Saturday, March 9, 2019

Liberal MP Mark Brindal - "Chasing Boys"

Howdy y'all dear availees and welcome to a very quick cut-n-paste post that still somehow fully encapsulates South Australian politics and the Pro-Paedophile attitudes that dominate...mucho apologies that I copied these 2 pieces, one from Twitter and the other from an Election Info website, but forgot to record who/where it was from...found the website myself, but a huge shout-out to the Twitterer what done find/tweet this gem (above, think that October date is wrong, but whatevs)...regular availees will recognise much of what is referred to there-in, eg, "some staff members" refer to the Child Protection Volunteers who were working with Speaker Peter Lewis...(are they the ones who were subsequently charged with 'Criminal Defamation', had that thrown-out by a Magistrate, only to have Labor Premier Mike Rann force it back into a higher Court?-Ed)...yeah, that be they mate...(and then part-way through the second 'trial', prosecutors tried to change the charges from 'defamation' to what was effectively 'treason' for damaging the good name of SA's political institutions and SAPol (police) and Judiciary, etc?-Ed)...yeah, don't remember the exact details, but pretty much, 'treason' for undermining the credibility and therefore authority of The Authorities...

(And weren't you a key defense witness in that second trial?-Ed)...well, I'm not sure about 'key witness'...(but weren't you there in Parliament House with those volunteers on the day, literally at the very moment that that now infamous Mullighan/Lewis document was 'accidentally' faxed to the media?-Ed) mean the document prepared for/with the Mullighan Child Abuse Royal Commission, the one that named former Liberal Premier John Olsen and (then) Labor Minister Patrick Conlon and a senior SAPol officer and a high-profile Magistrate as being paedophiles?...(yeah, the very document that we just discussed a coupla' posts back when we savaged Patrick Conlon for Tweeting about the George Pell conviction, etc-Ed)...yes Ed, indeed I was in Parliament that day, and then subsequently a defense witness, etc, but that 'trial' was clearly all-but-over by the time I hit the witness box...(indeed, how so?-Ed)...well, the whole thing was such a farcical travesty, that by the time I testified half the jury were shrugging their shoulders at me and smiling and a coupla' were quietly laughing, they had clearly already seen enough to make-up their minds...(and duly returned a resounding Not Guilty-Ed)...absolutely...

And you ain't exactly gotta' be a brain scientist to see the glaring similarities betwixt what these people had done to them and my experience of the exact same 'Authorities/Institutions'...(well, the Speaker of Parliament Peter Lewis was roundly abused and condemned by the entire screeching Parliament and hounded from his Speaker's chair within weeks, and his CPVs had their homes raided by swarms of SAPol, were attacked by the media, and then had to endure 2 trials across several years, all of which was clearly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution-Ed)...well exactly, and Mark Brindal was lead screecher, publicly demanding that Parliament be 'suspended' and then re-formed and utilised as a Court to 'Charge', 'Prosecute/Try', and presumably then 'Convict' Peter Lewis and his CPVs...(wow, that's not Fascism much is it, that doesn't entirely trounce the fundamental Democratic Principles of Separation of Powers, ie, that the Legislature (Parliament), and the Executive (police), and the Judiciary act independently of one another?-Ed) Ed, you are exactly correct, that is absolutely text-book Fascism, and as motivated by a desire to facilitate an openly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution/Retribution against those speaking-out about the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australian 'Authorities'...  

And welcome to my life, my life what has become a text-book study in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that SA 'Authorities' can and will visit on anyone who speaks-out about the rancidly sick Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines this sad, sick state...(and a Persecution supported and empowered by a rankly Pro-Paedophile complicit media-Ed)...indeed, particularly the ABC and The Advertiser, and including Mt Gambier's The Border noted within this piece, Mark Brindal has made this extraordinary statement about politicians "chasing boys', but the ABC's Grant Cameron doesn't ask him one single question about that, just let's it sail through to the keeper...(extraordinary, particularly given Brindal's wretched 'Get Lewis' screeching about turning Parliament into a 'Court' only months before-Ed)...then there's this piece from an ABC Election website...***

Mark Brindal (LIB)


