Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dear Availees, Please Sign This Mullighan Inquiry Petition

Howdy y'all and welcome to a super-short post on this one specific topic...I'm not exactly sure whether this particular petition is still current/valid, but I think it is...(it appears to be, in that there's no 'close date' evident and there are recent added signatures, yours included-Ed)...cheers Ed, thanks for checking, whatevs though, I think it's worth y'all checkin' it out anyway...the Interweb address provided here is not a direct link, I've highlighted it myself, but I have checked and that address does work and takes you directly to the GoPetition website and the Mullighan petition...anyhoos, here's the address...*** 

<a href="">Petition to re-open the Mullighan Inquiry suppressed for 80 years</a>

***...and for your convenience, here just below is the preamble and wording of the petition...(it is also very informative as to the prevailing Pro-Paedophile attitudes of the former Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill Labor government-Ed)...indeed it is Ed...(and I'd further suggest that the current Stephen Marshall Liberal government's response, or potentially lack of, to this petition, will be clear indication of the current attitude in South Australia's parliament regarding the clearly identifiable Pro-Paedophile conduct of previous parliaments-Ed)...another great point mate, and may I point out that the Liberals have been in power since March 2018 and show no desire to address this issue...(well, it's well documented that at least one of those people named/identified during the Mullighan Inquiry was/is former Liberal Premier, former Ozzie Consul-General (Los Angeles), SANFL Chair and Adelaide Stadium Management Authority Chair/Member, and the current Liberal Party President, John Olsen-Ed) you're suggesting that the current Liberal government aren't going to release the Mullighan Report because at least one previous Liberal Premier is named as a paedophile...(I'm not suggesting anything, I'd reckon it's a stone-cold certainty-Ed)...well, I guess we'll see...***
Hon Steven Marshall, Hon Vickie Chapman and Hon Rachel Sanderson
The South Australian Labor Party suppressed the names of over 700 child sex abusers listed in the Mullighan Inquiry released in 2008 for 80 years.
THE horrific extent of sex abuse against children in state care over four decades has been revealed in the 600-page report of the Mullighan inquiry to State Parliament.
Retired Supreme Court judge Ted Mullighan, QC, yesterday issued a stark warning that children in state care would remain vulnerable to sex abuse unless urgent action was taken to overhaul a system in crisis.
His $13.5 million inquiry considered hundreds of allegations of widespread child abuse within government and non-government institutions, spanning 40 years.
The report contained 54 recommendations, which Premier Mike Rann yesterday said would be comprehensively examined before a detailed response in early June. This never happened.
We call upon Hon Steven Marshall, Hon Vickie Chapman, and Hon Rachel Sanderson to un-suppress the names and properly investigate child sex abuse in South Australia, for the protection of children's rights, which until now, have been violated, by 16 years of Labor Government in South Australia.

***...and here's another choice piece that relates directly to the suppression of the Mullighan Inquiry and the broader Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...I copied this from someone's Twitter page, and, again, a simple 'search' of the names/issues involved will provide much more info...***

***...(and imagine my surprise that our good mate Bill 'The Dog' Morris, notorious Pro-Paedophile stooge involved with the rancidly corrupt Eugene Magee and several others relating to the organised removal/theft of the convicted Paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy's assets, etc, as previously covered on this 'ere blog-Ed)...absolutely, and if dear availees are not familiar with Bill's work, just Google-search it, it's an absolute wheeze...(right, so no surprise that 'The Dog' is/was employed by the SAPol (Police) Ombudsman, having previously been employed by the SAPol (Police) Complaints Authority-Ed)...and let's never forget that 'The Dog' was appointed by Mike Rann's Labor as the original Chief Investigator for the Mullighan Inquiry, and that 'The Dog' was hounded from that extraordinary appointment by Child Protection Activists furious at his involvement because of what was already publicly known about the Morris/Magee/Liddy Assets Conspiracy...(and then 'The Dog' was appointed to SA's Judiciary, serving as Mt Gambier's Resident Magistrate from 2007-2010-Ed)...indeed he was, and didn't that do wonders for the credibility of the Courts in Mt Gambier...(he said sarcastically-Ed)...indeed he did...

