Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Welcome To The Bungle - The FARC Realities

Howdy dear availees in Iraq, Bangladesh, France, and Ireland, and to y'all elsewhere...today we're gunna' follow straight-on from the previous post about the $40m Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...(ah yes, the FARC, unquestionably a litany of deceits, rorts and/or bungles-Ed)..."and/or", what do you mean 'or'?...(well I was just acknowledging what you've said many times before about the Deliberate Incompetence aspect of the perpetual rorting of Ratepayers by Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...ah yes, the stuff about apparently deliberately stuffing-up projects and then forking-out more of Ratepayer's hard-earned to 'fix' those 'mistakes'...(exactly, like the multiple drainage works done on the Rail Lands, was it just the incremental incompetence of MGCC planners, or was it deliberate?-Ed)...mmm, either way it cost a fortune, sure, but I'd argue that the original massive and wholly unnecessary earthworks done on that site was the original and predominant rort...(well why have only one?-Ed)...fair point...(and that's not even counting the huge expenditure in early 2006 when MGCC spent gourd-knows how much on those extensive architect-designed plans for Retail/Commercial development on the site-Ed)...or all of the song and dance in late 2011 when MGCC launched the $10m Parklands Concept Plan with a highly publicised public launch and all it's associated coloured pamphlets, etc...(well quite-Ed)...and much of that stuff is available on previous posts on this 'ere blog, but we digress...

But it's only a mild digression when one considers the stark parallels between MGCC's diabolically deceitful and fundamentally incompetent handling of the Rail Lands, and the FARC issue...I refer dear availees to the previous post if y'all ain't read it yet, and to the related MGCC Agenda/Minutes from their FARC Special Meeting of Wednesday 23rd January 2019...to briefly reprise;
1)  MGCC has repeatedly discussed an 'Indoor Aquatic Centre', starting as far back as 1983, and
     stated quite specifically 25 years ago that an IAC was imminent;
2)  MGCC has then failed/refused to do that, instead producing multiple reports and/or official
     discussions (1983, 1995, 2004, 2006/07, etc), and instead spending well over $45million on,
      a) repeated re-vamps of the Town Hall/Main Corner, eg, the $12m+ Main Corner Project,
      b) $12m+ on a new Library and undisclosed millions on an associated massive Council
        Chambers renovation,
      c) $10m+ on the Rail Lands debasco that doesn't include many of the proposed features,
      d) nearly $10m on the Old Hospital Demolition and City Refurbishment (mostly paving);
3) in August 2013 MGCC again voted to 'defer' the IAC debate;
4) in 2016 MGCC officially removed the IAC issue from their agenda, and it does not appear in any
     of their multiple 'strategic plans';
5)  suddenly in early 2018 Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin resurrected the IAC issue;
6)  this IAC was going to be $8m in 2004, and was originally $25m for the 2018 version, which was
     then massively expanded to the current $40m+.

MGCC then organised a 'Community Steering Group' of their choosing...and as per usual I'd like to acknowledge that, whilst that CSG is clearly not independent of Council and is in many ways self-interested and/or biased, there are undoubtedly members of that group who are absolutely genuine in their belief that this is a positive thing and who act with genuine good intent...(and some who are biased and/or blinded to the realities because they are subjected to the same deceits and manipulations as the rest of us-Ed)...well quite, when referring to specific and deliberate deceits and manipulations, etc, I am of course referring directly to the role of Tony Pasin and MGCC, particularly former CEO Mark McShane...as with virtually all of these supposedly independent CSGs or 'Roundtables' or the like, they are inevitably loaded with and controlled by vested interests, with genuine participants scattered about but without any real clout...(and a perfect example was/is the ludicrously compromised Forestry Roundtable related to the Rann/Weatherill Labor sell-off of the South East Forestry Estate-Ed)...that, my friend, is indeed a perfect example, loaded with pro-Labor stooges and/or those who stood to directly profit...(as indeed they have-Ed)...well quite, as indeed they have...

