Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Anyone Wanna' Lend Nick Fletcher $540,000?

(Aaahhahhahhha-Ed)...right, well you can stop that for a start...(nnnnhhh-k-huh-k-huh-herrrrrrraaahhahhhahhh-ahhhhh, urghh, that's better-Ed)...quite done mate...(arrrrrrhhh, yep, for a while-Ed)...fair, may I enlighten the dear availees as to why it is you are so full of mirth?...(errr, sure-Ed)...ok, and the drum roll please...(I don't have my drum-Ed)...oh gourd, let's just move on then...

Howdy y'all dear availees across the globe, and today, Wednesday 28th February 2018, in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, Magistrate White presented his 'Judgement' that the 18 'Counts' of allegedly breaching the ICAC Act 2012, have all been proven...(ahhahahhahhhh-Ed)...heh! you promised...(well I didn't actually promise-Ed)...whatevs! I fail to see that there's anything the least-bit amusing about a South Australian Magistrate conducting such a farcically corrupted Court 'process', and then handing down a litany of reality re-defining lies!...(well sure, particularly the stuff where he repeatedly states how fair he's been and how aware of your limitations due to a lack of representation and how scrupulously he's observed your rights as a defendant-Ed)...well so you have read it then?..(most of it, enough to know that the only thing outnumbering the lies and deceits, are the critical omissions-Ed)...indeed...  

And what a farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco) it was today...if Appropriate Process and/or Courtroom Proceedings hadn't taken a savage-enough hammering across the 3 bizarre years of this Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, today was just an embarrassing joke...for crikey's sake, I'm being royally screwed-over by a rancidly corrupt Political Persecution, but the No.1 feeling I took away from today was just embarrassment at the mind-numbing incompetence of the South Australian Magistrates Court...for all the bias and corruption and abuse and harassment and mistreatment I've been subjected to, and as motivated by a definable Pro-Paedophile Political Retribution for cranking-out this 'ere blog, despite all that, today was just an embarrassing joke...(do you think it was deliberate?-Ed)...oh gourd I hope so, that'd be some cause for optimism...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...

Dear I was found 'guilty' of all 18 'Counts', and thusly fined a potential $540,000...that's right...$540,000...and as I put it to Magistrate White, 'so I'm facing fines of $540,000 for just talking about something that's apparently all alright, supposedly guilty of a law you haven't even defined yet'...(gee, when you say it like that, it really does sound corrupt-Ed)...but I'm getting ahead of myself, because today I showed-up at 0915hrs for the Court-Ordered 0930hrs start, which meant I'd spent 45mins at Mt Gambier Courthouse when Magistrate White finally graced us with his Video-link presence from Elizabeth Magistrates Court...(wow-Ed)...yep, just going-on 1000hrs he finally materialised on my Court telly, well, Elizabeth Court with him aways to one side and several unidentified people apparent in the Court in front of him...but also there alongside him/the Court, taking-up half my screen, was some clearly non-impressed dude sittin' there with his arms crossed, with what looked like corrugated iron behind him...

I missed Magistrate White's opening comments because I was saying, 'hey there's some dude on my screen, I think he's on video-link from the gaol' (the Mt Gambier Gaol), and The Dude was sayin' something about 'no I can't hear you', and this went on for a coupla' minutes, with Magistrate White clearly able to see him too, eventually asking 'the gentlemen with his arms crossed to please remain silent while we sort this out' it's now 35minutes into the hearing, and we're in Magistrate Anderson's Courtroom with her cases queuing outside, lawyers filing-in for those cases, etc, and Magistrate White repeatedly using that as an excuse to shut it all down, before again hangin'-up on me...(where are that young gentleman's manners, in his boots?-Ed)...but not before stating that I was facing potentially a $30,000 fine per 'Count', which I quickly and laughingly calculated at $540,000...

To quickly paraphrase;
1) I sat there waiting for 30 mins,
2) then there was The Dude Interlude,
3) then Magistrate White stated that he'd made his 'Judgement' and that there was a copy for me, which a Court Sherriff then handed me,
4) Magistrate White then declared the 18 'Counts' were proven, for the reasons provided in his 'Judgement',
5) I asked how he'd reached this decision given that he hadn't yet defined the bizarre ICAC legislation,
6) he responded, 'the reasons are in my Judgement'...(he said that alot whilst not actually answering your questions-Ed)...indeed,
7) I then asked, 'given I haven't had a chance to read it because you've just handed it to me', had he addressed the issue of the ICAC Act being altered to allow prosecuting me, because what he'd just found me 'Guilty' of wasn't a crime when I was raided/reported, as all in my recent submission...and Magistrate White did his now traditional just-sit-there-basically-ignoring-me, so,
8) I repeated it in absolute detail, 'where ICAC Commissioner Lander and Attorney General John Rau did the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 27th 2014, including adding a definition of 'To Publish' specifically to get me'...and third time 'round, he responded,
9) 'I have used the original definition of To Publish'...(before again saying we're cutting into Magistrate Anderson's List Time?-Ed)...indeed, which led directly to,
10) we still had to organise to do the 'Penalty' bit following the 'Guilty', which is when he said '$30,000 per 'Count'...(which is when you instantly mathed that that was $540,000?-Ed)...that's the one...(well thank gourd that's over finally, least that's something-Ed)...and Magistrate White then duly advised that, 'because we're delaying Magistrate Anderson's list, we will be back on Friday 9th March for Penalty Submissions'...(wow-Ed)...including the extraordinarily facetious enquiry 'is that alright with you Mr Fletcher?', to which I responded,
11) 'I don't have a choice, I show-up when I'm told, for 3 years now, and I don't appreciate you pretending that you're doing me some favour', etc,
12) and then he set 9th March and then he hung-up, approx 1015hrs...(wow-Ed)...