And here's another piece related to the above story, as copied from the ITNJ website...please note that it relates to the supposedly 'unsolved' Beaumont abduction/murders, and further states that the "pedo-criminal ring" involved in "multiple murders and mutilations" is still operating in Adelaide...simply search 'ITNJ Rachel Vaughan' for a litany of deeply disturbing personal accounts about how these murders and many others have been reported to SA authorities, particularly SAPol, yet these cases remain 'unsolved'...this is what we are SA, and it leads directly to the relatively minor cover-up of the gross abuse of dozens, potentially hundreds of junior primary school children by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School Mt Gambier, a cover-up being run from the heads of SA Parliament, both Labor and Liberal, and particularly by SAPol, and the Crown Solicitor and the Public Prosecutor and the SA Judiciary, etc, etc, etc, et al...this is what we are...*** 

 ***...and people who know already this stuff routinely tell me how brave I am for pursuing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and indeed, I have had periods where I've been concerned for my safety...(like when SAPol keep lobbing on ya' doorstep to hassle and intimidate you?-Ed)...well that hasn't happened for a while, but yes, that's exactly what that was/is about, retribution-motivated harassment and intimidation...(well, given SAPol's rankly corrupt collusion in the St Martins Cover-up, and their definable corruption during your ICAC "bizarre trial", etc, I think you're more than entitled to be mildly concerned when they rock-up on your front porch, armed as they are with pepper spray, revolvers, and a government-sanctioned monopoly on violence-Ed)...indeed, I have suffered relentless Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the hands of a rankly corrupt SAPol and SA Parliament, etc, and SAPol Prosecutions and definably complicit Magistrate Ian White, etc, and my Physical and Mental Health have suffered terribly because of the stress/trauma/anger/whatevs, but I know that there are others like Ms Vaughan and her siblings who have suffered and continue to suffer far more than I've been through...

And I will again make the point that when I talk about "the rankly corrupt SAPol", etc, I'm always referring to to the heads of the relevant Authority...(unless otherwise identified, eg, the actions of SAPol Prosecutor Batten is as definably corrupt as that of her superior, Head of Prosecutions, Andrew Paesch, and the collusion between SAPol's Batten and Magistrate Ian White is both manifest and definable, so they should all be identified-Ed)...exactly, and the responses from the broader Judiciary, eg, appointing Magistrate White to continue my "bizarre trial" even after I'd proven "Malicious Prosecution" to Magistrate Teresa Anderson, at Trial in November 2016, after Her Honour directed that I present my argument/allegations formally, etc, etc, and that 'Trial' collapsed in disarray, etc, etc, shows that Her Honour acted appropriately and that it was other's 'above' HH who chose to ignore that and continue to persecute me via the increasingly corrupt "Malicious Prosecution", where-in Magistrate White's conduct itself became a critical component of said "Malicious Prosecution"...when SAPol have come-a-knockin', I have genuinely apologised to those relatively junior officers involved, albeit whilst carefully explaining the actual realities behind their attendance...(you mean the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...exactly, spot on, looked straight down the cameras they were waving in my face, and told them all about it...quietly, politely, and very, very succinctly...  

Tomorrow: That Latest Mt Gambier City Council Rail Station Rortfest 

Or maybe the definitive dissecting of the farcical MGCC Rortathon being described as the Hub Recreation Centre...(so many choices-Ed)...indeed, but it's there to be done, and there's one here to be done-ing it...("done-ing it"?-Ed)...whatevs...and again dear availees, if today's post has caused you distress of any description, please seek an understanding shoulder and/or ear, don't try to bear this burden alone, no-one should have to...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Taking The Peas Out Of Whistleblowers

Howdy dear availees in (the) Ukraine, the USofA, Romania, and Moldova...(ooo, and COOEEEE to all our dear cuz's across The Dutch in Aotearoa-Ed)...sorry what?...(to all our cousins and/or other dear availees in New Zealand, across The Ditch, you know, The Tasman Sea-Ed)...ahhhright, of course, howdy from the North-West Island...(whaaa?-Ed)'s what Aotearoans call Oz, 'cos they've got their North and South Islands, and of course we're to their North-West...(riiight, of course, choice bro'-Ed)...howdy one-and-all, and ongoing apologies for my ongoing malaise, simply dragging simply through days, eat-wash-sleep then do it again...(no gym? I thought you advocated regular physical exercise as being critical to good Mental Health and general wellbeing?-Ed)...fair enough, I do say that, and I have been going several times a week, and walking the other days, etc, but apart from that, it's been the gnawing, dragging depression stuff of eat-wash-sleep, basic functioning fuelled by an ingrained desire to keep pushing forward, somehow...

