Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND
"" AND
Howdy dear globular availees...("globular"?-Ed)...yeah, from all over the globe...(I think you mean 'global'-Ed)...ummm...(yeah, "globular" means like 'moist lumps of stuff', ya' know? like ummm, 'he found globular chunks of oily gunk in the drain', yeah?-Ed)...well, okay, but you don't know, maybe 'moist lumps of stuff' accurately describes some availees...(oh super, way to win friends and influence people-Ed)...well I mean obviously not the dear availee actually reading this right now...(no?-Ed), they're obviously a person of great intellect, a discerning consumer of high-brow socio-political discourse with impeccable personal hygiene...(riiight-Ed)...and I won't have you putting them down like that...(me??!! you're the one calling them "globular"-Ed)...ignore him dear availees in Egypt, Germany, Ukraine, and South Africa and everywhere else...there's been yet another major development in the whole Mt Gambier Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre debasco (debacle meets fiasco), so I'm gunna' shunt it yet again, but only until tomorrow, promise...(strewth mate, what is it now?-Ed)...oh, nothing much, just Council admitting that there's issues with design and increased costs, etc...(oh, so only minor stuff like the design and cost?-Ed)...your facetious frenzy of scything sarcasm is both noted and appreciated...('ta-Ed)...what are mates for...
Just a very quick point to be made about these ever more numerous 'under-payments' of hospitality workers...(do you mean this stuff about Masterchef's George Calombaris ripping-off his workers to the tune of $8million?-Ed)...indeed, and he ain't Robinson Crusoe either, Neil Perry is also in the same frame, being sued by a former employee and potentially owing more than George to 100s of employees...(nice-Ed)...and George is gettin' a well-earned bollocking, with people calling for him to be sacked from Masterchef...(well in breaking news, he's been dumped as 'the face' of a major West Australian Tourism campaign-Ed)...thoroughly deserved...(and oops, now it's being reported that all 3 Masterchef judges will "not return" next season-Ed)...really, is it related to this payment stuff...(dunno', possibly, officially it's about "failed pay negotiations", but doesn't say specifically that this other stuff ain't part of it-Ed)...fascinating...don't watch it myself, can't stand the pretentious carry-on, etc, but this is apparently one of Australia's top-rating programs, so it's a huge surprise to see all 3 'stars' go at once...(yeah, it's also a confronting insight into how many employers treat people in the hospitality industry, and unfortunately in many other industries as well-Ed)...indeed, not all employers and/or industries, but certainly many...(mmm, but what is the 'quick point' you wanted to make?-Ed)...ah yes...
I've heard some 'restauranteurs' effectively excusing this culture of under-payment by complaining about and/or blaming the complexity of the Penalty Rates system...(oh yeah, so these are apparently inevitable accidents, not malicious greed?-Ed)...allegedly...(well I've gotta' coupla things to say about that-Ed)..thought you might, fire away...(well, 1) the widely reported mistreatment of workers, the threats, bullying, and/or harassment, etc, that stuff ain't no 'accident'-Ed)...excellent point...(but even more damning, in my humble opinion, is that these payment errors never seem to fall in the favour of the workers-Ed)...oh Ed, I do so love your work, said it before, sometimes you don't so much hit the nail fair on the head, as drive it clean through the plank...(your praise is appreciated, but again, I think it's just another case of us doin' what we do best, namely, pointin' out the bleedin' obvious-Ed)...and sometimes that's exactly what's needed, sometimes it's the most obvious that remains obscure until revealed, then bathes all about in a blaze of the purest truth, reality...(fair enough-Ed)...and now this... Praisin' Myself Up Bigtime:...because just earlier this arvo', whilst returning home from the gym and shopping, I noticed that a home down in the next street, Buronga Ave, was in danger of being inundated...(so you left the house today then?-Ed)...well yes, I try to every day, even if it's just gym and shopping and home, or even just one of those then home, whatevs, that's not what I was on about here...(well I get it that the whole Agoraphobia/Depression stuff can be incredibly debilitating, but I'm not sure that you get to 'big-up' ya'self just for leaving the house-Ed)...well actually, some days that is exactly a small victory in-and-of-itself, but I was referring to the 'inundation' bit...("inundation"?-Ed)...yeah, a sudden influx of something, usually overwhelming, and usually referring to water and the threat of flooding, etc...(ah, you mean like when the Census Website crashed because it was 'inundated' by an overwhelming number of submissions?-Ed)...a perfect example Ed, but in this situation we're goin' old school with a good ol' biblical reference of actual liquid overload...(phew, all this learnin' 'bout words and stuff, I find it all quite draining-Ed)...indeed, but unfortunately the water wasn't...(whaaa?-Ed)...draining, the water wasn't draining...(oh nice one man-Ed)...cheers...
The clearly blocked drain...("clearly blocked", really? how can a drain be 'clear' but also 'blocked'?-Ed)...well now you're just being pedantic...the obviously blocked drain, meant that all the water running to that lowest point in the street was backing-up onto the road and over the gutter and into someone's front yard and was just starting to lap against their home...I stopped to knock and let them know, but there was no answer...I came home, rang the State Emergency Service, and started to make a coffee, etc, when I just had the dis-ease that there was something more I should do perhaps...(well mate, how much more could you do?-Ed)...well, I could do what I did, the exact same thing I've done several times in this street over recent years when the gutters have been blocked with bark and shizzle and water's running down my neighbour's driveway, etc...(and that is?-Ed)...I grabbed my trusty ol' yard broom, travel-mugged my coffee, and drove back down there...and good thing I did...due to the ongoing deluge, the gutter's were running hard and deep, and the water on the road had reached a 'critical mass' such that the incoming water was gettin' diverted straight onto the house's front yard...(strewth! what happened next?-Ed)...this...
Water was already several inches deep across the yard, inches deep up against the corner of the house, and now lapping onto the front porch...another inch or two and water was going to start goin' over the small step and under the front door...(oh no!-Ed)...water was also running across the drive, through the side-fence and into the backyard...there was nothing I could do to stop or divert the mini-torrent, and the SES weren't there yet, so I started sweeping water from the porch sideways across the driveway...despite my sweeping, the water crept across the porch and up to the house proper, another inch and it was going under the door...(oh my goodness! the drama!-Ed)...then the rain backed-off a fraction, and it seemed that I was actually stopping any further encroachment, and soon my sweeping was rewarded by a minor retreat of the water, albeit only by a foot or so...(yay-Ed)...I went to the car, took a coupla' photos, and therefore fortunately happened to have my phone in hand when the SES called me, they were at the wrong address in an adjacent street...they soon arrived and started sand-bagging and I think they rang the Mt Gambier City Council or whoevs about the drain...I was wet and cold, so I left, and came home to a fresh coffee and hot shower...(well done sir-Ed)...cheers...
And I ain't just writing about this because it will undoubtedly royally piss-off my 'critics', particularly those associated with MGCC...(that's just a cheery cherry on the soggy cake that someone left out in the rain?-Ed)...exactly, and didn't even occur to me initially, although it did cross my mind mid-sweep, but no, I just want to give a big soggy shout-out to the sort of society I wanna' be part of...(you mean one where a drippy hippy can, by simply involving themselves, can potentially prevent some poor prick comin' home to soddin' sodden carpets and gourd knows what else sortta' costly mini-catastrophe?-Ed)...exactly, hopefully, hopefully the SES managed to sort it out...and that right there's the broader point I'm making here, namely, that I could simply just ring someone and they showed-up in the pissing rain to help...(absolutely, king-size kudos to the SES brigades and all the other similar peeps, often volunteers, who routinely go out into this sortta' tumultuous tempest to help others-Ed)...absolutely, kudos one and all...I'm particularly grateful to those in the Country Fire Service and their ilk, 'cos I've done some very limited fire-fighting stuff with the SA Parks people at Cleland Reserve...(do you realise that that was nearly 30 years ago now?-Ed)...I know, anyhoos, it was only small controlled burn-offs, but it was still mildly terrifying...cheers to you one and all...
