Hello to y'all in the Philippines, Ireland, Indonesia, and Czechia, and to y'all else elsewhere, and welcome to what passes for coherence here on this 'ere blog TMGI, namely, a post that follows-on directly from the previous 2 posts about the extraordinarily reprehensible use...(I believe we've used the term "reprehensibly vile" previous-like-Ed)...indeed we have, mustn't forget the "vile", the "reprehensibly vile" use of 'Suppression/Repression Orders' by Magistrate Ian White...(whom we have described, very accurately, as being "rankly corrupt"-Ed)...and not just described but factually defined by actually describing some of his outrageous conduct during my farcically corrupt Pro-Paedophile Persecution 'Trial'...(as proven in Court before Magistrate Teresa Anderson in November 2016, to be, as Her Honour formally legally defined it, "Malicious Prosecution"-Ed)...indeed, well summarised us, that's a lovely back-grounding ahead of where we're heading in this post...but first...
Magistrate White Defines His Own Corruption:...(well that hardly narrows it down, could ya' be a fraction more specific?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, please to be availing yourself of the immediate previous post, indeed, pretty-much any post since Magistrate Ian White became involved in my "Malicious Prosecution"...(and by "involved in", you mean 'became an intricate component of' said "Malicious Prosecution"?-Ed)...that's exactly what I mean mate, indeed, his outrageously biased and abusive conduct toward me, and his relentless collusion with the wholly incompetent and corrupt SAPol (police) Prosecutions, self-define the fact that he was appointed/sent to 'Convict' me regardless of what happened in my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018)...and of all the extraordinary attacks on me, abuse of me, ignoring of me, etc, and the open and unambiguous collusion with SAPol, nothing is quite as definitive and/or hilarious as this particular gem...(perhaps best to pop-on that girdle and take a seat on the floor first-Ed)...sorry?...(because one is likely to split one's sides whilst simultaneously falling off one's chair, on account of all the laughage-Ed)...ah yes, all sound advice...
In His Own Words:...and as quoted directly from one of the two 'Trial' Transcripts I have actually been provided...(and hasn't Magistrate White made a huge song-and-dance about that-Ed)...indeed...(bangin'-on about how this illustrates how the Court/he have bent over backwards to help you-Ed)...well quite...(but whilst refusing to acknowledge his own 'bizarre' behaviour in ignoring his own 'Orders' to himself to review your multiple requests for the dozens of other Transcripts and to let you know about it, etc-Ed)...yep, we covered all that in the last post...(Transcripts that you still don't have and never look like getting, despite repeated requests of/to Magistrate White, Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal, and/or Attorney General Vicki Chapman-Ed)...spot on as usual Ed...but fortunately I do have this Transcript, albeit I have to do a 'censored' version rather than just paste-and-post the actual pages...(is that because it includes the SAPol officer who you supposedly cannot talk about due to Magistrate White's "reprehensibly vile" 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'?-Ed)...that would be the reason Ed, because "reprehensibly vile" and wantonly corrupt as those 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', I ain't given no-one the opportunity to try and attack you, me, and/or this 'ere blog...besides, that SAPol officer is effectively irrelevant in this context, because the definably false statement is made by SAPol Prosecutions Officer Batten, I immediately challenge it for the lie that it is, and then Magistrate White slogs his own credibility clean outta' the ballpark by confirming what I have just said...
.............(well I'm waiting, we're all waiting-Ed)...yeah, sorry, upon reflection I've out-smarted my self somewhat with what has now become a deeply facetious teaser...(orrrorrror what?!-Ed)...a deeply facetious teaser about a discussion I cannot prove because, whilst there's multiple references in these 2 later transcripts, I've been 'refused' that particular transcript from the rankly corrupt "Malicious Prosecution" hearing of March 8th 2017...(ahhh, I see, well in that case you're forgiven, I s'pose-Ed)...cheers, but here's a quick run-down of that particularly illuminating and entirely unforgettable discussion...(yay-Ed)...on March 8th 2017, before I got to speak to my "Malicious Prosecution" argument and the 100 Documents I had already submitted back in November 2016 at the 'Order' of Magistrate Anderson, etc, SAPol Prosecution's Officer Batten was 'helpfully' providing Magistrate White with a brief summary of my case thus far...Officer Batten went through my original complaint re Mt Gambier City Council corruption, etc, the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raid of my home (May 7th/8th 2014), etc, and then stated that I was charged on 17th December 2014 (but could have said 18th, sorry, I was already standing-up to call-out this absolute lie)...(ok, ok, the 17th, the 18th, whatevs, point being that SAPol Prosecutions were making a statement of fact that you were 'Charged' in December 2014-Ed)...well exactly, 'Mr Fletcher was charged on 17th (18th?) December 2014'...(which is an outright lie-Ed)...indeed, which is an outright lie...
I immediately stood-up and called this lie a lie...('cos that's what it is, calling a lie a lie is truth-Ed)...absolutely, and it was a lie that I had raised repeatedly since my 'Trial' started in February 2015, and both Magistrate White and Magistrate Anderson have said that 'you must have been charged because you're in Court'...(but that's nonsense! you were there because you had to be, and then only after you're 'Trial' started February 2015 without you being either 'Charged' or even Summonsed-Ed)...well reminisced Ed, indeed and as regular availees are well aware, I found out about my 'Trial' the day after it had already started, and then only via a phone call with an un-associated third party who had read it in The Border Watch...(extraordinary-Ed)...indeed, and the closest I ever got to an actual explanation was again via a phone call, this time with SAPol Prosecutions Ms Diamandi in March 2016, when her boss and head honcho of SAPol Prosecutions Andrew Paesch suddenly bobbed-in unannounced from the peripherins, stating 'I asked someone to Summons you but they couldn't find you'...(bollocks!-Ed)...nah, that's what he said...(no, not you, him, that's absolute bollocks, they knew exactly where to find you to raid you, etc-Ed)...well quite, indeed it is a blatant non-truth from the head of SAPol Prosecutions...
Anyhoos, back to 8th March 2017 and SAPol Prosecution's Batten stating 'Mr Fletcher was charged on 17th (18th?) 2014', and me calling that out as an absolute lie that I had asked about time and time again...(and what did Magistrate White do?-Ed)...he stated that I was wrong because I must have been charged because I was there, and when I repeated my statement that I was never charged, he shuffled through his paperwork, then produced and waved a document, stating that 'you were charged on 7th January 2015'...(were you?-Ed)...well he did have a document stating that, and I conceded exactly that because I knew what he was waving without even seeing it, stating, 'yes, you know that and I know that but I ain't telling them (SAPol) that, I ain't doin' there job for them, but even then, that document states that that is when it, the 'Charge Sheet', was lodged with the Court, it's not about when I was actually 'Charged', or even that I'd been told I'd been charged and/or Summonsed'...
(So let me get this straight, there was a 'Charge Sheet, dated 7th January 2015, which you knew but SAPol apparently didn't?-Ed)...knew it from the day I received it back in May 2015...(sure, but that that 'Charge Sheet' was never sent to you, etc, such that you weren't aware of it until 3-4 months after your 'Trial' had already started in February 2015?-Ed)...confusing I know, but you're right-on it...(and it's SAPol Prosecution's own document but they didn't know about it at 'Trial'?-Ed)...they had no idea, but you're missing the main point...(if you'll let me finish Nick-Ed)...ooo, pardon...
(Because what I'm seeing here is that first, 1) SAPol Prosecutions apparently/allegedly didn't know about there own document dated 7th January 2015, despite the fact that you'd repeatedly challenged them on this exact point-Ed)...yep, but...(ah ah, hang on, then 2) SAPol Prosecutions have stated as fact, in Court on 8th February 2017, in front of Magistrate White, stated as fact that you were 'Charged' on December 17th (18th?) 2014-Ed)...yeah, but still...(ah! wait for it, wait for it, but most critically 3) Magistrate White himself proved that SAPol were lying by himself producing the actual 'Charge Sheet' dated 7th January 2015-Ed)...b-b-b-bloody bingo mate, spot on...(so 4) Magistrate White has proven to himself that SAPol Prosecutions were/are lying-Ed)...absolutely, and then 5) he did just absolutely bugger-all about it, just let it slide, whatevs mate, on with the show...(wow-Ed)...absolutely...(so the presiding Magistrate catches-out SAPol Prosecutions lying to him, and he just waves it away as irrelevant-Ed)...yep, and in subsequent 'Trial' dates SAPol Prosecutions then changed their 'Charged' spiel to 7th January 2015...(well now there's a surprise-Ed)...
