Wednesday, April 27, 2022

ABC Pro-LNP Bias In False 'Fact Check' Of 'Labor Scare Campaign' On Cashless Welfare Card For Pensioners

Howdy dear availees everywhere and welcome to another relatively short post with lotsa' attached homework....(orrrr, not homework again!-Ed)...well let's call it research then...(too late buddy, too little too late-Ed)...well, it's just what it is, so let's get stuck we're mostly covering the basely abusive realities that are the Cashless Welfare Card, which then plows unavoidably into the ABC's crassly obvious pro-LNP bias we've been repeatedly bangin' on about in numerous recent posts...(orrrr, not the ABC's crassly obvious pro-LNP bias again-Ed) I said, it's unfortunately unavoidable...(yeah, but homework and more ABC pro-LNP bias-Ed)...I know, I ain't enjoyin' it any more than you are, or indeed I'm sure most dear availees, but this what's happening in the lead-up to the May 2022 Federal Election...(I know, I know-Ed)...and the issue of the Australian media's wholly complicit pro-LNP bias/corruption, is in many ways that issue is as critical as any policy announcement, etc...(I know, 'cos the almost entirely biased MSM controls the narrative and it's an embarrassing disgrace for all involved that literally everything they say/print has to be scrutinised for it's likely gross and deliberate pro-LNP errors-Ed)...exactly, so let's get stuck into it...

First things first, here's the link to the Twitter feed for The Say No 7, a group/page dedicated to educating people about the many inherent horrors of the 'Indue Debit/Welfare Card System'...there's a literal tonne of stuff on there about this, and we're gunna' pinch their direct descriptor..."The #cashlessdebitcard is a blanket and compulsory measure, applied to all centrelink recipients in a designated region against their will, irrespective of circumstances who are NOT assessed or determined prior to have ANY social or addiction problem."...

Cashless Welfare Card:...sometimes referred to as the Cashless Debit Card, is a wholly corrupted and abusive Liberal/National Party construct, forced on people with all the gaslighting deceits the LNP can muster about how it's supposedly for the benefit/best outcomes for those subjected to it...(is that the stuff about how it's supposedly gunna' stop gambling, alcohol purchases, drug dealing, etc?-Ed)...yep...(which has been proven/reported it's largely failing to do?-Ed)...exactly...rather than stuff around tryin' to explain it, let's jump to the official explanation/description...

Here's the intro part of the official explanation from the Parliament of Australia website, with the critical issue being identified re the prevention of accessing identified across multiple Twitter stories, this means that people can't pay for their kid's school excursions/tuckshop/etc, purchase second-hand goods, go to local and/or farmer's markets, shop at charity stores like St Vinnies/Lifeline op-shops, etc...(but, and call me a cynic if you will, they can, indeed must shop at "approved retailers", like, just as a random example, pro-LNP/pro-Murdoch retailer Harvey Norman-Ed) on's worth reading that entire explanation, only about a page or so, so we've also included the link to the PoA website...the second link is to the Dept of Social Services explanation...***  

The Australian Government has two separate cards designed to restrict how income support recipients can spend their payments—the BasicsCard and the cashless debit card. While both schemes rely on cards provided by payments company,  Indue, they work in different ways.

The biggest differences are:

  • Who can accept the card. The BasicsCard can only be used at merchants that the Department of Human Services has approved. The cashless debit card can be used at any merchant the Department has not blocked (provided it is able to accept Visa Debit).

  • Merchant responsibilities. All merchants who accept BasicsCard must sign an agreement not to process transactions for excluded goods such as alcohol or tobacco. Most merchants who accept the cashless debit card have no agreement with either the Department or the card provider.

Both cards prevent income support recipients from withdrawing cash. Income support recipients receive part of their payment on their card with the remainder transferred to their bank account in the normal way.