And today's sweepy episode follows-on from yesterday late arvo' when I happened to be on Bay Rd, as was a black calf of reasonable size...(look out!-Ed)...indeed, only a calf but it was more than big enough to do major damage, even if it was in the 60kph zone right near the Italia Club...some dude was already stopped on the side of the road, Southbound, with his hazard flashers going, and I stopped on my side, City-bound, and put my flashers on...several other cars stopped to help, and one of them helped the dude shut the calf in someone's backyard, whom the dude happened to know and had called, etc,, a coupla' knuckleheads just drove through at 60kph, which is a really dangerous and stupid thing to do on a very dark arvo with heavy rain with several cars stopped there with lights flashing, clearly something is amiss, etc, but the point here is that most slowed right down, several pulled-over to help, etc, etc, and the calf was coralled without incident...(yeeha!-Ed)...and here again, it's not about me, I'm referencing this as an example of what simple things people can and often will do to help others...(cheers to y'all-Ed)...absolutely, and that's the society that I wanna' believe in, that I wanna' believe that we can be, that I do see us as being capable of...
And I've done this very quick and predominantly positive post for exactly that's not just for my own Mental Health, it's because even I recognise and acknowledge that we here at TMGI tend to spend a goodly amount of our time and energy railing against corruption and inequality and delving into necessarily unpleasant territory, so it's nice for me personally to be able to do some nice stuff for others, relatively anonymously and without reward, etc, but it's even better for all concerned, including you's dear availees, when we can all take a few brief minutes to ponder the positiveness of relatively simple gestures and share in that...having said that, unfortunately it ain't gunna' last...(well, the occasional digression is perfectly appropriate, and indeed quite healthy, but there's shenanigans afoot and someone needs to put the literal boot in-Ed)...and that someone is us...(spot on-Ed)...hence...
Tomorrow: What The FARC Really Means For Mt Gambier
As I said earlier, even just today The Border Watch is front-paging MGCC's latest 'issues' with the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...(here we go dear Ratepayers-Ed)...indeed, and it's just the latest 'issues' following on from all of the other shenanigans that have taken us unwittingly to's a litany of lies, deceits and cynical manipulations based on false premises and fraudulent accounting...(can I do the joke about 'so what's the problem because that's playing to MGCC's well-defined strengths'?', can I do that joke?-Ed)...yep, it's the joke that just keeps on giving, but is unfortunately mired in a fathomless quagmire of truths...tomorrow dear availees...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees in Iraq, India, Germany, and the USofA...welcome to a post mostly devoted to the above stated article...(as provided below-Ed)...indeed, but there's a coupla' things I'd just like to pick-off before we get stuck into that...(well it is your blog I s'pose, you can post what you want-Ed)...well, within reason, but don't forget that we've had a heap of posts made "unavailable" by The Googles after various and often anonymous stooges have Defamation Threatened them (Google)...(you mean like 'lawyer' Bill DeGaris who has repeatedly bleated to The Googles about our alleged and supposed 'Defamations', and has repeatedly tried to threaten you personally, etc-Ed) those farcical Defamation Threat Letters from April 2018, as covered in our posts of that time...(oh yeah, hilariously incompetent Threat Letters from a rancidly corrupt betrayer claiming that, 'we're gunna' sue you stupid buddy', and then when you wrote back saying, 'let us to be getting together to sort it all out and officially record everything', he responded, 'not gunna' meet with ya' and not gunna' sue ya' 'cos ya' got no money'-Ed)...indeed, then threatening to attack this 'ere blog via 'other means'...(what a sorry joke, threatens 'sueing' you, then when you throw that back in his face, he tries to run away from it-Ed), Bill DeGaris, are a betrayer and a coward and a liar...
And having proven all that repeatedly via this 'ere blog...(not least of all by using his own Threat Letters-Ed)...indeed, I again speak directly to The Googles about the way you's are being manipulated by corrupt stooges like DeGaris, manipulated into being complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(complicit like Billy is, and former SA Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, the SA Parliament in it's virtual entirety, and SAPol (police), and the Education Dept, and the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...well quite, and in that context it's hardly surprising that The Googles would react in the ways that they have, frequently 'removing' post content and replacing it with "Post Unavailable", but I do not understand why, 1) I am not receiving any Removal Notifications from Google, 2) why Google removes these posts even though the 'Complainants' haven't followed Google's own directions to contact The Blogger first and try to sort stuff out, etc...(which only highlights the gross inappropriateness of DeGaris' actions in repeatedly threatening you but refusing to meet you to resolve matters-Ed)...exactly, and 3) what happened to those posts that were completely deleted from within the 'Draft Section' of this 'ere blog...
I understand that The Googles have 'Legal Obligations re Defamation' that they have to comply with, but I do not understand how that relates to, 1) my posts being removed without me being notified, and 2) why The Googles have not responded to my notification/requests for info about the posts that were deleted from within the blog itself, indicating potential 'hacking' of Google's 'Blogspot Site'...(I thought you said it was highly likely SAPol was using your laptop, 'seized' when they raided your home on 8th May 2014, using that to gain access to the blog's internals?-Ed)...indeed I did, and I refer back to the bizarre timing of Bill DeGaris claiming responsibility for the disappearance of those posts, as identified in those written threats to 'get' this 'ere blog...(oh yeah, when you posted about SAPol being in the frame, etc, and Billy suddenly wrote to you claiming responsibility, etc-Ed)...indeed, all covered in those posts from April 2018...and I'm deliberately re-visiting DeGaris's specific behaviours relating to his vacuous Defamation Threat Letters because it is critically relevant to the attached article about the Morrison Jazz Academy...(how so?-Ed)...because our mate Billy has repeatedly Threat Lettered the author of this article, Ms Matilda Duncan, on behalf of his client Graham Lyall...(and threatened her friends, and the New Matilda website who were covering her personal story, etc-Ed)...indeed, and we've covered this stuff several times, including where New Matilda and Ms Duncan were also directly threatened by the SA District Court, etc, so I yet again refer dear availees to those posts and/or the NM website...
But to just quickly digress, I'd like to cover a coupla' issues, starting with the ongoing Institutionalised Corruption that defines the Morrison Liberal government, from the Murray-Darling Water issues, through the Paladin contracts, the Barrier Reef Foundation funding, the Joyce/Campion jobs scandal, the Home Affairs Minister Peter 'The Spud' Dutton's Child Care profitting, etc, etc, etc...there are a litany of 'corrupt' issues that demonstrate the vast gulf of non-accountability between the actions of LNP members and their mates and/or supporters, and what is being done to everyone else...(are you talking about the extraordinarily Fascist politicising of the Australian Federal Police, as evidenced by these media raids, etc?-Ed)...exactly, the AFP doesn't look at multiple 'Departmental Leaks' that benefit LNP Members, eg, the Cash/Union Raid Leaks and the Medevac Leaks, etc, or any of these bizarrely corrupt 'Contracts', but they're going all-out to attack journos and 'Whislteblowers' who expose government dysfunction and/or criminality, etc...only this week Herr Spuddo was literally spittin' chips in that thin-lipped and hate-fueled manner that he does, about how journos would be investigated and potentially charged for exposing 'secrets' is widely reported that literally every document that goes through Cabinet and/or Parliament is getting stamped 'Secret', including ridiculous things like innocuous routine 'furniture requests', etc, with a view to 'Criminalising' and therefore completely silencing any discussion/exposure of anything that happens within government...
Meanwhile, here in South Australia, I dead-set fell off my bleedin' chair to see Opposition Labor's Tom 'Speedy' Koutsontonis mouthing-off about how there needs to be a formal inquiry into ICAC-based allegations of inappropriate conduct re the Yatala Gaol $150million refurbishment...(but wasn't Speedy protected by the rankly corrupt SA ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) regarding the farcically corrupt albeit ultimately failed Gillman Land Sale?-Ed)...absolutely he was, and whilst he, Speedy, was in government too...(and then of course there was the farcical ICAC investigation of the Oakden Nursing Home Scandal-Ed)...amongst other farcical ICAC pseudo-investigations, and I ain't seein' any Parliamentary Inquiries instigated by Labor into that stuff...oh, and 'Speedy' because Tommy was appointed Road Safety Minister, but then quit that position in 2009 after it was reported that he was subject to 30+ traffic fines, predominantly for Speeding...(I saw it reported that it was "58 fines" across several years-Ed)...yeah, not sure, minimum 30+ totalling $10,000+, could be as many as 58, whatevs, I think the issue here is one of hypocrisy...SA ICAC, as conceived and constructed and introduced by the Rann Labor government, SA's ICAC is an act of Legislative Fascism that is designed to 'Criminalise' and suppress 'Whistleblowing' as part of it's broader brief of protecting the Institutionalised Corruption that defines South Australian Politics...