So there ya' go dear availees...in real time, and not just in front of him but actually involving him, Magistrate White confirms my statement that SAPol Prosecution's statement/question that 'Mr Fletcher was charged on December 17th (18th?) 2014' was/is an outright lie...(and of course, given that you have just proved SAPol Prosecution's outright lie to him, in front of him, and indeed involving him, Magistrate White immediately dismissed the supposed 'Charges' and ended your "bizarre trial" there-and-then, again-Ed)...honestly Ed? really?...(well no, that was just my attempt to highlight Magistrate White's openly corrupt collusion with SAPol-Ed)...well indeed, well highlighted, because what Magistrate White actually did was just wave it away as irrelevant and barrel-on regardless, hurtling towards his clearly defined desire to 'Convict' me regardless of what lies SAPol tells, the gaping chasms in their 'evidence', the undefinable Fascism of the bizarre ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, etc, etc, etc...
And that's why I call Magistrate Ian White "rankly corrupt"...(well for that and multiple other incidents, omissions, abuses, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, pick a 'Trial' date, pin it to the wall and chuck a dart at it, and you're deadset guaranteed to score a bullseye, but to my mind there ain't a more fundamental illustration of Magistrate White's collusion with SAPol and of his associated bias and intent against me...
Tomorrow: Those "Reprehensibly Vile" Suppression/Restraining Orders
And it will literally be tomorrow, because I feel a tad guilty that that's what I set-out to cover today...(before yet again you've digressed, yeah we know, albeit with critically relevant issues-Ed)...well quite Ed, well quite...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...ooo, nearly forgot...
The Ultimate Sucker Punch:...please to be checking-out the 'viral footage' on FaceTube or YouBook or whatevs, of a Kiwi (New Zealander) kayaker getting totally owned up-side the head by a cephalopod-wielding seal...(slaperoo! that seal's heavily armed, 8-armed in fact-Ed)...and how disappointing that none of the morning shows on telly or 'comments' I've seen have spotted what I will therefore call 'my' terrible pun...(orrrr gourd, I missed that until you pointed it out, 'sucker punch', no wonder people hate you-Ed)...cheers mate...(laters-Ed)...laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Reprehensibly Vile Conduct Of The Rankly Corrupt Magistrate Ian White
Howdy dear availees in Poland, Philippines, Bangladesh, and Armenia...(and of course 'Unknown Region', whom-so-ever that may be?-Ed)...well indeed, but they're making their presence felt with some solid numbers in the 'View Statistics'...(and in the 'Comments' section as well, apparently-Ed)...nice one man, but that's for another day and a different post...Ed is referring to the 'person' who has recently gone into the 'Comments' section of this 'ere blog, to mouth-off at me under the witty synonym of 'Unknown'...(mate, if it weren't so sad it'd be hilarious-Ed)...which I believe I'll title that post, based around this latest anonymous stupidity and referencing some of the other bright sparks mouthing-off about me on 'Social Media', If It Wasn't So Sad It'd Be Hilarious...but we digress, to the Vile And Corrupt...
Following on directly from our previous post about Mt Gambier City Council's abusive and corrupt conduct and CEO Mark McShane's lack of response to my official written complaints re the bullying and abuse and harassment and threats, etc, that I have been repeatedly subjected to by multiple Members of this rankly corrupt pack a' stooges...(including Mighty Mark McShenanigan's own extraordinary attempts to harass and provoke and threaten you, eg, "I'll see you at gym"-Ed)...spot on Ed, not a polite pleasantry, but a direct threat to make trouble for me in that context, and following-on only 3 weeks after he walked 'at' me at said gymnasium, trying to engage me and provoke an 'incident'...(I still find it extraordinary that Labor's Local Government Minister at the time, Geoff Brock, and the Local Government Assoc would both deny responsibility for MGCC's outrageous conduct, and then, despite knowing full-well McShenanigan's own outrageous conduct as one of the main offenders, that Geoffo, mate, and the LGA would then both refer you back directly to Marky as being the person responsible for addressing this conduct, it's ludicrous!-Ed)...as evidenced by McShane's farcical response...
Please to be reading that post in it's entirety dear availees if y'all haven't already, because it includes copies of my official written complaints...(and not least-of-all, complaints about the cowardly and deeply corrupted conduct of MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh, repeatedly mouthing-off about you/me/TMGI on 'Social Media' and deceitfully and manipulatively winding-up other poor sods to get involved-Ed)...well quite, my mate Joshy, who like MGCC Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello can talk-up a big game when there's no consequences, but cowers like the genuine coward he is when confronted with the physical reality of having me standing right there in front of him...ain't that right Joshy, mate, not so lippy then are ya' mate?...(maaate, I'm immediately reminded of that hilarious li'l encounter earlier this year, just before Easter-Ed)...indeed, that was both typical and hilarious...if I may again briefly digress?...(please do dear heart, please do, I love this story-Ed)...and it goes a little like this...
Was it the Wednesday just prior to Easter?...(yep, sure was-Ed)...and I was driving into town and went to turn into Lawrence St to access the Main St carpark, etc, and there standing right on the corner, just about to cross, was my mate Joshy, on his phone...as is my way, rather than drive right next to/past him, I chose to continue on through The Main and go to the Ripley Arcade carpark instead...whatevs...but as I walked back through to Commercial St (The Main) and was about to cross half-way between lights...(which is apparently actually illegal-Ed)...again, whatevs, if you can't cross the road there without gettin' run over, then sure, you need to use the lights, etc, but anyhoos, it was just then that I spotted my mate Joshy standing at the Penola Rd/Commercial St intersection, right in front of The Gambier Hotel, waiting to cross with the lights...and it occurred to me, sod it, I've already driven half-way round town to avoid this idiot, now here he is again, so be it...so rather than cross 'illllleggggallllyyyy', I just continued up to the lights, and stood waiting to cross, and there directly across from me, li'l Joshy mate...(maaate, and wasn't he thrilled to see you-Ed)...oh absolutely...
And in any other circumstance, I would walk away across to one side or the other, as a matter of politeness, etc, clearly indicating to The Approacher that I was conceding/yielding the main crossing area or the footpath or whatevs...(but not this time-Ed)...but not this time, on this occasion I stood at the centre of the crossing, and when commanded by The Ping!, I walked straight across, straight down the middle, smiling gently at my mate Joshy...(and because you're such a big unit he was obliged to walk aways-off to your left side, steadfastly staring-off to his right, refusing to even make eye contact-Ed)...indeed, and the same Keyboard SuperHero who has so much to say about me from the safety of his laptop or his Council computer, wherevs, whatevs, out there in the cold hard light of day, with me right there, not one single word, not a sound, won't even look at me...(what a gutless joke-Ed)...and this despite the fact that he knows full-well that I am not going to respond physically, at all, rather it's the verbal caning he knows he's in for...(Josh Lynagh, a coward and a liar-Ed)...indeed, and the real humour lies in the fact that I didn't need to say anything because he knows exactly what's what, we both know exactly what's what...(and beyond that, you merely saying something to him would undoubtedly result in a screeching bleating about how 'Nick Fletcher confronted and harassed me in the street', etc, etc-Ed)...well quite, it did occur to me that that was a distinct possibility, but ultimately, it doesn't matter...the fact remains, one person walked down the middle of the crossing, head held high, smiling, and the other skulked past off to one side, glaring-off into the middle distance...(classic-Ed)...
And when I reached the footpath on the other side, I glanced back to be richly rewarded with the icing on this particular cake walk, because there was li'l Joshy mate, with his back turned to me, on his phone, but furiously glaring at me in the reflection of the bank window...(laugh, I nearly shat-Ed)...absolutely, just so, so funny...(but it didn't end there did it?-Ed)...well no, quite, I went to go to the shop I was originally headed for, realised I'd left my cash in the car, and so went up to the next street to go back around to the carpark, and there not 30m ahead of me in that side street was my mate MGCC Councillor Mark Lovett gettin' off his Harley...(that being the same Cr Lovett who tried to threaten and intimidate you at the MGCC Ambush outside their Full Meeting in September 2017, and as covered in your official written complaints-Ed)...aye, that be he, and I was slightly startled by my own excitement at having this idiot hove into view on my horizon, particularly as it was within minutes of gracing Joshy mate with my presence...anyhoos, for a moment I thought that Cr Joshy mate had rung his mate Cr Mark, and maybe that had happened, but whatevs, Mark mate had a go at eyeballing me, which lasted about 2 seconds as my 'Large Angry Hippyness' made itself known, and he 'broke' and looked away...(well indeed, all things being equal, he was talking to someone, but you are a rather large person, certainly large enough that it becomes an issue as you loom only ever larger on the footpath right there-Ed)...sure...
