Monday, January 30, 2023

Breaking News: Mt Gambier City Council Officially Denies Plans To Sell Hastings Cunningham Reserve

Howdy dear availees...well, this has escalated quickly...not unlike a frog in a sock on a hotplate, the whole Hastings Cunningham Reserve Sell-off issue has exploded onto Mt Gambier City Councils' official website (see below) and their Instagram...if y'all ain't aware of that which I speak of, please avail y'allselves of my most recent posts...

Since I posted earlier this arvo, I've been onto MGCCs official website and, as promised, researched through their roster of upcoming Information/Briefing Sessions...and, well, rather than repeat myself, here's a copy of my Facebook post about this research...*** 

As promised, I have conducted further research into the issue of Mt Gambier City Council selling Hastings Cunningham Reserve for housing development.
I again refer to The Border Watch article (Friday 27th Jan 2023) about the Residents and Ratepayers Assoc reforming, and the statement there-in about Council holding a "confidential meeting (about) public housing and Hastings Cunningham Reserve" on 7th March.
I have now reviewed MGCCs' stated roster of every 'Special Meeting' currently planned for 2023, as available on their website.
Go to MGCCs' home page and follow these prompts,
1) Agendas and Minutes, and then
2) Information/Briefing Sessions.
That is a total of 13 'Sessions' up to September, and on dates where there are multiple items, eg, 2 items on each of 3 dates in February, each item is listed separately.
Of 2 items separately listed for 7th March, the "confidential meeting" states "Update Hastings Cunningham Reserve Area and Public Housing".
If MGCC does not plan to sell-off HCR for housing, why are they listed as 1 item?
And even as I type this, MGCC have posted on Instagram an official denial that are planning to sell HCR, stating that they are just seeking to, quote,
"provide a coordinated and strategic planning approach to
the provision and development of sport and recreation
infrastructure, ensuring it is fit for purpose and meets the
community's needs."
Why then, if this meeting on 7th March is about "sport and recreation", why does the notice say "public housing"? 

***and here's the notification in full, I've highlighted the subject matter, and also the link...***

Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace
Mount Gambier SA 5290
PO Box 56
Mount Gambier SA 5290
Telephone 08 87212555
Facsimile 08 87249791

Reference: AF22/549





1. The Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Philpott has arranged an information/briefing session of
the Council to be held in the Council Chamber, Level 4, Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace,
Mount Gambier on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at 6:00 PM to discuss the following matter/s:

Update Hastings Cunningham Reserve Area and
Public Housing
7 March 2023, 6:00 PM
2. The session described above will not be held at a place open to the public as the matter to
be discussed is of a confidential nature within the ambit of section 90(3) of the Local
Government Act 1999 being:

(j) information the disclosure of which:

(i) would divulge information provided on a confidential basis by or to a Minister of
the Crown, or another public authority or official (not being an employee of the
council, or a person engaged by the council); and

(ii) would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest;

(m) information relating to a proposal to prepare or amend a designated instrument under
Part 5 Division 2 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 before the
draft instrument or amendment is released for public consultation under that Act

***...and after posting that (on Facebook), I went back to MGCCs' website, and there in 'News' was their full statement, so, for the record here's my most recent Facebook post providing MGCCs' denial...***

Here is Mt Gambier City Councils' full statement denying plans to sell Hastings Cunningham Reserve (for housing), now also on their official website***

The City of Mount Gambier has no intention of selling Hastings Cunningham Reserve. For some time, the Council has been enquiring with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport about the acquisition of the rail lands adjacent to Hastings Cunningham Reserve, to link the reserve with the popular Mount Gambier Rail Trail.

To reiterate, the City of Mount Gambier has no intention of selling Hastings Cunningham reserve which is community land. Rather, there is a desire to improve the reserve per the endorsed Sport, Recreation and Open Spaces Strategy, which states the need to develop a master plan for Hastings Cunningham Reserve in partnership with site users. This plan will provide a coordinated and strategic planning approach to the provision and development of sport and recreation infrastructure, ensuring it is fit for purpose and meets the community's needs.
***And again I ask, if it's about "sport and recreation" why does the Information/Briefing Meeting scheduled for 7th March say "Update Hastings Cunningham Reserve and Public Housing"?
Why doesn't that meeting item notification say 'Sport and Recreation in the HCR Area'?
This statement confirms the 'rumour' that MGCC has "for some time" been seeking access to/ownership of land along the Rail Trail.

