Tuesday, March 26, 2019

REPOST - Jay Weatherill Post Removed From 9th August 2016

***Howdy Nigeria, Israel, the USofA, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...dear availees, this post was originally published on 9th August 2016, under Jay Weatherill - The Pro-Paedophile Premier Of The Paedophile State, but then removed following the attached un-dated 'complaint'...I have received no notification from Google or 'Lumen' who are the 'Complaint Site Monitor' or whatevs...in one place it says that 'this post is unavailable', but when you try to access the post, it has been completely removed and says 'this page doesn't exist'...here is a copy of the anonymous complaint...*** 

Defamation Complaint to Google

Google LLC
[Private] Mountain View, CA, 94043, US
Google LLC

Re: Unknown

Sent via: Unknown
Notice Type:
Legal Complaint
This entire blogspot account posts defamatory claims about the former Premier of 
South Australia, Jay Weatherill, suggesting he is a paedophile, has covered up 
child sexual abuse amongst many other things. There is also defamatory material 
about a number of other members of Parliament. The three URLs are simply examples, 
this material is littered throughout all posts on the site.
***...so there you have it, an undated anonymous 'complaint' has seen that entire post removed, and so here we go again...
Dear Googles:...why do you continue to allow these people to continue to manipulate you into being complicit in their definable Pro-Paedophile Corruption...the attached letter (below) from Jay Weatherill to DeGaris Lawyers clearly shows that he, Weatherill, intervened personally to stop Comm Mullighan's investigation of the St Martins Cover-up...and I say "stop" because Comm Mullighan was already investigating St Martins and had met with us parents several times, we'd provided him reams of documentation, he had personally asked Premier Mike Rann to be allowed to add St Martins to his Royal Commission, etc, etc...(why did he have to ask?-Ed)...dunno'...(but he was the Royal Commissioner, he had the powers to investigate whatevs he wanted-Ed)...indeed, it casts a huge doubt-shaped shadow across Comm Mullighan's genuineness regarding us and St Martins, but that's an issue for another post, today we're dealing with this removed post...(fair enough-Ed)...

For the record, I have proven beyond question that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is real, and that people like Jay Weatherill are fully aware and completely complicit...and who is the anonymous stooge who can just 'complain' and have this Truth censored without apparently providing any evidence to counter my documents...(ooo, I just noticed something-Ed)...what?...(well that 'complaint' is undated, but it refers to "former Premier of South Australia, Jay Weatherill"-Ed)...yeah, so?...(so that post was originally published 9th August 2016, yeah?-Ed)...yeah, that's what I said...(well Weatherill was Premier until he lost the March 2018 State Election, and then quit Parliament in December 2018, forcing a by-election in his seat, etc-Ed)...yeah, so?...(so that 'complaint' was clearly lodged at some point after the March 2018 election-Ed)...ahhhhhh...(at least 18 months after the post was originally lodged-Ed)...yeahhhhhs...(so why was it not touched until then?-Ed)...don't know, maybe it has something to do with my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' for blogging about the rancidly Corrupt SA ICAC, that was February-April 2018...(dunno'-Ed)...whatevs...

Please note that in the re-posted post below, that (*****)  is where I've had to remove a certain name due to the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders handed down by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White, politically motivated FIOs designed to censor and/or block me from telling the unpleasant truths that I do about the definable Pro-Paedophile Corruption in South Australia...and again Dear Googles, I have clearly documented Magistrate White's corruption on this 'ere blog and confronted him with it in Court and written repeatedly to the Chief Magistrate and SA Attorneys-General, etc, etc, etc...so here 'tis, the post from 9th August 2016...***

c/- This 'Ere Blog

I cannot and will not apologise for being deeply traumatised by the extraordinary events of the last 2 days; events extraordinary only in that they are so familiar...here, ladies and gentlemen, et al others as you yourselves would have it be known, your god loves you whoever you are, here (below) is the front page of todays' The Advertiser, and Premier Jay Weatherill lying through his teeth, crying his crocodile tears, and refusing to resign...(why would he resign? seems to me that everythings' running exactly as is wanted by the people running the state?-Ed)...whaaaa?! the 'Child Protection System', such as it does exist in South Australia, is a corrupted disaster that leaves children vulnerable, voiceless, and unrepresented!...(exactly, in a State clearly run by and/or for paedophiles, South Australia is running exactly as they would have it-Ed)...ahhh, indeed, I apologise that I missed the sarcasm, what with my white-hot rage and everything...(nah, fair enough-Ed)...