Language Warning:...(ooo, a big ol' LW at the start of a paragraph, this oughtta' be good-Ed)...well, Adam Goodes actually...(whaaa?-Ed) let's start with what a base fuckwit alleged celebrity Sam Newman truly ex-footballer who's only other claim to fame is his relentless bigotted fuckwittery, usually expressed via that luminary broadcast, The Footy Show...his signature piece was/is 'vox-popping', carefully seeking-out those with Mental Health issues, etc, and mocking them, truly a class fucking act from an A-grade fucking idiot...I recall with a genuine hatred, the sickly criminal 'interview' he did with some school girls waiting at a bus-stop, where-in he just bailed them up, then 'flirted' with them, then 'hit' on them, including asking one how old she was...(how old?-Ed)...13, to which our mate Sammy commented about how she was 'old enough', etc...(wow-Ed)...indeed, it was sick-fuckery from a sick fuck...(I'm sensing that there's more to your anger here though than just that one horrendous incident, or even his broader propensity of mocking others for the entertainment of his 'viewers'-Ed)...indeed, I'm not one prone to expletive-laden abuse and even less likely to even allude to violence let-alone commit any, etc, but I readily make an exception when it comes to good ol' Sammy...(what is it mate, what's got you so riled?-Ed)...I refer availees to the recent documentary about Adam Goodes, a fabulously talented Aboriginal footballer who was repeatedly booed by AFL crowds...
This doco includes a number of 'observations' from various bigotted and openly Rascist fuckwits like Andrew Bolt, Rita Pahani, etc, etc, all dismissing the issue of Rascism as irrelevant and/or non-evident, but it's Sam Newman who puts them all in the shade, stating that 'it's nothing to do with Racism, they're booing you because you're acting like a jerk'...(but Goodes was being racially vilified-Ed)...indeed he was...and Sammy doubled-down on that denialist fuckwittery with an embittered thin-lipped botox-puckered rant about 'Homosexuals, Boat-people (refugees), Transgender' etc, and how they all get special privilege, how they get 'their own days', and how he as a 'White Protestant heterosexual male, etc, looks forward to when he gets his own special day'...(but, but every day in Australia is White Protestant Heterosexual Male Day-Ed)...well that's my point mate, here's a pig-ignorant bigot angrily complaining about the gross inequality of how it's not all about him all of the time...(but it is, it is literally WPHMD, or Catholic Male or Jewish Male, whatevs, quite literally every day, particularly in modern Australia-Ed)...and that's what defines Sammy as an absolute fuckwit...End Language Warning...and I remind dear availees of how it was explained to me by a Centrelink staffer over a decade ago, when explaining why they were having trouble with my personal situation and how/where I fit into the Welfare System...and I quote, 'you present as a reasonably able, reasonably sane White Man so you don't
fit into the Welfare System because, as such, literally all of society is geared to cater
to your wants and needs, and we (Centrelink) are here for those disenfranchised from that White Male mainstream, namely single mums, people with Mental and/or Physical disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, etc'...
I watched what I could of that doco, but found myself repeatedly switching channel because I was just too embarrassed to be involved with that relentless White Privilege Bigotry...having said that, I urge dear availees to watch the doco The Final Quarter for ya'selves, see for ya'selves what was really happening and why that is something that all Australians should oppose and confront, and that includes that ffffool Sam Newman...if you see him in the street, particularly if you're a man, hit on him even if you're not gay, because 1) he's set the standard of what it's okay to do to strangers in the street, and 2) he'll absolutely hate it...and 3) whilst you'd have a better chance of teaching Shakespeare to a bowl of cold lasagne, explain to him his bigotry and ignorance...make Oz a better place, get in Sammy's know it makes sense...
Now, to today's actual topic, the attached article (below) by Matilda Duncan, as copied from the Independent Australia website...only last week (Wednesday???) I found myself scratching my rather large and woolly head, somewhat bemused to hear James Morrison being interviewed on ABC Radio South East about the relatively low student numbers at the Morrison Jazz Academy...James was spruiking the positives of having only 70 students (approx), stating that they (MJA) had ascertained that this was the ideal number they could/should deal with, thusly allowing MJA to provide appropriate student/teacher contact time...more students apparently compromised that quality of service provision, etc...(but I thought he was sayin' a coupla' years back that there'd be 200 students-Ed)...indeed, by next year in fact, and I believe that that's what's in this article, so I'll let Ms Duncan explain...(hang on, if that IA article was published 30th June 2019?-Ed)...yeahhhhhhsss...(and the ABC Morrison interview was last week sometime, about 2 weeks later?-Ed)...yeahhhhhsss...(well, that's a bit of a coincidence don't you think?-Ed)...I don't think there's any coincidence at all...(ahhh, you implying that the article prompted the interview?-Ed) implying? and you're questions aren't facetiously rhetorical?...(fair call-Ed)...well, we've taken up enough time and space with our belligerent belly-aching, so, dear availees, enough of us and here 'tis this...***
Failing: Music Academy falling short of Government-mandated enrolments
James Morrison (image by Addavideo via Wikimedia Commons)There are serious questions to be raised about the operation of the James Morrison Academy of Music, writes Matilda Duncan.
WHEN THE OPENING of the James Morrison Academy of Music at the University of South Australia (UniSA) was announced in October 2014, Jay Weatherill, then the Premier of South Australia, was quick to publicly predict a large student body. “Once
[the Academy is] established, Mr Morrison is forecasting an annual
intake of 70 students building to a potential student body of up to 200
students by 2020," Weatherill said.
The James Morrison Academy of Music was awarded $500,000
by the State Government of South Australia to enable its opening and
the offering of a Diploma of Music to students, as announced in October
2014. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) records show the Academy is a for-profit business, owned privately by James Morrison.
The State Government funding awarded to the James Morrison Academy
came after closures of VET music courses elsewhere in South Australia,
for instance at the TAFE Noarlunga campus. This affects students in
Adelaide's southern suburbs and at the University of Adelaide.
After four years in operation, student numbers at the James Morrison
Academy of Music have shifted little from the initial 50 that were
enrolled when the Academy opened in March 2015.
A post on the University of South Australia Mount Gambier Campus Facebook page showed just 15
new James Morrison Academy of Music students attending Orientation Week
earlier this year. UniSA would not confirm new enrolment numbers in
2019, stating instead: "There are currently around 60 students enrolled in UniSA programs offered through JMA".
Conditions for the $500,000 government grant were outlined in a
contract established between the James Morrison Academy of Music Pty Ltd
and the SA State Government, drafted after the announcement of the
funding in October 2014.
That contract,
released under Freedom of Information (FOI) laws, shows that special
conditions were placed on the funding, including James Morrison meeting
targets for student numbers.
Other requirements were that Morrison managed the Academy:
[in a] competent and professional manner ... [devoting] sufficient
time and attention to personally teaching students of the Academy, as
well as participating in the ongoing management and promotion of the
Academy, to the extent reasonably necessary to ensure that [he] is able to attract and retain a sustainable number of students on the basis of [his] reputation.
Despite the Premier's 2014 projections, the State Government set low
expectations for student numbers in the contract that would have
required a sudden influx of 100 students between 2019 and 2020 to reach a
cohort of 200 students at the Academy by 2020.
Special conditions in the contract required the Academy to meet or
exceed student number targets of 70 students in 2017, 80 students in
2018, and 100 students in 2019. Despite public announcements
that the James Morrison Academy would be opening with 50 students in
2015, the Government's contractual target was just 30 students in 2015,
increasing to 50 in 2016.
A spokesperson for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
would not comment on what actions the Government had taken to evaluate
whether James Morrison had met the conditions of the contract, stating
only that the funding agreement "is evaluated in line with its terms and conditions".
The funding period for the contract ends on June 30, 2019, at which point the James Morrison Academy must provide a "report on the level of any unexpended funding"
and repay any unexpended funds to the Government — unless the company
receives written approval from the SA Arts Minister advising that they
can retain the money.
