Sunday, November 19, 2017

Mt Gambier City Council's Cr Josh Lynagh's Political Campaign On Social Media

A big TMGI hello to the Phillipines, Poland, France, and Latvia...continuing straight-on from the last post, please find below the remainder of the 'discussion' had on local 'History/Family Memories web-page thingy, Growing Up In Mt Gambier, as held mostly on Thursday 9th November 2017...just to re-iterate, this 'discussion' followed one the previous evening which was self-evidently and/or unambiguously an attack on me and this 'ere blog, entirely a desperate continuation of Mt Gambier City Council's relentless attacks on me personally as they seek to try and discredit me...Cr Lynagh repeatedly made direct reference to 'a blog', and/or various things said on here, and/or me... any doubt as to whom the discussion was about, was removed when at one point I and this 'ere blog were named...

***and in real time dear availees, deadset, just had a call, and literally as I type this at 1100hrs-ish on Sat'dy 18th November, the little grub is at it again on Growing Up In The Mount, yet again running the MGCC line, operating as a Councillor who thinks that he's gunna' be the next're a sad joke mate, and nobodies fooled by this thinly-veiled Vote For Your Mate Josh political campaign frenzy thingy you're runnin' on Social Media...piss-off back to your own tepid webpage, and re-name it exactly that, Vote Josh For Mayor, 'cos that's what you're doing, and what you did last week in pursuit of that Agenda, on GUITM, when you dragged the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Pro-paedophile Corruption onto someone else's page, that is a low and vile and reprehensible act and you will reap a rich reward from it...(well that's what they're tellin' 'im anyway-Ed)...sorry?...(well, he's clearly being told from within MGCC that he's gunna' be the next Mayor, or worse-Ed)...sure...(and some people believe that those deals are already done-Ed)...maybe, even probably, yeah...(and hence his atrociously offensive and deeply corrupt behaviour on Social Media, 'cos he thinks he's golden so he thinks he can say/do whatevs he wants-Ed)...fair point... 

But not everyone agrees with that though, do they?...(well no, there are those who are of the opinion that Cr Josh is just a stupid little boy playing at man games-Ed)...indeed...(and that those behind him pushing his Josh For Mayor aspirations, are merely loading him up with their corruption and cowardice and lies, before cuttin' 'im loose-Ed)...well it's clearly MGCC-generated, so obviously it's awash with corruption and cowardice and lies...(well sure, and they're trotting him out like a little pet pig with lipstick and a novelty light-up bowtie, trottin' 'im out to do their grubby bidding-Ed)...for example, openly attacking me, you, and this 'ere blog on GUITM...(exactly, rancidly vile conduct from a reprehensible Councillor who thinks he's gunna' be Mayor, or worse, on behalf of a rankly corrupt Council-Ed)...but not everyone beliefs that Cr Josh will be Mayor, oh no, and I offer another person's observation of Cr Lynagh's conduct, namely, Josh mate, you're the rubber glove MGCC puts on when it wants to grab a big fistful of it's own rancid excretions and start flingin' it at people...not mine, but my how I laughed...haahaahaa...heeheehee...

And what's with the 'or worse' comments?...(mmm, it had occurred to me that li'l Josh's political aspirations may well officially manifest themselves much sooner than Local Government Elections due in November 2018-Ed)...oh gourd, you don't mean?...(yep, the March 2018 State Election mate, as another alleged Independent and/or Labor stooge, whatevs-Ed)...whatevs indeed, the sooner the little creep outs himself the better...***

Park And Stride Today You Idiots:...what has reserved private parking for your Ratepayer-funded car literally right on your workplace doorstep of your special carpark entrance doorway, so's you take literally seconds to get from said car in said carpark to said plush air-conditioned workplace...and by seconds, I mean like 5, 10 tops...and every single cent of it paid for by Ratepayers, your pay, your car, your luxurious offices, your work utilities, your rankly corrupt junkets to China, all of it, every single gourd-damned cent is Ratepayer's money...and on a stormy, windy, wet day like today, even that few seconds would be enough to get half-soaked...(and there's no public transport on weekends or public holidays, etc-Ed)...yeah, all that, but you rankly corrupt clowns tell others to Park and Stride...(it's a sadly disgraceful joke-Ed)...indeed... 