***As identified above, both forms of Income Control are run by a private company, Indue Ltd...and that's the genuine motivation for creating/operating these's the link to an explanation of the Indue structure, who runs, it, etc...(who profits-Ed)...exactly, and unsurprisingly it's a litany of LNP stooges...

Here's the link (from Twitter) to Labor MP Julian Hill's take on this, and please scroll down the comments 'cos that includes, 1) a copy of a bill/receipt that shows that the CWC is paid through the International Commercial Bank of China, and a bit further down 2) a copy of the actual legislation already in place under, Section 61, Subsection 124(PD)1, that allows a mere administrative decision to include all Aged Pensioners on the CWC...

Here's the link (again from Twitter) to a brief grab from the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, identifying that there are already some Aged Pensioners on the Basics Card and CWC...

Multiple welfare and Women's safety organisations and/or advocates have expressed their concerns about the problems these cards/schemes create for people (usually women) in abusive/violent relationships, especially the chilling effect it has by denying financial capacity to remove themselves from those relationships...(yeah, financial control is a text-book abuse control tool/mechanism-Ed)'s a point clearly defined in the bluntly hilarious but brutally accurate The Juice Media - Honest Government Ad piece...(and yet again it's biting satire that most accurately reports the political realities in the rolling shit-show that is our nation and our chronically biased MSM-Ed)...indeed, so here's the link to a Twitter thread that includes links to 1) the TJM - HGA, and also 2) the associated TJM podcast further explaining/exploring issues in their HGA...we've also included the direct Youtube link to the TJM -HGA clip 'cos it's well worth reading the 'Comments' section about what people think and/or have experienced, including some overseas observations/experiences...

The Inherent immediately obvious when ya' look at the majority of areas used as 'Test Sites' and the vast majority of people already subjected to the CWC...(let me guess, Aboriginal communities and/or persons-Ed) on, including, I believe, those Aged Pensioners we mentioned previous, they're in Far North Queensland and/or the Torres Straight Islands...again, this issue has been repeatedly identified by various Indigenous organisations/advocates/community members...

The 2 most critical points relevant to any 'debate' about the reality of the Aged Pension going into/under Indue control are 1) since 2015, the then Treasurer, now PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison repeatedly stating that the LNP considers the Aged Pension to be "a welfare payment for those who do not have the ability to save enough to fund their own retirement"...combined with 2) (then) Social Services Minister Anne Ruston explaining the LNP's agenda in this Sydney Morning Herald article (link below) from 1st February 2020...

And to conclude today dear availee, having considered all of the things identified here-in, here's the link to the wholly and deliberately erroneous ABC's pro-LNP 'Fact Check' that tries to dismiss these real-time realities and actual impending probabilities as a 'Labor scare campaign' originating from a Facebook post about a phone call to a politician's staffer...this title says it all - How an innocent Facebook post morphed into a rumour that helped fuel Labor's Cashless Debit Card scare campaign...and from in that 'article'..."this the story of how her post became part of a textbook case of political misinformation."...(wow, what a corrupted crock!-Ed)...indeed...("scare campaign...text-book case of political misinformation" 'til ya' read the full piece...note the extreme detail the ABC can go into when trying to justify/quantify their "Scare Campaign" discourse, but they can't see any of the things we've discussed above...(especially the Scummo comments about "the Aged Pension is welfare", and his/Ruston's statements about applying these controls nationally, and the fact that it's already legislated for-Ed)...yep, it's very SKY News to ignore the vast amount of contradictory info/facts when pursuing their specific dialogue/agenda...enjoy...

In researching this post I was stunned to find the AAP (Australian Associated Press) making the same "false claims" argument as the ABC's "scare campaign", so I've included the link (below), but the facts as explained above dismiss these 'false claims' assertions as being themselves quite erroneous...(mate, the AAP's statement that, quote, "There is no evidence the government intends to put all age pensioners on cashless welfare cards, a measure not permitted under existing legislation." is fundamentally false, on both counts-Ed)...well quite...(there are clear statements from the LNP that they 1) consider the Aged Pension to be welfare, 2) intend to expand CWC to "all welfare", and 3) it's already legislated to be activated whenevs the government wants to-Ed)...mate, I have a lotta' respect for the AAP, but I don't know why they've done this, it's simply wrong... 

