Sunday, July 7, 2024

Is Mt Gambier City Council Trying To Destroy Tourism Here?

Howdy dear availees...can't believe it's been another month since our last post, but whatevs, we're here now, so let's go...(if I may?-Ed)...sure, fire away...(well we've still been busy, least-ways you have, over at TMGI Facebook page and with that other rather humongous issue looming over the horizon-Ed)...yes indeed, that is true, and we will eventually get to that, but that's literally The End Of The Line for that particular freight-train...(yeahhh, leaving the actual issue to one side for a moment, what's at the end of the line?-Ed)...dunno', for all I know we're The End of the Line...(oh really? I thought we were the freight-train?-Ed)...we well coould be, I just couldn't say really...(so that's the teaser then?-Ed)..."the teaser"?...(yeah, the teaser, the partial reveal, the intrigue-laced carrot you're dangling before dear availees of this 'ere blog to entice them further forward, further down the rabbit hole, as it were, the teaser is that something might happen soon about that thing-Ed)...well 3 things, firstly, dear availees are neither donkeys nor bunnies, and secondly, nobodies gettin' lured nowhere they don't wanna' go, and thirdly, yeah, it remains to be seen just exactly who's playin' what roles in this particular theatre of the absurd...

Disclaimer, sort of, because yet again I literally have Skin in the Game...(in the Cave in this instance-Ed)...indeed, 'cos more than once did I scrape my knuckles on various locks, rocks, and gravels in The Pit...(aha, nice one, 'Lock, Stock and Barrels', nice-Ed)...well spotted sir, but yeah, when I first moved to Mt Gambier in the late 1990s, a parking ticket eventually caught-up with me in the form of a Summons/Warrant/thingy...basically, I was offered the choice of several days in gaol or doing 1 day less time via Community Service...(aaand?-Ed)...aaand, thusly, I ended-up at the Lifeline warehouse, and after continuing-on as a volunteer, I was soon approached and asked if I would consider volunteering as a guide at Engelbrecht Cave...(ah yeah, 'cos Lifeline were running it aways back then, weren't they?-Ed)...indeed, and so yea and verily did it come to pass that I became a volunteer cave guide at Engelbrecht Cave nearly a quarter century ago...

(And if I may say so, you were a most excellent guide-Ed)...indeed, thanks...(hey, remember that time that couple hung-back after a tour and the lady pssst pssst to the gentleman and then he reached into his pocket, stepped forward and offered his hand shake, only to drop $20 into ya' hand?-Ed)...oh yeah...(and when you said 'thanks, there's the donations tin', he said, "no mate, that's for you, for doing what you're doing"-Ed)...yeah, it was very uplifting/affirming...(and what did you do with that $20?-Ed)...well, not to disrespect that generous couple, but when they left I dropped it in the donations tin...(and why?-Ed)...'cos that's why I was there, not for me as such, but to help fund-raise for Lifeline...(and 'cos that's just how you are-Ed)...guess so, whatevs, we digress...

At that time, a day volunteering (always solo) started by fetching the keys and cash box from Andami across the highway there at 0800-0900hrs, doing a quick 'round the external perimeter check, then down The Pit to open various padlocks/doors, check for any lighting faults/rock-falls/etc, then back-up to open and greet visitors, then do 6-8 tours a day, one an hour, including a brief movie at the end, politely encourage 'donations for Lifeline', then do the next tour...(then move your brothers' coat to a lower peg, Monty Python-style-Ed)...pretty much...including the opening/closing, it was up and down 8-10 times whilst constantly talking to groups of people, etc...(it's getting it to shut-up that's the trick-Ed)...ahaha, nice Shreck reference...I make this point specifically to illustrate 1) who I was capable of being then...I sortta' remember that person but not sure I can be that person now...(or indeed, ever again-Ed)...indeed, or ever again...also 2) that when I cut-crook about this specific issue/incident, yet again it is from a foundation of extensive knowledge gained through a lived experience, and in response to, and as seen through, the intense trauma/anger I witnessed last week...

So, in their infinite wisdom Mt Gambier City Council have decided to shut-down yet another thriving Mt Gambier Tourism Operation (MGTO), the very popular Engelbrecht Cave Tours & Cafe (ECTC)...("infinite wisdom"? I thought you said that it was one of the most moronic and basely corrupt pieces of bureaucratic bastardry you'd ever seen?-Ed)...orrr yeah, I did say that...(you went on to say, and I quote, "and that's from a pack a' moronic, base, corrupt, bureaucratic bastards who specialise in this sort of egregious bastardry"-Ed)...yeah, but "specialise" is probably the wrong word, 'cos their rancidly corrupt and community-destructive conduct is really more about the fact that they just can't do any better, MGCC are just low, selfish dullards who simply are not capable of doing any better...

And I'll leave it to Joe Average MGCC employee to evaluate themselves and where it is exactly they sit in this pantheon of self-interest and incompetence, 'cos, as per usual, it's always the relatively decent people, peeps just tryin' to do their jobs as best they can, etc, who get caught-up in the self-serving corruption of MGCC Councillors and Senior Staff...and so it is in that exact context...(you mean with your usual intense focus on not draggin' others into the quagmire of Institutionalised Corruption-Protecting Retribution as defined by your actual experience/life?-Ed)...yeah, all that...(and as done with your usual genuine politeness 'cos that's just how you are-Ed)...sure sure, whatevs... 

So I did what I had wanted to avoid, had tried to avoid, and I went to the Final Day at Engelbrecht, and oh boy...(pretty full-on?-Ed)...let's just put it this way, the abject hatred towards MGCC was not just palatable, it was widely, loudly audible...(yeah, we know what you think/say, but what were other peeps sayin'?-Ed)...very amusing I'm sure, but of course I'm talking about the other peeps who were there, the raw emotion and the discussions, etc, were entirely unavoidable...(yeah, I don't think 'Trauma' is too strong a word-Ed)...yeah, perfect, the Collective Trauma of Ms Coleman, her (now former) employees, and the many, many well-wishers was quite overwhelming...and amongst all of that, Ms Coleman and her staff were still running tours...(I doffs me hat to 'em all-Ed)...indeed, and a measure of the gaping chasm between decent people just tryin' to do there level best for the broader community, and what MGCC does...

Nobody asked me to go there, nobody asked me to be involved, the few people I approached/spoke to were politely co-operative, but the vast majority of what I know about this comes from discreetly pseudo-eavesdropping multiple conversations...("pseudo-eavesdropping"?-Ed)...yeah, well, not strictly intended or orchestrated, but more sortta' what happens when one tries to stay the shreck outta' the way but it's in a very small space and these conversations are just goin'-off around ya'...(dude, ya' just can't do things the easy way can ya'?-Ed)...yes, well, being intensely aware of and concerned with how my actions affect others, yeah, there is seldom a simple way...(fair dues-Ed)...and so it came to pass that I'd long heard everything I needed to hear to confirm my thoughts/beliefs before I had a brief chance to offer Ms Coleman my condolences, etc...

But back to the pseudo-eavesdropping...peeps just kept askin' Ms Coleman the same questions...'But why are you now closing?...'But I thought you were staying open?'...'Why isn't Council renewing your lease now?'...and various iterations there-abouts...and it was the undisguised distress/trauma in Ms Coleman's voice/demeanour, especially about the impending unemployment of her staff, and that same sense from everyone around her, it was clearly not her decision to shut-down her business...just for the record, here's what I've already posted on TMGI Facebook...(oh, and a bittuva' Language Warning for laters in this post, just so ya's know-Ed)...***

One might be forgiven for thinking that Mt Gambier City Council was acting to shutdown Tourism in Mt Gambier.
Having done their level best to destroy the world-renowned Aquifer Tours, now they've royally shafted the operators of Engelbrecht Cave, which, as of Monday (1st July 2024) is now closed to the public, with no identified re-opening date.
And MGCC's vacuous rhetoric and aligned half-arsed reportage of the issue would have y'all believe that the closure is directly related to the retirement of the operator.
From my extensive researching, it is clearly yet another case of MGCC manipulating/deceiving/gaslighting Ratepayers as nobly supported by the sycophantic courtiers that are the Mt Gambier media.
MGCC definably wanted that site closed and used the Lease Renewal or rather their refusal to renew the Lease as their convenient excuse.
At first I thought it was just another rancidly corrupt attempt to hand a thriving business to one of their family/friends, like they tried with the Golf Club, but I'm afraid the actual reality may be far, far worse.
And yes, it does directly relate to the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (Wulanda) debasco (debacle/fiasco) as indeed will every other MGCC/Ratepayer related issue for the next century.
Soon (October 2024?) MGCC is also going to 'close' the Tourism Kiosk at the Umpherston Cave, same 'excuse', the Lease runs out.
I'll do a long-form explanation on TMGI The Blog, just give me a coupla' days.

***That was posted several days ago, and actually refers to this 'ere post, but then, on Friday 5th July 2024) MGCC strapped a shark to some waterskis and jumped it over Henry Winkler...which I Facebook-ed thusly...***

Just reported on ABC SE Radio, Mt Gambier City Council is 'half-closing' the Lady Nelson Visitor Centre, and instead is going to run their main Tourism Information site outta' the Main Corner/Riddoch Art Gallery/whatevs.
And always the wholly complicit MGCC-mouthpiece, the ABC's deliberate gaslighting deceit of Mt Gambier's long-suffering Ratepayers continues unabated.
The 3 other sites mentioned, Blue Lake (Aquifer Tours), Engelbrecht & Umpherston are now apparently going to be 'Tourism Info Sites, to be referred to as "spokes".
MGCC is supposedly in the process & getting TIS staff for Engelbrecht by mid-July and October at Umpherston but I don't know where any of these jobs have been advertised.
And in the interview just played, MGCC's Barbara Cernovskis straight-out lied about MGCC's actions, completely gaslighting Ratepayers about MGCC's appalling treatment of the Engelbrecht Cave operators/employees.
"...we found ourselves in a position where Jan gave us notice."
And that's a bare-faced, straight-out lie that goes completely unchallenged.
MGCC didn't 'find' themselves anywhere, they deliberately manipulated and forced this outcome.
Barbara knows it's a lie and the ABC know it's a lie 'cos they've spoken to at least some of the same people I have.
'Engelbrecht Cave' was 100% set to continue as a thriving business and it was MGCC that ended the Lease, despite lengthy 'negotiations', and with only weeks actual notice to Jan.
And not one red cent in compensation for having her thriving business ripped away from her and destroyed.
Apologies that I haven't got to the long-form post on TMGI The Blog yet, been down with a cold/flu thingy, but now it's gunna' be extra brutal.
I'm sick and tired of being lied to.
Cheers, Nick.