Another sadly disgraceful joke is the abysmal attendance record of some Councillors, eg, the rancidly pro-paedophile corrupt former Mayor Steve Perryman, who literally only shows-up to MGCC Full Meetings when he's trying to fleece Mt Gambier Ratepayers, usually on behalf of his buddies at the Grant District Council, eg, trying to get MGCC to 'just give the GDC $1million for the Airport'...Cr Lynagh's attendance record is only slightly better...(strewth, these clowns are being paid by Ratepayers to de-fraud Ratepayers, the least they could do is show-up!-Ed)...they do Ed, like I said, when it suits them and/or they want something specific... 

Coupla' Points From Last Post:...that I skipped-over because the post was getting really long...
1) Cr Lynagh makes references to 'only one person who attends MGCC meetings'...(that's you!-Ed)...indeed it is, and he criticises people for not attending those meetings to express their concerns as stated on whatevs's a farcical bet-every-which-way from MGCC, stating that they are 'expanding on-line options for contacting Council to improve access for people', etc, but then criticising people for using Social Media, whilst also refusing to live stream/Webcast/Podcast/whatevs MGCC meetings...(yeah, but far ahead of that is the cynical hypocrisy of criticising people for not attending MGCC meetings and/or expressing criticism or even just concerns, etc, when Cr Josh knows damn well that the one person who does attend gets relentlessly attacked and abused for his troubles!-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's this well-known vicious vindictiveness of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council that stops people complaining let-alone attending!...    

As much as I whinge about the lack of attendance, I'm also very careful to acknowledge that specific context where-in people have every right to be 'afraid'...(and are-Ed)...indeed, 'and are', I have had this exact conversation with several business owners, people cannot be blamed for being genuinely concerned about the repercussions/retributions of speaking-out against MGCC's rankly Nepotistic corruption/incompetence/whatevs, because they really do run the risk of destroying their own business...(having it destroyed for them-Ed)...well quite, and/or isolating their families, etc...I've seen it happen to others, I've had those conversations, it's exactly what's being done to when Cr Lynagh makes these criticisms, it is just another rank hypocrisy and gross manipulation from a smug idiot who thinks he's being clever...which brings us to...

2) where-in Cr Josh constantly belittles others comments by feigning ignorance of what's being said, 'I don't understand''s a deeply disingenuous deliberate ploy to try to mock and de-legitimise others questions/comments...also, Josh, mate, 3) saying something moronic and offensive and then putting 'haha' after it doesn't fly mate...for example, I refer back to your 'it almost became a witchhunt, haha' go onto someone else's web-page specifically to denigrate me and this 'ere blog, that initial discussion was 100% an attack on me, a deliberate act of gross desperation on behalf of the rankly corrupt you've openly attacked me, and then had it pulled-down, and then go back on there and try to wave away your outrageously corrupt and self-focussed conduct with a 'haha'...

Dear here's what Cr Josh Lynagh is doing to you's and how he's doin' it, deeply cynical manipulation and outright lies, all motivated by self-interest and a massively over-inflated opinion of self...but there's no better proof of that than the genius' own works, so here's some more directly pasted 'discussion', again with names removed, etc, following-on directly from where the last post left-off...*** 

- Person's Comment, Name Removed (C) - Truth is, people love to whip up a good drama and then run with it. Facts are not always involved
- C - Why spoil a good slagging session with facts?
- C - "I know for a fact becuase a Mt Gambier business man told me" was posted on here last year. Interesting that the fact the poster knew was regards to ALDI buying into the old mill on Sturt Street & she also knew for a fact that old houses around it had ben sold & access gained from Pick Avenue. That was a valuable lesson for me to no longer believe such things until I personally had proof.
- Josh Lynagh - That was a rumour I heard, but it definitely isn't fact haha.
- C - "I know for a fact ..." falls into the same category as, "I don't mean to upset you, but, ..." and, "I'm not a gossip ..." 🤣
- C - Along with " I probably should not say this........"
- C - And also - I'm not a racist but.......
- C - Assume the position government has spoken.
- C - Perhaps if you thought about the cost of decontaminating that Sturt Street sight you would disregard "I know for a fact".
- C - That's why no body will touch it