And here's a tip Mark, mate...(maaate-Ed)...if you're gunna' stand there 'intimidating' and threatening someone from only 2 feet away, as you attempted to do to me outside that MGCC meeting in September 2017, then best you don't do it mate...(maaate-Ed)...with you're arms crossed in front of you, because what's gunna' happen, mate, is that one day you're gunna' pick the wrong person and they're gunna' knee you're balls up round your ears for ya' and you'll never see it coming because you're own flabby arms are blocking your line of sight, mate...(mmm, sound advice indeed, I think there's something in that for all of us-Ed)...only for those of us stupid enough to 1) threaten others whilst 2) standing only feet away with 3) our arms crossed in front of us...and a quick reminder for you Mark, just exactly how 'intimidated' and/or threatened did I look in September 2017, hmmm?...(or Easter this year-Ed)...indeed, when for the second time in only minutes, I found myself happily breaking my own self-imposed rule by walking right down the middle of the footpath, smiling at my mate Mark, whilst he studiously refused to look at me passing-by only a foot away...(hilarious-Ed)...well I for one haven't stopped laughing since...
And I thank y'all dear availees for indulging me in my hilarious reminisencings, but they are also absolutely relevant to the discussion at hand, namely, this is how I conduct myself despite how I am attacked and threatened and bullied and harassed...also, these are two of the MGCC clowns I specifically identified in my written complaints to the Minister, etc, and that then leads us directly into the reprehensibly vile conduct of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(somehow I knew it would-Ed)...'cos when SAPol (police) Prosecutions waited until the bizarre 3 'Hearings' for the 'Verdict/Sentencing' of my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018) to make their entirely unsupported and unexplained applications for multiple 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' against me, I raised the issue of my official written complaints and specifically identified that one of these impending 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' related to someone directly identified as a serial harasser and abuser who had repeatedly threatened and abused me and repeatedly attempted to provoke me at Public Meetings, etc...Magistrate White completely ignored my original complaints and submissions to him about those complaints, and then granted these rankly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', 'Orders' that are clearly and definably politically motivated and intended to silence me on issues of institutionalised corruption and/or the gross corruption evident in my "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Teresa Anderson, October 2016)...
And I stand absolutely justified in identifying Magistrate White's conduct as both 1) rankly corrupt, and 2) reprehensibly vile...this is not just whinging about an outcome that I don't like, this a definable statement of fact, provable time-and-again...Magistrate White's conduct is a litany of Gross Abuse of Process, Gross Bias, and Gross Collusion with SAPol Prosecutions...his conduct is a litany of abuse and threats against me, eg, outright threatening to have me "taken into custody" for my supposed 'Contempt of Court" (February 2017), threats he made at literally every 'Hearing' he presided over there-after, albeit whilst constantly back-peddling away from this original "into custody" statement with increasingly vague but unambiguous 'allusions' to this original threat...these threats were made literally every time I tried to hold him to account for his multiple deceits, omissions, and/or increasingly erratic behaviour...it was literally his last statement on the final (3rd) bizarre 'Verdict/Sentencing Hearing', "I'm referring you to the Court Registrar for your 'Contempt of Court' statements on your blog"...(is that where that truly bizarre anonymous 'Threat Letter' from the Crown Solicitor's Office came from?-Ed)...indeed Ed, apparently/probably/possibly...and I note that we all here at TMGI are still waiting for an actual explanation from the Crown Solicitor and/or the Courts Administration Authority as to what that letter actually referred to and whom actually penned it and then sent it, etc...
Further instances of Magistrate White's rank corruption are evidenced in the extraordinary abuse he repeatedly hurled at me from the Bench about "wasting the Court's precious time", particularly through-out the absolutely bizarre November 2017 'Trial' when he, for example, furiously counted-down the clock at me whilst forcing me to question a SAPol witness who wasn't even meant to be there, etc, then the next day was actually literally out of his seat furiously berating me about wasting the Court's and the witness's time, jabbing his finger at said ICAC/SAPol witness, and angrily stating, "they are Major Crime in the middle of investigating 2 murders"...I was asking perfectly appropriate questions about an absolutely critical document that went to the heart of my 'defense', and Magistrate White abused me for 'interfering with murder investigations'...absolutely outrageous conduct from an openly hostile, biased and by definition therefore corrupt Magistrate...it was exactly these sort of incidents that led The Border Watch to describe the entire proceedings as a "bizarre trial"...not 'Mr Fletcher's bizarre conduct during the trial ' or anything like that, but a "bizarre trial"...the seriousness of this descriptor/statement is further highlighted by the lengthy 'conflict' between myself and TBW across a range of issues...
And if that's not 'Corrupt' enough for ya's, how's about Magistrate White's repeated refusal to even acknowledge the multiple 'Court Orders' that SAPol had not complied with, eg, not resolving the Constitutional Law issues as they were 'Ordered' by Magistrate Anderson (February 2016), or even more bizarrely, not notifying me as to the status of their main witness, supposedly absent on Sick Leave (May 2017) but suddenly present back in Court (November 2017), and with Magistrate White refusing to even look at his own 'Orders' about notifying me, etc, and then doubling-down on that refusal by demanding that I ask that witness questions, the 'Clock Counting Incident'...he even refused to look at his own 'Order' to himself when I repeatedly identified his failure to address my multiple requests for my own Transcripts...I was standing there literally begging him and borderline berating him as to why he wouldn't pick up his own 'Orders' literally right there on the desk in front of him, as he just sat there staring blankly at me...truly bizarre and definably corrupt...
And if that's still not enough, what about Magistrate White moving my "Malicious Prosecution" submission to a separate 'Hearing' outside of the 'Trial' proper, and despite the fact that I had already clearly proven that "Malicious Prosecution" to Magistrate Anderson in November 2016, precipitating her sudden withdrawal from that 'Trial' on the second morning...how's about Magistrate White's subsequent refusal to allow me to even present my "Malicious Prosecution" argument and supporting 100 Document submission? is that corrupt enough?...but wait, there's more, and here's where Magistrate White's openly corrupt conduct, his definable collusion in the St Martins Lutheran School Child ABuse Cover-up makes itself absolutely evident, and then rampages straight into the realm of Reprehensibly Vile...having refused me even presenting my argument/evidence, Magistrate White then carefully tried to set me up for 'Defamation' by cherry-picking tiny fragments of only 2 documents, and stating outright that "there is no evidence of a Child Abuse Cover-up"...and here is the agenda, the fundamental motivation, protect the Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Lutherans and politicians, police, etc, and not least-of-all by persecuting the one person speaking-out about that Pro-Paedophile Corruption...
As I told Magistrate White, to his face, "who do you think you are to say that there was no abuse at St Martins? you do not get to say that"...
And that is reprehensibly vile conduct from a definably corrupt Magistrate White, but vile conduct that unfortunately is only the beginning, because what came next is arguably even more vile and more reprehensible and even more corrupt, and that is the issuing of 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' as a political weapon to try and silence factual discourse about the rankly Pro-Paedophile Agenda evidenced by my "bizarre trial", and not least-of-all discussion about those whom I am 'banned' from identifying...indeed, it can be absolutely argued that it is the rankly corrupt conduct of those 3 individuals that has necessitated these reprehensibly vile 'Orders'...and the 'vileness' of these 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' lies not simply in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that motivates them, but in the Societal Context where 1,000's of Australians, the vast majority women, rely on 'Restraining Orders' to hopefully protect them from their violent 'ex-partners', and in a context where every week a woman is murdered by an 'ex' in this country...
And that, Magistrate Ian White, that is what makes your conduct Reprehensibly Vile...
And that, mate, is why I will not be silenced by these rancidly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'...abuse me and threaten me and try to dismiss the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that's what this entire corrupt 'Trial' is about, it's what you're involvement in my "bizarre trial" is all about, and it does arguably affect every family, every child, in this sad, sick state, but what you have done by issuing these reprehensibly vile 'Orders', that is an abject offense to common decency and an absolute insult to what so many women/families endure as the dominant factor in their lives, their own protection...
