Sunday, October 2, 2016

I've Got The Wind, But Not The Power

Howdy Brazil, Indonesia, Ukraine, and, Singapore, and y'all elsewhere, and welcome to TMGI...I've had some full-on stuff happening in recent weeks...(including not least of all, yet another Court appearance-Ed)...indeed...(and may I say, what a tour-de-force, what a triumph darrrling-Ed)...a little less of the 'darling' will be fine, but cheers, thanks, it was another bizarre meander through the reality that is my Court stuff in general, but I'm going to say that, at this time, given what happened in this latest hearing Tuesday 27th September 2016...(and that's hearing number, what? 15?-Ed)...nearer 20, if you count the several adjournments on a coupla' dates...(wow-Ed)...anyhoos, given what's happened this week, I genuinely look forward to the up-coming trial, and the opportunity to present my defense as acknowledged by the Court...more tomorrow...(*and apols for some synchronicity errors in this post*)

Elsewhere, I've been copping yet another massive sledging re my allegedly outrageous yet undefined behaviour, and there's a whole raft of very unpleasant threats attached...not going to go into it now, but it's been so hugely traumatic that I'll be a while yet just getting back up to speed...and it ain't a family bereavement or anything in that ballpark...(good-Ed)...and it's not my Cancer and/or I'm not ill, so dear availees, please don't panic...(or celebrate-Ed)...fair call, many a true word spoken in jest Ed...(or in this case, just 2 words-Ed) can stop now...(I can...or can I?-Ed)...anyways, still looking at how I'll respond to this latest barrage of obtuse abuse...(still suffering for it I'd say-Ed)...and again, fair call, and because of that, I'm holding back on my response...(good call-Ed)...but to today's post...

South Australia - The Rust-bucket at TMGI we're not big on saying stuff like, 'we told you so', or, 'we told you so'...(or even, 'we told you so'-Ed)...but it's a farcical denial of the dark realities that we all sat through last Wednesday night, what happened to South Australia electricity -wise, it is a farcical agenda-driven denial to say that Wind Turbines had nothing to do with the entire state being blacked-out...and I know some availees just love Turbines, but I'm not sorry about vehemently disagreeing, albeit politely and with the most genuine best intent...if you will, my first truth...

The Storm In The the very set-up of South Australia's system, dominated as it is by 'Renewables', and in particular Wind Turbines, our current 'System' is guaranteed to do this when there's a problem...the structure of the system makes it 1) vulnerable to the weather, and we are in that vulnerable position because 2) we have organised our electricity supply around the unrealistic reliance on Wind Turbines...this is an undeniable truth...we are vulnerable because of the way our National system has been organised around Turbines and their multiple failings re base-load reliability or even predictable production...(because they just don't work at all when there's no wind-Ed)...absolutely, but even more ridiculously, they have to be turned off when the wind is too strong...(wow, so, no power when it's still, and none when it's too windy-Ed)...and none during Catastrophic Fire conditions when Turbines have to stop because of their potential to catch fire, an unreachable fire 100m+ off the ground...(and of course fire-fighting aircraft can't operate anywhere near them-Ed)...also true, but it's the switch-off and/or none production issues that are relevant to this latest black-out nonsense...

No Joy In Writing A Right:...but alleged nutters like myself have been saying/writing for years that SA Labor's Wind Turbine obsession...(supported as it is by Labor's rankly Fascist 2011 DPA, a Planning Amendment that removes the ability to legally challenge/oppose Wind Turbine developments-Ed)...yep, denying access to the Courts, that's some rolled-gold Fascism right there...and that Fascism was selling SA right into a whole world of power supply pain, and that pain realised itself on Wednesday...this is what 'we' have been saying would happen, but even then, I don't think even the harshest Turbine critic could have predicted this...(the experts apparently did-Ed)...what?...(yeah, I've heard a bunch of alleged experts, including our charming Premier Jay Weatherill, bangin'-on about how this wholesale collapse was the system functioning correctly, exactly as it is apparently designed to do-Ed)...sorry what? that just doesn't make sense, a system that's designed to collapse when operating properly? bollocks...(I'm just tellin' ya' what they're sayin' mate-Ed)...please explain...

