Monday, February 3, 2025

MLC Frank Pangallo - Just Another Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australian Politician

 Hi dear availees, the title somewhat gives it away, but here's a copy of the statement I just posted on TMGI Facebook's all rather self-explanatory...

Regular availees of TMGI will recall that in March 2024 South Australian politician MLC Frank Pangallo contacted me desperate for any info/documents I could provide him that might support/prove statements he'd made in the Parliament (and hence on the Hansard) in February 2024.
Those statements related to my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) 2015-18 re my alleged breaches of the SA ICAC Act 2012 sec56 (a&b).
In response the (then) ICAC Commissioner Ann Vanstone then did an official ICAC 'Right of Reply' to the Parliament (again on Hansard 7Mar24) in which she named me 11 times and used the terms "patently false" and "wholly unfounded".
As you know I spent a solid week compiling a thorough but not exhaustive dossier with attached detailed index for Mr Pangallo.
This dossier conclusively proves that the ICAC denials/denigration are wrong, eg, 1) I was investigated by ICAC who 2) directly referred me to SAPol Anti-Corruption, and 3) ICAC was directly involved in my prosecution (by SAPol Prosecutions Branch).
This dossier/index was an expansion/continuation/recount of the testimony and tabled documents I provided Mr Pangallo's 'Parliamentary Inquiry into ICAC Investigation Harms and Adverse Outcomes' two years earlier.
Despite his original contacts and statements about the urgency of the matter (Mar24) I've heard nothing from ol' mate Frank.
Then Friday evening (31Jan25) there in my letterbox is a large orange envelope with my dossier.
Not even a secure registered satchel or anything, just $6 worth of stamps on a grotty old envelope.
And not one word; not a note, not a text, not an email of explanation and/or thanks, not nuthin'.
Mr Pangallo got what he needed to protect himself and that's all he needed/ wanted.
Mr Pangallo has had irrefutable proof in his hands that his arch-nemesis 'The ICAC' has repeatedly, provably lied to the SA Parliament, and he's chosen to sit on that info for nearly a year, then just dumped it back to me, without a single word.
Mr Pangallo is exactly what he appears to be, but I won't publish here what I think, you'll have to go to TMGI The Blog for that.
Cheers, Nick. 

Frank Pangallo is arguably the most complicit of all SA politicians in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, because he has one of if not the most thorough understandings of any politician of exactly what's happened at St Martins.

For example, when he was the producer of Adelaide's Channel7 'Today Tonight', I contacted then provided him with various documents, etc, re the St Martins Cover-up, on at least 3 different occasions across several years...each time he was gunna' look at it but then never responded, etc...

And then his 'ICAC Inquiry', and now this...

Frank has supposedly been unwell, but that hasn't stopped him mouthing-off in the Parliament regularly, eg, in vehement support of the murderous Zionist Israel as it commits Genocide in time/energy for that sortta' bollocks, but can't find the same for exposing how corrupt SA ICAC is, which is odd 'cos he's also constantly mouthing-off about how corrupt ICAC is, etc... 

Tomorrow: That FARC Debasco Kicks Into High Gear

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 




Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Just To Kick Things Off For TMGI 2025

Hi dear availees, welcome to what I...(we-Ed) what we believe is the post that indicates that TMGI is an on-going venture...despite my...(our-Ed)...despite our attempts to drop and/or get over it, as a paradigm of simply functioning, it has become self-perpetuating...(that is, the fact that it exists, and for over a decade now, and for what exists on it, it becomes something that a) needs to be done, and b) we don't know how to not do-Ed)...indeed, and it's partly driven by a sense of guilt that to identify all of these things/issues as we have on TMGI, but to then/ever just walk away from it, is to be 'complicit'...complicit in the way we've seen so many conduct themselves...(yes, complicit by way of knowing but then turning away 'cos it's all a bit too difficult, all a bit too inconvenient-Ed)...exactly, so it's not about being better and/or worse than anyone else, it's just the way of things...

So TMGI The Blog will continue in some form, but, having said that, today's post is just several posts copied across from TMGI Facebook, but I/we'll get straight onto that first proper post, a review of Mt Gambier City Council's appalling misconduct re the Wulanda (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre-FARC) and the diabolical situation Mt Gambier Ratepayers find themselves in thusly...

Facebook 22 Dec 24  SALGA Election Changes

Love to get on here some time with jolly news, but today ain't gunna' be that day.
Stunned but not surprised but deeply, deeply concerned to read on the most excellent Mt Gambier & Districts Residents & Ratepayers Association Facebook page that the SA Local Government Assoc has endorsed a Motion petitioning the SA government to change the date of the next Local Government Elections due in November 2026, thus likely extending the term of incumbent Councils, to a date as yet unidentified.
Here is the only mention I could find of this extraordinary move by the SALGA, as cut-'n'-pasted directly from their webpage news feed;
"endorsing the sector's position that council elections should be held in a different year to the state election."
And that's quietly, neatly tucked in at Dot Point 4, just a casual afterthought really.
(Dot Point 1 is "changes to single garage and carport sizes".)
Such massive and fundamental changes that affect the very structure of the actual Election Process, threaten to undermine what tattered remnants of an actual Democracy we still have.
And I get to say that 'cos 1) we're all victims of the entrenched 'Two-Party System', and 2) I'm a private citizen who has been attacked and prosecuted by the collective efforts of ICAC/SAPol/Parliament and the Courts.
I've lived/been subjected to the reality of what a thin veneer the word 'Democracy' is in it's real-world application in SA.
And what lies immediately beneath that veneer is very, very ugly.
And why hasn't this massive Election Shifting news been reported in the SA media, least ways not that I could find?
Why hasn't The Ambulance Chaser 'altruistically' informed their loyal subscribers?
The most excellent MGDRRA found it! And so can yous, here's the link to the SALGA;
I also then found this on Premier Malinauskis' page, re 'Public Consultation' earlier this year, link also below;
"Timing of council elections is another hot topic – suggestions include a two-year gap from state elections to follow the same alternating pattern as the Summer and Winter Olympics to combat voter fatigue, while one-in-four of those surveyed want both elections to be held on the same day to maximise turnout."
Same day as State Elections makes perfect sense, and only shortens the current term by 8 months, tick and tick.
But the SALGA, the "sector", they endorsed a motion for "a different year", potentially a two year gap from state elections, which places the next proposed LG Election at March 2028, a 15 month extension.
And yes, it is the casual passing mention and lack of subsequent reporting that's really got me spooked.
Where this is headed specifically I don't know, but there's something really, really wrong with this.
I note that this 'Motion' occurs at a time when Mt Gambier City Council is besieged by the fall-out of their own incompetence, hubris, and open contempt for Ratepayers/Citizens, and the formation and success of the MEMGDRRA is the undeniable proof.
Cheers, Nick.