***And almost like they're reacting to the furious public backlash MGCC have suddenly announced this 'Hub and Spokes' bollocks, and garnished that nonsense with blatant lies...(I don't recall this 'Hub-Spokes' thingy being mentioned a coupla' weeks back when this closure was first announced-Ed)...indeed, if it was even mentioned, it was done very quietly 'cos I didn't hear it either...and Barbara Cernovskis straight-out lied about that Engelbrecht Lease being "Jan gave us notice" and the Lease/site was 'handed back to Council' as opposed to the damning reality...(the reality that Ms Coleman, despite her extensive efforts to keep the site/business operational after her departure, instead had her hard-earned profitable business employing 4 people ripped-out from under her by a rancidly corrupt MGCC? that reality?-Ed)...yeah, that's MGCC's wholly deceitful official statement from their website...***

New visitor servicing model for Mount Gambier
04 July 2024

City of Mount Gambier Strategic Development & Visitor Economy Coordinator Amanda Stevens at Engelbrecht Cave.
City of Mount Gambier Strategic Development & Visitor Economy Coordinator Amanda Stevens at Engelbrecht Cave.

City of Mount Gambier will begin to implement a ‘hub and spoke’ visitor servicing model from mid July 2024. The concept involves a Visitor Centre Hub to be located at the main corner entrance of the Riddoch building on Commercial Street, with spoke sites at Engelbrecht Cave, Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul, the Blue Lake Welcome Centre and the Lady Nelson.

Council acknowledges that tourism has changed significantly since the Lady Nelson Visitor and Discovery Centre opened on Jubilee Highway East in 1986, and has endorsed a position to grow the city’s visitor economy by changing the way travellers experience and contribute to Mount Gambier.

“Mount Gambier’s destination appeal is strong, and the time is right to consider the long term direction for visitor servicing in our city,” General Manager City Infrastructure Barbara Cernovskis said.

This model represents a paradigm shift in the way we grow our visitor economy, one that prioritises traveller engagement with our visitor servicing team, industry connection and environmental stewardship.

“When current Engelbrecht Cave licensee Jan Coleman gave us notice that she was handing back the keys at the conclusion of her lease at the end of June, Council decided to activate this site - one of our highest visited tourism sites - as the first ‘spoke’."

The spoke site will be the first transition site of the hub and spoke model and provide cohesive storytelling, digital and physical visitor information and will be accessible to travellers seven days a week.

“Council will provide visitor servicing, tour guide experiences, Mount Gambier branded merchandise and light refreshments.”

“A business development and implementation plan will guide the roll out and we will take a phased approach to the changes at the site. This will enable us to closely measure how things are going with the new model to inform our decision making and ensure best practice,” Ms Cernovskis said.

Under the new visitor servicing plan, the Blue Lake Welcome Centre and Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul will follow as spoke sites.

“Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul Kiosk operator Julie Holdsworth will retire at the end of her lease in October, and Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul will then be included as a spoke visitor servicing site.”

“Our priority is to ensure presence of visitor servicing at Engelbrecht Cave and Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul to facilitate a smooth transition back to Council’s care and control. The Blue Lake Welcome Centre will remain a spoke site and continue to operate in its current capacity for now, with consideration to future increased activation at this site aligned with higher visitation periods.”

Changes to the service model means that the current visitor centre at the Lady Nelson site will be repurposed, aligned with the Community Land Management Plan. Council is currently preparing a call out for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to seek community activation of the site, with a view to house the city’s creative industries and/or historic collections.

View the Visitor Servicing Model FAQs.

***And that's a straight-out lie, a bare-faced...base...lie...and Barbara Cernovskis knows fact, it's not one single lie, it's a series of lies, each needed to try to justify/excuse/gaslight-explain why the other lies aren't lies, if that makes sense...(yeah yeah, lies to justify/explain further lies, etc-Ed)...“When current Engelbrecht Cave licensee Jan Coleman gave us notice that she was handing back the keys at the conclusion of her lease at the end of June, Council decided to activate this site - one of our highest visited tourism sites - as the first ‘spoke’."

As I understand it and as I'd be more than prepared to defend in any forum, preferably a very public one, the fact is that Mt Gambier City Council deceived and manipulated Ms Coleman and her employees right-up until refusing to renew the Lease and dumping Ms Coleman, her 'replacement', and those 4 employees only weeks before they were set to continue with the new operator.

There was a clearly defined and organised plan in place that ensured seamless transition from Ms Coleman to the new operator/s, ensured continuing employment, etc, and MGCC knew/know that, and deliberately stalled/rooted-about and lied and deceived until suddenly ripping-away that Lease.

In every conceivable context, if every single person I have spoken too and/or heard, if every single one of them was lying about every single thing that I have heard, then and only then does Barbaras'/MGCCs' blatant lie become the truth. 

(And yet another graphic illustration of just how pro-MGCC complicit the Mt Gambier 'media' are, this half-arsed reporting that carefully doesn't explain the exact situation, the actual facts, but disingenuously gaslights MGCC Ratepayers on behalf of MGCC-Ed)...exactly, and it's really just so far beyond sloppy, incompetent journalism, because it's deliberate...but I knew before I spoke to Ms Coleman, from the way her voice kept breaking when interviewed by the ABC and the sense of upset and guilt about making her employees suddenly un-employed, all of that...from that moment, before I had spoken to anyone, I knew that she had not made the decision to close the business, I knew already that Ms Coleman had been evicted/shutdown/whatevs by MGCC, I knew that this clearly disastrous bastardry was yet another act of treacherous fuckery by a wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...

And nobody I have spoken too and/or overheard, nothing I've read, nothing that I thought I knew and indeed now know to be true, not one single grain of truth has washed-back against the unrelenting tide of facts that make MGCCs' actions anything other than deceitful, treacherous bastardry.

I believe that Mt Gambier City Council should compensate Ms Coleman for destroying her business, compensate the incoming operator, and compensate those four employees they dumped...and I'm gunna' pull stumps here but immediately set into a second post that covers this more thoroughly...

Tomorrow: MGCC Lie To Ratepayers Like It's Their Job

Oh, and if MGCC think they're gunna' quietly try and slide one of their family/mates in there...(that was my first thought-Ed)...oowee, they will have a shrecking riot on their hands...and I can say that 'cos it ain't got nought to do with me if it does, 'cos, as we've described above, that was one angry hornets nest of anti-MGCC resentment and open, loud, frequent criticism of MGCC...

And just for the record, that vitriolic abuse about MGCC didn't come from any of the peeps I've spoken too, they were extraordinarily polite and reserved about it, clearly traumatised, etc, but still polite, I'm talkin' about the thronging crowds of predominantly li'l ol' lady-types...(yeah, it's always hilarious to hear Granny Scroggins carpet-bombing the F-word-Ed) much anger and distress and trauma...well done MGCC for bringing that into so many peoples' lives, again...

(Just before we go-Ed)...yeah?...(I was thinkin' it might be time to change the name of this 'ere blog, I mean it's been TMGI for over a decade, maybe a refreshing re-badging just to change things-up a bit?-Ed)...fair enough, any ideas?...(well I was thinking something like 'Mr Bastard Fucks Mt Gambier City Council With His Angry Words'*-Ed)...okay, I'm not hating it, but, ummm...('Fucks Council Really Hard'?-Ed)...okay, look, keep workin' on it and, ummm, we'll see, okay?...(I'll get back to ya'-Ed)...I'll be counting the moments...

(*and just for the record, that's a joke, a very angry joke sure, but a joke none-the-less...(yeah, it's the F-Bombing Nannas MGCC needs to worry about-Ed)...indeed, all we've done there is channel the energy of that closing day...*)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mt Gambier City Council Budget 2024/25 And Related Stuff

Howdy dear availees and welcome to a relatively short re-visit of a coupla' issues we've been covering over on TMGI Facebook...(and in that previous post-Ed)...ah yes, indeed, we refer dear availees to the immediate previous post re MGCC and the Apollo Football we're gunna' cover that again briefly, then secondly look at the apparently equally corrupted 'processes' relating to the 'Cellar Door' currently operating out of the old WIN TV building adjacent the Blue Lake...(and three?-Ed)...three is a doozy, MGCC's massive and in many respects catastrophic 10.2% Rates increase...(plus 40% Refuse Collection increase-Ed)...indeed, not forgetting that...(making a total Rates increase of just over 14%-Ed)...isn't that just terrific...(well it's certainly terrifying, if that's what ya' mean-Ed)...and to hear MGCC CEO Sarah Philpott tell it, 'Council have done Ratepayers a massive favour by limiting the increase'...(nooo? the CEO didn't?-Ed)...oh yes the CEO did, and continues to do...(wow-Ed)...yep, wow...

***Pardon me for interrupting myself...('selves'-Ed)...sorry what?...('selves', it's 'myselves', plural, not 'self'-Ed)...thankyou confected literary device for yet another of your sparkling contributions...(well, ya' know, it just pays to remind dear availees from time to time that I'm not a real boy, I ain't even a puppet-Ed)...great, anyhoos, this post was started several days ago, then today (11 June 2024) on the ABC SE Radio they cheerily announced that MGCC is "not renewing the leases" for Umpherston Cave Tourism Kiosk nor for the tourism enterprise at Engelbrecht Cave...the details were unclear as to why this has happened, what motivated what, etc, so I'll just have to look at it and get back to ya's...(any initial thoughts?-Ed)...oh phew, thought you'd never ask...