***...apologies if those multiple (***) cause confusion, but that most recent Facebook post is these 4 slanted paragraphs...and further for the record, here's the straight cut-'n'-paste from MGCCs' website, including link...***

Hastings Cunningham Reserve not for sale
30 January 2023
The City of Mount Gambier has no intention of selling Hastings Cunningham Reserve. For some time, the Council has been enquiring with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport about the acquisition of the rail lands adjacent to Hastings Cunningham Reserve, to link the reserve with the popular Mount Gambier Rail Trail.

To reiterate, the City of Mount Gambier has no intention of selling Hastings Cunningham reserve which is community land. Rather, there is a desire to improve the reserve per the endorsed Sport, Recreation and Open Spaces Strategy, which states the need to develop a master plan for Hastings Cunningham Reserve in partnership with site users. This plan will provide a coordinated and strategic planning approach to the provision and development of sport and recreation infrastructure, ensuring it is fit for purpose and meets the community's needs.

***...(and like wow, that's some sort of denial, twice in 2 paragraphs, 'just to re-iterate exactly what we just said'-Ed)...indeed, that's an emphatic denial of an alleged non-issue...but the fundamental questions remain, 1) why does that Info/Briefing Meeting notification say "Update Hastings Cunningham Reserve Area and Public Housing" if it's actually about "sports and recreation"?...and 2) if the HCR and Public Housing are somehow separate issues, why, relative to every other Info/Briefing Session notification, why are they listed as one item?...furiously emphatic denials directly related to unanswered fundamental questions...

Tomorrow: At This Rate? MGCC Denies Involvement In JFK Assassination?

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...(can I just say, given you were gunna' give this 'ere blog away, and effectively re-booted just to address this issue, can I just say it's been one shreck of a productive week-Ed)...indeed, so it's cheers and laters until next time...

Arguing Against Myself: Why Mt Gambier City Council Won't Sell Hastings Cunningham Reserve

Howdy dear availees across the is my want, I'm gunna' completely contradict myself by explaining why I think the Hastings Cunningham Reserve precinct will not be sold...(no you're not, this whole post is gunna' be one long, snide, facetiously manipulative explanation as to why what you genuinely believe Mt Gambier City Council is gunna' do, that is, sell-off the entire precinct for housing development, why that would be a disaster-Ed)...ah Ed, you know me too well...I'm gunna' acknowledge all of the relevant facts that make the HCR sale highly unlikely and event nonsensical, and use all that to highlight why it's gunna' be such a disaster should it proceed...and as per usual I have sought to thoroughly research these 'facts' and what is merely my opinion is clearly identified as such...

And as with so many of the things we cover here on TMGI, I genuinely hope we're horribly wrong about this whole issue, 'cos I'd rather we were wrong than this is actually happening...having said that...

What better place to start than with an admission that I was wrong and right about the Pump (bike) track...(oh gourd, 'ere we go-Ed)...yes, here we go, 'cos I stated that MGCC has failed to complete the Pump track expansion they started early 2022 (late 2021?) it transpires, the bit I was referring to specifically as being only part-finished may be just a planned observation level...(aha! so you were wrong!-Ed)...but as part of an actual expansion/extension of the track area, work that was also planned/promised some time ago but has not been done...(ah-Ed)...yes, "ah", so the exact bit I was identifying as 'unfinished extension' is possibly both things, done and yet not...(okay, so the earthworks for the grassy knoll bit, that might be right, but the larger and much more expensive bitumenised track extension section(s?), that hasn't been done?-Ed)...correct...and in my researching this issue I've discovered 2 things I didn't know...(do tell-Ed)...well...