Also gunna' include this link (below) to a Twitter thread related to this covers some stuff already appearing in this post, but also includes some interesting bits, eg, footage of MP Ruston talking about the national roll-out, how 20+ jobs were recently added to expand it, etc...

Tomorrow: Why I Have The Responsibility To Speak About The Solomon Islands

Been heaps in the news about the Solomon's Islands signing a 'Security Pact' with China...(yet another stellar performance from our illustrious leader Scott 'Scummo' Morrison-Ed)...indeed, his hubris and ignorance and incompetence is writ large in the National Consciousness, and nowhere more obvious than with his gross mis-handling of this entire issue, our relations with all nations in the Pacific...(but why do you have a "responsibility"?-Ed)...well, a slight exaggeration, but I only recently learned that the Distinguished Service Order my grandfather was awarded in World War II, was in fact the first DSO awarded in the Pacific Theatre of Operations, on commendation of the United States of America Air Force, for 'acts of bravery' leading multiple flying missions from and running the airstrip, etc, at Torokina in the Solomon Islands in 1943/44...(wow-Ed) there's it's a specific familial link if not an actual responsibility, but we'll get into that more tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, April 21, 2022

National Broadcaster ABC Self-Defines As Liberal/National Party Propaganda Unit

Howdy dear becoming the foremost critical issue in this 2022 Federal Election campaign is not the candidates, not the Partys, not the agendas or policy platforms, no, it's the extraordinarily pro-LNP bias of the Main Stream Media and the ABC...(few people expect better from the Murdoch/Costello/Skase controlled MSM, but it's the blatant and relentless pro-LNP conduct of the National Broadcaster that's really depressing/infuriating/concerning many people-Ed)...indeed, and as we've covered many times on this 'ere blog, as the situation has deteriorated over recent years, but it's gotten particularly bad with the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison appointment of Ita Buttrose to ABC Chairperson...(and wholesale recruitment/employment of former Murdoch stooges like David Speers-Ed)...exactly...and in response to this very justified criticism about their blatant bias and non-professionalism, multiple ABC 'professionals' have had a very precious whinge about how nasty Twitter is...(and done so not least of all on Twitter-Ed)...yep, used Twitter to complain about how bad Twitter is...(how very meta of them-Ed)...well some would call it pathetically hypocritical, but whatevs, we quibble over terms...

Basically, these alleged professionals are not used to being held to account for their conduct/opinions, and when that happens, as it can now via media platforms like Twitter, they don't like it...(they don't like it one li'l bit sir!-Ed)...and in their estimation of things, it's not their responsibility to accept criticism and consider the issues raised, etc, rather, they believe they are beyond reproach and are not to be questioned, and therefore it's dirty, broken Twitter that's the real problem...(Twitter and all the grubby proles like us who infest it!-Ed)...exactly...and even more infuriating for these alleged 'professionals' is that there are many on Twitter/Facebook/TikTok/etc whom are far better journos than anything the MSM/ABC can offer...(and in many cases single Twitter/etc accounts, eg, FriendlyJordies, Ronni Salt, Kangaroo Court of Australia, MichaelWestNews, and numerous others, these people are the ones doing actual factual journalism-Ed)...and often/usually on issues that the corrupted MSM/ABC abjectly refuse to even acknowledge-... 