And I'll repeat those undeniable truths, eg, I refer dear availees to the ABC South East report from 14th August 2013, where-in it quotes MGCC and a local IAC advocate...just Google it...then, in 2016, MGCC officially voted to remove the IAC issue from their various plans/agendas/whatevs, before it was suddenly resurrected by Tony Pasin in early 2018, and then a CSG was established, etc...prior to that MGCC had completely ignored and/or refused to act on the well-known public support for an IAC before then suddenly arguing that it was a 'ground-swell of public demand' that had generated the new plan...I have tried to pin-down that 'Official Dumping' of the IAC issue, but MGCC Agendas and Minutes from that time have been removed from the MGCC website...I apologise that I have not been bothered to go back through my reams of MGCC Agendas/Minutes from the dozens of Full Meetings that I attended across many years...however, I don't think it's asking too much of y'all dear availees to take me at my word that I was at that specific meeting and witnessed that 'Official Dumping'...the entire issue was officially dead and buried...again, please feel free to avail y'allselves of any of MGCC's multiple 'Plans', and y'all will see that there is no IAC anywhere in sight...(and that's why you use the term "resurrected", because it was completely gone, dead to rites, then suddenly SHAZZAM! it's back-Ed)...exactly...

After the IAC was resurrected there were very specific comments made by Tony Pasin and/or MGCC about the costs and/or funding, statements that were soon wholly contradicted...(does that make the original statements lies, or are the subsequent contradictions lies?-Ed)...great question, because absolute contradictions unequivocally define one part of that as a lie, and I'd suggest that whichever is the truth therefore by default identifies the lie...(ah yes, excellent-Ed)...so for example, when it is originally stated by Tony Pasin that;
     "...we will have more than one shot if we are not lucky enough to get the funding this time...it's not the only opportunity to source funding..."
...how does that then compare to MGCC's and/or Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane's repeated and borderline hysterical assertions that 'we'll never have the opportunity to access this sort of funding again'?...where-in lies the truth?...(hmmm, that's a tough one-Ed)...well hows about this one then, the drastically conflicting statements about the imminent and massive Rates rise to pay for MGCC's share of the FARC construction, let-alone it's running and maintenance...

It was originally reported (after the original public meeting in March 2018) that the Rates issue was raised relative to the impending Liberal state government's Rate-Capping Policy, and how that might "affect plans to raise rates to help fund (the) project"...(and the response?-Ed)...reportedly;
     "There are exemptions within the proposed rate capping policy and if they are prepared to
       provide State Government funding, the assumption would be they would allow the Mount
       Gambier City Council their own means to help fund the project by raising rates."
...this was further reported under "Financial Implication", namely;
     "Rate increases would be the most likely form of funding, outside of the grant etc which are
      for construction."
...which MGCC/McShane have repeatedly and completely contradicted with their recent statements that "there will be no Rate rises"...(indeed, it doesn't get any more contradictory than that-Ed)...and add that to MGCC's/McShane's definable lies about Ratepayer's share of the Construction Costs, stating that it's approx $9m, when MGCC has already committed Ratepayer's to $14-15m...(and that's if it doesn't go $$$squillions over-budget like everything else MGCC has done-Ed)...exactly,  

***(started this post yesterday Monday 12th August, and it was right aboutttttttt here! that I hit 'The Wall' and just saved this part-post, then closed the blog, switched off this 'ere computer box, and went-off to do something that brought 'pleasure' into my day...following advice, I try to do that every day...(we all should-Ed)...indeed, even if it's simple things like a walk in nature or the glorious simplicity of luxuriating under hot running water...(a hot shower is indeed a heck of a luxury when one doesn't have easy access to it-Ed)...absolutely it is...(in many respects it's a damn privilege-Ed)...exactly, and part of the life of relatively extraordinary luxury and privilege that I live for being born White and a Man in this Stolen Country...(I know we've discussed this stuff before, but I do think that is a very healthy attitude to have, based as it is on that cascading series of Absolute Truths-Ed)...and some days, at some point in the most average day, it's acknowledging these Truths and the resultant simple privileges that gets me through...(when all you manage is eat/wash/sleep, hopefully gym or a walk, shop if necessary? that sort of day?-Ed)...exactly, and whilst it can all be a bit average, I do try to follow that 'advice'...regular availees will recognise that this paragraph is as about trying to offer some sort of support/advice/guidance to others...(as much as it is also an indulgent wallowing in self-pity?-Ed)...well, it certainly strays into that territory, but why can't it be both?...(fair enough-Ed)...now, back to the actual post...***