The track is considered world class and certainly one of the best in Australia, and would likely have cost $1m or even slightly more to construct...(well it has hosted the Australian qualifier for the whatevs international competition-Ed)...yes it has...(twice even-Ed)...indeed, and that's the second thing. it was essentially a quid pro quo between MGCC and the builders/organisers...(how so?-Ed)...well, Mt Gambier was promised 2 championship qualifiers if they invested in a track...(so who organised that? the builder or Council?-Ed)...that I don't know, but the fact is we've had our 2 gos and it will now likely not return to Mt Gambier for quite some time...(which is how long exactly?-Ed)...well I don't know, but as explained to me, there's heaps of other tracks around so it's likely to be at least a decade, probably longer, and by that stage, maybe never...(well hopefully it won't be that long-Ed)...indeed, but as it concerns us for the HCR Sale issue, it's an excellent facility, and approx $1m investment that would be lost, and then another $1m+ obviously to reinstate it elsewhere...(so if that Pump track's worth $1m, what would the much larger BMX track cost to reproduce on another site?-Ed)...well that was gunna' be my second facetious point about why the HCR Sale isn't going to happen...

I don't know exact figures, but anyone who's seen it knows the BMX track is at least 6-8 times bigger in area than the Pump track, with much higher and vastly more extensive earthworks, etc...(and the Pump track has no infrastructure attached, not nuthin', so when y'all include the BMXers' starter gate area, shelters, and clubrooms, etc yeah?-Ed)...exactly, with all that taken into account, it is not unreasonable to calculate that it would easily cost $10m to reproduce the BMX track elsewhere...(and that's not including the cost of the loss of the current track-Ed)...well sure, so as a total it's a $20m exercise to scrap then move that track...and that's why Council won't sell it...

Just for the record, and whilst I don't believe it is (will be) the case, I have thought about and therefore want to acknowledge the possibility that MGCC could sell-off the bulk of Hasting Cunningham Reserve but retain the 2 bike tracks...(not least of all for the reasons we've covered above-Ed) I don't know if it's even possible to divide-up the HCR in that manner, but I do note that the easement between Millard Rd (Western entrance to HCR) and Webb St (Eastern end of HCR and access to soccer club carpark), is possibly a gazetted road, ie, it can be used (is already zoned?) as a road...this was stated to me quite some time ago, and whilst I cannot find direct evidence, there are other gazetted roads in Mt Gambier, eg, the 'track' between the Blue Lake and Bay Rd...(that's effectively an extension of Grant Ave?-Ed)...yeah, exactly...and if so, then there's an albeit unlikely possibility that the bike tracks might form a 'residential block' or can somehow be sectioned-off, whatevs...the South Australian government site I used has a 'Google map' that doesn't even have the Pump track on it, but it does clearly show the Millard-Webb's the link to that map...    

The soccer club is another obvious reason that MGCC will not sell-off the HCR...(didn't that club, Apollo isn't it, yeah, didn't they just invest in several new light towers and do a major pitch renovation?-Ed)...yep, they did, but the towers themselves would be relatively cheap to move, it'd be the combined cost of installing, then removing, then re-installing elsewhere, I reckon the club'd find that a bit irksome...again, whilst unlikely, it is possible that the Soccer club could also be annexed from any sale, 'cos the Millard-Webb easement is currently carpark area and could be easily turned to actual road...(but then it would seem unlikely, indeed, it's problematic as to why Council evicted the tennis club immediately adjacent South of that carpark yet would not sell the Soccer club area?-Ed)...sure...and I have no idea what it would cost to relocate the Soccer club, re-establish a suitable pitch, etc, but it would have to run to several $$million...(and the cost of the tennis courts/club?-Ed)...yeah, again, I dunno', but along with the 2 bike tracks, the tennis club and 8 courts, albeit currently vacant,  there's several reasons there as to why the whole area is not going to be would have to cost $20m-$30m to relocate just those 4 things... 

Then there's all the community group sheds/clubhouses currently located in the South-West corner...the dog trainers, the car club, Lions, wood-turning group I think's there...(the men's shed?-Ed)...I reckon they were there but have moved to bigger premises...(the 'Scottish' bagpipe people, I've heard them there-Ed)...yeah, them and several others I don't immediately recall...(and several of those groups, eg the dog and car clubs use large areas of the parkland for their meetings and events-Ed) do the bike tracks utilise large sections of the open space to accommodate patrons/visitors for their events, the open grass areas are perfect for their there's several more reasons why Council won't sell the HCR...there's the cost of relocating these clubs and also providing them suitable external space...(do you know if any of these clubs have had their leases cancelled recently or been put on monthly lease renewals like the clubs at Reidy Park?-Ed) I don't know that Ed, but I will endeavour to find out...I will also note the adjacent small playground and substantial BBQ shelter structure, that I believe was donated and constructed by the Lions club...