I will come back to this in a longer, more dissective post...(for example addressing the farcical SAPol (police) Prosecutions 'Charge Sheet' debasco that brought Trial One (Nov 2016) to a grinding halt on Arvo One, as Magistrate Anderson was forced to call an adjournment and direct SAPol Pros to remove 'Count 10' or Her Honour would do it for them, etc, because that 'Charge Sheet' incompetently and inappropriately has Multiple Counts in each 'Charge', and/or has some 'Charges' identified on one date/post but not on others, and/or tries to be both Section 56 (a) and Section 56 (b) at the same time, etc, etc, addressing stuff like that-Ed)...most eloquently expressed Ed...the fact, as admitted to by SAPol Pros to Her Honour, is that each breach should be an individual 'Count', but they would have had over 70 Counts just for those 18-20 dates/posts and they knew the Court didn't like huge 'Charge Sheets' so they'd just crammed them all together, etc...farcical...indeed, it could and legally-should be argued that I'm facing a potential minimum $2,100,000 fine...and this 'Count' farce is just one of the litany of gross faults, failures, omissions, deceits, etc, etc, that remain unresolved in just plowing-ahead to this wholly unsound 'Judgement'...

(And what about all the Constitutional Law stuff that's been officially recognised but then relentlessly ignored?-Ed)...again Ed, spot on, what happened to the Special Meeting of all State's/Territories Attorneys-General (COAG-style) that's supposed to preview and then regulate/alter any State's legislation that might impinge on Constitutional Law?...(and do so before any trial even begins, not ignore it for years-Ed)...well I said, a litany... 

Tomorrow: More Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...oh, and to help pay my massively impending fines, I've invented Nickoin, so get on board now, whilst it's only $540,000 per share, it's a guaranteed winner...I'm in the book, no pressure...  

Monday, February 19, 2018

Dear Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman, "Whim And Fancy" This Champ

***dear availees, started this post Friday, finished Monday, so a coupla' minor 'synchronicity' issues, cheers***

Howdy dear availees...just a real quick post, honest Ed...(I hadn't said it yet-Ed)...but you were going to, and I promise we are here for one very specific issue...(well ok, if you say so, just a real quick post?-Ed)...absolutely...(of one issue?-Ed)...yep...(ok then-Ed) gem of an issue with many facets...(orrrrr, here we go! I knew it! what is it with you and 'The Facets'?-Ed)...dunno', not sure really, I just find them facetnating...(that is atrocious, please tell me that you're gunna' retrieve this post with some genuine humour-Ed)...I'll see what I can do...

This morning (Friday 16th February 2018) the Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman was on ABC Radio South East...(on and on and on, it was a very long piece, over 5 minutes, easy-Ed)...indeed, and every minute of it Mr Sweetman was openly attacking former Robe Mayor William Peden, and I'd be a whole lot more rabidly furious about it if, 1) I hadn't laughed so hard since, well, just 'since', and 2) Mr Peden is clearly more than capable of stickin'-up for 'imself, going-by the short interview with him where-in he very succinctly gathered-up all that had been flung at him and politely hurled it back whence it came...(yes, very poetic I'm sure, but 2 things, 1) it's really not funny, not at all, in fact, it really reeks-Ed)...mmm, fair point...(and 2), shouldn't you put Mr Peden first, not how it affects you?-Ed) look, we've talked about this, who's the star here?...(nnnghh, you are-Ed)...and who gets the special rules?-...(you dooo-Ed)...that's right....

Dear availees, I am of course flippantly referring to the extraordinary events I've documented recently on this 'ere blog...(you mean all that stuff where you were (still are?) the subject of your very own February 2014 ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', and the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and Labor's Attorney General John Rau actually changed the ICAC Act through SA Parliament in October/November 2014 in a manner specifically to enable prosecuting you, and then your extraordinary resultant 'Trial' collapsed in absolute disarray in November 2016 after you clearly proved "Malicious Prosecution", but then just went-ahead anyway, and in truly extraordinary even bizarre ways, where-in 'Rules' clearly don't exist at all, you mean all that stuff?-Ed)...yes, indeed, all that stuff, all that stuff where-in I've been living the extent of Institutionalised Corruption in South Australia, and particularly in Mt Gambier, and in my personal experience it's been Corruption mired in and/or hiding behind Pro-Paedophile Corruption, the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia because that is what we are...(yay-Ed)...

And that's my stuff, that's my personal position about what we are as a 'State', but I am not trying to link Robe Council to any 'Pro-Paedophile' stuff, whatevs, but what I heard this morning was a very desperate man attacking another man for having the audacity to 'ask questions'...(questions man one clearly doesn't want asked, let-alone to have to answer-Ed)...well quite...and whatev's it is that's been going-on between Mr Peden and Robe Council, their 'relationship'' has been a frequent visitor to the public realm, as indeed it was again today...