Defamation Morello Ambush   28 Dec 24

Much mirth was had the other day recalling/re-telling my fav 'Defamation Threat' story.
Sure I've got reams of threats from lawyers, government depts and the Crown Solicitor, etc, but this is a li'l story I like to call, 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine and Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower'. Enjoy.
Last item of the evening, Mt Gambier City Council meeting (August? 2017) and MGCC Cr Frank Pangallo declares a 'Conflict' and leaves the Chamber.
Next comes the 'Eject Public for Secret Business' stage of proceedings so I leave, and as I'm crossing the foyer, old mate Frank walks straight at me.
He starts goin' at me that 'my lawyer says you've defamed me' (re statements on TMGI The Blog) and demanding I 'remove it', etc.
I laughed at him, saying, 'mate, if you had anything I'd be hearing from your lawyer, perhaps don't be complicit in covering-up Child Abuse.'
Knowing he'd failed with his vacuous threat, Frank went with "You're not well Nick, you're not well."
So thus far, we have a MGCC Councillor ambush/harass/threaten, and then denigrate/abuse a private citizen, during/at a MGCC official meeting.
As ol' mate Frank slunk back into the Ivory Tower (the Chamber) out the door came Nick Serle, Cr Mark Lovett and CEO Mark McShane.
I had a last parting shot at Frank about 'covering-up the abuse of my child and dozens of others', and because I didn't back-off, the 3 stooges a) walked right into that spray, and 2) were stuck in the entrance alcove/doorway.
Lovett kept telling me to "just leave" whilst doing a hilarious impersonation of being intimidating, and Serle, who had started-out glaring at me, immediately realised what he'd walked into and was staring sheepishly at the floor.
McShane twice made thinly-veiled threats re the gym we both attended, where he had also attempted several provocations, eg, walking at me, etc..
My official complaints re this ambush/abuse were returned by the Minister to/for CEO McShane to resolve, even though he was named as a perpetrator.
I'm still waiting for a response.
This is just one of multiple instances where MGCC personnel, upto and including 'the Mayor' have harassed/attacked/threatened me at MGCC meetings, but sure, it's their precious Councillors who need body guards at meetings; pathetic, cowardly, laughable.
Cheers, Nick.

Facebook 21 Jan 25 re MGDRRA & Wulanda

In reference to the latest (today 20 Jan 25) post on the Most Excellent Mt Gambier & Districts Residents & Ratepayers Assoc Facebook page, and their story re Mt Gambier City Council debt/borrowings, especially as it relates to Wulanda.
And when I say MGCC Debt/Borrowings, I mean of course 'Our Debt/Borrowings, and 'Our' as in 'Us', and 'Us' being the Residents & Ratepayers of Mt Gambier.
Here's the link to the MEMGDRRA site, perhaps peruse that first and then come back to this;
Now I'm doing that 'cos 1) there's specific points in that post I wanna' address, and 2) more importantly, I want to address it here rather than contaminate the MEMGDRRA page with the "notorious" and "controversial" (both The Border Watch) views of Nick Fletcher.
If one ignores MGCC's cynically deceitful 'Public Consultation' with the stooge-riddled 'Public Committee', CEO Mark McShane's various lies/justifications, eg, must accept the funding or never again/MG is dying/interest rates low, borrow now/obesity crisis, etc, etc, and the $40m 'Without Fixtures & Fittings' Planning Application figure, etc, even then MGCC's ultimate and only "mandate" was for a $39.1m facility.
MGCC has since officially moved that to $64m, but their own Budgets across the last 5 years have the cost at $80m+.
I've gone through the Budgets, done the math, $80m+.
(I haven't included amounts secreted in and/or syphoned from other Budget areas, eg Gardens/Parks Maintenance 'cos although I know it's happened, eg, associated roadworks, I don't know specific amounts, etc, so I'll stick to what I do know.)
However, everyone I've spoken to who has been involved through their business/family/friends, every single one scoffs at my $80m+ and says it's North of $100m.
And we don't know the figures 'cos MGCC are determined to keep them secret, but we do know that MGCC has borrowed several large sums re Wulanda, and apparently continue to borrow.
We know that the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre) is running at $3m-$5m loss per annum and that has to come from somewhere.
So much goin' on here that I'll expand on this post over at TMGI The Blog, which I guess means that that is continuing in 2025.
Bottomline, I believe that MGCC is already effectively/actually 'bankrupt' but that the State Labor government will continue to fling Taxpayers' hard-earned down that vacuous hole rather than admit reality and 'sack the Council', bring in Auditors, etc.
And if you think it's just Wulanda that's the problem, then please to be having several more thinks.
No-one in SA wants the realities of this disastrous Council known.
Cheers, Nick.

Facebook 21 Jan 25 New Tennis Stadium

Pardon moi for hogging The Internet today, but ABC Sth East Radio played a 10min story this morning re 'a new 16-court tennis facility' for Mt Gambier, with one proponent saying they want it at Corriedale Pk.
I remind Mt Gambier's ever-suffering Ratepayers that back when Mt Gambier City Council were copping criticism for approving 'Wulanda' and the cost, etc, MGCC promised/announced over $1m for an upgrade of the 50m pool, and same for the Olympic Park tennis courts.
And that when Mt Gambier lost the prestigious and profitable 'International Tennis Tournament' over a decade ago 'cos the courts weren't "safe", MGCC publicly stated "it's no big loss, it doesn't generate much income for the town".
Apparently this new tennis facility has been "discussed" and possibly reported earlier, so apologies if this is old news to yous, I just heard this morning.
MGCC is reportedly not committing to anything until 'they finalise their Olympic Pk Master Plan later this financial year (25/26)'.
Which is MGCC code for 'we desperately need to bulldoze some buildings/courts to create parking for Wulanda'.
More plans to have plans but we can't plan until we plan the other plans, at least that's the plan.
It could be said that MGCC speak in Plan English.
Cheers, Nick.

Tomorrow: The White Elephant Has Come Home To Roost

I am Nick Fletcher, that's Ed...(cheers-Ed)...and Ed is a confected literary device used to create conversational discourse rather than lecturous litanies of vapid facts and obtuse opinionisationings, and to help set-up jokes etc...



Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Bittuva' Interim Apology Of Sorts, Kinda'.

Howdy dear availees...for what it's worth, I haven't stopped doin' this 'ere blog, as such, just got to 'Saturation Level StressCon 1', and as is my wanton need on addiction teeters, as always and in all ways, my go-to strategy is to just get up, and walk that's what I've done...

