Friday, October 21, 2016

Apologies Again - Post Up Later Today

Dear availees, I'll explain my brief 'absence' and all my latest Court stuff later today...(can I do a quick spoiler now?-Ed)...sure, go on...(well dear availees, you remember how at the September 2016 hearing the Magistrate directed 'us' to get 'our' defense ready for the upcoming trial, and referred to that defense as being 'Abuse Of Process'?-Ed)...yeah, I was there...(well at the October 11th 2016 hearing, the Magistrate changed that to 'Malicious Prosecution'-Ed)...indeed...(and we ain't no lawyers with no book learnin' nor nuthin', but there's self-evidently a world of difference between 'Abuse Of Process' and 'Malicious Prosecution'-Ed)...absolutely...the first denotes some potential dodginess along the journey and possibly inappropriate intent in starting that journey at all, but the second clearly denotes that that journey was commenced with 'malicious' intent...

As a layperson, I would and will argue that the mere fact that we're where we are with this 'persecution', going to trial with me being instructed to prepare my defense of 'Malicious Prosecution', that fact that we're even going to that 'malicious' space after 21 months of 'trial', that that alone confirms that that is exactly what has happened...and when I stated that I'll have a pile of paperwork 'a foot high', the Magistrate just ordered that I provide appropriate copies to the Court and SAPol Prosecutions...

Long story short, after 21 months and as many hearings, when my bizarre case, my "pro-paedophile political persecution" finally goes to trial next month, the Court has directed that I am to go first and present my defense as stated to me, namely, 'Malicious Prosecution'...and I've achieved this extraordinary turn-around whilst self-representing against SAPol Prosecutions, the Director Public Prosecutions, the Crown Solicitors Office, et al, whilst under investigation by SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, various other SAPol departments, including the truly bizarre 'Operation Baritone', and having apparently been originally 'investigated' by the Banana Lord* themselves...(wow-Ed) indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I'll get a proper post up later today...cheers and laters...

(*the 'Banana Lord' and 'Club GoGo Bananas' are the pseudonyms I'm forced to use re the actual State Authority involved because of the bizarrely Fascist 'CGGB' Act, in a context where I can't specifically identify the charges I'm facing because that would identify the Authority involved and that in and of itself is potentially a further breach of that 'CGGB' Act) 

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