My immediate first reaction is that MGCC want those businesses for a family member/mate/colleague/whatevs...(would not be the first time-Ed)...indeed...(in fact, just in the last few years we've had a series almost of these very similar events-Ed)...indeed we have...(but one lady did say she was retiring-Ed)...yeah, but which precipitates which?...(ah, so you mean, is the Lease not being renewed in October, did that prompt her to retire, or effectively vice versa?-Ed)...exactly, and the other lady said 4 people are gunna' lose their jobs, so, like I said, gunna' have to look at it properly first, but we'll definitely be back to this one...***

MGCC and/or Apollo Football Club continue to claim that Apollo has a current Lease for their pitch area and clubrooms...MGCC/Apollo are apparently referring to a 'map/plan' that shows Apollo having their current pitch area and clubrooms as one 'Lease'...(along with that section of carpark between the pitch and the now dis-used tennis courts-Ed) mean that section of gazzetted road (Webb St) that runs through HCR and that Apollo use as a carpark?...(yep, that's supposedly included in these supposed 'Leases'-Ed)...but not the carpark on the Northern side of the pitch area?...(I don't know what to tell ya', but, yeah, apparently not that bit-Ed)...hang on, hang on, so it does include a section of road, but not the dedicated carpark area?...(as I say, don't know what to to tell ya', that's what MGCC/Apollo are apparently alleging/claiming-Ed)...all right, moving forward...  

We note that Apollo, supposedly operating with the official approval of MGCC to 'unlawfully' fell and then sell-off more than a dozen healthy trees in Hastings Cunningham Reserve, have taken what they want and just left a massive section of very healthy tree trunk and piles of other assorted branches/detritus lying on the ground***...(and what about Apollo clearing trees from that section of Northern carpark that isn't in their supposed 'Leases' area?-Ed)...thanking you for that excellent segue, cheers Ed...(you're welcome-Ed)...'cos as part of their general hubris and selfishness, Apollo have appropriated for themselves that carpark area, and have similarly removed several trees from along there...(what about Apollo using that area as their own personal rubbish tip, as evidenced by the huge pile of old pallets and tree litter clearly brought in from elsewhere?-Ed)...nah mate, Apollo has mates on Council don't cha' know, so it's do whatevs ya' want mate...(including illegal burn-offs in a residential area?-Ed)...dunno', I guess we'll see... 

(*** Since starting this post on June 8th, about half of that debris, eg, the massive trunk section, has been cleared but there's still some stuff piled-up, and it appears at least some of the branches etc have been dumped behind the Northern carpark area, and possibly more trees removed, which is all outside this alleged MGCC/Apollo 'Lease')

As others have noted, for years 'Apollo' bring rubbish from other sites and dump it in what is technically always a part of HCR, and, according to this alleged map/plan 'Lease', an area that is outside said 'Lease' ...(do what I want mate-Ed)...that's pretty much the attitude, yeah...(and we note that Apollo ain't Robinson Crusoe when it comes to this behaviour, other clubs do it too-Ed)...sure, and there's likely been incidents of unlawful tree removal and/or similar at other sites, etc, but it's what's happening in the Public Parkland of HCR that's illustratively infuriating...(do what I want mate-Ed)...yeah, so you've said...(say what I want mate-Ed)...yeah yeah, we get the point mate...

So, once again, on the MGCC Register Community Land Leases and Licenses, the legally requisite Register that we have been using as our source of info...(and not just 'legally requisite' to have, but legally requisite that said Register be current-Ed)...absolutely, two critical points, the RCLLL is required by law to 1) be made publicly available and 2) kept up-to-date/current...(and MGCC got half-way there, but couldn't quite get the job done-Ed)...well kudos for at least trying?...(no, no I don't think so, failing to maintain a legally requisite Public Register is just a failure-Ed)...and to our surprise, not, the RCLLL refers to a single 'Lease', now 2-years 'Expired', and specifically identifying the pitch and clubrooms area...(so, even the expired 'Lease' only refers to one area?-Ed)...yep...(so where does this 'Second Pitch Area' immediately adjacent in HCR Parkland Area, where does that 'Lease' come from?-Ed)...oh I don't know! the Boundary Pixies?! sprinkled their magic Re-zoning Dust, and with a nod and a wink and the scratching of a back, the fiddling of a knob, and the pulling of a string, th...(okay okay, I think you've made your point-Ed)...and made quite specifically to underline the fact that my cynicism about MGCC's Budget is fueled by 2 decades of not being able to believe a word they say...

MGCC Budget 2024/25 - Where to start?...(the beginning?-Ed)...sure, but when one asks how long is a piece of string, it really helps to know exactly where that piece of string starts, at least...(sure, so go from there, where are we starting 'Council Budget-wise'?-Ed)...well that's the first and compelling, omnipresent problem isn't it, where to actually start?...(ah, I see, there's ya' problem, nothing MGCC says and/or produces on any issue is reliable information 'cos MGCC just lie-Ed)...sure, but not just lie, they lie and lie and lie like their lives depended on it...(well I don't know what they're worrying about-Ed)...well indeed, 'cos the Sth Oz ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) has clearly demonstrated that they (ICAC) will protect/perpetuate/ensure MGCC corruption, upto and including spending $millions to persecute the Whistleblower who annoyingly insists on reporting said Corruption and...(ah, now, you promised, stay on task-Ed) apologies, got some 'Stuff' goin' on...(absolutely, fair dues, but today we're here for this-Ed)...indeed...

So, when trying to make informed commentary on the proposed MGCC Budget, one is immediately hamstrung by the unwavering likelihood that none of the figures provided are reliable, let-alone founded in reality...(and MGCC CEO Philpott's bizarre word-salad diatribe on ABC SE Radio on Saturday 1st June 2024 was riddled with those fanciful figures and/or calculations-Ed)...indeed it was, it seems the CEO is very much enamoured of the 'bore them to tears with bureaucratic word-salad and they'll stop listening' style of public performance...(man, that's 10 minutes of my life I'm never gettin' back!-Ed) and me both, knackers...(I particularly enjoy the way the CEO doesn't answer a question by explaining, in detail, what the question is about-Ed)...go on...(well, for example, when not answering re MGCC's woeful attitude and related gross failings re Public Transport, the CEO spent a good long while explaining what Public Transport is-Ed)...and the same with this Budget 'explanation'?...(pretty much-Ed)...right, this 'Budget' is gunna' be a Whole Post Issue', but bottomline Rates are up 10.2%, yeah?...(and it's up over 14% if you include Refuse Removal Charge, which you should-Ed)...indeed, a combined Rates Increase of just over 14%...(and to hear the CEO tell it, MGCC have done us all a massive favour, again-Ed)...well ring-a-ding-ding... 

But the real issue here is how well it illustrates just how complicit and compromised the ABC SE Radio is when it comes to protecting their mates on MGCC...(mates and husbands-Ed)...well sure, former The Border Watch editor and current MGCC Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello is Sandra's husband, but I'm sure that they both treat that deeply incestuous media/politics relationship with all the dignitas and reverance for The Law, etc, they conduct themselves with in the rest of their lives...(so not at all then?-Ed)...well I dunno', perhaps they're model citizens...(model citizens apart from the relentless self-serving protecting corruption stuff, etc?-Ed)...well that's sort of the default setting for just about every politician/journo/public servant I've ever met...but get this, this is the bit that just butters my parsnips...

Shortly after the CEO's Budget filibuster, the ABC read-out a 'message' apparently called-in by "Ray of Nararcoorte"...("Ray of Naracoorte" you say-Ed)...apparently, and Ray...(of Naracoorte"-Ed)...thankyou, "Ray of Naracoorte" was reportedly gushingly congratulatory of the wonderful CEO for explaining what a budget is and how it all works, and, apparently, quote "you've got a good one there"...(yowsers-Ed), let's assume that "Ray from Naracoorte" is a real boy...(just like me!-Ed)...sure, just like you, or a lady, whatevs, and that "Ray from Naracoorte" did ring-in and leave that quite extensive and detailed message, that all of that did actually happen, and I gotta' tell ya' I do have my doubts...(fair dues-Ed)...but all things being equal, and with all of the dis-ease and rancour in the community about this massive Rates increase, I find it very hard to believe that 1) the one and only person who called in was 2) hugely supportive of the CEO/MGCC/Budget, and 3) not even from Mt Gambier...(are you suggesting that the ABC had to go 100klicks to find someone who had something nice to say about MGCC/the CEO/the Budget?-Ed)...nice one, makes as much sense as any other explanation...

But the obvious is called that for a reason...(duh, obviously-Ed)...and the fact is that Sandra Morello is running the show at the ABC SE Radio whilst her husband Frank is a MGCC Councillor...and this is what ya' get...(and their good mate Carp Cooker ad infinitum-Ed)...sorry what?...(not "what", whom, Carp Cooker, good ol' Reef Poacher-Ed)...ah yeah, now I know who you're talkin' about, our mate Lease De-Frauder...(yeah, them and theirs', mates of MGCC, special 'permits', etc, etc, but Carp Cooker's been heavily promoted on the ABC SE Radio several times this past year-Ed)...yeah yeah, I heard 'em, ABC SE Radio is cooked from the inside-out, and nothing defines that better than Sandra Morello as 'Manager'...

And all of this ties together when trying to ascertain just exactly what is going cannot believe the source, MGCC, nor can one trust at all the reportage...I remind dear availees of the crap I copped for pointing-out that no-one had a 'Lease' or even a 'License' at HCR, and my concerns that MGCC was going to sell the land, etc, via an article that didn't research the RCLLL or contact me...but we digress...

This also relates to the 'Cellar Door' currently operating out of the WIN TV building...I cannot find any evidence that any Re-zoning has been done to allow Service of Alcohol in a Residential Zone, or that there are any relevant discussion/re-zoning applications/approvals/permits/whatevs from and/or to MGCC, etc etc, but that doesn't mean they don't exist...somewhere...probably...(and again, MGCC have a definable history of letting their mates/families/colleagues do whatevs they want re holding 'unlawful events', including with alcohol service involved-Ed)...and that's relevant to the Citizen Peeps Ratepayers of MG how exactly?...(well, for example, remember when MGCC let their colleague and close personal friends the Shearings, firstly, set-up a cafe in their driveway, serving onto the footpath, etc, but then also let them throw a li'l soiree on that footpath, of a major residential road, 30m from a very problematic intersection, without the relevant permits/approvals? remember that?-Ed)...ummm, not sure, do you have any visual aids at all, you know, just to assist my recollectionings?...(funny you should ask, I just happen to have this-Ed)...

