***apologies that this post was started over 2 weeks ago and intermittently added-to so's it's a bit dated and a bit dis-jointed, but I've tidied it up as best I can, cheers, Nick...***
A big TMGI shout-out to Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Japan, and Bangladesh, it's just super-sweet to pseudo-meet y'all here again my bloggy friends...lots of loose ends to mend today, and when I say mend I mean render thoroughly tender courtesy of another TMGI blog floggin'...(ouch-Ed)...so, no more beatin' about the bush, let's just set sail as I flailingly rail against the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines Mt Gambier and South Australia...(agaaain?-Ed)...again...
How's Keeping-Up With Housekeeping Help?...well, for example, 1) I can say apologies because the Same Sex Marriage Survey shizzle is not closed, as I thought I saw reported last week, 'cos that TV ad was apparently specifically about just getting the postal form if you don't already have one, that bit's closed, but the actual Postal Deadline is I think Tuesday 7th November 2017...(I thought you said the whole thing is a bitterly cynical Liberal Party exercise in Dog-Whistling Through A Megaphone to all the most bigotted and self-righteous in the community, particularly those who anchor their opinion in religion?-Ed)...I did say that, and I said it because that's exactly what I see it to be...the Federal Liberal Party who have forced this costly farce on us have outright stated that if it's 'No', then that's final, we'll never mention it again, but if it's 'Yes', that means nothing, nothing happens, we're all gunna' wonder-about discussing it again for a while and maybe something might happen eventually, it's a sick joke...
***and this post was started on Wednesday 1st November and now that it's the 8th, so that's an apology well made well after time, sorry...*** ***and that apology is itself well over a week old***
Re-Tracing My 369 Steps:...'cos 2) I reckon I said that I saw on the fishing/doco show River Monsters, that the fisho dude Jeremy had gone into the Rolling Sarcophagus under construction at Chernobyl, and that there were 396 steps, the exact same as the Valley Lake steps, an amazing coincidence...possible apology 'cos that episode was on again and although I didn't see it all, I reckon it 'looked different', and it could be that the footage was part of another show, eg, the Uranium doco Twisting The Dragon's Tail...both have been on several times in recent years, this is the problem with perpetual channel-surfing, and why it's important to see/hear as much as possible on any 'news item', be it via radio, telly, papers, whatevs...a coupla' minor errors now sorted, now here's some that aren't...
The Cycle Of Backpeddling:...as our Member for Barker (Federal) Liberal Tony Pasin was last week furiously back-peddling away from his original statement about the Same Sex Marriage and/or this specific 'SSM Survey', now stating that he's 'previously stated my position on this, I support the traditional definition', etc...(but that wasn't his original statement at all!-Ed)...no it wasn't Ed, no it wasn't...(he straight-out stated that "my position on this is dictated by my faith"!-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, "dictated by my faith"...(and if I recall, I reckon we jumped all over that at the time because it's a blatant admission about a gross distortion in Tony's deductive and rational processes!-Ed)...and if we didn't jump then we're in with both boots now...(well like he doesn't deserve it! we are supposed to have a definitive separation of the Church, whatevs Church that is, and the machinations of the State, ie, the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary!-Ed)...well of course we are...(so it's fundamentally unacceptable to allow "faith to dictate" anything-Ed)...well in an ideal world, and SA sure-as-shreck ain't no ideal world...
This "dictated by my faith" statement was of course about the Catholic Church, but to me it rang-loud about the Lutheran church and how the Lutherans have conducted themselves re the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, it's all about protecting their precious shreckin' Church, and morality and decency and the law are not going to be allowed to interfere...(and if you pursue the Lutherans for their gross pro-paedophile corruption, you get attacked and threatened by their equally pro-paedophile and equally corrupt lawyers, Piper Aldermann!-Ed)...absolutely, and a huge TMGI shout-out to you corrupt clowns at Piper Aldermann, you do great work protecting the Lutheran Church from it's own pro-paedophile corruption, well done, you must be so proud...(no no, they just must be paid-Ed)...indeed, demanding/accepting payment to attack and threaten deeply traumatised parents in an attempt to help protect a "text-book grooming paedophile", now that's a classy effort...(and how's that working-out for Piper Aldermann then?-Ed)...what, the threatening parents or the protecting a paedophile?...(all of it-Ed)...well I'd say it's going just swimmingly, just like a rock swims...
Lies, Bribes, But No Automobiles:...is a stunningly accurate summation of the state of the nation that is the sad, sick state of decay that is SA...and chuck on that the slavering avalanche of pork-barrelling bribes that define Weatherill Labor's current Election Campaign for the March 2018 SA State Election...(indeed, it's been a veritable blizzard of self-promotery self-congratulation and vacuous promise-spewing-Ed)...indeed ya'self...(and all that advertising paid for, and every promise budgeted for, with Taxpayer's money stolen-off us by a rankly corrupt and incompetent Rann/Weatherill Labor government-Ed)...spot on Ed, and I'm hoping that people are more attuned to this sort of crass manipulation, but where is it going to take us? voting for Liberals?...(oh gourd!-Ed)...or Nick Xenophon?...(he was on the telly again yesterday saying that he's coming home to the SA State Election to "help protect Whistleblowers"-Ed)...really? funny that, 'cos I've been in Court since February 2015, openly under attack for 'Whistleblowing', attacked by a rankly corrupt Labor government via it's equally corrupt Independent Commission Against Corruption, and Nick, mate...(maaate-Ed)...has completely ignored my emails, even though I've personally explained it to him twice now...
It's an undeniable reality that Labor have privatised huge sections of South Australia's Public Authorities, our State Assets, and have then 1) thrown that money into a gaping hole we call The State Budget, whilst also 2) using that money to make grandstanding announcements ahead of the March 2018 Election, that are 3) announcements about stuff that should already be being done anyway...Rann/Weatherill/Labor are using your money they've stolen from you, to try and bribe you away from The Realities of who they are and what they've done to South Australia...(and our alternative is Marshall-led Liberals or Nick Xenpophon-Ed)...oh dear gourd...
For example, this JobEx shizzle...Weatherill/Labor have been furiously advertising their 'Job Expo' that's gunna' be held at Port Augusta, about 300kms North of Adelaide...(yeah, fair enough, sortta' covers the West Coast I guess, the Mid-North-Ed)...Murray Bridge, 80k's South-East of Adelaide...(errr, for the Riverland and some of the most Upper South East areas, so far so good-Ed)...and Adelaide, ummm, 0kms from Adelaide...(riiight, and of course Mt Gambier, because it's a major part of Sow Straya's economic base, employment, etc, yeah?-Ed)...nuh, Adelaide as in Adelaide, Pt Augusta, and Murray Bridge, the South East don't come into it...
$200million Future Jobs Fund:...you're not fooling anyone Labor Minister Kyam Maher when you billiously declare that the first 'grant funding recipient' is Minda SA in Mt Gambier, and that that's for setting-up an office/business here in Mt Gambier and 100+ jobs, etc...straight-out Pre-Election Stunt...and there's that prize buffoon yet again, Labor's Kyam Maher, what a clown, pathetically posturing with all the animated intimidation of a stuffed toy, there he is straight-out threatening to "vandalise" any future Liberal Party Budgets if the SA Parliament doesn't immediately pass the ludicrous proposed $350million Bank Tax...it's a stupid tax from an incompetent Weatherill Labor government...petulant threats from a gutless stooge who won't even look at me at public functions, will ya' Kyam mate...(maaate-Ed)...
***I note that this Bank Tax has now failed to get through Parliament and has been 'dropped'...and my mate Kyam was on the ABC just last week re the Same Sex Marriage Survey, stating that it was a waste of money, 'imagine what could have been bought in the South East with that money', he said...(oh no he didn't?!-Ed)...oh yes he did, from the SA Labor Party who have all-but dismantled Regional Services and destroyed this State...and my ABC mate Stuart Stansfield? not one word, not one shreckin' word, just let Kyam spew this rank hypocrisy completely unchallenged...***
Then there's the $680million bribe re Public schools, complete with an expensive 'Public Schools Are Great, Get Amongst It Mate' telly advertising campaign, including our darling Premier Jay Weatherill...(maaate-Ed)...no no, 'daaarling'...(oops, sorry, force of habit again, 'daaarling'-Ed)...better, anyhoos, well, The Shiny Man has been spruiking this rankly incompetent manipulation by actually stating 'this is more than we spent on the Adelaide Oval'...(which is of course a direct reference to the rankly corrupt South East Forestry Estate Sale, a grossly corrupt 'Lease' that's actually a 'Sale', and that sees new 'Leasee/Owner' OneFortyOne Plantations effectively clear-felling our future log supplies, and shipping them-off to Asia, via Portland-Ed)...exactly Ed, another rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill 'deal' that lost us/SA at least $1.3billion...(yay for Ray Jay-Ed)...
***now Labor have just declared $110million for private/religious schools, another Election Bribe, with The Shiny Man, Jay Weatherill stating, "It is within the DNA of a Labor government to ensure that all students have the right to reach their full potential."...seriously...(bollocks! rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption is Rann/Weatherill Labor's DNA, in good ol' South Australia, the Paedophile State effectively run for Paedophiles by Paedophiles!-Ed)...indeed Ed, Pro-Paedophile Corruption is Jay Weatherill's and Labor's DNA...***
I was stunned but not surprised to hear 141P's Linda Sewell on the ABC Radio a few weeks back, being questioned about this obvious 'clear-felling', huge log stockpiles at Portland, etc, and Ms Sewell defended and/or dismissed outright all concerns, and actually stated that 141P were about to start targetting 'smaller low quality logs'...she seemed to be saying that what 141P has been doing since getting that Sale/Lease in 2011/12, is only clearing 1) what they're allowed to, which 2) means that the 30-35 year-old mature trees being felled now/already are effectively the 'First Rotation', 3) that they're gunna' go after all these younger, smaller diameter trees, and that 4) 'if you've got a problem with that, people should have planted more trees 35 years ago'...