And last week I'd all but given-up on this 'ere blog, again...(nooo! say it isn't so!-Ed)...yeah yeah, again, but I hung in there, and here we all are again, again, and it wasn't a single thing that dragged me back to this 'ere keyboard, rather, it's been a series of issues/decisions, although there was one critical comment that I'd like to quickly share...(do tell dear heart-Ed)...well, amidst a discussion about what I have managed to achieve with this 'ere blog...(like defining the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines and controls South Australia-Ed)...yep, controls and defines our Parliament, SAPol (police), Courts, Crown Solicitor, Public Service, etc, etc...(and the Lutherans, don't forget the shreckin' Lutherans!-Ed)...sure, not forgetting the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Lutheran Church, and everyone else involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, all of that stuff...(and the rancid corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and many other aspects of Local Government in SA-Ed)...indeed, all that stuff...(and how as part of that you've irretrievably and irrefutably proven the rank corruption of the SA Independent Commission Against Corruption and it's head honcho Your Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander, eg, retrospectively changing ICAC legislation to allow prosecuting you in Court-Ed)...yeah, all of that and then so much more...(like all the farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco) that is the Ombudsman/Office of Public Integrity/ICAC stuff with multiple South East Councils-Ed)...yes, yes, and yes, all of that...

But it was one specific comment that really and literally picked me up by the collar, dragged me up outta' the mud, dusted me off...(can you dust-off mud?-Ed)...shhh, and sent me back to this 'ere blog with a glimmer of vigour and a vague sense of motivation...(wow, settle down already or you'll do ya'self a serious injury with all that energy and excitement-Ed)...yeah yeah, I know it's all a bit average, but I'd rather be genuinely trudging-back to this 'ere blog, than trying to run again, only to trip and fall again, again...(right, so no belicose promises, rather, a very moderate sense of improved wellbeing and continued bloggin'?-Ed)...exactly...(it's almost like you've been through this so many times before, this almost defeatist depression stuff, that you've learned to just sort of 'lie-down and take it' while it washes over you, and then get-up again when it's run it's course, when it's coursed over you and temporarily moved on-Ed)...that's exactly what it feels like Ed mate, just plowing through the drab dark days until things get a bit brighter and then going again, again...and so here we are today, and today we're looking at 'Whistleblowering'...(is that even a word?-Ed) is now... 
So here's a particular piece from The Sydney Morning Herald (and The Age?), that I reckon covers it fairly well...I like to use these Main Stream Media pieces to illustrate and/or compare my own work/opinion, and occasionally, I just can't say it any better than what someone else has...(and well, sometimes, just occasionally, others might potentially know more about a certain subject than you do and it's only responsible and appropriate to Refer and Defer to their knowledge/experience-Ed)...indeed, and there's a bit of that with this one, it says what I believe and/or am concerned about, citing sources I'm not familiar with, etc...(well that's just terrific, really it is, but what was that One Comment you mentioned previous-Ed)...ah yes, that comment, and in a context about what I've achieved, how hard I've worked, the price I've paid, etc, that comment was "Do you want to give the bastards the satisfaction?"...(well firstly, that's a question not a comment-Ed)...yeah yeah, you know what I mean...(if you'll let me finish, but secondly, it's a very valid comment/question that says so much with so little-Ed)...indeed, it's literally everything isn't it, particularly when it comes to the original motivation for starting this 'ere blog, all of those issues...(and most particularly the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...and the abuse I've been subjected to for pursuing basic appropriate action regarding that abuse of 7 year old kids at St Martins School...(and where that abuse has become relentless and unambiguous Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, eg, your farcically corrupt 'ICAC Trial'-Ed)...indeed, all of that...***   

Australia has slumped two places in the annual World Press Freedom Index for 2019, amid concerns that investigative journalism is in danger with reporters and whistleblowers facing jail under "draconian legislation".
Australia was ranked 21 in the index, which is published every year by Reporters Without Borders, and ranks 180 countries and regions according to the level of freedom available to journalists.
The index says the space left for demanding investigative journalism has been "reduced by the fact that independent investigative reporters and whistleblowers face draconian legislation".

Australia has been ranked 21 out of 180 in the 2019 World Press Freedom Index, dropping two places.
Australia has been ranked 21 out of 180 in the 2019 World Press Freedom Index, dropping two places.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer
"Australia adopted one of the toughest defamation laws of the world’s liberal democracies in 2018, while its laws on terrorism and national security make covering these issues almost impossible," the index says.
The group executive editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, James Chessell, recently wrote that Australian newsrooms "committed to public interest journalism hit contentious roadblocks with disturbing regularity".