I'm fundamentally traumatised by the horrific genocide being committed in Palestine/Gaza/Lebanon/ this what we are as a species? is this what we can do to each other? while we're all rushing about celebrating Xmas it's genocide in Bethlehem...

And as a Westerner, as a First Generation White Australian, I stand complicit by way of my government's actions and, far more damning, their inactions...and others like the Thug and his moronic cronies, and our 'Allies', etc, they are openly, enthusiastically complicit...we, Australians, whether we are horrified/opposed/concerned/whatevs, we are complicit...

And as we watch 'Democracy' get rapidly dismantled around us, I can see a very near future, if it's not already happening, where our government, ALP/LNP/whatevs, allows these child-murderers back into Australia, bringing with them the same self-satisfied, cowardly thuggery and violence displayed...

Are these the psychopaths that will be roaming our streets legally armed and funded by our government, I believe $32m worth, to protect this tiny fraction of the populace?...and protect from whom exactly?...

So, yay, forget the corrupt SA ICAC Commissioner who lied repeatedly to Parliament about me, then quit saying 'It's all a bit difficult', forget that nonsense...forget the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and that fact that I literally cannot walk down the street in this sick li'l town and not bump into someone intimately complicit in the SMLSCAC, whatevs, when Genocide is mainstream viewing, and then it just keeps on happening, but not just happening, defended and supported and justified, etc, then Humanity has lost it's Social License...

Humanity Has Lost It's Social License.

So theres ya' go, yay, Merry Shreckin' Xmas...

This 'ere blog may well continue in 2025...maybe not, who knows, who really MGCC would say, Id Facio Quod Cupio, Par, Do What I Want, Mate...    

Tomorrow: Is Yesterday's Today

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

And for what it's worth, a genuine apology to genuine availees for this doom-laden venting, but I do feel that y'all will understand, so, thanks in anticipation...  

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mt Gambier City Council 'Plans' For Old Rail Lands

Howdy y'all and welcome to a mostly visual post prompted by a discussion (about 11 Sept 24?) on the most excellent Mt Gambier & Districts Residents and Ratepayers Associations' Facebook page (link below) about what is and/or is not happening with the iconic Old Rail Station in Mt Gambier...I've included here my 'Comment' for context...enjoy...***

Recent discussion on the most excellent Mt Gambier & Districts Residents and Ratepayers Association Facebook page re the iconic Old Rail Station and possible storm damaged tiles, what's it's future? etc.
Didn't wanna' hog the narrative there, so here's an accompanying TMGI input.
I'll expand this into a review-style blog with lots more documents, photos etc.
Bottomline, MGCC was 'gifted' the Rail Lands by the Rann Labor government in 2005 and immediately set-about massive Retail/Commercial development plans.
These 30-page, architect-drafted plans (photo below) were presented to Ratepayers/Citizens at MGCC Info meetings in February 2006.
It has 3-4 designs/configurations that all include large areas of Retail/Commercial development.
In November 2011 MGCC threw a wee shindig in the Helpmann Theatre atrium/foyer to launch their Parklands Concept Plan (photo 2), again extensive/expensive plans presented albeit far less Retail/Commercial.
Imagine the gigs you could throw at a Rail Lands that actually had a Sound Shell and covered plaza.
I know that some peeps have spent years making repeated concerted efforts to 'tenant' the Rail Station but MGCC has refused them; not my specific business so I'll leave it to those involved to comment/act.
Then days after Xmas 2023 this banner (photo 3) appeared at the Rail Lands, carefully cable-tied to the fence.
I personally love the bit about "suitably positioned applicants".
No idea what's happened with this.
I'll expand on TMGI The Blog, but in the absence of any actual logical reason, I believe that MGCC, for whatevs reasons, remain steadfastly, bloody-mindedly committed to their Retail/Commercial expansion of Centro/Lakes Plaza onto the Rail Lands site and that's why the Rail Station has been kept empty.
Cheers, Nick
***And that about covers it for now, so we'll briefly assess each pic below as we go, and, ah, see yous at the other end...

This (below) is the cover-page of the 30-page brochure presented by then Mt Gambier City Council CEO Greg Muller at his/their public meeting re the Rail Lands, and as reported in The Border Watch (below, "Where is bus terminal")...(yeah yeah, and I'm gunna' have a wild guess who it was asked 'Where's the terminus?'-Ed)...this was arguably my very first MGCC public meeting...(and second, ya' went to one in the arvo and the main evening one-Ed)...fair dues, and well remembered...(yeah I recall vividly and with great good mirth the 2 li'l ol' ladies sitting right behind yous, and quietly geeing yous on when Greg mate started getting a bit upset-Ed)...yeah I mean, all we were doing was politely asking some very pertinent questions, Greg very politely told us to let some others have a go, so we did, and then when they quickly petered-out, we put our hands-up again...(I'm Language Warning myself now, cop this, fucking was a gentle flutter of genuine mirth breathed across the room, and fuck me if that didn't just make ol' mate Greg even more upset-Ed)...and all the while 2 angry ol' biddies a whippin' their willin' mules to action...I agree, fucking hilarious...End Language Warning...

The meeting was pretty much a contrived nonsense with that very special sense of Predetermined Outcome about it...and that's why we were asking questions, eg, where is the plan for open parklands like heaps of people want? what about using it for a proper Bus Terminus? etc etc...














This (below) is the 'Basic Concept Plan' contained there-in...please note it has not just Retail/Commercial Development but a huge expansion of Centro/Lakes Plaza right across the site with Railway Tce gone etc...this is why the Rail Easement/Corridor had to be moved, the only reason why...(well yeah that, that and creating a nice earner for someone-Ed)...indeed, but ultimately, all of that very extensive and very very expensive excavation and re-location of the Rail Easement was to legally allow the Centro/Lakes Plaza expansion onto the Rail Lands...the expansion simply would not be allowed across the Rail Easement, so the Easement had to be physically replaced elsewhere...(indeed, to do what MGCC have done thus far on the site is at best the bare minimum and certainly did not require the extraordinary effort/cost of moving the Easement-Ed)...fa shizzle'...