Of all the infrastructure at HCR, the mostly excellent twin dog parks would likely be the least expensive to relocate...these originally excellent facilities have been largely neglected by Council for years, as discussed at a Council meeting back in April 2022...apart from basic maintenance, eg, lawn mowing and the occasional tree removal, very little happens there...(well they did randomly jam those solar light posts in, was it early last year?-Ed)...yes, they did do that, but as for the multiple  maintenance/infrastructure issues people have actually raised with them, eg, a functioning rain/shade shelter, improved sealed entrance and paths for disability access, loose gravel hurting dogs feet, etc, none of that has been addressed...I'll also note the number of people who come to HCR to take their kids to the bike tracks and at the same time their doggo/s to the dog park...(haha, getting all the li'l blighters exhausted in one fell swoop-Ed)...indeed, it's great having these facilities adjacent...(similarly, it's great having the tracks and dog park adjacent/accessible via the Rail Trail-Ed)...absolutely, tons of people come into HCR, for whatevs purpose, via the Rail Trail... 

So there's the 5 main things/reasons why MGCC won't sell-off Hasting Cunningham Reserve, namely, the 2 bike tracks, the soccer club (and tennis club), the community clubrooms, the dog parks, and the associated open park area that many of the clubs and/or patrons use...(and of course MGCC would have to find somewhere to re-locate them all to, whilst providing that open ground aspect as well-Ed)...exactly...with even a cursory examination, it would be ludicrous for MGCC to sell-off HCR...

And I haven't included previous, but I will now, the prolific native birdlife in the Reserve, as supported by the dozens of large trees, many of them flowering native gums or similar...Crimson and Eastern Rosellas, Spotted Pardalotes, White-Naped Honey Eaters, New Holland Honey Eaters, Kookaburras, Wattlebirds, Crows/Ravens, Native Pigeons and Doves, Silver eyes, Blue Wrens, Willy Wagtails, Grey Fantails, and several other small species like Garygone...also species like Magpies, Galahs, Corellas, Cockatoos, etc, that live/nest in the trees and feed extensively on the open would be expensive to relocate the human infrastructure, but it's impossible to just immediately recreate a mature park/grassland area...I doubt whether any of this comes into MGCCs' calculations or even consideration, but for me personally, this 'natural environment' aspect is significant...

Now I'm just gunna' quickly reiterate why I believe that MGCC does have Hastings Cunningham Reserve in it's sights...MGCC have incurred a massive debt with their gross mishandling of the Wulanda Hub Project, effectively if not actually/officially bankrupting the City, and therefore Ratepayers...costs as identified in their own Budgets show the Hub to have totalled a minimum $80m, likely closer to $85m...that's not opinion, that is the exact numbers as identified by MGCC in MGCC Budget documents...(and it's widely alleged to have hit $100m-Ed)...indeed, but sticking to the Councils' own figures across it's last 4 Budgets, $80m-$85m...unfortunately Council and local media continue to knowingly deceive Ratepayers by stating "$62m" as the final, given MGCC received $25m in State and Federal funding, and the actual cost is minimum $80m, the related debt load stands at around $55m, likely higher...

As I understand it, Council has been unsuccessful in gaining their desired control/ownership of land along the rail easement, with a view to on-selling that land... and this leaves them very few options when it comes to raising funds, and certainly funds that will make any sort of impression on the mountainous debt related to the Hub...  

Again, I know the previous Liberal government was furious with MGCC about this massive blow-out and debt, and I believe that the current Malinauskas Labor government are fully aware, and indeed, that it's what motivated Malinauskas to suddenly throw the 'Amalgamation' dead-cat onto the metaphoric table...(whaaaa?-Ed)...I believe that Labor knows that MGCC bankruptcy is looming or even imminent or even already happened, so, desperate to not have to bail-out a bankrupt Council, Labor were trying to spread the debt load across 2 Councils...(and now that's failed?-Ed)...Labor will immediately rubber-stamp any and all applications/re-zonings/permits/whatevs that MGCC require to pursue whatevs agenda to raise funds...  