But even these every specific statements only confuse the issue of 'funding' and 'Rate rises' as they relate to the Construction Costs vs Running Costs, itself likely to be near a $2m Net Loss, that is, after any income has been factored in...(sorry? let me see if I have this right, you're saying that even after all income is added, it's still gunna' be another $2m of Ratepayer's money needed to run it-Ed)...well that figure is my slightly expanded guesstimation based on the series of increasing Running Costs statements acknowledged by MGCC...(sorry?-Ed)...well in 2018 they started at $1m, then it was,"could be as high as $1.6m net loss to run such a facility", then back to $1.4m, and that then jumped to $1.8m, and recently back to $1.4m...(well I'm confused-Ed)...and back in 2013 MGCC was saying $1.8m-$2m...(ah yeah, but that was when they were looking for excuses to not do it-Ed)...absolutely, so what does it say when they're suddenly, relentlessly ramming it down people's throats but still acknowledging a yearly debt/loss of $1.4m-$1.8m?...(it says that it's likely to be more like $2m/pa, even more-Ed)...exactly...and the constant explanation of where that money is going to come from?...(well, simply by definition, if MGCC is paying for it then it's Ratepayer's money, and therefore most likely from increased Rates-Ed)...exactly, I refer back to that statement above, and that's where MGCC has openly contradicted themselves, originally stating 'it will need Rate increases', but then stating outright "no Rate increases"...               

And again, that doesn't include the Construction Costs MGCC is committing Ratepayers to...(hang on, but MGCC and their former CEO McShenanigans and current CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle have furiously stated "no Rates increases", so what's with that then?-Ed)...well simple really, it's a lie, a flat-out, bare-faced lie...(super-Ed)...and it's such a lie that MGCC have already increased Rates to try and accumulate this farcical $5m Cash Surplus they reckon they'll have by 2021, $5m specifically for the FARC Construction Costs...(but we're in the frame for at least $14m share of the supposed $39m CC, so where's the other $9m coming from?-Ed)...slow down, 'cos you've just angrily trundled past yet another lie...(being?-Ed)...where MGCC and particularly McShane have said that Ratepayers/MGCC were only paying $9m Construction Costs...(but that's not true, it's clearly identified in that MGCC Special Meeting of 23rd January 2019, the meeting where-in MGCC, or rather those whom bothered to show-up, those 5 Councillors approved the 'Business Case' on the Agenda-Ed)...yep, they surely did...(and that 'Business Case/Funding Application' clearly identifies MGCC's commitment as $13.75m-Ed)...absolutely it does, but that didn't stop McShenanigans from going on the ABC South East the very next morning and lying through his teeth when asked that specific question, 'how is Council going to make-up that shortfall?'...

McShenanigans deliberately didn't identify the sudden $4m-$5m increase he/MGCC had just approved, instead he clearly stated, 'not a problem, we're gunna' go to the Basketball and/or Netball people and ask them to cough it up'...(but that's a lie! MGCC had already committed to $13.75m! was he absent as well?-Ed)...no no, he was there alright...(and was that $13.75m amount reported anywhere in the local media?-Ed)...not that I saw or heard mate, not then or since, otherwise y'all would've heard about it by now, right dear availees?...(but I have frequently heard and/or read you say exactly that, that McShenanigans lied about that Netball/Basketball stuff because MGCC had already committed to $14m-$15m-Ed)...indeed you have, but that was because I had deduced for myself that MGCC submitting a formal Business Case/Funding Application meant that they had to have done something to cover that $4m-$5m shortfall...(ahhh, of course, they couldn't submit that Case/Application without fully costing the project-Ed)...exactly...(and getting $15m not the $20m MGCC wanted from the Federal government meant a $5m gap that Council was obliged to close-Ed)...indeed, so when I heard McShenanigans carefully not identify that then blather-on about getting others to provide those funds, well...(well, you knew he was damn-well lying-Ed)...indeed he was, and indeed I did...

And dear availees, if y'all have done the homework I ever-so-politely suggested last post...(which was?-Ed)...and have gone to MGCC's website and read under AGENDAS AND MINUTES their Agenda for that Special Meeting 23rd January 2019...(ah yes-Ed)...y'all will have already perused the table on page 4 of 11 that identifies the $13.75m...(indeed I did, and then I scrolled through the many dozens of pages of attached documents and reports, etc, still haven't got to the end of it-Ed)...yes, all very impressive I'm sure, and I haven't finished it yet either, but I did pick-up some worrying dialogue about Potential Estimated Income being "assumed"...(and that's if everything goes really well-Ed)...well I think that's what they mean by 'assumed', assuming everything goes really well...what those documents clearly identify is the enormous expenditure on consultants, etc, and the documents/reports themselves, running into several million dollars...again I urge dear availees, if you've got the patience and the stomach for it, continue-on with those Agenda documents as best you can, it is very illuminating, and I'll try to synopsis it as best I can in the next post, eg, the calculations about what MGCC will borrow, therefore committing Ratepayers to re-paying, etc...