And here's another view, this is 'Option A'...'Option B' is virtually identical, certainly when total Retail/Commercial footprint/percentage is considered...both 'Options' identify/include the Rail Station but I don't believe this is genuine, rather, it's to avoid any questions/criticism on this issue...below that is the article from The Border Watch relating to these meetings 

I Please also note that the firm 'Design Inc' have been mentioned just days ago on the MGDRRA Facebook page re an article about the massive financial losses MGCC /Ratepayers are incurring re the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (Wulanda), estimated at a net loss of approx $3.2million per annum...(on yeah, some dude bangin' on about how it was Barney McCusker's son's company and asking, quite rightly, why they were MGCCs' choice for the FARC design, etc-Ed)...what can I tell ya'ate? MGCC 101, rorting Ratepayers hard-earned to hand to Councillors families/friends/associates...

This (below) is a photo from early 2016, taken in the main Helpmann Theatre foyer/atrium, possibly/probably when I was attending a MGCC shows the original partition-sized glossy posters still attached to said partition boards, seen here turned inside-out...(weren't they the ones that were used by MGCC at it's November 2011 pomp-and-ceremony launch of their $10million Parklands Concept Plan, that, in my opinion was never ever genuine but rather a shiny object/dead cat that MGCC flung onto the table to not just distract away from all the criticism they were (still are) copping for the woeful Main Corner redevelopment debasco (debacle/fiasco), but also to address all the related flak about the lack of MGCC action on the Rail lands? asking for a friend-Ed)...well, yes yes yes, and yes, and below that is some of the relevant reportage from TBW December 2011...






Here's the reportage of the 'Revised Plan' from September 2014, where-in the Sound Shelter and Covered Courtyard are gone although included to some degree in the supplied 'plan picture', and the cost has dropped from $10m in November 2011 to now $4.2m in 2014...

























Just found this (below), the original flyer from 2005 about the very first MGCC meetings re the Rail Lands, 27th July 2005...I've previously stated that Muller/MGCC presented 4 different but near identical plans for massive Retail/Commercial Development at the February 2006 meetings, and I believe that this was MGCC's contribution, and add to that Design Incs' Concept Plan and 2 'variations' and that's ya' 4...   




















And that'll do for now...gunna' get 'Tech Support' in and set-up that second blog for all of this and the many other Rail Lands related documents, eg, from MGCCs' 2004/05 Yearbook where-in they describe in detail exactly what costs MGCC have lumbered Ratepayers with by moving that Easement and removing related infrastructure eg all the rails...(yay-Ed)...yeah I know...

Tomorrow: More Shizzle About Whatevs...Deal With It

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Why Does Mt Gambier City Council Hate Tourism Operators?

Howdy dear availees...bittuva' shock to realise it's nearly a month since the last post, but there's a fair bit of stuff on TMGI Facebook page if you wanna' check that least some of it is about the extraordinary developments associated with Mt Gambier City Council cancelling Leases at Engelbrecht Cave Tourism operation and the Umpherston Cave Tourism Kiosk...(we refer dear avilees back to the recent post(s?) on this issue-Ed)...indeed, and as a sampler here's a Facebook post we stuck on TMGI Facebook (Tuesday 16th July 2024), fairly self-explanatory, then below that a reminder of what MGCC has said about, please to be enjoying this ...***

As is my want, I've been down Jubilee Hwy several times since Mt Gambier City Council destroyed the Engelbrecht Cave Tourism business by evicting the owner/operator Ms Coleman (as of 1st July 2024).
As you'll recall, MGCC have blatantly lied about this eviction, stooping so low as to publicly/officially blame Ms Coleman for the destruction of her hard-earned business, the sacking of her employees, etc.
There's been 'activity' there, eg, work utes, a worker by the building, etc, every time I've gone past.
Hadn't been for a coupla' days, then yesterday I had cause to go 'round the block and check it out 'cos there were several workers, at least one on the roof, and a cherry-picker/crane parked there.
Today I went past again and took the attached photos.
I make no comment about these companies and/or these workers, and as you can see, I've tried to keep people outta' the photos where possible.
I dunno' who they are, all due respect but I don't care, for the purposes of this post and relating to the broader corruption of MGCC, they are just contractors/workers doing a job.
If there are connections to MGCC, appropriate or otherwise, I don't know, and again respectively, don't care.
So today (Tues 16th July) there were, as you can see, 6-8 workers, 2 cranes, a suction-vacuum truck, and multiple vehicles.
I can only speculate as to what's about to happen there, but I'm not aware of those jobs MGCC destroyed being advertised; anyone know?
I'd also be fascinated to know if there was ever this amount of attention/work done, if any work done at all, on the site in the entirety of the 10years Ms Coleman ran it.
Regardless, the main issue here is MGCC's wanton destruction of this thriving business and their blatant, repeated lies about the situation, ie, officially blaming Ms Coleman.
Cheers, Nick. 

***And as we've said, there's quite a bit more on TMGI Facebook 'cos the story obviously has moved from Eviction to eventual Resurrection...(well, a resurrection of sorts-Ed)...I've no idea exactly what is happening there currently...(other than you can book a tour on-line-Ed)...yeah well that, but otherwise I'm sans info 'cos it's simply not appropriate to go there and hassle someone in their workplace...(and of course it's now a MGCC facility/operation-Ed)...yeah I get what you're sayin', but whatevs who runs it, it's just not appropriate...(and why would it be 'hassling someone in their workplace'? you've always been known to be quiet, polite, and unfortunately well-informed-Ed)...well cheers...(it's notoriously annoying-Ed)...oh stop it already, you'll make me blush...but yeah, 'hassle', well you've already nailed that, ummm, nail...(it's 'cos it's you, isn't it?-Ed)...welll, you know, here's the thing,'s 'cos a MGCC employee speaking to me is to my experience potentially/likely to lead to that person getting hassled...get what I'm sayin'?...(abundantly sir, abundantly-Ed)... 

Here's the line-item (below) for Engelbrecht Cave from the MGCC 'Register of Community Land Leases and Licenses'...please note that it identifies that there was no 'Lease' from 2022, so that when MGCC makes reference to said alleged 'Lease', then MGCC is lying...or at least their legally required to be 1) current and 2) available to Ratepayers/Citizens, that RCLLL is not current...I'm aware that many, many Community Groups have been placed by MGCC onto 'Monthly Licenses' and the RCLLL doesn't record/report any of that...not sure, but there may have been some updates to the RCLLL, say in the last month or two, but majority still out-of-date, eg, Hastings Cunningham Reserve and Apollo Football Club...(we also note that the 'Lease' for Vansittart Park is expired, according to the RCLLL-Ed)...yeah, gourd knows mate, it's so clearly so far beyond mere incompetence as to define itself as 'Agenda'...(well I know, it says right here, "Vansittart Park Oval - North Gambier Football Club - 'License': 1st April 2022-expired 30 September 2023 - No Renewal"-Ed)...hang on, so according to the RCLLL North don't even have a 'License'?...(that's what it says-Ed)...strewth, here's that Engelbrecht Cave line-item...