So it unfortunately came as no surprise that last weekend (around 15th April 2022) ABC news presenter Fauziah Ibrahim was caught-out for having Twitter Lists entitled "Labor Trolls/Thugs (Trolls)" and "Lobotomised Shitheads (Shitheads)...(wow, she actually wrote that?-Ed)...yep...(and where's the list about 'Liberal Trolls/Thugs'?-Ed)...that's the point, there ain't one...well there ain't any now 'cos she's deleted them, but the good ol' Twitterati have screen-shot saved the originals, as per the link below...forget for a moment that there are/were many very reasonable commentators/journos and even current Labor figures on these lists, it's the obvious bias illustrated by the one-sided collection....(no 'Liberal Trolls' list, and literally every single "Labor Troll" and/or "Shithead" is critical of the LNP and/or the ABC?-Ed)...yep, that's the bias, that's the agenda, and that's why it's of such huge concern that this person is a prominent presenter regularly interviewing Labor politicians and/or Labor/'Leftist' aligned persons...(or doing anything at all related to 'politics' on the National Broadcaster-Ed)...preeeeecisely...

Before these lists were identified/exposed, Fauziah Ibrahim had long-established a reputation for doing the sort of borderline apoplectic, foaming attack interviews on Labor interviewees that one would quite rightly expect from unhinged pro-LNP narcissists like Andrew Bolt, Chris Kenny, Peta Credlin, etc, pretty much anyone on the wildly 'cooked' Murdoch SKY News...scowling, aggressive, belligerent, staccato interruptions, when interviewing anyone Labor, but then smiling, respectful, almost affectionate behaviour when it's someone LNP...(Lisa Millar does much the same-Ed)...indeed...(and Jane Norman, appallingly fan-girl to anyone LNP and scowls and sneers at Labor-Ed)...absolutely...and we're not using "scowls and sneers and foaming at the mouth" as any sort of gaslighting gendered narrative, these people literally scowl/frown and literally snap at and interrupt, etc, etc, and many of their male colleagues do exactly the same, eg, David Speers, Andrew Probyn, Greg Jennet...(oh gourd, Greg Jennet, he is fundamentally unwatchable-Ed)...I know right?'s all a shits and giggles love-in for one side, and scowls and accusations hurled at the other...and that's the issue...

Just Twitter search Fauziah and you'll find heaps about's a link to one Twitter thread and related comments, regarding this extraordinary turn of events, and including a screenshot of those lists...(I see where there's some discussion about Ibrahim claiming she was hacked, but it's unclear whether that's her actual response or a sarcastic joke referring to Christopher Pyne's laughable excuse when he was caught 'liking' a gay porn account at 2am one morning-Ed)...yeah, not sure about that either, so we'll mention the 'she was hacked' stuff, but leave it at that as an unproven 'something'...

Here's someone who found themselves on one of Fauziah's lists...there are also numerous people who have contacted the ABC to lodge official complaints about the lists, but apparently there have been few if any actual responses, and certainly no action against Ibrahim, she was still on-air last weekend...***

Wow - have joined some amazing people in Fauziah Ibrahim’s Labor Trolls/Thugs list. Esteemed company indeed. Not sure that I’m worthy. I’m wondering what dizzy heights you need to scale to get on her Lobotomised Shitheads list. - Can you enlighten me at all
***You couldn't make this shizzle up, 'cos Faziah Ibrahim was on weekend ABC News discussing the Election campaign with former SKY News presenter, now ABC frontman and/or 'go to commentator' for multiple programs, David Speers...(it's like the blatantly biased leading the willfully compromised-Ed)'s not "like" that Ed, that's exactly what it is, that's the exact point I'm trying to proven by their glossing-over the woefully bigotted Catherine Deves candidacy, before going on to play down Scummos rank lies about establishing an Integrity it a lie? "depends who you ask" says Speers, and only really of interest to "those already decided to vote Labor"...and on and on it went, unambiguously and unashamedly running interference/protection for Scummo/LNP, and dismissing any criticism as 'Labor gripes', etc...