As reported in The Border Watch on Friday 27th January 2023, MGCC is having a "confidential meeting" on 7th March 2023, where-in "public housing and Hastings Cunningham Reserve" are on the agenda...(I didn't know Council could declare a meeting "confidential" ahead of that actual meeting itself, I though they had to convene a meeting first, start that meeting, then immediately take a vote to conduct that meeting "in confidence"?-Ed)...well that was my understanding too Ed, but since when did Mt Gambier City Council let appropriate conduct and/or procedure compromise their agendas/plans?... 

And MGCC has a well-defined penchant indeed addiction to gross deceit of Ratepayers, from deliberate omissions, up through weasel-worded pseudo-statements, right out to bare-faced lies...(and the whole Wulanda Hub debasco is a perfect case in point-Ed)...absolutely it is Ed, right from it's inception, right through the planning and development stages, construction, and especially now it's open albeit not actually completed...(and again, not our opinion, absolute fact proven by Council's own documents and statements-Ed)...exactly Ed, and the mind-numbing cost blow-out is front and centre of that...MGCC garnered community support/approval with saturation promotion and promises of a $39.1m indoor complex with all the bells and whistles, multiple heated pools, gym, cafe, etc, etc...MGCC then submitted a Planning Application Approval which quoted the project at "$40m not including fixtures and fittings"...(so that's $40m for just the box, but the actual contents, eg, pools, cafe, gym, etc, that's all extras?-Ed)...correct...

When I tried to stop this 'Planning Approval' with a written submission to the Planning Commission, they stated they weren't interested in whether or not MGCC were lying to Ratepayers, the PCs' sole concern was that the paperwork was correctly filled-out and submitted...(and when confronted with this deceit, MGCC has repeatedly publicly denied ever promising a completed project at $39.1-Ed)...yes Ed, yes they have, repeatedly and vigorously denied they ever promised a 'total project' at $39.1m...and that is the biggest lie in it's most basic form...MGCC have deceitfully promised a completed project at $39.1m, knowing it wasn't going to happen, and then have repeatedly lied about it since...and it's only one of a series of lies regarding just the Hub Project...(well what about all the lies MGCC told to justify evicting the world-renown Aquifer Tours and Cafe out of their premises up at the Blue Lake?-Ed)...indeed Ed, another example of MGCC engaging in a litany of lies to justify their appalling conduct...MGCC doesn't give a fat dead rats' festered clacker about the damage they've done to Mt Gambiers' Tourism profile and reputation, just so long as they could screw-over the Aquifer Tour proprietors...

At the very least I am pleased that my efforts this week have turned people's attention to both issues, the impending 'possible' sale of HCR, and the financial disaster that is MGCCs' handling of the Hub is often the way in such a small town, just this morning someone was quoting my own Facebook posts to me...they were shocked to learn that I was the 'author' was a welcome but unnecessary reminder that 'rumours' can spread rapidly, especially 'bad rumours'...and that's why I consider very carefully what I believe to be statements of fact, eg, MGCC is looking at selling-off HCR, and how that relates to the many months of associated rumours that have preceded it...  

I'm gunna' finish here, but rest assured that there's plenty more to come on this 'ere blog about MGCC and their appalling conduct, be it the Aquifer Tours, the Wulanda Hub, whatevs is happening at Hastings Cunningham Reserve, etc, etc, etc...when it comes to railing and ranting about Institutionalised Corruption, as we are so want to do here at TMGI, well, Mt Gambier City Council is the gift that just keeps on giving...

Tomorrow: Post Four Of My ICAC Testimony

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Confirming Mt Gambier City Council is Planning To Sell (Has Sold?) Hastings Cunningham Reserve Precinct

Howdy dear availees...just a super-quick post to confirm what I 'alleged' last post...most of what appears here I've shamelessly self-plagiarised from TMGIs' Facebook page... 

As stated in the title, Mt Gambier City Council is planning to, and may possibly already have committed to, sell the entire Hastings Cunningham Reserve precinct to be sub-divided for housing

This would mean losing the open parkland area, the soccer and tennis clubs, the dog parks, all the community clubrooms, and the BMX and Pump tracks. 

Council have evicted the tennis club months ago and stopped the Pump track expansion they started a year ago, and has also cleared extensive areas adjacent the Reserve area ready for sale, eg, the old rail roundhouse area, the old Council depot, the old cement factory area, etc.