And what really fired me up was Mr Sweetman repeatedly referring to Mr Peden's obviously labourious efforts to try to get info from Robe Council, as being "vexatious" and "whim and fancy"...(wow, really?-Ed) part of a broader whinge about how much Mr Peden had cost Robe Council with his persistent pesterings...(is this the stuff last year where Robe Council introduced 'Special Rules' for dealing with Mr Peden's correspondence?-Ed)...yep, all that, and also when Mr Sweetman attacked Mr Peden for the cost to Robe Council for the 'Robe Marina Missing $1Million Audit'...(what?-Ed)...oh yeah, exact same story, just look at Robe Council's website, it's all on there apparently, but whatevs, Mr Peden was attacked in the exact same manner for 'the cost of that Audit', and now here we go again...(haven't we covered that 'Robe Marina Missing $1M Audit' fiasco-Ed)...indeed we have Ed, repeatedly, in what is possibly our best ever attempt at Pointin' Out the Bleedin' Obvious...drum roll please...(drrrrrrrrr-Ed)...mmm, that sounds more like an arrow striking a target...(hang on, drrrrrrrrr-Ed)...yeah, maybe not...

The Bleedin' Obvious:...Mr Sweetman, if everything was fine with that 'Missing Marina $1M Loan', and that $1m was exactly where it was meant to be in Robe Council's accounts, and hadn't at all in any way just sort of disappeared as indeed it appeared to have done, obviously to the $1m benefit of certain parties who were the recipient of that '$1m Marina Loan', if the '$1m' was exactly where it was meant to be, why did you need allegedly costly 'Council Reports' and 'Auditor's Reports', etc, etc, why did you need any of that to find the $1m exactly where it was meant to be in the first place?...(now that sir, that is some quality Bleedin' Obviousing right there-Ed)...cheers, it's a blessing, it's a burden, it's just what we do here at TMGI...(hooray for us-Ed)...and just to really confuse the issue, Mr Sweetman/Robe Council claim to have done an 'Independent Audit' that apparently claims that there never was a 'Marina Loan' in the first place...(but if 'the Loan' didn't even exist in the first instance, then what were they 'Auditing'?-Ed)...I know! it's self-evidently ludicrous, a self-evidently ludicrous 'Audit' that blames/attacks Mr Peden in the exact same manner as the latest li'l effort...

Reaching Critical Maths:...(well either which way, I'd have thought that Robe Council would be extremely grateful for Mr Peden helping them sort-out all that 'Marina Loan' nonsense-Ed)...really?...(and I'd go further and say that Mr Peden hasn't cost Robe Council 'more than $100,000', in fact, by my calculations he's saved them nearly $900,000-Ed)...lovin' the maths Ed, lovin' the maths... 

(And wasn't Mr Peden also 'Sued for Defamation' by Grant King and/or Regional Development Australia, sued for the heinous crime of politely 'officially' asking where and/or to whom RDA funds were being distributed and how those decisions to fund were made?-Ed)...absolutely Ed, because there's nothing at all screechingly shonky about a publicly-paid official involved in and/or responsible for distributing hundreds of millions of dollars of Taxpayers' money responding to an appropriate request for public information by 'Sueing for Defamation'...(Standard Operational Procedure down our way sir-Ed)...absolutely, let's practice now Ed...hmm,mmm...Mr Ed, how did you spend that money I gave you...(how dare you sir! I resent that slanderous implication and must sue you for defamation!-Ed)...see availees, it's just that simple...and then after 5 years of bilious posturing and relentlessly vexatious legal thuggery, all paid for by the Taxpayer, Grant King/RDA just withdrew...what a sick joke...but I digress...  

Mr Sweetman was very keen to reel-off a list of Mr Peden's supposed transgressions, and off he duly went, listing nearly a dozen of Mr Peden's questions...(but they all sounded like standard questions about decision making and accountability, what Council money was spent on, etc, something about their credit cards, Council's procurement deals and documents, etc, all basic stuff that you'd think was readily available on the public register and/or Council's own website, or even just really easy for Council to respond to, so what's the big problem?-Ed)...well indeed, all good points, so what exactly is the problem?...(well to answer my own question, according to Mr Sweetman it's the $35,000 Council has apparently spent on 'legal advice', as part of the "more than $100,000" that they've allegedly chewed-through in dealing with Mr Peden's vicious campaign of "vexatious...whim and fancy"-Ed)...what a bastard! imagine asking perfectly reasonable questions about the expenditure of Ratepayers' monies...(outrageous!-Ed)...  

So CEO Sweetman has flung his lengthy accusations, and amongst that repeatedly stated that 'the Ombudsman has looked at this stuff and found no problems'...(what, the Ombudsman Wayne Lines?-Ed)...that's him...(I thought you said that Mr Lines was a powerless and deeply corrupted stooge, whose incompetence and/or corruption was unequivocally self-defined by his ludicrous exoneration of Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee's dodgy/corrupt business deals with Chinese businesses, including Wayne's extraordinary comments about how he 'understands why people in Australia might look at Mayor Lee's conduct as corrupt'!-Ed)...indeed, truly bizarre comments, and he was on telly last week, stating that 'there are no consequences for errant Councils/Councillors', followed almost immediately by 'South Australians take comfort that I'm here to hold Councils to account'...what was a vacuous attempt to promote the credibility of the Ombudsman, was instead a farcically self-contradictory exposé of the reality...

And I note that Mr Sweetman used 'the Ombudsman' in very general terms to try and bolster Council's position that everything's fine, but he didn't specifically state which issue/s that the Ombudsman had supposedly reviewed and's standard Institutionalised Corruption obfuscation, declare that everything's fine but don't define what 'everything' actually is...and as with the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and Mayor Lee's business dealings, why did the Ombudsman deal with this and not my mate Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce Lander?...(well if it's been through the Ombudsman's office, then it has been to ICAC Comm Lander, that's the procedure-Ed)...great point Ed, but I counter with the observation that appropriate process is what Bruce/ICAC tells others they must do, but that ICAC itself does whatevs Bruce mate feels like, to heck with process, eg, Comm Bruce himself unilaterally referring me directly to SAPol (police) for prosecution without it going through any of the official 'Complaint Process'...(and why do you a private citizen get referred to SAPol, but corrupt Mayors/Councils get referred to the Ombudsman?-Ed)...two reasons, 1) it's about attacking me via a rankly corrupt SAPol, and 2) protecting corrupt Public Officials with a vacuous 'Ombudsman'...     