And the proof in the pudding that is the rancidly pro-LNP corrupted ABC...(she's got a payrise?-Ed)...not quite...(she'll be hosting Insiders and Q&A this week?-Ed), but I get what you're sayin' there, no, but she was back on ABC News 24 as co-presenter last weekend...multiple as-yet unresolved complaints about a specific, defined, and clearly unacceptable issue...(abusive and biased conduct that directly breaches the ABC's very specific 'Charter' of self-imposed guidelines of acceptable conduct on Social Media-Ed)...yep, and the ABC seems determined to just 'ignore it out', that is, just ignore it and hope the complaints just go away...

But it gets better...(it always does when we're talking about the LNP-Ed)...not my fault, just the way it is...(fair enough-Ed)...last week the wholly corrupted MSM went nut-sack ballistic cray-cray all week about 'Albo's Monster Gaffe' 'cos he fluffed a coupla' albeit important statistics...(it was still being discussed on the ABC yesterday-Ed)...of course it was...but during a presser Scummo thrice referred to "Mr Speaker" when answering a question, something he does dozens of times in a single 'answer' in Parliament...(well that's a concern about his cognitive functioning surely, either not knowing where he is or who he's talking to, or even that he's just such a performative automaton that he can't function 'normally' outside of that rehearsed rhetoric-Ed)...indeed...(and at the very least it's a major 'gaffe' that, had Eggs Over done it, would have been front page for a week across Murdoch's various outlets-Ed)...and on the ABC, absolutely, but not one fact, the ABC played that clip/response with the "Mr Speaker" bits carefully edited out...(wow-Ed)...yep, that ain't an accident, it's quite deliberate, and they replayed that edited clip multiple times across that afternoon and have never once mentioned the "Mr Speaker" bit...

Here's the link to an excellently crafted study into exactly how the MSM/ABC pro-LNP manipulate and quantify the this instance it's about how Stan Grant repeatedly harangued and interrupted Labor's Chris Bowen, redefined the audience questions to fit LNP rhetoric/ideology, and laughed along with the LNP's Andrew Bragg...

Also, ABC Afternoon Briefing had the Liberal's former Defense Minister Christopher 'Prayer Room' Pyne on and didn't ask him at all about the report that named him as one of the people 'allegedly' having sex with young male sex workers...(commonly being referred to as "rent boys"-Ed)...sure, sex with 'rent boys', in the Prayer Room, in the Federal Parliament building in Canberra...(as covered by the most excellent FriendlyJordies expose we recently posted about-Ed)...yeah, hugely concerning potentially National Security-compromising behaviour from the then Defense Minister, and at the very least, using sex workers to have sex in the workplace during working hours...and not one single word on the rancidly complicit ABC or anywhere else in the wholly corrupted MSM...(despite the fact that the Prayer Room Sex Scandal was first aired a year ago on Channel 10's mainstream program The Project-Ed)...and similarly the MSM/ABC seems entirely disinterested in the rankly corrupt series of connections between the law firm Sparke Helmore that did that supposedly 'independent but never to be released Prayer Room investigation', the $160m SH has received in LNP/government contracts, or that senior SH lawyer Nell McGill is the current Liberal candidate in the seat of Shortland...(well roger me with a prize winning leek-Ed)...perhaps later...anyhoos, here again is the very excellent Michael West article on this issue...  

The ABC is also notorious for cutting-off any Labor press conference/announcement...(particularly if it's Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese talking-Ed)..indeed, and usually only a few sentences in, and that has continued into the Election campaign, with multiple incidents already of 'failed audio', interruptions, etc, and it's gotten so bad they're even doing lame apologies for doing it and assurances that it is just an accident/unavoidable...(and definitely not a definable pattern of pro-LNP bias and agenda-Ed)...but then continuing to do apparently happened again yesterday...

To close today, a massive cheers to whoevs recorded and uploaded this clip below to's guest commentator Scott Burchill on the ABC calmly eviscerating the entire MSM, including the ABC...absolutely spectacular viewing, please enjoy as much as I have, kudos Mr Burchill... 