(Record Name) Engelbrecht Cave - (Property) Engelbrecht Cave Reserve - (Tenant Details) Janice Pamela Coleman - (Lease or License) "Licence" - (Start Date) 01/07/2012 - (End Date) 30/06/2017 - (Renewal) 5 years - (Renewal Start Date) 01/07/2017 - (Renewal End Date) 30/06/2022 - (Community Land Management Plan Reference) AR11/2181.

And now here's the official MGCC statement again...***

New visitor servicing model for Mount Gambier
04 July 2024

City of Mount Gambier will begin to implement a ‘hub and spoke’ visitor servicing model from mid July 2024. The concept involves a Visitor Centre Hub to be located at the main corner entrance of the Riddoch building on Commercial Street, with spoke sites at Engelbrecht Cave, Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul, the Blue Lake Welcome Centre and the Lady Nelson.

Council acknowledges that tourism has changed significantly since the Lady Nelson Visitor and Discovery Centre opened on Jubilee Highway East in 1986, and has endorsed a position to grow the city’s visitor economy by changing the way travellers experience and contribute to Mount Gambier.

“Mount Gambier’s destination appeal is strong, and the time is right to consider the long term direction for visitor servicing in our city,” General Manager City Infrastructure Barbara Cernovskis said.

This model represents a paradigm shift in the way we grow our visitor economy, one that prioritises traveller engagement with our visitor servicing team, industry connection and environmental stewardship.

“When current Engelbrecht Cave licensee Jan Coleman gave us notice that she was handing back the keys at the conclusion of her lease at the end of June, Council decided to activate this site - one of our highest visited tourism sites - as the first ‘spoke’."

The spoke site will be the first transition site of the hub and spoke model and provide cohesive storytelling, digital and physical visitor information and will be accessible to travellers seven days a week.

“Council will provide visitor servicing, tour guide experiences, Mount Gambier branded merchandise and light refreshments.”

“A business development and implementation plan will guide the roll out and we will take a phased approach to the changes at the site. This will enable us to closely measure how things are going with the new model to inform our decision making and ensure best practice,” Ms Cernovskis said.

Under the new visitor servicing plan, the Blue Lake Welcome Centre and Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul will follow as spoke sites.

“Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul Kiosk operator Julie Holdsworth will retire at the end of her lease in October, and Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul will then be included as a spoke visitor servicing site.”

“Our priority is to ensure presence of visitor servicing at Engelbrecht Cave and Umpherston Sinkhole/Balumbul to facilitate a smooth transition back to Council’s care and control. The Blue Lake Welcome Centre will remain a spoke site and continue to operate in its current capacity for now, with consideration to future increased activation at this site aligned with higher visitation periods.”

Changes to the service model means that the current visitor centre at the Lady Nelson site will be repurposed, aligned with the Community Land Management Plan. Council is currently preparing a call out for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to seek community activation of the site, with a view to house the city’s creative industries and/or historic collections.

View the Visitor Servicing Model FAQs.

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean on 0413 798 327 or

***And that's Mt Gambier City Council's official statement, as published on their official website, etc etc, and as dutifully parotted by the complicit Mt Gambier 'media', the ABC South East Radio and The Border Watch, etc etc...and it's not just carefully crafted weaselly-worded, deceitful half-truths, it's straight-out lies...(yeah, but carefully crafted weaselly-worded lies-Ed)...and this is why we've re-included that official MGCC statement, because it's a flat-out lie to say that Ms Coleman 'decided to hand back the keys', a base lie, and that's your/my Council's official statement on their public/social media...and if y'all are sick of hearin' it from me, prepare to be deeply disappointed 'cos I'm gunna' be bangin' that particular drum real often and real loud and, um, excuse me...Ed?!...Ed!!!...(yup?-Ed)...can you turn that music down a bit? I'm trying to pontificate here, and you're really cramping my sanctimonious posturings...(oo sorry-Ed)...cheers, now where was I?...(I think you'd finished-Ed)...right, well then, moving on...

 New Operator: I don't know who this is/was going to be...(didn't ask? wasn't told?-Ed)...yes, both, but this person (persons?) were all set to take-up the reins from Ms Coleman and continue-on providing guided tours, etc...that is, the highly successful and therefore clearly efficiently run Tourism operation was to continue, with a new operator ready to go before MGCC pulled the plug and sent the lot down the gurgler...(refer to MGCC lie about 'handed back the keys'?-Ed)...exactly...

Unemployed Staff: Those 4 (four) tour guides rendered unemployed by MGCC were told that they could re-apply for the supposed same positions, but at the time of The Eviction (1st July), those 'new jobs' had not been far as I'm aware those jobs still have not been advertised...(actually at least some of those positions were advertised, some only days from the re-opening, but who's doing what where and for how many hours, etc, dunno', but did see "15hrs/week" on some of those MGCC ads-Ed)...again, it's not info I'm likely to ever know 'cos I ain't goin' near it, for the aforementioned reason/s...and we will be back to rattle this particular cage again, but let's have a brief look at some other recent MGCC highlights re Tourism in Mt Gambier...roll the clip please...someone get the lights? ta'... 

Here we have the Blue Lake Aquifer Tours and Cafe...(but that's not open anymore-Ed)...dah! please! save all questions for the end of the where was I, ah yes, This is the Aquifer Tours Cafe, it is not open anymore...(you think you're pretty funny don't cha'?-Ed)...pretty and funny...(strewth-Ed) is also no longer the BLATC, it is, 'The Spoke Info Centre'...and whilst it can be argued that this is slightly different to Engelbrecht and Umpherston Caves 'cos it's not strictly a MGCC-controlled site 'cos it's Crown Land and/or operated/controlled by SA Water, etc etc...(ah, that's why the Turners can still operate the Aquifer Tours but can't get access to the Cafe/Ticket Office area-Ed)...indeed, but ultimately MGCC is to blame for that eviction 'cos, again, they deliberately mismanaged the 'Lease' issue to create the situation/crisis they were wanting, to then exploit that 'crisis' to evict/punish the Turners...

And today as yesterday as tomorrow, the previously open 364 days/year BLATC, re-born as the mighty MGCC Tourism Info Spoke, will greet the supposedly important tourists with a welcoming locked door...with the Turners, rain/hail/shine, the BLATC was open, and as important as that is for Tourism, etc, it was also the centre of multiple 'social sets' and displayed/sold local artisans wares, etc etc etc...similar MGCC-generated  were evident in 'Lease' shenanigans at the Blue Lake Golf Club where yet again MGCC sought to deliberately manipulate an easily solvable/avoidable issue into a crisis they could take advantage from...

