Tuesday, March 26, 2019

REPOST - Second Removed 'Premier Jay Weatherill' Post

Howdy Poland, Greece, the United Kingdom, and Germany, and welcome to another REPOST following the 'removal' of this post below, originally published on 25th October 2017...as per the immediate previous post of this morning, the relevant 'complaint' was supposedly lodged with the website 'Lumen', sometime after the March 2018 SA State Election when Premier Weatherill became "former Premier", as he is referred to in the 'complaint'...(hey! that's mine, I pointed that one out in the last post-Ed)...yeah, well done, moving on...'Lumen' are apparently now Google's 'Complaint Moderator'...again, I have received no notification of any description, not from Google, Lumen, or from whoever it was apparently anonymously lodged this complaint and had my bitterly accurate content removed...("bitterly"?-Ed)...telling such Truths leaves a very sour taste in my mouth...(and fair enough-Ed)...I also noticed that I made a 'date error' in the previous post, namely, that I confronted Jay Weatherill on ABC Radio on 1st June 2013, not on 1st June 2012 as written...

As previously identified, this post below, of 25th October 2017, and the previous REPOST of 9th August 2016 were on this 'ere blog for at least 5 months and 19 months respectively, before being  'deleted/removed' sometime after March 2018, which coincides with my extraordinarily corrupt  'Conviction' for talking about ICAC...(heck of a coincidence-Ed)...indeed, but given that I don't know exactly when that 'Complaint' was lodged or when the posts were pulled down, etc, that's all it is, potentially coincidence...(yeah, but still, that first post was up nearly 2 years before getting 'pulled', the second for 5 months, then they both get yanked at the same time under the one complaint?-Ed)...sure, it looks very suspect, but what can I say, it looks so suss because it is...(suss is as suss does-Ed)...well quite...also, there was a 'Comment' posted on that previous REPOST (of 9th August 2016), left on there 10th August 2016 by someone calling themselves 'Split Chick Pea'...I believe that that 'Comment' has also been deleted, so here 'tis...***

Weatherill resigning would just be another cop out for the govt. Another sacrificial lamb to distract from the role that the entire govt has played in countless cases of corruption and cover ups when it comes to child protection. Countless ! The entire govt needs outing and to be held accountable. We heard hundreds of 'cases' in Parliament, not just those that were squeezed into the terms of reference of the resulting Mullighan Inquiry. People had representation, they had not just one but multiple voices in and out of Parliament at the time, and the then Rann Govt set out to successfully shut those voices down by bullying, stand over tactics and worse. It cost people their lives, their livelihoods, and any scrap of remaining faith ( albeit misdirected ) in the decency of human beings. Four years in court for doing the right thing taught me that one . Weatherill resigning would be an inadequate result in my eyes , unless his entire party goes with him. Sad reality is that St Martins

***...so there you go, it just cuts-off there for some reason, but, anyhoos, here's the other 'removed/deleted' post originally titled, Jay Weatherill - The Pro-Paedophile Premier's Complicit Role In The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and yet again Dear Googles, as vitriolic and angry and traumatised as the content of my blog may well be, these are the thoroughly documented realities that Jay Weatherill and many others have brought into the lives of me, my family, and many other families involved with the St Martins Cover-up...again dear availees I've had to censor out the name of a rancidly corrupt person thusly (*****) because of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders associated with my 'Conviction' for blogging, etc...right, here we go...***

Howdy to Serbia, Brazil, India, and yoohoo Peru...look, I know I'm basically re-inventing my own wheel with this topic/title, and it is a rather a long title, but then again, The Shiny Man has such an extensive portfolio of Pro-Paedophile Corruption, what with a series of vacuously corrupt Royal Commissions, eg, the farcical Debelle Inquiry that tracked emails directly to Jay Weatherill's computer, but then allowed for the ludicrous outcome that those emails had just 'disappeared'...(and how many other 'Child Abuse' Royal Commissions or similar farces have we had in SA?-Ed)...well, 4 or 5 under this Rann/Weatherill Labor government, but we haven't had one for at least 6 months, so we're about due...(overdue I'd say-Ed)...indeed...

Premier Jay Weatherill is a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile egomaniac, who is so far-gone, so enamoured with the wonder of his own being, that even the deeply embarrassing and wholly corrupt disaster that he's been for South Australia, that won't stop him furiously advertising himself all over the SA media...all day, every day, I simply cannot avoid it, so here we are again dear availees, railing against him and his corruption...Truth and Reality and Conscience are not things that impose themselves upon The Shiny Man's sense of himself...you Jay, mate, are fully responsible for the ongoing St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and it defines you and the rank pro-paedophile corruption that runs South Australia and it's entire Parliament, but most particularly you and your Labor Party...

South Australian Labor Party - Proudly Supporting Paedophilia In SA:...oh, and where's the Liberal Party when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up?...(ummm, completely corruptly complicit?-Ed)...well let's just ask, ummm, I dunno', mmm, ooo yes I do, let's ask (*****), Peter Gandolfi, Rob Lucas, David Ridgway, Vicki Chapman, Michelle Lensink, Mitch Williams, etc, and not least of all former leaders Rob Kerin or Isobel Redmond and even that rancid turncoat, Martin Hamilton-Smith...(disgraceful betrayal of both the Libs and the Electorate-Ed)...indeed...and remember of course that former Member for Barker, Liberal Patrick Secker wrote to various persons, including the then Deputy-Prime Minister Julia Gillard...dear availees, I just recently posted some of that correspondence between Mr Secker and Ms Gillard...of all the Liberals I/us parents spoke to about this, Mr Secker stands glowingly alone as the one Liberal who actually did something, anything...(the Liberals you say? mmm, I know who we should ask-Ed)...whom?...(Tony-Ed)...of course... 

Liberal's Federal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin:...is as absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as any of the rankly corrupt Labor stooges involved, eg, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler, Julia Gillard, etc...Tony has taken his rank corruption as a Councillor with the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, taken all that corruption with him into Federal politics, and with him has gone the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...as I've stated many times before, Tony Pasin has known about the St Martins Abuse and associated Cover-up since it first happened...furthermore, I was looking at him...(right at 'im?-Ed)...right at 'im when I named/identified "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer, as being Stephen Lieschke, business partner of Jay Weatherill (law firm)...(that's right! at that March 2010 Election Forum when the issue of St Martins was raised by a question from the floor, and Tony was so excited about your revelations that he dead-set levitated himself out of the chair!-Ed)...right out of it?...(well certainly clear of the seat, so sure, right out of it-Ed)...I can fly!... 

Speaker Of SA Parliament Micheal Atkinson:...I rarely if ever comment on people's physical appearance in a denigrating manner, but I do have my moments, and Mikey-boy's corruption is etched into his deeply-disturbing countenance...you, Mike, mate, are one creepy looking dude and you genuinely make my skin crawl because your greed, your avarice, your rank pro-paedophile corruption is etched deep...(yeah, but is that purely about what a creepy looking dude he is, and he most surely is, or is your 'experience' of his physical appearance, an experience deeply distorted by your knowledge of who he is and what he's done?-Ed)...fair call, he looks effectively 'rancid' even 'evil' to me, because when I look at him I see his rancid/'evil' actions...(mmm, I thought you were supposed to put the decaying portrait in the attic and carry your contracted countenance with you about the town? you know? Dorian Grey and all that-Ed)...indeed, what's the point of making a deal with the Devil if you're gunna' wear the 'evil' portrait face 'round the town, and stick the smooth youthful face somewhere outta' sight?...  

Been reading a bunch of 'Comments' on various news websites, and it seems that people are not as stupid as Jay Weatherill thinks...(but that's simply not enough to get Labor outed at the March 2018 Election though, because the Liberal 'Opposition' are just un-inspiringly un-electable...as a Political unit, we in South Australia are fundamentally rooted, out alleged Democracy forfeit to the rank Pro-Peadophile Corruption that defines our Parliament and therefore us-Ed)...unfortunately true Ed... 

The Pork-Barrelling Trough Of Taxpayer's Money:...as finalists have been announced, apparently, for the $40million Fund My Neighbourhood, with $20million to be doled-out now, and then another $20m 'early' next year...and in another exemplary 'Dorothy Dixer' ABC South East Radio interview, Labor's Russell Wortley was spruiking this massive Pre-Election Bribe or PBTOTM, whatevs, this irrefutably transparent piece of self-interested Political Stunting...(pah!-Ed)...and there's the weasel-words about how these 1600 'projects' had to be "sponsored"...(where-in 'sponsored' means 'approved by Council'-Ed)...exactly, and that's why it is that, of the '250 finalists' who we are being encouraged to support via the 'important community-based voting', etc, something like 25 projects 'sponsored' for a share, up to $150,000 per 'project', with a local funding pool of $750k due to population, etc...a few examples were sport clubs like West (I think) Gambier, Casadio Pk Lights, improved (more?) bike tracks and/or 'bmx track', and/or 'a fitness track', 'seating in Wehl St Theatre', etc... 