(Well as I've heard it explained, by these alleged experts, and our dear Premier Jay Weatherill, the system reacted exactly the way it is designed to react, and that that action/reaction was to deliberately cut-loose South Australia from the 'National Grid', a decision apparently made by the Australian Energy Regulator, and a measure taken to ensure that South Australia didn't drag the Eastern states down the pug-hole with us-Ed)...and that's the system operating correctly?...(yep, apparently-Ed)...and at this point I'll do availees the respectful courtesy of stopping this facetious me/Ed nonsense and spell-out the realities...

We, South Australia, now has no choice but to accept what is handed to us, we are now at the end of the line, and not literally but actually, and if the disastrous decisions we've made re Turbines threaten the 'National Grid', we're quite actually for the chop...and that is the official explanation in excusing the entire state of South Australia being 'blacked-out' is because we have set-up our grid to 'export' huge quantities of 'Renewable Energy', predominantly from Wind Turbines, and then when the Turbines fail, to import the same huge amounts and then even more... and this is the exact justification for the $130million+ Heyward Interconnector (to Victoria) and the proposed $300-$700m one from New South Wales...Jay Weatherill and Energy Minister Tom Koutsontonis have repeatedly offered this exact reasoning, 'we need these Interconnectors to export our Wind Energy, and then to import when we cannot produce'...and even this reality is repeatedly and deliberately misrepresented as being a decision based on the already deeply flawed pseudo-economics of Wind Turbine generation being 'çheap' and even 'free'...  

Riddle Me and/or why does a system that is supposedly designed to manage huge fluctuations in electricity flow, how is that system crashed completely by a power surge and/or failure?...(and why, given that there was oodles of warning that this storm was a brewin', why wasn't every 'leccy boffin in the state looming over every knob and switch and dial and lever, ready to act if there was trouble?-Ed)...I'd reckon they probably were, they just couldn't stop it 'cos the decision to cut SA adrift was made outside the state...(what an unmitigated disaster-Ed)...I heard a dude on the ABC/BBC a whiles-back describe what SA has done re Renewable Energy, as being "an interesting social experiment"...(so what are we then, bunnies or mice?-Ed)...canaries more like it...(yay-Ed)...

Dear Labor Leader, Bouncing Billy Shorten:...shut-up mate, just shut-up, you've got no shreckin' idea what's happening in SA, because if you do, then you're a vacuous liar...which is it?...I'm sick of hearing/seeing these alleged expert halfwits who are getting stuck into people who quite rightly point-out the exact realities of what's happening here, and I'll say it again...this black-out happened because our entire state's Electricity Supply/Distribution System is set-up around covering the grossly unreliable and intermittent production of Wind Turbines, combined with the ludicrous 'Renewables' ideology of an incompetent and soulless inner-suburban-Greeny-vote-chasing Labor state government...(and doesn't former Premier Mike Ranns' brother have money in Turbines? wasn't he involved with the failed Acciona project down this way at Allendale?-Ed)...absolutely, and it was the developer's Acciona and Grant District Council's loss in the Environment, Resource, Development Court that stopped that moronic project, right on top of Allendale East itself, and it was that ERDC loss that generated the Fascist 2011 Turbine DPA...(yay for corruption in SA-Ed)...yay...

And Just For Balance:...get stuffed PM Malcolm Turnbull, you couldn't lie straight in bed mate, flippin' and floppin' from pillar to post on issues of the environment/equality/whatevs, clearly indebted to if not completely controlled by the more rabid Right-wingers in the Liberal Party...(Right-Wing in the Liberal Party? wow, could you get any further out on a limb?-Ed)...interesting observation Ed...(and here's another, it's clearly a case of the wing-tip flappin' the bird-Ed)...nice...anyhoos, now Mal Mal's gettin' stuck into Turbines in a context that completely undermines genuine debate about what's actually happened by giving pro-Turbine politicians like Jay Weatherill the opportunity to screech 'playing politics'...whatevs, if you want to accept this ludicrous explanation from these armchair experts, the explanation itself confirms exactly what I and many others are saying/have been saying for years...the way our system is organised, we are vulnerable to the weather...