The James Morrison Academy has maintained unexpectedly low student
numbers despite an email suggesting an incident of the Academy straying
from usual university admission practices.
An October 2014 email appear to show Judi Morrison, James Morrison's
wife, offering a prospective student full admission to the Academy
outside of usual application processes required of other prospective
The email, seen by Independent Australia, is signed with
Judi Morrison's name from a James Morrison Academy email address,
showing an immediate offer of acceptance to the Academy being made,
despite the prospective student not having undergone any audition
It stated:
Thank you for your interest in attending the James Morrison Academy of Music.
Normally the next step in the process would be to arrange an
audition, however both James and Graeme Lyall (Director of Studies) have
heard you play and have decided an audition is not necessary in your
case. You will find attached a letter of offer.
The young musician did not accept the offer to study at the Academy.
They have stated that in the years that have since passed, the offer has
struck them as unusual as they were unsure of how James Morrison
Academy staff could have had evidence of their musical ability.
They told IA:
I hadn't posted anything [online] of myself playing in 2014 ... the only way [James Morrison Academy staff]
could have heard me was in person, but I don’t know where or when they
would have done that. It think I would have been aware if they were in
the audience at a gig I was playing due to their fame.
The James Morrison Academy of Music did not respond to a request for comment.
***...not included here are several 'Tweets' that didn't paste/copy across, so I refer y'all dear availees to the Independent Australia website for the full bizzo'...(there are also 2 other articles by the same author on the IA site, both about Sexual Assault On Campus and Institutional Responses, or rather the lack of responses, etc-Ed)...indeed, they are all well worth a read...
Tomorrow: (If You Say The FARC Thingy, Again, I'm Gunna' Scream-Ed)
Ummmm, derrrrr, wellllll...(I'll do it! just watch me!-Ed)...wellll, I just thought this stuff was important...(and it is-Ed)...and very relevant given the ABC's Morrison interview...(sure-Ed)...the FARC stuff is an ongoing deceit-riddled debasco (debacle meets fiasco)...(and again, it is-Ed) I was kinda' hoping that ya' might cut me a bitta' slack, ya' know...(hmmm, alright, but I'm screaming on the inside, believe me-Ed)...I believe you, really I do, so how's about this, instead of 'Tomorrow' being 6-7 days away, what if we, you and I, we'll do the FARC stuff actually tomorrow...(wellllll-Ed)'s Friday, tomorrow's gunna' be a rainy Saturday, perfect day for posting...(mmm, okay, okay-Ed)...sweet...(I'm particularly keen to address this latest farcical nonsense from Council about how they're gunna' "agree to keep hub talks in open"-Ed)...yeah, I know mate, deceit upon denial upon delusion...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees in Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, and here in dear ol' Oz...and it's a big ol' TMGI OMG about the FARC, where to actually begin...(how's about at the beginning?-Ed)...fair enough...(and not before time either, you've been promising this for months-Ed)...sure, and every few weeks it takes another twisted turn, but the reality is that the FARC has apparently been approved by Mt Gambier City Council, and supposedly funded by MGCC, therefore Ratepayers, and the SA and Federal governments, and is therefore an irretrievable inevitability that this 'ere li'l blog ain't gunna' stop/challenge...(mmm, unfortunately I agree, it's a done deal as dirty as any other we've witnessed from the rankly corrupt MGCC-Ed)...absolutely it is, as we shall discuss/prove shortly...(shortly?-Ed)...ahhh, yeah, just quickly I'd like to do one paragraph about the previous post...(well, so long as it's only one, today we're all about the FARC-Ed)...and again, fair enough...
Pre-Emptive Post seems only responsible to inform y'alls that we never actually quite get to the FARC stuff...(orrrrrrrr!, no FARC? no fair-Ed)...well, just for you Ed, I've chucked-in a coupla' teaser paragraphs part-way through...(I'm not happy 'bout this-Ed)...fair enough, but you know how it goes, I get on a tangent and off I go...(is this tangent particularly relevant to recent posts?-Ed)...absolutely...(well, I s'pose, alright then, let's do it-Ed)...actually, it's already done, that's why this is a PEPS, but cheers anyway...
Just referring to the previous post about my Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the hands of SA's ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) and SAPol (police) and the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions), etc, as evidenced by my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' (February 2014-???) and SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raiding my home in May 2014, etc, the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 changes to the ICAC Act 2012 that allowed for me to be prosecuted retrospectively, etc, and my subsequent 3years+ of "bizarre trial" where-in I proved "Malicious Prosecution" only to have that ignored, etc, etc, etc, all that stuff, but I forgot to mention a coupla' critical points...(namely?-Ed)...the many times Magistrate Ian White threatened me with Contempt of Court...(oh yeah, it was literally the last thing he said at the third bizarre 3-hearing 'Verdict/Conviction' hearings of February-April 2018, threatened you with more alleged CoC that he was gunna' refer to the Crown Solicitor, etc-Ed)...yeah, which led to the even more bizarre and 'anonymous' Threat Letters (April 2018) from the farcically corrupt Crown Solicitors Office...(yeah yeah, and if dear availees want to check-out that stuff, then there's all those posts from April-May 2018-Ed)...indeed, but the point to be made is that I still have Contempt of Court hanging over my head due to my inability to 'Appeal' my provably corrupt 'Conviction'...(how so?-Ed)...
Well, my 'Conviction Fine' of $540,000, was a maximum allowable fine of $30,000 for each of the 18 'Counts/Convictions'...(that is truly bizarre-Ed), that's about establishing a 'Legal Precedent' of the maximum allowable fine, with which to then threaten any other would-be 'Whistleblowers' who might consider speaking-out about the rank corruption of SA's farcical ICAC and/or any other Institutionalised Corruption in SA...(ahhh yes, by fining you the absolute maximum allowable, but then completely commuting that to 260hrs of Community Service rather than reducing the 'fine' to a more reasonable and manageable amount, eg, $1,000/'Count', thereby Magistrate White has set the Legal Precedent at $30k/Count-Ed)...exactly, thusly denying any further 'perpetrator' the legal opportunity to argue for a reduction, the precedent set is $30k/Count...(so it's not about what's appropriate or what is 'just', it's purely about threats and retribution and control all via fiscal fear-Ed)...exactly...(but how is this related to CoC?-Ed)...because, following advice and pending my eventual 'Appeal', etc, I've not done any of that 260hrs of Community Service...(none?-Ed)...none, nor have I paid any of the huge fine Magistrate White slugged me with outside of the actual 'Verdict/Conviction' hearings...(more fines?-Ed)...yeah, for Court Costs and 'Victims of Crime', $3200 approx...(waaah? what do you mean "outside of the hearings"?-Ed)...well, that wasn't mentioned in Court, I found out about it via the subsequent The Border Watch article...(TBW? well how did they know if it wasn't mentioned in Court?-Ed)...dunno' mate, whatevs, compared to the official corruptness of the "bizarre trial", it's almost irrelevant...
I remind availees that my multiple attempts to even just lodge my 'Appeal' has been officially blocked by Magistrate White and current Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, and to a lesser degree by the Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal, in that, Magistrate White refused to release to me the 'Transcripts' of my own "bizzare trial"...(well that's hardly surprising is it, given his outrageous and often borderline unhinged conduct, particularly in that last hearing Nov-Dec 2017, repeatedly threatening you and abusing you and forcing you to question an un-listed SAPol witness, and refusing your critical questioning of another ICAC/SAPol witness, and refusing you an adjournment stating 'this trial will finish this week' but then acknowledging that it would likely not finish that week, and then subpoenaing your doctor to overturn her Medical Certificate and despite her stated concerns about your "mental health", etc, then continue and conclude the "bizarre trial" in your absence, thus denying you any chance to conclude your cross examination of ICAC/SAPol witnesses, present your own single witness, or present any 'Defence Case' what-so-ever-Ed)...sure, but I was then provided the transcript for that specific hearing without requesting it, but also with some of those critical exchanges either greatly reduced or absent, which is why I have requested the actual recordings so that I might prepare my own transcripts...
And after being initially refused recording my own Court proceedings (2015-16), which I wanted to do because I was self-representing, I repeatedly requested those transcripts, or preferably the recordings, at literally every Pre-Trial Hearing and/or actual 'Trial Date', etc, upto and including Magistrate White specifically identifying the issue of "Pre-Trial transcripts" in his own 'Orders' of 19th July 2017;
"Defendant maintains his application to receive copies of all transcript in relation to pre-trial
matters. His Honour advises he will consider the application and advise parties accordingly."