Rusty Doorknocks:...'Claire and I went to Mt Gambier's schools, and after we spoke to them they all put in for FMN cash', says Russell ...(what does that even mean?-Ed)...it means that they went to schools to directly promote this crass bribery and drag schools, etc, into trying to justify this rank Political Stunt...this is absolute bullshit, rolled-gold pork-barrelling from a wholly grandstanding Labor Party who have all-but dismantled Regional communities like Mt Gambier, before suddenly introducing this FMN less than a year before the March 2018 State Election, and where-in the money will still go to 'projects' that are 'MGCC sponsored' and therefore likely to be family and/or mates of Councillors, etc...(is that why you didn't bother to submit any ideas?-Ed)...well exactly, a complete waste of time, 'cos the moment I put my name to some idea, no matter how positive or productive that it might be for everyone, that idea will be officially jumped-on and buried and sure-as-shreck ain't gunna' get no money from these clowns...  

Wake In Plight:...of the recent demise of Holden at Elizabeth (in Adelaide), which also brings to an end Car Manufacturing in Australia...so whilst I can understand the 'Wake-style' proceedings of last week, this is an unmitigated disaster, so even for me, even for one so accustomed to the deeply corrupted lies of Premier Jay, even I found it just mind-boggling to see The Shiny Man, with that automaton muppet Minister Kyam Maher bobbing-about over 'is shoulder like one of them inflated kite-people advertising thingies...(you don't like Kyam much, do you?-Ed)...not my fault mate, I look at him and all I see is the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA, because that's what he is, and that's what he does, that's how he got there, etc, etc...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but that aside, even I was stunned to see Ray Jay describe the Holden closure with it's associated massive job losses across many suppliers, etc, well according to Jay this is a 'fantastic foundation to build on for the future'...(wow-Ed)...indeed..(well nah but hang-on, it's a great foundation if one is building a funeral cairn, or a memorial monument of some description, etc-Ed)...well indeed... 
Just look at these people, the lights are on, the engine's running, but there isn't a single original thought between them, it's 100% rehearsed catch-phrase, professional denial and/or institutionalised faux-ignorance...and in SA it isn't a race to the bottom...(ooo that sounds the cue for a really rude joke, doesn't it Nick?-Ed)...not now, yes, but not now...('butt knot now', teeheeheehee-Ed)...riiight, mate, I'm trying to launch into a vaguely un-hinged and probably vastly verbose, certainly viciously vindictive and expletive-laden excoriation of the State of the Nation, and most particularly this sad, sick Pro-Paedophile State we all call home, so's I'd appreciate it if you stopped with the 'arse humour' for just a bit...("arse humour", teehee, sounds a bit like 'arse humour'...oh wait-Ed)...quite finished?...it isn't a race to the bottom, because you have to have run and won that particular race to get into the Labor Team...(are you referring to rankly corrupt official appointments like Grant King being made simultaneous Head Honchos for the Health Advisory Committee thingy and Regional Development Australia?-Ed)...yes Ed, exactly like that, and exactly like Kyam Maher, straight-out of the rankly corrupt Crown Solicitors Office and straight into Labor Cabinet as a Minister with several important portfolios...

Labor's Peter Malinauskas and Penny Richardson were just on ABC Radio about the Renal Dialysis Unit funding, etc...it's an endless cavalcade of absolutely disgraceful pro-Labor stoogery redefining the realities we experience as Mt Gambier residents...much more tomorrow...
Tomorrow: Verbosely Speaking Frankly About Verbally Spanking Frank

I can't quite recall whether Mt Gambier City Councillor Frank Morello said 'stop writing about me on your blog', or whether he actually said 'write about me every single post and carefully explain to availees just what a corrupt pro-paedophile sack-a'-alleged human being that I am, mate'...(I'm pretty sure it was the second one, 'cos I recall him saying, "you're not well Nick, you're not well", indicating that indeed, he wished to be the subject of daily mentions for his rankly pro-paedophile corruption and deeply complicit involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, I thought that's what he was saying when he deliberately ambushed me outside MGCC's Full Meeting back in September 2017, started babbling about me allegedly calling him "a paedophile", and then sought to upset me with the attempted denigration about my Mental Health issues...see you tomorrow Frank, mate...

Robe 2040-Oh:...and the question apparently being posed by Robe Council is, 'Where will Robe be in 2040?'...(well, about 200m offshore in 10-15 feet of water, if current erosion rates continue-Ed)...nice one man, a hyperbolic over-exaggeration of an actual issue, 'cos erosion and/or rising sea levels are very relevant issues for a very flat area that was only recently itself entirely a shallow sea...(and hence the South East is referred to as the Limestone Coast, 'cos the Limestone we all are a' settin' on, from here in Mt Gambier right up through Naracoorte, Keith, etc, up-to and possibly including Murray Bridge, all that Limestone is the bones and carapaces and other assorted gristly bits of millions of sea critters from across millions of years, all packed-down and compressed into 'stone'-Ed)...spot on Ed, indeed, it is incorrect to refer to 'fossils in Limestone', because every bit of Limestone is technically a fossil...(well hurrah!-Ed)...indeed...(and what ever happened about that $1million Marina 'Loan' that Robe Council appeared to have 'misplaced', requiring an 'Audit' to find it again?-Ed)...I don't recall Ed, was that ever resolved? whatevs, I'm sure I'll hear about it if it ain't...(sweet-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...still trying to get those other blogs happenin', slowly, and some are set to go, etc...cheers and laters...oh, and PS, just go back a coupla' posts to see those letters from Weatherill, Mike Rann, and Julia Gillard re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

***...and we're back in March 2019, and mmm, that was hardly my best effort blog-wise, but they can't all be gems...(well at least you're trying mate, better than I can say for most-Ed)...cheers, that is unfortunately true...having said that, a big shout-out to all those who are trying, eg, former Australian Tax Office employee turned 'Whistleblower' Richard Boyle, currently facing 161 years in gaol for speaking the truth about the rancid corruption in the ATO...I'll finish-up there and say seeya's all...

Tomorrow: That Long-Promised Rec Centre Lies/Corruption Post

Oh, and some stuff about the rather bizarre sudden return of my laptop, as 'seized by SAPol (police) on 8th May 2014 and then returned a coupla' weeks ago, just shy of 5 years later...(wow, so it's now effectively obsolete and worthless-Ed)...well that is an issue, yeah, but what do you suggest I do about that, write to SAPol and ask them to compensate me for that?...(why not, and ask them for the money for having to replace that laptop back in May 2014, etc-Ed)...tell you what mate, you reckon you've got a snowball's chance in hell of getting any money from the definably corrupt SAPol, knock ya'self out...

I am Nick Fletcher and I suspect that there may well be a series of these REPOST posts on this 'ere my blog as I go back and review thoroughly just what exactly else has been 'deleted/removed' without me being notified...and as always, cheers and laters...


REPOST - Jay Weatherill Post Removed From 9th August 2016

***Howdy Nigeria, Israel, the USofA, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...dear availees, this post was originally published on 9th August 2016, under Jay Weatherill - The Pro-Paedophile Premier Of The Paedophile State, but then removed following the attached un-dated 'complaint'...I have received no notification from Google or 'Lumen' who are the 'Complaint Site Monitor' or whatevs...in one place it says that 'this post is unavailable', but when you try to access the post, it has been completely removed and says 'this page doesn't exist'...here is a copy of the anonymous complaint...*** 

Defamation Complaint to Google

Google LLC
[Private] Mountain View, CA, 94043, US
Google LLC

Re: Unknown

Sent via: Unknown
Notice Type:
Legal Complaint
This entire blogspot account posts defamatory claims about the former Premier of 
South Australia, Jay Weatherill, suggesting he is a paedophile, has covered up 
child sexual abuse amongst many other things. There is also defamatory material 
about a number of other members of Parliament. The three URLs are simply examples, 
this material is littered throughout all posts on the site.
***...so there you have it, an undated anonymous 'complaint' has seen that entire post removed, and so here we go again...
Dear Googles:...why do you continue to allow these people to continue to manipulate you into being complicit in their definable Pro-Paedophile Corruption...the attached letter (below) from Jay Weatherill to DeGaris Lawyers clearly shows that he, Weatherill, intervened personally to stop Comm Mullighan's investigation of the St Martins Cover-up...and I say "stop" because Comm Mullighan was already investigating St Martins and had met with us parents several times, we'd provided him reams of documentation, he had personally asked Premier Mike Rann to be allowed to add St Martins to his Royal Commission, etc, etc...(why did he have to ask?-Ed)...dunno'...(but he was the Royal Commissioner, he had the powers to investigate whatevs he wanted-Ed)...indeed, it casts a huge doubt-shaped shadow across Comm Mullighan's genuineness regarding us and St Martins, but that's an issue for another post, today we're dealing with this removed post...(fair enough-Ed)...