*me...I reckon that the Sturt St Rumour may have been deliberately started to distract away from the rankly corrupt attempt by certain Members of the Show Society and a rankly corrupt Realtor to flog-off part of the Showgrounds to a definably complicit ALDI, but whatevs...(well I'd suggest the fact that we've discussed this Attempted Fraudulent Show Grounds Sale several times previous on TMGI, without repercussion, eg, threats of 'defamation', that that 'legal non-action' confirms everyone's worst fears about exactly what the AFSGS represents-Ed)...excellent point Ed...and to digress quickly, I am concerned that the ALDI In Fiddler's Building announcement is a deceit to cover yet another corrupted attempt to flog-off part of the Show Grounds, very much hope to be wrong...

But don't we love it Ed, when people who clearly don't know 'the facts', make definitive statements about other people's 'facts'...want to know the facts, yeah? I gotta' few facts for ya', here they are...your li'l mate Cr Josh Lynagh has cynically and deliberately manipulated and deceived you, officially and deliberately on behalf of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, as they continue to pursue the undeniable Rail Lands Retail Agenda, which does include the demolition of the Old Rail Station, that is 'The Plan', and Cr Josh knows that when he weasel-words his way through his definable lies...again, he's had the RLRA explained to him, so he knows exactly what he's doing with these deliberate deceits...there's ya' precious facts...*  

- C - Same was said about the ambulance station. (*name removed*) wanted to move her (*group name removed*) group in there and that's the answer she was given.
How many heritage houses have been destroyed due to asbestos contaminion ?
- Josh Lynagh - It wasn't at all said about the Rail Station.
- C - (*name of person*) I suggest u get to know just how reliable your sources are before making any outlandish statements again...
- C - It is not that it is an outlandish statement. It is a missinterpreted and outdated piece of information. It was a plan that was around some years ago before the rail land development was even planned. The current issue is what is happening to the station now with so many buildings being demolished due to lack of maintenance and the exorbitant figure quoted to carry out maintenance. There are a lot of diffrent community groups looking for a building and are willing to do the work themselves to restore the building.
- Josh Lynagh - Well no such thing was said at any meeting, and Council have no such plans to demolish the building, so I'd say "outlandish" fits quite well.

* stated just above, the RLRA is absolutely current, as evidenced by MGCC's multiple refusals to allow people to use the Old Station, including recently blocking/refusing the $100,000 application specifically for Asbestos removal (re the $40million Fund My Neighbourhood grants)...yet again Cr Josh is being deliberately deceitful and very deliberately trying to run the debate off into nonsense and ridicule, whilst carefully ignoring the facts/questions being put to him, eg, 'so many buildings being demolished when people want to use them', including the specific example of the Frew Pk demolition, and Cr Lynagh completely ignores that and goes instead to 'Rail Station demolition is outlandish'...ignoring what he/MGCC don't want to talk about, then using dismissive and belittling language to run the Old Station debate into the realm of hyperbolic ain't "outlandish" Josh, mate, it's exactly what you/MGCC are doing, and you sir, are a liar, a base liar...*  
- C - Glad that's all cleared up. Sure made for some interesting reading though & reiterated just how beautiful Mt. Gambier is so important to us all. (even the many ex pats like myself) but the beauty of this site is that we can all speak our piece, agree/d...See More 
- C - The first thing council should've done up was the railway station instead of all of the other works that they wasted the rate payers money on
- C - *Groan*
- C - Wasted?
Tony Burch (*name removed*) in spite all the many many comments on this site over several months that the artwork you mention in the railcards was paid for, not by ratepayers, but through a government grant.