Chau Chak Wing was awarded $280,000 for defamation over a 2015 article in The Sydney Morning Herald.
Chau Chak Wing was awarded $280,000 for defamation over a 2015 article in The Sydney Morning Herald.Credit:Chris Pavlich
Chessell cited the Federal Court’s decision to award Australian businessman and political donor Chau Chak Wing $280,000 after ruling he was defamed in a 2015 Herald article linking him to a US bribery scandal.
"The Chau case highlights the current system which has shifted so far in favour of the plaintiff that Sydney is described as the defamation capital of the world," he wrote.

ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle.
ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle.Credit:James Elsby
Chessell also pointed to the fact whistleblower Richard Boyle is facing a jail sentence of 161 years after helping The Age and Herald's investigative journalist Adele Ferguson expose abuses of power by the Australian Tax Office.

The highest ranked nation on the index was Norway, followed by Finland and Sweden.
Australia, which had been ranked 19th for the past two years, fell out of the top 20, coming in behind New Zealand, which was ranked 7th, Costa Rica (10th), Ireland (15th), Canada (18th) and Suriname (20th).
The United Kingdom came in at 33rd place, up seven places but one of the worst ranked Western European countries, while the United States was ranked 48th, down three places.
The index said Australia had good public media but the concentration of media ownership was one of the highest in the world.
"It became even more concentrated in July 2018, when Nine Entertainment took over the Fairfax media group," the index says. "Mainly concerned with business efficiencies and cost-cutting, this new entity resembles Australia’s other media giant, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation."
Under the "very conservative" prime minister, Scott Morrison, the government had abandoned any attempt to regulate the media market, the index said.
It also said the detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru were in practice inaccessible to journalists and had become "news and information black holes".
President Donald Trump had exacerbated the steady decline of press freedom in the US, according to the index.
"He has declared the press an 'enemy of the American people' in a series of verbal attacks toward journalists, attempted to block White House access to multiple media outlets, and routinely uses the term 'fake news' in retaliation for critical reporting."

President Donald Trump points to a member of the media after declaring a national emergency in order to build a wall along the southern border.
President Donald Trump points to a member of the media after declaring a national emergency in order to build a wall along the southern border.Credit:AP
The worst performing country was Turkmenistan in Central Asia, one of the most closed countries in the world, followed by North Korea, Eritrea and China.
"By relying on the massive use of new technology, President Xi Jinping has succeeded in imposing a social model in China based on control of news and information and online surveillance of its citizens," the index says.

  • Jewel TopsfieldJewel Topsfield is Melbourne Editor of The Age                                                  
 *** there you go, less protection for 'Whistleblowers', combined with greater concentration of media control, awash with increasing 'Defamation' issues that can/will further compromise issues of Free Speech and/or Truth Telling...(yeah sure, but genuinely malicious misinformation deliberately circulated, surely that stuff still needs to be addressed appropriately?-Ed)...absolutely, and whilst it's always been the case, it appears to be there's a very specific increased agenda of attacking and silencing genuine criticism and/or accountability, most particularly as it relates to politicians and political issues, and particularly as it relates to 'Social Media' like this 'ere blog...(as evidenced by your 'Trial' where-in you have been 'Convicted' of telling the truth about a proven fake ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...exactly, 'Convicted' by a definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White, openly and definably colluding with SAPol Prosecutions...("bizarre trial" I believe The Border Watch newspaper described it as-Ed)...well quite, and their hardly fans of mine, far more likely to attack and denigrate me, but even they couldn't ignore the relentless and vast 'bizarreness' of my ludicrous 'Trial'...(and might I remind dear availees that 2 of the 18 'Charges' that you were 'Convicted' of, was for going to the local media, namely, The Border Watch and the South East ABC, even though they didn't actually even report that 'Fake ICAC Investigation'-Ed)...remind away mate...(errr, I just did-Ed)...ummm, right, moving-on then...   