For the record, I have proven beyond question that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is real, and that people like Jay Weatherill are fully aware and completely complicit...and who is the anonymous stooge who can just 'complain' and have this Truth censored without apparently providing any evidence to counter my documents...(ooo, I just noticed something-Ed)...what?...(well that 'complaint' is undated, but it refers to "former Premier of South Australia, Jay Weatherill"-Ed)...yeah, so?...(so that post was originally published 9th August 2016, yeah?-Ed)...yeah, that's what I said...(well Weatherill was Premier until he lost the March 2018 State Election, and then quit Parliament in December 2018, forcing a by-election in his seat, etc-Ed)...yeah, so?...(so that 'complaint' was clearly lodged at some point after the March 2018 election-Ed)...ahhhhhh...(at least 18 months after the post was originally lodged-Ed)...yeahhhhhs...(so why was it not touched until then?-Ed)...don't know, maybe it has something to do with my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' for blogging about the rancidly Corrupt SA ICAC, that was February-April 2018...(dunno'-Ed)...whatevs...

Please note that in the re-posted post below, that (*****)  is where I've had to remove a certain name due to the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders handed down by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White, politically motivated FIOs designed to censor and/or block me from telling the unpleasant truths that I do about the definable Pro-Paedophile Corruption in South Australia...and again Dear Googles, I have clearly documented Magistrate White's corruption on this 'ere blog and confronted him with it in Court and written repeatedly to the Chief Magistrate and SA Attorneys-General, etc, etc, etc...so here 'tis, the post from 9th August 2016...***

c/- This 'Ere Blog

I cannot and will not apologise for being deeply traumatised by the extraordinary events of the last 2 days; events extraordinary only in that they are so familiar...here, ladies and gentlemen, et al others as you yourselves would have it be known, your god loves you whoever you are, here (below) is the front page of todays' The Advertiser, and Premier Jay Weatherill lying through his teeth, crying his crocodile tears, and refusing to resign...(why would he resign? seems to me that everythings' running exactly as is wanted by the people running the state?-Ed)...whaaaa?! the 'Child Protection System', such as it does exist in South Australia, is a corrupted disaster that leaves children vulnerable, voiceless, and unrepresented!...(exactly, in a State clearly run by and/or for paedophiles, South Australia is running exactly as they would have it-Ed)...ahhh, indeed, I apologise that I missed the sarcasm, what with my white-hot rage and everything...(nah, fair enough-Ed)...

I remind availees that on June 1st 2012 I managed to corner Jay mate...(maaate-Ed)...on ABC Radio Adelaide, and he claimed he 'didn't recall' his role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a role irrefutably defined below, yet again, by the letter from FAYS Minister Weatherill from August 25th 2005 (attached), and as accompanied by then Premier Mike Ranns' own letter (August 13th 2005) to lawyer Bill DeGaris...(hello Billy-Ed)...here, again, is the irrefutable proof that, 1) Comm Mullighan was liaising/meeting with families re the St Martins Cover-up, and, 2) Rann and Weatherill were intimately aware of the details re St Martins, but then, despite this intimate knowledge and direct contact with Comm Mullighan, etc, directly refused appropriate 'official' investigation by the man who was, clearly, already 'unofficially' investigating St Martins...

Also attached, the Friday January 7th 2005 article from The Advertiser, corruptly waving-away the realities of the St Martins Cover-up, and I remind availees that The Advertiser refused to print any sort of 'right-of-reply' from parents, particularly corrupt given that the Lutherans have been afforded carte-blanche to denigrate and dismiss us parents...the Lutheran Church in Australia, as headquartered in Adelaide, is to my extensive personal experience, exactly like South Australia itself, effectively run by and/or for paedophiles, and all involved hide behind their corrupt lawyers in Adelaide and their corrupt State Parliament mates...South Australia, what a mind-numbing disgrace...

And just to keep it all so very, very real, the last attachment below, is the front page bastardry of The Border Watch, May 6th 2005, with my fav alleged journo, Sandra Morello (nee Wallace)...(yay-Ed)...yeah, absolutely, classic Sandra, outrageously corrupted presentation of a corrupt agenda, on behalf of the Vested Interests in Mt Gambier, themselves intimately involved in the St Martins Cover-up, eg, Rory McEwen, (*****), Jim and Viv Maher, et al...regular availees will be well aware that these letters/articles are just the tip of a horrendously thorough iceberg, an iceberg that may well roll over occasionally and show a different face, but remains always the same iceberg...

South Australia under the Rann/Weatherill Labor Government (2002-2016) has had multiple Child Protection Royal Commissions and/or Parliamentary Inquiries and nothing has changed, other than for the worse...and now yet another Royal Commission has regurgitated the no.1 Recommendation from the 2003 Layton Report, namely, establish the position of Childrens' Commissioner...no.1 in 2003 and yet to be implemented in August 2016, and Jay's saying that he'll 'look at it seriously'...(don't want to rush into these things-Ed)...don't want to do them at all...

And again Dear Google, please consider that as outrageous and damning as some of the statements are in this 'ere post, they are statements of fact backed by actual documentation, much of it already available on this 'ere blog...cheers...

Tomorrow: So Much More Of The Same

Jay Weatherill, you are a coward and a liar and I dare you to face the children and parents from St Martins and apologise for your reprehensible conduct re the abuse of the then 7-year-old, grade 2 children by their teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier, abuses committed systematically from February-June 2002...(yeah, and bring ya' corrupt mate Rory McEwen with ya'!-Ed)...absolutely...but whatevs, see ya' here tomorrow Jay mate...(maaate-Ed)...right 'ere on this 'ere blog...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and here are my truths as I have lived them...(and yes, we're talking to you again Google-Ed)...cheers and laters...(laters-Ed)...

***...so there you go...don't reckon there's really much to add to those realities, other than to question why exactly that post has been removed and point out yet again to Dear Googles, if what I'm saying is supposedly so scurrilously defamatory, why are these clowns constantly bleating to you about it but are not actually ever sueing me, yeah? why not try to stop me with appropriate Court action?...(well because they can't stop the Pro-Paedophile Truth, even in an SA Court, so they have to attack the blog instead-Ed)...well exactly...anyhoos, I'll end there for today but be back...

Tomorrow: Another Removed Post Re-posted

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Saturday, March 16, 2019

My Brutally Passive Aggressive Submission To Magistrate White

Howdy y'all...and again apologies that I've slipped another whole week, but it's been extraordinarily traumatic and resultantly tiring, etc, to watch the George Pell conviction/sentencing stuff...(I can only imagine what it's been like for people who have had to deal with this horrendous human being, in any context-Ed)...absolutely...(unless of course you're one of these RWNJs who have proudly supported him and openly questioned, even condemned the conviction/sentence-Ed)...you mean Right Wing Nut Jobs like former PM John Howard, Tony Abbott, the rancid sneer-fest that is Andrew Bolt, etc, etc...(that be they, them and plenty of others, and I refer back to our immediate most recent past-post about the fetid SA Liberal Mark Brindall-Ed)...well quite...(and his extraordinary public comments on the ABC about South Australian politicians "chasing boys"-Ed)...and the abject failure of the ABC interviewer to even question that comment...(yeah, all of that, all of that stuff clearly illustrating that the ABC is every bit as complicit as the Main Stream Media in protecting and perpetuating unchallenged the Pro-Paedophile Control of our Parliaments and 'Authorities'-Ed)...strewth, no wonder I feel so exhausted...

And of course, I have my very own personal corner of this delightful situation, namely the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the definable complicit involvement of literally all levels of government, from local Mayors like Peter Gandolfi...(and numerous others-Ed)...well, exactly, and through to state government reps like the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen, his Pro-Paedophile bosses former Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, former Attorneys-General Michael Atkinson and li'l Johnny Rau...(not forgetting multiple Liberal politicians from Rob Kerin to Rob Lucas to David Ridgway to our current AG Vicki Chapman-Ed)...who could forget them...(well not us!-Ed)..indeed, and then it's on-up into federal politics and the rankly complicit conduct of Member for Barker Tony Pasin, Liberal Julie Bishop, former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and so on and so forth...(and it would be absolutely remiss of us to not mention a procession of rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile SAPol (police) Commissioners, from Mal Hyde to our mate Grant Stevens-Ed)...yeah, gidday Grant, mate, I'll never forget that conversation we had when you were head of the SAPol Paedophile Taskforce, and you told me that you'd been ordered by your superiors to 'drop/not touch' the St Martins Cover-up...       
(And let us not forget the litany of rancidly corrupt Public Officials connected to the Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Teachers Registration Board hearing into "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling-Ed)...well quite, the TRB, SAPol, again, the Crown Solicitors Office...(the Crown Solicitor, Ed said laughingly, what a sick joke is the CSO-Ed)...yeah, and I'm feeling a bit neglected 'cos it's been a year nearly since I received my latest bizarrely incompetent Pro-Paedophile threat-letter from the rancidly corrupt CSO...(and isn't former CS Simon Sretton now a Magistrate-Ed)...yep, another close mate of mine who repeatedly but ever-so politely threatened to gaol me (2005-06) if I didn't stop telling the truth about the CSO's definable collusion with the TRB and Glyn Dorling's lawyer, Stephen Lieschke...(and wasn't Lieschke Jay Weatherill's law-firm partner?-Ed)...still is for all I know...(and what a gutless flat-wicket bully is Stephen Lieschke, a corrupt incompetent crook-Ed)...surprised he's not in SA Parliament m'self...(indeed, indeed-Ed)...and indeed we could wantonly wax lyrical about the many others specifically involved in the St Martins Cover-up...(you mean other rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt lawyers like Bill DeGaris, Tim Bourne, and Peter Humphries?-Ed)...yeah, all good mates of mine, gidday fella's...but regular availees will already be aware of all of this, and again forgive me that I'm effectively just venting my anger by repeating this stuff above...