...but when I confronted him in Court on 27th November 2017 about his failure to do so, Magistrate White argued that he'd never said 'pre-trial', and when I pressed further, openly berating/directing him to read his own 'Orders' right there in front of him in the Record of Proceedings, etc, he just ignored me, literally just sat there looking at me before eventually just moving on to other issues...(wow-Ed)...yep, and those same 'Orders' contain the stuff about notifying me about the SAPol witness absent on 'Sick Leave';
"Prosecution to provide an update of the witness's health via email by 8/9/17."
...which Magistrate White also ignored, despite my entreaties/berating on this topic when that witness suddenly appeared in Court (27th November 2017), before Magistrate White threatened and abused me in forcing me to question said witness despite my protestations that I was entirely unprepared for them because they were not meant to be there...
Anyhoos, the point being that I was advised to not start doing the Community Service or pay any of the fine because that could potentially compromise my 'Appeal'...(well that makes sense, if you start doing that stuff you're effectively agreeing with the 'Conviction'-Ed)...exactly, and as advised I have written repeatedly to the Corrections Service and the Fines Unit, requesting appropriate suspensions and/or extensions...(and what about the Disability Support Pension and 'Agoraphobia/Depression/Anxiety' stuff and how all that relates to spending whole days at Corrections Mt Gambier, etc?-Ed)...same thing, I repeatedly tried to resolve this via Corrections who directed me to a doctor for a 'current certificate', who refused to provide one, but Corrections insisted they (doctors) would provide one, etc, and I spent literally weeks bouncing back and forward between the last letters to Corrections and the Fines Unit, now some 7-8 months ago, those letters went unanswered and I've heard nothing since...(not even when you attended Corrections twice in May 2019 to get that 'Authorisation' to attend a medical appointment in Victoria?-Ed)...nope, nothing...some have said that this is an indication that these Authorities are acknowledging my ongoing but stalled 'Appeal' process, whilst others reckon it's just because it's all too hard to try and deal with, that I'm too much trouble to deal with, and therefore I'm just being ignored in the hope that I'll just 'go away'...
And so it has been suggested to me, or even requested of me, eg, from within my family, that I just drop it all and get on with my life...(but that's not actually possible is it?-Ed) it's not...(because despite the fact that Attorney General Chapman and Corrections and the Fines Unit, etc, are apparently ignoring you, you still have a Criminal Conviction hung 'round ya' neck, albeit a bizarrely corrupt one-Ed)...exactly, just lettin' it go and moving on, etc, is just not a viable option because I have a Criminal Record thanks to this rancidly corrupt Political Persecution...I don't have a choice because this is what has been done to just ignoring it in the same manner I'm being ignored, that simply ain't a choice I get to make...(and beyond that, there's the whole rankly corrupt intent of the SA ICAC and it's legislation and it's conduct-Ed)...well indeed...(not least of all the fundamentally undefinable 'Anti-Whistleblower' nature of the ICAC Act Section 56 that you have been 'Convicted' of breaching!-Ed)...exactly, that openly Fascist legislation must be opposed...(and who better to oppose it than someone who literally ain't got a choice, namely li'l ol' vous-Ed)...precisely, I've said it before and here 'tis again, I might be the belligerent barrel-chested bunny currently in the collective spotlights of this rancidly corrupt State, but I know I ain't the first, and doubt I'll be the last...
With all of this extraordinary Institutionalised Corruption in mind, my genuine current concern is that this 'ignoring me' is actually part of a broader strategy to try and attack me with more 'Contempt of Court' accusations some time in the near future...(ahhh, so ignore you and your 'Appeal', etc, until a certain time-frame expires, then suddenly try and prosecute/persecute you for CoC-Ed)...exactly...('ooo ooo, he hasn't done his CS or paid his fine, what a bad man, CoC! CoC!, we must make an example of him'-Ed)...yeah, something like that...(and probably try to double-down on that by throwing-in the alleged/supposed CoC stuff from November-December 2018 when SAPol repeatedly came to your house accusing you of 'breaching' those "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders-Ed)...undoubtedly, and that brings us to the other main point I wanted to re-visit...(you know, I can't see this post getting to the FARC anytime soon-Ed)...mmm, fair call, and hence that PEPS...(oh yeah-Ed)...and apologies dear availees, ummm, but here's that brief teaser...
What The FARC Means For Mt Gambier:...Mt Gambier City Council and particularly former CEO Mark McShane have lied through their teeth about the FARC, and in particular, about the 'Funding' aspect...this is not my opinion, it is a provable fact...(indeed, proven by their own conduct and public statements-Ed)...exactly, and in the process they have lumbered Mt Gambier Ratepayers with a barest minimum $15million debt, without any explanation as to where that $15m is coming from...(and that's only $15m if the project cost doesn't massively blow-out like everything else MGCC has done, eg, the Main Corner, the Library, and the largely unfinished Rail Lands debasco (debacle meets fiasco)-Ed)...precisely, how much money is gunna' get wasted or overspent or simply disappear on a $40m project when the $5m Main Corner and $5m Library both blew-out to well over $10m each?...(and we're still owing $2m on the Library 10 years after it was opened-Ed)...and the FARC already has an 8% Increase Allowance built-in to the project plan, and that's 8% on the entire $40m not just our $15 share...(well that 8% Increase Allowance is ludicrously unrealistic, particularly given how piss-poorly MGCC have botched these previous projects-Ed)...indeed, and MGCC and/or McShane have flat-out lied about this stuff or steadfastly and carefully avoided explaining it...(well either way it's a deliberate deceit of the poor pricks who'll be paying for this, namely us Ratepayers-Ed)...exactly...
And in the last coupla' weeks MGCC has now announced another $1.8m to renovate/refurbish the 50m Outdoor Pool, but not including putting a roof over it to make it usable all year, and just this week, a further $1.2m to upgrade the adjacent tennis courts...(but that's another $3m, probably end-up being $5m-$6m, where's that gunna' come from?-Ed)...well apparently it's just money and MGCC has heaps of cash and everything's just fine...(but we still owe $2m on the Library, how can everything be 'just fine'?-Ed)...nah, it's just money mate, grows on trees, falls outta' the bleedin' sky, whatevs, according to MGCC and their new CEO Mr Meddle, it's all just fine...(bollocks!-Ed)...such precise political commentary in a single word, how do you do it?...(well, I just say 'bollocks', and that seems to get the job done, every time-Ed)...hurrah!...and did I mention the $800,000-$1m that MGCC has declared it's spending over the next 2 years on the dilapidated and neglected iconic Old Rail Station on the Rail Lands...(work which should have been done as the first item of the $10m Parklands Concept Plan, as announced and launched late 2011-Ed)...well quite, and again, it's just money and everything's just fine...(do they have any idea what it is exactly they're doing, because to the casual observer, it appears that they're just chucking money they, sorry 'We' don't have, chucking money at items they are being criticised for failing to address previous-Ed)...indeed, that's exactly what it looks like...but we digress from our original subject matter for long enough...
(Strewth, call that a teaser? I call it a bludgeoning blizzard of bloated bureaucratic bungling!-Ed)...what happened to 'bollocks'?...(orrr yeah, bollocks!-Ed) I absolutely promise dear availees that we'll thoroughly dissect these issues and more in the next (tomorrow's?) issue of this 'ere blog, but back to today and the critical second point, Magistrate White's "reprehensibly vile" political application of discussed in previous posts, FIOs are incredibly serious and are predominantly about protecting vulnerable women and children from abuse/violence, or for protecting witnesses in trials, etc...Magistrate White waited until the second of the three 'Verdict/Conviction Hearings' to introduce three FIOs against me, then issued those FIOs at the final hearing, along with the associated CoC threats, etc, and issued them without a single word of justification or explanation...and these FIOs are about 'protecting' the persons involved, but it's about protecting them from the repercussions of their own actions, to protect them from being held to account for their corruption and deceits, etc...these FIOs are to silence me on certain issues, eg, one of the FIOs about a MGCC Councillor legally bans me from attending any MGCC meetings and/or functions...(or indeed any meeting/function where that person may be present-Ed)...exactly...