*(Ed:...I thought you said that you spent yonks removing names and then re-setting to be readable, save space, etc, but you've left Tony Burch on there?-Ed)...indeed, and that's because here-in my mate Tony...('mate'?-Ed)...oh yeah, me and Tony are familiar with each others work, we go way back, don't we Tony? mate, and how's it going? mate...(maaate-Ed) this 'discussion' my mate Tony is acting directly on behalf of MGCC, as his own comments will confirm...* 
- C (reply to) - Tony Burch And where does the government get the money from Tony - s'pose they print it ?.... no, they take it from us (you, me and busineses) in the form of taxes and other government enforced fees, that if not paid, they will take by force. So it's us who pay, the ratepayers of Mount Gambier "contribute", whether it by by way of rates, taxes or fees, the only difference is to whom it's paid. People who think stuff comes from the government, don't understand - the government produces nothing, it only takes from the taxpayer (persons and business), and while they are in the process of doling it out to THEIR favorite causes, they waste, lose, steal and abuse it, and all that comes back is a pittance of what they take in. Dunno what the percentage in Australia is, but here in the US of money taken in, only 22% is returned to the public, the 78% is consumed by the government (federal, state, local) in "processing and distributing" of the taxpayer "contributions". These are the people we encounter when we "purchase" or use their services, and we find them so customer friendly and efficient, and who treat you with respect as we are actually their bosses and paymaster - they act so appreciative because they know we actually pay their wages - I'm sure everyone would agree that they do treat us their boss and source of funds for their livelihood ... NOT!

*! exactly right...(and if anything, not right enough, because every single cent that exists within the MGCC's or the State or Federal Government's coffers is Taxpayer's money!-Ed) on mate, every State Asset that the rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor has sold-off is my/your/our money, every single cent received and the many, many dollars lost through incompetence and/or corruption, eg, the more than $1.3billion lost with the rankly corrupted South East Forestry Estate Lease/Sale...every cent of any grant/fine/Council levy/whatevs, every cent is Ratepayers money, which the rankly corrupt MGCC treat as their own personal piggy-bank...* 

Tony Burch nevertheless, State and federal governments have choices about where they spend the money pot. Both have agendas of supporting Art and Culture, both of which are very important components of complex and vibrant societies. Any local government that takes advantage of offers made by the big governments should be commended, not falsely criticised.
- C - Not very efficiently tho!
Tony Burch yes re the State and Federal governments that might be true, but we elected them.

*me:...and there it is, my mate Tony...(maaate-Ed)...repeatedly blaming State and/or Federal government, but not one word of criticism levelled at MGCC for exactly the same faults and failings, indeed, it's clearly a pro-MGCC defence...MGCC spends a fortune on 'The Arts', but sweet bugger all on Public Transport, and observations about corrupt/incompetent expenditure is not 'false criticism', and we elected MGCC!...ladies and gentlemen, please to be putting them together for my mate Tony...(maaate, great work on behalf of MGCC-Ed)...yet again this is blowing-out, so I'm gunna push to a third post for the last bit...

Just in Closing:...Cr Josh Lynagh is playing a very cynical, deeply politically motivated, and absolutely self-focussed game of 'Everyone's Mate' on Social Media, including this outrageous conduct on GUITM re me and/or this 'ere blog, TMGI...whether he plans to be Mayor or bob-up at the next State Election as a Labor stooge looking to gather preferences for another Labor stooge, both operating as alleged Independents, etc, etc, and a great big whatevs! whatever Cr Josh, mate, has in mind, his crassly corrupted and cynically selfish rampage on Social Media has hit a bit of a snag, hasn't it Josh, mate...

Tomorrow: Someone Pisses Me Off And Regrets It

 (Hilarious, and yet true-Ed)...yeah, it feels a little like that sometimes...(sure, but it's hardly your Nature is it?-Ed)...nooo, I guess not...(do you go looking for trouble, or has it found you?-Ed)...yeees, it found me...(are you responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, or did you have it dumped on you as a parent?-Ed)...nooo, it is the rankly corrupt Lutherans, SAPol (police), SA Parliament, et al, who have created the St Martins Cover-up...(indeed, and is it your fault that that poor young policewoman is on open-ended sick leave, not likely to return to complete her evidence in your bizarre ICAC Court case, or has she fallen horribly fowl of her own deceits?-Ed)...her own deccceits...(correct!-Ed)...doesn't mean I feel good about it...(absolutely, it's a credit to ya' that you take pride but no pleasure in what you've achieved in Court, particularly re that young officer-Ed)...cheers mate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


  1. You’re a flop mate get a life

  2. That's some quality journalism, right there. Have you gone to Josh and asked him if he's planning a tilt at the Mayoral role or State Government next year? Nah, it's far more expedient to just accuse him of it and not let the truth get in the way of a character assassination.

    Oh, and I have to ask: so what if he's got political aspirations? Since when has it been a crime (or even an act deserving of deep moral reprehension) for a councillor to suggest he might want to run for higher office?