(And besides, it ain't just you in that St Martins corner-Ed)...well quite, there's literally dozens of kids, now young adults, and their families...(and not just the kids it appears that Dorling abused prior to his sudden 'removal' from St Martins in June 2002, potentially hundreds of primary school kids, but also the kids at the Lutheran school in Adelaide that he was 'removed' from in the late 1990s, before then being moved to Mt Gambier and St Martins -Ed)...exactly, the St Martins Cover-up genuinely begins not in 2002, but 4-6 years before...(and the unknown number of children that the Lutherans knowingly and deliberately exposed to Dorling's abuses when he was moved to a Lutheran school in Victoria, after St Martins-Ed)...exactly, as identified to parents by former SA Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan (deceased)...and so it goes on...and it's not just the St Martins stuff, 'cos just this week I've met 2 'survivors' of Catholic priest abuse, both 'seniors' and both still deeply affected by the abuses they were subjected to many decades ago...

And my thoughts and air-hugs go out to a very special young lady who is still fighting the rancid Catholic Church and Tennyson Woods College Jazz Academy and the man who assaulted her, etc, and who is, nearly 8 years after the assault/s, currently under attack from her abuser as represented by the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt lawyer Bill DeGaris, via a complicitly corrupt SA Judiciary, etc...she is an extraordinary young woman who has achieved extraordinary things in pursuing merely justice...(if there is such a thing in such circumstances-Ed)...indeed...and if you're reading this young lady, I think about you literally every day, and more than once I've used your courage and strength as an anchor-point to drag myself through the bad days - be good, be well, love Nick...and I'm deliberately not naming this young lady because of the legal abuse she is currently being subjected to...(erring on the side of caution?-Ed)...exactly, but if y'all aren't aware of whom I speak, there is still stuff on the New Matilda website, just search 'New Matilda Jazz'...(and didn't we recently do a post about that abuser being given access to students again because he's mates with the boss, etc?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, No Apologies For Being Angry About This, dated August 2018...

And it was recently that I discovered that today's actual topic was absent from this 'ere blog...now I don't know if it is my 'fault' that I never got 'round to posting this, or whether it was one of the several posts that simply and inexplicably disappeared completely off the blog this time last year...(still no 'Google Notification' or anything then?-Ed)...nope, just gone, solid gone...(and when we proposed the premise that it was SAPol using you're 'seized' laptop to access the inner-workings of this 'ere blog, that it were they what done do it, we suddenly received a Bill DeGaris threat-letter stating it was him what done it, via complaints to Google-Ed)...absolutely, all as covered in posts a year ago...(along with that bizarre anonymous threat-letter supposedly from the Crown Solicitors Office?-Ed)...yep, that's there, April 2018, and the 'Disappeared Posts Re-Posted' stuff, and also the posts about Magistrate White's bizarre 'Addenda', which we'll specifically reference after this letter (below) which self-dates and self-explains, etc, so off we go...(hurrah!-Ed)...***              

Magistrate White                                                                               21st February 2018
Magistrates Court of South Australia
c/- Mt Gambier Registry

re: MCMTG -15-72 Police vs Nicholas Francis Fletcher

Magistrate White,
As per your Orders of 1st December 2017 that I provide a final submission about my 3-year long 'Trial' for allegedly breaching the as yet still undefined Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, Section 56 (a) and/or (b).

Given your extraordinary conduct of my 'Trial' I find it fundamentally pointless and even impossible to provide a thorough submission on your own behaviour, let alone the multiple gross improprieties of SAPol Prosecution and their multiple SAPol witnesses.

For example: your extraordinary conduct in refusing me presenting my “Malicious Prosecution” argument/case, as I was Ordered to do by my previous Magistrate Her Honour Teresa Anderson, and that saw Her Honour suddenly recuse herself mid-'Trial' (November 2016). You refused me but then produced related Orders (8th March 2017) that says, 1) there is no ' Malicious Prosecution', 2) that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse hasn't happened, and then 3) carefully cherry-picks tiny fragments of 'defamation threats' made against me by people like Premier Jay Weatherill.

You have made this 'defamation threat' observation specifically to try and discredit me and to try and set me up for further such threats from the same deeply corrupt people who's letters you gleaned those snippets.

And as I have told you repeatedly to your face, you do not get to say that the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up doesn't exist, it is not your place to have an opinion let-alone dismiss is it as not happening.

Another example: I have repeatedly caught-out SAPol Prosecution's Batten and her SAPol witness SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch Det (*****), caught them in carefully rehearsed collusion, straight-out lying about SAPol's original failure (late 2014 - early 2015) to 'Charge' me or even Summons me to 'Trial', as I have repeatedly proven to the Court, and yet you have repeatedly refused to even acknowledge these SAPol lies, even though I've been right there in front of you clearly identifying them to you.

(*****Post Script 16 March 2018 - name removed due to the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders as handed down by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White, FIOs that are definably part of the broader Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial"*****)

Similarly, despite my repeated entreaties, you have flatly refused to acknowledge the Constitutional Law Issues as repeatedly officially identified throughout my 'Trial', eg, multiple references when my 'Trial' was moved to Adelaide in June/July 2015 for that exact reason, and again when it was returned to Mt Gambier in February 2016.

Across multiple hearing dates, even with me standing there right in front of you and literally pleading with you to pick-up the Certificate of Record right there in front of you, you have repeatedly flatly refused to acknowledge the specific Orders of HH Teresa Anderson, of 2nd February 2016, where-in Her Honour clearly Orders SAPol Prosecutions to resolve the relevant Constitutional Law Issues so that the relevant State's Attorneys-General may be notified.

On 27th November 2017 you again flatly refused to acknowledge the Constitutional Law Issues and these related Orders and SAPol Prosecution's failure to comply, etc, before going-on to deliberately, repeatedly and quite bizarrely ignore your own Orders from 19th July 2017, where-in you Ordered, 1) that SAPol Prosecutions notify me about SAPol's Det (*****) extended and supposedly ongoing 'Medical Absence' (starting March 2017), and 2) that you will resolve then notify me about my requests for 'all transcripts from all hearings'.

When Det (*****) suddenly appeared back in Court (27th Nov 2017), back in the Witness Box without me being notified , and I objected that I had done no work for this witness because (*****) wasn't even meant to be there, as per your own Orders, etc, you grew rapidly more annoyed and aggressive and abused me and threatened me and actually counted-down the clock at me to force me to question Det (*****), etc, but with all that happening you still flatly refused to acknowledge these Orders, your own Orders, even when I repeatedly directed you to said Orders, right there in front of you on the Certificate of Record.

Despite my desperate pleas you flatly refused to even pick-up the CoR, flatly refused to acknowledge what I was saying, then threatened and abused me and forced me to question a witness who wasn't meant to be there, as identified in your own Orders.

You simultaneously ignored my repeated questions about your failure to comply with your own Order about the 'transcripts from all hearings', again simply refusing to even acknowledge my repeated requests/pleas to simply pick-up the CoR and read your own Orders right there in front of you.

Next day, 28th November 2017, when I was feeling unwell and really struggling to question the next SAPol /ICAC witness, you directly abused me about 'wasting their time' because 'they're Major Crime in the middle of investigating 2 murders', before again forcing me to ask questions.

Then, on 28th November 2017, when I basically gave-up, mentally and physically exhausted after 2 days of your extraordinary behaviour, I went to a doctor for a Medical Certificate to excuse me from Court, and you dragged that doctor into Court next morning, forced her to discuss my personal Personal Medical Details, and did so in Open Court, such that my Personal Medical Details were being reported across the Mt Gambier media first thing Friday morning.

Even if it were 'legally appropriate' to force a doctor into Court like this and force them to breach the supposedly sacrosanct Doctor/Patient Confidentiality, how is it appropriate to do it in the public realm in front of the media?