But I take your point Ed, this reeks of ICAC, yet I ne'ery heard ICAC/Bruce mentioned...(perhaps it's all suppressed with that omnipresent and rankly corrupt ICAC Suppression Legislation, Section 56, ICAC Act 2012?-Ed)...excellent point Ed, the exact nonsense legislation that I'm 'Charged', until otherwise notified, I'm going to call it, I reckon that the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt ICAC Comm Bruce Lander has had his grubby li'l mits all over this Robe Council stuff, because protecting Institutionalised Corruption is exactly what SA ICAC does, it's why SA ICAC the very least, the Ombudsman's involvement indicates that ICAC is involved...(and who involved the Ombudsman? it sounded like Robe Council had referred themselves-Ed)...indeed it did Ed, another classic indicator of problematic conduct and how SA's corrupt ICAC operates, it's deliberately designed such that the Corrupt can 'self-refer' and then get an official ICAC exoneration backed-up with threats about 'not talking about it' (that's the Section 56 stuff)...

This is exactly what happened/is happening to me with my rancidly corrupt Magistrate Courts 'Trial' for the heinous crime of 'talking/blogging about an alleged-but-never-happened ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council'...a rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution being conducted from the head of the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Labor Party and it's equally corrupt ICAC... 

So, there you have it, Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman's blustering bleatings about Mr Peden are clear indicators that 1) something is very, very 'wrong' with Robe Council, and 2) that the corrupt ICAC has been involved to some degree...Mr Sweetman has gone to great lengths to attack and discredit Mr Peden, and tried to drag Ratepayers into this attack by claiming that it's Mr Peden's fault that Council has spent all this money in responding, it's all Mr Peden's fault...(and how did Mr Peden respond?-Ed)...simply and succinctly, 'why doesn't Council just answer my questions then I wouldn't have to keep writing to them, and it ain't my fault if Mr Sweetman runs-off to a lawyer every time I ask something'...(spot on mate, spot're right, Mr Peden can fend for himself-Ed)...certainly Ed, but it's one thing to pick-off obvious contradictions from an incompetent CEO, it's a whole different issue when taking-on the rancidly corrupt ICAC and State Parliament...(fair enough-Ed)...  

So that's about it acting in the way it has, Robe Council is self-evidently desperate to keep concealed all manner of questionable issues, not least of all that hilarious '$1m Marina Non-Loan' debasco (debacle/fiasco), and in a context that reeks of the corrupt ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...this perpetual attack on Mr William Peden fundamentally defines where the real problem lies, in Robe someone who endures this exact same 'Official Procedure' of personal denigration from the exact same rankly corrupt bodies, eg, my local Council and the ICAC, I feel a sense of absolute solidarity with Mr extensive experience teaches me that this Robe Council/Mr Peden conflict 1) defines the reality of the real problem, and that problem is Robe Council, and that 2) Robe Council will continue to act in this outrageously corrupted manner because they think they can...(just look at the ongoing Institutionalised Corruption of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...well exactly, the rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt MGCC...  

Tomorrow: More Angry Man

And as we plow into another 'Election Campaign', I've yet to hear a single mention of 'Child Protection', and anyway, what hope for SA when the entire SA Parliament is compromised by it's collective Pro-Paedophile Corruption...I remind availees that our local Member (former Liberal, now 'Independent') Troy Bell was fully aware of my SAPol 'raid', etc, and I'd shown him the bizzarely undefinable ICAC Act Section 56, etc, but when Labor/ICAC changed the ICAC Act through Parliament specifically to be able to prosecute me (October/November 2014) I didn't hear squat from Mr Bell...I find it impossible to believe that Mr Bell did not make the connection between what I showed him and we discussed, etc, in May/June 2014, and this extraordinary ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, yet he never notified me...  

As stated, because of the multiple parallels involved, I obviously empathise/sympathise with Mr Peden, but ultimately it's absolutely irrelevant who is getting attacked in this way, it's the fact that these attacks are happening at all...Mr Peden's situation is clearly symptomatic of a much broader problem...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Chasing The Ambulance Chaser

***hey y'all, and welcome to TMGI and a post that was drafted nearly 2 months follows straight-on from a coupla' other posts on the same subject, namely, the reprehensible conduct of Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh on a third party's webpage...and yes, I'm clearly still playing catch-up with my own stuff and yes I do apologise that I've gone pretty-much nowhere with the multiple associated 'blogs' that I've's kinda' hard to explain, but I'm still tryin' and still very-much achievin', but I'm also rather enjoying spending whole days not even thinking about this 'ere blog...(say it isn't so!-Ed)...and spending time 'making shizzle' (models and dioramas), heaps of gardening, gettin' to gym, walking, etc, etc...***

Howdy USofA, UK, Ireland, and Brazil, and to y'all else, welcome to TMGI...last coupla' posts we've been dismantling the crassly corrupted political campaign of Mt Gambier City Council's Cr Josh Lynagh...initially I thought that he was just stooging-it-up on behalf of the rankly corrupt MGCC, racing from one Social Media site to another and back again, furiously hosing-down any criticism of MGCC and mocking 'Criticisers', etc, all whilst spewing-forth rankly corrupted pro-MGCC propaganda, but Cr Josh is also clearly doing this as part of his own personal political ambitions...(oh dear gourd save us-Ed)...well indeed, from a pathetically inept and inconsequential Councillor to what, Mayor? Member for Mt Gambier? it's a sick joke...