Tomorrow: We'll Look At These Reprehensibly Vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' In Detail
I am Nick Fletcher and for all my anger, for all my rage, it passes over me and up I come to fight again against what is definably wrong and must be resisted...this is about me, but this is not about me, yeah?...(unfortunately, that makes bleakly and starkly obvious sense-Ed)...cheers Ed, and cheers y'all and laters...
Following on directly from our previous post about Mt Gambier City Council's abusive and corrupt conduct and CEO Mark McShane's lack of response to my official written complaints re the bullying and abuse and harassment and threats, etc, that I have been repeatedly subjected to by multiple Members of this rankly corrupt pack a' stooges...(including Mighty Mark McShenanigan's own extraordinary attempts to harass and provoke and threaten you, eg, "I'll see you at gym"-Ed)...spot on Ed, not a polite pleasantry, but a direct threat to make trouble for me in that context, and following-on only 3 weeks after he walked 'at' me at said gymnasium, trying to engage me and provoke an 'incident'...(I still find it extraordinary that Labor's Local Government Minister at the time, Geoff Brock, and the Local Government Assoc would both deny responsibility for MGCC's outrageous conduct, and then, despite knowing full-well McShenanigan's own outrageous conduct as one of the main offenders, that Geoffo, mate, and the LGA would then both refer you back directly to Marky as being the person responsible for addressing this conduct, it's ludicrous!-Ed)...as evidenced by McShane's farcical response...
Please to be reading that post in it's entirety dear availees if y'all haven't already, because it includes copies of my official written complaints...(and not least-of-all, complaints about the cowardly and deeply corrupted conduct of MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh, repeatedly mouthing-off about you/me/TMGI on 'Social Media' and deceitfully and manipulatively winding-up other poor sods to get involved-Ed)...well quite, my mate Joshy, who like MGCC Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello can talk-up a big game when there's no consequences, but cowers like the genuine coward he is when confronted with the physical reality of having me standing right there in front of him...ain't that right Joshy, mate, not so lippy then are ya' mate?...(maaate, I'm immediately reminded of that hilarious li'l encounter earlier this year, just before Easter-Ed)...indeed, that was both typical and hilarious...if I may again briefly digress?...(please do dear heart, please do, I love this story-Ed)...and it goes a little like this...
Was it the Wednesday just prior to Easter?...(yep, sure was-Ed)...and I was driving into town and went to turn into Lawrence St to access the Main St carpark, etc, and there standing right on the corner, just about to cross, was my mate Joshy, on his phone...as is my way, rather than drive right next to/past him, I chose to continue on through The Main and go to the Ripley Arcade carpark instead...whatevs...but as I walked back through to Commercial St (The Main) and was about to cross half-way between lights...(which is apparently actually illegal-Ed)...again, whatevs, if you can't cross the road there without gettin' run over, then sure, you need to use the lights, etc, but anyhoos, it was just then that I spotted my mate Joshy standing at the Penola Rd/Commercial St intersection, right in front of The Gambier Hotel, waiting to cross with the lights...and it occurred to me, sod it, I've already driven half-way round town to avoid this idiot, now here he is again, so be it...so rather than cross 'illllleggggallllyyyy', I just continued up to the lights, and stood waiting to cross, and there directly across from me, li'l Joshy mate...(maaate, and wasn't he thrilled to see you-Ed)...oh absolutely...
And in any other circumstance, I would walk away across to one side or the other, as a matter of politeness, etc, clearly indicating to The Approacher that I was conceding/yielding the main crossing area or the footpath or whatevs...(but not this time-Ed)...but not this time, on this occasion I stood at the centre of the crossing, and when commanded by The Ping!, I walked straight across, straight down the middle, smiling gently at my mate Joshy...(and because you're such a big unit he was obliged to walk aways-off to your left side, steadfastly staring-off to his right, refusing to even make eye contact-Ed)...indeed, and the same Keyboard SuperHero who has so much to say about me from the safety of his laptop or his Council computer, wherevs, whatevs, out there in the cold hard light of day, with me right there, not one single word, not a sound, won't even look at me...(what a gutless joke-Ed)...and this despite the fact that he knows full-well that I am not going to respond physically, at all, rather it's the verbal caning he knows he's in for...(Josh Lynagh, a coward and a liar-Ed)...indeed, and the real humour lies in the fact that I didn't need to say anything because he knows exactly what's what, we both know exactly what's what...(and beyond that, you merely saying something to him would undoubtedly result in a screeching bleating about how 'Nick Fletcher confronted and harassed me in the street', etc, etc-Ed)...well quite, it did occur to me that that was a distinct possibility, but ultimately, it doesn't matter...the fact remains, one person walked down the middle of the crossing, head held high, smiling, and the other skulked past off to one side, glaring-off into the middle distance...(classic-Ed)...
And when I reached the footpath on the other side, I glanced back to be richly rewarded with the icing on this particular cake walk, because there was li'l Joshy mate, with his back turned to me, on his phone, but furiously glaring at me in the reflection of the bank window...(laugh, I nearly shat-Ed)...absolutely, just so, so funny...(but it didn't end there did it?-Ed)...well no, quite, I went to go to the shop I was originally headed for, realised I'd left my cash in the car, and so went up to the next street to go back around to the carpark, and there not 30m ahead of me in that side street was my mate MGCC Councillor Mark Lovett gettin' off his Harley...(that being the same Cr Lovett who tried to threaten and intimidate you at the MGCC Ambush outside their Full Meeting in September 2017, and as covered in your official written complaints-Ed)...aye, that be he, and I was slightly startled by my own excitement at having this idiot hove into view on my horizon, particularly as it was within minutes of gracing Joshy mate with my presence...anyhoos, for a moment I thought that Cr Joshy mate had rung his mate Cr Mark, and maybe that had happened, but whatevs, Mark mate had a go at eyeballing me, which lasted about 2 seconds as my 'Large Angry Hippyness' made itself known, and he 'broke' and looked away...(well indeed, all things being equal, he was talking to someone, but you are a rather large person, certainly large enough that it becomes an issue as you loom only ever larger on the footpath right there-Ed)...sure...
And here's a tip Mark, mate...(maaate-Ed)...if you're gunna' stand there 'intimidating' and threatening someone from only 2 feet away, as you attempted to do to me outside that MGCC meeting in September 2017, then best you don't do it mate...(maaate-Ed)...with you're arms crossed in front of you, because what's gunna' happen, mate, is that one day you're gunna' pick the wrong person and they're gunna' knee you're balls up round your ears for ya' and you'll never see it coming because you're own flabby arms are blocking your line of sight, mate...(mmm, sound advice indeed, I think there's something in that for all of us-Ed)...only for those of us stupid enough to 1) threaten others whilst 2) standing only feet away with 3) our arms crossed in front of us...and a quick reminder for you Mark, just exactly how 'intimidated' and/or threatened did I look in September 2017, hmmm?...(or Easter this year-Ed)...indeed, when for the second time in only minutes, I found myself happily breaking my own self-imposed rule by walking right down the middle of the footpath, smiling at my mate Mark, whilst he studiously refused to look at me passing-by only a foot away...(hilarious-Ed)...well I for one haven't stopped laughing since...
And I thank y'all dear availees for indulging me in my hilarious reminisencings, but they are also absolutely relevant to the discussion at hand, namely, this is how I conduct myself despite how I am attacked and threatened and bullied and harassed...also, these are two of the MGCC clowns I specifically identified in my written complaints to the Minister, etc, and that then leads us directly into the reprehensibly vile conduct of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(somehow I knew it would-Ed)...'cos when SAPol (police) Prosecutions waited until the bizarre 3 'Hearings' for the 'Verdict/Sentencing' of my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018) to make their entirely unsupported and unexplained applications for multiple 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' against me, I raised the issue of my official written complaints and specifically identified that one of these impending 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' related to someone directly identified as a serial harasser and abuser who had repeatedly threatened and abused me and repeatedly attempted to provoke me at Public Meetings, etc...Magistrate White completely ignored my original complaints and submissions to him about those complaints, and then granted these rankly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', 'Orders' that are clearly and definably politically motivated and intended to silence me on issues of institutionalised corruption and/or the gross corruption evident in my "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Teresa Anderson, October 2016)...