As a private citizen, I say how dare you question let-alone discuss in Open Court my Personal Medical Details in front of the media. How dare you. As a defendant subjected to your relentless bias and associated corruption of appropriate process, I remind you of the multiple adjournments of my 'Trial' across 2017 whilst you and Det (*****) had Medical Absences, for which I've been provided not a single document of proof.

Given your wantonly biased, corrupted and abusive conduct toward me, I believe that you did this quite deliberately to try and embarrass and humiliate and denigrate me and thus further traumatise me.

You extraordinary decision to ignore/over-ride that Medical Certificate, including carefully not identifying issues of my Personal Medical Details that I have repeatedly identified to you/the Court, and to then continue and conclude my 'Trial' in my absence, is all just further proof of your gross bias against me and your definable intent of proceeding to a pre-determined outcome regardless of the gross improprieties of the SAPol Prosecution and/or anything I say and/or do.

I note for the record that SAPol Prosecutions and/or Det (*****) have repeatedly tried to say that the Failure to Charge issue is redundant/irrelevant, arguing strongly that I was apparently “reported” by Det (*****) on 8th May 2014 here in Mt Gambier.

I further note that in May/June 2014 my legal representative was forced to write twice to ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, asking for clarification of many aspects of the “vague” ICAC Act 2012, most specifically, 1) if they were allowed to even speak with me, and 2) what does 'to publish' mean? because there is no definition.

You know this already because these letters are included in the 100 documents I presented for the “Malicious Prosecution”, along with Comm Lander's deeply facetious first response, and his bizarre 'Authorisation' that allows me to speak with a lawyer, a doctor, my family and/or friends.

I further note that Comm Lander has then approached Labor Attorney General John Rau and had the ICAC Act 2012 altered via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act (Nov 2014), directly addressing the exact issues my lawyer raised with Comm Lander, including the addition of a very specific new definition of 'to publish' that now exactly covers me and my alleged crimes.

When my home was raided on 8th May 2014 and I was allegedly “reported” by Det (*****) of SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch for supposedly breaching ICAC Act 2012, Section 56 (a) and/or (b), etc, and that I subsequently have been forced into Court to defend, etc, at that time, in the time-period of my alleged crimes, what I'm 'Charged' with wasn't actually a crime.

What has happened is that Comm Lander, confronted with the gaping holes in his own ICAC Act, has definably colluded with Attorney General John Rau to change the law so as to be able to retrospectively prosecute me, and that collusion clearly flows back into SAPol and SAPol Prosecutions, and perhaps explains why they didn't ' Charge' and/or Summons me and have lied about and/or refused to explain since.

I have clearly proven in Court my repeated, original assertion that my entire 'Trial' process is a gross Abuse of Process and definably a “Malicious Prosecution” being conducted by a corrupt ICAC Comm Lander at the request of an equally corrupt Weatherill Labor government, a viciously corrupt retribution motivated by my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, and that your conduct is self-evidently continuation of that “Malicious Prosecution”.

Beyond that, you have already demonstrated beyond any doubt that you intend to do whatever, to ignore whatever, on your way to a decision clearly already made.

Nick Fletcher

***...and yes, I know, there's a coupla' typos in the first paragraphs, but the rest is fairly reasonable...and I direct dear availees to Magistrate White's 'Addenda' and the related posts (March 2018)...apart from the bizarre acknowledgement-then-dismissal that I was prosecuted under 'the wrong definition', but that that's apparently irrelevant, etc, the point I really want to focus on is Magistrate White's extraordinary Addendum assertions that I didn't explain the 'Legislative Changes' to him properly until in Court on 28th February 2018, and his related attempt to just ignore those changes in his original 'Verdict' of that 28/02/18...firstly, why is it my job to explain to him the legislation he's convicting me of, but secondly, as above, I have clearly identified the exact changes, the name of the Legislation (the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014), who did it, how it was done, and the exact relevance...it's self-evidently all there, and makes a rock-solid mockery of Magistrate White's assertions otherwise in his bizarre 'Addenda'...

And right abouttttt here I've had a gut-full for today, so's there ya's have it, it really is self-explanatory, and with the various other posts referred to, provides an irrefutable illustration of the truly bizarre Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that continues in South Australia, regardless of countless 'Royal Commissions' and relentless disingenuous political hand-wringing, etc...this is what the definably corrupt SA Parliament and their complicit mates the SA Courts are still doing to people in 2018/19, all in the name of protecting paedophiles and punishing those who speak-out about SA's Pro-Paedophile Corruption...

Tomorrow: Mt Gambier City Council's Recreation Centre Lies    

MGCC ain't 'sleeping dogs' but by crikey they sure do lie...(ahahahhhahhaahahaaaaastrewth-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and oh, did I mention, I've got my laptop back...('laptop'? what is 'laptop'?-Ed)...laptop is the relatively small electronic device mentioned previous as being in the possession of SAPol...('SAPol'? what is 'SAPol'?-Ed)...stop that...(sorry, I was just shocked to hear you say you'd got it back, how long has it been?-Ed)...errr, seized when SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home on 8th May 2014...(wow-Ed)...got it back Friday 8th March 2018, so thaaaat's, ummm, 4 years, 10 months, and exactly 0 days, or there abouts...(gee, that long? really? it seems like only 4 years, 10 months, and 8 days ago that SAPol marched into your home as part of the relentlessly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution and effectively stole your laptop-Ed)...your facetiousness is duly noted and thoroughly deserved...anyhoos, more about that tomorrow...(I bet-Ed)...indeed, so until then, cheers and laters...

PS To Dear Googles:...again, I know that some of this content appears possibly scurrilous and even potentially libellous, etc, but as I've frequently explained to y'alls, it's absolutely accurate and any of these clowns are more than capable of fending for themselves...for example, I re-refer y'all to 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris's repeated threat-letters about 'Suing For Defamation', etc, as eviscerated by his own refusal to actually act, all identified on this 'ere blog...cheers, Nick...

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Liberal MP Mark Brindal - "Chasing Boys"

Howdy y'all dear availees and welcome to a very quick cut-n-paste post that still somehow fully encapsulates South Australian politics and the Pro-Paedophile attitudes that dominate...mucho apologies that I copied these 2 pieces, one from Twitter and the other from an Election Info website, but forgot to record who/where it was from...found the website myself, but a huge shout-out to the Twitterer what done find/tweet this gem (above, think that October date is wrong, but whatevs)...regular availees will recognise much of what is referred to there-in, eg, "some staff members" refer to the Child Protection Volunteers who were working with Speaker Peter Lewis...(are they the ones who were subsequently charged with 'Criminal Defamation', had that thrown-out by a Magistrate, only to have Labor Premier Mike Rann force it back into a higher Court?-Ed)...yeah, that be they mate...(and then part-way through the second 'trial', prosecutors tried to change the charges from 'defamation' to what was effectively 'treason' for damaging the good name of SA's political institutions and SAPol (police) and Judiciary, etc?-Ed)...yeah, don't remember the exact details, but pretty much, 'treason' for undermining the credibility and therefore authority of The Authorities...

(And weren't you a key defense witness in that second trial?-Ed)...well, I'm not sure about 'key witness'...(but weren't you there in Parliament House with those volunteers on the day, literally at the very moment that that now infamous Mullighan/Lewis document was 'accidentally' faxed to the media?-Ed)...you mean the document prepared for/with the Mullighan Child Abuse Royal Commission, the one that named former Liberal Premier John Olsen and (then) Labor Minister Patrick Conlon and a senior SAPol officer and a high-profile Magistrate as being paedophiles?...(yeah, the very document that we just discussed a coupla' posts back when we savaged Patrick Conlon for Tweeting about the George Pell conviction, etc-Ed)...yes Ed, indeed I was in Parliament that day, and then subsequently a defense witness, etc, but that 'trial' was clearly all-but-over by the time I hit the witness box...(indeed, how so?-Ed)...well, the whole thing was such a farcical travesty, that by the time I testified half the jury were shrugging their shoulders at me and smiling and a coupla' were quietly laughing, they had clearly already seen enough to make-up their minds...(and duly returned a resounding Not Guilty-Ed)...absolutely...

And you ain't exactly gotta' be a brain scientist to see the glaring similarities betwixt what these people had done to them and my experience of the exact same 'Authorities/Institutions'...(well, the Speaker of Parliament Peter Lewis was roundly abused and condemned by the entire screeching Parliament and hounded from his Speaker's chair within weeks, and his CPVs had their homes raided by swarms of SAPol, were attacked by the media, and then had to endure 2 trials across several years, all of which was clearly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution-Ed)...well exactly, and Mark Brindal was lead screecher, publicly demanding that Parliament be 'suspended' and then re-formed and utilised as a Court to 'Charge', 'Prosecute/Try', and presumably then 'Convict' Peter Lewis and his CPVs...(wow, that's not Fascism much is it, that doesn't entirely trounce the fundamental Democratic Principles of Separation of Powers, ie, that the Legislature (Parliament), and the Executive (police), and the Judiciary act independently of one another?-Ed)...no Ed, you are exactly correct, that is absolutely text-book Fascism, and as motivated by a desire to facilitate an openly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution/Retribution against those speaking-out about the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australian 'Authorities'...  