Now these are obviously paraphrasings, but it's an accurate summation of what I took-out of that interview...it pulled-up just short of 'we'll do what we want when we want, and if you don't like it, go back 35 years and plant more trees'...you can say what you like Ms Sewell, 'cos no-one believes it, oh, except for the bit about 'we'll do whatevs we want', they believe that bit because they're watching it happen right in front of them, watching it driving down the road in front of them, watching it pile-up at Portland, etc, etc...
***and at Mt Gambier City Council's Full Meeting 21st November 2017, two One Forty One Plantatoins reps were given 15 minutes to do a 'presentation'...apparently, everything's just tickety-boo because 141P aren't clear-felling, to make their massively increased profits, and they've planted 16million trees, and they're committed to the future, etc, etc...(well that's just fine then-Ed)...***
Ummm, I'll Have the Blatant Bribe Please:...yet another Taxpayer-funded Pre-Election Pork-Barrelling Bribe, the $40million Fund My Neighbourhood...already covered this previous, it's just another platform for Labor to try and deny the realities of what they've done to this State, carefully filtered/censored by local Councils who get 'veto' on any application...this reeks of our institutionalised Labor stoogery, where-in Labor sets-up dodgy funds like the Forestry Fund...(following-on from the equally corrupt Labor Stoogefest that was the Forestry Roundtable-Ed)...indeed, a deeply corrupted panel loaded with Labor stooges, followed by a corrupt fund that corruptly hands all the cash to Labor's mates, in that example being NF McDonnell Mill, who have also previously pulled-down a post on this exact issue aways back in 2013...I note that NF McDonnell used some of the $8-10million (nobody's exactly sure) they received from the $28m FF, to 'sponsor' the Mt Gambier Christmas Parade, self-aggrandising self-promotion using Taxpayer's money...(well that's very generous of us to sponsor NF McDonnell's sponsorship-Ed)...ain't it though...
***So let's pause a moment to reflect on that li'l gem, one company has received at least One Quarter, possibly more than a Third of that funding, and that company's owner/director was on the Forestry Roundtable...this is not defamation, this is facts...and 141P are 'sponsoring' the 'Fun Run' thingy, and Beach Energy are sponsoring/donating $10,000 to the Cold As Ice 'Anti-Drug Program'...(didn't Labor give them $5m to 'explore at Penola'?-Ed)...yep, arguably every cent of each of these 'sponsorships' is Taxpayer's money stolen-off them by Labor and handed to Labor's mates...it's a bloody disgrace...***
Labor have also flogged-off the Motor Accident Commission and pocketted the accrued Public Monies sitting in that fund...(and then used that $500m to declare a '$370m Surplus'!-Ed)...indeed, flogging-off $$$billions in State Assets and then declaring that there's a 'Surplus', it's shamelessly transparent mis-management from a Rann/Weatherill Labor government defined by their rank pro-paedophile corruption and fiscal incompetence!...(so where'd the remainder $130m plus the income from the sale actually go?-Ed)...into The Pit...(right you are master, splash-Ed)...no no, not you into The Pit, the Money went into the Pit of Public Service Wages, that vastly bloated and largely irrelevant and deeply corrupted SA Public Service, huge numbers of people pushing paper to each other, and heaven forbid should some uppity pleb shake that shonky stoogefest...
Just plain offensive but not at all surprising from the deliberately, professionally delusional Premier Weatherill, to have spear-headed the rank Privatisation of South Australia, well at least the bits still left after Premier Rann, extraordinary and offensive for The Shiny Man to sell-off this State and then trumpet his own brilliance whilst denouncing/rejecting future Privatisations...I might have some genuine Mental Health issues/problems/whatevs, but Jay Weatherill is deliberately delusional...I remind my mate Jay...(maaate-Ed)...that on 1st June 2013, on ABC Radio Adelaide, my mate Jay directly lied to me and every other person listening when he stated, re the St Martins Cover-up, "I don't recall that"...corrupt pro-paedophile liar, that's our illustrious leader, Jay Weatherill...
Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie, Errr, Ummm, Arghhh:...probably?
maybe?...what an absolute con that Liberal John Alexander has just this
week realised that he's got an English father and therefore has
automatic Dual Citizenship with the United Kingdom ...and it's back to
Tony Pasin...(oh yeah, that farcical pantomime of him waving a wad of whatevs documents at Sandra Morello of The Border Watch newspaper, and stating 'that proves it, I'm pure Aussie mate'-Ed)...and I absolutely concur with the growing sentiment that these clowns should repay every cent they've earned, that smug, rat-cunning idiots like Barnaby Joyce must re-pay every cent of income, him and Scott Ludlum and Larissa Waters, et al, are not legally entitled to, and that includes all superannuation...if this was Centrelink/the Government you would have to repay every cent, even if it happened years ago, a decade ago, and Centrelink/the Government have just recently flung a blizzard of false accusations at recipients, in many cases saying, 'you prove you don't owe us!'...
***and Tony's been at it again, waving anonymous documents around, sayin' that his parents renounced their Italian citizenship before he was born, therefore he's as Oz as, mate...(I'll believe it maybe when it's been officially ratified by the High Court, after Tony's self-referred-Ed)...indeed, maybe then***
How is it that the Member for Barker, Tony Pasin, can just wave anonymous papers about and he's supposedly golden? bollocks to that!...(it's almost like the whole Australian Body PolitiquƩ just wants to ignore Mt Gambier as best it can-Ed)...you're not suggesting that there's something happening in the South East that Canberra desperately wants to ignore?...(no, I'm not suggesting that, I'm stating it as a matter of fact, and furthermore, I'd reckon that it ain't just a 'something', but that it's also a 'someone'!-Ed)...so you're suggesting/stating that this 'blissful ignorance' is 1) directly related to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and 2) in-part driven by this 'ere blog what relentlessly drives-home the unpleasant Realities of the St Martins Cover-up...(Realities like our Foreign Minister Julie Bishop knowing about St Martins 8 years ago, but waving it away, albeit via a sub-ordinate's letter-Ed)...yes Ed, exactly like that, and of course there's our local Member for Barker, Liberal Tony Pasin, silently complicit...
Gandolfi, Pasin, Pyne:...I mean, who do you believe out of that lot?!...on the ABC South East Radio and apparently in The Australian newspaper, allegations that Federal Liberal Christopher 'Attack Poodle' Pyne rang former Liberal staffer and candidate Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi sometime just prior to the 2013 Federal Election, to encourage my mate Peter...(maaate-Ed)...to run as an 'Independent' against Liberal-endorsed candidate Tony Pasin...seriously, who do you believe?...it's Peter's word that Tony sometime heard something about, and Chris reckons 'never happened mate'...(maaate-Ed)...no no, that wasn't me, that was Chris...(ah right, force of habit-Ed)...fair enough...
Tomorrow: The Third Installment Of Cr Josh Gets Verbally Flailed
I also note that yet another Tasmanian Council, Glenorchy, has been sacked by the State Government there for doing dodgy 'Consultancy' deals...this was initiated/enacted by their Local Government Minister...(who in SA is?-Ed)...ummm, ohh, it's errrr Geoff Brock...(oh sweet baby cheeses!-Ede)...indeed, never gunna' happen, not with him or any other Labor Minister, not with the rankly Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines Politics in South Australia...nobody in this rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government is going to do anything about their rankly complicit co-conspirators, the Mount Gambier City Council...rankly Pro-Paedophile Corruption defines South Australian Politics, at every level...
And my mate li'l Johnny Rau, the self-declared smartest man in SA Parliament, possibly anywhere, hasn't been able to respond to my repeated emails asking him why, if he's so jolly clever, that he's come-up with a piece of legislation that's so farcical, and a related prosecution that's so fundamentally incompetent, that this stupid ol' hippy can run the whole farce into an irretrievable mire merely by standing his ground and being 'truthful'...I refer of course to my ludicrous and deeply biased "Malicious Prosecution" of 18 alleged 'Charges' of breaching the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, Section 56 (a) and/or (b)...(ummm, 'Malicious Prosecution', in quotations?-Ed)...yep, because that's the official term as used by Magistrate Teresa Anderson when instructing me to prove my claims that this prosecution is generated from within the rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government and motivated by a malicious intent to attack/harass/intimidate me and try to shut down this 'ere blog, ie, I am being prosecuted/persecuted for the general content of this 'ere blog, and this is the only supposedly 'legal' avenue available to them...
Across multiple hearings I repeatedly stated that this was/is undisguised Political Persecution, and I clearly proved enough for Her Honour to initially identify 'Abuse of Process', but two hearings later change that to 'Malicious Prosecution' that HH specifically 'Ordered' me to prepare and present, that is, provide all my documents, etc, to both the Court and SAPol Prosecutions prior to Trial in November 2016, and that I would be "going first"...of course, that 'Trial' collapsed in disarray, with SAPol trying to change multiple 'Charges', leading to yet another adjournment on Day One, and then immediately on Day Two, Her Honour, having reading my Malicious Prosecution 100 documents overnight, suddenly withdrew...(wow-Ed)...and now it's November 2017, over a year later, and I'm on my third Magistrate, and we're still going...(wow-Ed)...after starting in February 2015...(wow-Ed)...indeed...