Tomorrow: Explaining Why Cashless Welfare Card For Pensioners Is Not A "Scare Campaign"

And even on the ABC's 7.30 program last evening, playing clips of the Leaders Debate on Murdoch's SKY News, they played Scummo's response to a question about the Integrity Commission he promised in 2019, thus promoting his well-rehearsed 'lie' about his '380+page draft', and that 'there's $60m in the budget for it'...(but then cutting Eggs Over's response?-Ed)...not one word...this deliberately gives specific unchallenged credence to Scummo's lies...the reality is that 1)...(virtually every professional commentator has dismissed that 'draft' as un-workably pathetic and pointless?-Ed)...yep, and 2)...(Scummo refused to table his legislation in Parliament, even when directly challenged to by Eggs Over?-Ed)...true again, and 3)...(Scummo/LNP has then blamed Labor, saying it's Labor's fault it was never tabled 'cos they wouldn't unquestioningly support it?-Ed)...yeah, how bizarre is that...(it's some next level gaslighting, that's what that is-Ed)...indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Media Pro-LNP Bias/Protection: Friendly Jordies Expose About Parliament's Prayer Room Sex

Howdy dear apologies for the brief break, really struggling to give a damn in light of the appalling state of this Nation we call Australia...Indigenous disadvantage, blatant Patriarchy, environmental collapse, mammal extinction, and a mind-numbingly pathetic media landscape that 99% supports/protects the rancidly corrupt criminal cabal that is the Liberal/National Party...(fair call-Ed)...closer to home, the massive trauma inflicted upon me by the recent Sow Straya State Election has not subsided, if anything it's actually amplified...('cos the Federal Election has finally been called?-Ed)...probably partly, but it's directly due to the relentless pro-LNP bias of virtually all media in Oz, and most especially the supposedly bipartisan national broadcaster, the ABC...

Not gunna' dwell on it now, but also noting that I've been dealing with some chronic pain issues related to fundamentally rooted knees...(and it ain't the sittin' at the computer so much, it's the tryin' to walk afters?-Ed)...yeah, having periods of being barely able to walk for almost crippling, driving, stabbing pain...for all of the 'degenerative' health issues I've experienced post-Chemo (2004-05), eg, related 'Chemo Arthritis' (joint degeneration and related pain), dental issues, etc, I've always been able to walk ok, but not for several months now...but we digress...

To put this entire story/episode in absolute context, particularly about how critical it is regarding National Security, a favourite topic for the LNP when-and-if it suits them, here's the link to the ASIO boss Mike Burgess specifically citing 'Dating Apps' and other related dalliances/relationships as being a vehicle for infiltration by 'foreign operatives'...(well it's happened in the past, eg, Christine Keeler was one famous case that comes to mind-Ed)...even Liberal Senator James Paterson was bangin'-on about how 'if you're a 6 and a 10 is interested, somethin's dodgy'...this is from the Sydney Morning Herald...

Now here's the links to the Friendly Jordies story about the extraordinary situation where several senior male Liberal politicians were having sex with 'young' male sex workers (and possibly others) in the multi-faith Prayer Room in the Federal parliament building in Canberra...(is this the story that first aired on Channel 10 a few months ago?-Ed)...12 months ago in fact, and there's been a supposedly 'independent' investigation since, which is not going to be released publicly, or even to the original 'Whistleblower' named Tom...and to get y'all in the mood, in the mind set as to just how orchestratedly corrupt this whole issue is, 1) the investigators refused to accept Tom's photographic evidence, and then 2) the only actual police action related to this alleged 'independent' investigation was the wholly politically compromised LNP lap-dog Australian Federal Police raiding Tom's home...(so the Whistleblower gets raided but not the politicians involved, there's a surprise-Ed)...exactly, and sound familiar?...(well not least of all, when SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch travelled to Mt Gambier to raid your home for speaking-out about the Pro-Paedophile and/or other Corruption in SA and/or Mt Gambier City Council-Ed) this Prayer Room stuff gets better...(somehow I knew it would, it just had that smell about it-Ed)...well get this...