On Wednesday 8th November 2017 Cr Lynagh went onto local History/Family Memories webpage Growing Up In The Mount, and unambiguously attacked me and this 'ere blog, and when he was losing that 'discussion' he raised the 'Paedophilia' issue, a specific reference to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...this is a reprehensible act from a low coward who wouldn't dare to say/do this to my is deeply cynical and absolutely pathetic is it appropriate for a serving MGCC Councillor to go onto a third party's 'Happy Memories' webpage and engage in such a rancid political attack, particularly using/raising the issue of Paedophilia?...(well it's not!-Ed)...well exactly, and I have lodged official complaints...(don't hold your breath-Ed)...I ain't...

***and of course these 'official complaints' have generated the hilarious response where-in the Local Government Association and the Local Government Minister, Geoff Brock, have both responded by directing me to the only person supposedly accountable under LGA Legislation for reviewing and addressing Councillors' conduct, Council employee MGCC CEO Mark McShane...(but he's one of the people who's been harassing you at MGCC meetings, eg, the 2013/14 Budget Meetings and the extraordinary September 2017 'Ambush' right outside Council's Full Meeting, with abuse/harassment/threats by MGCC Councillors Frank Morello, Mark Lovett, MGCC 'Manager' Nick Serle, and good ol' Mark himself!-Ed)...indeed, including his barely-veiled threat to make trouble for me at my gym, where he has also approached and hassled me only weeks before...still waiting for Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans to provide me his final report on himself...back to the post...***

I did not see the original discussion, but by crikey I've heard all about it since, from multiple sources...Cr Lynagh was getting flogged by a well-structured argument, and repeatedly tried to de-rail the discussion with ludicrous hyperbole, deliberately ignoring all of the points raised that proved what a liar he is, and openly attacking me and/or this 'ere blog...    

I've skipped between posts a bit mid-discussion, so please read the 2 or 3 most recent TMGI posts (***from November 2017, cheers***) if you're a bit lost, but the issues quickly reveal we're in a discourse re MGCC's expenditure on 'The Arts', as my mate Tony Burch argues on behalf of MGCC...please note that I've deliberately left Tony's name there for exactly that reason, but have removed other's names, and there's a coupla' late Comments not added here...please note dear availees that following my original posts, it has been repeatedly alleged to me that Tony Burch is in a relationship with a senior MGCC employee...(***so here now is the remainder of that 'discussion'***)...

- Person's Comment, Name Removed - I still believe that the first thing council should've done up was the railway station
- C - I remember taking parcels there in the 60’s 70’s to go by train to wherever they had to go..IMO it should be restored to a local rail museum
- C - Whatever the outcome, Yes a little maintenance like cleaning guttering etc tries to stop further water damage. Asbestos should not be used as an excuse for not doing anything............ we have experts to handle asbestos in buildings etc.
Josh Lynagh I don't believe it's been used as an excuse at all. The reality is, restoring the building is going to be a huge job, due to a number of issues.

*me:...yet another outright lie, MGCC have repeatedly used Asbestos contamination as part of the excuse for failing/refusing to act re the Old Station, but recently officially blocked that Fund My Neighbourhood application for $100,000 specifically for Asbestos removal...MGCC aren't doing even basic maintenance on the Station...what are the "number of issues" Josh, and why haven't you identified even one?...(because there is only one, that MGCC are still pursuing the Rail Lands Retail Agenda-Ed)...well exactly...and at MGCC's Full Meeting in September 2017, it was stated that the whole restoration project would cost "$500,000"...*

- C - Apologies Josh; nothing relating to your comments just recall seeing asbestos mentioned in other post.
- C - funny, old mount gambier hospital stood as an eyesore for how long, here is a building that does deserve keeping, and they cannot wait to knock it down, must be local logic ?????????????????????????????
- C - Its NOT being knocked down.
- C - Josh Lynagh I feel like you didn't read the post at all.
- C - little bit of history, used to sell footy budgets for east gambier around the pubs and one place I used to enjoy going to was the RSL above the main corner, the items on display were incredible, many years later went to the new RSL and had a look around the museum, maybe 10% of what they used to have was on display, asked where everything else was and told in storage, what a waste.
Josh Lynagh I'm so confused. Are you perhaps on the wrong post?

*me:...and there's Cr Josh doing his deliberate faux-ignorance whilst simultaneously talking-down at the Commentor...he knows exactly what is being said, and it is perfectly reasonable and accurate, yet he mocks it with 'didn't read the post', and 'on the wrong post'...('I feel like you didn't read the post at all'-Ed)...well exactly, belittling the person by saying that their opinion/statement is ignorant and uninformed, and/or they're just too stupid to understand even when it's explained to them in...and yet another perfectly rational use is basically ignored...the next bit is just 'discussion' but it's relevant so I've left it in* 

 - C - not at all, could be a use for an empty building
 Josh Lynagh You do get that the Railway station isn't being demolished though right?
- C - yes I read the whole post, but the council does not know what to use it for, hence my suggestion
Tony Burch Who said it was going to be knocked down?
- C - Post! horse some people might say.
- C - It is a well known fact that some people go off half cocked to use an old fashioned expression without reading a post correctly
- C - all the comments need to be read as well, as they seem to veer off course willy nilly, as I said previously its like chinese whispers.