Still waiting for the Requisite Special Meeting of Attorneys General, all State's and Federal AG George Brandis, re the multiple Constitutional Law issues raised/compromised by this prosecution under the SA ICAC Act 2012 and the very Act itself, a Requisite Special Meeting as identified in Court in February 2016, by SAPol Prosecution's Ms Diamandi...in Court, SAPol Prosecutions identified this RSM, stating that the RSM was 'legally required' for any State Hearing that may result in a finding that potentially compromises Constitutional Law...it was Constitutional Law issues that saw my case moved to Adelaide in June/July 2015, before being moved back here without explanation, just another issue where-in I've asked repeatedly but SAPol/the Court just ignore me...I have also contacted all State's AG and George Brandis, with only one response, from AG Brandis, but he waved me away on peripheral issues and didn't even acknowledge this Requisite Special Meeting, so still waiting...(wow, I want to say something more, but all I got is 'wow'-Ed)...nah, fair enough...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Mt Gambier City Council's Cr Josh Lynagh's Political Campaign On Social Media
A big TMGI hello to the Phillipines, Poland, France, and Latvia...continuing straight-on from the last post, please find below the remainder of the 'discussion' had on local 'History/Family Memories web-page thingy, Growing Up In Mt Gambier, as held mostly on Thursday 9th November 2017...just to re-iterate, this 'discussion' followed one the previous evening which was self-evidently and/or unambiguously an attack on me and this 'ere blog, entirely a desperate continuation of Mt Gambier City Council's relentless attacks on me personally as they seek to try and discredit me...Cr Lynagh repeatedly made direct reference to 'a blog', and/or various things said on here, and/or me... any doubt as to whom the discussion was about, was removed when at one point I and this 'ere blog were named...
***and in real time dear availees, deadset, just had a call, and literally as I type this at 1100hrs-ish on Sat'dy 18th November, the little grub is at it again on Growing Up In The Mount, yet again running the MGCC line, operating as a Councillor who thinks that he's gunna' be the next Mayor...you're a sad joke mate, and nobodies fooled by this thinly-veiled Vote For Your Mate Josh political campaign frenzy thingy you're runnin' on Social Media...piss-off back to your own tepid webpage, and re-name it exactly that, Vote Josh For Mayor, 'cos that's what you're doing, and what you did last week in pursuit of that Agenda, on GUITM, when you dragged the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Pro-paedophile Corruption onto someone else's page, that is a low and vile and reprehensible act and you will reap a rich reward from it...(well that's what they're tellin' 'im anyway-Ed)...sorry?...(well, he's clearly being told from within MGCC that he's gunna' be the next Mayor, or worse-Ed)...sure...(and some people believe that those deals are already done-Ed)...maybe, even probably, yeah...(and hence his atrociously offensive and deeply corrupt behaviour on Social Media, 'cos he thinks he's golden so he thinks he can say/do whatevs he wants-Ed)...fair point...
But not everyone agrees with that though, do they?...(well no, there are those who are of the opinion that Cr Josh is just a stupid little boy playing at man games-Ed)...indeed...(and that those behind him pushing his Josh For Mayor aspirations, are merely loading him up with their corruption and cowardice and lies, before cuttin' 'im loose-Ed)...well it's clearly MGCC-generated, so obviously it's awash with corruption and cowardice and lies...(well sure, and they're trotting him out like a little pet pig with lipstick and a novelty light-up bowtie, trottin' 'im out to do their grubby bidding-Ed)...for example, openly attacking me, you, and this 'ere blog on GUITM...(exactly, rancidly vile conduct from a reprehensible Councillor who thinks he's gunna' be Mayor, or worse, on behalf of a rankly corrupt Council-Ed)...but not everyone beliefs that Cr Josh will be Mayor, oh no, and I offer another person's observation of Cr Lynagh's conduct, namely, Josh mate, you're the rubber glove MGCC puts on when it wants to grab a big fistful of it's own rancid excretions and start flingin' it at people...not mine, but my how I laughed...haahaahaa...heeheehee...
And what's with the 'or worse' comments?...(mmm, it had occurred to me that li'l Josh's political aspirations may well officially manifest themselves much sooner than Local Government Elections due in November 2018-Ed)...oh gourd, you don't mean?...(yep, the March 2018 State Election mate, as another alleged Independent and/or Labor stooge, whatevs-Ed)...whatevs indeed, the sooner the little creep outs himself the better...***
Park And Stride Today You Idiots:...what has reserved private parking for your Ratepayer-funded car literally right on your workplace doorstep of your special carpark entrance doorway, so's you take literally seconds to get from said car in said carpark to said plush air-conditioned workplace...and by seconds, I mean like 5, 10 tops...and every single cent of it paid for by Ratepayers, your pay, your car, your luxurious offices, your work utilities, your rankly corrupt junkets to China, all of it, every single gourd-damned cent is Ratepayer's money...and on a stormy, windy, wet day like today, even that few seconds would be enough to get half-soaked...(and there's no public transport on weekends or public holidays, etc-Ed)...yeah, all that, but you rankly corrupt clowns tell others to Park and Stride...(it's a sadly disgraceful joke-Ed)...indeed...
Another sadly disgraceful joke is the abysmal attendance record of some Councillors, eg, the rancidly pro-paedophile corrupt former Mayor Steve Perryman, who literally only shows-up to MGCC Full Meetings when he's trying to fleece Mt Gambier Ratepayers, usually on behalf of his buddies at the Grant District Council, eg, trying to get MGCC to 'just give the GDC $1million for the Airport'...Cr Lynagh's attendance record is only slightly better...(strewth, these clowns are being paid by Ratepayers to de-fraud Ratepayers, the least they could do is show-up!-Ed)...they do Ed, like I said, when it suits them and/or they want something specific...
Coupla' Points From Last Post:...that I skipped-over because the post was getting really long...
1) Cr Lynagh makes references to 'only one person who attends MGCC meetings'...(that's you!-Ed)...indeed it is, and he criticises people for not attending those meetings to express their concerns as stated on whatevs web-page...it's a farcical bet-every-which-way from MGCC, stating that they are 'expanding on-line options for contacting Council to improve access for people', etc, but then criticising people for using Social Media, whilst also refusing to live stream/Webcast/Podcast/whatevs MGCC meetings...(yeah, but far ahead of that is the cynical hypocrisy of criticising people for not attending MGCC meetings and/or expressing criticism or even just concerns, etc, when Cr Josh knows damn well that the one person who does attend gets relentlessly attacked and abused for his troubles!-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's this well-known vicious vindictiveness of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council that stops people complaining let-alone attending!...
As much as I whinge about the lack of attendance, I'm also very careful to acknowledge that specific context where-in people have every right to be 'afraid'...(and are-Ed)...indeed, 'and are', I have had this exact conversation with several business owners, people cannot be blamed for being genuinely concerned about the repercussions/retributions of speaking-out against MGCC's rankly Nepotistic corruption/incompetence/whatevs, because they really do run the risk of destroying their own business...(having it destroyed for them-Ed)...well quite, and/or isolating their families, etc...I've seen it happen to others, I've had those conversations, it's exactly what's being done to me...so when Cr Lynagh makes these criticisms, it is just another rank hypocrisy and gross manipulation from a smug idiot who thinks he's being clever...which brings us to...
2) where-in Cr Josh constantly belittles others comments by feigning ignorance of what's being said, 'I don't understand'...it's a deeply disingenuous deliberate ploy to try to mock and de-legitimise others questions/comments...also, Josh, mate, 3) saying something moronic and offensive and then putting 'haha' after it doesn't fly mate...for example, I refer back to your 'it almost became a witchhunt, haha' comment...you go onto someone else's web-page specifically to denigrate me and this 'ere blog, that initial discussion was 100% an attack on me, a deliberate act of gross desperation on behalf of the rankly corrupt MGCC...so you've openly attacked me, and then had it pulled-down, and then go back on there and try to wave away your outrageously corrupt and self-focussed conduct with a 'haha'...