(And might I also just add my two-bobs worth regarding the recent 'Sexual Assault' defamation action by Geoffrey Rush-Ed) away champ...(well I listened to the Justice's 'verdict' via the ABC/BBC Radio News, and I was absolutely appalled and alarmed as to his language, and the deeply concerning similarities to your farcical 'Conviction'-Ed)...please explain...(well during the trial the Magistrate refused the evidence/attendance of a critical defense witness, then in summary, viciously denigrated the woman involved as being "delusional" and/or 'a liar', dismissed everything that supported the media allegations, glowingly supported Geoffrey's 'here-say character witnesses', and then found in his favour-Ed)'re referring of course to the witness who did an extensive TV interview outlining her many problematic dealings with Geoffo, including him spying on her in the shower, etc, etc, she was refused giving evidence...(exactly-Ed)...and a trial where-in the newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, published third-hand allegations/statements as made by the woman involved to a colleague/friend several years earlier...(and published without her approval or even knowledge, she didn't even want any action taken at the time, not least of all because she was concerned for her future career if she 'accused' such a senior actor-Ed)...concerned with good reason, it would appear...(exactly, not her 'defamation' or even her complaint, yet several years after the 'events/assaults', she gets dragged into Court and abused and denigrated by a clearly agenda-driven and biased Magistrate, he was absolutely appalling-Ed)...indeed...    

This man, Justice Michael Wigney, was absolutely appalling in his repeated denigration of the 'victim', and was/is clearly biased against her, be that a personal bias or a 'Gender-Bias Agenda' or a personal affection for Geoffo mate...(maaate-Ed)...whatever it was motivated him, whatevs, his conduct of the trial and subsequent remarks weren't just grossly biased and inappropriate, they sounded deeply familiar and his tone and attitude very much put me in mind of Magistrate Ian White's grossly biased conduct and 'agenda-driven' abuse of me at 'Trial', his unwavering commitment to ignoring SAPol Prosecution's proven lies, the gaping holes in their 'case', the unresolved Constitutional Law issues, etc, etc, etc...(that's where I've heard that crap before, you're right, it was almost exactly like your "bizarre trial", ignore and/or deny the clear realities, resolutely deny any appropriate defense being presented, then pompously promote and support any farcical opinion that 'confirms' the prosecution, no matter how ludicrous or proved erroneous, etc, and viciously denigrate the 'defendant'-Ed)...and that's what I got from Magistrate Ian White, and that's exactly what I heard from Justice Michael Wigney...(hey, are you allowed to have an opinion about this?-Ed)...probably not, I guess we'll find out when and if this post gets complained about anonymously and pulled-down...(fair enough-Ed)...and I note that The Daily Telegraph is appealing this decision, citing 'potential bias by Justice Wigney'...

Tomorrow: The MGCC Peddles It's Latest Rort-Cycle      

Apparently, MGCC is going to cleverly conjure $380,000 from their 2019/20 Budget to spend on 'the outside of the Old Rail Station', then magically manifest yet another $380k in 2020/21 for 'the inside of the Old Rail Station', then after all that they're gunna' look for 'a suitable tenant to maximise utilisation of the precinct', etc, etc, etc, blah blah blah...(bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, and so on and so forth-Ed)...exactly, it's a Rort-laden joke looking for somewhere to happen...(it's found somewhere to happen, the Old Rail Station-Ed)...yeah yeah, I was just being dramatically abusive because the plebs love that stuff...(should you say "plebs" whilst they're still reading?-Ed)...nnndamn!... 

Oh, and Taking The Peas Out Of Whistleblowers is not just an extremely witty pun...(if you do say so yourself-Ed)...shut it, a pun about dis-empowering 'Whistleblowers' by taking the peas out of their whistles...(ah, 'cos whistles have little peas in them what resonates when you blow and creates the vibrating sound, and no pea means no whistle, that is actually mildly clever-Ed)...oh cheers mate, high praise indeed, but anyhoos, it also makes specific reference to any and all political statements about 'improving Whistleblower protections'...(let me guess, Taking The Piss Out Of Whistleblowers by making disingenuously hypocritical statements of support and/or protection-Ed) on mate, and most specifically referring to SA's Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman's statements last year (2018) about SA's exciting new 'Whistleblower Protection Laws', which state that anyone may comment on any issue if they've firstly appropriately reported it to the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC/Whoevs, but then after 3 months that 'Authority' hasn't acted...(so, report it, wait 3 months, and if nothing gets done, then you're golden to discuss it yourself?-Ed)...yep, if the 'Authority' concerned doesn't act within 3 months, then you/me/whoevs is 'allowed' to talk about it...(that's absolute bollocks-Ed)...I thought you might say that, care to explain?...