It is deliberate; it is definable; it is a deplorable pattern of behaviour for Mt Gambier City Council to conduct themselves like this against Ratepayers/Leaseees/Citizens...and it is against everyone  'cos just look at the state of 'Tourism' in MGCC's close out, here's the two latest TMGI Facebook posts re Umpherston Cave...***

I knew the year was goin' past real fast, everyone's talkin' 'bout it, but November already?
This is my extraordinarily facetious/snide/sarcastic way of saying that it must be November 'cos Mt Gambier City Council said that "the Umpherston Cave Tourist Kiosk will temporarily be closed when the Council takes over, after the current Lease runs out end of October"; not a verbatim quote but what MGCC has repeatedly stated.
And I was past there today, and it looks like this! (he said gesturing dramatically to the attached photo below.)
W...T...and all of the Fffffs?
Apologies if this is already reported elsewheres, I've been off SM for the weekend, but I reckon it was like this earlier last week when I was past there, and definitely by Saturday 17th August 2024
There's no info of any sort to explain what has and/or is happening, there's just newspaper stuck to the windows.
(Just been on MGCC's 'News Page' and nought there either.)
The paper's fallen in one spot and you can see inside that it's empty and stuff's stacked in places, etc.
So at least 2 of MGCC's "Tourism Spokes" were closed today, UCTK and Aquifer Tours/Cafe site.
Gunna' do a long form piece on this Tourism TMGI The Blog 'cos there's so much MGCC malicious malfeasance on this issue, and I feel I can express myself more, ummm, 'accurately' in that format.
Also, I've been asked and have been asking, 'Is Centenary Tower still open?'
Best I've come-up with is one person saying that they're "fairly sure it is", but no-one recalls seeing the Open/Indicator Flag "recently".
Cheers, Nick.

Come on down, it's time to play Button-Punch Bingo.
It's a bit like Cluedo, and the winner gets to swear at their radio.
For those newbies amongst us, I'll go first just to show ya's how it's done, with this one I prepared earlier.
This morning, on ABC Sth East Radio, Stan Thompson, interviewing Liberal MLC Ben Hood, who starts mouthing-off about how appalling Public Transport is in Mt Gambier.
All the buttons duly punched, BINGO, and the resulting expletive-riddled diatribe aimed at my stereo indicates I won that round.
Here's another; pretend to be a tourist coming in via Melbourne way, stop at Umpherston to be greeted by this (picture below) and then go to the Aquifer Tours Cafe at the Blue Lake and that's also shut.
Well okay, that's not exactly how you play it, sure, but it sure-as-heck punches all my buttons, so I'm going to allow it.
My game, my rules, do what I want mate.
Ludus meus, mea praecepta, fac quod volo mate.
Which, ironically, is exactly how Mt Gambier City Council views Ratepayers/Citizens and why it's their motto. Amazing.
Back to the Bingo, former MGCC Councillor Ben Hood whining that Public Transport in Mt Gambier isn't good couldn't make this shizzle up.
30yrs+ of MGCC malfeasance/mismanagement/contempt for PT patrons and the general citizenry, and now muggins 'ere reckons it ain't good enough by 'alf not nearly.
This is just the latest in a series of appalling attempts by MGCC and especially Mayor Martin to gaslight Ratepayers/Citizens/PT Patrons and distract away from MGCC's gross/wanton failures re their legislated Public Transport responsibilities, eg, provision of access and shelter.
The Public Transport failures of MGCC are legion and must be addressed, but the immediate, like right now concern is that this (below) and Aquifer Tours Cafe is how tourists are being met in Mt Gambier, with papered-windows and/or locked doors.
I don't understand how MGCC can take-over and afford/organise a team of people to staff Engelbrecht Cave 7 days/week but can't have someone at the definably more important Blue Lake. What is going on?
Every day this situation continues is damaging Mt Gambier's reputation as a tourism destination; 'Yeah we went there, everything was shut.'
Cheers, Nick.

***Not sure exactly what's happening with the Lady Nelson Visitor Centre right now, but that's to become (is already?) one of MGCC's 'Spokes' with some sort of museum/gallery/whatevs...will update when I know more...apologies if today's post is a fraction clunky, but there's a lot happening on this issue and/or for me personally...

Tomorrow: No Idea, But It's Not Like I'm Stuck For Topics.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

ICAC Commissioner Ann Vanstone Lies To Parliament Then Quits - Part IV

Howdy dear availees, apologies that it's taken a week to get to 'Part IV' which is in fact 'Part Deux' of the 2 posts specifically about the 7-page Index...there's a tonne of stuff here, so let's g-g-g-go...

Just to let y'all know just exactly how important the current Labor Attorney-General Kyam Maher thinks it is that the ICAC Commissioner has suddenly quit only a little over half-way through her 7-year contract/appointment...(and quit citing the bureaucratic dysfunction/ineffectiveness of ICAC as brought about by changes to ICAC legislation 3 years ago-Ed)...indeed, that's her excuse..(couched in terms like "But I have run out of steam" and 'it's all too frustrating and too difficult', etc-Ed)...well absolutely, and it's such a critical disaster for the State Government and the ICAC and the whole thing's an unworkable mess, etc etc etc, it's so important to the State's future that a full fortnight after this extraordinary resignation the AG hasn't even called the artist formerly known as Commissioner Vanstone...(oh yes, and how do you know that?!-Ed)...well he said it in an ABC SE Radio News story Monday morning (22nd May), 'haven't spoken to her'...(fair dues-Ed) the ICAC Commissioner has resigned stating that the ICAC is effectively ineffectual/powerless/pointless, and the AG hasn't spoken to her?...(mmm, I'm calling 'bollocks"-Ed)...of course it's bollocks, he knew before it was announced... 

So here in her own terms/words is the (now outgoing) ICAC Commissioner Ann Vanstone, link followed by related statement...***

9 July 2024

Statement by the Hon. Ann Vanstone KC
Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption

This morning I advised the Governor of my resignation as Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, effective 6 September 2024. At that time I shall have served four years of my seven year term.

It has been a pleasure to work with the exceptional team that makes up the Commission. I have led them through tumultuous times and have been impressed by their commitment to finding a way to make an impaired system work, so that it provides public value.

Since the 2021 amendments to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA), our focus has been on streamlining our investigations, assisting public entities to identify systemic vulnerabilities to corruption and providing education to public officers. In my time we have published 25 reports (with another 12 in progress) and undertaken nine evaluations of agencies. This activity is informed by our investigations, which remain vital to our work. We have conducted hundreds of education sessions, which I know public officers find useful. Then, there is the work we do behind closed doors. The importance of all this work has sustained me, and everyone at the Commission. I am immensely proud of it.