Ahhh yeah, it's all coming back to me now...(thought it might-Ed)...this photo was taken noon-ish Friday 1st October 2021 and ya' can clearly see the marquee legs out on the road, section of road cordoned-off, etc, and local availees will recognise that being less than 30m from the very busy and very, as you say, "problematic" Wehl St South/Lake Tce West intersection...and when I contacted MGCC shortly after this photo was taken, there apparently were no permits/approvals, not that could be found anyways, and I was told someone would call me back...and they did, got a phone message the next morning to helpfully inform me that "those structures are coming down as we speak"...(so MGCC, even if they were somehow entirely previously unawares of this 'function' and therefore hadn't issued any permits/approvals, etc, at the very least they were alerted Friday lunchtime, then, either which way, allowed the 'function' to happen that night, then called you next morning like that was somehow the solution?-Ed)...if by "solution" you mean MGCC's desire to provide their standard operational but still entirely comprehensive 'Fuck You, Idiot' response, sure, it resolved everything...

And why do I whinge and moan about this so much?...firstly, I'm just sick and tired of watching low, selfish people profit while decent people struggle...soooo sick of it...but in this specific case, and as I explained in detail to the Liquor Licensing Board, who claimed that this was 'not important enough for us to look at', etc, it's the direct potential for the dodgy 'Do Whatevs Ya Want Mate, Rules Are For The Plebs' attitude of MGCC for their families/mates/colleagues, etc etc, for that attitude and resulting conduct to go so ballistically wrong for everyone else, specifically, Mt Gambier Ratepayers... (I don't know why the Liquor Licensing Board 'approves' any form of license without demanding proof of the related Council permits/approvals, most importantly, when the failure to have those Council permits/approvals immediately renders any license invalid, and therefore makes that service of alcohol unlawful/illegal-Ed)...mate, when ya' put it like that, it really does look ridiculous...(surely the first and simplest thing is to actually verify not just 'require' these basic Council permits/approvals-Ed)...absolutely...

(And what are the cascading repercussions of a license granted sight unseen of requisite Council permits/approvals but then invalidated? eg, what are the Insurance implications? who is 'legally liable' in the event of an accident/injury/pelican attack? the LLB? the Council? the operator/proprietor? -Ed)..."pelican attack", you idiot, but you're 100% spot-on, this is the exact point I made to the LLB and that they dismissed...('cos if it falls into the lap of Council, then that's Ratepayer's problem right there-Ed)...which relates back to your excellent point about the LLB not requiring proof of Council permits/approvals before granting temporary licenses...(which removes the LLB from the 'Getting Sued Pool' 'cos they'll argue they acted in good faith, etc, and dumps it back on the Councils/Ratepayers-Ed)...and that's particularly relevant to what the Shearings were allowed to do sans MGCC official permits/approvals...(because if something had gone wrong and the entire 'function' was unlawful/illegal, and MGCC knew it, the insurance companies ain't gunna' pay-up for a MGCC-approved unlawful/illegal function-Ed)...shazzam, and then it's Ratepayers who end-up paying...

And this has now reached a critical mass in a certain context, 'cos this 'Proposed Budget' appears to have MGCC's 'Liability' at 99.9%, that is, effectively, the capacity to borrow to cover costs of unforeseen emergencies...(so we, MGCC Ratepayers, we've got a 0.1% margin of error re something like another sink hole opening-up or a major plant failure at the FARC (Wulanda) or some other 'emergency funding requirement'?-Ed) a "pelican attack"? yeah, as explained to me, and I did see that some other Council's are much lower, at say 40-50%...

MGCC has borrowed-out Mt Gambier's future and sunk it all into the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (Wulanda), and flatly refuse to explain any aspect of the debasco (debacle/fiasco), and that refusal continues into this Budget...MGCC continue their deceit that the FARC only cost $64m when the reality is well North of $80m, and still refuse to explain the construction costs, nor the bizarre 'Management Structure' that has Ratepayers paying all the utilities and wages, but Belgravia paying MGCC to run it, but with some 'Secret Profit Sharing Agreement' that we also are not allowed to know the details of, etc, etc, etc, in a context where the FARC is running at a loss...(mate, I need a Bex and a good lie-down-Ed) and me both...  

Tomorrow: 22 Years Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

And in an extraordinary coincidence that reeks of Universal re-alignment, on Friday, leading into the June long weekend that marks the 22nd anniversary of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the rancidly complicit ABC South East Radio fawningly re-introduce that supposed doyen of SE journalism, our mate Stan Thompson...(maaate-Ed)...gas-lighter extraordinaire, complicit, betrayer, manipulator, rancid sack-a'-f...(okay okay, I can see where this is headed-Ed)...and can you blame me?...(well no, Stan, mate, is a shitfully complicit stooge, but I just didn't want to see you say something you might regret and/or not be able to defend-Ed)...but "shitfully complicit stooge" is okay?...(mate, absolutely-Ed) Truth is still a defence then?...

And the crowning glory?...hearing Stan, mate, praising-up that equally complicit stooge and current ABC SE Radio 'Manager' Sandra Morello...(OMG, Sandra Morello as ABC 'Manager', what a mind-numbing shizzle-show of gross incompetence and corruption both richly rewarded-Ed)...indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Mt Gambier City Council - Couldn't Lie Straight In Bed

Howdy dear availees...I know it's been many weeks between posts, again, and I've no probs admitting that I'm somewhat occupied with a massively critical re-surfacing of my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch)...I have been very politely and patiently waiting for others to address the issues they have recently 'ventilated', not least of all in State Parliament...(it says here 'Cue- release the crickets'-Ed)...yeah, it's sortta' a joke-attempt at saying 'suddenly, nothing happened'...(well why not just say that and save us all the confusion?-Ed)...I'm just doin' that thing we do where we try to dilute the harsh realities with a bit of (often forced) humour...(oh okay, I see, excellent, carry on-Ed)...cheers...where was I? ah yes, but in the meanwhilst, let us address the relentless deceits, gas-lighting, and outright lies that spew relentlessly from MGCC...(anything specific today or just a general spray of abuse?-Ed)...well today it's the usual, you know, special deals and lucrative contracts and unlawful planning decisions for Councillors families/friends/associates...(so all the usual MGCC cronyism of Nepotism, Insider Trading, Conflict of Interests, executed with the trademark Born To Rule attitude?-Ed)...yes all of that, that and so much more... 

But firstly, another quick shout-out to those whom continue to engage with me and/or provide info, etc, 'cos I said I wouldn't address any 'messages' directly (on TMGI Facebook) but I do always read anything someone sends and/or consider their alternative opinion/info/whatevs...and another big shout-out to the Mt Gambier & Districts Residents & Ratepayers Association and all involved for their efforts in providing an 'official mainstream' conduit through which citizens can petition/challenge MGCC...

In recent TMGI Facebook posts we've covered the 'unlawful' removal of healthy trees from the Hastings Cunningham Reserve Parkland area adjacent to the Apollo Football Club pitch, including healthy trees marked with "sold" before they were even felled...the various excuses/justifications produced by MGCC are transparently false, ie, "those trees dropped dangerous boughs and/or are riddled with borers"...(yes, well the lies would be a little less obvious if Apollo/MGCC hadn't been bragging about how they (Apollo) were expanding their footprint out into HCRP proper, before those trees were deemed "unsafe" and hacked down-Ed)...yes, it's a li'l bit difficult to get that billowing cloud of hubris back in the bag isn't it?...basically, Apollo want to use that bit of ground, the trees are mildly inconvenient, so Apollo have used their mates on MGCC to get what they want...(yes, indeed, and let the rules apply to those other idiots who don't have dodgy mates on MGCC to do their bidding-Ed)...exactly...

Not to say they may not exist somewhere, but I haven't been able to discover a single document/report/approval/Agenda item that supports the MGCC/Apollo statements about the condition of the trees, etc, but in the phone conversation I had with a mid-level MGCC employee (1st May 2024), he claimed he was the one that assessed the trees as "dangerous" and approved their removal, etc, and that therefore Apollo had acted with the official okey-dokes of MGCC...(but Apollo were hacking-down healthy trees in a public parkland, outside of their alleged 'Lease', and sans any sort of safety barriers or other even minimal safety measures-Ed)...yep, and when I put it to that MGCC employee about 1) Apollo's expansion boasts and 2) the lack of 'Leases/Licenses', he claimed ignorance on both issues...(so you politely explained it to him-Ed)...lest he should continue-on in said ignorance...(well we do like to at least try and help others to a better understanding of the world they're standing in-Ed)...yes we do don't we...

For some time now I...(we-Ed)...we have been tellin' folks out HCR way that they ain't got no 'Licenses' no more let-alone any actual 'Leases'...(including the BMX Club and Apollo-Ed)...yep, including them...(and why good sir, have you been scurrilously disseminating such inflammatory none-truths?-Ed)...well, firstly, because my source of info is rock-solid, and confirms that the 'No Licenses/Leases' thing is a fact...(yeah, but some clown passin' info onto you doesn't make it a fact-Ed)...sure, absolutely, but how about a legally-requisite 'Register of Interests...(a "register of Interests"? what be this wonder of which you speak?-Ed)...well in this specific case, that would be MGCC's Register of Community Land Leases and Licences...(ohhh, their legally requisite RCLLL?-Ed)...yes, the RCLLL that MGCC is legally required to maintain and make publicly available...

Ya' see dear availees, the mistake I've...(we've-Ed)...we've been making is that we went to the ultimate source of such knowledge, we've gone to the actual official legally requisite MGCC Register: Community Land Leases and Licenses...(poor, stupid, naive us, fancy thinking that MGCC's legally requisite RCLLL would be the place to go to get current data on current Leases and/or Licenses-Ed)...and there-in it says 'No Lease and/or License', as explained below...  