Dear Availees:...so here's what Cr Josh Lynagh is doing to you's and how he's doin' it, deeply cynical manipulation and outright lies, all motivated by self-interest and a massively over-inflated opinion of self...but there's no better proof of that than the genius' own works, so here's some more directly pasted 'discussion', again with names removed, etc, following-on directly from where the last post left-off...***
*me...as stated just above, the RLRA is absolutely current, as evidenced by MGCC's multiple refusals to allow people to use the Old Station, including recently blocking/refusing the $100,000 application specifically for Asbestos removal (re the $40million Fund My Neighbourhood grants)...yet again Cr Josh is being deliberately deceitful and very deliberately trying to run the debate off into nonsense and ridicule, whilst carefully ignoring the facts/questions being put to him, eg, 'so many buildings being demolished when people want to use them', including the specific example of the Frew Pk demolition, and Cr Lynagh completely ignores that and goes instead to 'Rail Station demolition is outlandish'...ignoring what he/MGCC don't want to talk about, then using dismissive and belittling language to run the Old Station debate into the realm of hyperbolic absurdity...it ain't "outlandish" Josh, mate, it's exactly what you/MGCC are doing, and you sir, are a liar, a base liar...*
*me:...bingo! exactly right...(and if anything, not right enough, because every single cent that exists within the MGCC's or the State or Federal Government's coffers is Taxpayer's money!-Ed)...spot on mate, every State Asset that the rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor has sold-off is my/your/our money, every single cent received and the many, many dollars lost through incompetence and/or corruption, eg, the more than $1.3billion lost with the rankly corrupted South East Forestry Estate Lease/Sale...every cent of any grant/fine/Council levy/whatevs, every cent is Ratepayers money, which the rankly corrupt MGCC treat as their own personal piggy-bank...*
Tomorrow: Someone Pisses Me Off And Regrets It
(Hilarious, and yet true-Ed)...yeah, it feels a little like that sometimes...(sure, but it's hardly your Nature is it?-Ed)...nooo, I guess not...(do you go looking for trouble, or has it found you?-Ed)...yeees, it found me...(are you responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, or did you have it dumped on you as a parent?-Ed)...nooo, it is the rankly corrupt Lutherans, SAPol (police), SA Parliament, et al, who have created the St Martins Cover-up...(indeed, and is it your fault that that poor young policewoman is on open-ended sick leave, not likely to return to complete her evidence in your bizarre ICAC Court case, or has she fallen horribly fowl of her own deceits?-Ed)...her own deccceits...(correct!-Ed)...doesn't mean I feel good about it...(absolutely, it's a credit to ya' that you take pride but no pleasure in what you've achieved in Court, particularly re that young officer-Ed)...cheers mate...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
***and in real time dear availees, deadset, just had a call, and literally as I type this at 1100hrs-ish on Sat'dy 18th November, the little grub is at it again on Growing Up In The Mount, yet again running the MGCC line, operating as a Councillor who thinks that he's gunna' be the next Mayor...you're a sad joke mate, and nobodies fooled by this thinly-veiled Vote For Your Mate Josh political campaign frenzy thingy you're runnin' on Social Media...piss-off back to your own tepid webpage, and re-name it exactly that, Vote Josh For Mayor, 'cos that's what you're doing, and what you did last week in pursuit of that Agenda, on GUITM, when you dragged the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Pro-paedophile Corruption onto someone else's page, that is a low and vile and reprehensible act and you will reap a rich reward from it...(well that's what they're tellin' 'im anyway-Ed)...sorry?...(well, he's clearly being told from within MGCC that he's gunna' be the next Mayor, or worse-Ed)...sure...(and some people believe that those deals are already done-Ed)...maybe, even probably, yeah...(and hence his atrociously offensive and deeply corrupt behaviour on Social Media, 'cos he thinks he's golden so he thinks he can say/do whatevs he wants-Ed)...fair point...
But not everyone agrees with that though, do they?...(well no, there are those who are of the opinion that Cr Josh is just a stupid little boy playing at man games-Ed)...indeed...(and that those behind him pushing his Josh For Mayor aspirations, are merely loading him up with their corruption and cowardice and lies, before cuttin' 'im loose-Ed)...well it's clearly MGCC-generated, so obviously it's awash with corruption and cowardice and lies...(well sure, and they're trotting him out like a little pet pig with lipstick and a novelty light-up bowtie, trottin' 'im out to do their grubby bidding-Ed)...for example, openly attacking me, you, and this 'ere blog on GUITM...(exactly, rancidly vile conduct from a reprehensible Councillor who thinks he's gunna' be Mayor, or worse, on behalf of a rankly corrupt Council-Ed)...but not everyone beliefs that Cr Josh will be Mayor, oh no, and I offer another person's observation of Cr Lynagh's conduct, namely, Josh mate, you're the rubber glove MGCC puts on when it wants to grab a big fistful of it's own rancid excretions and start flingin' it at people...not mine, but my how I laughed...haahaahaa...heeheehee...
And what's with the 'or worse' comments?...(mmm, it had occurred to me that li'l Josh's political aspirations may well officially manifest themselves much sooner than Local Government Elections due in November 2018-Ed)...oh gourd, you don't mean?...(yep, the March 2018 State Election mate, as another alleged Independent and/or Labor stooge, whatevs-Ed)...whatevs indeed, the sooner the little creep outs himself the better...***
Park And Stride Today You Idiots:...what has reserved private parking for your Ratepayer-funded car literally right on your workplace doorstep of your special carpark entrance doorway, so's you take literally seconds to get from said car in said carpark to said plush air-conditioned workplace...and by seconds, I mean like 5, 10 tops...and every single cent of it paid for by Ratepayers, your pay, your car, your luxurious offices, your work utilities, your rankly corrupt junkets to China, all of it, every single gourd-damned cent is Ratepayer's money...and on a stormy, windy, wet day like today, even that few seconds would be enough to get half-soaked...(and there's no public transport on weekends or public holidays, etc-Ed)...yeah, all that, but you rankly corrupt clowns tell others to Park and Stride...(it's a sadly disgraceful joke-Ed)...indeed...
Another sadly disgraceful joke is the abysmal attendance record of some Councillors, eg, the rancidly pro-paedophile corrupt former Mayor Steve Perryman, who literally only shows-up to MGCC Full Meetings when he's trying to fleece Mt Gambier Ratepayers, usually on behalf of his buddies at the Grant District Council, eg, trying to get MGCC to 'just give the GDC $1million for the Airport'...Cr Lynagh's attendance record is only slightly better...(strewth, these clowns are being paid by Ratepayers to de-fraud Ratepayers, the least they could do is show-up!-Ed)...they do Ed, like I said, when it suits them and/or they want something specific...
Coupla' Points From Last Post:...that I skipped-over because the post was getting really long...
1) Cr Lynagh makes references to 'only one person who attends MGCC meetings'...(that's you!-Ed)...indeed it is, and he criticises people for not attending those meetings to express their concerns as stated on whatevs web-page...it's a farcical bet-every-which-way from MGCC, stating that they are 'expanding on-line options for contacting Council to improve access for people', etc, but then criticising people for using Social Media, whilst also refusing to live stream/Webcast/Podcast/whatevs MGCC meetings...(yeah, but far ahead of that is the cynical hypocrisy of criticising people for not attending MGCC meetings and/or expressing criticism or even just concerns, etc, when Cr Josh knows damn well that the one person who does attend gets relentlessly attacked and abused for his troubles!-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's this well-known vicious vindictiveness of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council that stops people complaining let-alone attending!...
As much as I whinge about the lack of attendance, I'm also very careful to acknowledge that specific context where-in people have every right to be 'afraid'...(and are-Ed)...indeed, 'and are', I have had this exact conversation with several business owners, people cannot be blamed for being genuinely concerned about the repercussions/retributions of speaking-out against MGCC's rankly Nepotistic corruption/incompetence/whatevs, because they really do run the risk of destroying their own business...(having it destroyed for them-Ed)...well quite, and/or isolating their families, etc...I've seen it happen to others, I've had those conversations, it's exactly what's being done to me...so when Cr Lynagh makes these criticisms, it is just another rank hypocrisy and gross manipulation from a smug idiot who thinks he's being clever...which brings us to...
2) where-in Cr Josh constantly belittles others comments by feigning ignorance of what's being said, 'I don't understand'...it's a deeply disingenuous deliberate ploy to try to mock and de-legitimise others questions/comments...also, Josh, mate, 3) saying something moronic and offensive and then putting 'haha' after it doesn't fly mate...for example, I refer back to your 'it almost became a witchhunt, haha' comment...you go onto someone else's web-page specifically to denigrate me and this 'ere blog, that initial discussion was 100% an attack on me, a deliberate act of gross desperation on behalf of the rankly corrupt MGCC...so you've openly attacked me, and then had it pulled-down, and then go back on there and try to wave away your outrageously corrupt and self-focussed conduct with a 'haha'...
Dear Availees:...so here's what Cr Josh Lynagh is doing to you's and how he's doin' it, deeply cynical manipulation and outright lies, all motivated by self-interest and a massively over-inflated opinion of self...but there's no better proof of that than the genius' own works, so here's some more directly pasted 'discussion', again with names removed, etc, following-on directly from where the last post left-off...***
- Person's Comment, Name Removed (C) - Truth is, people love to whip up a good drama and then run with it. Facts are not always involved
- C - "I
know for a fact becuase a Mt Gambier business man told me" was posted
on here last year. Interesting that the fact the poster knew was
regards to ALDI buying into the old mill on Sturt Street & she also
knew for a fact that old houses around it had ben sold & access
gained from Pick Avenue. That was a valuable lesson for me to no longer
believe such things until I personally had proof.
- Josh Lynagh - That was a rumour I heard, but it definitely isn't fact haha.
- C - That's why no body will touch it
*me...I reckon that the Sturt St Rumour may have been deliberately started to distract away from the rankly corrupt attempt by certain Members of the Show Society and a rankly corrupt Realtor to flog-off part of the Showgrounds to a definably complicit ALDI, but whatevs...(well I'd suggest the fact that we've discussed this Attempted Fraudulent Show Grounds Sale several times previous on TMGI, without repercussion, eg, threats of 'defamation', that that 'legal non-action' confirms everyone's worst fears about exactly what the AFSGS represents-Ed)...excellent point Ed...and to digress quickly, I am concerned that the ALDI In Fiddler's Building announcement is a deceit to cover yet another corrupted attempt to flog-off part of the Show Grounds, very much hope to be wrong...