And welcome to my life, my life what has become a text-book study in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that SA 'Authorities' can and will visit on anyone who speaks-out about the rancidly sick Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines this sad, sick state...(and a Persecution supported and empowered by a rankly Pro-Paedophile complicit media-Ed)...indeed, particularly the ABC and The Advertiser, and including Mt Gambier's The Border Watch...as noted within this piece, Mark Brindal has made this extraordinary statement about politicians "chasing boys', but the ABC's Grant Cameron doesn't ask him one single question about that, just let's it sail through to the keeper...(extraordinary, particularly given Brindal's wretched 'Get Lewis' screeching about turning Parliament into a 'Court' only months before-Ed)...then there's this piece from an ABC Election website...***

Mark Brindal (LIB)


Age 57, Brindal was first elected as member for Hayward in 1989, only to the seat abolished in the 1991 redistribution. So he moved to contest and win Unley at the 1993 election, defeating a Labor Minister in Kym Mayes. He faced pre-selection challengers before the 1997 election, but was saved by the intervention of Dean Brown, despite Brindal being a supporter of John Olsen. Brindal is a former cadet journalist, primary school teacher and principal. He achieved a high profile in the first term of the Brown Liberal government by moving a private members bill for limited legalisation of prostitution. Brindal joined the Ministry after the 1997 election as Minister for Water Resources, Employment, Training and Youth, with responsibility for Local Government added in December 2001. Brindal was controversially dropped from the opposition frontbench in April 2004 and at one point in mid-term, there had been rumours he would join the band of ex-Liberal members sitting on the cross-bench. Facing a pre-selection challenge, Brindal announced he would contest Adelaide at the 2006 election. He withdrew his nomination in August 2005 after revelations of involvement in a gay affair with a 24 year-old man who was under the supervision of the Guardianship Board, and there were also claims of a blackmail attempt against Brindal. Forced to publicly admit his bisexuality, Brindal announced he would not contest the 2006 election.

***...and this (below) from The Sydney Morning Herald, dated only months after Brindal's venomous denouncing of Peter Lewis and his CPVs and his screech demands about the 'Parliament-to-Court' stuff, etc...(hang on, if you do the math, that "three month affair" takes us back to either the exact time he was doin' that screechin', or even prior-Ed)...yes it does Ed, yes it does...(and it's clearly not an 'affair', this man was committing Persistent Sexual Exploitation of a 'Disabled Person'-Ed)...oh it's far worse than that mate, this was/is the Statutory Rape of a Ward of the State, involving multiple acts of Gross Indecency committed in a Public Place... ***

Liberal MP resigns after gay affair

South Australian Liberal MP Mark Brindal has announced he will quit politics at the next election after admitting he had been blackmailed over a three-month homosexual affair.
Mr Brindal, 57, today said he would not contest the seat of Adelaide at the next poll to be held in March.
However, Mr Brindal said he would remain as the member for Unley, a position he has held since 1993, until that time.

Mr Brindal's resignation follows revelations he had a three-month affair with a 24-year-old man earlier this year and was allegedly blackmailed to avoid the fling being revealed.
"I've decided to withdraw as the Liberal candidate for Adelaide," Mr Brindal said in a statement.
"The media frenzy of the last few days in relation to my actions has caused an impact on my family and my party which I deeply regret.
"Following consultation with my wife and my close political colleagues, I believe that this decision reflects particularly the needs of my family and the interests of the Liberal Party as it prepares for the next election.
"I have been honest and up front in respect to my actions and involvement.
"However inappropriate those actions were, the matter remains deeply personal and private and needs to be worked through with those I love."
Mr Brindal, once touted as a possible state Liberal leader, is married and has four adult step-children.
He was endorsed as the Liberal candidate for Adelaide earlier this year, after losing preselection for Unley.
Mr Brindal today also asked for some privacy for both himself and his family "at this difficult time".

***...and what a guy to lead the charge against Lewis and Co., whipping-up a "media frenzy" against them, and then complaining about it when that focus shifts to him...and again, it wasn't an 'affair', the young man involved had the emotional/mental capacity of a ten-year old...this was/is the repeated Statutory Rape of a Ward of the State, rapes usually committed in the bed in Brindal's Electorate Office, and therefore also Acts of Gross Indecency in a Public Place......(and I thought he was actually only 19?-Ed)...ah yeah, so did I, but 19 or 24, it's almost irrelevant given that Brindal knew about his intellectual/emotional 'disabilities', etc...and what did the Liberal Party do when this abhorrent abuse was publicly revealed...(made him Party Leader?-Ed)...well sure, I appreciate the deeply cynical humour you've gone for there, but no, what did the Libs actually do? sling him out of the Party? chuck him outta' Parliament?...(nope, as we've covered in a very early TMGI post on our mate Mark, he was just quietly moved to the Opposition backbenches-Ed)...and we say quietly, because there wasn't a peep outta' the Labor Party on the issue, barely a shreckin' whisper...(well, the SA Labor Party are hardly in a position to attack others for having sex with boys, now are they?-Ed)...no indeed, and as evidenced, instead they attack those who attack the child-rapists...

And I've done this post because, although this was well over a decade ago, it's a critical period in SA Politics, it clearly defines the Pro-Paedophile attitudes of the SA Parliament, and what exactly has changed in SA?...(nought, if anything, it's got worse-Ed)...indeed, and that again brings us neatly back to the relentless Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I am currently being subjected to...(hey yeah, what's happened with all that stuff about you supposedly breaching those "reprehensibly vile" and clearly politically motivated Final Intervention Orders, and SAPol repeatedly coming to your home, etc?-Ed)...well nuthin' since just after Christmas, but dunno', we'll look at that next post 'ey?...(sure, fair enough-Ed)...       

Tomorrow: Language Warning:...The Latest Farcical SA ICAC Cluster-Fuck...End Language Warning

All the latest self-contradicting lunacy from SA's premier Corrupt Institution, the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(or as we are now want to call it, the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption-Ed)...indeed, not our hilarious play on 'ICAC', but we're gunna' use it regularly and with gusto and with relish...(mmm, indeed, I'm finding this humour a li'l dry, please pass the gusto-Ed)...my pleasure sir, enjoy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and Ed may be a confected literary device I utilise to enable discourse rather than just lecture at people, and to set-up jokes, etc, but he's still a critical component of this 'ere blog...(cheers mate-Ed)...yep, no probs, and cheers and laters to y'all dear availees...

PS:...just as I was tryin' to fact-check and/or track-down that top article (above), etc, I found this on the Crikey website...please note that this identifies that the 24 year-old is still in 'foster care', etc...

Office s*x and extortion claims in SA

Aug 08, 2005
Just months after pedophilia allegations rocked South Australian politics, a former Liberal minister and candidate for a vital state marginal seat is at the centre of a storm over a same-sex relationship. “Mark Brindal is the Liberal MP who claims to have been blackmailed over his sexual relationship with a 24-year-old man,” The Adelaide Advertiser […]
Just months after pedophilia allegations rocked South Australian politics, a former Liberal minister and candidate for a vital state marginal seat is at the centre of a storm over a same-sex relationship.

“Mark Brindal is the Liberal MP who claims to have been blackmailed over his sexual relationship with a 24-year-old man,” The Adelaide Advertiser reports today. “The married father of four had a three-month affair with the man – who has a mental incapacity – earlier this year,” the paper claims. “The pair had sex in Mr Brindal's Unley electorate office several times."

“Mr Brindal, 57, told his wife Pam and four adult children he was bisexual after his ex-lover's foster carer allegedly demanded money in return for not going public.” Yesterday's Adelaide Sunday Mailreported that police were investigating allegations by an unnamed MP that he was the victim of a blackmail attempt. “It is believed [SA Liberal Leader] Mr Kerin was interviewed by members of the anti-corruption branch on Friday.”

Brindal told The Advertiser yesterday he couldn't speak publicly as he was “under special instructions from police not to say anything.” However, he spoke frankly at a forum in Adelaide yesterday on same-sex marriage. “Mr Brindal entered a relationship with a 24-year-old pensioner under the protection of the Guardianship Board in March,” The Advertiser reports. “The man, who lives in supported accommodation in the western suburbs, has a ‘mental incapacity' and his financial affairs are administered by the Public Trustee.”

No breach of the law appears to have occurred, but it is where the story may lead that's causing consternation. Earlier this year, Brindal announced he wouldn't seek preselection in his seat of Unley, stacked over several years. Instead, he announced he would contest the vital Labor marginal of Adelaide. Adelaide is one of two vital suburban seats the Liberal Party needs to win to retain government in South Australia at next March's election.