(Well, mate, it just means that the 'Authority' only has to say 'we looked at that' and it's 'Case Closed' and no-one's allowed to talk about it-Ed)...fair point...(and specifically where any complaints are made to the OPI/Ombudsman/ICAC, where-in legislation demands matters be reported to those 'Authorities', but also, that ICAC controls all 3, and discussing any ICAC issue, regardless of outcome and whether any action is taken or not, Section 56 of the ICAC Act, the Section you were prosecuted and 'Convicted' under, that Section says any and all discussion of ICAC cases, before and/or during and/or after said 'case', any such discussion is illegal -Ed) proven/ratified by my "bizarre trial"...(exactly! and it's even more problematic in a context where any complaint about SAPol or the Judiciary also go directly to our mate ICAC Comm Bruce in his other roles as Judicial Conduct Commissioner and Police Complaints Commissioner-Ed)...indeed, when you try look into making a complaint about SAPol, it directs you to the OPI/ICAC website...(yay-Ed)...yay indeed...(and I further note that it was exactly "3 months" that ICAC pretended to investigate MGCC before 'closing the file without action', leading to the viciously corrupt Political Persecution of your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...well noted sir...

So basically, these alleged 'SA Whistleblower Protections' are all about further controlling and restricting free speech whilst politically pissing into people's ears about what great new 'protections' they are...(and let's not forget the farcical carry-on recently where-in AG Chapman herself fell fowl of the ludicrously undefinable ICAC Act Section 56, only to be retrospectively excused/pardoned by Comm Bruce himself!-Ed)...yeah, one rule for the Rulers, and the plebs get taken to with a big stick, it's a definably corrupt joke... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Nick Fletcher Gets Jazz Fever

Howdy Sweden, Uzbekistan, Algeria, and South Africa, and to all dear availees elsewhere...apologies for a fortnight long hiatus, but I have been extremely unwell...(mentally or physically?-Ed)...great question, 'cos it was both, and could well be that one led to the other...(it's not uncommon-Ed)...indeed, and in fact, I'd say it was exactly that and in that order...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, I stumbled and fell into a deeply consuming depression and with that then went my health...(sorry to hear that-Ed)...didn't go to gym for a full week...(strewth, that is unusual, you've been really working hard and it's been great for your health across the board, mental and physical-Ed)...yep, just couldn't do it, then when I was physically crook I didn't want to cough and splutter on people, etc...(oh well, so it's not all bad, I mean, if you were still functioning with a consideration for others well-being, that's a good thing, surely-Ed)...great attitude mate, mind if I borrow it for a while?...(I'd be flattered-Ed)...cheers...what concerns me though is what was it that dragged me down like a wildebeest with a belligerent butt-load of hungry lions?...(nice-Ed)...all joking aside, normally I can fairly quickly identify my 'trigger point', but on this occasion it eluded me until just the other day I strayed into that realisation mid-conversation...(do tell dear heart-Ed)...sure...  

For weeks I've had shreckin' 'Jazz' shoved relentlessly into my face/ears/general vicinity ...(ahhh, yes, I reckon I can see where you're goin' with this-Ed)...well quite, and to the point I can barely stand the sound of the bloody word...(it has been unfortunately unavoidable hasn't it-Ed)...and I don't doubt that regular availees share your enlightenment Ed, and gourd knows it lit-up in front of me like a Bay of Beacons when I said it out loud whilst discussing my recent massive malaise...(allow me if I may?-Ed)...sure...(well, because of what you've come to realise and/or be involved in regarding the ongoing attempted cover-up of the rape of a Jazz Academy/Tennyson Woods College student by lecturer Graham Lyall-Ed)...that's exactly correct Ed...(and the involvement of the Catholic Church, the South Australian Courts, SAPol (police), our li'l mate lawyer Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, et al-Ed)...yep, all the usual suspects...(which then re-triggers for you all of the trauma of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, still festering after nearly 17 years-Ed)...indeed Ed, all of the rancid self-interest evident in the Tennyson Woods/Jazz Academy Cover-up is exactly reminiscent of the St Martins Cover-up...and with it comes The Guilt...    

The Guilt-Edged Sword Of Many Blades:...(ah yes, The Guilt-Ed)...The Guilt that I carry from day to day for having witnessed some of the gross abuses committed by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling against the 7 year old students at St Martins, for having witnessed that without realising what was actually happening, therefore allowing those abuses to continue and potentially escalate for several more weeks...(mate, what Dorling was doing ain't your fault-Ed)...sure, I know that, and yet that realisation does nothing to release that burden of failing to stop it sooner...(I understand-Ed)...and then there's The Guilt of failing to resolve the St Martins Cover-up despite 16+ years of relentless activism...(well, relentless other than for the long periods of crushing depression-Ed)...sure...(and let's face it, when you're in a pitched battle with the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Lutheran Church as being protected by the equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt SAPol, SA Parliament, SA Public Service, Teachers Registration Board and Teachers Union, SA Courts, etc, etc, et al, what hope have you got?-Ed)...indeed, and that realisation, or rather, that series of perpetual realisations, over and over again, that compounds and re-enforces that trauma and related's a very deliberate and very vicious cycle of abuse and retribution from a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State...(yay-Ed)...  