And I stand absolutely justified in identifying Magistrate White's conduct as both 1) rankly corrupt, and 2) reprehensibly vile...this is not just whinging about an outcome that I don't like, this a definable statement of fact, provable time-and-again...Magistrate White's conduct is a litany of Gross Abuse of Process, Gross Bias, and Gross Collusion with SAPol Prosecutions...his conduct is a litany of abuse and threats against me, eg, outright threatening to have me "taken into custody" for my supposed 'Contempt of Court" (February 2017), threats he made at literally every 'Hearing' he presided over there-after, albeit whilst constantly back-peddling away from this original "into custody" statement with increasingly vague but unambiguous 'allusions' to this original threat...these threats were made literally every time I tried to hold him to account for his multiple deceits, omissions, and/or increasingly erratic behaviour...it was literally his last statement on the final (3rd) bizarre 'Verdict/Sentencing Hearing', "I'm referring you to the Court Registrar for your 'Contempt of Court' statements on your blog"...(is that where that truly bizarre anonymous 'Threat Letter' from the Crown Solicitor's Office came from?-Ed)...indeed Ed, apparently/probably/possibly...and I note that we all here at TMGI are still waiting for an actual explanation from the Crown Solicitor and/or the Courts Administration Authority as to what that letter actually referred to and whom actually penned it and then sent it, etc...
Further instances of Magistrate White's rank corruption are evidenced in the extraordinary abuse he repeatedly hurled at me from the Bench about "wasting the Court's precious time", particularly through-out the absolutely bizarre November 2017 'Trial' when he, for example, furiously counted-down the clock at me whilst forcing me to question a SAPol witness who wasn't even meant to be there, etc, then the next day was actually literally out of his seat furiously berating me about wasting the Court's and the witness's time, jabbing his finger at said ICAC/SAPol witness, and angrily stating, "they are Major Crime in the middle of investigating 2 murders"...I was asking perfectly appropriate questions about an absolutely critical document that went to the heart of my 'defense', and Magistrate White abused me for 'interfering with murder investigations'...absolutely outrageous conduct from an openly hostile, biased and by definition therefore corrupt Magistrate...it was exactly these sort of incidents that led The Border Watch to describe the entire proceedings as a "bizarre trial"...not 'Mr Fletcher's bizarre conduct during the trial ' or anything like that, but a "bizarre trial"...the seriousness of this descriptor/statement is further highlighted by the lengthy 'conflict' between myself and TBW across a range of issues...
And if that's not 'Corrupt' enough for ya's, how's about Magistrate White's repeated refusal to even acknowledge the multiple 'Court Orders' that SAPol had not complied with, eg, not resolving the Constitutional Law issues as they were 'Ordered' by Magistrate Anderson (February 2016), or even more bizarrely, not notifying me as to the status of their main witness, supposedly absent on Sick Leave (May 2017) but suddenly present back in Court (November 2017), and with Magistrate White refusing to even look at his own 'Orders' about notifying me, etc, and then doubling-down on that refusal by demanding that I ask that witness questions, the 'Clock Counting Incident'...he even refused to look at his own 'Order' to himself when I repeatedly identified his failure to address my multiple requests for my own Transcripts...I was standing there literally begging him and borderline berating him as to why he wouldn't pick up his own 'Orders' literally right there on the desk in front of him, as he just sat there staring blankly at me...truly bizarre and definably corrupt...
And if that's still not enough, what about Magistrate White moving my "Malicious Prosecution" submission to a separate 'Hearing' outside of the 'Trial' proper, and despite the fact that I had already clearly proven that "Malicious Prosecution" to Magistrate Anderson in November 2016, precipitating her sudden withdrawal from that 'Trial' on the second morning...how's about Magistrate White's subsequent refusal to allow me to even present my "Malicious Prosecution" argument and supporting 100 Document submission? is that corrupt enough?...but wait, there's more, and here's where Magistrate White's openly corrupt conduct, his definable collusion in the St Martins Lutheran School Child ABuse Cover-up makes itself absolutely evident, and then rampages straight into the realm of Reprehensibly Vile...having refused me even presenting my argument/evidence, Magistrate White then carefully tried to set me up for 'Defamation' by cherry-picking tiny fragments of only 2 documents, and stating outright that "there is no evidence of a Child Abuse Cover-up"...and here is the agenda, the fundamental motivation, protect the Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Lutherans and politicians, police, etc, and not least-of-all by persecuting the one person speaking-out about that Pro-Paedophile Corruption...
As I told Magistrate White, to his face, "who do you think you are to say that there was no abuse at St Martins? you do not get to say that"...
And that is reprehensibly vile conduct from a definably corrupt Magistrate White, but vile conduct that unfortunately is only the beginning, because what came next is arguably even more vile and more reprehensible and even more corrupt, and that is the issuing of 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' as a political weapon to try and silence factual discourse about the rankly Pro-Paedophile Agenda evidenced by my "bizarre trial", and not least-of-all discussion about those whom I am 'banned' from identifying...indeed, it can be absolutely argued that it is the rankly corrupt conduct of those 3 individuals that has necessitated these reprehensibly vile 'Orders'...and the 'vileness' of these 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' lies not simply in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that motivates them, but in the Societal Context where 1,000's of Australians, the vast majority women, rely on 'Restraining Orders' to hopefully protect them from their violent 'ex-partners', and in a context where every week a woman is murdered by an 'ex' in this country...
And that, Magistrate Ian White, that is what makes your conduct Reprehensibly Vile...
And that, mate, is why I will not be silenced by these rancidly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'...abuse me and threaten me and try to dismiss the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that's what this entire corrupt 'Trial' is about, it's what you're involvement in my "bizarre trial" is all about, and it does arguably affect every family, every child, in this sad, sick state, but what you have done by issuing these reprehensibly vile 'Orders', that is an abject offense to common decency and an absolute insult to what so many women/families endure as the dominant factor in their lives, their own protection...
Tomorrow: We'll Look At These Reprehensibly Vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' In Detail
I am Nick Fletcher and for all my anger, for all my rage, it passes over me and up I come to fight again against what is definably wrong and must be resisted...this is about me, but this is not about me, yeah?...(unfortunately, that makes bleakly and starkly obvious sense-Ed)...cheers Ed, and cheers y'all and laters...
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Mt Gambier City Council Fails/Refuses To Address Official Complaints
Howdy y'all in Morocco, India, Ukraine, and Canada, and to wherevs-the-heck 'Unknown Region' is, 'cos y'all have rocketed to third on the Statistics Page in only a few short weeks...(yeeha li'l doggy-Ed)...yeah thanks Tex, but seriously, where and/or what is 'Unknown Region'?...(dunno' mate-Ed)...no, nobody does, but 'they' are availing themselves of this 'ere blog with regular gusto...(yummy, I love gusto-Ed)...what?...(isn't it a Cajun-style soup, usually served cold in Summer?-Ed)...errr, I think you're confusing and/or combining 'gumbo' with 'gazpatcho'...(whatevs, I love it-Ed)...riiiight, anyhoos, another apology to regular availees who are hangin' for the much-promised post about MGCC's litany of lies re the supposed New Pool Project, but that issue ain't goin' nowhere anytime soon...(like the project itself-Ed)...well observed Ed, well observed...
Nope, today we're gunna' wade boots 'n' all into another litany of rank corruptions and bullying and intimidation from our mates...(maaates-Ed)...at Mt Gambier City Council, and most particularly the disgraceful and cowardly conduct of Cr Josh Lynagh and CEO Mark McShane, mate...(maaate-Ed)...and again, regular availees will be well aware of the issues I'm about to cover, but it is as current today as the day/s the various incidents occurred because my mate Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans has failed to respond to my official written complaints about the atrocious and cowardly conduct of his Council what he is apparently officially responsible for...(so who's responsible for holding him to account for his outrageous conduct?-Ed)...well apparently, he is...(now surely, and I'm just spit-ballin' it here, but isn't that a Conflict of Interest?-Ed)...and welcome to Local Government SA-style, what isn't a Conflict of Interest with these clowns?...(I'm sensing that that is one of your rhetorical questions, not actually requiring a response-Ed)...indeed Ed, unlike my official written complaints which do require an actual response...
So here's the original complaint about Cr Lynagh's outrageous conduct, to which I added the complaint about the extraordinary ambush outside the MGCC Full Meeting in September 2018, now a full year ago...due to Magistrate Ian White's reprehensibly vile mis-use of 'Restraining/Suppression Orders' I've had to 'censor' a certain person's name, sorry, but I'll deal with that in tomorrow's post, cheers...**
Darren Hunter <darren.hunter@lga.sa.gov.au>
The LGA is a membership-based organisation, and does not play a regulatory or compliance role in relation to councils.