As we understand it, Mt Gambier City Council and/or Apollo Football Club are now publicly claiming that Apollo does have a current Lease, and not just for their pitch/clubrooms precinct, but also an additional 'Lease' for the entire North-East corner of HCRP proper...(including where those trees were hacked-down and sold-off by Apollo?-Ed)...yep, that fence-line and potentially all the trees right along that Northern boundary...(but these alleged 'Leases' apparently/seemingly include section(s?) of gazetted road but not the Northern carpark area where Apollo have also hacked-down several large trees-Ed)...well as it stands, I would not/cannot believe a single word from either MGCC or Apollo on any topic, but my opinions and/or lack of faith in MGCC, etc, that's all irrelevant...(for the facts scream themselves off of this 'ere page-Ed)...indeed they do, and not just this page...(but also the page where-in resides the MGCC RCLLL-Ed)...exactly, there-in lies the truth...

By Law:...MGCC is required to maintain and publish a current register of all Community Land Leases and Licenses, and quelle surprise, that Register is years out of date, in some cases over a decade out of date, eg, according to the MGCC Register, the Lake City Rod and Custom Club don't even have a license since 2014, and under "Renewal" it says "N/A"...(is that the clown who was mouthing-off in The Border Watch early 2023 about how great MGCC was and his club is safe, etc?-Ed) was one of the 'Car Club' dudes yeah, but I can't recall which one, either which way, none of those clubs have even a 'License'...(and don't just take our word for it, here's the link, just go to the Community Land Leases and Licenses heading in the left text box and click on that-Ed) 'tis...

For your convenience dear availee, I've copied across the section that relates to the Hastings Cunningham Reserve...please note that where it has the 'Lease/License' column, and then in the next column titled "Renewals" says "Nil" or "N/A"  ("N/A" is Not Applicable I think)...for example, the tennis club had their "Lease" renewed by 10 years upto 30th June 2016, but that has lapsed and of course the tennis club was evicted by MGCC nearly 2 years is the case right across Mt Gambier, many of the Community Clubs have only licenses, which in many cases have also lapsed with 'Nil Renewal'...anyhoos, here 'tis...  

Reidy Park Tennis Club Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Portion of Reidy Park Tennis Club Inc "Lease" 31/07/1996 30/06/2006 10 Years 31/07/2006 30/06/2016 AR11/2178
 Lions Club of Mount Gambier Inc. Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed 10 Lions Club of Mount   Gambier Inc. "Licence" 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 Nil AR11/2178[v2]
Lake City Rod & Custom Club Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed 13 Lake City Rod & Custom Club Inc "Licence" 01/01/2010 31/12/2014 Nil AR11/2449[v2]
Mount Gambier Caledonian Society Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed 4 Mount Gambier Caledonian Society "Licence" 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 N/A AR11/2178
Mount Gambier Gem Club Inc. Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed 6 Mount Gambier Gem Club Inc "Licence" 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 N/A AR11/2178
Lions Club of Mt Gambier (Gambier City) Inc. Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed 9 Lions Club of Gambier City Inc. "Licence" 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 Nil AR11/2178[v2]
Mount Gambier and District 4 WD Club Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed No. 1 Mount Gambier and District 4 WD Club Inc "Licence" 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 N/A AR11/2178
South East Street Machines Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed No. 12 South East Street Machines Inc. "Licence" 01/01/2010 31/12/2014 N/A AR11/2178
Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Lakes Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed No. 2 Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Lakes Inc "Licence" 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 N/A AR11/2178
Mount Gambier Woodturning Club Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed No. 3 Mount Gambier Woodturning Club Inc. "Licence" 01/07/2020 30/06/2025 N/A AR11/2178
Rotary Club of Mount Gambier West Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed No. 7 Rotary Club of Mount Gambier West Inc. "Licence" 01/01/2020 31/12/2022 N/A AR11/2178
Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Shed No. 8 Rotary Club of Mount Gambier Inc "Licence" 01/01/2020 31/12/2024 N/A AR11/2178
Apollo Football Club Hastings Cunningham Reserve - Soccer Field & Clubroom Apollo Soccer Club "Lease" 01/04/2017 31/03/2022 Nil AR11/2178; AR14/21474 map
Blue Lake BMX Club Inc Hastings Cunningham Reserve, 98 Shepherdson Road, Mount Gambier Blue Lake BMX Club Inc. "Lease" 01/11/2012 31/10/2022 N/A AR11/2178

The first immediately obvious point, very few if any Community Groups have any sort of "License" let-alone a legally applicable "Lease"...(well I'd have thought the first point was the difference between 'Lease' and 'License'-Ed)...fair dues, it's fairly simple, the main issue being that with a 'Lease' the leasee has specific rights to occupation including lengthy lead-time to vacate should they be ordered to do so, etc...(but with only a 'License' a group can get evicted by MGCC literally with a day's notice?-Ed)...pretty much, as a tenant with a 'Lease' you've got 'Rights', with a 'License' you got diddly-squat...(well I'm not quite up to speed on some a' them highfalutin legal terms you're usin' there, but I think I get the gist of it-Ed)...super... 

And just on the possibility that I was looking at an outdated Register or in the wrong 'Register', whatevs, I searched from scratch again today, twice, and it bought me back to the same Register copy...(in which it says Apollo Football Club - the "Lease" expired on 31st March 2022 and under "Renewal" it says "Nil"-Ed)...exactly...(so their 'Lease' expired in March 2022 and hasn't been renewed?-Ed)...not according to the legally requisite MGCC RCLLL... 

And I'm just waiting for MGCC to trot-out some lame excuse for the often decades-long gaps between the info available on the MGCC Register and the various club's current 'Lease/License' status...I'd guess the 'excuse' will be that MGCC simply haven't bothered to keep it current...(as they are legally required to do?-Ed) I understand it yes, as they are legally required to do...(so why haven't they? why haven't MGCC kept their basic, legally-required, RCLLL current?-Ed) idea mate, like we've been through, all I do know is that MGCC/Apollo are apparently claiming there is a 'Lease' but the RCLLL begs to differ...

(But hang-on, that 'Register' says the 'Lease' expired in March 2022 and there's no 'Renewal', so where's this alleged 'current Lease' come from?-Ed)...great question again, and again I've got no idea...granted maybe I just couldn't find it, but I did find this (below) on MGCC Minutes from July 2016...(so that does mention "additional license area at Hastings Cunningham Reserve" but doesn't define what/where exactly that is-Ed)...and it says both 'License' and 'Lease' and there's no mention of either being renewed in the RCLLL...(well in fact the RCLLL identifies a 'Lease' but doesn't mention 'License'-Ed)...and if it were included under 'Lease' then why is is identified separately as "additional license area?...yet again, the lack of specific information about actual areas referred to, the failure to maintain the MGCC RCLLL, and conflicting statements/allegations circulating, etc etc etc, it's literally impossible to discern just exactly what the shreck is's the Minutes thingy...

Leasing - Apollo Soccer Club - Licence Area - Ref. AF11/1428
Goal: Governance
Strategic Objective: Demonstrate innovative and responsive organisational governance
(a) Corporate and Community Services report No 53/2016 be received;
(b) The Apollo Soccer Club’s additional licence area at Hastings Cunningham Reserve
be continued and included with future renewals of their main clubroom and pitch lease, including permission to install bollards on the condition that public access is not to be restricted to the area when not in use by the club.

In conclusion, MGCC and/or Apollo are apparently claiming/stating that Apollo have a current 'Lease' that allows them to effectively control not just the pitch and clubroom area, but that entire North-East corner of Hastings Cunningham Reserve Parkland...I've been unable to find any evidence that any such 'Lease(s)' or even 'License(s)' exists... 

Tomorrow: We're Going To Need A Bigger Fan

What with the sheer volume of shizzle gettin' flung about the place lately...and not just as regards the extraordinary shizzle-show that has just kicked-off recently re my "bizarre trial", but also by the openly desperate MGCC...another totes hilarious pro-MGCC pantomime on the ABC SE Radio again on Saturday, with the ever-entertaining MGCC CEO Sarah Philpott eloquently gas-lighting her way through 10 mins, 10 whole bloody minutes of my life I'll never...(keep it together buddy, you've got this far and so far so good-Ed)...yep, sorry, it just gets so damningly infuriating to hear the same sweetly-worded deceits over and over and over...(oh I know mate, I know, right there with ya'-Ed)...we'll complete this li'l rant next post, but suffice to say that an angry packed gallery at Tuesday's MGCC monthly meeting didn't stop the CEO from praising herself/Council for the wonderful work they've done in stampeding Rates to a staggering 14% (total) increase...(and "Ray from Naracoorte", "Ray" apparently thought it was all just terrific, and particularly the CEO-Ed)...apparently, yes caller "Ray" did, or at least Ray's" comments that were read-out for him did...

We'll continue this issue next post 'cos it is a critically important issue when the rabidly pro-MGCC ABC SE Radio is nearly as cooked as The Ambulance Chaser...(hoohoo that's a big call-Ed)...I said nearly, but they're both wantonly complicit in protecting their mates/family on/at MGCC...(and don't ya' love it that we can just say The Ambulance Chaser and everybody knows who talkin' about-Ed)...totes hilarious I'm sure...(so hang on, not a single caller from Mt Gambier, let-alone one who was furious at the massive Rates increase and/or attended Tuesday's meeting etc?-Ed)...apparently not, not that I heard all morning anyways...(just "Ray from Naracoorte"-Ed)...just "Ray from Naracoorte"...(who thought it was all fantastic-Ed)...pretty much...(wow-Ed)...indeed, "wow"...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters

Monday, April 8, 2024

Sth Australian ICAC Comm On The Importance of Protecting Whistleblowers...I Shizzle You Not

Howdy dear availees...pardon my brief absence/break from this 'ere blog/Facebook, but about a month ago 'My Stuff' suddenly went ballistically sideways in ways I'd never anticipated and did not instigate...(yeah, it all went from 0 to 100 like real fast, and nothing to do with you specifically-Ed)...indeed, and we've all been here before, often, for example, with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, where-in us parents forced SAPol (police) involvement, then we forced Flinders Child Protection Services involvement...(and then the Teachers Registration Board, you lot forced them to get amongst it-Ed)...indeed...(and then the Parliamentary Inquiry into the TRB, an Inquiry officially justified off the back of the appalling TRB Hearing that exonerated Dorling-Ed)...and then Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan's involvement, etc etc etc, right upto and including my bizarrely and definably corrupt prosecution/persecution by ICAC/SAPol/Courts...(including where you proved "Abuse of Process" and Magistrate Anderson "recused" herself, and also proved you'd been retrospectively prosecuted under the wrong and/or no actual definition of "to publish"-Ed)...yeah it's been a zany ol' ride hasn't it...(if by "zany" you mean 'Profoundly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt', then sure, "zany"-Ed)...mmm...