It is widely believed and I am stating it as a matter of fact that MGCC has effectively 'bankrupted' Mt Gambier with their incompetence, deceits and corruption with the $100m Wulanda 'Hub', and are desperate to try and finance the massive loan(s?) related to that disastrous project.

Again, whilst MGCC and their complicit local media mates continue to state the cost at "$62m", Councils' own Budget costings admit a $80m-$85m price tag, but several people directly involved have assured me that it's closer to and likely over $100m...this includes the works/costs Council are trying to hide in other parts of their Budget...

Given that Federal and State funding totalled $25m, that leaves a minimum MGCC debt of $55m, but more likely it's around $70m+

I also understand that Council have taken out this loan(s?) without locking in Interest Rates, and therefore the debt is increasing with every Rate rise.

As previously stated, I believe that the Malinauskas Labor State government will be/is desperately keen to avoid being saddled with MGCCs' debt, and to avoid having to bail-out the MGCC, my mate Mali/Labor will therefore automatically approve any requisite applications/re-zonings/whatevs, if those approvals haven't already been sought and/or provided.  

I re-iterate my belief, as supported/shared by many others, that the recent Malinauskus-driven attempt to force Council Amalgamation on Mt Gambier and Grant District residents, that brain-fart was in reality spawned by that same motivation, an attempt to delay/divert MGCCs' 'bankruptcy' by spreading the debt load across the 2 Councils. 

I am 100% confidant in predicting that this sale, should it proceed, will see the huge and very valuable area sold-off at well below market value to Councillors' family members/friends/mates, or a combination of all 3...I also note that with Interest Rates currently so high, the actual value is greatly distorted.

It has also come to my attention that MGCC has for 2 years now refused to renew the leases for the 6-7 community groups who use the old Reidy Park buildings adjacent the netball area in Olympic Park. Council is allegedly stonewalling/delaying/avoiding and tenants are currently on month-at-a-time leases...I cannot say whether this is because of the 'bankruptcy' and Council cannot/will not afford basic maintenance, or if Council plans to bulldoze those buildings to expand the Hub carpark...could be a combination of both.

I haven't been able to confirm or disprove the several claims made to me that the Hastings Cunningham Reserve precinct was "bequeathed" to the citizens of Mt Gambier, but it was named after a prominent local identity from the mid-1800s...he did donate other land elsewhere in town...

I'll be fascinated to see if Councillor Josh Lynagh will use his 'entirely altruistic' public notification Limestone Coast Community News website to alert the residents of Mt Gambier about MGCC's plans to sell-off the priceless public asset that is the Hastings Cunningham Reserve...Josh is very vocal about what a great service he is and/or does for Mt Gambier, so obviously he'll be red-hot in exposing and opposing this disastrously corrupt shenanigans...but I won't be holding my breath...

I also note and wholly reject for the corrupt pro-sale justification propaganda that it so obviously is, this (attached) piece of professionally performative political pantomime from MGC Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' would seem to confirm that Council was angling to justify closing the dog park, as part of the sell-off agenda, as early as April 2022...***

Hastings Cunningham dog park not up to scratch

FACILITY RESPECT: Mount Gambier dog trainer and owner Karen Brooksby with her dog Bella at the Hastings Cunningham Reserve dog park.

Charlotte Varcoe

DOG owners have been avoiding Hastings Cunningham Reserve’s dog park due to its deteriorating state, according to City Councillor Frank Morello.

A notice of motion by Cr Morello, tabled at the Mount Gambier City Council’s meeting last night, said dog owners have complained about the lack of defined paths, proliferation of weeds, thin bark coverage on the ground, loose dirt and a bee-infested tree – causing frequent users to visit more suitable grassed areas including the Blue Lake Sports Park.

Cr Morello’s motion, which was adopted at the meeting, asked that council engage with dog park users to seek their views on how the dog park facilities should be managed and maintained.

“As a popular community asset, the much-loved site should be maintained to the highest possible standard,” the notice of motion from Cr Morello read.

Elected members questioned whether the issues could be rectified immediately with the council’s general manager city infrastructure Barbara Cernovskis saying general maintenance had been put in place at the facility for other issues such as broken locks.