**...and here's CEO McShane's response, again 'censored', sorry...**
...and that's the last I heard..(imagine my surprise-Ed)...as indeed I imagine everything you say and/or do, what with you being a confected literary device and all...(damn, I'm so life-like I keep forgetting that I'm not a real boy-Ed)...fair enough...and dear availees, please note CEO McShenanigans lies about the 'evidence' of li'l Joshy's efforts, and that he also doesn't make any statement at all about exercising his legislated responsibilities to investigate and act on my complaints, as stated by Minister Brock...(do you think anything will ever happen?-Ed)...nice one man...
Tomorrow: Those Reprehensibly Vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'
Because it's been such a long post, I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...
Nope, today we're gunna' wade boots 'n' all into another litany of rank corruptions and bullying and intimidation from our mates...(maaates-Ed)...at Mt Gambier City Council, and most particularly the disgraceful and cowardly conduct of Cr Josh Lynagh and CEO Mark McShane, mate...(maaate-Ed)...and again, regular availees will be well aware of the issues I'm about to cover, but it is as current today as the day/s the various incidents occurred because my mate Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans has failed to respond to my official written complaints about the atrocious and cowardly conduct of his Council what he is apparently officially responsible for...(so who's responsible for holding him to account for his outrageous conduct?-Ed)...well apparently, he is...(now surely, and I'm just spit-ballin' it here, but isn't that a Conflict of Interest?-Ed)...and welcome to Local Government SA-style, what isn't a Conflict of Interest with these clowns?...(I'm sensing that that is one of your rhetorical questions, not actually requiring a response-Ed)...indeed Ed, unlike my official written complaints which do require an actual response...
So here's the original complaint about Cr Lynagh's outrageous conduct, to which I added the complaint about the extraordinary ambush outside the MGCC Full Meeting in September 2018, now a full year ago...due to Magistrate Ian White's reprehensibly vile mis-use of 'Restraining/Suppression Orders' I've had to 'censor' a certain person's name, sorry, but I'll deal with that in tomorrow's post, cheers...**
Dear Madam/Sir,
On Wednesday 8th
November 2017, Mount Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh posted a
series of derogatory comments about me and a blog I author, 'The
Mount Gambier Independent'. Cr Lynagh did not do this on his own
Facebook page, 'Limestone Coast Community News', nor on my blog;
rather, he chose to publicly make these comments on a third party's
Historical/Social/Family Memories style page, 'Growing Up In the
The original discussion
was about the history and/or future of the dilapidated but iconic Old
Mt Gambier Rail Station building, but Cr Lynagh deliberately moved
the debate to issues of my credibility and/or that of my blog,
'TMGI'. Cr Lynagh repeatedly denigrated me, and was failing to
address the many deceits in the position he was maintaining on behalf
of Mount Gambier City Council, when he suddenly introduced the issue
of 'Paedophile Corruption'.
Cr Lynagh is
complicitly aware of the 'Paedophile Corruption' issues that he has
raised in this grossly offensive manner; the abuse of junior primary
students at a Mt Gambier school. How is it appropriate for a serving
Councillor to go onto someone else's website, attack a private
citizen in a deeply politicised defence of MGCC, and then when he's
losing that debate, try and undermine the entire discussion by
bringing up 'Paedophile Corruption'?
Unable to let the
anaemic debate stand, and claiming to be concerned about my welfare
due to his own comments, Cr Lynagh had the original post and
therefore every comment on that post pulled from the site. Within
hours the next day, (Thursday, November 9th), Cr Lynagh
went back onto 'Growing Up in the Mount', and re-posted his own
version of events. His 'clarification' was heavily doctored,
explicitly omitting any wrongdoing on his part, and blatantly
ignoring many of the issues originally raised, especially the issue
of 'Paedophile Corruption'.
I note that Cr Lynagh
has not addressed on his page 'Limestone Coast Community News', 1)
any of the many public concerns about MGCC's failures and refusals to
renovate/refurbish the Old Station building, nor 2) has he commented
about me or my blog; it's all happened on 'GUITM'.
This was a purely
political attack aimed directly at me by deceiving Mount Gambier
Ratepayers regarding MGCC's irrefutable plans for massive
Retail/Commercial development on the Rail Lands site, but Cr Lynagh
repeatedly makes disingenuous statements about his alleged
'independent' comments. Cr Lynagh is a serial offender on this issue,
routinely claiming across multiple Facebook pages, that what he is
stating is a direct fact from MGCC, but then claims he is 'not acting
as a Councillor'. How is this appropriate?
Unfortunately, this is
just the latest in a long series of personal attacks on myself by
multiple offenders from MGCC, up to and including ******************* (sorry, NF), who has on numerous
occasions approached and harassed me at public meetings.
At MGCC's Full Monthly
Meeting, September 2017, Cr Frank Morello ambushed me in the foyer as
I was leaving, accusing me of calling him a paedophile, and
threatening 'defamation'. Please find attached my account of this
incident. This is standard operating procedure from MGCC; attack
people who question their conduct, and try to intimidate and bully
people with vacuous 'defamation' threats.
I formally request that
Cr Lynagh be appropriately sanctioned by the relevant authorities.
**...and here's the attached complaint referred to in the first letter, again I've had to 'censor' it...**
To Whom it May Concern,
On the evening of Tuesday 19th
September 2017, I attended Mt Gambier City Council's monthly Full
Meeting, at the MGCC Chambers.
As per usual, MGCC
ended the meeting with 'Exclusion of the Public' items, and as I left
I was accosted in the foyer area immediately outside the Chamber by
Councillor Frank Morello, already waiting outside due to an alleged
Conflict of Interest with the previous/last 'item'.
Councillor Morello
walked 'at' me and then in front of me and then started accusing me
of calling him a paedophile on my blog, The Mount Gambier
Independent, repeatedly stating that I have “defamed” him.
Cr Morello has clearly received some sort of 'legal advice' about
repeating allegations to try and make them true, that is, if he
accused me often enough it becomes some sort of reality.
As I repeatedly
explained to Cr Morello, I have not once called him a paedophile, nor
have I defamed him, rather I have accurately described his exact
behaviours, and if he thought he had any sort of 'defamation case',
then I'd no doubt be hearing from his lawyer, not being crudely
ambushed in this manner.
When I refused to react
to his repeated 'threats of defamation', Cr Morello then tauntingly
abused me, “You're not well Nick, you're not well”, twice
over. This is a direct and deeply offensive reference to my ongoing
and officially diagnosed Mental Health issues, issues of
Depression/Anxiety/Agrophobia as initially brought on by exactly this
sort of intimidation and public abuse, not least of all from multiple
MGCC Councillors including ***************** (sorry, NF).
For example, in April
2011 Cr Ian Von Stanke came to my home with a letter repeatedly
naming Council and threatening 'defamation' but this was dismissed by
CEOs Greg Muller and McShane; at the 2013/14 Budget meetings I was
routinely abused and twice ************** (sorry, NF) actually tried to
physically provoke an incident; multiple other minor clashes; and now
this extraordinary ambush.
Only minutes into this
ambush, MGCC Business Manager Nick Serle and Councillor Mark Lovett
came out into the foyer area, both glaring at me, and Cr Lovett came
and stood immediately in front of me, only feet away, arms crossed,
glaring furiously at me and nodding toward the stairs, telling me to
'just leave'. This was an intentional act of intimidation and implied
violence from a man who is 6'5” and 120kgs, minimum.
Less than a minute
later MGCC CEO Mark McShane also came out into the foyer and started
herding Mr Serle and Cr Lovett back into the Chamber, telling me to
leave. I was already half-way to the stairs anyway, when Mark McShane
stated “I'll see you at gym”.
This is not a casual
pleasantry between friends, it is an undisguised threat to make
trouble for me in that context, something that CEO McShane has
already started, three weeks ago approaching me at gym, walking 'at'
me with a broad grin, and then saying 'how are you going?'. Again,
this is not a friendly greeting, but an attempt to provoke some sort
of 'incident' that can then be used against me.