The second FIO effectively bans me from contacting or attending my local ABC South East (radio) office and therefore engaging in talk-back radio, etc, and the third is about a SAPol officer and is an attempt to silence me on that person's conduct in Court, etc...(the FIOs also serve to infer of you problematic behaviours, eg, violence, thusly denigrating and even slandering you in a legal and/or public sense-Ed)..exactly, to an external observer, these FIOs directly imply that the persons need to be 'physically protected from me'...(well that's what FIOs are usually for-Ed)...yep, that's what I said before, and that's what I meant about '"without justification", because there has not been a single incident where I've ever touched anyone or even threatened someone or even raised my voice to them...(if anything, you're the one who's been repeatedly abused and harassed and physically threatened by multiple people from MGCC-Ed)...indeed I have, and my official written complaints have been returned to MGCC and then ignored...(and that's what I meant about "slander", because you're being publicly effectively accused of something you simply haven't done, namely, 'violence'-Ed)...yep, it's all part of discrediting and denigrating me, but it's mostly about silencing my discourse about the rank corruption of those named and others directly associated or involved...
And I know that some find it hilarious when they discuss why certain people would be hugely 'intimidated' by me...(because you're quite large and certain persons' guilt gets hold of them and they think about how they'd react if the positions were reversed, etc, and that leads them to be 'intimidated'-Ed)...exactly, it's partly my sizishness, but it's predominantly their own guilt and the issues involved, etc...but that reality aside, the legal reality is that I have 3 FIOs against me, and SAPol came to my home 6 times in November 2018 stating that I had allegedly breached the FIO against the MGCC Councillor, and then demanded that I submit to Forensic Procedures for Fingerprints and DNA Swabs, whilst repeatedly lying to me about that request/process, and all of which I questioned and contested and then that all just sort of 'went away'...(but didn't they say you were going to 'be Summonsed within 2 months'?-Ed)...yep...(and?-Ed)...nup...(nup?-Ed)...nope, nuthin' since...but also, different cops rocked-up to my doorstep on 27th December 2018 to inform me that I'd supposedly breached the FIO about "the ABC"...(but that's not about "the ABC", it's about a specific person-Ed)...that's what I said, and the cop stated very tersely, 'no, you're not allowed to discuss the ABC at all'...she then refused to provide me any paperwork or to charge me, etc, and when I asked about the 'DNA Swab stuff', she stated that it wasn't necessary because 'it's already up on the system'...(but how? but where from?-Ed)...dunno', they didn't explain...
Anyhoos, as they left, she also stated 'you'll be Summonsed in about a month'...(and?-Ed)...nope, nuthin'...(so, multiple SAPol attendances about the very serious issue of alleged multiple 'breaches of FIOs'?-Ed)...yep...(and repeated statements about being 'Summonsed within months'?-Ed)...yep...(and nothing since?-Ed)...not nuthin'...(6-8 months later?-Ed)...yeah, and as I say, it's my concern that all of this stuff will be ignored up until a certain critical point, then it'll all get flung at me as supposed proof of my ultimate bastardry...(you bastard!-Ed)...ta'...(nah, seriously, I can see why you might be a tad concerned-Ed)...indeed, I've got all that hangin' over my head and literally no way that I can see of resolving it...(mmm-Ed) exactly do I address these concerns when those ultimately responsible, eg, the Attorney General Vicki Chapman, amongst others, when these people won't even acknowledge my emails/letters/questions?...where or to whom do I go?...yet again it appears that the only vague sense of response and/or accountability and/or self-preservation that I can muster from 'Authorities' is to put it all on the public record as best I can, namely, on this 'ere blog...
(Mate, I don't call that a tangent, that right there is a deeply concerning discussion of some absolutely critical and very alarming realities-Ed)...well I appreciate your support mate...
Tomorrow: The FARC At Last
(And not before time, mate-Ed)...fair enough...but one last point about this stuff, why is Liberal AG Vicki Chapman ignoring my multiple emails/letters, including my repeated requests for those recordings/transcripts, and particularly when I have clearly outlined where her Labor predecessor li'l Johnny Rau colluded with ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander to change the ICAC Act...(the ICAC MAA 2014?-Ed)...yeah, and again, it ain't my opinion, it's all there in the official Parliamentary Record (Hansard) from September-November 2014, and those specific points/questions as originally raised in the May-July 2014 letters from my legal representatives to ICAC Comm Lander, etc...why isn't Liberal AG Chapman clammering to give her avowed enemy Labor a well-deserved hammering about how they, Labor, have handled my case and particularly about changing the ICAC Act, etc, etc?...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees in France, Germany, Korea, and Egypt....(and in 'Unknown Region', again-Ed)...yes, we're still quite popular in the good ol' 'UR' apparently...welcome y'all to another hopefully coherent rant about the appalling state of politics in Australia, and most particularly as it relates to the burgeoning Fascism of our increasingly Right Wing Parliament...(do you mean Federal or State?-Ed)...well both I guess, and it's not just here in South Australia either, there's plenty to be concerned about with other states, eg, the increasing frequency of New South Wales police conducting public 'strip searches' at places like rail stations, etc...(and of course here in SA, SAPol (police) have open-ended general 'Go Anywhere, Anytime, For Any Reason We Damn Well Feel Like' Search Warrants, as issued not by a Court but by the SAPol Commissioner, currently Grant Stephens-Ed)...indeed they do, and when one such Search Warrant was used to raid my home I had it waved in my face but was refused a copy...(was that when SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided your home on 8th May 2014?-Ed)...yep, and we'll look a bit closer at that later in this 'ere post...(fair enough-Ed)...
Just quickly acknowledging some 'Feedback' stuff...firstly, from an 'Unknown' in the 'Comments' section of this 'ere blog regarding our recent post about the SA Ombudsman Wayne Lines' farcical handling of former Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee's business dealings...(is that the stuff where Andy, shortly after meeting with his soon-to-be Winery Partner whilst on a Ratepayer funded 'official Council trip' to China, bought into that Coonawarra winery?-Ed)...that's the one...(but didn't declare on his 'Official Register of Interests', either his purchase or the relevant income?-Ed)...correct again...(and when confronted with this, initially lied about never meeting the 'partner', then 'recalled that he had', then altered his ORoI', etc?-Ed)...yep, all true...(then Mt Gambier City Council held a very publicly publicised meeting in January 2017 about 'whether or not to refer the Mayor to ICAC' (Independent Commission Against Corruption), all that stuff?-Ed)...exactly all that stuff...(and then that wound-up back with Ombudsman Lines for some reason, where-in good ol' Lino laid down the law by officially stating that Andy had 'walked a fine ethical line', but then took exactly zero shreckin' action?-Ed)...yep, and here's the related 'Comment'...
recently been made aware of this blog post. It might be worth noting
that Mr Lee
did register his interests appropriately and that is why it
wasn't mentioned. The advertiser
took a section of the register
as being the whole register. The Adv were informed of this and
the full register but refused and carried on with the story regardless.
This is how the
media works. Big stories are more important than the
truth. on
(Well that person clearly is inferring specific knowledge of the situation, but it's immediately and obviously wrong, 'cos Mayor Lee stated at the time, by way of excuse for his failures to declare, 'I didn't think I needed to declare because that business was outside of this/my Council area'-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, indeed he did...(and thusly he did alter his ORoI after the fact of exposure-Ed) on mate...(and I would further argue that, were the other assertions true about The Advertisernewspaper knowingly and therefore deliberately misreporting the 'facts', then Mayor Lee and possibly MGCC have a rock-solid case for Criminal Defamation-Ed)...furtherly well argued sir, I fully concur, indeed, that is a near-text-book definition of Criminal Defamation...(which then begs the question, why didn't that happen?-Ed)...well quite...I'd also like to point-out that I raised this issue during my 'Trial' 1st February 2017, about the open public discussion of referring to ICAC, etc, where-in that discussion/reporting and specifically the MGCC meeting were all direct 'breaches' of the exact Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012 that I was being prosecuted for...(but that's all fine, unless you're Nick Fletcher-Ed)...exactly, you couldn't get a more fundamental example of the retributional and punitive intent of prosecuting me compared with what was actually happening in the broader context...