Anyhoos, it's all gone kaboom! again, and whilst the sensation of impending action and even possibly resolution is not new, been here many, many times before, there's a very different sense/tone to this...(well as you said, this time it's not 'Authorities' reluctantly reacting to pressure/lobbying from you and/or other parents, this time it's someone else whom has metaphorically picked-up the ball and run with it-Ed)...and I've got to say, I'm still not entirely sure why they would choose to do that, but they have, and here we are, quietly, politely waiting...and some of the related commentary reminded me very much of some of the totes amazeballs gaslighting bile that the original/former ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander used to spew-forth, and then up-pops this gem (below) from the current ICAC Comm Ann Vanstone which I've had sittin' part-finished in 'Drafts' ...

Please be availing y'allselves of this trite piece of Institutionalised Gaslighting, where-in what was done to me by ICAC/SAPol single-handedly defines that Gaslighting...(and I'd argue that it further illustrates that either Comm Vanstone has absolutely no idea what was done to you, knows nothing about your case, etc, or, as you say, is deliberately deceiving/gaslighting-Ed)...indeed, 'cos my "bizarre trial" proves exactly what Sow Strayan 'Authorities' do to anyone who speaks-out against Corruption...(and especially against anyone who speaks-out about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile corruption of the SA Parliament/SAPol/ICAC/Courts-Ed)...indeed, SA 'Authorities' have been queuing-up to thank me and/or other parents for our commitment to protecting children and our Activism re resolution of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and when I say "thank" I of course mean Attack, Harass, Threaten, Blame, Bully, Intimidate, Manipulate, Deceive, Betray, Traumatise, etc etc etc...

Anyways, read this through, and I find it helps if you choose to laugh at the vacuous deceits and relentless Reality Re-Defining Gaslighting rather than be angered by it...good luck...***   

On 21 November 2023 the Commissioner, the Hon. Ann Vanstone KC spoke at the National Public Sector Governance Forum about the importance of protecting whistleblowers. This is what she said:

In a 2022 report by Professor A J Brown and Kieran Pender entitled, Protecting Australia’s Whistleblowers: The Federal Roadmap, the importance of whistleblowers was encapsulated succinctly in this way:

Whistleblowers are a vital part of Australian democracy, playing a crucial role in the integrity and accountability of public and private institutions each and every day.

Australian research confirms it is people within organisations – the officials and employees – who really know what goes on and remain the single most important way in which wrongdoing is brought to light.

After three years as Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in this State, I’ve reached the same conclusion as to the central importance of whistleblowers in shedding light on corruption.

Even instances of corrupt conduct that we might expect to be captured by integrity processes – for example, audits designed to detect accounting anomalies – rely for their effectiveness upon people not only conducting those processes, but also reporting on the results. An audit which reveals accounting anomalies is of no value unless something is done with that information. For that audit to be effective, the right authorities must be notified of the results and informed about what those results might mean.

As the principal mechanism for the detection and exposure of past and present corrupt conduct, whistleblowers are of critical importance to the minimization and prevention of future corrupt conduct. In an environment that supports and encourages whistleblowers, many would-be corrupt actors will be deterred from ever acting corruptly (or will curtail their corrupt behaviour) because they fear – and they know – that detection is more likely, with all the consequences that follow.

Why is it that whistleblowers assume such importance? Without pretending to offer a complete or conclusive answer to this question, I suggest it may in part be because of the nature of corrupt conduct itself; that is, conduct that is hidden and secretive, and which often occurs within the corrupt actor’s sphere of control. By this, I mean that the corrupt actor exploits a system which they know intimately and to which there is limited access. Whistleblowers are often people who share knowledge of and access to this system, and so are able to recognize suspicious conduct when it occurs. And they can explain to those outside the organisation why it is suspicious.

While recognizing the centrality of whistleblowers in exposing corruption, it is also important to recognize their limitations. Even those who know and speak up about one aspect of improper conduct, may be unaware of the totality of a corrupt scheme or activity. Although whistleblowers might provide the basis upon which an investigation is commenced, it must be remembered that, how that investigation looks at the end, and the conduct that is ultimately exposed, might be quite different from the initial report. By the same token an investigation might, in the end, result in the exoneration of its subject. In neither instance should this be seen as reflecting poorly on the whistleblower. It should simply be seen as a product of the investigation process.

I referred earlier to the importance of an environment that supports and encourages whistleblowers. But what does such an environment look like? This is a complex question, and one which I don’t propose to fully address today, but I think that first and foremost it must mean that whistleblowers feel safe to come forward without fear of reprisals to themselves or their families, either inside or outside the workplace.

In my view, this is not something that can be achieved merely by legislative protections, such as those in the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 or the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2016. Those Acts protect the identity of whistleblowers and prohibit victimisation on the basis of reporting particular information. But they cannot protect whistleblowers from more general harm that may come from reporting corrupt conduct. The treatment of whistleblowers in the community and the attitude to them more broadly must also be fair and alive to the personal costs that may be associated with reporting.

In this regard, I note that recently, in this state, there has been a tendency in public figures and the media to go after whistleblowers – to suggest that they are merely acting as ‘disgruntled employees’ or ‘vexatious underlings’, or to question the veracity of their accounts. As I said in my Response to Inspector’s Review of the Investigation of John Hanlon, ‘Demonising whistleblowers is both unfair and unhelpful, and it undoubtedly has a chilling effect on those who want to speak up.’

Ultimately, of course, it is not only the individual whistleblower who suffers when statements such as these are made publicly. It is the public.  By discouraging whistleblowers, you create greater room for corrupt conduct to flourish. That can only have the effect of eroding our public institutions and damaging the public interest.

***(What, in the actual shreck, is that?-Ed)...well, in my personal experience, as a Whistleblower, eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the Institutionalised Corruption of the Mt Gambier City Council, etc etc, having been investigated by ICAC Commissioner Lander and then referred directly, personally by ICAC Comm Lander to SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch, and then prosecuted for nearly 4 years under the SA ICAC Act 2012 Sec56, not least of all including specific changes made in November 2014 to the ICAC Act Sec56, and in April 2018 finally 'Convicted' and fined $540,000, etc etc etc, as a Whistleblower ruthlessly persecuted by the ICAC in absolute collusion with SAPol and the SA Courts, after that personal experience, I would call Comm Vanstone's commentary Performative Gaslighting...

Try being a Whistleblower and see how it works out for ya'...and yes, I'm very, very aware of the very specific language used to try and keep me and Jo Average outside a' that definition of what constitutes a 'Whistleblower', but whether anybody likes it or not, myself included by the way, that's what I have become and that's what I do and have been doing for over 2 decades's literally got to the point where I don't know how to not do it...

"By discouraging whistleblowers, you create greater room for corrupt conduct to flourish.", just wow...ICAC and SAPol and the Courts, the 'Authorities' have demonstrated to the Lutherans and to Mt Gambier City Council that they, Lutherans and MGCC, are protected species, being effectively protected by ICAC/SAPol/Courts...note for example, the disastrous $90million+ Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (FARC - Wulanda) with all it's associated MGCC deceits and corruption and incompetence is a direct result of this ICAC Protection Racket...I reported multiple definable instances of MGCC Corruption, ICAC pretended to 'investigate', protected/exonerated MGCC, then prosecuted 'The Whistleblower', and then knowing that they're fully protected by ICAC/SAPol/Courts, MGCC embarked on the FARC... 

Tomorrow: More Sideways Ballistic Results

Apparently, quelle surprise', I'm yet again the subject of conversation in the perfumed parlours of the land as my branded hide takes another floggin' in the stocks of Public Opinion...(duuude! is that Slam Poetry?-Ed)...well no, it's an attempt at poetry that's about gettin' slammed...(nice-Ed)...regular availees will appreciate that when I say "it's been a very, very long month" then that's exactly what it has been...and when I say some of my stuff has gone absolutely sideways ballistic, completely outta' the blue, wasn't me, I mean, of course it's all about 'me', obviously, but I didn't instigate this what's happening now...I'm absolutely serious though about how my name has been 'officially' bandied about, on the public record and that I choose to 'keep my powder dry' despite the repeated denigration...

When I relate this ICAC shizzle to Jo Average the Peep on the Street, they inevitably ask of me...("sorry, who are you?"-Ed)...nice one, but no, more often they say..."hey pal, don't we have like, Freedom of Speech and that, in this, the Lucky Country?"...and I says to 'em I says, "give it a try Jo, buddy, pal, mate, give it a go and see just exactly how that works out for ya'"...and then we all laugh 'cos we all know that any Labor/LNP politician and/or person in 'Authority' who talks it up big about 'Protecting Whistleblowers' is truly a complicit gaslighting clown... 