Ms Cernovskis suggested elected members engage in conversations with members of the public about both maintenance and capital works for the area.

Speaking to The Border Watch about the issue, dog owner and trainer Karen Brooksby said the facilities were not just the responsibility of council, but also of those who used the facility.

Ms Brooksby said better shaded areas and more seating could be installed by council, however owners also needed to respect the facilities to make it worthwhile.

“I am not sure if council could afford it but they could also change some of the paths in the area so it isn’t gravel,” Ms Brooksby said.

“However I do think the improvement could also be with the dog owners and not just up to council.”

Calling the two off-leash enclosures within the dog park “fantastic”, Ms Brooksby said the community and dog owners needed to be more aware of the benefits the park brings to Mount Gambier.

“What we have here is an enclosed, safe area and it is important for dog owners and handlers to make sure their responsibility is to be mindful of other people when they are entering the facility,” she said.

“There has been a lot of time where dogs in the park have rushed the gates and not all dogs who enter the area are confident.

“I have been rushed myself when I have entered the park with my dog Bella and all the dogs got inside the gate, it can be quite scary.”

Aware some dog owners avoided the park all together due to untrained dogs using the park, Ms Brooksby said there was no excuse for poor behaviour.

“There are a lot of dog trainers around Mount Gambier and it doesn’t take much when you get a puppy or a dog to spend a few months training it and doing some work with it,” she said.

“It results in a happier dog and a better sociable dog in public and it doesn’t take long for things to escalate and there could be more people in the community who use the park’s services who could step up and be a bit more mindful and appreciative.

“It is also about dog owners respecting the boundaries of the dogs, just as we would respect our own boundaries.”

She said it was also important for those using the parks to pick up after themselves and their furry friends with the disposable waste bags now installed inside the gates.

“This is a fantastic step by council because it makes it easier for owners who should be more accountable, but unfortunately many are not,” she said.

“The facilities here are great and I don’t think it is fair for council to foot the bill for things that could also be negligent on the public’s behalf.

“The park is a service provided to the community and people need to do the right thing.”

***I am not aware of any "conversations" between park users and fact, I was recently told about a Councillor (you know who you are champ) attending the small dog park area with their children, whom promptly "ran amok", throwing sticks and actually hitting this person, whilst said Councillor just sat there scrolling through their phone... 

At the very least, and by it's own admission, Council has not acted and/or cannot afford to maintain the dog parks properly...this article is transparently about skating past Councils' failures to appropriately maintain the 2 dog parks, and instead try to demonise/blame dog owners, on the way to selling-off the whole precinct...  

And I know that some of what I'm saying here threatens to stroll into 'Conspiracy Theorist' territory, but when you've dealt with these corrupt clowns for as long and as intensely as I have, you immediately see the indicators/patterns/agendas. 

Finally, what I thought was a scheduled MGCC/media meeting at HCR on Tuesday (2 days ago), was apparently between some local media, possibly/probably The Border Watch, and some local residents opposing the sale...I'll post when I know more about the specific details...

Tomorrow: More Of My ICAC Inquiry Testimony

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Mt Gambier City Council - Selling Hastings Cunningham Reserve? A Study In Corruption And Incompetence

Howdy dear availees...long story short, was gunna' take a few weeks break but then, in the grips of a chronic depressive episode, I decided to quit this 'ere blog for good...but reality, vanity and sheer bloody minded stubbornness sees me back here again...(and me-Ed)...yes, and here's the thing...

For months, maybe a year, rumours have been swirling about Council trying to sub-divide land along the Western section of the Old Rail Corridor for housing...(has this got anything to do with Councils' farcically corrupt and incompetent handling of the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre?-Ed)...well duh, of course it does...'Council' has effectively/actually bankrupted the city with their appalling misconduct, multiple deliberate deceits, and mind-numbing fiscal incompetence re the FARC...(well it's only incompetence really when it's not a deliberate construct to corruptly syphon $millions of Ratepayers' hard-earned into Councillors' mates' and/or relatives' pockets-Ed)...good let's just call it what it really is, Mt Gambier City Council Corruption...