Age 57, Brindal was first elected as member for Hayward in 1989, only to the seat abolished in the 1991 redistribution. So he moved to contest and win Unley at the 1993 election, defeating a Labor Minister in Kym Mayes. He faced pre-selection challengers before the 1997 election, but was saved by the intervention of Dean Brown, despite Brindal being a supporter of John Olsen. Brindal is a former cadet journalist, primary school teacher and principal. He achieved a high profile in the first term of the Brown Liberal government by moving a private members bill for limited legalisation of prostitution. Brindal joined the Ministry after the 1997 election as Minister for Water Resources, Employment, Training and Youth, with responsibility for Local Government added in December 2001. Brindal was controversially dropped from the opposition frontbench in April 2004 and at one point in mid-term, there had been rumours he would join the band of ex-Liberal members sitting on the cross-bench. Facing a pre-selection challenge, Brindal announced he would contest Adelaide at the 2006 election. He withdrew his nomination in August 2005 after revelations of involvement in a gay affair with a 24 year-old man who was under the supervision of the Guardianship Board, and there were also claims of a blackmail attempt against Brindal. Forced to publicly admit his bisexuality, Brindal announced he would not contest the 2006 election.

***...and this (below) from The Sydney Morning Herald, dated only months after Brindal's venomous denouncing of Peter Lewis and his CPVs and his screech demands about the 'Parliament-to-Court' stuff, etc...(hang on, if you do the math, that "three month affair" takes us back to either the exact time he was doin' that screechin', or even prior-Ed)...yes it does Ed, yes it does...(and it's clearly not an 'affair', this man was committing Persistent Sexual Exploitation of a 'Disabled Person'-Ed)...oh it's far worse than that mate, this was/is the Statutory Rape of a Ward of the State, involving multiple acts of Gross Indecency committed in a Public Place... ***

Liberal MP resigns after gay affair

South Australian Liberal MP Mark Brindal has announced he will quit politics at the next election after admitting he had been blackmailed over a three-month homosexual affair.
Mr Brindal, 57, today said he would not contest the seat of Adelaide at the next poll to be held in March.
However, Mr Brindal said he would remain as the member for Unley, a position he has held since 1993, until that time.

Mr Brindal's resignation follows revelations he had a three-month affair with a 24-year-old man earlier this year and was allegedly blackmailed to avoid the fling being revealed.
"I've decided to withdraw as the Liberal candidate for Adelaide," Mr Brindal said in a statement.
"The media frenzy of the last few days in relation to my actions has caused an impact on my family and my party which I deeply regret.
"Following consultation with my wife and my close political colleagues, I believe that this decision reflects particularly the needs of my family and the interests of the Liberal Party as it prepares for the next election.
"I have been honest and up front in respect to my actions and involvement.
"However inappropriate those actions were, the matter remains deeply personal and private and needs to be worked through with those I love."
Mr Brindal, once touted as a possible state Liberal leader, is married and has four adult step-children.
He was endorsed as the Liberal candidate for Adelaide earlier this year, after losing preselection for Unley.
Mr Brindal today also asked for some privacy for both himself and his family "at this difficult time".

***...and what a guy to lead the charge against Lewis and Co., whipping-up a "media frenzy" against them, and then complaining about it when that focus shifts to him...and again, it wasn't an 'affair', the young man involved had the emotional/mental capacity of a ten-year old...this was/is the repeated Statutory Rape of a Ward of the State, rapes usually committed in the bed in Brindal's Electorate Office, and therefore also Acts of Gross Indecency in a Public Place......(and I thought he was actually only 19?-Ed)...ah yeah, so did I, but 19 or 24, it's almost irrelevant given that Brindal knew about his intellectual/emotional 'disabilities', etc...and what did the Liberal Party do when this abhorrent abuse was publicly revealed...(made him Party Leader?-Ed)...well sure, I appreciate the deeply cynical humour you've gone for there, but no, what did the Libs actually do? sling him out of the Party? chuck him outta' Parliament?...(nope, as we've covered in a very early TMGI post on our mate Mark, he was just quietly moved to the Opposition backbenches-Ed)...and we say quietly, because there wasn't a peep outta' the Labor Party on the issue, barely a shreckin' whisper...(well, the SA Labor Party are hardly in a position to attack others for having sex with boys, now are they?-Ed) indeed, and as evidenced, instead they attack those who attack the child-rapists...