(And how did our mate Magistrate Ian White react when presented/confronted with this gross disparity of application of the farcically undefinable section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012?-Ed)...well exactly as he reacted when presented/confronted with any number of other unpleasant realities during my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch)...(so he just ignored it then?-Ed)...yep, ignored it and plowed-on regardless...(the same as when you repeatedly caught-out SAPol Prosecutions lying, including when he identified it himself but ignored it anyway?-Ed)...yep, all that...(and when you proved that Labor Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau and ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander had changed the ICAC Act 2012 in late 2014 specifically to allow prosecuting you retrospectively?-Ed)...yeah...(and when he finally acknowledged that, admitted you'd been 'prosecuted under the wrong definition', but then said it was all "irrelevant", and 'Convicted' you anyway?-Ed)...indeed Ed, as covered/proven in a series of posts back in February-May 2018, and I invite dear availees who haven't read that stuff to go have a look...but we slightly digress...
Journalism Is Not A the catch-phrase being used in the wake of the extraordinary raids conducted by the Australian Federal Police on the home of journalist Annika Smethurst (4th June 2019), and then the Australian Broadcasting Corporation the following day (5th June 2019)...(and there were also reports of AFP warnings/threats made to other media-Ed)...well quite, and unless you've been living under a rock...(on the dark side of the Moon-Ed)...indeed, unless you've been completely isolated from the global news cycle, y'all will already be aware of these raids...(well they were reported across the planet, usually in the most critical context-Ed)...absolutely, and for good reason, because this is Fascism, there is simply no other word for it...this is the Liberal government using the AFP to attack, threaten, harass and intimidate the media and 'Whistleblowers'...(but our illustrious leader Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison has smirkingly stated that these raids were 1) nothing to do with the LNP government, and 2) actually a good thing because he loved 'to see our laws being upheld'-Ed)...yes, I saw that interview, very conveniently conducted from overseas, and that sickeningly smug smirk said everything I needed to know about the veracity of that statement of denial...
Language Warning...there was that good ol' trademark Scummo Smirk, when he's saying whatevs, telling whatevs bare-faced lie, whilst he's actually thinking 1) how clever am I, and 2) 'fuck you you moronic plebs'...End Language Warning...(yes, it is a particularly unpleasant 'Happy Clapper Smirk' he's got goin'-on there-Ed)...well certainly, there is undoubtedly that over-arching 'Sanctimonious God-Botherer' aspect to his serial smirkingness, but whatever his justification/rationale/motivation, it's just a leering, sneering, sickening display of self-infatuation and abject contempt for the electorate...(yep, there's something fundamentally 'un-trustable' about someone who smirks like that, but when it's your PM doing it, and it's in this deeply concerning context, the whole thing goes beyond mere trust and in to the realm of frightening-Ed)...and that's the whole point mate, that's exactly what this is about, scaring the sweet baby cheeses outta' journos and more specifically their sources...(well you can hardly blame them, can ya'? I mean, what 'Whistleblower' is going to go to a journo with sensitive info when it's possible even probable that that journo will then get raided, the 'Whistleblower' thusly exposed, and then both of them likely charged, not least of all via a 'secret hearing'-Ed)...and that is the absolute political intent of these raids, scare everybody into submission and silence...
(And of course then there's the remarkable timing of those raids-Ed)...well that's what I was saying about how Scummo was conveniently overseas when the raids happened...(well I was referring to the lengthy delays between those related stories and the raids, given that the Smethurst story about the deeply concerning changes to 'Federal Surveillance Powers' was first published in April 2018, and the ABC story about 'Unlawful Killings By Australian Soldiers In Afghanistan' aired in July 2017-Ed)...fair enough...(and the timing of those raids, both within 24hrs, for stories aired 12 and 24 months previous, it's a farcical joke for the AFP to claim that they're "unrelated"-Ed)...well quite, and nobody of a semi-functional disposition believes that absolute shizzle, these raids were clearly coordinated for maximum effect, it's a transparently obvious collusion between the LNP/Scummo and the AFP...(and raids conducted early in the week, therefore early in the news cycle and therefore given wide coverage for days-Ed)...good point...(where-as, it was 2 days later, late on the Friday afternoon before the long weekend, that the AFP very quietly announced they were dumping their 'investigation' into Peter 'Spud' Dutton's (the LNP's) statements about the Manus Island Medevac Bill, statements made in the Parliament and directly quoting 'leaked National Security documents'-Ed)...gourd you're good mate, that is absolutely spot on...
Long after the facts, the AFP raids the ABC and journo mid-week for maximum media exposure, then after only a few weeks of alleged action, dumps the farcically fake investigation into Spuddo/the LNP late on the Friday to avoid that exact same public/media scrutiny...(and dumped it with the ludicrous justification 'we won't ever be able to find out who leaked that'-Ed)...bollocks! hows about asking Spuddo mate? hows about asking him where he got that 'leaked' info?...(well quite-Ed)...and hows about the farcical 'AFP leaks' 1) to Michaelia Cash's office and then 2) from there to the media, that saw a swarm of journo's camped outside the Australian Worker's Union's offices waiting for the AFP to rock-up...(and that was allegedly about trying to 'seize' documents from 6-7 years previous-Ed), that was transparently about the optics of the AFP raiding a Union, and how that reflected on then Labor leader Bill Shorten...and then there's the ongoing 'Watergate' stuff with fake water buybacks, where's the AFP on that fraud...
It's an absolute joke to try and argue that these June 2019 raids are 1) independent of Government, 2) unrelated, 3) appropriate, and/or 4) not a deliberate attack on Free Speech...(yeah, but that didn't stop Scummo tryin' to get that pudgy pig airborne-Ed) it didn't, he put on his bestest smirking smock and sneeringly swung that sorry swine 'round his head, all the whilst smugly singing, 'see the li'l piggy fly, weeeee'...(nor did it stop the Acting AFP Commissioner Neil Gaughan trying to make that self-same assertion that these raids were fully independent of any government influence-Ed)...and he was just as believable as Scummo...(so not at all then-Ed)...precisely...and we add to this Political Police Action, the current 'Charges' against Richard Boyle, facing 161 years gaol for exposing rank corruption in the Australian Tax Office, and the prosecution of Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery relating to Australia (namely, former Liberal Alexander Downer) bugging the East Timor Parliament, etc, etc...(and what about those 'Twitterers' and/or bloggers who have been under attack, eg, Ronni Salt for exposing the rancid corruption of Angus Taylor (Libs) and Barnaby Joyce (Nats) and the Murray/Darling Water Buybacks Scandal known as 'Watergate'-Ed)...yep, and li'l ol' us here at TMGI...
And this is where I am the story...(well, as others have put it to you-Ed)...indeed they have, but it's a truth that sits very comfortably with me...(albeit in a context where the situation itself, and the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption that has motivated/generated it, are both deeply disturbing-Ed)...exactly, but I ain't just the story, I'm the 'Whistleblower', and the 'Activist', and the legislator, and the journo, and the media, and the lawyer...(strewth! no wonder you're so knackered-Ed)...well quite...
A very brief synopsis;
1) after attending years of Mt Gambier City Council Full Meetings, and personally witnessing the relentless litany of bare-faced corruption, the Nepotism, the Insider Trading, the Conflict of Interests, etc, etc, in August/September 2013, I witnessed multiple issues of Insider Trading, etc, with the Old Hospital Demolition, and duly reported that...(and several other issues, eg, the gross corruption with the Main Corner Project, the missing money, the rank Nepotism of giving it to Councillor Des Mutton's son, etc-Ed)...yep, all that and more, I appropriately reported that stuff to then Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler and to the Ombudsman...
2) I deliberately tried to avoid the rankly corrupt ICAC, but legislation dictates that Members and the Ombudsman, etc, have to forward any such reports to ICAC...
3) Starting October 2013, ICAC started their 'investigation' into MGCC, concluding January 2014...
4) In October 2013 I was interviewed by 2 ICAC 'investigators', a 30-40 minute interview conducted at Metro Cafe, in clear earshot of other patrons, with nothing written down or recorded...
5) In Court, I proved that the entire alleged ICAC 'investigation' of multiple Corruption issues with an entire Council (MGCC), that investigation consisted of a) the cafe chat with me, and b) a very brief chat with MGCC CEO Mark McShane, held in a corridor of the Adelaide Convention Centre, again with nothing written down or recorded...(wow-Ed)...the evidence presented in Court by ICAC (Nov 2017) totalled half a page of hand-written notes...