Why is it that the supposedly 'independent' investigation, conducted by law firm Sparke Helmore, is not gunna' be released, not even to the original complainant and main witness Tom...(wow, that's some A-grade transparency right there-Ed)...ain't it though...(well, it immediately infers that there's something very real and very, very concerning about those 'allegations'-Ed) on...('cos otherwise they'd have just said  'hey, nuthin' to see here, move along, move along'-Ed)...indeed, but instead they've locked it down...(and hang on, is that the same Sparke Helmore whom have received more than $150million in LNP government contracts?-Ed)...that be they...(and whose senior counsel Nell McGill is currently running as the Liberal candidate in the New South Wales seat of Shortland?-Ed)...yep, that was her in the yellow jacket alongside PM Scummo at that photo-op at the pub the other day when the pensioner berated him about broken promises...(strewth, that's one thoroughly independent investigation alright-Ed)...sure, where 'independent' means absolutely corrupt and absolutely complicit...

So firstly, here's the link to the written FJ article, where-in the actual video story has been 'deleted' due to an unspecified "defamation complaint"...(I saw one 'report' that it was instigated by Christopher Pyne, the former Defense Minister named in the investigation/report/video-Ed)...yeah, that's not clear whom made that 'complaint', but importantly, there's no-one officially denouncing the FJ story and/or threatening any legal action related to the original video...(and again it mimics our experience of people like 'alleged' lawyer Bouncin' Billy DeGaris repeatedly whinging to Google about this 'ere blog and getting posts removed/pulled down, and repeatedly threatening you with impending 'Defamation Action' but never following through-Ed)...and why didn't he follow through?...('cos what we've been writing/posting is strictly factually correct, and li'l Billy knows that-Ed)..exactly, but again we digress, here's the link...

And here's the link to the actual story/video from the FJ Facebook page...

Here's a link to FJ's Twitter and associated comments regarding the abject refusal/failure of the MSM to even acknowledge this extraordinary story...

And another link that covers the story within the story, the total lack of response from the Oz MSM...

And finally, here's the link to the most excellent (genuinely) independent journo Michael West's related article, from MichaelWestMedia...

If you think we've somehow exaggerated the complicit silence from the pathetically corrupted Australian media, just Interweb search it ya'selves...type in 'Friendly Jordies Prayer Room Sex' and any number of permutations with whatevs other terms you care to use, and you'll find Sweet Shreck All...(I found one-Ed)...and?...(oh, it's the United Kingdom's Daily Mail-Ed)...yep, anything in Oz?...(apart from FJ and MW? nup, not that I can find-Ed)...not one single story in the Oz MSM?...(ummm, nope, not here, no-Ed)...and what few items there are are more focussed on the removal of the original story/video, rather than looking at the actual substance of the issue?...(yeah, pretty much-Ed)...and again, not one single story from the Australian Main Stream Media?...(nuh...that's extraordinary-Ed)...indeed, extraordinary but absolutely expected and par for the rancidly pro-LNP course...a full week after this extraordinary expose, and the OZ MSM has got their eyes glued shut, and their fingers in each others ears, whilst screaming LaLaLaLa at the top of their collective lungs...

Tomorrow: Another Disgraceful Peter Van Onselen Attack On Prof Gemma Carey

And just a quick shout-out to the rancidly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...several weeks ago they were on the ABC South East Radio stating that 'the outdoor pool renovation is complete'...and that's an abject lie, 'cos I went past the other day for a quick gander, and it's bare cement, unlined/not water-proofed, and surrounded by piles of dirt and's a long, long way from being 'completed'...

Just 2 days into the official 2022 Federal Election campaign, and the rancidly pro-LNP corrupt MSM and ABC are spewing ahead full steam to ignore all of the LNP's rank corruption and failings, etc, and already trying to write-off Labor leader Anthony's sickening and infuriating and an international's literally Third-World Dictator-style sycophancy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...