But don't we love it Ed, when people who clearly don't know 'the facts', make definitive statements about other people's 'facts'...want to know the facts, yeah? I gotta' few facts for ya', here they are...your li'l mate Cr Josh Lynagh has cynically and deliberately manipulated and deceived you, officially and deliberately on behalf of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, as they continue to pursue the undeniable Rail Lands Retail Agenda, which does include the demolition of the Old Rail Station, that is 'The Plan', and Cr Josh knows that when he weasel-words his way through his definable lies...again, he's had the RLRA explained to him, so he knows exactly what he's doing with these deliberate deceits...there's ya' precious facts...*
*me...I reckon that the Sturt St Rumour may have been deliberately started to distract away from the rankly corrupt attempt by certain Members of the Show Society and a rankly corrupt Realtor to flog-off part of the Showgrounds to a definably complicit ALDI, but whatevs...(well I'd suggest the fact that we've discussed this Attempted Fraudulent Show Grounds Sale several times previous on TMGI, without repercussion, eg, threats of 'defamation', that that 'legal non-action' confirms everyone's worst fears about exactly what the AFSGS represents-Ed)...excellent point Ed...and to digress quickly, I am concerned that the ALDI In Fiddler's Building announcement is a deceit to cover yet another corrupted attempt to flog-off part of the Show Grounds, very much hope to be wrong...
But don't we love it Ed, when people who clearly don't know 'the facts', make definitive statements about other people's 'facts'...want to know the facts, yeah? I gotta' few facts for ya', here they are...your li'l mate Cr Josh Lynagh has cynically and deliberately manipulated and deceived you, officially and deliberately on behalf of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, as they continue to pursue the undeniable Rail Lands Retail Agenda, which does include the demolition of the Old Rail Station, that is 'The Plan', and Cr Josh knows that when he weasel-words his way through his definable lies...again, he's had the RLRA explained to him, so he knows exactly what he's doing with these deliberate deceits...there's ya' precious facts...*
- Josh Lynagh - It wasn't at all said about the Rail Station.
- C - It
is not that it is an outlandish statement. It is a missinterpreted and
outdated piece of information. It was a plan that was around some
years ago before the rail land development was even planned. The current
issue is what is happening to the station
now with so many buildings being demolished due to lack of maintenance
and the exorbitant figure quoted to carry out maintenance. There are a
lot of diffrent community groups looking for a building and are willing
to do the work themselves to restore the building.
- Josh Lynagh - Well no such thing was said at any meeting, and Council have no such plans to demolish the building, so I'd say "outlandish" fits quite well.
- Josh Lynagh - Well no such thing was said at any meeting, and Council have no such plans to demolish the building, so I'd say "outlandish" fits quite well.
*me...as stated just above, the RLRA is absolutely current, as evidenced by MGCC's multiple refusals to allow people to use the Old Station, including recently blocking/refusing the $100,000 application specifically for Asbestos removal (re the $40million Fund My Neighbourhood grants)...yet again Cr Josh is being deliberately deceitful and very deliberately trying to run the debate off into nonsense and ridicule, whilst carefully ignoring the facts/questions being put to him, eg, 'so many buildings being demolished when people want to use them', including the specific example of the Frew Pk demolition, and Cr Lynagh completely ignores that and goes instead to 'Rail Station demolition is outlandish'...ignoring what he/MGCC don't want to talk about, then using dismissive and belittling language to run the Old Station debate into the realm of hyperbolic absurdity...it ain't "outlandish" Josh, mate, it's exactly what you/MGCC are doing, and you sir, are a liar, a base liar...*
- C - Glad
that's all cleared up. Sure made for some interesting reading though
& reiterated just how beautiful Mt. Gambier is so important to us
all. (even the many ex pats like myself) but the beauty of this site is
that we can all speak our piece, agree/d...See More
Tony Burch (*name removed*) in spite all the many many comments on this site over several
months that the artwork you mention in the railcards was paid for, not
by ratepayers, but through a government grant.
*(Ed:...I thought you said that you spent yonks removing names and then re-setting to be readable, save space, etc, but you've left Tony Burch on there?-Ed)...indeed, and that's because here-in my mate Tony...('mate'?-Ed)...oh yeah, me and Tony are familiar with each others work, we go way back, don't we Tony? mate, and how's it going? mate...(maaate-Ed)...in this 'discussion' my mate Tony is acting directly on behalf of MGCC, as his own comments will confirm...*
*(Ed:...I thought you said that you spent yonks removing names and then re-setting to be readable, save space, etc, but you've left Tony Burch on there?-Ed)...indeed, and that's because here-in my mate Tony...('mate'?-Ed)...oh yeah, me and Tony are familiar with each others work, we go way back, don't we Tony? mate, and how's it going? mate...(maaate-Ed)...in this 'discussion' my mate Tony is acting directly on behalf of MGCC, as his own comments will confirm...*
- C (reply to) - Tony Burch
And where does the government get the money from Tony - s'pose they
print it ?.... no, they take it from us (you, me and busineses) in the
form of taxes and other government enforced fees, that if not paid, they
will take by force. So it's us who pay,
the ratepayers of Mount Gambier "contribute", whether it by by way of
rates, taxes or fees, the only difference is to whom it's paid. People
who think stuff comes from the government, don't understand - the
government produces nothing, it only takes from the taxpayer (persons
and business), and while they are in the process of doling it out to
THEIR favorite causes, they waste, lose, steal and abuse it, and all
that comes back is a pittance of what they take in. Dunno what the
percentage in Australia is, but here in the US of money taken in, only
22% is returned to the public, the 78% is consumed by the government
(federal, state, local) in "processing and distributing" of the taxpayer
"contributions". These are the people we encounter when we "purchase"
or use their services, and we find them so customer friendly and
efficient, and who treat you with respect as we are actually their
bosses and paymaster - they act so appreciative because they know we
actually pay their wages - I'm sure everyone would agree that they do
treat us their boss and source of funds for their livelihood ... NOT!
*me:...bingo! exactly right...(and if anything, not right enough, because every single cent that exists within the MGCC's or the State or Federal Government's coffers is Taxpayer's money!-Ed)...spot on mate, every State Asset that the rankly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor has sold-off is my/your/our money, every single cent received and the many, many dollars lost through incompetence and/or corruption, eg, the more than $1.3billion lost with the rankly corrupted South East Forestry Estate Lease/Sale...every cent of any grant/fine/Council levy/whatevs, every cent is Ratepayers money, which the rankly corrupt MGCC treat as their own personal piggy-bank...*
Tony Burch nevertheless, State and federal governments have choices about where
they spend the money pot. Both have agendas of supporting Art and
Culture, both of which are very important components of complex and
vibrant societies. Any local government that takes advantage of offers
made by the big governments should be commended, not falsely criticised.
Tony Burch yes re the State and Federal governments that might be true, but we elected them.
*me:...and there it is, my mate Tony...(maaate-Ed)...repeatedly blaming State and/or Federal government, but not one word of criticism levelled at MGCC for exactly the same faults and failings, indeed, it's clearly a pro-MGCC defence...MGCC spends a fortune on 'The Arts', but sweet bugger all on Public Transport, and observations about corrupt/incompetent expenditure is not 'false criticism', and we elected MGCC!...ladies and gentlemen, please to be putting them together for my mate Tony...(maaate, great work on behalf of MGCC-Ed)...yet again this is blowing-out, so I'm gunna push to a third post for the last bit...
Just in Closing:...Cr Josh Lynagh is playing a very cynical, deeply politically motivated, and absolutely self-focussed game of 'Everyone's Mate' on Social Media, including this outrageous conduct on GUITM re me and/or this 'ere blog, TMGI...whether he plans to be Mayor or bob-up at the next State Election as a Labor stooge looking to gather preferences for another Labor stooge, both operating as alleged Independents, etc, etc, and a great big whatevs! whatever Cr Josh, mate, has in mind, his crassly corrupted and cynically selfish rampage on Social Media has hit a bit of a snag, hasn't it Josh, mate...
*me:...and there it is, my mate Tony...(maaate-Ed)...repeatedly blaming State and/or Federal government, but not one word of criticism levelled at MGCC for exactly the same faults and failings, indeed, it's clearly a pro-MGCC defence...MGCC spends a fortune on 'The Arts', but sweet bugger all on Public Transport, and observations about corrupt/incompetent expenditure is not 'false criticism', and we elected MGCC!...ladies and gentlemen, please to be putting them together for my mate Tony...(maaate, great work on behalf of MGCC-Ed)...yet again this is blowing-out, so I'm gunna push to a third post for the last bit...
Just in Closing:...Cr Josh Lynagh is playing a very cynical, deeply politically motivated, and absolutely self-focussed game of 'Everyone's Mate' on Social Media, including this outrageous conduct on GUITM re me and/or this 'ere blog, TMGI...whether he plans to be Mayor or bob-up at the next State Election as a Labor stooge looking to gather preferences for another Labor stooge, both operating as alleged Independents, etc, etc, and a great big whatevs! whatever Cr Josh, mate, has in mind, his crassly corrupted and cynically selfish rampage on Social Media has hit a bit of a snag, hasn't it Josh, mate...