My resignation is prompted by a number of factors, some personal, but most professional.

The 2021 amendments to the legislation governing public integrity in South Australia damaged the scheme, under the guise of making it more ‘effective and efficient’. I have been saying this since before the amendments passed and have had reason to continue to say it. In essence, the public interest is not served by narrowing the definition of corruption, or by isolating the Commission from the intelligence sources constituted by all complaints and reports, or by completely divorcing us from the prosecution process so that we are unable to assist a prosecution. Absurdly, we are not even allowed to speak to the prosecutor, meaning they are denied access to the expertise and knowledge of Commission investigators who best know the matter. Likewise, the public interest is not served by gagging us to ensure we cannot comprehensively share with the community what we know about integrity issues in South Australian public administration; and of course, it is not served when the public is required to pay the legal fees of those convicted of an offence, simply because they were investigated by the Commission.

On multiple occasions I have pointed out the significant problems within the scheme to this Government and the last, and to the parliamentary committee that oversees us. It is not that the legislation is wholly unworkable, but it does need to be as robust and effective as possible. I have not asked for the previous scheme to be restored. I have recommended modest reform and an independent review of the amendments to see how effective they are. My words have fallen on deaf ears.

I hope the next Commissioner will succeed where I have failed.

There are two reasons I have remained in the role despite my frustrations with the scheme that governs it. I perhaps naively expected that the weaknesses and issues I have identified would be addressed. That has not happened and I have no confidence that it would, even if I stayed until the end of my term.

Most importantly, I have stayed for the staff, to help them retain faith that the work they do is important and valuable, notwithstanding the attacks on the Commission.

But I have run out of steam.

In closing I wish to thank every person who has ever reported conduct suspected of being corruption and those witnesses who have assisted in the investigations of such allegations. You are the most important cogs in the public integrity wheel.

To the staff of the Commission, I say thank you. I have so enjoyed working with each of you and am grateful for your hard work and commitment to the Commission’s cause. I shall miss you.

***(Wow-Ed)...I know right?...(I particularly like the bit about thanking "every person who has ever reported conduct suspected of being corruption and those witnesses who have assisted in the investigations of such allegations."-Ed)...indeed, and let us show our gratitude by sending SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch to raid your home, relentlessly persecute you via 3+ years of wantonly corrupt 'Trial', load you up with a Criminal Conviction, and then try to gaol you via CorrectionsSA...(it's all your Xmas's at once-Ed)...ain't it though...and then, and then flat-out lie about it on the Hansard, Forever On The Public Record...(unbelievable-Ed)...then, knowing your statements to be "patently false", to be lies, refuse to correct those lies...(that's the bit I struggle with, it's entirely unacceptable-Ed)...damn straight it isn't acceptable...but we digress...

Oh, and good luck gettin' someone, least-ways anyone worth half-a-damn, to apply for that vacancy given those less than complimentary parting shots from the outgoing Commissioner...just gunna' kick-off with the last paragraph of the previous post re the 7-page Index, being 3(h), and then it's all new material from 'Completed Monday, etc'...enjoy...***

3(h) Is the Addendum that Magistrate White produced (5th March 2018) in response to my questions about the legislation changes and as TBW reported it (see document 2(b)). (*should be 2 (a)*)

In this Addendum, Magistrate White now acknowledges that I was 'prosecuted under the wrong legislation', specifically identifying that date when the ICAC Act was changed (27th November 2014) but blames me for supposedly not explaining it to him correctly in my written Verdict Submission, and then proceeds to say 'but it doesn't matter because you're guilty anyway'.

Part Finished as of Friday 15th March 2024

***Completed Monday 18th March 2024***

Magistrate White only produced this Addendum (and “re-issed (his) written reasons”) after I spoke-out about it in Court, but more importantly, because The Border Watch reported this exchange, as per attached copy 2(a).

This entire 'Verdict Hearing' was bizarre (yet further proof of why I need those recordings/transcripts) with Magistrate White appearing 20 minutes late, then not even reading his 'Verdict', just declaring me 'Guilty on all Counts', and refusing to answer my questions about the change of legislation, etc, as in 2(a).

Note that M White does not identify where his alleged “relevant definition” comes from, whilst on many other occasions/issues he is very quick to quote Case Law, etc.

3(i) Is the original version of the Addendum I received.

The critical issue here is, either way that Magistrate White, the Courts, or whoever wants to defend this retrospective prosecution, I was either prosecuted under the “no definition” of pre-November 2014, or the altered legislation post November 2014; either way I was prosecuted under the 'wrong legislation'.

Also critical here, as per 3(f), I was originally 'Charged' with 20 Counts of breaching ICAC Act 2012 Sec56 (a) and/or (b), and there were multiple applications by SAPol to alter these 'Charges', and even directions from Magistrate Anderson, etc, but ultimately this somehow morphed into being 'Guilty' of just 'ICAC Act 2012 Sec56', without the defining (a) and/or (b).

The ICAC Act MAA November 2014 completely changes Sec 56(b), and this is why SAPol Prosecutions and M White have changed the final 'Charge Sheet' particulars, to deny/avoid the reality that the definition/application of Sec 56(b) is also incorrect and also applied retrospectively.

3(j) Magistrate White's 'Remarks on Penalty', again referencing the “massive fines” and again stating that he is not fining me only because I have no money.

The language here is also very relevant, where-in, at trial Magistrate White repeatedly threatened me with Contempt of Court, over 10 times, and the whole trial was conducted as a pseudo-Defamation case against me with an agenda to stop me blogging.

4) Is my correspondence to the (then) Local Government Minister Geoff Brock relating to the sort of abuse/harassment I was regularly subjected to when attending Mt Gambier City Council and other public meetings.

Magistrate White ignored my statement about this in Court, when he then issued Final Intervention Orders against me that legally blocked me from attending any MGCC meetings.

Bizarrely, even though my complaint identifies multiple incidents with (then) MGCC CEO Mark McShane, my complaints were forwarded by Min Brock, to CEO McShane, for the CEO to resolve.

5) Is one of many letters I wrote to (then) Chief Magistrate Hribal and/or (then) Attorney General Vicki Chapman, included here because it covers many relevant issues/topics, shows I was in frequent contact with either CM Hribal and/or AG Chapman, and is yet further proof of why I need those recordings/transcripts.