So one way or the other, this next week is gunna' be huge, and there's nuthin' anyone, myself included, can do to stop that...if y'all happened to hear the 0700hrs ABC South East Radio news bulletin a cpipla' weeks back, you'll have heard my name multiple times and know that one of the highest 'legal officers' in the state has publicly committed to a definably erroneous position that rips-open the gossamer veil of Accountability and Law and Truth they all espouse so vehemently, rips that away to expose the actual reality that is the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption that defines South Australia, especially the Parliament...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Dog & Cat Management Board - More Correspondence re Mt Gambier City Council Impound

Howdy dear availees and welcome to the 4th(?) post on this specific issue, and this post follows-on  from the correspondence included in that immediate previous quickly re-iterate, I became aware of issues re the Mt Gambier City Council's appalling Impound Facility and wrote to the Dog and Cat Management Board on Sunday 28th January 2024...(copy there-of in previous post-Ed)...indeed, and then completely unrelated, that Monday arvo (29th Jan) there was the near-infamous 'SAPol Respond To Animal In Distress Report' incident at the MGCC Impound...(and of course SAPol attended 'cos there is no RSPCA in Mt Gambier-Ed)...that's my understanding, certainly, and given that I still hadn't heard anything I emailed the DCMB again that Monday arvo and attached the video footage of the 'Animal in Distress' as posted to Facebook by a concerned citizen...(here's the copy of your email you asked for-Ed)...cheers, just drop it there...(here?-Ed)...right there...***

Mon, Jan 29, 2024 4:43 PM

Dear Madam/Sir,

As per my unanswered email and attached correspondence yesterday regarding Mt Gambier City Council's appalling treatment of animale especially dogs, here is some footage just taken at the MGCC Works Depot.

I asked you to act immediately this morning and clearly you have not.

MGCC have refused to respond.

SAPol are in attendance for the welfare of the animal.

You are the responsible authority, please act immediately to protect these animals.

Yours Nick Fletcher 

***And roger me with a prize-winning leek (ack BlackAdder) if the DCMB didn't get like right on it, take like totes control, and rectify the situation...(I thought you said that the DCMB are a pack a' mouth-breathing half-wits far more interested in their own precious positions of privilege and alleged influence than the welfare of animals?-Ed)...I gotta' stop tellin' you stuff, clearly...(I don't understand why you do either-Ed)...point being, the DCMB did 'respond', albeit a dismissive, deceitful response sent at 1723hrs...and here 'tis...***

W: Mt Gambier City Council Dog Mistreatment

 DEW:Dog and Cat Mngt Board

Mon, Jan 29, 2024 5:23 PM


 Dear Mr Fletcher,

Thank you for your correspondence dated Sunday 28 January and Monday 29 January.

I understand you were seeking immediate action from the Dog and Cat Management Board. Please note, the Dog and Cat Management Board do not have any powers to remove Council’s authority under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995. However, we will review the information and footage you have provided in relation to the detention facility approval and compliance with the Dog and Cat Management Act in detaining and disposing (rehoming) animals.

For immediate action, I encourage you to engage RSPCA to report urgent animal welfare concerns, as they are equipped and have the powers to respond to such concerns.

Contact - RSPCA South Australia (

Animal cruelty complaints

24-hour hotline: 1300 477 722
Alternatively, fill out our 
online cruelty report form.

Animals in emergencies

24-hour hotline: 1300 477 722
Learn more about our animal rescue team 


Ann Gee
Dog and Cat Management
81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 1047, Adelaide SA 5001

***And I was somewhat less than impressed with that 'response' so I wrote to them again the next day, Tuesday 30th January 2024...again it's pretty much self-explanatory, so, have at it...***

Ms Gee,

I refer to my correspondence to the DCMB (letter 28th January 2024 + supporting documents/letters) and Monday 29th January regarding Mt Gambier City Council's appalling treatment of animals, particularly dogs in their 'care' due to being impounded.

I also refer to my repeated but unsuccessful attempts to contact you, the DCMB, via your phone message service.

Your, the DCMB's, eventual response, received via email at 1723hrs Monday 29th January is entirely unacceptable and inappropriate.

I identified to the DCMB that MGCC were/are keeping dogs in a tin shed and as of last week also a cyclone-wire cage, both located in the asphalt carpark of their Works Depot.

You, the DCMB, already knew/know this though because it was you, the DCMB, who approved this appalling and entirely inhumane 'facility'.

As I understand it, this 'Approval' was granted 'Site Unseen', that is, the DCMB has given MGCC license to operate this 'facility' without actually seeing what it is, where it is, etc.

Is this true, and if so why, and how is this appropriate let-alone lawful?

As you, the DCMB are already aware, because you, the DCMB did it, this 'license' to hold dogs for 72 hours was retrospectively granted to MGCC after they (MGCC) were caught-out deliberately breaching their 12hr-Hold License.

How and why was this 'retrospective approval' given, and why was no action taken against MGCC for this willing breach?

This 'retrospective approval' completely contradicts your (DCMB's) denial of responsibility for the current situation in your response to me;

“...the Dog and Cat Management Board do not have any powers to remove Council’s authority under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 .”

Given what has already transpired, your, the DCMB's, denial and explanation present as a deliberate deceit.

Worse, you, the DCMB, then contradict that statement by saying that you, the DCMB,

...will review the information and footage you have provided in relation to the detention facility approval and compliance with the Dog and Cat Management Act in detaining and disposing (rehoming) animals.”

In one sentence you, the DCMB deny any and all responsibility, but next sentence then identify/define the exact responsibility/authority that the DCMB does have and that I have requested be exercised, that is, remove MGCC's 'license' to hold dogs.

I respectfully request actual answers to these questions because it must be established why this 'Approval' was given; the manner in which it was given; and to ensure that this disastrous result is never, ever repeated.

Your, the DCMB's, refusal to take responsibility for the horrendous circumstances/'facility' that you, the DCMB, have officially approved is unacceptable.

What I cannot figure-out is whether your, the DCMB's, apparent ignorance as regards the absence of the RSPCA in Mt Gambier, is a genuine ignorance or a more cynical denial of your, the DCMB's responsibilities and/or actions.

As you are aware, yesterday Monday 29th January 2024, SAPol were called to that 'facility' by a concerned member of the public, to rescue a dog in great distress.

As you, the DCMB, are aware, SAPol did attend, and they did so because there is no RSPCA in Mt Gambier.

You, the DCMB, gave MGCC official 'license' to operate this facility, you and you alone are ultimately responsible for what happens there, especially as it relates to the gross inappropriateness/dangerousness of this appalling 'facility'.

That poor dog was locked in that tin garden shed, and the moment MGCC became aware that SAPol had been called, MGCC staffer Derek Ferguson went to the 'facility' and opened the door of the locked shed.

Senior MGCC manager/staffer Jane Featherstonehaugh allegedly attended shortly after to 'inspect' and 'review the situation'.

These extraordinarily cynical actions by MGCC were intended by MGCC to deceive SAPol, the DCMB, and everyone else as to the genuine state of the 'facility'.

These appalling actions yesterday clearly define MGCC's contempt for all involved, including the DCMB and SAPol, and show exactly how cynically and deceitfully they are prepared to conduct themselves, rather than take responsibility for their disgusting decisions/behaviour.

This entire fiasco is purely economics-driven because of MGCC's gross financial mismanagement, and MGCC has acted with definable contempt for Ratepayers, our pets, and for the DCMB, SAPol, etc, but it is the DCMB who have empowered MGCC to act like this.

This 'facility' issue is literally tip-of-the-iceburg as it applies to MGCC's appalling conduct, eg, dogs are disappearing from the MGCC 'facility' and then re-appearing at interstate pounds/shelters.

I repeat my request that the DCMB act immediately, today, and remove MGCC's 'license' to hold animals.

***(Sweet baby cheeses, no wonder these people hate you, you actually 'literally' beat them back into a corner and then metaphorically slap them all-up side the head-Ed) does what one can...(in a sortta' "stop hittin' ya'selves" kinda' context-Ed)...if you mean that I cause discomfort for some by pushing their own behaviours back-up into their own faces, then sure, and I'd be more than happy to see any and/or all of these clowns/stooges completely 'dis-arm' me by not being so gourd-awfully incompetent and/or corrupt!...(you say words, but all I hear is 'Slap Slap Slap'-Ed)...well then, hear this, Slap!!!...(ouchhhh!!! aha-Ed)...and for the benefit of dear availees playing-along at home, I just mimed slapping Ed as he clapped his hands together and feigned a re-coil, etc, etc...(purely for comedic effect-Ed)...and just to lighten the mood further, we now return you to our usual programming...(ooo more slapping, I love it-Ed)...well by the Friday I hadn't heard any response from the DCMB re my letter above of the previous Tuesday, etc, and so I wrote again...***

Ms Gee,

As per my previous letters to you, the DCMB, regarding the approval granted by the DCMB to Mt Gambier City Council for their inhumane Dog Pound Facility.

As you, the DCMB, are aware, because I've written to you repeatedly and explained it to you, this 'Pound' is actually a Tin Garden Shed/Cyclone-wire Cage, both on asphalt, jammed into a corner of MGCC's Works Depot carpark.

As you, the DCMB, are also aware, that Cyclone-wire Cage was only added last week as a supposedly appropriate way to address the 36C+ temperatures and resultant extreme stress/injury to the dogs being held there.

You, the DCMB, could apparently be initially, partially forgiven for officially approving this 'facility' because you granted MGCC approval 'Site Unseen', that is, without conducting any sort of site inspection.

It is immediately obvious from the granting of MGCC's approval that this lack of inspection and/or any apparent appropriate oversight by the DCMB is total, that is, the granting of this approval defines that you, the DCMB, have conducted absolutely no 'Oversight Process' at all.

You, the DCMB, have clearly not seen even a basic plan/summary/outline from MGCC as to what it was they intended, and that you, the DCMB, approved.

It is obvious because no-one with a shred of human decency is going to approve that facility if they have the slightest idea what is being proposed.

However, in today's The Border Watch newspaper MGCC is quoted saying that they received DCMB approval after providing “self-assessment, site plans, and photos”.

So you, the DCMB, you are the Dog and Cat Management Board and, apparently equipped with all the information/details you, the DCMB, requires to grant MGCC a 'Pound Approval', have 'licensed' that appalling facility.

And to that specific point, I only found out yesterday that I've grossly underestimated just how vilely callous and inhumane MGCC are, because I didn't realise that the Tin Garden Shed is the entire 'Impound Facility'.

I had thought that a very small section of MGCC's Work Depot carpark had been fenced-off to create a yard, and that the Tin Shed was just the kennels part of the larger 'Pound' for securing dogs at night, etc.

