Hi, hope you're all well and stayin' cool if that's your thing, etc etc...short post, not least of all 'cos I just can't be bothered right this moment to do more...(also, everything here-in is effectively a reference to multiple other posts on said issue/topic-Ed)...well exactly, and in that vein, let us open with this cut-'n'-pasted 'Reply/Comment' I left this morning on the Most Excellent Mt Gambier & Districts Residents and Ratepayers Association Facebook page...(I've included the MEMGDRRA 'Comment' for context-Ed)...cheers, good idea...***
MEMGDRRA 'Comment'
Unfortunately this is the case. The ability to investigate, remove them and place the Council under administration is purely up to the Minister. Comments on here about community "vote of no-confidence", "petitions" etc. are not readily applicable. People need to write directly to the Councillors to express their displeasure and then vote them out if they don't get adequate responses. Sad but true!
My 'Reply/Comment'
5) Wouldn't Touch It With A Ten Foot Pole:...MGCC has such an appalling reputation that no-one who truly understands wants to be dragged into it...there wasn't a single candidate for Mayor last election, only the incumbent, so no-one got to vote for or against anyone at all...and this 'No Candidates', it wasn't a glowing acknowledgement marking years of high achievement, stunning success, it was straight-out 'I ain't touchin' that'...(the year you ran for Mayor, was it 2014?-Ed)...yep, 2014...(10 years ago now, wow...anyway, in 2014 how many candidates?-Ed)...8...(8?-Ed)...yeah 8, me included, and 2 serving Councillors, 5 others...and point there is, some people have said that I should've run for Councillor instead and I'd have likely got in...(but then as a Councillor you'd have been effectively silenced, upto and including having to stop this 'ere blog, by MGCC's extraordinary, self-imposed 'Capital' sanctions re even discussing MGCC business-Ed)...as I explained, and each person has conceded that as validating my unlikely tilt at Mayordom-ness rather than Councillor...
6) Did We Mention 'Complicit'?-...'cos that's arguably the biggest hurdle that anyone faces when trying to address MGCC's Institutionalised Corruption, how complicit everyone else is...take for example, the South Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption...(I got this, as described above, and in multiple posts on TMGI The Blog and TMGI Facebook, the ICAC, under the specific direction of Commissioner Bruce Lander, did a 1-hour/2-chats 'investigation' of MGCC, nothing recorded, no hearings, no Elected Members even spoken to, etc, then completely exonerated MGCC of any and all 'Corruption'-Ed)...and then...(and then, under the specific control/direction of Comm Lander, ICAC investigated you/us/this 'ere blog, and then Comm Lander directly personally referred you/us/this 'ere blog to SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch-Ed)...and then?...(and then SAPol 'Operation Baritone' specifically about you/us/this 'ere blog, 4 years in Court being prosecuted by SAPol, etc etc etc-Ed)...yeah fair enough, it's all here in other posts if y'all wanna' read more detail...
So when 'sorting-out' the problems with the FARC, you not only have to sort-out all of MGCC's Corruption, but you also have to sort-out the levels of corruption demonstrated by, for example, ICAC and it's unequivocal protection of and support for MGCC's Corruption...
And I'll go a step further and state that my 'Conviction', as it happened in February 2018, was the ICAC giving MGCC a big fat green-light to indulge in even more rampant Corruption, and that it is no coincidence that literally that week in February 2018 Liberal MP Tony Pasin, former MGCC Councillor and himself directly complicit in MGCC's Corrupt Conduct, that's when Tony started his now notorious 'Mt Gambier Must Have An Indoor Pool' campaign...(big call, but fair-Ed)...yes it is...
I genuinely believe that all involved were simultaneously celebrating and congratulating themselves, etc, thinking that with my 'Conviction' TMGI was effectively over, would be shutdown by the Court, etc...(and/or that you'd give up, but yeah, the trial farce was definably about shutting-up you/us/this 'ere blog-Ed)...and that this 'Conviction' and forced silence meant open slather on even more intense, voluminous MGCC Corruption..(and here comes Tony's $39.1m Indoor Pool that realises as a $100+m debasco (debacle/fiasco)-Ed)...yep...(yeah, it is an extraordinary coincidence of timing-Ed)...well, as I'm stating here, I don't believe there is any coincidence at all...
So I lay-down this specific but very simple challenge to any Mt Gambier City Council Elected Member, past or present...and I don't wanna' hear "oh gee whiz I would, really I would, but MGCC has reams of really strict 'Secrecy/Confidentiality' rules"...(but they do have reams of rules-Ed)...sure, but what I do want to see/hear is one single person publicly state that it's not appropriate for MGCC to utilise 'Secrecy Clauses' and alleged 'Commercial Confidentiality' to effectively hide the truth about the cost of the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre)...(sometimes called Wulanda-Ed)...fine, Wulanda...(or 'The White Elephant'-Ed)...okay...(or the 'Oh My God What Have We Done!'-Ed)...you done? yeah? and I know I'm wasting both our's time dear availee even raising this challenge, 'cos it just ain't gunna' happen...
Language Warning:...I'll give a singular fuck if and when one of these fine upstanding members of our beloved City, all of whom supposedly love our beloved City the mostest, like totes love it, when one says enough is enough, and quits...when a current Mt Gambier City Council Elected Member quits, then I'll stop using catch-all terms like 'Complicit'...End Language Warning...
And to the Residents & Ratepayers and associated other Citizens, I'm not advocating giving-up, quite the contrary, have at it good Madams and/or Sirs, MGCC deserve everything they cop, but I want everyone to be intimately awares of what and or whom you all are up against when trying to get a straight answer...(indeed any answer-Ed)...from Mt Gambier City Council, let alone that they be held accountable for their conduct...please do carry forward, be concerned/frustrated/incensed, but never resigned, never ever give-in...in the immortal words of that great woman and/or man, "don't give the bastards the satisfaction"...(I believe it was Ghandi-Ed)...no it wasn't you idiot...
Tomorrow: Gourd Knows
Nah seriously, only certainty is that it's not likely 'tomorrow' at all, rather, see you in April sort of thing...TMGI The Blog still is, obviously, but TMGI Facebook is more regular...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...