Party heavies breathed a sigh of relief when Brindal bowed to the inevitable and avoided a messy preselection fight in Unley – and welcomed his candidacy in Adelaide, where the first term Labor MP, former city Lord Mayor Jane Lomax-Smith has disappointed many. They were finding it hard to get a decent candidate. At the moment the South Australian Liberals are saying they still expect Brindal to contest the seat – but anything could happen now.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Litany Of Rank Pro-Paedophile Lutheran Hypocrisy

Howdy France, the USofA, Germany, and Turkey, and to y'all else...I've been reading a lotta' stuff about what a wonderful person former Labor PM Julia Gillard is...(oh good gourd, she is an absolute shocker, the exact same self-involved, deceitful manipulator as any other stooge in the Federal Parliament-Ed)...well quite, but since Catholic Cardinal George Pell has been convicted of Child Sexual Assault, albeit from incidents 20+ years ago, there's been a bunch of people saying it, the conviction, would never have happened if it weren't for good ol' Jules...(but I thought you said that the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission was a cynical pro-paedophile exercise in controlling and diverting the growing public awareness of Institutionalised Child Abuse issues, as fueled/enabled by the Social Media phenomenon?-Ed)...that's exactly what it was/is, a way to control the debate, formally ignore numerous critical cases/issues, and then bury it all behind manipulative statements like,'it's a sad chapter in our nation's history'...(thus inferring/indicating that all this stuff is in the past and everything's just hunky-dory now, no probs, no Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile abuse and/or attitudes anymore-Ed)...exactly, it's all 'sins of the past', that have now supposedly been dealt with and now everything's fine...(just fine?-Ed)...absolutely tickety-boo...

And to say that Julia Gillard is super-dooper and it wouldn't have happened without her, etc, is a deeply blinkered outlook that denies the realities...(realities exposed not least of all right here on TMGI-Ed)...indeed...(in fact, we only recently posted about how Julia, as Labor's Federal Education Minister, about how she rejected repeated appeals/requests to intervene in and resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up!-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, indeed we did...(including official written appeals/requests made by our then Member for Barker Patrick Secker!-Ed)...as covered in that post, 23rd October 2018, and several previous, across several years now...(and Julia's response was, 'gee whiz, so sad, not my responsibility, go back to the SA Labor government who have already refused to do anything about it'!-Ed)...anything other than be intimately, complicitly supportive of the St Martins Cover-up...(exactly, and as also evidenced in that same post 23/10/18 and countless others across the 6 years of TMGI-Ed)...6 years? is it really 6 years?...(ummm, yep, started 21st January 2013, so it's 6 years-Ed)...wow, seems like no time at all...(indeed, and other times it seems like forever-Ed)...well quite, but we digress... 

And before we address the rankly cynical Lutheran hypocrisies just below, here's another corking hypocrisy from the rancidly corrupt pro-paedophile SA Labor politician Patrick Conlon...(Conlon? isn't he one of the high-ranking SA paedophiles identified in that original Mullighan Child Abuse Royal Commission document?-Ed)...that be he...(isn't he the one where South Australian (SAPol) and Victorian police both claimed to have either 'lost' and/or 'accidentally destroyed' the photographic evidence of him with a 'rent boy' in his car in the Veale Gardens in Adelaide's South Parklands?-Ed)...that's the one, he and former Liberal Premier John Olsen were named, along with a senior SAPol officer and SA magistrate...(and that's also the document that led to the manic ousting of then Speaker Peter Lewis and the subsequent farcical trials (2) of his volunteers for alleged 'Defamation' and/or 'Treason'?-Ed)...yep, all that marvellous pro-paedophile hysteria from the SA Parliament as they en masse went after the 'Whistleblowers' and protected the perpetrators...(just like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yes Ed, exactly like the St Martins Cover-up...anyhoos, here's what my mate Pat had to say about the Right Wing media's response to the Pell conviction... 

Feb 26
That people refuse to believe Pell could have done this despite him being convicted shows how church figures could get away with preying in plain sight on children for years and why victims felt they wouldn’t be believed. Bolt, Shelton, Devine et al are beyond shameful

Language Warning:...Conlon, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Michael Atkinson, li'l Johnny Rau, Kevin Foley, Jane Lomax-Smith, Martin Hamilton-Smith, Grace Portolesi, Rob Lucas, Rob Kerin, David Ridgway, Rory McEwen, Peter Gandolfi, etc, etc, et al...(including the local Liberal politician you can't name because of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders handed-down by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White-Ed)...yeah, chuck them both on the pile, you are all "beyond shameful", every single one of you sickly corrupt pro-paedophile fucking bastards who have willingly and repeatedly acted to cover-up the abuse of my child and dozens of other 7 year olds at St Martins in January-June 2002, every single one of you should rot in gaol for your definable Pro-Paedophile Corruption...and that brings us to this screechingly hypocritical work of rancid fantasy from the definably Pro-Paedophile Lutheran Church...please note the repeated vacuous statements about how important the kiddies are, and their safety, etc, etc, and whilst y'all are reading that, run it up alongside the realities of the St Martins Cover-up...("children are a precious gift from god", you fucking bastards-Ed)...my sentiments exactly...End Language Warning...

National Redress Scheme (Australia)

by Bishop John Henderson

Yesterday the General Church Council (GCC) resolved that the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) will join the National Redress Scheme for people who have experienced child sexual abuse in institutional settings.
Established by the Commonwealth Government, the scheme is a direct result of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. It will provide a nationally consistent means of response to abuse that occurred within churches and other institutions.
The LCA is joining state and territory governments and non-government bodies across Australia which have already ‘opted in’ to the scheme. These include the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Salvation Army, the Uniting Church and Scouts Australia. The scheme is due to start on 1 July 2018 and will run for 10 years.
In joining the National Redress Scheme, the LCA is acknowledging the wrongs done to those who have experienced child sexual abuse in our church, and is making a commitment to support them. This action is consistent with the commitment made by our General Synod in 2015 to care for and protect children while engaged in church activities. Delegates overwhelmingly ‘reaffirmed that our children are a precious gift from God’. The resolution goes on: ‘They are to be nourished and nurtured in their spiritual life within the Lutheran Church of Australia and their needs must be considered by all boards, councils and committees prior to the making of decisions. Children are to be cared for and protected from all physical, psychological, sexual and spiritual abuse while engaging in all church activities.’
General Synod further authorised the GCC ‘to commit resources to continue to develop effective procedures, and education and training programs to ensure that children are valued, respected, listened to and kept safe from harm’.
Luther’s Small Catechism unpacks the 5th Commandment ‘You shall not kill’ as meaning, ‘We should fear and love God, and so we should not endanger our neighbour’s life, nor cause him any harm, but help and befriend him in every necessity of life.’
This applies particularly to children, gifts whom God entrusts into our care. They come especially under divine protection (Isaiah 11:6-9). As God protects the vulnerable, God’s people are to do the same (Isaiah 1:17). When children came to Jesus and his disciples shooed them away, he reversed the usual order of things by saying that the Kingdom of God belongs to ‘such as these’ (Matt 19:14, Luke 18:16). In welcoming a child, we are welcoming Jesus (Matt 18:5, Mark 9:37, Luke 9:48). All through his ministry Jesus honoured children, teaching that if one wants to become truly great, one must become like a little child (Matt 18:1-5, Mark 9:33-37, Luke 9:46,47).
Therefore the church and all Christians have a special responsibility to care for children and see that no harm comes to them. How we treat children is a test of the genuineness of our faith. We are called to make every effort to protect children and treat them with the love, care and respect that God requires of us.
For some time now the LCA has expressed its serious concern for the protection of children by requiring that people who engage in ministry with children undergo the specialised training provided by LCA Professional Standards. Every one of us is required to report abuse or suspected abuse of children, regardless of whom the alleged perpetrator might be.
The Royal Commission made 189 recommendations in its final report. The LCA’s Royal Commissions Working Group is reviewing all the recommendations that relate to us and is formulating proposals for GCC’s consideration. You will hear progressively more about this and the implications for our church. As this goes on, I urge all of you – congregation and parish councils, child and youth ministry leaders, and individual members – to ensure that you are providing the safest possible environment for children in your care through actively implementing the LCA’s child-protection policies and procedures.
We pray:
  • for people who have been abused while in our care, particularly if they are children, or were children at the time of the abuse
  • for forgiveness for wrongs we have done to people who should have been able to trust us, and that he will help us to care for them now in ways that will bring them healing
  • for the work of the Holy Spirit in giving us faith, convicting us of sin, and breathing in us the gift of new life, that we may discern how to work with those among us who have offended and confessed their offence, and learn how to give them the help they need to change their behaviours
  • for God to help us to do better, and that our church will always be a safe place for everyone, especially for those who are most vulnerable.
***More Language Warning:...("Jesus fucking wept!", as my Pops would have said, what a farcical load of dross that literally screams hypocrisy in virtually every line!-Ed)...End Language Warning, and I know...("acknowledging the wrongs done", "Children are to be cared for and protected from all physical, psychological, sexual, and spiritual abuse", I can't address every hypocrisy without literally repeating the entire thing!-Ed)...indeed, we may actually have to devote a post simply to going through this line-by-line...and this from the ABC...(isn't Paul Kennedy a sports reporter?-Ed)...generally, that's what he usually does, but for some reason the ABC has had him covering this stuff, hence this particular article...***


It's no wonder abuse survivors are anxious about the national redress scheme

Survivors of child sexual assault and cover-ups are watching with familiar trepidation the making of an unprecedented national redress scheme.
The Government does not yet know how many states or institutions will opt into its proposed model for victims unable to find justice through common law.
The only certainty is a limit on payments.
Attorney-General George Brandis and Social Services Minister Christian Porter have already defied part of an expert recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
In 2015, the royal commission found negligent institutions should make "modest monetary payments as a tangible means of recognising the wrong survivors have suffered". It estimated 60,000 survivors would be eligible to make a claim under a $4.3 billion scheme.
The commission recommended individual payments be capped at $200,000.
But the Commonwealth is setting up a scheme with payments not exceeding $150,000.