And if you reckon I've gone overboard by describing Graham Lyall as a rapist, or by stating that this is a cover-up, or want to question any aspect of what I'm saying, simply go to the New Matilda website as we've previously directed y'alls, and read the correspondence there-in, and most specifically the interview with Lyall himself...he doesn't plead his innocence and/or deny the assault/s, and himself whinge-mentions that there's been a 'payout' to the young woman, presumably by Tennyson Woods College and/or the Catholics, who have also reportedly done a 'report'...(so there's an official 'report' followed by a 'compensation payout' and no denial?-Ed)...and Bill DeGaris is the lawyer writing bizarre Threat Letters to the 'victim' and her friends/supporters...(charming-Ed)...yep, and it's Billy's usual standard of 'threat'...(so, an appallingly average litany of abuse-laden threats?-Ed)...indeed, and regular availees will be well familiar with Bouncin' Billy's blustering abuse...(whatta' piece of work-Ed)...indeed...

And here-in lies a further Guilt, because as previously explained, I knew about this assault/rape from the time it happened, knew by the way that Tennyson Woods Principal David Mezinec and Mt Gambier SAPol uniformly denied that any such rape/assault had happened, and then this blanket blatant denial was immediately followed by the town-sweeping rumour that nothing had happened at all and that this girl had done/alleged this sort of thing before and that she was a 'slut', etc, etc ad infinitum...(text-book cover-up strategy-Ed)...indeed, but I allowed myself to be persuaded that Jazz was far too important for Mt Gambier, and that therefore I should 'go easy' on this issue, etc, etc...and by agreeing to 'go easy' I didn't just fail this young woman but all young women who have been in similar situations, other students, etc, etc...and just for the record, 1) I take full responsibility for that terrible decision, and 2) no-one has done anything to place any of these Guilts upon me, neither deliberately nor accidentally nor vicariously or whatevs, it is my burden that has sought me out because that's just who I am and that's just the way it is...and again, you know who you are, this is my choice, my guilt is my choices and my guilt is my responsibility, not yours, cheers...

And I can only guarantee y'all that whilst I'm done with this shizzle for this post, it sure-as-shreck doesn't end here, not by half, not even close...I've had a bloody gutful, sure, particularly for today, but how it affects me is my problem, the fact that it's happened at all is the critical issue...if y'all haven't already read my previous post, No Apologies For Being Angry About This,18th August 2018, that will explain a good deal of where I am headed with this issue, and why...until then though, I'd just like to chuck this bit below onto the grittle for a quick re-heat and re-hash...(ohhh, I love this one, the farcical political hypocrisy of the Liberal's Attorney-General Vicki Chapman being officially excused for breaching the exact same piece of ludicrous ICAC legislation, namely, Section 56 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, that you, a private citizen with no formal legal qualifications, have been 'Convicted' of after a bizarrely corrupt 'Trial' before the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White in definable collusion with the rankly corrupt SAPol Prosecutions-Ed)...beautifully summarised Ed mate, and there's even more to it than simply being excused, it's the extraordinary manner in which that per usual dear availees, there are several previous posts on this issue y'all may be interested in if ya's ain't read them already...and then there's this from a coupla' months back...***    

No recommendation to prosecute Vickie Chapman over ICAC comments, SA Premier says

SA Premier Steven Marshall said he was personally told by the state's Police Commissioner that investigators did not recommend Attorney-General Vickie Chapman be prosecuted over comments she made about an anti-corruption case.

Key points:

  • Vickie Chapman released a statement on an ICAC investigation last year
  • The Attorney-General's comments were last week referred to the DPP by police
  • The Premier says police made no recommendation to prosecute Ms Chapman

In a media statement released in September, Vickie Chapman said she could not provide any further information about the employment of two senior executives from land development agency Renewal SA.
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) Bruce Lander later confirmed he did not give the Attorney-General permission to release her statement, but gave the media permission to publish it.
Last week, police referred Ms Chapman to Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Adam Kimber following a police probe into whether she broke the South Australian ICAC Act's stringent secrecy provisions.
Mr Marshall said he was told by Police Commissioner Grant Stevens that prosecution was not recommended.
"I just asked the question in recent days, I just asked the Police Commissioner 'so did the evidence that went to the DPP go with a recommendation for prosecution?' And he said 'no'," Mr Marshall told ABC Radio Adelaide.
"The police force did what they were asked to do — they gathered that information and they passed it to the DPP for further assessment.
"To then now beat it up, beat it up [to suggest] there's a prosecution pending — it's fanciful."
When asked if that was appropriate, Mr Marshall said it was "a statement of fact".