I remind availees that on June 1st 2012 I managed to corner Jay mate...(maaate-Ed)...on ABC Radio Adelaide, and he claimed he 'didn't recall' his role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a role irrefutably defined below, yet again, by the letter from FAYS Minister Weatherill from August 25th 2005 (attached), and as accompanied by then Premier Mike Ranns' own letter (August 13th 2005) to lawyer Bill DeGaris...(hello Billy-Ed)...here, again, is the irrefutable proof that, 1) Comm Mullighan was liaising/meeting with families re the St Martins Cover-up, and, 2) Rann and Weatherill were intimately aware of the details re St Martins, but then, despite this intimate knowledge and direct contact with Comm Mullighan, etc, directly refused appropriate 'official' investigation by the man who was, clearly, already 'unofficially' investigating St Martins...

Also attached, the Friday January 7th 2005 article from The Advertiser, corruptly waving-away the realities of the St Martins Cover-up, and I remind availees that The Advertiser refused to print any sort of 'right-of-reply' from parents, particularly corrupt given that the Lutherans have been afforded carte-blanche to denigrate and dismiss us parents...the Lutheran Church in Australia, as headquartered in Adelaide, is to my extensive personal experience, exactly like South Australia itself, effectively run by and/or for paedophiles, and all involved hide behind their corrupt lawyers in Adelaide and their corrupt State Parliament mates...South Australia, what a mind-numbing disgrace...

And just to keep it all so very, very real, the last attachment below, is the front page bastardry of The Border Watch, May 6th 2005, with my fav alleged journo, Sandra Morello (nee Wallace)...(yay-Ed)...yeah, absolutely, classic Sandra, outrageously corrupted presentation of a corrupt agenda, on behalf of the Vested Interests in Mt Gambier, themselves intimately involved in the St Martins Cover-up, eg, Rory McEwen, (*****), Jim and Viv Maher, et al...regular availees will be well aware that these letters/articles are just the tip of a horrendously thorough iceberg, an iceberg that may well roll over occasionally and show a different face, but remains always the same iceberg...

South Australia under the Rann/Weatherill Labor Government (2002-2016) has had multiple Child Protection Royal Commissions and/or Parliamentary Inquiries and nothing has changed, other than for the worse...and now yet another Royal Commission has regurgitated the no.1 Recommendation from the 2003 Layton Report, namely, establish the position of Childrens' Commissioner...no.1 in 2003 and yet to be implemented in August 2016, and Jay's saying that he'll 'look at it seriously'...(don't want to rush into these things-Ed)...don't want to do them at all...

And again Dear Google, please consider that as outrageous and damning as some of the statements are in this 'ere post, they are statements of fact backed by actual documentation, much of it already available on this 'ere blog...cheers...

Tomorrow: So Much More Of The Same

Jay Weatherill, you are a coward and a liar and I dare you to face the children and parents from St Martins and apologise for your reprehensible conduct re the abuse of the then 7-year-old, grade 2 children by their teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, abuses committed systematically from February-June 2002...(yeah, and bring ya' corrupt mate Rory McEwen with ya'!-Ed)...absolutely...but whatevs, see ya' here tomorrow Jay mate...(maaate-Ed)...right 'ere on this 'ere blog...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and here are my truths as I have lived them...(and yes, we're talking to you again Google-Ed)...cheers and laters...(laters-Ed)...

***...so there you go...don't reckon there's really much to add to those realities, other than to question why exactly that post has been removed and point out yet again to Dear Googles, if what I'm saying is supposedly so scurrilously defamatory, why are these clowns constantly bleating to you about it but are not actually ever sueing me, yeah? why not try to stop me with appropriate Court action?...(well because they can't stop the Pro-Paedophile Truth, even in an SA Court, so they have to attack the blog instead-Ed)...well exactly...anyhoos, I'll end there for today but be back...

Tomorrow: Another Removed Post Re-posted

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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