So anyhoos, this deliberate MGCC Corruption has delivered unto Ratepayers a massive white elephant FARC that tries to be all things to all comers and is ultimately successful at none of it...(and that elephant has a sting in the trunk-Ed)...yes, yes it does, a $60million sting...from MGCC's own Budget figures, they've borrowed at least $55m...(sorry, did you say "at least"?-Ed)...indeed I did, 'cos I've had numerous conversations with multiple people directly associated with the FARC, eg, family of contractors, local business owners, etc, etc, and they've all assured me that $80m is well below the actual cost...(dare I ask, which is?-Ed)...straddling $100m...(oh strewth, FARC me dead-Ed)...that's what I said sir...and 'straddling' 'cos some have said $100m and several others say it's gone a bit past that even...(and Council and their complicit lapdogs at The Border Watch and the ABC South East Radio, they're still toeing Councils' line about how it's only "$62M"?-Ed)...indeed they are mate...(and I'm assuming that the Rail Lands stuff is related to that massive debt?-Ed) 

But it gets better...(it always does with you-Ed)...'cos now that 'housing land' rumour has gathered a head of steam and leapt from the tracks, and ploughed right into Hastings Cunningham Reserve...just today I heard that MGCC have been refused re-zoning/access/whatevs of that vacant rail corridor land, and have therefore set their corrupt li'l sights on the entire Hastings Cunningham Reserve for subdivision...(what? the whole parkland bit?-Ed)...yep, and not just that...(what else is there?-Ed)...the entire precinct...(what do you mean the entire precinct?-Ed)...well, apparently/allegedly every square inch of it, starting with all the land adjacent the rail corridor, eg, where the historic Round House was demolished, etc, and then the entire HC Reserve...(when you say "entire" do you mean...?-Ed)...yep, the soccer ground and the tennis courts at the Eastern end, right through the dog park area, across the parkland, right to the Western boundary...(what, you mean including all the community group sheds like The Men's Shed and the Auto Club and Lions, etc?-Ed)...yep, all a' that lot...(and the BMX and Pump tracks?-Ed)..and the bike tracks, yep, the whole lot of it...(and where's all this gunna' be replaced?-Ed) of many questions Ed, one of many...

So the first critical issue is to establish the veracity of this 'rumour'...I certainly believe my sources, and there was apparently going to be some sort of Council gathering thereabouts at HCR today with The Border Watch and whoevs else...I'm not sure when and even if this happened...(didn't Council boot the tennis club out last year, refusing to renew their lease-Ed)...yes they did Ed...(and didn't Council start a major addition/improvement to the Pump Track at least 12 months ago but then nuthin's happened with it since?-Ed)...yep, so there's several indicators there that the 'rumour' is in fact, fact...

Bottomline, MGCCs' institutionalised corruption, often masquerading as wholesale incompetence, has dug the City/Ratepayers into a massive pit of death, sorry, pit of debt, and it appears that burying HCR under houses is their stop-gap partial solution...(and will itself be yet another raft of profitable corruption for Councillors and/or their mates and/or relatives-Ed)..of course it will...

From what I've heard, and from whom I've heard it, I believe that this not a rumour, but I don't know to what degree it's been advanced...for all I know Council has already applied for and received from the State government approval to proceed with this bastardry...(well the government would be mad-keen to not have to save Mt Gambier from bankruptcy, so they'd approve this bastardry in a heartbeat-Ed)...indeed they would...but I for one am gunna' have a red-hot go at stopping it, not least of all 'cos Council ain't gunna have the funds to replace any of the infrastructure, eg, dog park...(well the extensive BMX track alone is a major site and would cost a small fortune to relocate-Ed) here's the go...

Tell whoever will listen that Council is 'allegedly' going to sell-off Hastings Cunningham Reserve, and if this is true, it's gotta' be stopped...(and hey, wasn't that land originally bequeathed to the people of Mt Gambier, to be saved as open space and for public utility like the community group sheds-Ed)...well yeah, I had heard that too, but I'm not sure, but it is another relevant question worth resolving...but back to my original point, Mt Gambier City Council cannot be trusted, with anything and/or about anything, and if this is true it must be stopped...

Tomorrow: Further Explaining The $100m FARC Corruption/Incompetence

I am Nick Fletcher and I was just kidding myself if I genuinely thought I was ever gunna' stop doin' this 'ere blog...cheers and laters...