Tomorrow: Someone Pisses Me Off And Regrets It
(Hilarious, and yet true-Ed)...yeah, it feels a little like that sometimes...(sure, but it's hardly your Nature is it?-Ed)...nooo, I guess not...(do you go looking for trouble, or has it found you?-Ed)...yeees, it found me...(are you responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, or did you have it dumped on you as a parent?-Ed)...nooo, it is the rankly corrupt Lutherans, SAPol (police), SA Parliament, et al, who have created the St Martins Cover-up...(indeed, and is it your fault that that poor young policewoman is on open-ended sick leave, not likely to return to complete her evidence in your bizarre ICAC Court case, or has she fallen horribly fowl of her own deceits?-Ed)...her own deccceits...(correct!-Ed)...doesn't mean I feel good about it...(absolutely, it's a credit to ya' that you take pride but no pleasure in what you've achieved in Court, particularly re that young officer-Ed)...cheers mate...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Rail Lands Deceit, Courtesy Of Cr Josh Lynagh
And a big ol' TMGI 'howdy pardner' to Armenia, Ireland, Poland, and Ukraine, cheers y'all, and welcome to a very well-earned and quite thoroughly deserved excoriation of Mount Gambier City Council's latest bewilderingly pathetic attempt to deceive the Ratepayers of Mt Gambier, and concurrently to attack me and this 'ere li'l ol' blog, TMGI...and on this occasion they sent-out their latest feeble-minded minion, Councillor Josh Lynagh...(oh dear-Ed)...I know, I know, Cr Lynagh is of course one of the 'new MGCC', which is ironic really given that 'It' still operates exactly as corruptly as every other MGCC I've ever witnessed...
And Dear Google:...yet again I ask that if MGCC and/or Cr Lynagh come a bleatin' to y'all about 'defamation' or whatevs, please read this 'ere post and consider the Unpleasant Truths here-in, and how Cr Lynagh has grossly mis-used a Third Party's website/page...dear Google, whilst what I say may be dripping with vengeance and retribution, it's still merely a response to a public discussion about me in which I and/or this 'ere blog was repeatedly referred to and denigrated, etc, and at one point I and TMGI were named in full, and my response is spot-on accurate and relatively restrained...
Everyone's Mate, Cr Josh:...is a low, selfish and deceitful individual who reckons he's being jolly clever, don't ya' li'l fella'? jolly clever by going onto someone else's Facebook page and deliberately deceiving and manipulating Mt Gambier Ratepayers...and he laid it all out for everyone to see on local history/family memories Facebook page Growing Up In The Mount (GUITM), last Wednesday 8th November 2017 when, during a 'posting-chat' about the Old Rail Station, li'l Joshy was denigrating me and/or this 'ere blog and/or those who avail themselves of it and/or believe it, etc, etc...(take a breath dude!-Ed)...and poor li'l Josh was losing very, very badly...(indeed, was apparently being swamped by the backwash of his own deceits-Ed)...apparently, so then he started posting about 'paedophile corruption', before then whinging about his own comments, apparently allegedly out of concern for me!...(but he put those comments up in the first place?!-Ed)...indeed, and then tried to reverse out of the mire he'd driven himself into by saying 'I'm concerned about airing this publicly' (paraphrase but damn close to a quote)...
This 'I'm concerned for him' shizzle is a deeply disingenuous, attempted-but-failed, thinly-veiled denigration of my Mental Health issues, the vast majority of which I've discussed right here on this 'ere blog which Cr Josh is apparently reading...(they're all reading us mate, they're all availees of this 'ere blog-Ed)...are you sure mate? 'cos all they tell me is that 'no-one's reading your blog'...(mmm, MGCC being deceitful?-Ed)...yeah, fair point, they are all reading it aren't they, howdy y'all...(and if they ain't readin' it they're still talking about it-Ed)...and apparently, they talk about me all the time...(cut to the The Young Ones sketch from Nasty where-in the lads are sitting 'off-set' discussing Alexei Sayle, "and they all talk about me behind me back", says Alexei, 'I hate 'im', 'he drinks like a fish', 'well he's got no talent', 'Nick who?'...I changed that last bit to Nick just for extra comic affect-Ed)...indeed, too funny Ed, just too funny...
I am aware of GUITM, but it's exactly the sort of website that I wouldn't dream of going near, and most especially with any Politicking, and most especially particularly with my brand of Head-Kickin' Page-Raging as evidenced here on TMGI...there's no way on gourd's green Earth that I would go onto GUITM and raise the issue of Paedophilia, in any context...(mate, you wouldn't even go onto Cr Lynagh's site and raise those sorts of issues! it's outrageously inappropriate-Ed)...indeed, there is no circumstance under which it is appropriate for anyone to go onto GUITM or websites of that ilk, and raise the issue of Paedophilia...(but that didn't stop Cr Lynagh-Ed)...but that didn't stop Cr Lynagh...what an absolute disgrace you are Josh, an absolute bloody disgrace...
Obviously I missed the discussion that evening, and MGCC/Cr Lynagh had already contacted GUITM's Administration peeps and had had the entire discussion removed before I go to it, but I've spoken to several peeps who were either in that discussion', or were watching it from 'off-blog', like I was when MGCC/Cr Josh went back for a second go on Thursday morning...and people ain't none-too-pleased with you Cr Josh for your abysmal attempts to distance MGCC from your clearly politicised 'personal opinions'...I'm also aware of Cr Josh's li'l Facebook page, Limestone Coast Community News...(isn't that the one where-in early this year he posted/copied that interstate news story about a huge Mt Gambier Child Abuse 'incident', a posting/copying that resulted directly in people contacting you/me/this 'ere blog to ask WTFN?, that website?-Ed)...that's the one...and what's the 'N' in 'WTFN?'?...('Nick'-Ed)...ah, of course...
Dear Josh, Mate:...(maaate-Ed)...my son was the first person to tell me about your little effort, before I've heard plenty more about it from others...well done Josh, like he hasn't had to endure enough from this rankly pro-paedophile corrupt town he calls home, he's got vacuous clowns like you mouthing-off in deliberately deceitful ways about issues that you really shouldn't be so stupid as to broach...but clearly you are exactly that stupid Josh, mate...(maaate-Ed)...because you have raised the Paedophilia issue, and so, you're going to get what's a comin' to ya' for being a complicit Member of the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...don't want to be labelled a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile MGCC Councillor, mate, don't shreckin' be one!...
How dare you raise your pro-paedophile corruption, let alone in such a way, because you've known about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up since before you were a Councillor, in exactly the same way you've known exactly what MGCC 'plans' to do with the iconic Old Rail Station, because you've had it explained to you, mate...and when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up, what exactly have you done about it Josh?..sorry, what's that mate? nothing? sweet shreck-all?...so when you act in such a calculated manner and with such deliberate deceit on a specific MGCC Agenda, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, expect to be held to account, regardless of where you go to do it, but when you use the Paedophile stuff to pursue that agenda and manipulate the debate, etc, I'm going to rain down on you like that shower of Nick you so thoroughly deserve...
And what did you think was gunna' happen Josh? you've got your own tepid piece of grossly biased dross you call your Facebook page, what is it? Limestone Coast Community News? so why don't you get back there, back in ya' li'l box, mate, 'cos all what you've actually done is just really, really piss me off and motivated me to really go after your rank deceits and grossly corrupted MGCC agenda-spruiking...seriously mate, I thought that Cr Frank Morello's moronic ambush stunt outside the September 2017 MGCC Full Meeting was an indicative act of singular stupidity and stupendous desperation, but this lĆ'l Rail Station discussion on GUITM effort is a whole new level of rankly pro-paedophile corrupt cowardice...
Say it to my face Josh you gutless disgrace, you ain't got it in you, you ain't got what it takes...think ya' clever mate? pleased with your sly smug smart-arse weasel-word bastardry? well come and try it on with a bigger, slyer, smugger, smarter-arsier, Man-Weasel Uber-Bastard...I will verbally dismantle you into your component Elements and cast you back whence you came, back into the crucible of pro-paedophile local government corruption that is Mt Gambier City Council...(I just love how you bring such poetry to your Angerings-Ed)...well I wouldn't call it poetry exactly...
MGCC/Cr Lynagh is so desperate about me and/or this 'ere li'l ol' blog and the backlash TMGI is causing to their rank corruption re the Old Rail Station and the Rail Land Retail Agenda...(yeah, that and everything else on this 'ere blog-Ed)...sure, and they're that desperate they'll go onto a completely innocuous non-political Facebook page and conduct themselves in such an outrageously inappropriate manner...you people are a bloody disgrace...anyhoos, here's most of the discussion from the Thursday that I've pasted directly across then spent ages checking that actual names, etc, were deleted 'cos I reckon most of these people are merely decent people wrongly trusting of a deeply cynical and deceitful and corrupt Cr Lynagh, acting on behalf of the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt MGCC...as stated, I watched but did not participate in this discussion, so my comments are added afters here on this 'ere blog and are not on GUITM, and are identified thusly, *witty banter*...cheers...
I just wanted to clear up some things regarding the old Station building at the Railway Lands.
Yesterday, someone posted here that someone who was apparently at a Council meeting told them that they heard Council were demolishing the building to make way for a carpark. There was then a series of comments about how we should all rally together to save the building.
Anyone who knows how that platform works, knows that even if the building were to be demolished, people would have to drive up steps to get on the platform to park their cars there. So the theory already makes little sense.
- Someone's Comment - "It would still be great as a cafe/restaurant with live music and outdoor tables, fairy lights etc even as a venue , it's not that big but people would use it for events and parties."