In my experience, Turbine supporters are generally intelligent people who have genuine concerns for their environment and community, but are more than capable of being manipulated and even willingly blinkered to certain compromising realities...we're all capable of it, and just because I'm right about this, doesn't make me a better or a smarter or a more decent person, whatevs, the reality is the reality and it played-out Wednesday, and there's plenty more trouble to come because apparently, that's the way it's supposed to work...(bizarre-Ed)...and yes it was a bad storm, but hardly the catastrophic event that Northern Australia regularly cops, and yes there are clearly distribution problems when pylons collapsing in the Mid-North shuts down the entire state, but even then, the footage I've seen shows some very flimsy looking structures, some of which are/were barely cemented into the ground...(and pylons are notorious for dragging down many others around them if one fails-Ed)...indeed...(and haven't we been paying massive 'leccy bills to help pay for 'gold-plating' the distribution system-Ed)...who do you believe mate? all I know is what I saw...(and that was darkness my old friend?-Ed)...I'm not that old...

Business As SA as everything ground to a candle-lit, industry, manufacturing, agriculture, retail, everything...from the already struggling (in receivership) Arium shutting-down at Whyalla, to Woolworths half-empty shelves, from restaurants to dairies, everything shut-down, and at what massive cost?...(did the bakers make any bread?-Ed)...nobody did mate, in fact SA lost $millions...(ahaha, nice one-Ed)...and those losses are ongoing in some areas...(not so nice-Ed)...and even tying to make some humour of this deeply disturbing event leaves me feeling apologetic because there's simply nothing here to laugh about, and I take no joy in being proven right...

*The Worst Is Yet To Come:...(well at last! some good news-Ed)...yes, because unfortunately, as disastrous as last evening/today has been for businesses, crops, etc...(with potential for more tonight with the 'back-end' of this front pushing through-Ed)...exactly, and as bad as that has been, it's nuthin' baby compared to what's going to happen if there's a nasty week-long heatwave across South-East Oz...(didn't that happen just a coupla' years back, and there was electricity 'load-shedding' (rationing) to protect the system?-Ed)...yeah, that was slightly different, whilst the issues of the physical network not being able to cope are relevant, more specifically, it's the loss of base-load from the recently closed Pt Augusta coal-fired power station and the resultant reliance on gas and the Heywood Interconnector that are the problem...

A standard Adelaide heatwave is a week of 40C+ temperatures combined with a millpond windlessness that's simply breath-taking...if you've ever been there, Adelaide has a shimmering blue haze to it that's disarmingly charming from the advantageous depths of an air-conditioned foothills mansion...(but not quite so delightful if your down on the windless plains-Ed)..and anywhere without electricity is very quickly a very unpleasant place to be, with no relief at night...(damn it's hot! open a bloody window will you!-Ed)...we're standing outside...(damn it's hot!-Ed)...anyway, that's an Adelaide Summer, and the most recent bad heatwave killed hundreds of people...and that was in part due to inferior infrastructure, but it was also about supply, now we have the added vulnerability of being reliant on the Heywood Interconnector, and therefore Victoria...

In July 2016 we had the ridiculous situation where 'Leccy prices in Adelaide hit $10,000+ per kilowatt hour, or whatevs, compared to the standard approx $110-$130 kwh (itself much higher than the average interstate, $80-100 kwh...*these are close approximations from several varying reports)...and there were all sorts of excuses from Premier Jay Weatherill et al, about the unfortunate convergence of weather conditions (high winds that shut-down Turbines), repairs being done to the Heyward Interconnector which shut that down, forcing reliance on gas production and the resultant massive leap in electricity costs, which nearly shut-down industry, etc, and it was 'the market', and 'unscrupulous suppliers milking the crisis for profit', etc, etc...everybody's fault except Jays'...this has had a direct and undeniable effect on the future hopes of attracting new business/industry/investors/whatevs, because who the shreck is going to try and operate/function/exist in a state where power supply can/will just collapse at any time, in a context where already huge power costs are absolutely guaranteed to wildly fluctuate up-to inconceivable rates, eg, $10,000/hr...(yay-Ed)...   

This also led to a massive leap in the price of domestic gas as the demand rocketed re the gas generation plants near Adelaide having to massively boost production, etc, etc, to stop the State shutting-down...Turbines drastically affect not just electricity prices, but also gas prices...

