Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Well There's Ya' Problem - The Corruption That Is Mt Gambier City Council

Hello to Aotearoa (New Zealand), France, Ukraine, and Germany, and welcome to TMGI...no preamble today, it's just straight into the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and the chronic damage that Councils' corruption has caused this City...oh, and dear Google, when these complicitly corrupt clowns come to you screeching 'my lawyer says I can sue Nick Fletcher for defamation', please dear Google, please consider how many times this excuse has already been used in manipulating you to censor the factual truth as written below...ugly, sickly, pro-paedophile realities they may be, but realities none the less...cheers...

Dear Mt Gambier:...here, in the one article (attached below), big as all outdoors, is the rank corruption that has all-but destroyed Mt Gambier...here is exactly what's happening...here's why your Main Street is a grey, dismal, unwelcoming mess of uneven, 3rd rate second-hand concrete pavers...$$$millions spent on that embarrassing joke, $$$millions on the disgraceful Main Corner with all its' related MGC Council corruption, the farcical Rail Lands, $500,000 for pointless lights around the Blue Lake, etc, etc...and to whom has gone the profit?...what do the Mt Gambier Rail Lands and SAs' Electricity supply have in common?...(both are massively expensive and entirely vulnerable to even vaguely bad weather, all as a result of the rank corruption of the elected officials involved?-Ed)...well shebang! not what I actually had in mind Ed, but even better, well done...

Where To Start:...(hows' about at the beginning?-Ed)...fair enough, we'll just start at the start and work our way through it...strewth...okay...it's an article from The Border Watch...(oh dear-Ed)...yeah, with my mate Steve Perryman on the front page again...(oh good gourd, I've had enough already-Ed)...orrr come on!, that's just the title banner and the photo, haven't even got to the meat of the matter...(nah, mate, I can see exactly where this is headed, and I'm just sick of this rank corruption shizzle, and particularly when it involves the rancidly corrupt collusion between some local media and the MGC Council, and most particularly the corruption personified by Steve Perryman-Ed)...you mean the deeply, knowingly complicit and pivotal role that he has played, indeed is still clearly playing, in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?...(well I'd argue that yes, that's probably the worst and foundation plank, but only one in a vast raft of corruption we like to call The Steves' Mayorship-Ed)...well that's the first time I've heard that, but I like it, I'm going to use it in conversation...the Raft of Corruption that is The Steves' Mayorship...sweet...

Paragraph 1:...where "bold" means 'bold-as-brass', as in 'these vested interests are bold-as-brass with their orchestrated, institutionalised corruption, as witnessed with this latest plan to syphon Ratepayers' monies straight into the pockets of MGC Councillors and their Vested Interest mates'...(ummm, in my dictionary it says 'bold' means brave, courageous-Ed)...you've got to read between the lines Ed...(dude, you're writing the lines you're reading between-Ed)...no, I'm writing what I read between those lines as supplied...(ok, fair enough, so you're saying that the 'boldness' of this plan lies not in it's courage, it lies in it's sheer audacity, its' arrogance, and its' bare-faced obviousness?-Ed)...exactly...

P2:...'Tourism Mount Gambier' is a self-appointed group of Vested Interests, people who are largely responsible for the unholy mess that is Mt Gambier...have a good hard look at your City people, it's an embarrassing joke...I note that founding member of TMG and former Member for Mt Gambier, Rory McEwen, my mate Rory, he's just disappeared out of the discussion, but not to fear, there's his little mate Steve Perryman...(ya' know, I still haven't forgotten nor gotten over Stevo mates' Mayoral valedictory speech in 2014, and how casually he thanked Rory for 'introducing me (sic) to the people who made my political career'-Ed)...indeed, and I'd love for Steve to explain exactly who these people are and just exactly what 'making' his political career involved...(well from Steves' end, it involves thuggish pro-paedophile corruption-Ed)...well obviously, but what else?...(setting-up corrupt projects with corrupt Tender processes to drain Ratepayers monies into his own pockets and/or the pockets of his mates?-Ed)...well quite...