And I've done this post because, although this was well over a decade ago, it's a critical period in SA Politics, it clearly defines the Pro-Paedophile attitudes of the SA Parliament, and what exactly has changed in SA?...(nought, if anything, it's got worse-Ed)...indeed, and that again brings us neatly back to the relentless Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I am currently being subjected to...(hey yeah, what's happened with all that stuff about you supposedly breaching those "reprehensibly vile" and clearly politically motivated Final Intervention Orders, and SAPol repeatedly coming to your home, etc?-Ed)...well nuthin' since just after Christmas, but dunno', we'll look at that next post 'ey?...(sure, fair enough-Ed)...       

Tomorrow: Language Warning:...The Latest Farcical SA ICAC Cluster-Fuck...End Language Warning

All the latest self-contradicting lunacy from SA's premier Corrupt Institution, the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(or as we are now want to call it, the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption-Ed)...indeed, not our hilarious play on 'ICAC', but we're gunna' use it regularly and with gusto and with relish...(mmm, indeed, I'm finding this humour a li'l dry, please pass the gusto-Ed) pleasure sir, enjoy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and Ed may be a confected literary device I utilise to enable discourse rather than just lecture at people, and to set-up jokes, etc, but he's still a critical component of this 'ere blog...(cheers mate-Ed)...yep, no probs, and cheers and laters to y'all dear availees...

PS:...just as I was tryin' to fact-check and/or track-down that top article (above), etc, I found this on the Crikey website...please note that this identifies that the 24 year-old is still in 'foster care', etc...

Office s*x and extortion claims in SA

Aug 08, 2005
Just months after pedophilia allegations rocked South Australian politics, a former Liberal minister and candidate for a vital state marginal seat is at the centre of a storm over a same-sex relationship. “Mark Brindal is the Liberal MP who claims to have been blackmailed over his sexual relationship with a 24-year-old man,” The Adelaide Advertiser […]
Just months after pedophilia allegations rocked South Australian politics, a former Liberal minister and candidate for a vital state marginal seat is at the centre of a storm over a same-sex relationship.

“Mark Brindal is the Liberal MP who claims to have been blackmailed over his sexual relationship with a 24-year-old man,” The Adelaide Advertiser reports today. “The married father of four had a three-month affair with the man – who has a mental incapacity – earlier this year,” the paper claims. “The pair had sex in Mr Brindal's Unley electorate office several times."

“Mr Brindal, 57, told his wife Pam and four adult children he was bisexual after his ex-lover's foster carer allegedly demanded money in return for not going public.” Yesterday's Adelaide Sunday Mailreported that police were investigating allegations by an unnamed MP that he was the victim of a blackmail attempt. “It is believed [SA Liberal Leader] Mr Kerin was interviewed by members of the anti-corruption branch on Friday.”

Brindal told The Advertiser yesterday he couldn't speak publicly as he was “under special instructions from police not to say anything.” However, he spoke frankly at a forum in Adelaide yesterday on same-sex marriage. “Mr Brindal entered a relationship with a 24-year-old pensioner under the protection of the Guardianship Board in March,” The Advertiser reports. “The man, who lives in supported accommodation in the western suburbs, has a ‘mental incapacity' and his financial affairs are administered by the Public Trustee.”

No breach of the law appears to have occurred, but it is where the story may lead that's causing consternation. Earlier this year, Brindal announced he wouldn't seek preselection in his seat of Unley, stacked over several years. Instead, he announced he would contest the vital Labor marginal of Adelaide. Adelaide is one of two vital suburban seats the Liberal Party needs to win to retain government in South Australia at next March's election.

Party heavies breathed a sigh of relief when Brindal bowed to the inevitable and avoided a messy preselection fight in Unley – and welcomed his candidacy in Adelaide, where the first term Labor MP, former city Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith has disappointed many. They were finding it hard to get a decent candidate. At the moment the South Australian Liberals are saying they still expect Brindal to contest the seat – but anything could happen now.

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