6) Comm Bruce Lander tries to get me to re-report what CM Hribal already has, to therefore make myself yet again subject to the bizarre and itself arguably criminal 'Secrecy Legislation' of Sec56, which is also now applicable to any/all Judicial or Police Complaint processes.

The man who instigated the whole deeply corrupted ICAC Act 2012 Sec56 prosecution against me, openly acknowledges that at least 'some of the matters raised in my emails to CM Hribal' already do 'fall inside of his jurisdiction', but he still wants me to formally complain.

7) From the ICAC website section relating to the matters finalised across the time period my trial concluded, ie, February 28th – April 20th 2018.

This relates directly to the spurious claims that my case was not initiated by ICAC and therefore that's why my case/trial is not mentioned anywhere in the entire ICAC website/literature.

This is of course entirely false, ICAC Comm Lander did investigate me and then refer me to SAPol, etc, but it is also an aberration of ICAC's responsibility to inform all citizens that a person, especially as being merely a private citizen, had been tried and convicted and massively fined under the ICAC Act 2012 Sec56.

8) From the Certificate of Record, identifying that I was already trying to get my transcripts/recordings, and yet another specific 'self-Order' that M White later refused to look at/acknowledge.

9) My 4th/5th letter to Attorney General Vicki Chapman that also identifies the allegations/charges she was facing under Sec56, only to be 'excused' by Comm Lander.

A private citizen gets prosecuted, as instigated by the ICAC Commissioner, gets their own personal SAPol 'Operation Baritone', then subjected to over three years (mostly self-representing) of the Precedent Legal Case, etc, then multiple 'Convictions', massive fines, and a bizarre 'Criminal Record', etc etc, and the Attorney General gets 'excused' by the ICAC Commissioner.

10) AG Chapman's dismissive response to me, and as generated only because an independent journalist had contacted her about my “bizarre trial”, and as concluded with a vacuous threat about 'publishing'.

AG Chapman silently concedes that this entire matter should have gone to COAG (Council of Australian Governments) by stating that she “declines this request”; she doesn't say it cannot be done, she says she will not, thus defining that it can be and therefore should have been done.

Index Concludes

I apologise that it has taken me so long to compile these documents and index, but I'm sure you appreciate the volume of documentation I've had to trawl through and whittle down to these relative few, and the trauma doing so has re-ignited for me.

However, given the importance of my Precedent Prosecution and the many, many issues covered in just these few documents, I would be happy to discuss this in detail with you, talk you through this index, etc, and/or provide you any further documentation/proofs you may require.

Again I ask that you help me access a full copy of all my trial recordings.


Post Script 19th March 2024

As per our phone conversation yesterday 18th March 2024, at your request I have added Magistrate White's 'Judgement/Reason for Decisions' Wednesday 28th February 2018 (Updated Version).

This 'Judgement' is a farcical attempt to re-write the reality as it occurred, eg, M White making completely false statements about how he gave me numerous adjournments to review evidence, etc, when the reality is he repeatedly refused me, eg, when he refused me an adjournment, so I provided a Medical Certificate, but he dismissed it and 'Convicted' me in my absence.

Also added are three documents marked as 'Abuse of Process', being,

  1. Magistrate Anderson's official account as per the Certificate of Record;

  2. The related article from The Border Watch;

  3. Magistrate White's 'Reasons for Ruling' after he flatly refused to allow me to present my 100-document 'Malicious Prosecution' submission.

Magistrate Anderson originally identified my repeated claims of 'Political Persecution' as being 'Abuse of Process', but Her Honour changed that to “you are talking about Malicious Prosecution” by October 2016, and that was the term I used on the title-page of my 100-document submission.

As the transcripts will prove (if I ever get them), I was Ordered by HH Anderson to present about 'Malicious Prosecution' and that is what I proved to HH to the degree that HH immediately recused herself, albeit only identifying 'Abuse of Process'.

Regardless, how many times in Sth Australian legal history has a Magistrate recused themselves citing 'Abuse of Process – Stay of Proceedings'?

Replacement Magistrate White refused me presenting my submission (8th February 2017) so I just stood up and started talking, but could not address any specific documents.

Magistrate White then produced this 'Reasons' with the deeply cynical and deliberate attempts to;

  1. set me up for future 'Defamation' action, and;

  2. deny the Child Abuse Cover-up I had identified as being the primary motivation to prosecute me, and;

  3. identifies the precedent “remedy” but then ignores it because it will result in “preventing the defendant from being prosecuted”

When this 'Reasons' was tabled in Court, I stood up and roundly abused M White; “How dare you? Who do you think you are? You don't get to say that there's no cover-up”, etc, and he just sat there.

Again, these “Malicious Prosecution/Abuse of Process” hearings and related verbal testimony, etc, proves why I need all these transcripts, and as (legally) should have already been provided to me.

This Post Script completes and supercedes the Index letter 18th March 2024.

***And there ya' go...and I haven't heard from MLC Frank Pangallo in over 3 months...(really? that's odd-Ed) so?..(well back in March he was so urgent, so insistent that this was time-critical, etc, and he's had plenty of time to mouth-off about all manner of other issues in Parliament, upto and including vitriolic, sycophantic support for the Zionist Israel Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank-Ed)...indeed he has...(but like we mentioned previous post on this issue, he hasn't found time to inform the Parliament or even send us an email, not diddly-squat-Ed) no, Frank maaate did exactly what Frank maaate does and what we knew Frank maaate would do...(make sure he's okay and then scurry-off back under 'is rock?-Ed)...precisely, Frank maaate got the info Frank needed to protect/benefit Frank and that's all Frank cares about...just another self-important, self-indulgent, selfish pro-paedophile corrupt South Australian politician... 

Tomorrow: Back To MGCC's Dismantling Of Mt Gambier Tourism

So in closing we'll just make that point again...on Thursday 7th March 2024 ICAC Commissioner Ann Vanstone made a series of factually incorrect statements (on Hansard) about my ICAC Prosecution/Conviction, upto and including that ICAC played no part at all in that prosecution of 2 weeks later, and at his repeated request, I had provided MLC Frank Pangallo irrefutable documented proof that those statements were untrue/incorrect/false, and when he failed to act at all, I contacted the ICAC on the 8th and 10th May 2024 to inform Comm Vanstone...Comm Vanstone has refused to acknowledge the issues, refuses to address her "patently false" statements, and is now quitting...

So at the very least, Comm Vanstone and MLC Frank Pangallo know about these errors/falsehoods/lies on the Hansard, and yet neither have seen fit to act in any way to inform the Parliament and/or correct that official public record...and I'm the one with the Criminal Conviction...there will by necessity be several more posts on this extraordinary issue...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...