I have not seen this 'bold plan', not aware that anyone has, but I guarantee you that 'Tourism Mount Gambier' and its' 'plan' functions in the exact way that Council does, designed and executed to directly profit its' constituent members and their friends...

P3-4:...state that TMG aims to achieve exactly the same goals, eg, visitor numbers, revenue raised, etc, as the SA Tourism Commission, and all at a rate already being achieved...Ratepayers will be paying for a self-appointed group of self-important shonks to supposedly achieve that which the State body is doing anyway...(and paying for one of TMGs' Vested Interest mates to be employed full-time on $115,000pa-Ed)...well that's in P5-6, but yes,exactly...

P5-6:...sorry if I missed this '3 year funding' discussion, but I was only aware of the $160,000 in the 2016/17 budget, but I'm certain that the original 'wage' for this "tourism specialist" was $90,000...(wow, a $25,000pa raise before the position is even created, great work if you can get it-Ed)...and I guarantee you that this massively lucrative position will go to one of the rancidly corrupt and incompetent clowns from this band of Vested Interests...(probably Rory McEwen or Biddie (Tietz) Shearing-Ed)...yep, some chronically corrupt stooge...and thanks for the reminder Ed, that former MGC Councillor Biddie Shearing is currently traipsing about the globe on the Ratepayers/Taxpayers dollar as the Regional Development Australia Tourism Development Officer, having been anointed to that position directly from her leading role in the failure of previous 'tourism groups'...(it's the Grant King Resumé isn't it...be rankly incompetent, sure, but do demonstrate a gross selfishness and a willingness and capacity for rank corruption and running the MGC Council/Labor government line/agenda, and bingo, you're in!-Ed)...indeed, the exact Resumé that saw Grant King simultaneously appointed head of RDA and the Mt Gambier HACS, directly following the rank corruption of the Green Phone collapse...a rankly corrupt stooge doing a corrupt Labor governments' bidding...

P7-14:...again describe how TMG are planning to do exactly what's already being done, with the added insult of dragging in 'indigenous' issues...and Council's already involved, they've already Budgeted $160,000 for this first year 2016/17...and most people/operators I know are rabidly scathing of the people involved in this self-appointed debasco (debacle/fiasco)...(it's why Rory has ducked out of sight for the moment, because his name is dirt in this town-Ed)...absolutely...

P15-16:..."the engagement of a senior specialist"...this is rancidly obvious Job-For-A-Mate, likely to be Rory McEwen, Biddie Shearing, Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...whoevs, whatevs, there'll be a definitive connection to MGC Council and their Vested Interests mates...beyond that, we supposedly/allegedly already have a dedicated Tourism Development Officer as part of Regional Development Australia, and her name is Biddie Shearing...(wow-Ed)...I know...

P17:..."seeking...external grant funding"...means hoovering-up any available State government funds, to the exclusion of others...given the level of complicit corruption that I have witnessed across MGC Council, the Labor Government, the pathetically irrelevant Liberal 'Opposition', SAPol (police), the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, all entirely complicit re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the irrefutable fact that Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman are key players in that cover-up, given all that, I envisage Labor 'grants' being awarded and even some 'funding' potentially established, so that the rankly corrupt can use TMG to receive what are effectively rewards for their corruption...(dude, it's the Regional Development Australia set-up all over again, and the $$$millions of grants handed-out to Labors' mates from that $27m 'Forestry Fund', etc-Ed)...indeed, it's exactly like that, there's a litany of these dodgy 'grants' programs and/or Nepotistic appointments......

I remind availees that Biddie Shearing, in literally her first act as RDA Tourism Development Officer, handed her close personal friends Kent Comley/The Barn a staggering $140,000, money which Kent wittily quipped on ABC Radio would be used for "some shiny new taps" to go in the multi-million dollar expansion they (The Barn) had just done...(wow, handing a veritable truckload of Taxpayers' money to your multi-millionaire mates, doesn't really get much more corrupt than that-Ed)...well actually MGC Council can get way corrupter than that, $140k for ya' millionaire mate is a pittance compared to some of the corrupt, nepotistic activities MGC Council involves itself in...(fair point-Ed)...      

