting a bribe or corruption of a public office.
The 40-year-old man allegedly accepted a “benefit” from someone after bringing contraband into the prison sometime between 31 June and 10 July 2018.
He will also appear in court next month.

***...and I'd best correct myself in that I might have previously said that this stuff with Vicki Chapman was directly related to the "Malicious Prosecution" of my "bizarre trial", etc, etc, under the truly bizarre and undefinable ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and/or (b), etc, etc...(well I think it was also reported in those terms in other places, namely Section 56, etc-Ed)...would you mind checking for me pal?...(ummm, well here's the official statement from SAPol (police), as taken from the ABC website, dated 28th February 2019-Ed)... 
      SA Police confirmed the matter has now been referred to DPP Adam Kimber.
         "Commissioner [Grant] Stevens has sought and been provided with authority from
           the deputy [ICAC] to make public comment concerning the allegation that the
           Deputy Premier breached section 56 of the Independent Commissioner Against
           Corruption Act, 2012,"
       police said in a statement.
...well cheers mate, but that doesn't exactly clear up the confusion does it?...(sure, if anything it just serves to highlight the vastly ludicrous and undefinable nature of the ICAC Act 2012 and associated Amendments, and the ensuing confusion for all concerned, including the media, the Attorney-General, SAPol, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, it's as farcical as it is Fascist...

Tomorrow: That St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Review

In the context that there continues to be many recent views of previous posts about the St Martins Cover-up...(yeah I saw that, seems that the title of the last post has re-re-stirred what was already re-stirring following the George Pell Appeal-Ed)...indeed, and apparently the St Martins Cover-up has re-surfaced as a topic of conversation in some areas of the community...(do you mean within Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...well, as I understand it, you and/or I and/or our li'l tome here, good ol' TMGI, we're apparently quite a regular topic of conversation within MGCC, and it certainly could be that that extends to the St Martins Cover-up I s'pose, ya' know...(let's pretend for a moment, just for the sake of argument, that I don't know-Ed)...well, I do hear bits and pieces from here and there about this and that, and that might possibly have included MGCC and the St Martins Cover-up...(and would that be because so many involved with MGCC are insidiously and directly complicit in the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...well that'd be my guess, sure, guilty consciences don't take much pricking...(and you're just the perfect prick for the job-Ed)...I like to think so...     

I am Prick, I mean Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog...cheers and laters...