This 'attempted
provocation' has become standard fare from MGCC toward me, but what
happened Tuesday evening is totally unacceptable. I was deliberately
ambushed and then repeatedly threatened, both legally and physically,
and grossly abused/taunted, with MGCC's Councillors Morello and
Lovett, and CEO McShane, and Manager Nick Serle, all specifically
I believe that this
latest desperate attempt to generate some sort of 'incident' was
recorded by Mt Gambier City Council, and I formally request a copy.
As chronicled on my
blog TMGI, Mt Gambier City Council is defined by it's rank
corruption, and this is why they act this way toward me, constantly
harassing me and threatening 'defamation', etc. It explains but it
does not excuse their outrageous behaviour.
I formally request that
all involved be officially reprimanded for this extraordinary ambush
incident, an incident clearly planned before hand. Their gross
failure to generate the sort of incident they actually wanted, does
not distract from the fact that it happened at all. How is it
appropriate for a Council to attack an individual in this way?
Regardless of the
official response, I will be pursuing an appropriate outcome to this
disgraceful conduct because I have no choice, this is being done to
Yours faithfully, 25th
September 2017
**...(good ol' Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello-Ed)...yeah, by crikey he's a big man when he's hiding behind 'Councillor Frank', but when I encounter him in the street he employs the tried and tested trick
of going translucent as the blood rushes into his boots...(I remember that particularly hilarious occasion when you went to Council to hand-deliver a letter for CEO McShane, mate, and he and Frank were out on the forecourt chatting, and you, grinning like a chipmunk on acid, loomed-up from the rear on Frank's port-bow, and McShenanigans saw ya' approach but Frank didn't until you were right there at his left elbow, and he deadset near shat himself-Ed)...indeed, truly hilarious, and in a context where Frank's abject fear stems from his self-awareness of his own reprehensible and complicit conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the resultant 'logic' that if he were my size, and I his, and that I had done to him as he has done to me, then right about there I'd be gettin' a well-deserved floggin' from a very angry father of an abused child...
(Sure, but what's even more hilarious to my mind, is that these clowns know full-well that you ain't like that, you are truly the classic 'gentle giant', and yet he's still openly terrified-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's the guilt of his own conduct that drives his fear, except of course when he's got the 'protection' of being a Councillor at Council meetings, etc, then he's full of piss-and-vinegar...(well he's full of something, right-up until he evacuates himself at the mere sight of you out in the real world-Ed)...indeed Ed, nicely put sir...(well I do think it's important to bring a degree of good humour to one's open abuse, or at least try to-Ed)...I absolutely concur, you witty confected literary device you...anyhoos, those letters went to the (then) Local Government Minister Geoff Brock, who responded thusly (below), the Local Government Association, who responded (below that), and the LGA Limestone Coast who never responded...**
**...and from the Local Government Association...**
Mr Fletcher
you for your email.
The LGA is a membership-based organisation, and does not play a regulatory or compliance role in relation to councils.
you wish to make a complaint against Councillor Lynagh under the code
of conduct for elected members, this should be directed to the City
of Mount Gambier. You can reach the council at email address:
...and that's the last I heard..(imagine my surprise-Ed)...as indeed I imagine everything you say and/or do, what with you being a confected literary device and all...(damn, I'm so life-like I keep forgetting that I'm not a real boy-Ed)...fair enough...and dear availees, please note CEO McShenanigans lies about the 'evidence' of li'l Joshy's efforts, and that he also doesn't make any statement at all about exercising his legislated responsibilities to investigate and act on my complaints, as stated by Minister Brock...(do you think anything will ever happen?-Ed)...nice one man...
Tomorrow: Those Reprehensibly Vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'
Because it's been such a long post, I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...
Thursday, September 6, 2018
More Bill DeGaris Alleged Lawyering
Dear Availees,
Apologies if I've used this stuff before, but I'm trying to clear-out my 'Draft Section', and by my own admission, have somewhat lost track of what I have posted recently...(well I'm assuming the fact that it's still in 'Drafts' means that we haven't used it-Ed)...fair point, but I still feel that maybe we have possibly referred availees to it in other posts or something like that...anyhoos, if I have done this stuff already, y'all can just skip past this post and I've got several more to come in the days ahead, eg, the litany of lies from Mt Gambier City Council about this farcical 'New Pool Project', and some more positive stuff about 'Ideas To Improve Mt Gambier', etc...(but I thought you said you were positive about MGCC's raft of deceits re the pool thingy?-Ed)...I am, I've used 'positive' there in one of it's other definitions, ie, as stated, 'up-beat', the opposite to negative, and 'to improve', you with me now?...(English can be such a confusing language-Ed)...indeed...
Of course it helps if you're not a moron, enter Bill DeGaris...(Billy! mate! how's it going with your latest round of vacuous threats to this 'ere blog? sorry Billy, can't hear you, mate-Ed)...come on Ed, calm down, I think that availees can discern for themselves just exactly what sort of low, lying Paedophile Protecting Betrayer our mate Billy is, gourd knows we've dealt with his corruptly inept threats often enough, and covered them regularly here on TMGI...new availees might want to just scan back through posts from February-April this year (2018) to get an idea of just exactly what a cowardly incompetent betrayer Bill DeGaris is...(and if they haven't already been exposed to his vacuously pathetic pseudo-lawyering disguised as bilious threats, well just read this dross below-Ed)...spot on Ed, spot on...
I apologise further that I didn't also save the District Court 'Order' referred to by Billy, it was briefly on the New Matilda website before being withdrawn/removed...(and one assumes in response to yet further threats from the Court and/or Billy, mate-Ed)...indeed, but I did read it and have no hesitation in identifying that 'Order' as yet another terrifically corrupt product of the rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt South Australian Courts, that concluded with a farcical paragraph entirely in capitals, stating that if anyone discusses that 'Secret Report', then Matilda Duncan will be gaoled...just another rancidly corrupt SA Courts attempt to attack and silence the victim and protect the paedophile who raped her...(South Australia, what a great place to raise kids-Ed)...and there's our li'l mate Billy...
Tell you what Billy mate, why don't you come threaten me again you gutless, corrupt sack-a'-incompetence, and next time I see you in the street, don't cower behind your associate like last time, try verballing me in the same way you try to threaten me with your moronic letters...(he ain't got what it takes-Ed)...no Ed, no he doesn't, because he's a corrupt and cowardly liar and betrayer and he knows that I'll verbally dismantle him the way that I have done others...and some people in this town apparently still wonder why I refer to Mt Gambier's Political and Social Elite as a 'Pro-Paedophile Ring'...(whilst many others quietly understand and support that position-Ed)...indeed they do Ed, indeed they do...
And I'll say it again, for the benefit of any new availees, as offered/requested last time you threatened me, anytime you wanna' get it on Billy, mate...(maaate-Ed)...I'm more than happy to attend your office and participate in a fully recorded formal 'discussion' about your rancidly corrupt betrayal of me, my child, and all the other kids and families involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a Cover-up that you are intimately and complicitly involved in...(never gunna' happen, because he is exactly as you have described, a cowardly and corrupt incompetent who is intimately complicit in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, and I'm quietly confident that several other fathers are more than willing to attend that recorded meeting to discuss with you you're betrayal of them and their kids and their families...see ya' round Billy, mate...
And again, to support my position/statements re the 'facts' of the assault related to this Billy Threat-Letter, apart from this stuff that is publicly available at New Matilda, I have also read in, and refer availees to, the Sydney Morning Herald, July 29th 2017, where-in the student involved is quoted as saying on a sign at a rally, "Here's what the University of Adelaide's response to my rape cost me."...but I don't need to defend New Matilda from Billy's billiousness, because, as evidenced below, they are more than capable of defending themselves...enjoy...
FROM: Bill DeGaris, De Garis Lawyers
Dear Mr Graham,
Given that you only contacted Mr Lyall for “comment” on Friday, and given your threat to publish an article based on the Catholic Church Confidential Report (“Report”) involving Mr Lyall tomorrow, Monday 18th December, we corresponded with you by email twice on Friday 15thDecember. I served you with the Copy of the SA Distract Court Order against Ms Matilda Duncan, of which you claimed you were unaware.
I also had a short telephone conversation with you, bringing the existence of the Order to your attention.
I wish to confirm with you that we are instructed to bring proceedings for contempt of the Court Order should you in any way attempt to refer to, or rely on the Confidential Report, or publish in defiance of the Court Order. Our reasons have been set out previously to you and include:
Just to be clear, you stated to me that the Court Order does not bind you, and that you had taken “legal advice” to that effect.