- Comment - history, yes. over the "art"
*me...typical Lynagh, make outrageously inappropriate statements deliberately designed to denigrate me and de-rail the whole issue of the Old Station, etc, and then joke about a "witch-hunt"...and who would that "one person" be Josh? that is a direct and again thinly veiled reference to moi, who does go to meetings and cops nothing but abuse and harassment for me troubles, and the rest is mindless drivel...Josh, mate, apart from one or two occasions, you "first started going" to Council meetings when you became a Councillor...*
- C - Mate I bet you have deleted your almost finished replies on many occasions and let a cool head prevail instead!! Ha ha patience of Job required for this gig
*me...saying this is blowing-out so's I'll pull stumps here and say...
Tomorrow: The Rest Of This Dross From Cr Lynagh
Only half ways through but y'all get the jist I'm sure, a litany of deliberate deceits from a rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, via a feeble-minded stooge who thinks he's being clever...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
And Dear Google:...yet again I ask that if MGCC and/or Cr Lynagh come a bleatin' to y'all about 'defamation' or whatevs, please read this 'ere post and consider the Unpleasant Truths here-in, and how Cr Lynagh has grossly mis-used a Third Party's website/page...dear Google, whilst what I say may be dripping with vengeance and retribution, it's still merely a response to a public discussion about me in which I and/or this 'ere blog was repeatedly referred to and denigrated, etc, and at one point I and TMGI were named in full, and my response is spot-on accurate and relatively restrained...
Everyone's Mate, Cr Josh:...is a low, selfish and deceitful individual who reckons he's being jolly clever, don't ya' li'l fella'? jolly clever by going onto someone else's Facebook page and deliberately deceiving and manipulating Mt Gambier Ratepayers...and he laid it all out for everyone to see on local history/family memories Facebook page Growing Up In The Mount (GUITM), last Wednesday 8th November 2017 when, during a 'posting-chat' about the Old Rail Station, li'l Joshy was denigrating me and/or this 'ere blog and/or those who avail themselves of it and/or believe it, etc, etc...(take a breath dude!-Ed)...and poor li'l Josh was losing very, very badly...(indeed, was apparently being swamped by the backwash of his own deceits-Ed)...apparently, so then he started posting about 'paedophile corruption', before then whinging about his own comments, apparently allegedly out of concern for me!...(but he put those comments up in the first place?!-Ed)...indeed, and then tried to reverse out of the mire he'd driven himself into by saying 'I'm concerned about airing this publicly' (paraphrase but damn close to a quote)...
This 'I'm concerned for him' shizzle is a deeply disingenuous, attempted-but-failed, thinly-veiled denigration of my Mental Health issues, the vast majority of which I've discussed right here on this 'ere blog which Cr Josh is apparently reading...(they're all reading us mate, they're all availees of this 'ere blog-Ed)...are you sure mate? 'cos all they tell me is that 'no-one's reading your blog'...(mmm, MGCC being deceitful?-Ed)...yeah, fair point, they are all reading it aren't they, howdy y'all...(and if they ain't readin' it they're still talking about it-Ed)...and apparently, they talk about me all the time...(cut to the The Young Ones sketch from Nasty where-in the lads are sitting 'off-set' discussing Alexei Sayle, "and they all talk about me behind me back", says Alexei, 'I hate 'im', 'he drinks like a fish', 'well he's got no talent', 'Nick who?'...I changed that last bit to Nick just for extra comic affect-Ed)...indeed, too funny Ed, just too funny...
I am aware of GUITM, but it's exactly the sort of website that I wouldn't dream of going near, and most especially with any Politicking, and most especially particularly with my brand of Head-Kickin' Page-Raging as evidenced here on TMGI...there's no way on gourd's green Earth that I would go onto GUITM and raise the issue of Paedophilia, in any context...(mate, you wouldn't even go onto Cr Lynagh's site and raise those sorts of issues! it's outrageously inappropriate-Ed)...indeed, there is no circumstance under which it is appropriate for anyone to go onto GUITM or websites of that ilk, and raise the issue of Paedophilia...(but that didn't stop Cr Lynagh-Ed)...but that didn't stop Cr Lynagh...what an absolute disgrace you are Josh, an absolute bloody disgrace...
Obviously I missed the discussion that evening, and MGCC/Cr Lynagh had already contacted GUITM's Administration peeps and had had the entire discussion removed before I go to it, but I've spoken to several peeps who were either in that discussion', or were watching it from 'off-blog', like I was when MGCC/Cr Josh went back for a second go on Thursday morning...and people ain't none-too-pleased with you Cr Josh for your abysmal attempts to distance MGCC from your clearly politicised 'personal opinions'...I'm also aware of Cr Josh's li'l Facebook page, Limestone Coast Community News...(isn't that the one where-in early this year he posted/copied that interstate news story about a huge Mt Gambier Child Abuse 'incident', a posting/copying that resulted directly in people contacting you/me/this 'ere blog to ask WTFN?, that website?-Ed)...that's the one...and what's the 'N' in 'WTFN?'?...('Nick'-Ed)...ah, of course...
Dear Josh, Mate:...(maaate-Ed)...my son was the first person to tell me about your little effort, before I've heard plenty more about it from others...well done Josh, like he hasn't had to endure enough from this rankly pro-paedophile corrupt town he calls home, he's got vacuous clowns like you mouthing-off in deliberately deceitful ways about issues that you really shouldn't be so stupid as to broach...but clearly you are exactly that stupid Josh, mate...(maaate-Ed)...because you have raised the Paedophilia issue, and so, you're going to get what's a comin' to ya' for being a complicit Member of the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...don't want to be labelled a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile MGCC Councillor, mate, don't shreckin' be one!...
How dare you raise your pro-paedophile corruption, let alone in such a way, because you've known about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up since before you were a Councillor, in exactly the same way you've known exactly what MGCC 'plans' to do with the iconic Old Rail Station, because you've had it explained to you, mate...and when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up, what exactly have you done about it Josh?..sorry, what's that mate? nothing? sweet shreck-all?...so when you act in such a calculated manner and with such deliberate deceit on a specific MGCC Agenda, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, expect to be held to account, regardless of where you go to do it, but when you use the Paedophile stuff to pursue that agenda and manipulate the debate, etc, I'm going to rain down on you like that shower of Nick you so thoroughly deserve...
And what did you think was gunna' happen Josh? you've got your own tepid piece of grossly biased dross you call your Facebook page, what is it? Limestone Coast Community News? so why don't you get back there, back in ya' li'l box, mate, 'cos all what you've actually done is just really, really piss me off and motivated me to really go after your rank deceits and grossly corrupted MGCC agenda-spruiking...seriously mate, I thought that Cr Frank Morello's moronic ambush stunt outside the September 2017 MGCC Full Meeting was an indicative act of singular stupidity and stupendous desperation, but this lĆ'l Rail Station discussion on GUITM effort is a whole new level of rankly pro-paedophile corrupt cowardice...
Say it to my face Josh you gutless disgrace, you ain't got it in you, you ain't got what it takes...think ya' clever mate? pleased with your sly smug smart-arse weasel-word bastardry? well come and try it on with a bigger, slyer, smugger, smarter-arsier, Man-Weasel Uber-Bastard...I will verbally dismantle you into your component Elements and cast you back whence you came, back into the crucible of pro-paedophile local government corruption that is Mt Gambier City Council...(I just love how you bring such poetry to your Angerings-Ed)...well I wouldn't call it poetry exactly...
MGCC/Cr Lynagh is so desperate about me and/or this 'ere li'l ol' blog and the backlash TMGI is causing to their rank corruption re the Old Rail Station and the Rail Land Retail Agenda...(yeah, that and everything else on this 'ere blog-Ed)...sure, and they're that desperate they'll go onto a completely innocuous non-political Facebook page and conduct themselves in such an outrageously inappropriate manner...you people are a bloody disgrace...anyhoos, here's most of the discussion from the Thursday that I've pasted directly across then spent ages checking that actual names, etc, were deleted 'cos I reckon most of these people are merely decent people wrongly trusting of a deeply cynical and deceitful and corrupt Cr Lynagh, acting on behalf of the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt MGCC...as stated, I watched but did not participate in this discussion, so my comments are added afters here on this 'ere blog and are not on GUITM, and are identified thusly, *witty banter*...cheers...
I just wanted to clear up some things regarding the old Station building at the Railway Lands.
Yesterday, someone posted here that someone who was apparently at a Council meeting told them that they heard Council were demolishing the building to make way for a carpark. There was then a series of comments about how we should all rally together to save the building.
Anyone who knows how that platform works, knows that even if the building were to be demolished, people would have to drive up steps to get on the platform to park their cars there. So the theory already makes little sense.
The truth is, there are no plans whatsoever for Council to demolish the
building, in fact the plans have always been to repair the building
(which has been in really bad shape from before Council acquired it) and
utilise it in some way. There was talk originally of a cafe, but the
Dining Car has since opened there. There has also been discussions about
it being an art space. Nothing concrete - except the fact that there
are no plans at all to demolish it.
Please also note that while this information is completely correct and direct from Council this post and any comments that may follow are my own personal views and not the views of Council as a whole in any way, shape or form.
*It's me...where to start?...
1) Cr Josh makes a series of outrageously inappropriate comments then has them pulled down then is back only hours later having another go, deliberately trying to make the issue look ridiculous and/or hearsay, followed by more ludicrous statements about driving-up onto the platform...what MGCC did do was buried 30+ carparks under that superfluous and costly platform extension, and have kept the Bay Rd end clear for further carpark re the RLRA;
2) more disingenuous word-weaselling...of course Council doesn't have a 'Public Official Plan' for demolition, but that's exactly what MGCC has planned for the Old Station, because it's in the way of MGCC's ongoing proposed massive Retail/Commercial expansion onto the Rail Lands, which I call the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...just look at what MGCC has and/or hasn't done on that site, the RLRA is an Undeniable Reality that Cr Lynagh has had explained to him but deceitfully feigns ignorance of...