Last P:...and omg, TBW continues its' fine tradition of flying in the face of reality with nonsensical reportage that contradicts what it is they've just reported themselves...Steve Perryman is a MGC Councillor, and is on the Board of Tourism Mount Gambier...it was Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...who led the charge in MGC Councils' 2016/17 Budget discussions, vociferously pushing for various Council services to be cutback so as to free-up the $160k for his self-appointed group...I remind availees that Stevo did this whilst these 'Special Budget Meetings' were temporarily but officially 'suspended' to allow general discussion, but as soon as the meetings went back into 'official procedure', Stevo suddenly identifies his allegedly "non-pecuniary interest" as a Board member of TMG, and walks out for the official vote...here large as life is Stevos' arrogance, his blatant contempt for the fundamental principles of Conflict Of Interest, carefully manipulating COI provisions in absolute knowledge of exactly what he was doing...

This entire set-up, Tourism Mount Gambier in and of itself, is just a corrupt front for corrupt people to more efficiently avail themselves of Taxpayers'/Ratepayers' money, and as supported by a corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...you people are a bloody disgrace...I also remind availees that TMG has been reported as being a "sub-committee" of the Mt Gambier Chamber of Commerce, who have people on the TMG Board, so it looks like Ratepayers are directly funding the Chamber of Commerce now as well...(wow-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Couldn't Stand The Weather

Not just a fantastic Stevie Ray Vaughn song...(and album-Ed)...indeed, and album, but also the theme track for South Australia's fundamentally rooted Electricity production/supply system...(is it technically correct to describe something so dysfunctional as a "system"?-Ed)...good point...anyhoos, last week we had a fairly full-on storm system move through the state with lottsa' rain and strong winds, lightning strikes, and some minor flooding, lottsa' trees blown-over, etc...it was fairly nasty at times, but it was hardly a cyclone/hurricane/whatevs, yet SA's 'Leccy Network collapsed like a pole-axed, half-pissed panda...(uuurrghhh, what you do that for? that really hurt-HPP)...shut it... a bit of wind, and SA's Electricity System went down like a deck of cards in, well, in the wind...SA, the State so committed to Wind Turbines that it had no power because it was too windy, wow...

Deck Of Cads:...are the dickheads, and there is literally no other descriptor that I can summon, the raft of self-involved, self-satisfied, sanctimonious dickheads who constitute the Rann/Weatherill Labor government...(you sure there's no place for you in the modern Labor Party?-Ed)...hilarious I'm sure...anyhoos, these dickheads what have driven SA right off the cliff of base-load self-supply, and into a fathomless pit of reliance on interstate production, with their (Labor's) nonsensical obsession with Wind Turbines and private Solar Subsidies...(and all this basically to pander to those inner-city Adelaide Greenie halfwits who think they know what's going on but still catch their free buses to their new Adelaide Oval or to this weeks' Festival of Whatevs Like I Give A Damn...so over it...whilst out here in the sticks, in SA's largest Regional City, it's 18 months for a basic dental appointment, no public transport at all on weekends or public holidays, Mental Health Services cut, most if not all services cut, jobs cut, Forestry sold-off to pay for that disgraceful stadium bullshit, and on and on it goes-Ed).............

Are you quite done...(nah, I'm just sick of it, all of it, but I'm mostly sick of the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and the damage that that has done and continues to do...I mean, look at this 'Tourism Mount Gambier' bullshit...bare-faced, open corruption run-through with Conflict of Interest breaches and rank Nepotism from the same small group of privileged Vested Interests, VIs who continue to treat Mt Gambier like some sort of personal feifdom-Ed)...fair enough, I'm sick of them too, it's a big part of why I continue to do this 'ere blog...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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