(Next post? we're not finished here yet, not even close...what about MGCC's current debts? don't we still owe money on the Library project?-Ed)...yep, $2m...(and?-Ed)...well according to those Agenda documents Council will or already has deferred that repayment for 5 years...(so does that mean accumulating no further interest on that $2m for 5 years?-Ed)...dunno'...(and that $2m is what's still owing 10 years after the Library was completed, so how much was borrowed then and/or how little have Ratepayers repaid in 10 years?-Ed)...dunno' either, but good questions...(and how does that then relate to repaying the minimum $10m Council will have to borrow for the FARC?-Ed)...again, one can only speculate, particularly given the secrecy, deceits, and manipulations that define this entire FARC process...(and we have barely moved forward chronologically with this, in fact, we're effectively going backwards with this Agenda stuff-Ed)...I know, but it's a massively convoluted process and the realities lie buried in the minutiae of that Agenda...(and we still haven't covered the gross manipulations and associated deceits of the farcical Postal Vote process-Ed)...sure, we'll get to that too, I did say this would take a series of posts...(that you did-Ed)...patience grasshopper...   
In the mean-whilst, nobody explains this 'Loans/Repayment' stuff better than MGCC themselves, albeit riddled with definable lies, and I therefore again urge dear availees to go onto Mt Gambier City Council's website, and this time also look under 'Community and Recreation Hub', and read it there for y'allselves...(I note they don't ever refer to the $13.75m figure-Ed)...hmmm, go figure...I realise that I'm setting a ton-a'-homework dear availees, but it is best that y'all read through this stuff for y'allselves because 1) y'all need to form your own opinions, by 2) being knowing of the details/facts as they are being presented...(or misrepresented-Ed)...precisely, not least-of-all because 3) otherwise I have to constantly provide/quote every li'l thing, eg, cut-'n-paste it all to support/prove my observations...(it all seems like a lotta' hard work to me-Ed)...correct knowledge usually is...(touche-Ed)...cheers...

Tomorrow: More FARC Nonsense

The Chamber Of Secretions:...I note with brimming belligerence but not a hint of surprise that MGCC have recently made a huge hue-and-cry in the local media, particularly a certain Councillor in a recent MGCC Full Meeting, and particularly as extensively reported in The Border Watch newspaper.........(about what?-Ed)...oh yeah, about the fact they weren't going to have 'Secret Meetings about the FARC'...(and let me guess, that "certain Councillor" who led the charge on this sudden reversal of attitude, a reversal given the current Council's penchant for hiding things from Ratepayers, hiding via 'Secret Meetings' and/or 'In Confidence' dealings within Council meetings-Ed)...as indeed they frequently do...(that that "certain Councillor" is the one you're not allowed to identify due to those "reprehensibly vile" politically motivated Final Intervention Orders as handed down by Magistrate Ian White, and as we covered at length in the previous post-Ed)...and many other posts to-boot...

Anyhoos, whilst there's plenty-enough right there to be belligerent about, that ludicrous 'openness' announcement, that's just the beginning...(how so?-Ed)...well, now, via a tiny article buried deep, TBW reports that MGCC intends to have 8 'Informal Meetings' across the next 2 months, effectively one a week...(and let me guess, 'Informal' actually means 'Secret', no public access/attendance-Ed)...spot on...(let me further guess that the subject matter will be the FARC-Ed)...amongst other things, but yep, the good ol' FARC...(so how does that render Council's recent billious statements about openness?-Ed)...well it just proves them to be what they always were...(ahhh, so absolute bollocks then-Ed)...absolute corrupt bollocks from serial liars...

And this further supports my recent observations about this disgraceful FIO and the direct intent of banning me from attending MGCC meetings, etc...(therefore denying you directly witnessing the litany of corruption that defines MGCC-Ed)...exactly, and how that ban impinges upon my right to attend public meetings, etc, but beyond that, how this FIO doesn't stop MGCC clumsily and arrogantly outing themselves in this exact manner...(and of course, the rankly corrupt MGCC know they can act so arrogantly because they know that the equally corrupt ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander is gunna' protect them, again-Ed)..."again" of course referring to the ICAC's criminally deceitful and openly fraudulent October 2013 - January 2014 pseudo-investigation of MGCC...(where-in 2 unrecorded chats were the only 'investigation', and the only person actually charged was the 'Whistleblower', namely you-Ed)...which eventually led to the disgraceful Political FIOs that were/are intended to silence me on the issues of MGCC corruption, ABC corruption, and SAPol corruption...(and yet here we are-Ed)...well, one tries, one truly does...(and one says one because I'm just a confected literary device-Ed)...never say "just" Ed, never say "just", you are absolutely critical to this 'ere blog...(cheers mate-Ed)...         

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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