- C - It all started when (name removed*) told us that the Railway buiding is being demolished, which it is not & then said that her sister is a taxi driver so she hears rumours, all fairly straight forward...Now Josh has started this post to explain that the building is not being demolished & someone is horrified because the buidling is going to be demolished. So obviuolsy they did not even read Josh's post at the start of this post.
- C - Oh, I say! Have to agree.
- C - So why are they knocking it down ???
 - C - I actually did read all the comments thats why I commented what I did.
Josh Lynagh (name removed) I feel like (name removed) was just agreeing with you with her comment.
- C - she told the story again briefly, thats why I commented
Josh Lynagh I don't think she said you didn't read the comments though..
- C - come on OUT WITH IT !!!!!! do you people really work for the F.B.I. hahahahahah hahahahah hahahahah hahahah
- C -The old railway station is heritage listed
- C - That’s a good start
- C - In that case my understanding is that there are strict rules about what can & cannot be done & demolishing it is not usually allowed, However someone may know more about it than me ?
- C - typical country town syndrome, but what about the fact that heaps of the RSL history is in storage, and may never see the light of day again, my grandfather father mother fought for what freedom we have now, is that just to be forgotten into time, and all local ?
- C - but not only my family, what about yours ?
- C - Perhaps we can put a tank at the old station as it needs a new home
- C - A cafe with great coffee, icecream shop all displaying & selling of local artworks would be great. Hot drinks in winter, cold drinks & icecream in the 2 weeks of summer.
Josh Lynagh We do have a cafe there :)
- C - Yes & it is very popular, recently when we had a warm Sunday there were 15 people outside the platform cafe.
- C - Wouldn't be hard to shift that one, perhaps to the Valley Lake one is need there, no shopping centre a few hundred metres away there, no nearby Bakery there.
Josh Lynagh That really comes down to private businesses.

*me...another deliberate deceit, Josh knows full well that the 'Cafe In A Container' sitting exposed to the weather, wanted to be in the Old Station or at least at that end of the platform, and MGCC have refused multiple other applications to use the Old Station, eg, for a museum* 
- C - Just clean it up as an eyesore Josh. Get them to pressure clean it till a final decision is made pls.
- C - Please also pressure clean the Main Corner.
Josh Lynagh What part exactly?
- C -This part.

* he's done it yet again, Cr Josh completely ignores the request re the Old Station, and skips to the exact same request re the Main Corner...he is also clearly acting as a Councillor, discussing a series of Council issues...and just this weekend, there's the Main Corner getting steam-cleaned whilst the Old Station still sits there just rotting...(nooo?-Ed)...oh yeah, and there's Cr Josh 'recently' all over Social Media like a rash, openly acting as a MGCC Councillor defending MGCC, including doing his li'l 'haha' shizzle about a 'rumour' that he's gunna' be the Labor candidate, with a completely disingenuous statement about 'not being interested in Party Politics'...*

Josh Lynagh I've contacted someone at Council and see how I go getting an answer. I don't think it's as simple as just pressure cleaning though.
- C - Thank you Josh, . I was very pleased to see the little boat outside Lady Nelson get cleaned some time back, it was very black. Well done to whoever cleaned it.
- C - why wasn't the stonework sealed when built? Also Josh can you contact someone in Council regarding the upkeep of medium strips Penola Road & Jubilee Highway, or are they intending to leave and cut and bale hay. As present state does not enhance Mount Gambier to the tourist trade.
Josh Lynagh Not sure. And already have. I believe the roads are State, but Council maintain the median strips, so long as they're within our council area. Will find out :)
- C - He said, she said.... I prefer my council news to be a bit more.... wait for it..... Streamlyned. :)

*me...and again again, Cr Josh completely ignores the Old Station questions, then when the chat turns to MGCC's rank incompetence re the Main Corner, Josh skips that too and instead goes to what he wants to discuss*

- C - I can understand how people could get the idea that the station could be demolished. The council has demolished three buildings recently because they have been uneconomical to repair or didn't have a good use for. The station building has been empty and unloved for far too long. Council as the owner of this building should be at least maintaining the outside of the building unless they want it to degrade to such an extent that it becomes uneconomic to repair. Being empty brings in no income so why not give a community group access to run a coffee shop gallery etc. with the right to evict at short notice if a permanent solution is found. At least the building would be in use and would give something else to do at the rail lands. I know of at least one proposal and they were prepared to do some basic refurbishment of the interior at no cost to council.

Josh Lynagh The post specifically said that someone they know was at the meeting and hear that we decided it was happening, which was completely false. It wasn't just that someone thought maybe it might happen - the false details given were fairly specific. Definitely interested to hear any ideas, I know there is some discussion at the moment too. I agree, the outside should be maintained at least
 - C - totally agree.

*me...the only person giving specifically completely "false details" is the one person who also claims to know and be providing 'the facts', Cr Lynagh...ironically, it is 'the fact' that Josh knows exactly what MGCC have and/or haven't done re the Rail Lands and the RLRA, because he's had it explained to him more than once, including by moi...when MGCC/Cr Lynagh went onto GUITM and engaged in this deceit he knew exactly what the RLRA 'plan' is, massive Retail/Commercial Expansion onto the Rail Lands and how that plan renders the Old Rail Station as not just redundant but 'in the way'...  

Tomorrow: Resuming Normal Programming...('Normal'?!-Ed)

Back to the usual menu of dissecting MGCC's rankly pro-paedophile, Nepotistic corruption...(on every day with an 'R' in it-Ed)...whaaa?...(MGCC are corrupt on every day with an 'R' in it, it's an old joke-Ed)...not sure I get it mate...(Mondray, Tuesdray, Wednesdray...get it now?-Ed)...yes sir, thankyou sir... 

