Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Media Pro-LNP Bias/Protection: Friendly Jordies Expose About Parliament's Prayer Room Sex

Howdy dear availees...no apologies for the brief break, really struggling to give a damn in light of the appalling state of this Nation we call Australia...Indigenous disadvantage, blatant Patriarchy, environmental collapse, mammal extinction, and a mind-numbingly pathetic media landscape that 99% supports/protects the rancidly corrupt criminal cabal that is the Liberal/National Party...(fair call-Ed)...closer to home, the massive trauma inflicted upon me by the recent Sow Straya State Election has not subsided, if anything it's actually amplified...('cos the Federal Election has finally been called?-Ed)...probably partly, but it's directly due to the relentless pro-LNP bias of virtually all media in Oz, and most especially the supposedly bipartisan national broadcaster, the ABC...

Not gunna' dwell on it now, but also noting that I've been dealing with some chronic pain issues related to fundamentally rooted knees...(and it ain't the sittin' at the computer so much, it's the tryin' to walk afters?-Ed)...yeah, having periods of being barely able to walk for almost crippling, driving, stabbing pain...for all of the 'degenerative' health issues I've experienced post-Chemo (2004-05), eg, related 'Chemo Arthritis' (joint degeneration and related pain), dental issues, etc, I've always been able to walk ok, but not for several months now...but we digress...

To put this entire story/episode in absolute context, particularly about how critical it is regarding National Security, a favourite topic for the LNP when-and-if it suits them, here's the link to the ASIO boss Mike Burgess specifically citing 'Dating Apps' and other related dalliances/relationships as being a vehicle for infiltration by 'foreign operatives'...(well it's happened in the past, eg, Christine Keeler was one famous case that comes to mind-Ed)...even Liberal Senator James Paterson was bangin'-on about how 'if you're a 6 and a 10 is interested, somethin's dodgy'...this is from the Sydney Morning Herald... 


Now here's the links to the Friendly Jordies story about the extraordinary situation where several senior male Liberal politicians were having sex with 'young' male sex workers (and possibly others) in the multi-faith Prayer Room in the Federal parliament building in Canberra...(is this the story that first aired on Channel 10 a few months ago?-Ed)...12 months ago in fact, and there's been a supposedly 'independent' investigation since, which is not going to be released publicly, or even to the original 'Whistleblower' named Tom...and to get y'all in the mood, in the mind set as to just how orchestratedly corrupt this whole issue is, 1) the investigators refused to accept Tom's photographic evidence, and then 2) the only actual police action related to this alleged 'independent' investigation was the wholly politically compromised LNP lap-dog Australian Federal Police raiding Tom's home...(so the Whistleblower gets raided but not the politicians involved, there's a surprise-Ed)...exactly, and sound familiar?...(well not least of all, when SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch travelled to Mt Gambier to raid your home for speaking-out about the Pro-Paedophile and/or other Corruption in SA and/or Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...bingo...and this Prayer Room stuff gets better...(somehow I knew it would, it just had that smell about it-Ed)...well get this...

Why is it that the supposedly 'independent' investigation, conducted by law firm Sparke Helmore, is not gunna' be released, not even to the original complainant and main witness Tom...(wow, that's some A-grade transparency right there-Ed)...ain't it though...(well, it immediately infers that there's something very real and very, very concerning about those 'allegations'-Ed)...spot on...('cos otherwise they'd have just said  'hey, nuthin' to see here, move along, move along'-Ed)...indeed, but instead they've locked it down...(and hang on, is that the same Sparke Helmore whom have received more than $150million in LNP government contracts?-Ed)...that be they...(and whose senior counsel Nell McGill is currently running as the Liberal candidate in the New South Wales seat of Shortland?-Ed)...yep, that was her in the yellow jacket alongside PM Scummo at that photo-op at the pub the other day when the pensioner berated him about broken promises...(strewth, that's one thoroughly independent investigation alright-Ed)...sure, where 'independent' means absolutely corrupt and absolutely complicit...

So firstly, here's the link to the written FJ article, where-in the actual video story has been 'deleted' due to an unspecified "defamation complaint"...(I saw one 'report' that it was instigated by Christopher Pyne, the former Defense Minister named in the investigation/report/video-Ed)...yeah, that's not clear whom made that 'complaint', but importantly, there's no-one officially denouncing the FJ story and/or threatening any legal action related to the original video...(and again it mimics our experience of people like 'alleged' lawyer Bouncin' Billy DeGaris repeatedly whinging to Google about this 'ere blog and getting posts removed/pulled down, and repeatedly threatening you with impending 'Defamation Action' but never following through-Ed)...and why didn't he follow through?...('cos what we've been writing/posting is strictly factually correct, and li'l Billy knows that-Ed)..exactly, but again we digress, here's the link...


And here's the link to the actual story/video from the FJ Facebook page...


Here's a link to FJ's Twitter and associated comments regarding the abject refusal/failure of the MSM to even acknowledge this extraordinary story...


And another link that covers the story within the story, the total lack of response from the Oz MSM...


And finally, here's the link to the most excellent (genuinely) independent journo Michael West's related article, from MichaelWestMedia... 


If you think we've somehow exaggerated the complicit silence from the pathetically corrupted Australian media, just Interweb search it ya'selves...type in 'Friendly Jordies Prayer Room Sex' and any number of permutations with whatevs other terms you care to use, and you'll find Sweet Shreck All...(I found one-Ed)...and?...(oh, it's the United Kingdom's Daily Mail-Ed)...yep, anything in Oz?...(apart from FJ and MW? nup, not that I can find-Ed)...not one single story in the Oz MSM?...(ummm, nope, not here, no-Ed)...and what few items there are are more focussed on the removal of the original story/video, rather than looking at the actual substance of the issue?...(yeah, pretty much-Ed)...and again, not one single story from the Australian Main Stream Media?...(nuh...that's extraordinary-Ed)...indeed, extraordinary but absolutely expected and par for the rancidly pro-LNP course...a full week after this extraordinary expose, and the OZ MSM has got their eyes glued shut, and their fingers in each others ears, whilst screaming LaLaLaLa at the top of their collective lungs...

Tomorrow: Another Disgraceful Peter Van Onselen Attack On Prof Gemma Carey

And just a quick shout-out to the rancidly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...several weeks ago they were on the ABC South East Radio stating that 'the outdoor pool renovation is complete'...and that's an abject lie, 'cos I went past the other day for a quick gander, and it's bare cement, unlined/not water-proofed, and surrounded by piles of dirt and rubble...it's a long, long way from being 'completed'...

Just 2 days into the official 2022 Federal Election campaign, and the rancidly pro-LNP corrupt MSM and ABC are spewing ahead full steam to ignore all of the LNP's rank corruption and failings, etc, and already trying to write-off Labor leader Anthony Albanese...it's sickening and infuriating and an international embarrassment...it's literally Third-World Dictator-style sycophancy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...


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