That is not the case at all. I suggest that you, and your advisors, read the annexed extract from a Westlaw AU publication, “Injunctions Law and Practice,” where it is clearly stated that;
“where it is asserted that a stranger to the litigation is guilty of contempt, it must be shown that there was a wilful interference with the administration of justice, ie an intention on his part to interfere with, or impede the administration of justice., That intention can be inferred.”
I have provided you with a copy of the Court Order, of which you electronically acknowledged receipt. I have provided you with strong reasons, at least on the balance of probability, but closer I suggest to beyond reasonable doubt, that the source material you have alleged you rely on has come directly, or at least indirectly from Ms Duncan.
In the circumstances if you proceed to publish on the basis of the Report, we will bring contempt proceedings against both Ms Duncan, you and your publisher. This ought to be communicated to your publisher immediately.



Tomorrow: The Orange Roughy - A Week In USofA Politics
Or, Why Nick Fletcher Loathes Donald Trump...(because it's just too easy?-Ed)...well indeed...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and if you think that's the last time I'm comin' for you Billy mate, then you don't know me at all...(oh I think he knows who you are, and exactly how you roll-Ed)...indeed, and to all other availees, cheers and laters...
Apologies if I've used this stuff before, but I'm trying to clear-out my 'Draft Section', and by my own admission, have somewhat lost track of what I have posted recently...(well I'm assuming the fact that it's still in 'Drafts' means that we haven't used it-Ed)...fair point, but I still feel that maybe we have possibly referred availees to it in other posts or something like that...anyhoos, if I have done this stuff already, y'all can just skip past this post and I've got several more to come in the days ahead, eg, the litany of lies from Mt Gambier City Council about this farcical 'New Pool Project', and some more positive stuff about 'Ideas To Improve Mt Gambier', etc...(but I thought you said you were positive about MGCC's raft of deceits re the pool thingy?-Ed)...I am, I've used 'positive' there in one of it's other definitions, ie, as stated, 'up-beat', the opposite to negative, and 'to improve', you with me now?...(English can be such a confusing language-Ed)...indeed...
Of course it helps if you're not a moron, enter Bill DeGaris...(Billy! mate! how's it going with your latest round of vacuous threats to this 'ere blog? sorry Billy, can't hear you, mate-Ed)...come on Ed, calm down, I think that availees can discern for themselves just exactly what sort of low, lying Paedophile Protecting Betrayer our mate Billy is, gourd knows we've dealt with his corruptly inept threats often enough, and covered them regularly here on TMGI...new availees might want to just scan back through posts from February-April this year (2018) to get an idea of just exactly what a cowardly incompetent betrayer Bill DeGaris is...(and if they haven't already been exposed to his vacuously pathetic pseudo-lawyering disguised as bilious threats, well just read this dross below-Ed)...spot on Ed, spot on...
I apologise further that I didn't also save the District Court 'Order' referred to by Billy, it was briefly on the New Matilda website before being withdrawn/removed...(and one assumes in response to yet further threats from the Court and/or Billy, mate-Ed)...indeed, but I did read it and have no hesitation in identifying that 'Order' as yet another terrifically corrupt product of the rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt South Australian Courts, that concluded with a farcical paragraph entirely in capitals, stating that if anyone discusses that 'Secret Report', then Matilda Duncan will be gaoled...just another rancidly corrupt SA Courts attempt to attack and silence the victim and protect the paedophile who raped her...(South Australia, what a great place to raise kids-Ed)...and there's our li'l mate Billy...
Tell you what Billy mate, why don't you come threaten me again you gutless, corrupt sack-a'-incompetence, and next time I see you in the street, don't cower behind your associate like last time, try verballing me in the same way you try to threaten me with your moronic letters...(he ain't got what it takes-Ed)...no Ed, no he doesn't, because he's a corrupt and cowardly liar and betrayer and he knows that I'll verbally dismantle him the way that I have done others...and some people in this town apparently still wonder why I refer to Mt Gambier's Political and Social Elite as a 'Pro-Paedophile Ring'...(whilst many others quietly understand and support that position-Ed)...indeed they do Ed, indeed they do...
And I'll say it again, for the benefit of any new availees, as offered/requested last time you threatened me, anytime you wanna' get it on Billy, mate...(maaate-Ed)...I'm more than happy to attend your office and participate in a fully recorded formal 'discussion' about your rancidly corrupt betrayal of me, my child, and all the other kids and families involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a Cover-up that you are intimately and complicitly involved in...(never gunna' happen, because he is exactly as you have described, a cowardly and corrupt incompetent who is intimately complicit in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, and I'm quietly confident that several other fathers are more than willing to attend that recorded meeting to discuss with you you're betrayal of them and their kids and their families...see ya' round Billy, mate...
And again, to support my position/statements re the 'facts' of the assault related to this Billy Threat-Letter, apart from this stuff that is publicly available at New Matilda, I have also read in, and refer availees to, the Sydney Morning Herald, July 29th 2017, where-in the student involved is quoted as saying on a sign at a rally, "Here's what the University of Adelaide's response to my rape cost me."...but I don't need to defend New Matilda from Billy's billiousness, because, as evidenced below, they are more than capable of defending themselves...enjoy...
FROM: Bill DeGaris, De Garis Lawyers
SENT: Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 11:23 am
TO: Chris Graham, New Matilda
CC: Mr Graeme William Lyall (Plaintiff)
Given that you only contacted Mr Lyall for “comment” on Friday, and given your threat to publish an article based on the Catholic Church Confidential Report (“Report”) involving Mr Lyall tomorrow, Monday 18th December, we corresponded with you by email twice on Friday 15thDecember. I served you with the Copy of the SA Distract Court Order against Ms Matilda Duncan, of which you claimed you were unaware.
I also had a short telephone conversation with you, bringing the existence of the Order to your attention.
I wish to confirm with you that we are instructed to bring proceedings for contempt of the Court Order should you in any way attempt to refer to, or rely on the Confidential Report, or publish in defiance of the Court Order. Our reasons have been set out previously to you and include:
- The only credible source of the Confidential Report, which you confirm you have read, is Ms Matilda Duncan. If not directly, then indirectly she has furnished you with the Report. Any credible journalist would rapidly reach the conclusion that the only source of the Report was Ms Duncan. I have canvassed that previously, when you claimed your journalists right to protection of sources. Ms Duncan is the only possible source, directly, or indirectly.
- Ms Duncan is restrained from publishing or circulating the Report, directly or indirectly.
- You now have a copy of the Court Order, and are fully aware of its contents.
- The questions you posed to Mr Lyall are based on matters referred to in the Report. However, the questions also relate to other matters clearly aired by Ms Duncan which are not referred to in the Report, such as the allegation relating to the UniSA, and James Morrison Academy. Those matters have only been raised by Ms Duncan (who, by the way, never attended the JMA at UniSA.) It is an inescapable conclusion you have spoken with Ms Duncan.
- In your conversation with me on the phone, you referred to having read Ms Duncan’s diary. Clearly that has come directly from Ms Duncan, and is not something in the public domain. This strengthens my belief that Ms Duncan has clearly been the source of the Report to you, directly or indirectly.
Just to be clear, you stated to me that the Court Order does not bind you, and that you had taken “legal advice” to that effect.
That is not the case at all. I suggest that you, and your advisors, read the annexed extract from a Westlaw AU publication, “Injunctions Law and Practice,” where it is clearly stated that;
“where it is asserted that a stranger to the litigation is guilty of contempt, it must be shown that there was a wilful interference with the administration of justice, ie an intention on his part to interfere with, or impede the administration of justice., That intention can be inferred.”
I have provided you with a copy of the Court Order, of which you electronically acknowledged receipt. I have provided you with strong reasons, at least on the balance of probability, but closer I suggest to beyond reasonable doubt, that the source material you have alleged you rely on has come directly, or at least indirectly from Ms Duncan.
In the circumstances if you proceed to publish on the basis of the Report, we will bring contempt proceedings against both Ms Duncan, you and your publisher. This ought to be communicated to your publisher immediately.



Tomorrow: The Orange Roughy - A Week In USofA Politics
Or, Why Nick Fletcher Loathes Donald Trump...(because it's just too easy?-Ed)...well indeed...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and if you think that's the last time I'm comin' for you Billy mate, then you don't know me at all...(oh I think he knows who you are, and exactly how you roll-Ed)...indeed, and to all other availees, cheers and laters...
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