***not my best post I know, but hey, we've got to get through all this stuff to appropriately conclude some of these issues, and the next post sitting in 'Drafts' is a raging doozy on this exact same topic, Cr Lynagh and this outrageous 'Politicking' on social media, particularly in defense of Mt Gambier City Council...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

Friday, February 9, 2018

Second Letter To High Court 24/11/17

Well howdy y'all in the blogger-shere, and welcome to another short-ish TMGI post, following directly on from the last one...(well that's a pleasant change, normally you're all over the shop-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, but don't distract me now, here's the second letter/email I sent to the High Court on 24th November 2017...(hence the title of this 'ere post-Ed)...well indeed...I'll talk to y'all again after these short messages...***

Dear Ms Will
National Registry Manager
High Court of Australia

Thank you for your prompt response to my request that the High Court allow me to self-refer my current Magistrates Court 'trial' for alleged breaches of the South Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (ICAC Act 2012), Section 56 (a) and/or (b), or more specifically, to refer that piece of legislation, the SA ICAC Act 2012.

Your direction that I “seek legal advice” is unfortunately redundant because, as a Disability Support Pensioner who has been refused Legal Aid, I have repeatedly sought the only legal option available to me, the SE Community Legal Service. They have been excellent in providing what advice and assistance they can, but in May 2017 stated they could no longer help.

I have repeatedly emailed all States Attorney's-General, but have only received a handful of automatic replies, and no response whatsoever from South Australia's AG John Rau.

When SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch first raided my home in May 2014, seizing my laptop, etc, I spoke to my local Member for Mt Gambier, Mr Troy Bell, and I take Mr Bell at his word that his SA Liberal Party lawyers 'would not provide legal advice due to the precedent nature of the case and vagueness of the legislation.'

My 'trial' began in February 2015 without my knowledge, having not been 'Summonsed' or even 'Charged' by SAPol, and I have been forced to self-represent in Court since February 2016, the hearing at which SAPol Prosecutions repeatedly identified/referenced the 'Special Meeting of all state's Attorneys-General with the Federal AG', as previously discussed.

In May 2015, documents provided by SAPol Prosecution identified that I had been investigated by ICAC (Jan/Feb 2014), and was then referred through to SAPol for prosecution (Feb 2014), as being the sole target of 'Operation Baritone'. I have not been able to ascertain, even after cross-examination, whether this Operation originated in ICAC or SAPol, and I understand it is still current.

I reiterate, SAPol and the Court moved my 'trial' to Adelaide (June/July 2015) because of the identified and agreed Constitutional Law issues, before inexplicably returning it here in February 2016, where-in this 'AG Special Meeting' was identified.

I have also discussed my case personally (twice) with Nick Xenophon and his associates, and they have cited to me the issue of 'Implied Freedom of Political Communication'. Mr Xenophon compared the conduct of SA Authorities and how I am being treated to the novel The Trial (Kafka).

My 'trial' continues Monday November 27th 2017, more than a year after the original 'trial' collapsed in disarray due to “Malicious Prosecution” issues, and the Court has yet again failed/refused to provide me the transcripts of the 30+ 'hearings' and/or actual 'trial' dates I have frequently requested, so I can properly prepare my 'defence'.

The conduct of all State Authorities involved in my 'trial' process was/is so inappropriate, that my original 'trial' Magistrate, HH Teresa Anderson was left no choice but to acknowledge my repeated complaints of Political Persecution, and by October 2016 HH officially 'Ordered' that I present my evidence of “Malicious Prosecution” (HH's words) at the 'trial' in November 2016.

After viewing the documents I provided, HH suddenly withdrew on the second morning, the 'trial' stopped, and was eventually moved to March 2017, with a new Magistrate.

Again, I am a private citizen who has not committed any acts of 'Corruption' and/or been charged with 'Corruption', yet I have had my home raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch and face 18 'charges' of breaching the SA ICAC Act 2012, legislation specifically for public/elected officials, government contractors, etc.

I have been forced to self-represent in Court, and am now forced to address the very issue that State Authorities should have resolved before even commencing any prosecution of the SA ICAC Act 2012, that being the repeatedly defined implications for Constitutional Law.

Given the clearly definable Political Persecution of my 'trial', the directly identified Constitutional Law implications of the ICAC Act 2012, and that I have already exhausted every 'legal option', I again respectfully request that I be allowed to self-refer my case and/or the SA ICAC Act 2012 to the High Court.

*** which the High Court responded thusly...***

Mr Fletcher

The Court does not consider matters brought to them by individuals in correspondence.  If you wish to have a matter considered by the  Court you will need to have proceedings on foot in this Court.  I cannot offer you any legal advice as to the best avenue to you to do that. 

The High Court forms and Rules are available here:  The original jurisdication of this Court can be very technical which is why I suggested you seek legal advice. 

Matters filed in the South Australian Registry are handled by the Deputy Registrars based in Melbourne.  If you do prepare paperwork  you may wish to speak to them before presenting it for filing to ensure it is in an appropriate form.

 ***to which then I re-responded on 28th November 2017...***

Dear Ms Wills,

Thankyou for your prompt response and suggestions. I am currently trying to work my way through the process, but I'm not a lawyer and do not have any legal advice available to me.