"It was a difficult decision," Mr Porter said of the 25 per cent reduction.
"Largely we did that because we wanted to have a maximum amount that encouraged all other jurisdictions to join.
"We took a view that if we adopted fulsomely (sic) the $200,000 recommendation that that might end up being a significant barrier to some states and perhaps also some churches and some charities joining the scheme."
  (Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume.*)

While the Government saw lowering the cap as an incentive to cooperate (even though average payments would be less than half the maximum), some survivors feared institutions were being let off lightly.
Australia's largest royal commission has held 6,700 private sessions — 32 per cent of those cases involved abuse in government institutions.
Commissioner Justice Peter McClellan said in his most recent speech: "Although the primary responsibility for the sexual abuse of an individual lies with the abuser and the institution they were part of, we cannot avoid the conclusion that the problems faced by many people who have been abused are the responsibility of our entire society.
"The broad social failure to protect children across a number of generations makes clear the pressing need to provide avenues through which survivors can obtain appropriate redress for past abuse."

Governments throughout Australia are nervous about their potential redress bills, on top of enormous common law payouts arising from past abuse.
Fifty-nine per cent of royal commission private sessions have heard evidence of abuse in religious institutions.
Mr Porter has the job of convincing churches and charities to opt into his offender-pays scheme.
Last Friday, the minister had a positive meeting with representatives of the following churches (with some more percentages of abuse reported in private sessions included):
  • Catholic Church (37 per cent)
  • Anglican Church of Australia (9 per cent)
  • Salvation Army (4 per cent)
  • Uniting Church (1.3 per cent)
  • Baptist Union Church (0.6 per cent)
  • Churches of Christ (0.4 per cent)
  • Lutheran Church (0.3 per cent)
Australian Christian Churches, YMCA, Scouts, Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi were also present; Seventh-day Adventist Church (0.4 per cent) and Presbyterian Church (2 per cent) were apologies.
Jehovah's Witness (1 per cent) did not attend but will be involved in round two of negotiations — one-on-one meetings with the minister's department.
Mr Porter was pleased the Victorian Catholic Church diocese of Ballarat was "likely" to opt in.
"The Catholic Church are very important to this," he said.
"What's in the best interests of survivors is to ensure that the Anglican Church, the Catholic Church, the Salvation Army, all opt into the scheme so that there is this consistent, maximum reach of the scheme."

Survivors have been let down for decades

Waiting to see what redress is finally delivered to them are survivors and their families, forever suspicious of being failed not only by churches but also politicians over many decades.
For example, a committee of the Victorian Parliament released a report called Combating Child Sexual Assault: Inquiry into Sexual Offences Against Children and Adults in 1995.

After hearing all the evidence, committee chair Ken Smith MP stated:
"I'm certain there's been a [Catholic Church hierarchy] cover-up in these issues and it would be an ongoing thing.
"I believe it would be occurring right now."
Despite this finding, then-premier Jeff Kennett and Victoria Police gave the then newly-elected Archbishop of Melbourne, George Pell, permission to set up his own payment scheme, which gave pitiful sums to traumatised victims only after they signed away their legal rights to sue the church.
Incredibly, no Victorian government has dismantled the heartless and discredited Melbourne Response.
Such inaction further erodes trust.

Catholic Church gains a key seat at the table

Two weeks after the Turnbull Government made its national redress announcement (November 4, 2016), the Catholic Church belatedly raised its long-serving Melbourne Response payment cap from $75,000 to $150,000.

The timing made some survivors wonder whether the Catholic Church had been negotiating the price of a national redress model with Canberra.
Mr Porter rubbished those anxieties, insisting the church had no say in the cap.
But the Catholic Church was then given influence over the redress scheme through a representative on the Government's Independent Advisory Council on Redress.
The nation's richest and worst offending institution is now sitting alongside survivor groups, academics and legal experts to provide advice to the Minister on (as per terms of reference):
  • The governing principles that underpin the scheme;
  • Elements of the scheme's design, that may include eligibility and the principles around the process of application, assessment, psychological counselling and direct personal response;
  • How to best encourage state, territory and non-government institution participation in the scheme; and,
  • How the Commonwealth scheme will interact with other redress scheme.
When asked about this on News Breakfast last Friday, Mr Porter said the Catholic Church's involvement would aid "cooperative input to create the best scheme".
He added: "I would personally like to thank all of the survivor and stakeholder groups for all of their forbearance and cooperation during this process. Because they've done things that they might not ordinarily want to do in the interests of trying to create the best possible system with the maximum opt in."
Such statements may or may not assuage survivors' fear of once again being unfairly treated, but scrutiny on the Government's response to this impressive royal commission will hold until justice is served.
Topics: government-and-politics, royal-commissions, law-crime-and-justice, child-abuse, sexual-offences, australia

***...I note again, that the FCARC did not ask the Lutherans a single question, and that this fact somehow remains unobserved by the Main Stream Media...(well the only place I've seen that reported is right here on this 'ere blog!-Ed)...exactly...also please note where it says that 'Lutheran Abuse Reports' only totaled "0.3% (of the) 6,700 private sessions"...(yeah, but it doesn't report that the FCARC refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up, rejecting several family's lengthy and document-supported submissions-Ed)..no it doesn't...(and if Social Media is anything to go by, there are many SA-based cases/issues that the FCARC also rejected/ignored-Ed)...indeed, and that aside, if the FCARC rejected/ignored a case of the severity of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, what else have they chosen to reject/ignore?...(it's the one question that single-handed undermines the entire 'credibility' of the FCARC-Ed)...absolutely it does mate... 

Tomorrow: More Pro-Paedophile And/Or Mt Gambier City Council Corruption

(How do you tell the difference, I can't-Ed)...well indeed, where does one stop and the other start, 'cos to my experience it's a seamless cavalcade of Pro-Paedophile Corruption from the Local Government level on up through State politics to the Federal Parliament...(yay-Ed)...including the ongoing farcical discourse about how important 'Whistleblowers' are and how they must be protected, etc, as it contrasts to the continuing reality of the culture/practices of official/professional retribution against 'us'...and I say 'us' because by sheer necessity and practical definition that is what I am, a 'Whistleblower'...never sought to be such, never really considered myself as such, but the reality of what I do and/or have become, eg, this 'ere blogger bloggin' this 'ere blog, TMGI, and the resultant relentless official retribution I have been subjected to, these things fundamentally define 'Whistleblower'...(yeah, but it's not just this 'ere blog is it, I mean, years before you even started this epic tome you were gettin' threatened by the Lutherans and their lawyers Piper Alderman, and the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc-Ed)...true, very true Ed, and that further supports my position that I never sought to be a 'Whistleblower' or whatevs, I have merely reacted to the official Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile support for the St Martins Cover-up, and that has brought us all here...(fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am a 'Whistleblower' and I take some small comfort from the fact that I ain't the only one, eg, the Australian Tax Office's rancidly corrupt attack on it's 'Whistleblower' Richard Boyle, facing 161 years in gaol for going public after the ATO rejected his official internal complaint about the rank corruption within the ATO...(wow, the ATO is main-stream corrupt, they really are-Ed)...yes they really are, and as rancidly corrupt as my whole ICAC Trial was/is, and I'm fairly sure that ICAC/SAPol/SA Parliament are still colluding/conspiring to try and gaol me re that definably corrupt 'Trial' and subsequent conviction, etc, etc, it does put my case into a quiet perspective, because this guy is getting mucho support on Social Media, etc, yet virtually all I got/get was/is complicitly corrupt mis-reportage from the ABC and The Border Watch, and abuse on Social Media...    
Anyhoos, I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...