But as you, the DCMB, know, or apparently didn't know at all, the Tin Shed is it, that appalling little Tin Shed sitting in the middle of an asphalt carpark, that is MGCC's Dog Impound.

I respectfully request that you, the DCMB, provide me with any and all detail in your possesion as to what plans/information was provided by MGCC that satisfied you, the DCMB, to approve this appalling 'Impound Facility'.

It is my understanding that several senior MGCC staff attended at their 'Pound' on the Monday afternoon/evening, following SAPol attending the site, and that MGCC have since declared the facility to be 'just fine'.

As you, the DCMB, are also already aware, 1) there is no RSPCA in Mt Gambier and that as a result 2) SAPol attended at the MGCC 'Impound' in response to an 'Animal In Distress' call from the public.

SAPol attended to rescue a dog in distress (the video footage of which I have already provided) from the MGCC 'Impound' that you, the DCMB, approved.

The DCMB should also be aware that at this time some in Mt Gambier are contemplating legal action for the appalling, inhumane conduct on this matter, and that you, the DCMB, are firmly in that frame as being the 'Authority' that not only approved this in the first instance, but now refuses to take responsibility and act to rectify the situation.

Should others proceed with any litigation, I will immediately provide them copies of my correspondence to you, the DCMB, to prove that you, the DCMB, know/knew exactly what is/was happening and that you, the DCMB condone and support it, and outright refused to act.

You, the DCMB, have not just allowed this to happen, by refusing to act to rectify it and therefore effectively protecting MGCC, you define yourself, the DCMB, as being wantonly complicit in the gross abuse of animals.

You, the DCMB, know the extraordinary trauma and stress this appalling conduct by MGCC is having in the community, and you, the DCMB, know what it is you can do to address that.

Again, there is very hot weather forecast across the weekend, 30C+, and MGCC have just declared that appalling facility to be 'just fine'.

So again I implore you, the DCMB, to act immediately and remove any approval/license from Mt Gambier City Council to operate any sort of 'Animal Impound Facility', and have any and all animals 'Impounded' by MGCC instead taken to the fit-for-purpose South East Animal Welfare League shelter on Penola Rd.

As you, the DCMB, are aware, I have provided the SEAWL a $1,000 surety to cover any immediate costs associated with my request to have any/all animals removed/impounded by MGCC immediately taken to the SEAWL facility.

Mount Gambier City Councillors and senior staff have proven themselves as individuals, let-alone as a Council entity, to be wholly unfit persons to have any animals in their supposed 'care'.

As I conclude this latest correspondence to you, 1315hrs Friday 2nd February 2024, I have still received no response from you, the DCMB, to my letter of *Monday 29th January 2024*, not even a polite 'Email Received'.

All I have is your, the DCMB's, response directing me to call the RSPCA, denying any and all responsibility, but then saying that you, the DCMB, will look into that “approval” if I send more information and/or footage.

This is not just completely self-contradictory, but the statement about 'more footage' is outright offensive, and reeks of bureaucratic indifference and mockery.

Just exactly how many dogs do you, the Dog and Cat Management Board, need to see/hear in high distress in a facility you, the DCMB, have approved, before you, the DCMB, act to rectify the inhumane disaster you, the DCMB, have not only created, but now allow to continue?

Even if you, the DCMB, claim complete ignorance as to what MGCC are doing, I have clearly identified the appalling conditions/situation, for which you, the DCMB, are the 'Oversight Authority', and therefore responsible for both the approval and continued functioning there-of, and I have provided you, the DCMB, with an immediate, viable, and 'paid-for' solution.

Again, please, I formally request that the DCMB act immediately to protect these highly vulnerable dogs because Mt Gambier City Council have indicated that they do not care and intend to continue forward exactly as they have behaved thus-far.

(*Apologies dear availees, doing this post I just realised that should be Tuesday 30th January, not Monday 29th as written which was the email as above.)

 ***So as self-described, that letter was emailed to the DCMB that Friday arvo, and they got right on it again/eventually, but unfortunately couldn't quite get their lengthy response/denial finished and then emailed until 1704hrs, four minutes past the close of business...***

Dear Nick Fletcher, 

I acknowledge the letters you have sent to the Board dated Tuesday 30th January and Friday 2nd February since my previous reply Monday 29th January. 

In response to your questions regarding approval process: 

The Board have an established policy for the Approval of Detention Facilities for Dogs and Cats. The Board ask councils to advise them of new detention facility plans as early as possible, to ensure compliance with the Board’s Detention Facility Guideline. New detention facilities must be inspected and approved prior to use. As you have identified, approval was not attained by the City of Mount Gambier prior to use, and this was rectified.

 Facilities are assessed against the minimum requirements set out in the Detention Facility Compliance Checklist. Inspections may be conducted by DCM Unit Staff, a representative directed by the Board or a council representative. If a self-audit by council has been undertaken, DCM Unit staff will review this for compliance. Assessment can include the provision of supporting evidence of mud maps, photographs and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). 

The Board approved the City of Mount Gambier 72-hr detention facility July 2023. 

Section 32A allows the Board to report Council failure to discharge responsibilities under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 to the Minister to whom the administration of the Local Government Act 1999 has been committed (with a view to that Minister taking action in relation to the council under that Act). As the Council worked quickly with the Board to resolve this matter, and the facilities met the requirements and were approved, escalation of this matter was not warranted. 

Compliance assessments regarding third parties are not publicly available, therefore the Board is unable to fulfil your request to provide any and all detail in possession as to what plans/information was provided by the City of Mount Gambier to approve the facility. Should you wish to pursue access to this information, please consider submitting a Freedom of Information Request through the Department for Environment and Water. 

The Board cannot direct a Council to engage in a service or supply arrangement, therefore the Board is unable to fulfil your request that animals seized by the City of Mount Gambier are taken to the SE Animal Welfare League. 

Questions from previous correspondence you have requested are clarified

You asked that “DCMB act immediately to remove from MGCC any and all approvals/ licenses to 'manage' dogs”. I advised that the Dog and Cat Management Board do not have any powers to remove Council’s authority under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995. I apologise if there was a misinterpretation, and what you were asking was limited to the approved impounding facilities. The Board do not have powers to remove council’s ability to appoint authorised officers to undertake their roles and responsibilities prescribed in legislation. 

You asked “DCMB act immediately, as in, first thing Monday morning 29 January 2024 to allow as much time as possible for other arrangements to be made for the dogs”. I advised that we would review the information and footage you provided in relation to the detention facility approval and compliance with the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 in detaining and disposing (rehoming) animals. I can confirm that on Monday we followed up your report, and throughout the week spoke with the Council, the attending SAPOL officer as well as deploying a staff member to the site to conduct an audit. 

The City of Mount Gambier have been advised of the outcome of this assessment, and the facility remains approved for 72-hour detention. The Board is satisfied that the council has procedures in place to monitor and cater for the health and wellbeing of dogs kept at the facility. I understand that this outcome is not the one you were seeking. 

Under section 270 of the Local Government Act 1999, all councils must have a policy and procedures for reviewing their decisions and actions for decisions. If you feel aggrieved by an action or decision of Council, you may put your concerns or complaint in writing following the council complaint/review process. Complaints of misconduct or maladministration of councils of the public service can be reported to the SA Ombudsman for investigation. 

Yours faithfully 

Ann Gee 


***And we're gunna' conclude today with an on-line article (link attached) and ask that availees pay special attention to the "Senior Project Officer" MGCC refers to (below) and claims to have asked to inspect, etc, and how that compares to what the DCMB wrote to me (above)...***

Council's impound facility located at the City of Mount Gambier depot has been audited by the South Australian Dog and Cat Management Board, and the existing approval has been reconfirmed.

The additional audit was arranged by Council following community concerns shared on social media regarding the welfare of impounded dogs in our care during warmer weather.

"We want to allay any concerns regarding wandering dogs in our care, so we invited a senior officer of the Board to come down from Adelaide to inspect Council's facility and discuss our process and procedures when handling dogs," General Manager Corporate and Regulatory Services Jane Fetherstonhaugh said.

"Our facility was already approved to hold dogs for 72 hours in accordance with the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 in July last year, but given recent community concerns we wanted to ensure that we continue to follow the Dog and Cat Management Board's guidelines."

A Dog and Cat Management Board Senior Project Officer inspected Council's temporary impound facility this week and the Board has formally advised Council that it is satisfied with the facility.

"During the visit, we also discussed preliminary plans for future impounding facilities, as we'll also need to consider and plan for the potential requirement to impound cats in the future which is under consideration as part of the current review of the Dog and Cat Management Act," Mrs Fetherstonhaugh said.

Wandering dogs are housed in Council's temporary pound during the 72 hour hold period.

"We keep the dogs as safe and comfortable as possible until we can reunite them with their owner, or transfer them to one of our partner organisations for rehoming."

"During warmer days we visit the temporary kennel frequently to ensure dogs have access to food and water. We also monitor the temperature inside the kennel and if required, hose down the floor, and the dog and enable outside access within an enclosure."

"We have installed shadecloth on the outside enclosure and we have a small plastic children's swimming pool for use on hot days. We continue to investigate making other improvements such as roof ventilation in the kennels and an additional shade sail over the holding pen."

Council's impound facility was constructed in accordance the Dog and Cat Management Board Detention Facility Guidelines which outline that dog pens must be fully enclosed and constructed from impervious, washable and durable materials.

"In comparison to the comforts of home, the facility may appear basic. However, these specific requirements are outlined by the Board to meet health and safety standards for the dogs and our staff," Mrs Fetherstonhaugh said.

***And we're just gunna' pull stumps here 'cos there's a lot to get through and next post we'll be referring back to all of this correspondence in these last 2 posts, etc, so it'll hopefully be easier/possible for dear availees to have these several posts on different 'tabs' of this 'ere blog, and be able to just go 'tab-to-tab-to-tab' where/when necessary rather than trying to go in and out of individual posts...(well that's as clear as mud-Ed)'s the best I can manage right now...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Dog Blog Fodder 

I'm Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...