Unfortunately, my Court case resumed yesterday, and Magistrate White continues to refuse to acknowledge the Constitutional Law issues, even though ít is repeatedly referred to throughout the official Court Record, including a now 18 month-old Order by previous Magistrate Anderson for SAPol Prosecutions (SAPol) to, "...attempt to see the actual constitutional issue so the relevant Attorney General's can be notified."  (Hearing, MGMC 2nd February 2016)

At this hearing, SAPol Prosecutions repeatedly identified this 'Special Meeting' of all State's
Attorneys-General, and the fact that said 'Special Meeting' was prerequisite for any Court case that will impinge on Constitutional Law.

I explained to Magistrate White that I have 'self-referred' to the High Court and that that process is underway, and that therefore the High Court is aware of and duly involved in this case/issue, but Magistrate White chose to ignore that also, and has literally forced me to continue.

I formally request that the High Court intervene if it is in any position to do so, as everyone involved in my Court case knows of these Constitutional Law issues but is ignoring them, Magistrate White included.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption Act2012, Section 56, is a fundamentally Fascist piece of legislation, conceived and implemented as a political weapon to be used against perceived enemies of the State, and my bizarre and clearly retributional Court case proves that. As evidenced by my Court case, the ICAC Act 2012 criminalises 'Whistleblowing'.

Magistrate White stated yesterday that he intends to conclude my case "this week" regardless. It is an extraordinary statement given the multiple and extensive adjournments that the Court has implemented as a result of a catastrophically woeful SAPol Prosecutions.

Again, I formally request that, given the well documented but unresolved Constitutional Law issues of my Court case,  the High Court immediately intervene.

Yours, Nick Fletcher.

***...and that, I semi-apologise, is about as far as I got with that...(for now-Ed)...indeed, until now, but there are a coupla' critical points to be made...
1) I was forced to do this High Court Self-Referral because the Magistrates Court and/or SAPol Prosecutions flatly refused to resolve the very Constitutional Law issues re the SA ICAC Act 2012, 'CL' issues that they themselves had repeatedly acknowledged, eg, moving my 'Trial' to Adelaide (July 2015) specifically to address those exact issues, and the multiple references by SAPol Prosecutions in Court (February 2016) to a "Special Meeting of all Attorneys-General" with resultant HH Magistrate Anderson's 'Order' to SAPol to 'resolve the Constitutional issues';
2) I explained this HCSR to Magistrate White first thing on 27th November 2017, and he asked what 'Action number' I had, but as I explained, the very convoluted process had just begun so I didn't yet have any 'number';
3) during that 'discussion' I noted to Magistrate White that my knowledge of the processes indicated/confirmed that I had made that 'Self-Referral';
4) and I also identified that the High Court's response was a critical indicator that there were 'Constitutional Law/High Court' issues...(how so?-Ed)...well as I explained, the High Court hasn't said 'nothing to do with us, go away', quite the opposite in fact, they've responded saying 'sorry, that's not how you do it, here's the correct way to engage with the High Court'...(ahhh, so by not saying 'go away' and instead saying 'here's how to do it', they, the High Court, are acknowledging that they may well be involved in all this SA ICAC Act 2012 shizzle-Ed)...exactly...

Despite all this Magistrate White, as noted above, chose to ignore me and continue on...(along with all the other things he's chosen to ignore, eg, SAPol and/or SAPOL Prosecutions repeatedly lying, right in front of him, and as called-out repeatedly by you-Ed)...well indeed...and not having the benefit of any actual formal legal advice on this 'Self-Referral', etc, it appears that the simplest thing to do is just wait for the rancidly corrupted 'Guilty' verdict we're all expecting from this rancidly corrupted 'Trial' process from the rancidly corrupted South Australian Magistrates Court, etc, etc, because that 'Guilty' decision will automatically trigger a series of 'Appeals' based on the multiple and already clearly identified but deliberately unresolved Constitutional Law issues...(hurrah!-Ed)...and the bizarre shenanigans of my 'Trial' being continued in my absence, being denied Transcripts/Recordings, the provable lies from SAPol, failure to even define the legislation I'm being persecuted with, provably changing the ICAC Act in November 2014 specifically to be able to persecute me, etc, etc, are all in-and-of themselves basis/grounds for 'Appeal'...(well maybe in a system not so rancidly corrupted!-Ed)...yeah, valid point Ed...

Unfortunately a valid point because what 'Judicial System' that has acted so definably corruptly in trying to get me is going to suddenly about-face and give me an appropriate, un-biased and un-corrupted hearing of any sort, let-alone an 'Appeal Process'?...(now that's what I call optimism-Ed)...just sayin' mate, just pointin' out the bleedin' obvious, and it's actually quite cathartic...(oh here we go-Ed)...nah, it is mate, because the Court and the Parliament have fully demonstrated that they are just going to do whatevs, regardless of how many times I fundamentally dismantle their 'Persecution Prosecution' of me, how many times I catch them lying in Court, the Constitutional Law issues, etc, etc, etc, and because that's how they're going to behave, it allows me to largely divest myself of any sense of failure or righteous indignation, etc...basically, these corrupt clowns are going to do exactly whatevs they want regardless of the Law they claim to be representing, so why would I worry about that?...

Tomorrow: I Can't Remember...Court Stuff? Probably?

I am Nick Fletcher and I'd just like to point-out that all this 'High Court Shizzle' proves that, despite the rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I'm being subjected to...(for many years now-Ed)...indeed, and all the associated trauma, etc, etc, despite all that, 1) I've been havin' a fair dinkum crack at it as best I can...(damn straight!-Ed)...and I fully intend to continue as best I can...(hurrah!-Ed)...oh, and this is my blog...cheers and laters...