Health System falling apart, or rather, being pulled apart, re the already disastrous 'New Adelaide Hospital'...yet another massive crisis (the latest in a litany) in the Education Dept and Child Safety authorities...SA Water being 'rorted' to swell government coffers...Motor Accident Commission sold-off...the South East Forestry sold-off...the Gillman land sale/fraud...the Mt Barker land sale/fraud...Energy provision and/or delivery wholly subject to the vaguaries of the weather conditions, leading to blackouts and/or load-shedding' (the deliberate rationing of limited available energy)...and of course, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(yay for SA-Ed)...fundamental problems with wholesale corruption in SAPol (police), State and Local Government, et al...(have you thought of a career as a motivational speaker?-Ed)...not in this State, no...

Jay Weatherill Is An Absolute accuse others of 'playing politics' with this 'natural disaster', because this is a disaster that he and Mike Rann (Labor) created with their politics, and was therefore simply waiting to happen, and it happened the first time there was bit of a problem...but not satisfied with blaming everybody else for the chaos he has created, Jay mate...(maaate-Ed)...has actually accused PM Turnbull of waging a "jihad" against Wind Turbines...(no?-Ed)...orrr yeah...(wow, Jay, what a moronic thing to say-Ed)...of all the language to use, could he be more offensive? "a jihad"...what a complete arse...

And if these clowns, Jay, Tommy, et al, if they're all so committed to 'Renewables', why are they pushing oil exploration in the magnificent Great Southern Bight, and shreckin' Fracking here in the South East...(I find it ironic that many people who support Turbines also oppose Fracking, but that that Turbine support is driving them into the jaws of Fracking-Ed)...indeed, back in July when we had that mini-disaster and were solely reliant on Gas-fired 'Leccy Production, Tommy was all over the media bangin'-on about the need for more gas production in SA to bring down gas prices, and that Fracking was/is absolutely safe...I think it's more than reasonable to draw a line straight from supporting Turbines to the imminent Fracking of the South East, not least of all because the Labor government has drawn that line first...

And even this gas price stuff is an absolute lie, given we pay an international rate for our own gas, because of the massive gas export industry...relatively minuscule deposits like those in the South East will reportedly have no bearing what-so-ever on the national/international price...Tommy was also caught-out lying that the gas facility in Adelaide was operating during Wednesday's black-out, and it wasn't...(and there's been more than a few outright lies flyin' about how Turbines helped to restore power in SA and re-boot the grid, etc-Ed)...but weren't they completely stopped due to the storm conditions and/or the black-out itself?...(I thought so-Ed)...whatevs, the realities are all there if one cares to see them...  

Tomorrow: Court Stuff

And you do not want to miss this one...(even if I do say so himself-Ed)...well quite...'we told you so',  and 'how terrific am I?' are not common phrase-age on this 'ere blog, but this is going to be an absolute doozy...(yeah, I'll give you that one, because it's an absolute boomer-Ed)...feel a bit like I've been stumbling about in the murky light, and then the path has found me...(and that then led straight to a road-Ed)...indeed, where a limo was waiting...(to whisk you to the head of the queue-Ed)...and here I stand...(and again it seems that the harder you just stand your ground, the harder you manage to push-back-Ed)...indeed...

I know I'm being mischievously ambiguous, but if we don't get you availees back each time, we don't get paid...(we don't get paid-Ed)...what?...(we don't get paid for this-Ed)...not at all?...(nope-Ed)...but what about that joke that time? that was a beauty...(nope, sorry-Ed)...well what about the Disability Support Pension?...(it's certainly an income of sorts, but it's not related to this 'ere blog-Ed)...oh...(well, there was that stuff from early on in the blog, etc, where we discussed your sense of indebtedness to 'society' for the support of the DSP, albeit a 'poverty-level income', and how that was one of several motivators/drivers for this 'ere blog, etc-Ed)...certainly, that was the case, but we've also discussed the fact that I've very much come to terms with the huge Mental and Physical trauma I have endured directly as a result of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and why that particular 'guilt' is a spent force...(hurrah!-Ed) please join us tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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