6) In January 2014 I received notification of ICAC's decision to take "no action" and started blogging/posting about this farcical ICAC pseudo-investigation...
From my initial reports and through-out the pseudo-investigation I was constantly 'advised' that Scetion 56 of the ICAC Act 2012 disallowed any discussion that may "tend to suggest" that someone was and/or might likely be subject to an ICAC investigation, and/or who it was had reported them, etc, etc...I constantly challenged this farcically undefinable piece of legislation for making literally any discussion of literally anything 'illegal' because it 'might possibly end-up in ICAC sometime'...I repeatedly put these concerns in writing to ICAC, this context, the 'advise' I was receiving was actually thinly-veiled threats...(as indeed is the legislation itself, an open threat to try and stop people reporting Corruption and particularly from going to the media, etc-Ed)...or for blogging about it themselves...(exactly-Ed)...
7) On Wednesday May 7th 2014, approx 1430hrs, two Adelaide-based SAPol Anti Corruption Branch detectives came to my home, initially citing issues with my blog, then including ICAC, but refusing to discuss exactly what...we arranged to meet at Mt Gambier Police Station at 0900hrs the next morning...
8) I attended MGPS (0900hrs 8th May 2014) and was taken to an 'interview room', shown a piece of ICAC legislation on a computer screen, and told, "you've done this"...I asked 'what does that mean?', and was told, "don't know, we're just here to collect evidence on behalf of the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions)...I was then told they intended to exercise a 'Search Warrant' on my home...all this happened without me having any legal representation present...
9) SAPol ACB used their open-ended 'Search Warrant' to raid my home, refusing to give me a copy, etc, and then siezed my laptop as 'evidence', photographed a coupla' documents, and then they left...I was not charged or anything else...
10) I went to the South East Community Legal Service, who twice wrote to ICAC Comm Lander asking for an explanation of the bizarre Section 56 ICAC Act 2012 (May-July 2014)...Comm Lander initially refused any responsibility, but then provided an official 'Authorisation' allowing me to speak to a lawyer, my family and/or friends, and a doctor...
I note that ICAC legislation was changed in September-November 2014 specifically in response to those SECLS letters, as we've shown on this 'ere blog, including the Hansard, etc, but equally concerning, it was again 'Amended' in 2016 to include the specific question/issue about 'being allowed to talk to a lawyer', changes that confirmed my initial question to my Legal Eagles at SECLS about whether or not they were even allowed to talk to me, a question raised by SECLS in those letters...these changes in 2016 confirm that the ICAC Act 2012 effectively criminalised even just speaking to a lawyer...(wow-Ed)...
11) SECLS also wrote to SAPol Prosecutions (July 2014), and their response (August 2014) stated 'when and if Mr Fletcher is charged', confirming that as of August 2014 I had not been charged...
12) I then heard nothing until February 2015 when I was informed, via an unrelated private phone call, that I had missed my trial date, as reported that morning in The Border 'Trial' had been started without me being 'Charged' or even Summonsed...
Rather than go into a lengthy re-visit of the entire process, all of this stuff above is covered in much greater detail through-out this 'ere blog, as is the extraordinary conduct of my "bizarre trial"...just a coupla' critical points relevant to this post, namely, when reading SAPol documents eventually provided in Court (April 2015) I discovered that I was (still am?) the sole subject of 'Operation Baritone', but in Court was unable to prove whether it was an ICAC or SAPol 'Operation', or both, and SAPol's evidence was that it had somehow just 'appeared' at an unspecified date mid-February 'Trial' was moved to Adelaide mid-2015 for 'Constitutional Law Issues', but then moved back again, 're-starting' in February 2016 with a new Magistrate...jumping from there to when my actual 'Trial' actually started in November 2016, and I proved "Malicious Prosecution" to that Magistrate, and that 'Trial' collapsed in disarray on the second morning...
Somehow that didn't count, and a new Magistrate, Ian White, was appointed and he immediately dismissed the "Malicious Prosecution", officially announcing there was no St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc...the 'Trial' re-commenced March 2017, and after multiple further delays whilst he and/or SAPol had 'health issues', my 'Trial' eventually re-re-commenced in November 2017...after 2 days of his unhinged abuse I got a Medical Certificate which he dismissed, completing my 'Trial' in my absence...(bizarre, corrupt, farcical, words just don't do it justice-Ed)...nice pun dude, but it was quite the rancidly corrupt display from Magistrate White, concluded in February-April 2018 via a series of truly bizarre video-link hearings where-in I was 'Convicted' and initially fined $540,000, and a series of Politically Motivated 'Intervention Orders' issued against me without one word of explanation/justification...again dear availee, if y'all ain't fully acquainted with this bizarre sequence of events, please to be reading the posts from that time...
In summary, ICAC and SAPol and the DPP and/or the Courts and/or the Parliament, spent over 4 years investigating and prosecuting/persecuting me, not least of all via my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', and including SAPol ACB raiding my home...then they actually changed ICAC legislation in late 2014 so as to allow prosecuting me, followed by more than 3 years of "bizarre trial', involving dozens of adjournments, 3 different Magistrates, during which I proved "Malicious Prosecution", only to have that ignored, etc, culminating in Magistrate White's bigotted and biased abuse of November/December 2017, and farcical conduct of Feb-April 2018...(and all of that for telling the truth about an ICAC pseudo-investigation of MGCC-Ed)...well, it was more about persecuting me and punishing me for this 'ere blog in it's entirety, as I proved with the "Malicious Prosecution" stuff, but sure, the ICAC stuff was the 'justification' proffered in pursuing the actual motivation, the Retribution Agenda...(fair enough-Ed)...
Compare this to how the Ombudsman/ICAC has acted regarding actual Corruption, eg, the farcical Mayor Lee exoneration...(and that MGCC pseudo-investigation-Ed)...well sure, and then there's the Pt Pirie Councillor Johnson, the bizarre goings-on at Robe Council...(that latest stuff with Grant District Mayor Richard Sage-Ed)...exactly, on and on it goes, all stuff we've covered recently...relentless and vastly costly "Malicious Prosecution" of a private citizen for telling the truth, vs, sweet bugger all...and despite the enormous personal cost to me, mentally, physically and financially, I have clearly defined and fought and fought and fought against this Institutionalised Corruption...and now we have these AFP 'raids'...(I can see how you would be fully justified in engaging in a bit of the ol' 'I Told You So'-Ed)...well that's not gunna' help, but it is fair to say that what everyone's bleating about now, I've been subjected to all of this and then some for more than 5 years now, upto and including receiving a bizarrely corrupt 'Criminal Conviction' for telling the truth... Tomorrow: The Farcical, Fraudulent, Fantabulous Aquatic Recreation Centre
(Well hurrah, the FFFARC, at last-Ed)...yeah, yeah, your cynical response is somewhat justified given the repeated but unfulfilled promises to deliver this post, but the story constantly overtakes itself so a few delays aren't exactly critical...(and it's already happening regardless, it's already a done deal, albeit a dirty, deceitful deal mired in lies and manipulation-Ed)...well quite, but it is a MGCC project so what else would you expect?...(fair point-Ed)...
And again, 15 months after the event, I am still stuck trying to 'Appeal' my 'Convictions' from my "bizarre trial", and I haven't quite given-up...(because you don't really have a choice-Ed)...indeed, but then again, where am I supposed to go with it when I've been effectively refused my own transcripts and the Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman won't even acknowledge let alone answer my multiple emails to her, etc, etc?...(sorry mate, can't help ya' with that, it's certainly a problematic conundrum at the very least, when the people you're going to to try and seek appropriate action regarding your wholly fraudulent 'Conviction', when those people are equally complicit-Ed)...exactly...
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog...(and I'm Ed, and I'm a confected literary device used to try and engage in intelligent discourse rather than belligerent lecturing-Ed)...and to set-up jokes and stuff too...(orrr yeah, all that stuff too, but the point being, I'm not actually a person, just a 'style' of writing-Ed)...and what style you have mate, couldn't do it without you...(cheers mate-Ed)...cheers ya'self big fella', and to y'all dear availees, cheers and laters...