Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Bittuva' Interim Apology Of Sorts, Kinda'.

Howdy dear availees...for what it's worth, I haven't stopped doin' this 'ere blog, as such, just got to 'Saturation Level StressCon 1', and as is my wanton need on addiction teeters, as always and in all ways, my go-to strategy is to just get up, and walk that's what I've done...

I'm fundamentally traumatised by the horrific genocide being committed in Palestine/Gaza/Lebanon/ this what we are as a species? is this what we can do to each other? while we're all rushing about celebrating Xmas it's genocide in Bethlehem...

And as a Westerner, as a First Generation White Australian, I stand complicit by way of my government's actions and, far more damning, their inactions...and others like the Thug and his moronic cronies, and our 'Allies', etc, they are openly, enthusiastically complicit...we, Australians, whether we are horrified/opposed/concerned/whatevs, we are complicit...

And as we watch 'Democracy' get rapidly dismantled around us, I can see a very near future, if it's not already happening, where our government, ALP/LNP/whatevs, allows these child-murderers back into Australia, bringing with them the same self-satisfied, cowardly thuggery and violence displayed...

Are these the psychopaths that will be roaming our streets legally armed and funded by our government, I believe $32m worth, to protect this tiny fraction of the populace?...and protect from whom exactly?...

So, yay, forget the corrupt SA ICAC Commissioner who lied repeatedly to Parliament about me, then quit saying 'It's all a bit difficult', forget that nonsense...forget the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and that fact that I literally cannot walk down the street in this sick li'l town and not bump into someone intimately complicit in the SMLSCAC, whatevs, when Genocide is mainstream viewing, and then it just keeps on happening, but not just happening, defended and supported and justified, etc, then Humanity has lost it's Social License...

Humanity Has Lost It's Social License.

So theres ya' go, yay, Merry Shreckin' Xmas...

This 'ere blog may well continue in 2025...maybe not, who knows, who really MGCC would say, Id Facio Quod Cupio, Par, Do What I Want, Mate...    

Tomorrow: Is Yesterday's Today

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

And for what it's worth, a genuine apology to genuine availees for this doom-laden venting, but I do feel that y'all will understand, so, thanks in anticipation...