3) MGCC have refused/blocked several attempts to repair/renovate/utilise the Old Station, eg, recently blocking a $100,000 Fund My Neighbourhood grant application specifically for removing all the Asbestos in the entire building; refusing community groups/cafes/whatevs; and of course the notorious Bus Terminus corruption debasco (debacle/fiasco), another classic Rort-riddled Fib-fest from the rankly corrupt MGCC...
4) I have never seen or heard MGCC present any 'plan to repair' the iconic Old Rail Station...this is self-evidently an outright lie, proven by the current state of the building due to MGCC's huge expenditure across the site on everything else but that, and I challenge MGCC and/or their agent Cr Josh to produce this 'plan'...this is Cr J outsmarting himself with his own attempted slyness...on one hand, it's a fact that demolition ain't happening because there's no actual physical 'plan', but then it's a fact that 'repairs' are planned but there's no actual physical 'plan'...(geez, you get right in there don't ya'?-Ed)...like I said mate, don't play weasel-word bastard games with ManWeazel Uber-Bastard!...(fair enough-Ed)...
5) MGCC organised the current cafe, refused it going in the Old Station, instead forcing it right down the far end away from the Old Station, in a shreckin' shipping container!...Cr Josh knows this...
6) there have been very specific 'Art plans', as covered later in 'Comments'...yet again Cr Lynagh is deceitfully feigning ignorance...(but the 'no demolition plan' is 'concrete'?-Ed)...well exactly...
7) this last paragraph is just a joke, this entire 'episode' is a MGCC Councillor deceitfully running the MGCC's deeply corrupted RLRA, every single word of it is MGCC...*
Please also note that while this information is completely correct and direct from Council this post and any comments that may follow are my own personal views and not the views of Council as a whole in any way, shape or form.
*It's me...where to start?...
1) Cr Josh makes a series of outrageously inappropriate comments then has them pulled down then is back only hours later having another go, deliberately trying to make the issue look ridiculous and/or hearsay, followed by more ludicrous statements about driving-up onto the platform...what MGCC did do was buried 30+ carparks under that superfluous and costly platform extension, and have kept the Bay Rd end clear for further carpark re the RLRA;
2) more disingenuous word-weaselling...of course Council doesn't have a 'Public Official Plan' for demolition, but that's exactly what MGCC has planned for the Old Station, because it's in the way of MGCC's ongoing proposed massive Retail/Commercial expansion onto the Rail Lands, which I call the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...just look at what MGCC has and/or hasn't done on that site, the RLRA is an Undeniable Reality that Cr Lynagh has had explained to him but deceitfully feigns ignorance of...
3) MGCC have refused/blocked several attempts to repair/renovate/utilise the Old Station, eg, recently blocking a $100,000 Fund My Neighbourhood grant application specifically for removing all the Asbestos in the entire building; refusing community groups/cafes/whatevs; and of course the notorious Bus Terminus corruption debasco (debacle/fiasco), another classic Rort-riddled Fib-fest from the rankly corrupt MGCC...
4) I have never seen or heard MGCC present any 'plan to repair' the iconic Old Rail Station...this is self-evidently an outright lie, proven by the current state of the building due to MGCC's huge expenditure across the site on everything else but that, and I challenge MGCC and/or their agent Cr Josh to produce this 'plan'...this is Cr J outsmarting himself with his own attempted slyness...on one hand, it's a fact that demolition ain't happening because there's no actual physical 'plan', but then it's a fact that 'repairs' are planned but there's no actual physical 'plan'...(geez, you get right in there don't ya'?-Ed)...like I said mate, don't play weasel-word bastard games with ManWeazel Uber-Bastard!...(fair enough-Ed)...
5) MGCC organised the current cafe, refused it going in the Old Station, instead forcing it right down the far end away from the Old Station, in a shreckin' shipping container!...Cr Josh knows this...
6) there have been very specific 'Art plans', as covered later in 'Comments'...yet again Cr Lynagh is deceitfully feigning ignorance...(but the 'no demolition plan' is 'concrete'?-Ed)...well exactly...
7) this last paragraph is just a joke, this entire 'episode' is a MGCC Councillor deceitfully running the MGCC's deeply corrupted RLRA, every single word of it is MGCC...*
- Someone's Comment - "It would still be great as a cafe/restaurant with live music and outdoor tables, fairy lights etc even as a venue , it's not that big but people would use it for events and parties."
Josh Lynagh There
is currently a cafe there already, and I think the area is fairly
simple to set up for live music events as we've seen in the past.
Personally, I'd love to see something a little more related to art or history happen with the building..- Comment - history, yes. over the "art"
- C - Sounds
lovely (*name removed*), there have been functions as you described without using
the Railway building & there are 3 coming up as pre Christmas
events, so organisers have been able to create that atmosphere around
the building with the fairy lights etc. without actually having to go
into the building.
- C - I don't get out much
š sounds great!
- C - art and history could be combined very nicley in the old station and would fit well with the building. It would also be nice to see the roundhouse incorporated into telling the story/history of the rail lands as it is 1 of only 2 left in SA. I am certain a couple of community groups could combine together to organize art and history at the station.

- C - art and history could be combined very nicley in the old station and would fit well with the building. It would also be nice to see the roundhouse incorporated into telling the story/history of the rail lands as it is 1 of only 2 left in SA. I am certain a couple of community groups could combine together to organize art and history at the station.
*me again...this is absolute bollocks from MGCC/Cr Josh, he knows damn well that MGCC has repeatedly blocked attempts to have 'art or history happen' in the Old Station, as explained by the very next 'Commentor'...*
- C - When
the council called for expressions of interest for use of the old
railway station a local comunity group put in a well thought out
proposal for a cafe/gallery/history display to service both the local
community and vistors to our area. When this group
was invited to meet with council sub committee they were informed that
"the goal posts had been changed" and the council no longer wished to
have anything permanent in the station but were looking to try "pop up"
events/shops. To this date I have been informed by a councillor that the
inside of the station has mostly used just for storage and that no
major maintenance has been carried out. General maintenance to the
exterior of the building would not only preserve the Building but would
enchance the looks of the whole platform area. The group who put forward
the proposal would have been prepared to invest in the maintenance and
refurbishment of the building however short term "pop up" shops would
not invest in the long term maintenance. Using the station as a storage
shed will also not raise any revenue for maintenance.
*me...here's a brief explanation of exactly how deceitfully MGCC have conducted themselves in refusing to allow anyone to use the Old Station, from one of those involved...*
*me...here's a brief explanation of exactly how deceitfully MGCC have conducted themselves in refusing to allow anyone to use the Old Station, from one of those involved...*
- C - Well said... Thanks Josh
- C - Classic
example of people over reacting based on hearsay...happens all too
regularly. It's a shame these people don't put their energy into
positive pursuits
*me...someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, dismissing someone else's statements as 'hearsay'', now that's irony, and an irony doubled by the observation about 'energy into positive pursuits, this from a 'keyboard warrior' I don't recall ever seeing at a MGCC meeting...*

*me...someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, dismissing someone else's statements as 'hearsay'', now that's irony, and an irony doubled by the observation about 'energy into positive pursuits, this from a 'keyboard warrior' I don't recall ever seeing at a MGCC meeting...*
Josh Lynagh - We were almost at the witch-hunt phase of it, haha. At
full Council meetings, there's usually one person there. Maybe twice a
year we will have someone else. Standing Committee meetings, I don't
believe I've ever seen a member of the public at. I'd love
to see people who clearly have an interest in what Council does based
on their constant Facebook criticism, to have the Council experience and
get more of an idea how things work. I found it a little challenging
when I first started going, but it's quite interesting, and definitely
helps your case when speaking publicly on issues

*me...typical Lynagh, make outrageously inappropriate statements deliberately designed to denigrate me and de-rail the whole issue of the Old Station, etc, and then joke about a "witch-hunt"...and who would that "one person" be Josh? that is a direct and again thinly veiled reference to moi, who does go to meetings and cops nothing but abuse and harassment for me troubles, and the rest is mindless drivel...Josh, mate, apart from one or two occasions, you "first started going" to Council meetings when you became a Councillor...*
- C - Mate I bet you have deleted your almost finished replies on many occasions and let a cool head prevail instead!! Ha ha patience of Job required for this gig

Josh Lynagh - Removing
half-written comments is my life, haha. Nah, I've had enough practice
responding to false information on Facebook and having official
complaints put in against me for doing so, to know how to respond
properly haha. Practice makes perfect!
- C - The
individual public numbers you receive at a council meeting is fairly
standard around here. Prior to becoming an NRM group member, several
years ago with DEWNR, I attended an NRM board meeting and was surprised I
was only one of two public members there. Even during my four years as
an NRM group member the individual members of the public who attended
those meetings I could count on one hand.
*me...saying this is blowing-out so's I'll pull stumps here and say...
Tomorrow: The Rest Of This Dross From Cr Lynagh
Only half ways through but y'all get the jist I'm sure, a litany of deliberate deceits from a rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, via a feeble-minded stooge who thinks he's being clever...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
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