Labor describes the move as 'utterly extraordinary'

The Opposition seized on the admission, and demanded Mr Marshall answer questions about the nature of the conversation.

Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas said it was "utterly extraordinary" that Mr Marshall had raised the issue.
"I think it's completely inappropriate that the Premier of this state has decided to play a role and ask questions of the Police Commissioner during the course of a live, open inquiry into the actions of the Premier's own deputy," he told ABC Radio Adelaide.
Mr Malinauskas said he attended an official event at the Adelaide 500 with Mr Stevens on Sunday, but did not raise the matter.
"One would love to be able to inquire of the Police Commissioner 'hey, what's going on?' but that would be utterly inappropriate."
Labor frontbencher Tom Koutsantonis tweeted that the "Premier plays no statutory role in any police investigation or prosecution. Why is he asking questions of the SAPOL Commissioner?"
"In what capacity? How many times has he spoken to SAPOL about the investigation into his Deputy Premier?" he asked.
"Was this the first time? What about the separation of powers?"
Ms Chapman has come under pressure to resign over her comments, but Mr Marshall said that was unnecessary.
"I think Vickie Chapman's got plenty of things to be doing — I don't think that she should be standing aside unless there is any evidence that's been presented," he said.
"There has not been any suggestion that there has been a prosecution pending.
"We've had two sets of independent legal advice which have said there has been no breach to the ICAC Act."
SA Police declined to comment on the matter.

***...and of course it was only days after this that the whole thing just suddenly 'went away' as the DPP dropped it...(wow! now there's a surprise-Ed)...ain't it though...and even if you ignore the farcical ignoring of the actual realities, specifically, that ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander initially told Vicki to not discuss it, which she immediately did, which is a direct breach of the ICAC Act 2012 Sec 56, and then My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time Comm Bruce retrospectively gave Vicki 'Authorisation' for that breach what she done already committed, and Labor referred Vicki to SAPol who then recommended diddly-squat to the DPP, and Premier Stevo mate had a chummy-chat with his SAPol Commissioner pal Stevo...(mate-Ed)...etc, etc, etc, it still comes back to the initial observation/reality, that I was relentlessly pursued and persecuted by SAPol for over 3 years and then 'Convicted' in the most contrived and corrupted of circumstances...(I believe we use the term 'Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution', that Magistrate Teresa Anderson officially identified as "Malicious Prosecution", as you proved in Court in November 2016-Ed)...exactly...private citizen gets attacked, harassed, abused and persecuted...(not least of all by Magistrate White-Ed)...well quite...but Attorney-General gets retrospective approval and exoneration...(well hurrah, ain't that just equality before the law-Ed)...indeed...

But what I find so truly, genuinely, spectacularly hilarious about this particular 'farticle' (a farcical article) is Labor's leader Peter 'Automaton' Malinauskas whinging his guts out about Stevo going mano-et-mano with Stevo...(maaates-Ed)...sure, maaates, but in justifying his whinge about the in-appropriateness of this conversation/contact, Pete identifies that he himself was at the brum-brum races with SAPol Stevo...(oh my gourd, so he is, ha! so it's fine for the Opposition leader to hang-out with the SAPol Commissioner-Ed)...and supposedly not even mention the Vicki stuff...(whatevs, even if that is true, why are these people socialising at all? what happened to the Separation of Powers?-Ed)...because there is no such thing in SA, remember?...(ahhh sure, there's only the one true Protocol, the one truly Bipartisan Issue, and that's the Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...absolutely...(and didn't former Premier Mike Rann personally force the already-dumped 'Trial' of those Child Protection Advocates back into Court aways back in 2008?-Ed)...excellent remembering Ed, indeed he did...(these pricks just make it up as it suits them-Ed)...indeed they do...

Tomorrow: Whatever Comes Up Next

Another apology, but it is what it is, and I'll be back asap with another shortish-post as I climb back across that forfeited ground of the last fortnight...(onward and upward dude-Ed)...indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...